I I . . * VOLUME TWO; NUMBMR 147 Co-operatives Win Case In Pitt County Trial i -rft- —o T-O —•— " — <> “ rr+— —- I < > —*-r ~o— °r* ~o— . —O— —o— . —o_ 0— COAL PARLEY ST ARTS HARRISBURG PENNSYLVANIA NONDAY p v q p a. , Mate Bank Report For The Year Shows Great Prosperity In The State m 'Jr V, * , ; . TMcrease In Business Reflected By Figures Given By Latham Deposits and Loans Show That State is Gradually Retaining Its 1920 Position In Business and Com* . merce 1 • ' •* ■&. Raleigh. Auf. n— Dividend* paid on capital atock by Mat# hanks Ml N. C. during the flacul year ending the pant Jua* 330 totaled ft.226.»R» 41, aa ivmfi of alaa pereaat, four percent more than Mm dividend* paid by state bank* during Uii Mfwioan year which gggwghted 31402.026.ii7. according Ir a ooaaolMaiM atatement of the re imkm o( Mm 634 atate hank* la North rogbllna Including 67 branch*! oewgleted and announced today by chief itata bank qxaminer. ThU in creaaa lagtilitr with tfker rinaaclal ialf IgMnded ta ‘be statement aignl ftao taaroaned bosinet* and proeperly uhn North Carolina. Mr. lakam raid. y Tl>* fbta) renouroa* of atgta bank* a* tko alqM fi boafaaaa lp«t June 30 ■•an akow* 4ft -4h6 feport aa $284,174.- n at tM.1i4j70«4 more ‘kan ai tba lag a grafy climb toward tba re source* at ‘bo onrreapondiar time In ’MO When ‘bay ‘otaliad 1114419 84 according to official* record*. The number of dap »jttcra, bot* ir. chek In, and aaxlnw* 'count showed healthy fro*:* «• ‘b* #v*T«i»?»» atateateat tba aamban of aayvlag da poaitora aa M2.MS la 1923 and 301.- Mt In 1922 wblla tba niitnhera of all other depositors not including hank* were given a* 423496 In 1923' and 317.771 for Iba piwalou* year. Individual deposit subject to ebeck amounted to 1t7.C35.»7413 for ‘h< past fiscal year wbile for the year prerlons there ware 153.5t3.1M.43 ae eordiag to raoorda la Mr. latbam'r office. Tima eartlflcatea of • deposit, and sating showed a conespondlnr Increase totaling C577.4M.1T2.t4 fpt )|M an coairaated with C 70.457.600 04 for IS|J. Igiana tnrraotod nearly 317.000.000 which according to Mr. Ijihwi Indl -1 eaten |hht the public is racdTtvnr bettor flaancial serwlco the state ment not, only alanine* Increase baal ncaa but alan solid prosperity said Mr tattutn who expressed surprise after •totaling his figures ' T. W. Wood A Sons Are The South’s Biggest Seedsmen T. W. Wood and Bona, of Richmond the oldaat firm of Its kind in the tm- mediate south, are offering * *r#o’ err ay of seed for the coming sensor Tbr liullm thoy of tor In their nev catalog are aa'cbotce a collection a rnn be found adywhare and the nenr de«e to Goldsboro makes sblppini «>** * - flardea Club and idher organ B>&tions of the kind to Ooldsbor wil dt» wen to get lo toijch with them a* they are am only aoedroen hut ar< xerr xlad to ad visa a* to what kind o t«od to plant In certain kind* of soil tad ala able to g!*e seasonable adv!c< ab the matter of both garden grow tar sad flowgr culture f* 4 ' ‘ V--* •hgarrv two million yC|h)NB OF HARD COAL AVAILABLE FOR ÜBl NpJW YORK. Aug. 38 —Thlrty-twr million tons of hard coal la domestic rim will be ip ‘t** bias of conauiu 01 |p storage waiting distribution ho (Mpiemhcr !•». tbe an«bractlte »»u- United tod<*. 1«, flrue iwpreaoats roughly ‘be <6 perr«n‘ pC Um first mine an‘hraclte consumed the *C etatos. Canada and Mexico each year It repymienta 36 percent ,4 total annual of ninety million tone Including coal used at ourts championship. <4O HERYICK There will Im> tfb preaching at Rt. Paul's Metbcfllst'church today an ac count of tbe absence of the |>*«i»r i—i ■■ Wi i ■*—asbi An i 4^»Ww»—- - COTWU4 MANKfrr / « 4 New York, Aug. 26.—Spot cotton iKaert quiet; mldiUlng 26.35 t'otton utured closed steady. October 24,12; Ddeamber 14 tup Jaauarr 21W: Mtrcb i 13.