' , 1 <* P»^ l ■ I. ■ ■ .■ I VOLIIMK TWO; NUMBER 148 Tobacco Warehouses Open Here Todav COAL NHHTATION GET UNDER WAY AT HARRISBURG PCNN .J • T • jfWWGS BEGINNING TO POP IN WELFARE OFFICER BUSINES& Mre. Johnston Will Not tent Certificate To Nr. nintz As Welfare Nan k Q ; “—i —- The State Superintend ent Also Jolt* the News With It* Mis- Statement as What the Policy *of the State Board Is LOCAL HEADS WILL NOT TALK MUCH \ . Tliinga arc beginning to pop about (k« Kuperlutcndont of Publ(f "cl fare Mra. Kata Barr Johnson skys " that ib« baa refwsed[ to give Mr Mint* a certlflcaUi She said » In » l«t- Ira to thf News written yesterday ju which ah* call* (be Nr*» on the Statement that “laeestlgatlon shows that she baa never In the past refus ed to grant a ctnslflcatc." Mra. Johnson denies this date inept, ablctt can* t tithe News from what It rgpsltUrad a good source, but which It wea admittedly wrong 10. mahing. fa rMrs. Johnson of courae kntjwi what she I" talking about, ond further stales tbnt Mr. Mlntx’s ap •lieetlan baa byen denied. Sir. Mists over the telephone Inst night sky* that he has never person ally applied for certificate Mr, Rater, chairman of Ibe board of commissioners says that be has no thing to but that he intend* >u owaring a letter from Mrs. Johnson in which tyr* Johnson has evidently refused lo give Mr. Minis a certifi cate Mr. M ln *> said that he would give out n further statement us soon as he kwnr fully what the matter was all about. Mr. Jtancy said that he would give hie tetter to Mrs Johuson aad her reply auil Ills fur ther addresses lo Mrs Johnson which which will be written today, to the paper, for publication Mrs Johnsoo'a call-down of the Neal, caustically written and jaunt ily acknowledged is given below: * ■ August 27. I»;2 j -The fcdltor. Th* Goldsboro News. Goldsboro N b. Sir: In s story rfggrjltng the., appoint- I Sffient of a superintendent of public welfare for "ay»e onisty which ap peared in the issue of T*«' Goldsboro Ne«a lor August 24. several nil*- I Aatements were made relative to the uoilct of tlie State Board of Chart- j ties ead Public Welfare A quotation from Ibis story is as follow.: • "Investigation shows that she (Mrs Jotamon) ban never in the past, nor tans the department evrr turned down wn application" (for Mtv office of su perintendent oT public welfare t In the brat place, so fur as 1 know, no investigation of the policy of the 07at* Board of Charities and Public I’alfure bas ever, been made by The ©Goldsboro News, us no Questions re garding this policy rave ever been asked uis by repreeeutatlvea of your paper 'As a matter of laid, during i<oih the administration of the form er Commissioner of Public Welfare | * end my own Hoard has refused lo coftrm pulntme.nt (of at least ten applicants fdr the office of county aupeeUGanJ eat of public -welfare,-four. Includ ing Mr. Mints, during the lasi , IS(/ four- of county superintend- 1 woGr«ff, public w*|f*re Is placed by Hie General Assembly with the Mate' Hoard of < hartties and Public "ei tare, and from the beginning, this Hoard haa tried to he conscientious to carry tag out Its duty s' Very truly youre. Jk KATE BtH* JOHNSON. * (’ommlsstoncr hbtariisb lhknbkb Raleigh. Auq v 27 —*The following persona have b«pn rganted licenses by Governor Cameron Morrison to get a a notaries of the public : Charles 8. Oavls. Marker's Island. Mrs. J L.itb Halloway. Hickory; Clyde H Jarrett.f Andrew*: K S| Or*?