I Mb rMy Tkantey u 4 FiUiyi 1 I Himwil Mar toe ewH. t VOLUME TWO; NUMBER I4t . vU C 9, ? v # a *, #* \ y , - - - - - - *- - ■ ■*— - ■—* -1,.. —.. - - .- r.=^= Defense Presents Its 1 . . - * .■* . . > Witnesses In Day’s Session Garrett Trial Testimony Given That Preacher Had Threat-i ened the Garretts Pre v4ps4o The Tragedy •"■"CflPrland Court Uouae, Va.. Aurtfl 29 Testimony that Ref. K C Hair* had atatod laat April that R O. Oar rat t county clerk, would V*se*wu Cumberland pretty boob aa a * orpoa" and that on a previous occa sion Me had aald that they would another Hillavlllr affair In fMfciberland to clqan thing* up. »M given by the defeaoa today in the trial of R. O. Garrett.” These atatementa with teatlniony designed to ahow that the mtalater appeared to have Home knowledge of the ahootlng of A. M. Chandler froga ambuah laat May together with the appearance of Larkin C. Garrett on the (tend were the high spate of the day In the trial. Special empha aia waa laid on the teatimony con cerning the miniature connection with bandied ahootlng pg It la the defenee ftlaim that that affair led 2 directly to the fight in which Mr. ' Pierce waa ahot to death a month taler. Much of the teatimony concern lag the Chandler aupportlng had been given before and other than the atatementa attributed to Mr. Pierce by wttneieee who had not prevlouSTJT aijpoared o The only other aennation feature cam# during the teatimony of Judge W. g M. Smith rommonwealth'i at torney celled hy the court. During croee elimination Judge Smith etnt_ ed that ahortly before the tragedy he had gpne to Mr. Pierce and aald “**bat U he did net let up In bia crlt tclam of the Garretta he would have tronble." -ewuif! %• 411 told, nine witneeeea took the dUhd f6r Umi defense toddy and In additional the teatimony of Dr. Dod non who attend** R. o. Garrett at a Richmond hospital after he had been ahot aa given at the trial last month of L. C. Garrett waa read to the Jury. The cross examination of Judge Smith begun yesterday In which the prosecution sought to break dowa the testimony -Hr ——— marsh pall ok exchange LAIR TO OSMAN NTKATEUI London. Aug. 19.—Various reason* have beta given for the depredation of the mark. In a recent circular. Messrs. Samuel Montague and Co. Shaken and bullion experta. give an resting example of how Germany, herself la weakening the mark on for eign exchange by' enlarging the de mand for stable currencies. Prunalan and Bavarian banka, with State sanc ttog. It is stated are attracting sav ings deposits in paper marks offfphe same gold value. "The “Savings Gold Mark" thu; avoids th» depredation of the de posits while they remain with the bahk. Tbe bank avoids any loaa In this way. Tbe "Savins* Oold Mark" baste ia merely camouflaged dollar* When the depositor hands his sav ings to the bank, to' be kept say for three months, at I per cent tbe bank nt once beys a cbrrespondlns amount of dollars and deposits them with an American bank at any. & per cent. Tbe result la that the depo*|tor who la precluded by law rrom sending his money abroad la also bylaw enabled to do so, while tbe (tank make* a more or leaa handsome prolit both on ex change. |fso prohibited and permit ted by tbe law, Mates abroad. ybith wrrnißt hers for * LIFE WORK IK LITHI ARIA Danvllla, Ang. M.—ln the little vil lage of WeetvilM, near here, lives Bruce Stulglnakls, who appears des tined-Home day to alt In the govern ment councils of Lithuania, one of the new nations of Europe £glnskl* ia Ibt nephew of Aleh in Stulglnakls. who win elected eat of the far away Baltic re public in June., he Uvea in tbe Lithuanian colony of Danville, la studying at the University of Illinois, himself for a public *btu he In graduated from cW>- Bruce Htnlftnakt* la the son of a Westrille merchant, - and since hla father's death the Lithuanian presi dent has been directing the boy's edu cation According to tbe plan. Bruce will go from thn.Unl vwafcy of Illinois to tbe the Un)vanity mt Realm for 'a gradual* coursA -v •■'- - '■' THE GOLDSBORO NEWS ns: zzr i Italy Demands Formal Apology Rome, Aug. 29.