*7: May 23 N Ft m mm I Tills ta the Arm photograph to reach America from tt»ttu!aince tba Bulgarian revolution. It shows tba thrupg eatatde the parliamaot buildings cheering the announcement of Rlwmler Btauiboullaky i downfalL i 1 mp ’ ) ' mm mimm mp*» ■ wwiiw m.. Jie,. ijwjM n . >. »- **++ ■ ■ -y,, ~mm m t '4> wsvem-parim— GOOD RACING TO BEi HAD I N CAROLINA! A T ALL THE FAIRS J Two Circuits in The Stale Make It Possible for Stale] Fair to Have Both BERT IS NONE TOO GOOD—MRS VANDERBILT Minded nad forty two entries have been received for the eerly cloning H.pAtt stale races at the North ("orotins Slate Fair this year Owing to ‘hr greut number of entries the races will cost the fair aaaoclatlon scarcely nothing since the entry fees will nearly equal the amount of,the purses. In fact the 36.400 offered In purges this year will cost the Society less than thee 33,300 purses offered at the 1123 fair Frequently criticism I* made, by those not familiar with racing rules on account of the large amount of money offered for rare premlua It I* a fact that-the speed department Is the only department of 0 fair that Is self sustaining or that pays for Iself In dollars and frequently helps ipv the expenses of other departments In addition Aa a rule the ,yntry seer and receipts from the grand stand will pay far the. races, while the gate receipt* from those Who conm to see the races only are 'clear gain. The beat la none too good for t the State Fair. Mr* Edith Vanderbilt' de clares and two raring circuits for the State will ea«b Include the Rfate Fair This Is the flrat time In North Caro lina that there h»s been more than one circuit and the first time thst purses ran more than *>" to 3350 each? But IF* a different story thin.year There's the Grand Circuit with eight members, each offering 35.400 or a Intel of 3M.200 In purses Each mem her has the aan)e rnce« with four esrlv closing events Then ‘here ere six 3400 open classes which should attract a* many as the early dosing | for practically stable* carrying extra horses for these evevnts F*ls« - j cult besides Fair are Mount Airy, Wlnston-Snleni. Gr«»« , nshore Wilson. Tarhoro, Greenvvllle r»'< < Wllliamston. " ,tl *V The Grand Circuit will provvhte a sizable lot of event* for the State V*\t but this Isn’t all The State Fair I* nlso one of alv fairs In on the Short-Ship Circuit which Include* ) ttocVv Moon*. K J n**on. Fayetteville, j Ooldshorq aml.Cllnton Fair*' Eaeh member of the Short-Shin Circuit, except the State Fair, will of fer et"hl pitr»e* of X|AO eeeh The Rtate Fair twill h»»v* six *4OO nurse* i and th« four *l.ftoo nurses [telne n ] - member n f Ipo'h the h rand Short-Shin I circuits should brf soap for washing t|*emaely*s last rear, spending for this ’|*. 116.200 and, 'onsumlng in the prone** 60 pounds of soap per family for the year > The annual soap hill fnr keeping Uncle Sam clean la l3so.otMi.Ori*uine«! hy * consumed hy laundries, hotels, of-. Ire buildings, public Ijiattlullous and in transtiortMtlon line*, and in the 18-1 luatrtul and textile field, where soup I i* used for manufacturing priH-esse*. j irconllng to \lr Dupree’s ttgurr* I this add* another 500.00it.0n0 pound*! i unking a total annus) consumption I >f 2.5 Repair* lo The Übbv and The t Kuildinu in General HAS GONE TO NEW YORK MAKE AHRANGBMBNTK ageinent of Mr Ken D Finlay la fast taktßit form as a real place of amuse-j men) . Mr Klnlajr stated to a repre sentative of th* New# yesterday that), tie wee' upending approximately ST.