. . .iJV * I" Leather jEklsT.wel.smi ■ ii ■■' ■■ ■ ■ ■ . VOLUME TWO; NUMBER 149 Pinchot Working On Plan Os Own Ku Klux Klan Presented With* : Charter By Officials 99§ 9 Sfe W ■9m*—__ l . n o v t* * | TOBACCO MARKET HERE HAS GOOD OPENING WITH HIGH PRICES Lml Organization Has Big Meeting With High Moguls •« ' wST* . .MS <■'■' * Taking Part In Cei^tnonies Four Neophites Taken Into Klmvern at Meet* ing Whore Charter is Handed to Hands of , Exalted Cyclops Th* Ku Klux Klan. GoMteboro Klan Number IS. had a bis meeting laat Sight, They had a number of " state cyclop* present and the Kll grapp la hi* announcement of the meeting to the member* Raid that na tural lotion of aoeeral alien* waa on the program „ Information received laat night In dicated that tour alien* were natural toed. Everybody sin* the v "Star •angled Banner," and “America For ever." “Refreshment* will be nerved" said the annduncewejat An Iced course consisting ’of froiten Chicken salad mixed wKh melted peppermint and ■tick candy, atrlpped. no doubt. All | If ft aayiag that an enjoyable time had boen had by ell. 'The preeeme of a number of cy 4o*a and kligrappa. air called togeth er by the resoaant word* of the Sa-1 * fyed Unfailing Bond, from the elate department of the organtoation. add ed dwnrty t# t*e Occasion It ta «ea aral»y understood that Judge Grady Wae not preeeht aa he wea auppoeed la he alttiag on a cate In a nearby. The ISodl Klan ■ Mm’ahaence la a remarkable manner. Other *Ute offledelif. loaded down' tilth the duty at protecting southern womanhood aad enforcing the lawj were pf*eent however and the keen regret caused by the ebwince of some, other* wa* not felt near as much on that account. th* names of the four new mem bers of Kalgbta of the White Nightie wore concealed from public gsae end Will not be published as H would In terfere with the proper functioning Os the organisation. "Kerala fall not." Thus passetb the glory of the world. "The anttounaaipent of the meeting 1$ hereby published without perinla-1 dm) INVISIBLE EMPIRE " KNIGHTM OF THE Rt T KLUX KLAN I OO U>« BORO ' August 27. 1823. Esteemed Klanamen: There will tta a* Important nieetln| Tuesday night. August 21th You are arged to be present There will be; present state offtcere. Our charter will be delivered on tbto date Naturalisation ceremony will be es-, amplified with a large class of aliens. .Refreshment! will be served. Herald fall not. Your In. the Sacred Unfailing Bund, by order- of the Faulted Cyclops. Kllgrspp. Goldsboro Klan No *3 i PUBLIC WELFARE OFFICE IS 'STILL A MATTER OF MUCH INTEREST TO ALL GOLDSBORO Fred Mintz Hag Never Applied for a Certificate Mrs. Kate Burr Johnson But Still She sh Refused To Give Him One COMMISSIONERS NOW STAND ON THEIR DIGNITY WHILE THE LADY TALKS The /JUt*. Cfrjgl artye.ru (ltd no •xprwt ans desire to talk about th> ma'tar of fte superintendent of publk welfare In Wi|»» county at *■> ti n < during yeaterday Mr. Mints ■ bowed no desired t< break Into print no the whole matter waa left to Mrs Johnson, who threat ened to pbt the thinp Ip the court# tt It dldht ttraiWep uit at onae. , It aneakod out at at tie county com THE GOLDSBORO NEWS Buying Sheep Poor Policy Is i Expert Opinion s HSleigh, Aug. 21— Buying sheep at high prices whyn there la mnch com petition in the market Is poor policy ! for the North Carolina farmer, ac cording to a statement made yester day by O. P. Williams, sheep field agent tor North Carolina State col-' laga aad the etate department of ag riculture. The demand for breeding ewes »n the large markets has shown both staengtb and activity recently, agri cultural officiate say. even the state of New York, which suffered e heavy loia a little over two years ago on the sheep market. Is again stocking irp with ewe*. Virginia farmers have been makln Inquiries for sheep in North Carolina |lt is said, but the farmers of thlr state are reticent in parting with I their stock. "This buying of ewes at stiff pricer ! when everybody else- wants them l> i bad policy for North Carolina farm ers." Mr William* eald In Issuing s warning W) the sheep breeder* of tblr state aot to follow the example < the Virginia breeders by Inrreaalur their stocks. | "The tints to get In the sheep