—Tbe Italian overnmeut has demanded a for mal apology from tbe Greek gov ernment and indemnity of 611,900 tyre and that fuR honors be paid <0 the Italian fleet lu PllVraeu. because of the aaaaaaiuatlon of S members of tbe Greek Albanian foundry mission nt Mondva * Strop Goes To New England Washington. Aug. 29.—Assglninent of 8. B. Stroup aa ludlvlvdual chief of general prohibition agents In New England waa announced today by act ing commissioner Nash today. Mr Stroup baa been In North UaroHnj* - "",■■■■!" - Coaching School At Chapel Hill Chapel Hill. Aug. 29. -.The second annual coaching school for North Carolina high school coaches con ducted by tbe University gets unler way here ednesday wttb registers tion of the men. and actual work begins Thursday with lectures and practice Tbe coaching staff of the University will be here, headed by - "roaches BUI and Bob Fetxer. to have rharge of tka coaching school which wilt consist of lectures on the the ory of football, basketball, baseball, track and tennia. and of practice Inl these sport* L H. Rankin, secretary for the coming yearhrdodloll yyowwow kok for the coaching school and a di rector f tbe Extensln Division under tie direction pf which the work ir ha be done, announced today that urospecs were for a good attendance from high school athletic directors from all over the state It ia expected that all tho JTnhree stty’e coaching staff consisting of Coaches Bill and Boh Fetscr. O nly Pritchard, "Red"’ Johnson, and Her ,T.an Shepard will be here to assist In the work Louts Graves. f'>rr.: »r xtoU- champion, will give le-u-e** *.i.| demonstrations In tennia beory und practice. The morning* will LK }uken up In lectures on the sports and the afternoon* In pu*Mng Into prac tice what ha* been brought out to the lectures. Immediately after lutirh each day there will he a round ( lahle discussion by the roaches of vsrloua problems that may arise In their work. The coache* will be In session from August 29 to September 8 and they will tie at some kind of i theoretical or practical work from eight o"clock In 1 the morning to late afternon. WURZBURG RFFR MAJT GO HIGHER . , Wurxhurg, Aug. 29. —Beer drinkers ure watching the German hop crop anxiously. If the production this years Is not greul the price of beer orobably will *all even higher than has been predicted by the- brewers An Inrhease of 260 per rent In puper mark prices ia scheduled foe the near future, and sill more may be | expected, as the efforts of the gov ernment to peg the exchsng rate or, the mark do not seem to tie meeting with any permanent success Prospects are excellent now for a ,good hop crop In the Franconian dis trict. but rain during the hurvestlne. Hcason may Injure Abe hops this year a* It did last, when the output was discolored and Impaired In quality. UOVVUKINT HHOCR* UARMGKS . I London, Aug. 29 —The eommunlsls Ideos.of J. T. . Newbold. the Scottish Communist In the House of OqAnion*. have relatively UlUe effect on that stolid body, but the same cannot to* said of bis wratther dreaa The House received a profound erthack during London'* recent heat wave when Mr. Newbold appeared without a collar, wßhput a tie. without « collar butlop. without a veet. and hi* ! shirt unbuttoned and opend at the nfek The Communist M P walked to hi* »eat In silence until some of the |.s bor Party members gave a few cheers In approval of bis audacity. Prior to thin entrance. Commander Kenworthy held the center of Interest by apparlng Ih the House Jn white *hoea and a yellow palm beach suß ■ ' —I '■ (A f in n m>t. |*jKßirrK High Point. August 29 Building ! permits Issued here this year call for construction work fn the city costing ovnr $1,591,966. according to offMla! records tn the office of the building inspector " 1,1 lr yi(— r r- Iti■ I. e. »■* ■" —- 1 11 n ' ~ 11 .......... - ———l Ml'' 'll Ml ■CI —I.. — r, -..