I —’E" l » • L _t- 1- ' ”v VOLUME TWO; NUMBER lit GOLDSBORO, It. C, TUMBAY WORNtW., SEJniftHiEK I. 1923 PRICE FTOI CHIB COUNTY COMMISSIONERS REPLY TO MRS. JOHNSON S'*?* TT-T , • > * *jt - ~ ■ t o * - • > r'iW * ■ ' . ... *"'• _ * „ .. * TqU* Streets Littered With Many Shad usm ’jiv.viujuL r. ■ , —— —— > Lpss of Life Exceeds - 100,000; Food Riots | Follow Destruction of City Govern- Amt C(umi to Rescue, HespatchHig Fleet To ReMef of Stricken land l RED CROSSN AMKI) RECEIVE GIFTS BAN FRANCISCO. Srpt S- In I crtwid tlllmUi of >h« lot.* of H(r j ta Tokyo worn roovlvud by radio W : dpy from the catastrophe which ha , <**»• over, the Mead. Ihttsilal noon (Saturday with a i>e i rtha of eartbqdpken which rayed moat | ot-lhe cUyr of Tokyo and much of Yo j khhoma the fift star was continued by Ire vkp broke out tn Hcoren of .. place: Tl|»l .oaves (ollotved and hundred! of nhlpa lad buildings were .. loot then-came a typhoon aa the Apal toueh of tbu disaster which Is the efaateh* ta modern tines % wHlftoa of death and ruin a.- OcofUllt to the* consul general In Men who received » report train the Japanese government give the- a timber of deed an Ofer HMMMH* aid- thou- made homeless at least ioi*i ‘ Fhrwer aatltuate* placed the ras- 1 ualties.es Wk as W.OW dead In To h/e h l *#* ,Hf ■* **»••• «*■»* from the of the Off. CMh OR Ufetf ho averl hand 9afcvskn< vlt'nn fought tkrouah •mufcr wod yobbhrh era. leaving Tokyo ■for safety tjNpi who stHI ItVft are ttreaWae* with gtarvnuon and many age trvfof to catch Ash to tide them uvdV uatU font Arrives . It ta estlQibUd that l.wm urn* ♦ toward tue frastdahl Madison which adMedfeoo the frastdent Madison which salted fyom Seattle to reach Yokdhamo August 3» Minister* in cltyllg Mr aud Mrs Stewart ami daughter. lAlllaa, of -North Carolina There were no Hlpttst, Ausioaarle* on the ship It' was announced Apprehaaslon Is felt for mission artes who embarked on the empress' of '-Canada which Was scheduled to stop tomorrow U> Korea, were Hn-lpd ed'Mtss Rlafhhx Hlusrr. of Pafftown MU* Mariam ftpuodwia. Morgsnton. N. C-. and Mis.-i Mabel Cherry, of lietoo dal«*.,Nje UAKHIMiTOy. I*ap» 3. I’robsble / “»maije orvearhiquahm ,M * f«Yt W*V)ks accordteg U) Father Coadorf. \*7ronomfr and setsmalogl»« of fhs'ietavn. It *it likely, be added, j list the quake was caused by fault mg or splitting of rook at great deoth 'jlthei Coadorf coastderyu tbs '■nrWn greatest s«U>M<>ll>«tst war ft.. Are o' server t- JUufrjM »o i pr»'t »h < ca'astropke Ha aoQlwt th> As s d f rees early ftatunlay Mott a occurred and gave the dts tancaßklbla one hundred miles ortTKA. dept 3- Italian aad ; , Cvtsch sipbeastes la Tohyo .were de-; atroyed by the uuake. In/ormatloo "as —T~fr~< here by wireless WgJfirlKtjirON. Sept 3An ap pegl t* American people to ™»- to the relief of iapaaese came from WrWASSbt Cool Id ge today 1?e Amertcaa Red Crowe »Ss de- Htgaated as the orgaalsattoa to which | n osey should be given * At tba same Umc H was mada clear e? that such net was la the power of the , ff.'oat'nued <>u p«g* twol » *W*W»a»e, — »«*«•«l.W- -•.. THE GOLDSBORO NEWS [CHANDLER TOURING CIR TURNS ME AND IS BURNED Or Mouivl Olive Hood Sunday— Negro Whs Slighlly In* jnred i —- ONE WRIVER HAD been arrested A Chandler touring