• -»■»«. i.w m nm . 'n m ' WEATHER mm *r m ---?»■ . ■ ■ ■ ■-*» VOLUME TWO; NUMBER 119 —— ■ , « -j- ■ - - .. r ...-» - .. ■ . 7^r-s~ — v..„ , Tokyo Scene of Death And Destruction As Result Os Earthquake and Fire WATER WOfeKSIS DESTROYED; ALL ' MA TRAFFIC HALTED r jfcmyt Received By fl i d i o Corporation Krom Japanese Sta , I m - ■ - i - 4 - RAN FRANCBCp. Rept. L—(By the ' FrM«.)-T>« Radio Cor -1 • pormiqp of America received tonight MS' V FUtloo »| Tomlok*. Japan. F * mi band story at Are and anyth Ldtnke at Tokro. T|a story I raftgjes who nod teas hgmtetnd dtp Ho stated that after tbe Art* ■kook time broke out la various RAN KRANCBIOO. Sept I.—Tokyo Is afire. Many bulldln«s Rare col lapsed sad the water system is re ported totally destroyed. There Is a ft heavy load of Ilfs, end ell traffic has IJwii suspended tad tke fleases are Ifttreadted to surrounfflng towns sc pbordlnt' to a message received here r tonight by the Radio Corporation of $ AOierica from Ito superintendent at Tomlola. Japan. Tbe Radio Corporation said that s tke superintendent obtained his In formstioa from 0 morning paper In Soodl. a largo seaeoaat town twn hundred mllsy north of Tokyo. To mlokn la about 144 miles north of Tokyo. Tke message said, “severe earthquakes at Tokyo at noon yea terday. Railroad stations have col lapsed and thpre are no meant of reaching tke city. The water system Is wholly dedtroyed." BAN fatMfOfCO, Sept I—At 6:20 o’clock tonight tke radio corporation meet red a menage form station at Tiss»tok| which asM thgt 7#d poraoea were rdported killed when a twelve Story house at Asakusa fall Many hosts sank lb k tidal wavs in the stmlt of Furoka. Most of the hotlaea at Numaau collapsed the message" SO*d. 1 In Tokyo tke Imperial station was •Wept by Are sad the Imperial the atre colls peed. The station on Quo ad' burned. It to rumored the Impe r*l palace Is la danger lo Tokyo. Tbe report from Furoka and Numa tn indicate danger wad widespread. Furfeka la 66 mile* southwest of To kyo. and Numaau is U Bailee In the ■aatp direction Numaau is a resort aadl the loca tion of an Imperial rills. ' Brian* Rsgsnt Htrehtpd and hlh household am safe According to a message received ham ky tke radio corporation. BAN FRANCISCO, Sept. I.—Com munication with Japan Interrupted by ' an earthquake. Tbe only menu of obtaining Intelligence from the Island empire since the shook has been thru Comtek* station of tke Radio Cprpo- i nation la an Isolated position 144 miles from Tokyo. Each of the brief J-mOesages emanating thence brought Word ot bitter disaster or wjjl*-1 spread destruction 7■ „ (fFAKA. Rapt. I.—With the escep tfon of tbe Riba rood the whole of Tokyo k| burning. Fart of the Im puriji palace ts reported to be ablgge. Yokohama wo* badly damaged by; tbe shock and the succeeding Are. A ’-tidal ware was reported from the bay ’of. Furaka. Fima had broken out In 'towns aa tar aa 14 mlleafrom Tokyo ) gad the disaster appeared general. • Tbe orfly survivor reaching the sta tion said the numbered dead In Tokyo •As tncalcueble. bo setters arb ukuna - AS ENJOYABLE CBriBE Bosky Mount, Bept. I—Reports through district head L. F. Tillery of «t organisation, who has the scouts ot Rocky deity on their Chee#- tadteated a very pleaa a. The boys waited one k far their boat, end af •ted for Baltimore. Waah mapolls While In Waah tagtoa tbs boys were reoelred by Pres ident Coolldge bbttrb biharbhevt or * CELEBRATED PICT! BE R| Agme Theatre Is offering a re turnof' the celebrated Four Hors*- -men a fCke Apocalpyse This will be recalled as the. most celebrated of tke war pictures, and probably war nov els so wall. The Dora* publisher* thought enough of their proceeds to hand Biases banes a tan thousand dollar Buka*- Add tho .picture Is worth ooslsg: !