- , * GOLDRBORO,- N.‘ C„ THURSDAY MORNING. AIJGUHT 30. 1»23 \i' i. . . - i. *■ !■*>■*, w - - -■spw - _■■ » : ' '~r ~ ■ J —~~"** T.' T Pickets in Boston Phone Stride Hare are some of Boston's i*i»|>liuo« girls who are picketing the ! various exchanges throughout the city. All Now England Is affected by the strike. CONVENTION OF STATE OFFICIAL Asheville. Aug. "Sf -Secretaries of | slate treasurer, auditors, comptrolera and purchasing agents from oy-ngsihe entlre nation are expected tn gather here September 13 for u three day r.nnual coavcnUon of the National . State Auditor* Asncolatlon - Every stale Id lb* union will be represented Jilt the convention., '•voiding lo tvance t* formation received hero Tie iirominent state officials ai tVi-dv hue accepted tp i i.tlrns to dr jllvver add reuse* at the -no ting on *ubje< t* varying from NpeClal taxa tion to hlghtway legislation., accord ing (o a tentatlvev program nnnnunr led In a clrculur teller to mcn|l»ere |hy R. P. Chase, state . auditor of Minnesota who la,. chairman of the program committee. These speaker* and tbelr subjects, s* announced by r. Chase arc: W. S. O’Brien, jjioutb Dakota *tatr troMurcr. "A (Tgnrette Tax." Frank Page, chairman of the North Carolina State Highway . romitilsslon "Stole Highway*i*gtalutlon and Fi nancing " John T. Tracy. Ohio Htale auditor. "Ohio's Reorganized Administrative Machlm^ry.” Solomon WlHcottHln treasurer. "Making Use of the State's Money to the beat Advantage, or t-.ie Wisconsin Itlea." Jamas Jackson. Maasa'hyett. stole treasurer and receiver general "Uniform State Accounting." Thl complete program fur -the-au ditor* ronentlun is expected to he an nuunced In ithe'hear future a “KKI.IGION i GREITTiKKII" lIEULAKES JUNTICK TAFT Boston. Ang 29.—The need of re ligion in the present crisis Is stress-' ed hy Chief Justice William H Tuft, In u statement Issued by the ian News Service lu conectloij with ' announcement of the thirtieth bien nial meeting of the General Unitarian ( Conference, of w hich .the chief jus tice Is president. The meeting I* fn l»e held September 11-16 at N*' w Hav en, Conn. In the building*.Of Yale L'nliej-slly, In conjunction with the luunntl Minister* Institute and chap ter convention of thy fnlinriau la-a gue. “Honest doubt* In re*|iect to Un orthodox creeds," say* the statement of the chief Justice, ‘‘should not bc i permitted to weaken the Influence of ( religion or to negender Inertia In the'? uialHtenancc of religion and of Un church ( L feel us. If Unttariam In view of tbe dlscusslont* of our sinter ctiurrbea has’ bccuiue more and more ( tmporiunt In furnishing a Imsis fur religious inspfrulion Such a confer encu a* that the Cnlfarlan* will hold In New Haven I doubt not can lx made most useful In the present cri »!*” a Other Hpeager* to participate in the Unitarian meeting are: Bishop Fran cis J. McConnell of PUtaburg, of the Methodist Episcopal Church; *\ll* Urac-s Abbott, chief of tbe I nltcd .State* Children * Bureau and Dr Wil- 1 ham P. Shriver.* of tbe l*fi bytertM Board of Home Ml-Aion*. lilt. I I I I Bit 1110 K Canton. N C.Auauat 29 Governor j Cameron Morrison. Mrs Edith Van- t derbllt of Asheville, and Adjutant General Van B Mel I* have accepted t Invitation to participate In u hlr is* ho r Day. relebrutlon her Septem ’ her 3 Over in.non vlsltAr* from all over western North t arollna arn ex pected to attemf the celebration ) Troop "F" of A*bvllle. and Ibe Dry-1 ! son City field artillery unit. North - Carolina National Guar*), will take part In tho-’ celebration, as well a i tbe radio company. 