bua , Inees la when the other fellow ir panicky about filing because he ‘ | thinks the business ha* gone to tbe bow-wows" be advised. "Sheep 'should be bought when they are low in price and tbe other fellow is klck , Ing. Then, the ftrat thing you know the price has become stable aad the :or who kept his stock through tbe depression ha* ewes to sell at satis factory price*. t'HAMTKKB 3, GRANTED Raleigh. Aug. 28 —Secretary of iSate W. N. Kveretl has granted I charter* to the following corpora”- tlon*: I Lincoln Theatre Company. Wln»- I ton-Salem, with authorised capital | stock of (1200. all of which has been ; subscribed. The Incorporator* are: ; R. D. Craver. Winston-Salem; S. W. and J. B. Craver, of Cbarlotte. Camden, Gin Company. Camden county, with authorised capital sttrek iof >25.000 or which <4OOO lias he>n | subscribed by F. P. Wpod, H-Fer ebee. Jr.. C. I* Tarklngtou. Herman I Newberry. H. 0. Berry, N W Rtev i ena. W. T Etheridge, 8. B. Seymour, F. E Upton. P P. Gregory Charlotte Polo and Hiding club, au thorised capital stock of $50,000. s.’.- ;of which has been subscribed. The .Incorporator* are 8. B. Tanner. Jr. j George E. Wilson. J 8 Best and R. H Johnston, all of Charlotte nlseloners have not applied for a edtlflcat** for Mintg, and Mr. Mints 'iaa aaltl nothing elite but the fact bat he ha* never asked anything of Mra Johnston The situation I* thua: Mr. Mlntx w.aa elected to head the department of public welfawth In Wayn« county hy the board gtC county commissioners (t ootlnuod on page three i - - , GOLDSBORO, N- C„ WEDNESDAY MORNING. AUGUST 29. 192.1 Abernethy Will Speak to Co-Ops Kinston. Aug It —Friday of tbli I i week Congressman Charles I-ahanJ Abernethy. of the Third District of 1 North Carolina, will address three*. • meetings of the bustoess nten of Fre mont. Nashville and Spring Hope Mr. Abernethy'* address will hsTe special significance In as much as We has Just returned from »he west, where be has noted many things that could be done In this state which urv not now done. He addressed a meet ing at Greenville last Friday, at which Klwanis and RofaTy Club* of several towns were present, and told them among other things (but “Eastern QproUna has a greater future than any ptber section of America and Is today ahead of California In possibili ties—oicept—la the degree v with which our people boost their state, community and themselves The meeting In Greenville was coiled by the Eastern Carolina, Cham ber of Commerce sad was a great success He also spoke at the Kl wsnl* end both assemblages thought that message should be carried to sll Tar Heels. N O Bartlett, sec retary of the Eastern Carolina Cham-! her of Commerce, then prevailed on Mr. Abernethy to give him Friday. The meeting will be held as fol- j lows: Fremont 11:30; Nashville 3:30 and Hprlng Hope 5:00. It is hoped that the business men , of these communities will attend lb*-' meetings aa the message will mown* much for those who hear of the won defful possibilities In this part of; the stale. Many will recall that It was Mr. Abernethy who enthused u ItfTge crowd at ‘he Eaaferu. Carolina j Exposition last year at Wilson, when Governor Cameron Morrison could ; not com* Mr. Abernethy made n distinct hit at that time und told of; what North Carolina manufactured He has now gained more first-hand! information of the we*t. where every' one Is mUclv more of a booster than here. Earthquake Felt By Instrument# I -—**■* . - Norfolk. Aug, 2$ —Earth tremor* of marked *ever|ty were recorded from 6:22 to 7:50 o'clock on the Georgetown Gnlverxßy seismograph The center Os the dlaturhancea waa eatlmated at 5600 mile* from Wash ington Tuacon. Art*., Aug 28.