#vUie. THE GOLDSBORO NEWS mm his us FIRST EIECTIO* I OUIETIY III» “Quiet Almottl to DullneMs Ik Report From All Section* of The Free State EASIEST OF ITS KIND IN HISTORY DUBLIN. Aug 27. The electorate! of the Irish Free Mule wont hi the j polls today In 2'( precincts for the election of 16(1 memliers of the new j Dali Krln and up to the last (he elec tions ms In tallied the unique charac terNof the previous csmpalgn slid were orderly almost to dullness This was practically Ibe case in the Dublin precinct while the reports from the provinces sre tlie same The universal verdict that this has 'been the quia (eat election in Irish history. There was no excltemeut lu Dublin nor In any of the provinces. Judging from appearances the public l« taking small Interest in the affairs., Hatch Thinks Markets Good, i An Interview with h tobacco man who hail been on the markets farther south' since their opening a fn»J weak* ago. especially ariinnil Ultlla-] villa. N. C . say* the condition* brings, hack memories of the IHIH market when all the fortHor* liud money. ) Thl* getillemmau. Mr. Jame* J Match, prtviita Secretary to ('nßgrcsH inan Alwrnuthy.v* bring on III* vaca tion and (lndlna the lure of the to bacco markets too strong Tor him to remain tn the nprth will he' In: • loldsboro for tile ner few weeks, stain* that the price* that are being) (received by the grower* on the inur-j 1 tet* farther south are enabling the!, ton* ' and have money left for the j v'armer* to pay up alt their oblige-1< nan) deHlrcd luxuries The prices I that are being paid on the auction! I 'u'ler than was received for the floor*. *ald Mr Match are very much! < tame grade* I**l year. Thl*. with th. I , Increased acreage, and larger yield tier acre will make the entire country) i much more prosperous ibis year than! ' It ha* been *lncr toe depression of * The fact that the Tobacco ,(Jrow ers iisHoclatlfin advance* are much larger -it the time of the delevllr.ahlxdtd at the time of the delivery than tbev were last year, and the llkllhood that! v . 11 the tobacco on the auction floor* In: thl* section will bring higher price*! i than was received la*t year give. (•oldHlmro a very prosperous outlool. 1 lor the coining full season ' The local iVierclian* are antleipu- 1 ting heter business condition* than 1 they ha'vc had for souie time past. I This fact I* evidenced In the enlarge- I ment. and rehulldiug of man) «toiel i , rooms In the etty It I* to be hoped that Mr. Hatchet 1 observations n*ay be coreet In-so-fur 1 as the (foldshoro market* arc con- 1 ) earned, and that he may be able tnj' I carry s back to ttuehinglun the tufoi- ; ’ : matlon that UohUboro. through the I cooperation of all -It* different bus- I 1 Ines* Interests I* one busy and pros- • ! parous commuolty. ’ Preaent Crista in Oil Acute la Belief of Bedford) Titusville. Pa . Aug. 27 The pres- , cut crisis In the petroleum Industry 1 kud economh problem which u* vi tally affect* the gas consumer of the furture as the gasoline user of today I A. C Bedford, chairman of the liourd | of the Standard (Ml Company of New- Jgxwry declare.) tonight here , « * * * • MM DIES STM KITH IN VMTOS OF SUMMER KSORT Body Found St undine Upright in White I dike by Two Small Roys WAS FORMERLY-* GOLDS BORO MAN j It ,\| Nunn. 2!( years old. nullve of .pilot mountain was drowned yester day at " hlte I JfVe 1 *He was found standing upright in | the lake attired In u bathing suit by | Iw o small boys wbo were canoeing around flic lake The boys carried him to the bgnk and after repeated efforts to revive blui. It .was said, lie did not become conscious again. Mr. Nunn was agent for the Atluu tic Coast l.ine railroad at Garland and 1 at °t*e time located In Goldsboro I as agent for that railroad Evidently .Mr. Nunn had gone Into ! White lake to take a swim as he , was attired In a bathing suit He was > found In a standing position with his