10th signal corps.; Canton. Thu 120th regiment baud, of Rulelgb. will furnish music for the 1 occasion' FUMRS LEEDS IS OF MED I 111 LUM HOME Was Princess Anatasia of i Greece and Very Wealthy Woman WltL PROBAHI.Y &E JBROUGHT TO THE U. 8. IXJNDON, Aug. 29.- ilylnci-ss Anu tasla, wife of Prince, tJirliMopher of Greec and formerly Mr*j\V B Leeds, widow of thu American In |>laie mag net died in her London home tonight. She passed peacefully Sway at 11:15 without regaining conacinuanesa. The Prince, W. B l4<eds. Jr., and hla wife were at her bedside The Immediate cause of death was cancer complicat ed cyrraoaa of the likely that the body wRI lie sent to* the U. S for Interment at New York where, he.r father and mother rest al though boom of the relatives express ed the hope that the Interment be made In the Royal tombs al Athens ill NSIAN PILGRIMS Jftl RKKY FAIt TO SHOW HFHt FOR Mil HOI.AS Sofia, Aug, 29 The annJveraury of the death by Bolshevik violence of Cxur Nbbolsu 11. anil the Russian Imperial family marked recently an Impressive memorial servin'" In the church attached lo the Hiihslhi) embassy In this city, . Russian Pilgrims .of lilt classes o< Russian pilgrims of all classes of society from nobles Vo laborers filled the beautiful strut‘ure. whic h Is the Ife front Nicholas II Each member of Ilx late- lin|M-rlal, luiuily was mentioned by name, the the prb-st referring lit "thy servant Nikolai.'' "thy servant Alexandra Fe -witoro*■ita." "Iby servant Alexei" and so with the princesses Olga. Tai lans, Maria mid Aanlaslu t was a devout audience, to,Whirl) tbe act of half dozen year* ago was an event of today. * Pains were taken by the police lo exclude ulUßolsbcvlk*. fro fear they might disturb the service*. - ' POM BFK M IKIFAUTUKFKH TO I'ROTKUT GAME ItllißN | Wllnilngton. Aug 29 Tbe exten sive ureas of unoccupied lamii' connec ted with tlie.du Pont explosive plants; |ln the United States, amounting To acres, are |o he used ak minctu.- 1 JuHea where game and Insectivorous| Mid- will Is protected The reporting Powder Division of the company an ’nounced that this step wu* iMdng tak i- i in connection with It* plans for tbe better preservation of gam*- Beverul of the plants have already been• rtocF id and the game has multiplied and been protected to stlt-Ji an extent that ■lt |* said t obe supplying the soc roondlng country The reserations to be used for this purpose are located in Pennsylvania. Colorado. Alabama. Washington. lowa. \< w- Jersey. Missouri. Wisconsin and Montana Many of the renervalloba; ure heavily wooded and particularly adapted for the purpose . There are 24 plants In all the ground about them available for game preservation pur pose* range* from *>'*•<*• acre* down to the aerugejslaed larm TSUI rORTrOKKB Raleigh. August 29 Governor i Cameron Morrison uipl Btale Treat. ; qrer II It Imcy have jawponed uti «l the early part of September their trip to New York for Ih purpose of discussing witl) their State banker | the advisability of Issueing s6,otK>.- < 000 In bonds for financing conslruc jllon work' being carried on at var- < ' loti* Slate Imililutlous . ;Ind#iwcidses' t Ir iHHtfEm' j ‘Hpjn Uraw < mised Many lleuth* fear**- WHOLE EAMILYV, GOES |^U|ATH UGNWAY. S ©.. AtiK 29 -*Rll |wr son* wvro drowned nhortly after mid night last night when an automobile In which Ihuy were reluming from Myrtle lir.m-h where they had been spending the day, plunged ‘through :t partly oopened (Iraw bridge uear here tine no ruber of the party of seven »»cu(e-d The bodies of five of ■ the drwO*ed hnn-'luw-n recovered, i The dead are Mr. and Mrs. H J Tullpper. of t'onwuy and their thrde