—An earth quake starting at 4 p. m waa record-. . log on the aeamogruph of the t' 8 magnetic observatory north east of here according to the observer In charge the locality of the quake could not be determined. Judging the way the Instrument behaved the quake must have been ' extremely severe. Can Be Both Says Mr. Pricfc t •* l ake Junatuska, Aug 28 A man rail be both anjf evolutionist and 'Christian, but only when he la either . a strong Christian nr a deeply con | | vlnced evolutionist, declared Her , I Thurston B Price, evangelist. In t | | nermon this morning at the Bible and j Evangelistic conference, with the Bou ( , them Melhodlat Bummer Aaaemhly t I will come to a dose next HBunday "What will the higher crltlea do with \ \ Jeaux Chrlal" wax Rev Mr Price'* I auhject. He aelected aa hla text the | worda of Pilate at the trial of Chris' before bla cruclfjxxton Matthew 27 2|—"What ahall I do then with Jeaua who Is called Christ ' There In today, the preacher an Id. e movement against Chrlatlanlty called "higher crltlclam.” The Bible, hr said, "will stand or fall a roinpletr plan." Count Yamamoto Is Now Premier Japan Tohlo, Aug. 28 Count GoruM Ya mamoto haa been appointed pdemter of -Japan to succeed the late harnp ' Cato the appointment followed • summon* to court by prlftce Reggn' lllrohoto who acted upon ad vice of the older statesman The new premier la proceeding to ward the formation of a cabin*-' which la i-kpected to be completed soon.' SMI SPRUNG ! bi PRusEcunm in Refuses to ( all Important Wit -8«m Giving Ike Plate Tht Advantage of Crotw Examina tion SEVENTEEN HEARD DURING THE l)A\ Cumberland Coutr House. Aug ft —Another sensation wag sprung Ir the Pierce-Garrett caas today wher the prosecution of trial rgsted In tb< case of R. O Garrett without calling j > »<> do the stand coinmonweahb attorn> I , t.ke state as a coup that put the de sense tn tbe position of being com t**!b'd to call Mr. u Smith as Its nwr witness or to ask the onprt to call him, this tn either case giving them the advantage of cross cxamlnatloi to development evidence favorable Tbe defense elected to choose tly latter case end on 'motion of H \l Smith was called by the Judge The prosecution's eurprlae cume.ai a climax of a day of progrest In which the gtory of dig ging bullets from the ground bail no' testified at the Lurkiu Garrett trla 1 and all of the evidence except, so minor details were the same as glv , victory celebration of these meetings and w 111 also welcome Senator Joseph A Brown, director* E (’ Epp*. and T. B icing. from the South Caroline belt who are coming to tell them of the nsaociations successful operations In the Palmetto state and border eountics where more than five him’ dred new members have joined th' marketing association this month President George A Nkrw.ood of th< association Dr J Y Joyner, chair rnun of Its organization lotrrinltle* ■*nl other rilrartors will reach the to baeco co-op* of New Bern, 'Nashville Hailey. Burfuw. Clinton, vllle, Smlthdeld, Vancebore. William* ton. aahinglon anil Wnallpce whe ontlnuc their celebrations on Thurs day of this week. The Pitt county members of the asdbciatlon ar** plan nlng the climax of tin- Eastern b*T celebration* with a manimoth baric rue and mass metieng at A)den oi August 31. w here congr* ssman II F | Ward of the tirst ion uremia n I dir trlct and state senator Joseph Browi of Cbndhourn. will l» the principal sjieaker* Dehverl** to the association are Increasing both In Kouth Caroline wnd the Eastern and the growing < n tbuslasm of tobacco farmer* of th j co-operative method of marketing ha-| resulted In the receipt of over seven j hundred new contracts at Halrlrt-i headquarter* this month, bringing th- • total membership of the aesoelatlor; to more than Absenteeism '« Curse of Miners WASHINGTON. Aug. 27 On, ae rktu» check t«J economical mining at oft (balls the voluntary absenteeism of union min, workers, whj2 a load*| •ra employed. It was found that only one worked every day that the mine operated Tills man and all the oth ers were on strike .11 days of that year, howevier The loader with the poorest recor dnot only was on' strike till days, jiut voluntarily absented him self from work on Hi oilier working days "This condition la one which alt coal operator* would like to have corrected *' Says 11. S. Without Jurisdiction In The j Shooting of Captain Bitsion. 