in* t I I '.■ t|U«; «»<) HstonUj j fr T * VF>rrvr- •ggy.if* -^-g—r... -* ‘ ■ * Jounuyrwoi number isi 4 W >«4p» * •<* * *' m Mqfe Running Klansmen Out Os Town Coal Strike May Soon Be Settled By Pindh* DISPUTE BETWEEN TWO COUNTRIES NOW GROWING GRAVE 1r It I » A /\ «•. . I * * A « o Tr Grlece And Italy Verginf On Sjliias Trouble Over Demand Italians For Reparation ' 1 . , , , ? s Lm*^T,k Grecian* Accept Part of the Demands hut ttefliHc to Give Sa lutes to Italian Navy| i Ah Was Asked •• i WASHINGTON IS DULY INFORMED ATHF.NH Aug y3O The (ireeli g.*y grnmrnt b«« replied to the Italian ul Mtnatum embodying deumuds fur »li>- reparation for tbe iiiax*a#er«' of tli <■ members of fhi> tin Ifn mis I ■' don to Ibe Altianiau frontier (Iri-e-c --0 •ecepts four of Italy * il.-mantl* with, v , modification and r«lm he three of tbem ATHFNH. Aug. Jft The xnnl tor argnn.enta Ini t fnrr Ykh'J Jury wlian court altjourweil today *' Nn ead of Mia Mil l, the trl, ( of n O Harrell. l.tnn»Hr »i»4 jJBwH clerk charged with the, wnr< JT J r«t K « Wan- Ihhl June: * morning •••■•‘ton "t' l t ,,,rl „f H ‘ nl ,n •mlnation «* lb* acruaed and 4« •»«» * # vWt »!»«• carried over l.n»H»rt»nt t» P***** *b« t*T Akift • * . w. THE GOLDSBOmTNEWS ... m .. -- *?> V • fTr .. ■ - ... - . , ...„A . .... FARM CONDITIONS IN N CAROLINA GOOD COUNT SAYS; IlcnVy Rain* and IloH Wteyil* Have Damaged Collon Crop* , lint Tol»ucco I'lcnxinK LAND HANK AGENTS GIVE INFORMATION WAHHINfITON. Aug i«.- Agri cultural condition* were described aa satisfactory and economic condition* throughout farming urea* wore re- W gH riled ua hopeful by the piealdentft of aevcrul federal bank* wlu> (ton- | coufereuce* with the fodcrtil farm limn tHinnl tixlaj ' The feaitlanrs tome#- rhHr' Vhjbrw and 4 ’ fupwib- lo Ibe iMwird on ilre nnrveya wade by their itgencles *caltcred In j ererj nertien of \he country und wfth| •inly a few <■ vieptiuiir tholr ntata-i incnta were woliuilHtir, « The report of diMrlrt It la hiiiii niMrixed hy the laiard followa: North t'arolliu Houth t'nrollna and ' Georgia, mid Florida, t nndlttonw are j iiincti I letter than last year although recent rnltia have caueed heavy (damage and the laill wihivll haa damugixl the rollon crop* Tobacco proaiHjctM'lioth m* -to*the cropland the prl«-*w are Hntl*factorv . t'olli-cihui* have lieeo kimhl The [ariiier* are re liirnluK atrobgiy lo diveialllcatbih of i nip* and thla turn helped Hum uit*h•- motley. , v HIMiMIMIVN Tl\ - I Henderwoti, N Aug 3ft. Men- | dcretm'a monlclpat tn* rale for the It-si al year l?»33-2l ha* la-en tilled at J I $1.30 mi ihc* - *1 no. Thla repteaanla an lncrea*e over Inal year'* rale of lift cent*. <* ccnla of the Increnae be ling due to tin- *liect paylric-hojol |k »io ». whh h now 10l a I TWffb.tmo.jn I prcvimialy appe.irevi In lit*- nui" fol lowed tier llllxhlllld mi Mn • l.ltlil it it < l with InT Ifxtlnionjr til** itnfrlliu 1 reai <■«! Only two wjtrioxxi'x with gulled iliy Mn> xml*' •J. M Mar l in. 