children; Kllxula-th. Gertrude and J. (J and Mra. Murvlti Conner, of Uo«- wuy Marvin < s oun«r who was also In, 'the car managed to extricate Mm-; *tl( and aWaui to safety A coroner's jury was enipunbcled today and after, hearing evidence indicating that thej ’bridge might have been opened tua iliriimaly adjourned until Septoni)>«f, -6. - ' Bids For Road» In State Opened < Raleigh, Aug. 29- Bid* were ro- ' j csivcd here today by the stale high- - 1 way commission on 12 n»w project* (totalling 96.06 mile* the total of the 1 bids being 12.422499 34 No bids were ' I submitted on projecCln tho third 4ia- ' ■ trim It was announced by commlanlon 1 officials Tho bids considerulon and announenment of wards will be made tator. HM HF.IOH R. I’.’H AUUI.AIM ukikuf: of m alkm at binkek Xaindon. Aug 29 Thirty-four hat h elor members of the House of Uotn mon* revelled in their mtfatlofefi ' tate Just Itefore Parllameht shut down 1 for the summer There waa plenty of wine and song, hut no women were prcscut when the celebrated legisla tor» sal down to ttin bgtiquet table to let loose a flood of storle*. Jokes - and will) remarks upon the Joya of the tingle men and tbe woes of the wedded. * f The fire! UU*g. Ihe .dinars did waa to toast the Prince of Wales "the ' boat and most popular baehelor." 1 Then Mir Robert Horne broke looee 1 with some stories, building up to this 1 111 max. "In these day* of the rights of wo- 1 men. we are told that the women no longer run after the men The mouse ' trap never runs after the mouse." laird Hugh t'ecll. brother of l<ord 1 Robert Cecil of league of Nations fume, picked up a serviette from Ih* 1 table, holding It high with u|dtolsed ' band, aald he thought bachelors could I have no better emblem 'than this ‘ piece of pure white linen " Austin Hopklnson ended hla speech * by saying that "one of the greatest idea sure* of the blessed Is In eon- * tefuplatlkg Ibe torture* of tbe doom- f I ed,." r i ✓ UOHTAL UARI'AIGN DIKKITF.iI lI.AIAMI II.I.FGIHLF WIHTIKGI * ~~ l Washington. Aug 29 - Pestinaaler , General New, who Is working on a new chapter In the -great |Bini. , •Why Mull Oth s . Wrong," has an- , i nonneed that u special rampulgn Is being conducted to direct the atten 'tlou of |sistu| workers and the pub- 1 ! lie to the frequent miscarriage of j letters because of Ibe slmllurlly In |>he names of towns In states Mall addrcHst-d for Instance, to Ruin- j invrton. Mouth Carolina; Mummertown 1 Georgia; Summerville. Mouth Uaro llnu. and l.umberlon, frequently sent , to the wrong place due lo Illegible writing iHiver. North Carnllnu end Milford, Tctas.*alao have considerable . trouble tn gettlnv some of their mall iM-cause tho addresses fall to make* clear thWatato in whh-h (he town la! 'situated Ol Ft to IN SOI fEKIB 111 NTF KM HTFAI. 6WMI HUGH l> to IN If If Munb h. Aug 29 The state' beer house, where hundreds of people drink of huge mugs with lids. Is di |lArln| the |os* of 6bob of which ware taken away as mementoes during the festival week, besides 49b knives und forks and jnanv decoral i*d plat*-* |n fiW day* nearly » mil lion visitors runic hero for the ath Idle festival, it Is suggested many of these niuloined the mugs plates and cutlery 1 — | 9lotm FOUKU IN « "BOOK" laindon. rug 2k The widow of the | lute John Trou*beck. for muny yearir coroner for Westminister, had such a surprise when a box shaped like | a book containing 200 pounds ti,- *WW was returned to her thAt she fainted It apitears the "book" was among a nuinker which Mrs Trout-- bc-ck t*ob| for three pounds (1151 1 thinking they were old medical hook* 1 of her late husband.' and of little val-j 1 i in- Tie* bookseller on examining ; them discovered one hud a lock. andL on opening It found a five-pound note ; and 190 oe-pound notes, which he ' I promptly