lungs allll (tiled with air. Accord ing to the physician’s diagnosis this Indicates he died of heaii- failure. I'nable to revive hint, his reseuers had him removed lo an undertaker paid he was placed In charge of the coroner, Several of Goldsboro peo ple »ere at While laike wheu the body was brought on whore aad Iden tified Mr. Nunn as a farmer resident of this »Hy iv . —rrr ——— FUSHILY DRESSED WOMEN WANTED B» . NEW YORK POLICE 0 John Sutthen Pound Head And Two Women and a Man in the Apartment When I'oJice Ar rive NKVV YORK. Aug 37. —Two Hawli lly dressed young women are being sought by the police in couneclloo with the death of John Siitlhen a pri vate secretary Hntthan was found dead oil a lounge In Id* a part me iff j esterday The ashes In hi* pipe were still warm Although at first ascribing death to alcoholism Aulapsy today rcveale poison In'the stomach and the police found .1 lieiuaelvea con fronted with another murder uiya- i tery tonight^" The police heard of the death by | telephone call Two young women and a imtn who gave bln name a* I M.’bcri Ml one ware In the apartment wbeu the medical ciauilner arrived '» - ■ - < HAKTKK* I.HAMTMi V _ j llaletgli. Aug 27V Charter* have been granted the following corpora- 1 tioua hy Secretary of State W. ,V Kverett: The Wall-Moore Company, tlreen*-i boro; authorised to enter the real j estate business, with g.'di.lHMi authorix-' ed capital stock, lll.nun. of which has Ihicu subscribed J H Moore, W R. Webster, of Madison and H o.' W°iin j blah mid J W. W all, of ISreensboro. are the incorporators Atwood and Naaii. architect* andi engineer*, Durham. with authorised capital stock of 10WO share* with no lair value, of which 100 shares have ' been subscribed by Th.mia* t" At-' w i*>d and Urtce W At wrest, of lit|r ham. and Arthur c Navh, of Chap. I Mill Hherrll a"<l . Wlehlmr Cafeteria, charlotte.* with uuthorlbed rspttal *lts:k of (StDIOWO. of w hich $ I h,fain ha* been subscribed by Prank O. Sherrill, Pred It Webber and J It Crocker, all of Charlotte A certificate was granted Ihi* di rector* of the Poneetruth Mill*. Incor porated. authorising them to change the name of thn mill* which are lo cated at Cegingtoli to the Wabena Mills The action 111 changing th* ' name wa* made on account of a teg- c. tile mill lu Connecticut operating un der the same name K H Thompson' and K P. Karnhart of Islington are president and secrntary-lreasuret. re **pcet|v e|y . of »h* tglHlw GOLDSBORO. N. C, TUESDAY MORNING. AUGUST 2H. 1923 BARRETT M IS : EXPECTED TO BE I MOR FRIDAY Legal I'oinlM Get by Judge White in u Hurry and Jury in Picked Quickly NUMIIEK OF THE WITNESSES HEARD Cumberland Court House. Aug j;, Rapid progress was made today In the case of county clerk. II O. Gar rett on trial for the alleged murder lasi June ft of the Rev. E. 8 Pierce, Baptist minister, "hen cuufT Journed s few minutes before live o'clock nos only hud a Jury been em panneled but all disputed legal points, left over from last week cleared up ! by th etestlmouy of live witnesses two of them eye witnesses at the! Pierce home when the minister was shot to dfFath by the defendant and I his brother hud been heard uml (he belief prevailed that the cage would be over Thursday night and certain ly Friday For the lirat time since J the case w us culled to trial there werej no developments of a sensational tie tore ?! It required juat 1» minutes to get j a Jury from the Amherst County > itiiens brought tier* under the dl lection of Judge While and of the lit examined. 