28 On the grounds that the I' R le without jur 1 -< 45 cotton f futures dosed fairly steady Octolier 24 Ik. December 21 Kti Jan uary 23 80. March 23 84: May 23 83 4(tim IMMTOKITI: Kaliahiirk, Aug 28 Rev John I. ; Yo*t, pastor of the Lutheran church jnt Bear Poplar. Rowan county, haa accepted t|ie pastorate of Holy Trln-| Itr Lutheran church, GsGstoDla. and will aiauine htg duties there. October, 11 « ' Auction Warehouses Open | Throughout Eastern Os State. With Good 1 ti* iPUi Choice of Offices To Be Big Fight Os Veterans' Meeting 1 Norfolk. Aug 28 Entry of Detroit In the list of contender* to obtain the national headquarters proposal of i 135 resolutions governing veterans' neads In legislation as well as changes la rule* and the proposal of mother names for officers to he elec— rjßTJ’ltursdsy were the chief devel 4lpfenta of the 24th annual nncamp 3Jnwht of the veteran* of the foorefgn wars here today. Choice of a location of national headquarters loomed as the big fight of the encampment taking precedence o4er the election of officers for next year. From best Information, De troit was leading In favor of the new home of the International officers Whitfield Leads Bilbo in Election 1 Jrnkson, Miss,, Aug, Xk Ttt# first 21.860 vote* counted In today's run off primary gave for Governor H. L Whitfield 15.(114 and T. J Ililbo 12.- I>o. The figures Included thre* l* auntie* complete and other «ra(t«r he prlncl- 1 pal speaker. Pinchot Drafting Plan Os Reconciliation All His Own For Strike Plans ko Forward For Completion of Strike ! > lans While Governor of Penn. Works For Mediation HAlUdsni’HO. Auk 2» Suffirl i oniljf informed an to the issue* on j wlilrh u suspension of unthracite mining ha* lieen ordered for Heptern her I. Governor PJncKot of Penn sylvania today broke ofT *he aerie*, of conference which he hue lx-en con due tin* with operators' representative j and official* of the miner* union and went to work drafting a settlement suggestion of hi* own Both groups of men who have been'' separately cloaeted" With him during the two day* agreed to await the pro-! ; ptieal to* will niake hut profe**cd Ig- , norumc of I• m term*, i "I have conferred with both aide* | and told them | hoped they would re main In Harrisburg tomorrow Both 1 Hide* have continuously aereded t«,h |my requeat" said Mr IMwchot Meantime with barely 7! hour* to I , elapse befoto the men abandon their! working place*, the operator* and' s-j i “ *' ■ r '~ ' ' 'ill’ll ASSOCIATED I‘RMj - sr* ■ 14 mi PRICE FIVE CENTS (ioldsboro Has OmH| With Abort 1111 Pounds With The prib of Twenty Cents ENTIRE MARKET PLEASING ONB , I The auctlcgi market gpyggj , h Goldsboro yesterday «*|ti one hundred and Aft, thougdM and two hundred ihopaaad gonad* df tobacco being sold with aa ann* I price of 31 cent* per pouad. the Rlgf •it price thet has been paid fw to bacco since the big yaar eoate Sllr tir five year* ago ” : T’_ .Seventy five percent of the *tthapgn sold on the market bora yydeNty, Hind the *«me condition —tntd lem • all all over the district. was afla low grade consisting mostly of wad lux* The price ragged front fl«a|o fifty five ceau per pound S Reports were running lkn||k • town yesterday that 4R, AaMTfg2| "• boro market TIM meres at once sttrtai aa »4|fadap ton of the report and foaad IhiV. tioaGtern States was |L Vmi-fk-ao Tobacco rmapqsgy faf Kt they had bought hessllf an dpM^- Httadreds of people from, ib* *dir. merchants, bankers, and MMI. ff iowed the »ali-throughopt the day a^d • ipreoalons from the farators late that the market la the Rant la n page three.) miner* took step* la natlaipatlah to . provide for the •inplom*aat--dpwah glneers. pump operator* and imaMPa nance men under ground. D*|**s tbl* work goes on tbs mil** flood and cave In. In the * rum controversy the union order far a suspension, requires these men to stop work when the coni miner* go edt. NKW YORK. Attg It —AtlnatW He*hoard stale* today pledgod thaw ■riven to do all In >b*lr power to aid fuel administrator Wxllelgfa nad cn*l carrying railroads to mlalaUn* mt ferlng that might follow after the proposed coal strike Kour governor* and rwpraaautad|i4a from *< ven other *tataa rated wfth thi* delegate* from the Dtgtrtat mt Columbia to cooperate In all aMdd-- ure* Mr Wadblgh might take. >ir- | tie* to the agreement were-the tadur *t*twcommerce cominlsatoa. tmarl < A**<«.iaU#a. the Qajhl states Bureau of Mthpa and |a|l nee ring * octet lea. After egpressing explicit nnddaan in a plan outlined by the federal ad ministrator with coptag with v Mnr , fuel prices tl»st might arise the (Wfc* (Continued on p*«h Sim.) J