'in in Hu -IllHlUllg ll.t«i_ I lift) wax i .ill' ll mill »ln t|i l,. r On knli- to the I‘elrie from yaril aa-. off or on The re.iixon frit flu Juuagydtd n"t hpp»»t I*** |v,r " l| w ttx the Oilier aUncxx. lie texllfled '’ae 111 tile height. weight amt health J,tf hla 'hrolher llr «»*«! Me' clergy j man weighed litt |mhiihl» a few wee|ta | {lmfora hlx death. i'l"in roruiiletlon of lexMinony th« ' jury »ax taken to the l*» tree. boim ! jlu view Ilia home where the triiued' 1 waa rnwlffl Only rv'trt offtelal* ' were alloweil to ai eoni|mny thorn N" I evidence wax beard The Jury alao | waa out enjoying a water melon leant while loxtriirMimx were lining diacuaa- Jad. . Robert lia.rreti worn out from hlx . (4rde.ll on the xtxnd hlmxrlf appeared f as the Verge pf breakdown white Mra ISOhert a alxler and Mie .at . -■■■■VkT.y-gs.--r- ' f .^rry^-jrTTT GOI.DBBOHO, N. FBIIMV AI «UST ai.iim ’ '•* ' - Js- » - ' "~Jf i..J'...# r.~gr;v. GOLDSBORO SCHOOLS' Oft# SEPTEMOEI , t TEN FOB TIE It* ■ - I An nun firemen t Made from Of* Ike us 0. A. Humiltun Gives I'tuiirulars A# In Coming Seiwon - j KK-KX A Ml NATIONS next nirnKiiAY i. —..- All white for Kpbl lurn luwunhip will open (At Monday F ,t leinliei loth Grammar grade* will be conducted at the- Vt llllaiu id-e*. All elilblmn lit. the prtudtP i gra«b** Htiould re|air» Waluu. Si. or Virginia Htrect selecting the * •« « * nearer.' tlrginlng Thuraday pre ceding the opening all principal i will lie at thelf re*pcct|vve Helimil. lo «n --roll and claaalfv new pupil, mid tj> fiielve book foe* All parent. Jfr urged ki a'b-nd to tlioae mat Ur- be fore Arplemlier Ifttll All new pupil* will lie required to atjow- evtdeur c ‘of vaccination. Itov.amlnutloii In the High Arhoul and tha Hcrfpth tirade will be held aU, i“i JicUneh rm.iiir . —mimr pre< eitlpa (TO opening of m hiMil The aChedillc of theae axaoiln«*lon* will I Itot: tie arranged until that date i’rnapet-Uvc toupii* from ontnM# ol lioblalMmi will not t>e con* .*fck-rrd until Ueptember IMh BUK IN NEW YORK ' COMES OUT II THE 1 SUPPORT OF WPS; I .nr ir cm I flunk in Ike World, Naliomtl City Declares Dm ° Faith in Orannized SclHok • ASSOCIATION GETS * SIX MILLION mKT{K } IIAI.KKIH. Atlg 31l The blageat hank In thla rountry. The Nullonal Flty llank of New York, guew on re cord eiidoming wltjiout quallfleatbie '.he iiianageiiieiit of the North Faroi llna Cotton Growert* f'oopnratlye A"Mx lat Inn A K. fllirg, xeerel.ary •11 nil treaanmr of the axxorhillon and lohn N Itouxlmll reprexentlng the llt t&enx Natlolml Hank of lialeigh have returned from New York where they roQ'-fmlnd arrangement with 1 lie National City Itank fur a Une of! , credit for the North Carolina Cotton j Urowerx t'ooperailvev Axxorlatlon for! the moling xupxon of s6. otiiiilier their drxlrx to take ailvanl jjige of the op|arrtunltlex thux of- I lereil • , . . M 1 11 It I w NKIIJMM. Ifenderxon. All* ah. fjeorge \l llnrrlw, formerly of ihix city, * (or : xome yearn liax been engaged Jn the I tobacco buxine* In Ortent. tx eg peciml to return for a vlatt with hlx 'father, A H flarrlx. within the negi -'aeveral mupth* Mr Harrt* wax In • Huiyrna at the time of tt« lumilug by file Turkx laxl year He barely • him rail to xafety by Ikhirdliig' an American warxhip Iti Hie harlatr _ .. - ■ I • 111.H1. 151 *b KOI HIJMi TUHil.r lb-rlln Aug ,bt Thee bonxln; • hortnre la lexponxlbh' lor many od ‘g boti-iQg coutuilxxlup official writing New Jersey Crowd, Attacks hall Where Ku Klux Klan Is In Session And Drives Members From Meeting Into The Stpe&e Miners Union Officials Will NotßejectPinchot Proposals At This Time —4,. Operator* Triut*f«r Activity U I I’hilaile Iphiu fix Ihe I’rm itl I While Union Hmdn ( ontlhuv ' i« Work in H»rr|rt>urK —" ■ 1 /I ' TEXT OF REPLY 18 NOW KKAOY L (iA nitlHiir Kli. Aui>. lu. -<(Jitinrii ui Piarltu- prnpoiuUa lor reUfcmtcu «f the anthracite controversy ami' avoidance of a mluv shutdown Hal-' nrdcfpinu Wk the mfw.g', tew ?