-J 'HM» rebuilding tjie entrance, redeco rating and Installing a ladlea rea room which at all timna will hyve ni ci.ldred. maid In attendance. A gen / tlemen's smoking room will also l»e' Installed 'The lobby at the ' head of | the atalra will be decorated and fur- 1 nialted with wicker fnrnliure • to ' r 1 match which will Include readlna ta : blea and aeveral chair*. The entire Interior la being redecorated, and ' etutna there alwaya will be a good l , a bow at the aama price. „ ij Mr Finlay elated that the opera bnuae will be ready to open Ita doora September the '3d The »how toying 1 people of Goldsboro and aurmutldhtg I country will welcome with enthuel aant the .opening of the new show house Mr. Finlay will leave today for New York to complete arrange ments for the opening program, the announcement of which will appear dally from the date of bla reufrn. It I* the general Impreeslofc. that the I new show bouse wf|| he the moat fro (Hilar entertainment feature that I the city baa ever liad Mr Flttluy la welcomed to Cnldshoro. IIIIS I' Iff I M KIRI IN 111 I.ONIMIN IND niH IN |>4\ llerlln. Ana 2$ ~ Berlin to lonrion and hack In line day wa* the record trip made recently by the Oerigart idl'd. I’leper. engaged In-the regiil., aerial nervier for- mall nnd paaaen-'" gera. . TTfl.. r arrived hi Bremen via Ham hilrg mi the mil ward Might at tl a m In the inoriiln/aand an hour .-m' • i half later refillilcif the journey toj Amsterdam and the Knglisb capital lly 6. In In the Afternoon he wa a track m Hremen by the name route, an I irn nilniite« later *e;ii out fbr Her Ifti f Ol ls MINiS I.JIK M W t.OI II Onrharh. Aug 2fi SI|'SW Washington. Aug *».- Exhibiting confidence that the opening of the new anthracite parley nt Harrisburg Monday will mark the beginning of the end of the preeeat labor crtala la that ■■ Industry govern mao t fuel agencies today dewdted tkemaetvs* almost entirely to prepartlon of data which might serve to etroagbten th< position of Governor Plachot who wilt preside as the opening meeting . Two ateMtlclena o t the V.'. g. Goal I commlsotna were closely Idrntl | Wed wit btbe ethewelivve survey ! made of the aatbrarttve Industry by the rommleeton will attend the Hat* Mtcoarller conference* la sddlthMi {tn lhade tt Is understood that Mr ; wni tut?* *t khwrai~bmftai resumption of an emergency program |. for proeuring and dlatrlbuttng suhati | luty* If his mediatory effort* prow* unavailing. ’ 1 ' ■■■ ...» ym\ Issued For [ Old Clothing By a Office i for school to get cold, through Its >ns. baa la nd i-borS to ' lie furnished children dependant on ' tn# association for clothing In order to attend school Apy person who has old' clothes to spare will plpaaae call HH or deliv er them lo charities organisation at the Battery. rOHT tMIM.IHKK V 4IKK CAMPAIGN ftl'E AMING RAM Chicago. Aug. n -Fewer crocked or at rained voices aa the result of strenuous political apeak thg cam paign* In the 1M24 election* and which at the mum time may reach a mtyqh wider constituency, la *4r" In the appllcatlnns of the loud speak Ing device used so aucceaafully hy the late President Harding o nhla tour to Alaska Candidates will Ire enabled to ad dress nrtlßon* of rlttxeus without vie cal strain or discomfort. It Is Indi cated. 0* the Instrument esn he In-' stalled In any location, while atma*- phertcal Vjouriltkons Cannot affect l!« j operation, » iPrealdent Harding was able, with dui. straining bl(? voice, to maka him self heard lo thousand* surroundtiu tire ObeervatUm rqr Hpesklugs or ei-j perlenee have stated that oftly.n few hundred can hear an o|s-m jttr udtiiess by the average speaker.! I slid then they uniat lie close j 'file speech amplifying* system Is . i oiit|*> >-d of three isirtsble transmit Iter* mounted on the ■ ratling of U«e case observation tdatforni: a control | rooyh In which Is located tile operat ing ruck with It* amplifier* and ac cessory apparatus: five projectors mount jd la a ovuil-circle ou a *(iec- ( tally btltlt estenslon to the observe- 1 tlon bond and the signal aystsui The! sound waves of the speaker's voles are algwtrbed tgr the transmitter* and' conveyed by wire* to the routipl) room may are amplified and then delivered to the projectors ou the roof. Which serve aa megaphone* t In delivering the word* . Ti liv w#* 'V > • ip o l ' 'T. „■ V" f 1 MEinEBgK ' I j ABHOCIATBP PW>| = I " PRICE FIVE CENT* Plaintiff Files Notice of Appeal and Arranass To Sell His Tebaom m The Open Market ORRRNVILUC, Aeg n.