• big. panoramic, full of Iks pan lon of Ufa. THE GOLDSBORO NEWS .Mims SMELT Ml I Caught la Machinery, Negro Sustains Five Compound Fractures „ fv Robert Harper. It. negro employee • of the Durham Hosiery Mills hem. who ■ was injured Friday evening, appeared t to be doing nisei y late yesterday after . noon. The negro was cwfight In the machinery end 1 as a result suffered i Bve compound fracture* in his left I arm and a dislocation ot tho left shoul der joist. At Arst his condition was t (bought to be much mom serious, the ragged protruettonof the bone making lbs wound an eTfhremely nasty one In appsnmaee. I BIT. MB. BBABREB4IER Til PHI’ AC M HERE SUNDAY Rev. K M. **•>*•» l • —or. presiding r|q«r c' this UUtrlct. will AH tbe pnl plt nt St. Pant’s Methodist church Sunday evening at • o’clock. Tbs pastor. Rev L. Read will preach at 11 o’clock In the morning. Trail FOR2S DOLLARS 20-Year-OM CoUoge Senior Goes Apum Oconn With oat Faooport New Concord, a. Sept. I—A round trip to Oormnny. costing him only ISA W. Bible. SO. FUtshnrgh. s senior nt has Jdst been . eow- ■ • Muskingum College here. Btkie made| ; the Joprnoy without a passport, • , Pittsburgh birth certificate serving as i S substitute TMkta loft homo with Itt and ship pad in the Qeorgt Washington.,work ing his way to Bremenhaven There be exchanged his money for Oerman marks and ga a reaolt had a larga "roll." He said if coat him SA casta In American money to ride from Ham burg to Berlin, where he bought a fine straw hat for M cent*. No meal coat him mom thaa SA cents, be said. While In Germany he visited tne Rhine volley and Its more Important cities. Thgre was little evidence of suffering or privation of nay sort, ha stated. . Before leatag borne Blkle obtained a certificate of his birth. ' The certifi cate bore tho official seal of tha city of Pittsburgh la on# career of the certificate Blkle placed n kodak plh 1 turn of hlmaelf. Wkemver ha pre- t seated the certificate It was accepted 1 as readily aa though ha had gone to 1 the trouble and dq?p*na* of obainlng < a regular passport, ha sold. I Completing hi* tour Blkle returned < |to port, and shipped on the same res I eel he went overseas on. I MULE 14 i 397,428 Pounds of Weed - Net Growers $52,049.80: I * n ■■awsreaßmmwßßß. V V* There general rejoicing in tee camps of both tea co-op and tee Inde pendent* concerning tee first four days of be Goldsboro tobacco market according to Information gathered yesterday by repreaentatles of the New*. More of tbe ’ weed was sold, be ter price* were paid, and there wee more satisfaction on every hand. Acoordlng to Information given out by the local Chamber of Commerce | yesterday afternoon tbe 193* tobacco r market shows a 100 par cent Increase 1 against thA first week of the market ' last year. For tea first four days of ' the auction market last year 11*.721 pound* were handled at e. value of 1 $14,430 *4 For the peat week of the current season 1*7.12* pound* were ■old. bringing (62.049 10. The offi cials of tha local chamber have con ' suited over fifty farmers dufjng the past week, all of whom sold on tbe local marked end no* on* of tnem criticised the prices. Tbe t e-epe At the co-op warehouse It waa de clared that tbe opening days bed been better than tbe highest expectations Advances paid to members delivering their product waa from 46 to W per cent more than the first advance* paid last year It waa declared. .This wee ' pointed to as proving that he Aeaocia -1 tlon bad reached a strong financial 1 condition'and waa better prepared to 1 protect its members. Co-Op officials explained that fleures HB I IGIEHETT THIIL e 4 - > Jury Stands frinc for Man slaughter; Throe for Acquit tal; Garrett Our’oa Bond ' i . Cumberland Court House. Va.. Sent ► I.