«r*ualty la complete tp. , i.ght thou h : w*igii| formality «d ratification bylha u a loti »ri|r mai «IKrf at a nttilti jttaf lalurt thei governor 'a reception. On,- agreement the employer* rap-, iiplraen'stlv vc,*, anil tile uilncra ll >l lon olllrlala made today Just la-fore snp-t .rating la an arrangement by which i Jllpi union will cirlude from tis sue- 1 pc im lon order a |>iiui|i men and main tcnanci man wbrate work muat go on even when output itopa. II Ihe under ground worklnaa are "to tie kept from 1 water and cave-las. The operator* agree to put such men on an N hour day with a wuge Increase that haa been followed on previous occaalonr whan men have beep given a shorter working day. The elfanv waa to re move the danger of general property deatrurtlon \% Primarily the response of the iuln era will Inform C.overnor PtncMkt that hi* proposal cannot he arhltrarl ly rejected and will leave away open the mine* in operatbin while furihyr -negotiation* continue. [ for 12 hour*. I SUNDAY SCHOOL- I IN CONVRNTXPPe Kaldgli. Aug .in The fourth an nual session of the Ha pilot Huiwtay l Hdinol Bii|ierln'endent'a Conference will be held with tjie Klraf Uaptlat I church of bbelby bumlay inornlur aad Tuesday, tfcptemiH-r f»l|; and with the Cl rat linptoti church of! Dunn Wednesday, Thursday and Crl day. Hcptcmler 12-11. The*.- Iwiij pint • a were selected because Mhelby la near Double ttprlnfs ila|>tl*f churrh the on ly rural Sunday School In NogtOi l Carolina that fias reached the double A atunditrd of eitatlleiice. japd Mu- Clrat rliordi Dunn I* tbe "liitly town or city ehurcb Unit lia* attained that Mali standard | Mr. Lydia Yale. Hilliard. Ualelgh. 11* the director <>f tb<-H,- conferences.) and Jasper N Hat nett, will preside over them. It Is expected that IMt or 2bb. Shelby, or H llykyfhr. Dunn *>« - ■ —-* »■* / for a itewsps|iei f)ns husband, after i acrap With hi* wife, divorced her and brought home a new mate. Hous ing, official* couldn't give wife num ber one *e pa rate quartan. «" now the ■ triumvirate llv t e* t*»irvrices having been prirlillieiil In tbe ■it tml a of cttlgen* of Nrrrlh 1 arollna I slip c the tliim It jeas leporterl to fhr 1 committees of the Ih2’, stale lagla | laturf on flnanr es mid appropria tions tbal t Its* a Merited etfrplna In lliei) general funil on January I, IkU. waajt lippyoslriialely hd.IOA.Otm. About » J month after Ihc cpinfl(lUct'* were Ml- i' 'formed of fills, A J Maxwell, corp- 1 oialpin comiiilssloiter, *as uccrwl ' lied «lfb tbe sfliU inelil there as* » 1 deficit I'ii ihc operating u*peu*es oil' of aboilf tS.iMHMiOO. this figure not, * the gcueial lipid on January l. llfM. <’ Includlitp t'DMtai tairrowml foi • •loads This difference of opinion nmchuil lii the employnicnf of Frick.' it ali rbiuisr ami company, of New . 'York, in audit the stales business. 