20 were passed, f air of the slaty named |p the veil leg did not respond to their names and II wua explained that they were ill or out of the stale Tlrff legal, iaanea under dlariiaaloit last Tuesday were swept away lu leys ttvuii five minutes by Judge W'hPe who overruled a motion for a joint trial and a motion lo quash the out side the Jury on the grounds th it II was illegally brought into the case Exception*" were noted In each case | HOLI, WKKVIL LOOKS KAI) TO SUNDAY RIDKKMi While driving through the country! Ciiuday afternoon on a trip to Merrill Springs we |au>*cd hy some wonder ! fill lookllig cotton and a* a matter of, curiosity we all got out of our ret to examine the eollim lor the purp-. V of flndlna whether or not ther.i was any weevil, The ground jga* literally! covered with punctured square*. Juat i* If there, had hern a heavy hull storm which had beaten the aquiircaj off Not only were there thou* anil - oft square* on the ground us evidence oft i weevil but the full grown bug* were-' I there hy the thousand*. They wore ! a* thick , honey bee* In a clover lletd. ] and much to nty surprise they were' I not bothering the bloom* and *quarcs| 1 these old bugs, but were aiulng dp I there as Idg a* anything on tho patt-J j ly and fully dcvelojied l*oll*, and they I, wilre not Idle counter} 2* pftntlitre-l I through the hull of one boll alone I I am Informed That every time , *< j 1 t«*g pil net lira* a boll that (be poiic-l lured section will not open KviVyi lioll I found with a weevil on It, ijitdl ! there were hundreds, was not i*iii»c-| t lured in one place only, but In many 1 places The weevil slay* with the taiil until he has had his till On the return trip I was cu.'loui to know If the bull works union hours, or If lie may la. more tndus ti mils, so I swung the cur "around so the lights shone out tu the held and I. got out and kiv.-stlgatnd again To my surprise I Mg. nd several hug* sitting the boll* with til* long leak entirely burled dowiyln the boll ll I* my tmpri -Hlon 'bar there l< a strong llklthood of Ibe old Jntg do 1 tug more damage, a hundred time* 1 over on the partly or completely do-! valoped boll than they do in hum really do any damage Milk year will The farmer* who ham. riirlomily. turliig the square* tatted to nnd out if the weevil will loose thousands us dollar* for ao do ing n this crop which I Inspected Sunday, thoroughly bellvc to he damaged in the extent of 7fi iierccnl of the po*alhle yield already Ike ne of the bug I do lyelteVe thla farmer 1 rlotnr ihlng Is rtial there Is no evl iderice whalevar thak'-there has been raise a bale on each ten arras., any effort mudelo check the ravages ffblcii will mnaii a fierccnt loa*. as the crop would have easily yielded * bale |.er arre. MINIUM IT ! CONFERENCE ON . CIS SIMM Will Make tin Announcement «f Plan* Within The Next Few Day* Say* Statement DISCUSSES PRICES THROUGHOUT STATE KAlkltill Aug . J7. t (inference between Attorney General Manning and a group of the larger gasoline distributors adjourned here late to day after a general dlsrttaahia of the gas situation tn North Carolina. Attorney General Manning tonight said he expected to make an an nouncement aa ot points cleanal up by the conference and action Ih> cx j potted t«" take In the next few days , The conference was called tiy Ihe Attorney General lo dla< use alleged : discriminatory practice* on the part: of the larger dtatrihulorg. alablllxa ilon pf the price of gas over North Carolina and a possible reduction of the price the products It krai brought out at the conference that . several dealers described the prlca i *» varying^ Two Women Are Found Dead In Apartmentjßoom Imnver. Aug 27.—Mrs Roy Mr- Glooe, 28. -wlf* of a Denver athletic ' director and Miss Kiunia Vaacole. 