—After the Jury failed-to agree la I the case of R. O. Garrett. on trial her* . for the murder of Rev Mr. Pierce. Baptist minister, a new trial was eat for Renumber SSte. The Jury, com posed of Amherts county men. dellb ; erated for three bourn and one, min ute. It waa said that the jury stood nine far a manslaughter verdict and three for acqultal , Aa a formality la dlfeptilH a mis trial. Judge White dire Am* Juror Oeorge Watte to stand addFand the othem Were then likewise dismissed, lodge White stated that Oarrett would to. under 1*6.000 bond, end did not order him arrested. FORMER REHIRENT OF PITT ■ WEB AT KINHTON KINSTON. Aug M-Thomae 0 Rice I well known retired farmer, died at 7 *0 1 Thursday morning nt the residence of < his son. Hyman B Rice, with whom he < made h|a home. Hr. Rice waa in hie I 7»th year. He was a aative of this < [section. He formerly resided In Pitt County, but for more than tan years I had mada his residence here. He waa I a man of quiet demeanor. He was i never actively Interested In polite* or public affaire, though a man above the average In character and latellact. Mr. Rice Is survived by a wtdoa. on* daughter. Miss Mary Rios, and oaa ■on. Hyman Rice, together with one grandson and a sister Tha funeral waa eat for 10:So Friday morning, to b» conducted from tke home, SO* Kast Blount street. Aerial to lake pines to Afapleweed Cemetery and Mr Brtace eld. aa Rpifibopal clergyman to offt aate. M ’ • -A... ■ , Goldsboro to Have Dollar Day Sept 14-15 , « i Merchants will observe the annual ( Dollar Day her* September liranjfli 16. ElohoraU preparations ar*\ be- , Ing mad* to make the deya atlrw-Vt live to the buyers. In addition to tbe i Dollar Day there will be conducted 1 about the middle of October a Pay- i up aad Trade week. ■ Goldsboro Golfers To ; Meet New Bern V Goldsboro golf enthusiast* will meet the New Bern artiste In the next In- 1 ter-cit/ 1 match, seeding to L A. ‘ Newaham. professional with the Golds- •' boro Cnuntry. Club. Intereat In the 1 coming meet la Indicated in the num- ( bar reporting for practice on the links’]* each afternoon A eroding to Mr. Newnham the learn which will meet 1 New Bem will be the best that has yet ‘ represented Goldsboro. 1 " 1 —i" i ' ii———.. m f j » concerning would be sent out | -by officiate 8t the association design « r nated for this purpose; but It wae't learned that some pounds were t I received Friday. TTlq returns aa to t • number of pounds waa declared ea,t- > . Isfaotory ( i ’’Members tbla year have learned | not to dump all their crop onto the > market at one time, but the first few t > day* Indicate that they will dlaribKts.i » U ovar the entire season." It was de- f i dared. This waa said to be a val-H ■ uabte lesAoa learned last year. < f furArr'i Warehouse t In the four days at the Farmer’s t f warehouse *19.000 waa paid for a total 1 >of 101,000 pounds. Prices ranged < from 1* to *1 cent*, much better i ■ than last season at the corresponding - daea. i i Reoeipe at tel* house were aa fol- < 1 lows: Tuesday 47.00 pounds. Wed* < i nesday 9.000 pounds, Thursday 20,000 i pounds. Friday *4.000 pounds. ,t (‘ante’* Wareb*a»e D. F. Ourrtn of (’urrte’e Indepen- ji i dent warehouse could not be located In time yesterday to get dally receipt* I 'or bis boOe*. but total* given bv h'— r indicated that tobacco recelvyd here I bad been greater than at nay other r?