~A verdict • favor of the pftnatlff J, H. Ptumen 'u hla suit against the Tntiadao Gf*V w* Association to bin signing «• «hn oat met of the association hat Is tw- . 'Of, of the association on the rrmytd •> vtdencc Issue we* relumed here l)h iftemoou hy a jury afte[ two honre lellberatinn Judge t.loyrt He Hen ‘ Immedlntely ruled that the -tTdUt vn* com redict ory and the dhwee Met •e decided solely on the mutd hMMn vhere u pea he nit nirtde. the vntdM 'nspfar aa If Won tn favor of Plltma* 0 nilld ,In favorthe aasociatteo |M •rderpd Jndgment M ln thj amount of ‘he coat of the trial wgnlmt Mttmaa The caae had been submitted With wn Is# nee- naavnty whet beg |f|- usn*» contrail he set aside oh the handled M percent of the tohhgon crop of taw and thereupon ihedll ml have lum tinned ns ga orgedtan ion nnd whethar the assoetotteO fcd -oipmjtted fraud. Immediately after the ver#M -mad - Kmugbt In Judge tWtoa heard h*JpT^ ■aseunl gs tghgyce He*—i >h l|Mr' soelatioo uu the sruuod that th4r«oy tlct waa against th* weight 4t JO* svtdanon. The nantlun to ggt- mSm vas dented and tha . defense JRk made s second motluu to Mg kIW ou a point of Uw. Judge Ftorton «y towed I IB* motion sssertlMr that |hg Jury had found' no fragd had hath committed and that fftttnma do* hound to the terms of the cootrpM on* aecMon. of which l*n the mollhr of the amount as th* crag to he handled lo the etecntlW MhNMKdb of the aawM-iallon. Judge tfertgg held that aa the executive cnnpktM bad decided to organlne wit hoot slderlag the TaMpuMl that Ptttmeft Was bound by (It* dec Is ten. Iminmllately foUpwlgg the setting aside of the verdict tn’tha.Jket l*pu« sad the order!ngof Judgment foe oaatn against Pitt man the plaialMf served notlye of an appeal Me then gave ‘ damage provided for the contrnei la bond for the rive percent per pound order that he might offer hla IMS crop on the open market. TMs gin* waa don* hy Y. M Crigp who ba» a similar case pending tn order that he might mostfel hla 1*33 crop. . • ARUKMTOIK KIMIW MIR* xnsOtfi rROTRIT PRITR - Buenos Aires. July 37.—A coopers- " Hvy assocfatloft nt cat.t|»- gulaera ehb llar to those operating la th* Balled States la being organised by Mr. Thomas A la- Bretou. MtnlsXnr of Agriculture, to protect tbetr IgUdn*' and Insure fair price* for stock gpM to packer* for eiiM-ct *mf'i M Ik* Hueno* Aire* meat trade. ‘ raltlg raising I* ArgenUna'a nt*e> reached such low levels that sogm lime*. It I* asserted, they do net Rpv ' • r the m«t hf traneportation from Ut rum be* Ur U Brwloo would horv* , 'be cattle raisers cuuporato In w*. wveuftng off erg to the market rogtrd ' leas of deuiund. by regglgttng' opo- * sign menu and .i-Hlln* directly with the packers nnd bntebern. rSINTINIRR AMITM- ARRIAL |fT I* 'roll. Aug M—The progMnA Rnr Jal hunting expedition 40 tig ATattg-. • ‘role which a anmbor of Detroit gad N*w Ybrk men Naaaod to month, has been postponed natH | ft»*V7ft** .* - » ■ Difficulty In esfahMshtng fuel ffn- I lions eq route sad anpptytng tkAm ■ w|tb adequate stocks of Ultlkt > caused the postponemout. AtMhg those who wdr* to make up the ygfty were William k. Metagor. Harold H Kmmona, and Huwahg C. Onfflw. iof Detroit, and Inglleh ML Dpfhran 081 , 1 ha Ties V Redden, of New ,