18, I «n employee of s Denver tiotal ware ! found shot t<> death In the bedrtKim of ah apartment today a .22 calibre ] revolver lay la-twVen them ——— ‘ : (T Pinchot Tells Operators There Must Be No Coal Vi ijgi <* > • Strike Ip This Country Cam Will Not Take Proposed Trip To New York Ju«t Now l- • Raleigh, Aon 27 Governor I'amt * run Morrison mid stale Ire a all re r will ] defer their proiamcd trip to New I Vtirk tm inallera cnniiei led wllli tin f mining of tlir stall , until Next week. ■ The ortitliial intention find been tor them t" leu<« for the metropolis ’o- I morrow night ■ <+ - 'Klan Offers Reward For Riot I waders Pittsburg Aug 37 ,Rewards to [ lulling 17Mmi have liecu offered by the Kii Klui Klan for Informwtfon an -to .those responsible for the riot Salur- I liny night at Carnegie, which Tho | infs It Abbott, a KluiiHinan. win kill ed and a- nutnher of other* wound ed. one seriously ui|t«rlal Wlxard H IV tCvnna and Sam D Itlrh, king klcugle of tfai I'cniiH)lvaula Klan each ahevc offciod t2stiu reward sot Abhott’a stayer, while (lie Pennsyl valtia organisation In addition has air t lloruecl PJ'idU tor those rcaponaibli for the rioting t'KNKNT itHICOm <Wllmlngt mi Aug it Conient ear goes tirooght Into llt« port of WTI nilngton during the 12 luontha ending illy *n. agreguled 77.»> (*» lona and w ere valued at approximately tI.IMHI.Uhh ueeordfn In official custom house re eel pi a It was th* lit'Kesl quantity of cement, If Is said, ever to come lull, this port In a single year The co ntent was brought In 2d shipments. 12 of which were from Denmark and Sweden'and II from Hudson. N Y II was shipped to llic Southern Pow er company for use In constructing large hydro- electrical |tower pro Jeeta, , Difficulty'find jst pengt h are taavom friends A lie js the grealeal homage pajd so frnlh Over 200y000 Pounds Already . On The Floors With More Oil The Way Say Warehousmr . ;» • ‘ | IBIS DUES DIES MB TRAIN HUSHES INTO AUTOMOBILE Wiw CnntninK the Trarka When Southern Train Catches Him —llody Radiy Mutilated und Far Derooiinhed r't <» UNAHLE TO FIND OIFT WHERE THE MAN LIVED Harris Barnes, driving a aiudehs ter louring car, was struck by s Boil hern passenger trsln and laetantly tilled, at mam yaslsrday The accident occurred at the IXtt •vile siding between Clayton and "11, , •in* Mills The uutumobtle driven by Ir Bernes «oltided with train No , 8 causing the death of Mr. Barnes nd throwing Ihe front truck of the i ngtiir off the track. The train waa delayed at' Ihe sld ! ng about ouc hour Mr. Uaraex' I ody was severlf mutilated In tli»: I i-cldenl i 0 • • Further dt tails regarding the accl- I cut was unable to be learned (’all* Together Both Minern and Operators In First Talk on The Subject; Offers no Me diation Plans KARKIMIMKO. Aug 27 ihivarwor Plnchot of I'ennaylvanlu served no tice on mine operator* and mine's union tmla~) tlial thu, throaj,- enlllg sus|rt iisToTtJ of anthracite lull! lug Si plumber I joiiltl not b« allowed and f lion proceeded to enter upoty »hal may be <t lengthy effort at nie d fat lon In executive sejinion with the spokesman Phillip Murray, vice pres ident of the Colled Mine Workers end C J. lioiidel. Klanaldu CwokTTnh and Thomas Kennedy lla thro* ills j irlct presidents In the anthracite rul xlolis Ihe Governor went over the. demand* which the union has made lor Increased wages, check-off system of union dues collection. • and other bln** He inude no compromise pro emltlon m hta own behalf but sc tied led a session with the O|teralorr for. omorrow mornlnx and a second iieeling tomorrow aflernoun The governor inude tils preliminary iddrees to the Industrial leaders at a < IKI-p Ibllc meet fog pi hlsoi rin Sain » Warrior. I* Jessup. M .1 tt« ha ukc