- i reiving pi act He declared that a to - tal of |*t.Mo had been paid to farm- I er’a for 1*6.000 pound* » “This la from (4 to *7 higher thnn price* paid at tbe same date last i year.” b* Mid. GOLQMMWL N. C, SUNMAY MOMNINO, MfTK.MHKH i. — r - -- ■■ ■' i mrnmrn ' m,e mw— ■ —■ ■*-„ .. COMMISSIONERS TQ ISSUE REPLY TO MRS KATE BURR JOHNSON Posit 100 t Local Board To Be State# in R Lo«gthy State- WILL COMB BEFORE REGULAR MEETING Wayne county’s public welfare offl ,or mlx-up will probably o be the chief, Item of twsiaesa con fret In* the coun ty commfsaloners when they meet at '4O o'clock Monday radrtag A state ment. showing the position of tbe county commissioners In the ejection of Fred Mints tovauofiped A K. How ell resigned, and In reply to the po, ■ltion taken by Mrs. %mt • Burr John son. commissioner of public welfareJ will be lesued L. A. Raney, ehatnaikfl of the boadr t of commissioner*, destined yesterday, afternoon »to express aa opinion as to what would be done or whet the state-; went to be prepared would contain He declared that tt would not be Wire I to enter late aa tateretew concerning; the situation. Monday la the regular day tor the meeting of the com mission* r* Mem ber* of the board of education, who acted jointly In electing Mr. Mints, wjll not meet wl«h the commissioners In their coming peseioß. A. H Edger ton. e member of the klueation hoard.) has been out of town mr the pant week and would not have seen present to attend the meeting Monday. The action *t Mrs. Johnson la re fusing to grant a certificate to A|r Mints has probably aroused a oondt-H tlon unprecedented la the Rtet* and: discussion of the atet«tnent proposed;' by the commissioners waa frequent on the streets yesterday, mole is mm : PARTIES NMPLY ESCAPE inOT Mortthf WHISKEY FOUND 0 IN AUYOMdBUeK A mule belonging to the Tlrgteta Box Company waa *o badly* Injured that Jt had to be killed, and three ne- < gross and unknown pert lee bad a < miraculous escape from death when ’ n Rtudebaker touring car aald to b* I .traveling at a high rate of speed « ■(ruck a wagon on the LaOrann# road • last night The accident occurred f about a mllegutd a bait from the etty ) at 11:30 this morning. * Johnnie Loft In. of Millar’s Croeslag. < Adam Day and Archie Carnegie, all i colored, were riding on the wanna • when It ws* struck by tbe car. Oc cupant* of tbe car disappeared Imme diately after tbe accident and no one waa able to Identify the car during the scene of the accident. Tbe car bore a l lOl2 Goldsboro license and was number IMA. Deputy Sheriff L. O. Rhode* took the automobile Into bis possession According to Loftln, who was driv ing (he two-mule team, he waa grad ed toward Miller’s Crossing when he saw the car approaching at a high rate . of speed He declare* that he drove Into the ditch on the right hand aide of the road when he saw the reckless pace the car waa approaching, bat not ■ far enough to avoid the left-hand mule from being atruck by tha auto- ' mobile Tbe large touring car made a com plete turn ayound on teg rolpact and lyH arrivals on the scene fwn<* bWed back In the direction of Mlll •K Crossing and one on* side. It was badly demollahrd. Adam 3 -I)ny, tbe elder of the negroes, leaped from the wagon Ju*t before tbe crash, wffll# the other two were thrown some distance Into a field. Carnegie suffer ing * lacerated Up. The wggoa had baen loaded with bay and aacked oats and tbe load was scattered up and down tee highway for several hundred feet. A Dint or whiskey waa turned over to tbe offi cers as halng been In the car. while a broken neck of n bottle waa nolnted to aa eldenre teat other Inloilcaata