1 ! i«d ll* rcporl of the condition of tbe | The auditing drill on July lb suAtltU-' general fund lw thivefnor Morrlaon and Ills Connell. of Male I In Norili Carolina and one copy to be in.. I led to every dally new* upper Twit copies of the audit rc|«irt will i every weekly or aeml-Weolily neWh-' ..paper, while other copies w||| be 1 tniMicd out to members of ths general aaserably. alale officials peraxpu | . wlui have reipieatral them. It has been , anemm cd Cpplca w||| be given out at i the offii-e of ilic beeretary ot ,/Oaie . lieglnltui Monday. Mr. Kvgr*tt snbl tiefay. j ASSOCIATED HMMgf Police-Unavailing A| v They, Try To PHI % Bfp To The People Fireman Tkftw ..Wtitr .mi I Um 4 T*«r Igatki (• Avail ‘ Leave t rying They \ Would Cone Back y«fiTi| AMHOY. tog U* A nafwtd of &Mn persons broke ag a macH* •1 the K». Klnx Klau I. lkt Odd jr#- l»af,s kail tonight Hev W tr.»yt‘*Jp*s Itcmirn >ad ISO firemen Hatng nglMe tlffve bank the thrwng that <*d the, building. Fireman irate 1 •Voks lain the agaaaed peopty bfctfto no a talk A hurry eall waa aaat far atahi pqftcr In Tran'or s f *ga Pntrotmea fired *ko«s la thg atr and threw gas bomba and* »w«n« nlgbt slick* wblla Iremsg ternnd streams on tb« ft^tlagThrong --.e,- S. >r w j £ou*r chief , IDs m«n to throw tbelr gag bOdiba-«n>l ; thirteen of theae. thd «pw|ts , Hrttr , supply well eegplndSl. fa« swaq fell hack bin advanedl a gala bnrltad more Stons! Jt wa* iten that « rtot |eall waa sounded and IM firemen , dashed to Hie Wear After tbe Are men had run 'hair # j apparatus directly U thF *urgtag ! mass of huiaanlty and had falidd to disperse the crowd* Jbey attached titme line* to »vallable> hydrants end drenched tbe rioter* wHb sevffnl streams of eater, t'*doled for a Ire second* the crowd fell hwch. devetnl of the more steady br»ved Ihf water ! und rut the lips.- lines with alee and knives while those In the crowd three stones at the Aremea. Chief Tonne *on In the meantime bad ordardd fti* k lan* men to leave fhr building f'lamhorlng out wlndudra. down lire MM-apes and Ht/ough gv#ry available eitt they were met Mtelr aissll-, I unis »nd mggy Hand to hand 4h#t | ansuexl Aii one "(UrtM fro* 'W rranrd. (imt-iim irlrd. 'That ’ man ha* f «nn '' Patrol*'!* HH fighting ib-< -w* are ...*,!•* h*.|i ItMhw stnmg ,> - A ll‘ rliltit ’ runt. Ihr *«•*«* wr it Ira waiting for >u® tM.Orn drill Hy the Hide » >4o*4 OI »t*t* poltfr arrived rblef Ttinnr.uu and bt» wan rr*Mtiir.i tOßirirt of lit* crowd A HOliilwr of .the hlmmierT wgrti jIMM* 111. h'lMdlfl*, ,1.0 wrier aid the rMaf had « irnirol «uiiud hfch up |e< floor of tie hall The ttanrmen *w WMcrtil wlill" they n«fk»d hi tie wagon **<> ** i mol>rj *w*y lateral am followri) throw In* ulooaa J4««a >h!U- erry doctor aid -9 TV polleemti ail away tketr *l»- 'lolr and hp*h *lde* ictMed d'i*-.n an atl in-111 * IVI| I 11. gain' la«t*d bwt a abort time Three iMtoaeebU which polteaman aura uecorttaa hlair: lorn away- (roan Hir hall war* ait , rounded hy the crowd and oar of the care war "rrrlurnrii TV oocifiitr ' ware gtvaa a aware, hmmQma The <*h or tan pd a wap hat one *f (**■» an aoin mat Hy another crowd and «** ,car waa rlmi ov-riurat-d uad K* occo (taair hcataa ’ Thr patrol wagon whkefc h«4 ittrt »d away earlier with klnaa**® waa imat on Iha raA4»«vae mt|*a fWMa Mft •»n.l the paaaaniara *l*ea a haaitij The main leading Into PegM AiP boy warn .logged with t bourn** « ol "on tinned on Pag* Three)