and W Kngilsh. all ; Hem tiers of 110- general police com mittee of the employers based the ißlon chief , aceoes ii (able whole the fovernor talked llolh sides receiv 'd his words without rejoinder sl ept as they acknowledged and sc- 1 ' opted Ills Invitation to slay In the ity for aepr rale dlseuaabm with litm t rile a lit ha retie Industries quarrel j • olid not tie a prlvslp one A public vitally Interested that wanted to see justice to both was nevertheless was losing pal loner wrlth repented strikes nod suspensions lOTTOh MtRhKT L * a New York, Aug 27 Spot cotton quiet, middling ;f. ho hpot cotton closed steady. October 2t St; Deeeinl>«i Si .46; Jag ti»ry :t 15; March It-it Mav It IS qk Jt jr*' < . .... * ' rHp •.! * ' I’HK p FIVE asm* * I w • / v. Buyers Here from ail All the Big Com panies Heady for ; Opening Sale, fleet A»le to be Detergdm* ed this Morning. ii ' 1 . ' I Today the * in;iion market la Oof** * I opeaa with praupeetg .if •'•nil ! tdhecco im-hmou ahead * -|t i tt . night m«r lO.two poundb of •f‘nrr> 1 Hir.aijj mu th« rio«r loail. .mi coming in and hundred* rspoctnd In thla morning. An (file lii( -ale »f over ttll.M* pound# • considered . *afe mUmetp. -. I' * ' .0.1 u. AJpisp "maS hou.emen. elated I eat flight h-i ted Ike hlggeat opening dap * I* i hldory of the (ioklgboro mart** The i Moor. »«n over half N nS gft^> • ctoak I .at at«hi eltk a**%na|SMP ..iUaaat Urn do**. M T \f/ 1 Ttie beak, of the db k«|MlM| oiifci tkai ihey *ouid r4mm •imn fore keif hour eftet the I*4l • keek had iieen paid at thd P%H- ■ '<>Una. The wgrehouMt. are ek**kM i the People* Ileal Ike Arel Ml otatlne amonc the bank* for the rest i *f the market * I Buyer* from all .over the ouaatrr ri> here Including the Report, lafi fnl. even ««»■**»■ Ug«U • a>ere. hlna American. A marietta. J M Bd uunda. lae Jankttu eadtJahh 0 luahe* All nlghi long truck., Miftey, op erta and every form of taoaiabtloß ntd town With tobhci-u, At PSIfM Hie nix Ik ft report. ar« that tkej drill here ■ grant opening. Kfhdtoa 44- iuirt* over 3INMMO pound*. >, Trice* ere gulag to bp good la ••pinion of the tan' vaMlßHiothßod The openlhg eate *ll| hJP •ffclihi' ipon ihi. raoinine b) dotage df the •oil! Alphin will take> haada eg* •'urrl/i will take tail*. Mag Mp bg?t man wtn Jjf U»A . *'AB M) NBM . Wilmington. Aug <l. l~|tbi*| lodge H (J <on nor. fa r rmenlatOU lion rwivHved by the Palled ' fttalSl muruhki here, baa ordered that Qeo • 'H.per, negro, held Id ** * U fault of t.'OO laimi. Ip allpwql ttfotf lit* home to aecer* die .modgt.. which he declare* he haa. h. ordar to gala freedom be haa. ta order tp gp $o trial dnrtag the regular fall tana df Federal court, t ooper, It l« ordered liowevhr. .kali he gccom pan led bp g' deputy. The negro wgg bound aver on a charge <»f viol.tlng the prohi bition law* Burnett Placed Under Arrest In' ~ Cleveland. OMe jdßjHnam Inr >"■ll. fb. ««» pi.i in • onmctlon with the ilrat| of Os M " Hamilton, a >)rntut wboee body r a. found ai the foot of aa outalde Hialrw.y of the public belt bare to day I’olire decUr.-d that Barnett made the atutcmeni to them that he and Hamilton hud a atrilggle aad la tailing |»r Huailllon tiriieh hi. ogulnut the ledge of Ike hulhgag ? ELLIOTT RK tUDCTBO 7 Hickory. Aug 17 — J. |i Klllott. ahe for aevrral term. ha. nrvid as fitp , olein of the Hickory < hember of Codk metre, wae -elected lo head the orpal uUuOon at a rt* ent meeting nf the 1 iNierd of director*. Mr Elliott one I Caeda J. A. Moreta. pre.ldent dart a* im-mj Oeorge w Hall wgt r* j circled vlrnt prealdent of the Cbggg he rof • omnierre aad H W. Llak aiu rr »ecretnrr and trasurtr

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