had been In the mnchlne. A hnt and cont found In the enr were session of as evidence by officers C. E. ork and brother T. 11. York arried on the scene a few minutes af ter the accident and reported that the demolished car had passed them a few miles oat of tatUrange and going be tween 3S and 40 miles an hour. They raid teat they drove Into tbe ditch to avoid l* Ing struck a* It went paa. Colored Schools Open Monday The colored schools of tha city wilt open Monday. Reptemhar *, aoaordlag to information glen out by Prof 0. A Hamilton, aupertntandent. Tbe schools for white will not open until tbe fol lowing weak. «sn ■ i MTHMCTE TILT I IT STMDSTILL j '■ ■ , Hituallpn Given Little Prom be of Aay Immediate Solution; Pinehot IJfciarN Root NOTHING FURTHER UNTIL WEDNESDAY Herrlaburg. pa.. Bap. L—The nego tiations pending her* between official* and employs* of the anthracite coal Interests In America, rested practical ly at atandatlll late yesterday Gov ernor Plnchot of Pennsylvania, ap pointed mediator by President Cool- < idg*. made an appeal for the people i to ooaaldar their own Interests sad lot rank* their will kaffwa ” > -1 j Goernor plnchot Issued e state men i < dednring a resting spect until Wed-! needay for the hard pressed leader* j | of both sides Outside thta formal i; ‘atetement tee governor confined hlm’ i, ;**H to an expression of encourage-1 Iment. , . " ! r —~ ■■ Co-Operatives File Suit# Against Planters j! " Breach of Contract •*<» " q> j 1 Thq Tobacco Growers Co-operative , 1 Aaaoclatloa ha. fl|, d 10 „ , n w , rBP Superior Court against a number of plant*re, alleging breach of contract o* the part of tee planter* in their , *ff»rt to avoid disponing of tobecco crop* through the co-operative*, ac cording to alleged aontreet. and to ***** dUpoMl on tee Open auction •oore. In every Instance tee court 1 ! IkM Issued real reining orders, prevent- ! Ing dlapoenl of the crop prior te the Ume of the next superior court, whleh; will com* In October and at which Ume these caee* will be tried. t, The tallowing planters are being eued; J. A. Wooten. Chirli* Waletoo, John R. Howell. W J tenlth, Mr* N ! R. Ourley. Jemee Radford. W P*n-i nlnntoa. WUI Evane. Charlie A. Mc kMl. Georg* Dlcktneon, W. M Gard ner. J. W Hick a. W. H Corbitt; Aq unusual Interest will attend te* t trtnl of thee* eases, for tk* reeeet de cl atone against the plan tefe f» Bhten- 1 vUJe hare qulcke (w .i interest generally. awtsrs^SMMi & ly treated. BOM, WKEVtI. IS DOING , DAVAttE IN ABERDEEN HECTION Aberdeen, Sept 1 The damage * Inflicted by tBW boll weevil around Aberdeen and in tbla aectlon of M<mr J County I* considerably greater tean was anticipated a few week* ago. South of Aberdeen cotton la deterior ating rapidly, the weevil havtpg tak en nearly all of the top crop sad In flicting very aerlous damage to tbe young boll. In Scotland County end south of Raaford barely a 60 per cent crop lg expected To the north of Aberdeen tee crop will probably be aout onefourth lesa than normal Ministers Plan For State Group -g* ■ Tbe local minister* association will resume Ita semi-monthly session at the First Presbyterian church Mon- i day. Reptembar Sd at tan "o'clock ( There are numerous matters to com* up for dlacusalon at tbla mealing, prominent among these being a dts- ' (usalon of the proposed State-wide Ministerial Association. Secretary W. O. Butler urges a full attendance. 