returned lo Ihc widow |< JRhicnot Outlines His Plan for Settlement Os Coal Argument :->:y WHITFIELD IS TO BE GOVER’R OF MISSISSIPPI ——. ■ Jink m)»i, Aug 28 «||. U Whlt- Rplil of Ooiumbua. former presl of (he Mississippi (allege for Women will lie the next govern or of Mississippi the Jacfcton Dully New* announced early tonight af ter, It hud tuhn|uted yesterday's de m«K- ratio prlnmr from Ml of lha 82 counties In the etate uud had all but a few return* from the re maining one*. Nomination in the democratic primary i* equivalent to election. Giant Owners Served Subpoenas New York. Aug in.- Tile national oghltytlou company, ownera of the Qlanta waa aervved with a federal .grand jury aubpoeua lata ted ay call ing forth e product lon Friday morn ing of the check* alleged to bare been itdvanced by C. Htoneham to E. M Fuller and company, bankrupt brok erage company. One of the checks subpoenaed wna for $28,600 which heretofore had not come to light and bnd not been In cluded In the check a Hated ■ !»K» FBI IT KXIHARUE Cincinnati!, Auk. M.—Fruit and vegetable grower* throughout the' South wir Ibe Initiated to In the formal opening of the new Clncl nattl Fruit Kichange building liere aa |t will providb bettor facilities for handling the Inrga volume of .itaartabuble product* from the South ileatlned tor market* of the Middle West which moveg through t indnaV tl Tha new building waa built by the Southern R*llwi» fTfitam * TtMJ-Rh» been leaned fofvar long term to the United Fruit Auction Company, com* ;>oae«| of prtnrtpat fnrtt and vug* «'tasTe Vaajliri of ('lneWsattL n la of reinforced concrete conatructloa :ind haa every modern facility. Tha lower floor will be used aa a ware house and haa Southern Hallway tracka on one aide atm paved team way on the other Theauctlon room and the ,office of the varloua deal er* ure located im the second floor Itoth telegraph rnmpaules have their own office* In (be building. The location of the exchange build ing on Vine at reel terminal of the Southern make* It very conveubmt. both for ‘he prompt handling of earn front the South and tor the delivery of produce to t'lnlnna‘tl dealer*. IMIUII t H i in n TO 4 111 AIHTHUU* KMItiKATIOR ( Melbourne, Aug 2*. — The Anglican Church of Oreat Britain ha* under taken to share with various of the I state government of Auatralla the ’ coat of bringing over dealrable Eng lishmen to settle In Australia „ In Western Atydralla the govern inenl and the church will each con tribute a third of the tranaportatlon charges, the remainder coming from private source*. and meaaure* huge been taken for the reception, placing and after-care of British aettlera from the mother country In South Australia, the Anglican I church will undertake to aaalat the | arrival* after they set foot on Auatra- j lln it soli SHIJ’IA* ijatinv Italelgh. August l*i M L. Ship, man. stale coiunvJsNloner of llbor and printing and chief of North Carolina federal employment wttl • leave next week for Toronto. Can ada, wliit he will attend file eleventh annual meeting of the International Association of Public Employment ' Service* September 4-7. Mr Hhlp in.m will deliver an addre«a at the convention on public employment service In North Carolina , PANTOB BENIGN* Salisbury, August 28- Hev W, 11. i Causey, who recently resigned hla j pastorate of the First . Reformed ; church of this city on account of his health, leave* this' week for near . Woodstock. Va,. where he will be lo- ! cated Hl* auccraaor here haa not j l*cen named VOTWtIKH LICENSED Italelgh, August 26 — Notary of the 1 public' license* have be«l> Issued at tbe oftloe of Governor Camerou i Morrison to the following persons: .; Morrla S llray, New Bern; 8 O. Walker, Kinston. C H. Bets. Ral eigh; Elbert J. Reapaas, , Plnetown: A W. Bw«|n. Italelgh r- ■ 