1 ME SENDS LOU VET TO WINSTON ■■ ■■■ ——» I { Colonel W. B. Fort Buys Ticket Houru Before Train Tlm« ! Like the song, they are going down the valley one by one. The thin grey line dwindles and dwindle*. The warriors of yesterday, the boys who so gallantly fpllowed lahi and Jack aon are gradually taking their place* With the gray mint* on the other v ahore. There waa one vwteran from Wayne and only on*—so far aa is known — to entrain last night for the hut* Hepteiuber 4 and 6. Col. W ii Fort bought bla ticket hours before tbv train ran yesterday. A little along In years there was not (ring aged In tbe boyish enthusi asm with which the Col. embsrked upon his trip, a, trip that will bring back the memories of the dsya gone by, of tbe compflree and dreary marches, tbe trials which cemented Soldiership Into brotherhood. Ths ffftlonel waa looking forward to a great time. He far aa Is knowir h* I* ths only .Wayne veteran wtrl-wlll be at the encampment. W T.' Oliver, com mander of the Wayne camp of the veteran, was to Indisposed to rusk-4 the trip. ITALIAN OCCUPATION ' ! FOLLOWED BY LANDING FIVE THOUSAND MEM co-ops mo file welx Ilium Mon Than 5,000,000 Potinda Dnlivarnd la Soath Carolina , Raleigh. B*pt \.—A landslide to tba Tobacco Growers Cooperative Asso ciation took pins* last waak la tba Carolina*. la South Carolina It araa 1 tobacco, mora than flv* million and [a half pound* delivered to tba Coop-' aratlva Soon, according to Saturday'! | "Port from F O. Dtaoa. maaagar of I ‘be Aaaoolatton warahouaaa for tba South Carolina halt, whara orar half of tba total deliveries of that section tor laat year barn already reached tba Aaeoelatlon flqgra. la North Carolina | more than fifteen thousand people caaia to tba maea meeting at wbleb nine director* of the aaaoclatloa reached member* from every cooperu- Ive market la Unjeast, who left tba urgent harvesting and curing of their bumper crop with a response, to tba call for mobilisation that surprised the * peaks ra at every meeting. From the victory rally of eavon tbouaand folka la Pitt county who cel ebrated the aaeoelatlon xletory la tie Oreenvliie court to the hundred falh ful coopt who gathered la Wilson Fri day and hupp upon the worda ofi Judge S. F. Austin, director from Nash county and Walter B Lea. Sold service representative tor the Snath Carolina belt. Tie determination of (be organised farmers to aland by thstr Aaaoclatloa and secure tor It all the tobacco to which It la sailed was made clear In a down resolutions of confldeaoo and support and apptaaae at every paint. The sign up of new mem hen with [ tie association whleb brail all reeeat rdeorde in tba South Carolina halt last 1 month Winn six hundred saw mem bers Joined the CtMtp* Is rapidly la-, drsfaing In eastern North Carolina Os Cbe Baatern halt mmordtog ta Aa*«- b practically every tobncco produe ini v*sik a similar increase Hi deliveries to tie receiving potato of tie Association la i|kt|y to occur whan the now crop In .'•faly out of tba Adds In tin counties <f the Kaaterfljbet ovcordtag to Anno iTutlon warehouse mea and members. ■ffßltLlL FEATURE OPENING OF THE OPERA HOUSE Expnisditnmn of Tionnssin Uoldsboro New Modern Pita* . (oplsy House MANY GREATPICTUREB HAVE BEEN BOOKED Placed on a par with tba best movie theatres la tba stats by thb expend)- tun of 17.000 on Improvements Oolda boro’a newest smusement place the Open House, will open with a faa tur« bill Monday. Ken Finlay, * Xpe rt* need theatre man. la awaager at the new theatre Pasturing tha Im provements which have been made an: a rest room tor ladles, a room for men, and a three piece orchestra. Kthel Clayton, In “Can S'Woman Love Twice" la the opening attraction. Com fortable seats for 1000 an provided. The Interior of the theatre has been 1 none over by experienced tapestry sad 1 decoration workmen and tba nsw col- 1 or effects an pleasing to tha eye. Five 1 insta of scenery for the stage wen i painted by B. I, Hinton of New York, wbot la with the Rhubert theatrical Iniansta. Mr Hlaton An|shed his work yesterday and left Immediately 1 for the big town. At Ibe heed of the stairs leading to the orchestra floor Mr. Finlay baa ar ranged what be terms Goldsboro's j meeting place " This lobby has been tastefully and comfortably furalahed. To the left of the "meeting place" Is the ladles rest room 11 equipped with the latest furniture for such roofns A maid will be kept la waiting while the shows an la progress To the right Is. the mens room Three experienced musician* have been retained as aa orchestra The Instrument* to be used will be the pieno. violin, and drum. The musi rlaaa will rehearse each morning ta order to act the music for the day to At tba picture Two new projecting machines havy bens Installed and ex perienced operatora-yecured “1 am agoing to give Ooldstoro the beat that there la In plctuna,’’ aaya Mr. Fin lay. In northern India the African mari gold Is held aa a sacred flower. Rwedlab petaantry often wear linger rings made at the wood as tha mistle toe to guard agalnat airtaege. *d. 4 ' „ , i V ‘ ' o'''. , 1 ■ ' ■ ■ ■ "to■aimlll to MEMBER OF j ASSOCIATED FROM I I . -i price rm cam ITALIAN HOLD MATTER BBYON®f LEAGUE WWBS Greeks MaksAtondlih beaffue of Nafifei h Corfu. Bept !.—<% tie ‘jillfVill Press) -Th* Italian gmiwKi o*- Uauaa Ua active ta g»> k« v ioq mamofri id Mai S.MO soldiers are repottod jK bHB landed iiallm JIStK l -S ISWatafi laa warship* art moving to fjßatofla points and reaarvua ta ta* tatao fin ordered ta he la raudtaena tor a anil to aarvtoa. •to case in Nations, thruogh a not# frttutatp ft delegatee at Oeaava tauga" tatanl league taking oar irttlgmnl es tka foatooveray j Nagoe London lent. 1 (By tin i^Utt, ■rnanOil w iii uwi nntuwt l ngtatta «HPP " tbit tka Nlif Kadi oftflii iala dIMMh League of Nations tar aattlraSftAta was pointed out tafl t|g Lgagn* tab plaoa^i^^j|jg^^^f4e Corfu was a provletoggb be regarded aa a hoaCU# wll» gad kg- % vtoed that jk,i Ora* wmmjm •• that tba Italiao* Mtof * whan tha dtmaada won dtaatMbd a a.a. ““ wits. league, two Ww muT Th* Greek government hag adopted an al titude of helpleesnoaa and Wtß do what this body decides. Oreafc a taker ; Itlaa assort that tbabr ogtotap %#*#• pared to male any reparatong toMb and makes tbs petal that tbolMMhjMt to^pir* t unt|l < flrr OremaTSan'intaMn makes the point that Corfu wag Ml forfeited. Tie report of toe cooualitau vartol from ten killed and wound'd ta iff. teen killed. 'S^StL attention to the Itolo-Otaffc «tai§jM sad the provtolon* of thotoota* Wp ennat wae made pnilie ™ note wee signed by lie tatatagta gg forslgw-sßalra of OK Mg anffhptonl setae. , ft’ The note sold; “A deplorable Mep haa Just taken flaae ta the Inagfam Os Grecian territory. Tig attantota hoe aroused oonatoranUoß thropsinol tia whole oountry and arnngpd toe Hag es WILL YOTI Wk KIMI ifik Qvsiif mnifui rm Ptaehurat. Idpt 1. Bpestal tail contest to detomtao lie ata ma lar young. n>ta£ud lady lb. Hawn County to he crowned king ta| mu Os the BandiUl Fair, iffl figtab pear each week in Oita Os %|BL paper. Id th* llaadhltto. Md't&K will be open to everynn*. Tie kins and queen will \ember 1. the day of dtaWilnta at tod Sandhill Fair. l,t |g MlHtal that this con us t wilt kg ddVMhdjMP muck popular voting gpd wtU jls 11 to bu one of too fontatgg at Me oana ing fair, October a»-ll and November 1-*. it la all right ta Spend manta ta mob* character; It la nM Ilf nig ta spend character ta mtfto tanas* “

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