1 "iUhh MMHBRI| fk.ft ASSOCIATED PBSffil — ll 1 ■■ ■ iiiV ii ■ - i «—— mm , PRICK HVR CENfft Ten Per Cent Waft fal* crease for Minors |i Ik The DrrnmnuiltiHw Harrisburg. IVnn.. Aagaat ts Governor Plnchot tonight 'uhMfead to representative* of the mhiprMh miner* and operators In Joint aon ferenca a proposed hula of **ttt»- meat providing tar g tab parrsgt la pay, recognition of the eight hour <UI for at lent g to yea. and mil iw i cognition of the union by tha aasra tor* without the ebaok-ot but fctol the right to Hate a union ufidk. tative present whoa tha aha* nth |h#> The Governor's add rasa In yftCT "Tha ten perednt wage tMMbb uccordlug to tbe beat figure* avifeb •hie to me will add $6 cents par ton to the cost of domestic alaaa g 1 anthrattca coal at tha miaaa. Os amount not l«s* than tah epa h* und ought to eh absorbed y tha Ugr . tors without any Increase ml sjp^ > In tbe last three aogtha of IMS UM the .first three month* ok nsgthwii profit* have beep gfeatep, than ever before in tbelr history but tu tha *■- | tent to which continue no ana cgn pfnUm confidence. * / The remaining *0 H|h. JuiJb ■ bould not 14 tha and ha' UM the consumers. <$ « Aatbraclt# miner* Vary I%. da gm of prodddng coni vary fahehWiabl4 bear at least half sf tha prwhdhla Increase of «0 cants far Um and gtlll ma at 4 bare profit Other mpemtfeg on small mnrgla might be forced in were raised even by * ttmtolamaller amount. ‘ * *.( ■ ■* **aUava tha propnad aiOadtoyt ,0 fl “' I" *U three phHlto r tjb tghpdMMßMli»e II will notable improve fhelr «M Goo a* to wages and Imubp -y nitlon of the union It |g Mp *ls operator* for it laavh* ihfctiWhimil Don tq continue tu nth Tim hfl|Au *0 at a reasonable prnlU. It |p fX j* (he public for tha MbneShar afford to get anthfWclMt At p JLL nlerease la price If «kg( avoided than not to get nathygnßl gt all It leaves them both pMmiiJd opera torsi far be ter of. I call the (attention r ‘itidl| m both aide* to tha fact thatdMh f miner* nor operaor* whathor 1/ | *trlk* or aot < hgpa, to haw f|i ir own way fully at the add fenT „ later a compromise la imnTll*ll • •some., "AtN THE TIIKA Wiu w*a 5 ’ THEIR FI KMT ROflj | Hu< barest. Aug 2t! l eager applause await MRU HaT 'M»ha Kernel, who haa dated to the Turkish pnHUmnUl when she lake* her M|t || Rgt i>ody*- I* t question sskad rruitlr by N Bat sarin, a Roumanian dUlhnHd whu waa formerly g member of the ottoman senate. "What I pdedict la that (ha wi|| ha < ark look* of ‘—fa* ” ha iMt 'on. replying.to hla puaabnh The young woman who igjp jLL |< by • Tuihlah atectfwhla fend Its Intercat* will mv* • hprit mad to travel la tha aatloonl uwly bly at Angora there era many |sd22k tqpchcra and laterpreter* of Islamic lay- who will regard Ihe bdvhni ft f woman Into the assembly as a Nat at .the sacred 111*1 notion# of their f«» Hglon “They will curse ustghn IT I in* I un- r breaths for ltuposla| the an clety of a woman upon them gtt th f qpal. ior Mine. Kemal they will adopt u thousand and one way* gs jgd|c#- Ing to h*r personally their Idiunpa dtaapproval of her eourne.- "l*ady Aator'e drat appaargner ma Ithe floor of the HOuae of GMsM|k W*a an event pleasant 'la It* a|BS. . Hons, because the west haa tfß found regard for women pa a thing of both beauty aud uscfulaee* Bat the young Turkish woman Will rsMflyi her colleagues no such lytbnte (f m preclathm The Turk never aaeorlpme with a female oa any basis Ing equality." NT4TKNYILLE Tiirl Statesville, August IV—tt ft ft HA ' of Georgia, a graduate of th* 'rfith in* school of tbe l7alvnM|p#,e9l Khicako. will conch tha MMnnvtile higheebool football team this ftto. It la aunouaewd by B. M. Amy. Np> eriateudaan of th* high iihuai Mr, Saplngtoa baa traluad under OMh of the cast. , \ ■<- > -

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