e«r aald to have been driven by a Mr. Steven* turned turtle near Hie l#aiidte bridge on the Mount Olive road Sunday, caught fire and vraa completely destroyed. A negro Is reported to have been slight ly Injured. Heveral negroes art* said to have been ta Uic car According to Ideal police earlier 3aaday they bad afrrealed John Finch er. colored, for driving the Chandler wblla under the Influence of intoxi cating spirits Fincher waa found guilty.of the charge and and costs yesterday He Is to hare surrendered the wheel to an- K«r negro who was wlUi him. Mr reps, arcordtng *to pSlk-u, refused to permit this negro to on wHb the car and took the wheel himself It was shortly after this epinode In Uoldsbom that the accident happened which destroyed the car JYoplc who witnessed the burned automobile ex press wonder that those In the cm escaped with thetr lives i T - To Select Golfer* To Meet New Bern Goldsboro golft hounds wilt this week confine thetr activities to play which will determine "ladder posi tions" and end rbmpctlttpri for places on the 11-inao team which will meet Mew Bern enthusiasts, accrtrulut to' professional U A. Mewnbam The tournament with the nelghboria/ city will take place probably on Thursday, week. i'rofesaloual Newnlinm U * well | se with -.)( --liow'r ,ti at hl« -:»• .’•iris are -u . i. find s tii^l r New I* n crowd wM' !►.:»» g lia:dl j• 1 me to W--i In sigh* of u« dd' to tv- Juh| one behind with tr>, while Z T. Brown and Dr i|e ,dared 'ted on 49 Or \Wwfen I- de. eiared xood for 477. / AHttociation Secretaries % Meet Here Soon On Tuesday, the tenth, the nacre- 1 tartes ot the fair asaoctullons In Hal-, elgh. Kinston. K«»eky Mi»un4. Fayette-, vllle. Clinton and Goldsboro, will meet for the purpose of generally rari 1 Ifylng and further perfecting plans fpr th*- aut'iiun « ra< •■* Tho -'-i towns the Rastern N. C. i Short Ship Racing Circuit. Mini some ot the fastest racinx In the south Is to l»e witnessed on the Tespectlve coarges The Individual programs will Im g*aerally treated upon at this meet ing. and new plan* will be dlseassnd | GOES TO JA!I- TO PLAY SAXAPHONE WashlugTon, N C . Bepi. 3. I’ris- j loaera In the Beaufort county Jail J’*have music ahtle thej eat" Kher -1 Iff Harris's son. George, a deputjT sheriff. Is a suxaphonlsl and when George wants to play his Instrument 1 1 be goes to the Jail to do It Some obraan* sey that It la very tboughful r of Bbertff Harris to allow the prtson - ars this entertainment, but other ;p»reon» have not expressed their ioptuton of the uisiter I i ■' —-i KXPLOHION KILLS THREE AT IHJLASKI. , Rwsr. Sepi 3 ~ Framlcr Musso lini Is ready to withdraw the" Italian delegates (rum the Geneva conference If hla view point Is not shared by the LnagUe of Nation* representatives, » - Two More (ounticH Join Big ('hamber| George C. Huyall. prmulncat bust- 1 ness man of this city and George It Uy, assistant secretary of the Hasl ern Carolina Chamber of CoronuTv <• appeared Irefore the, county Iroards of commlaaloncrs of Martin and Ber tie counties yesterday aa■ one of 'he moving lights in the organisation of the work N O Bartlett, sm rpuiy. ap peared before the thiplln board a* Kenans vllle and the Pender boards, Hurgaw yesterday The counties aic linking up fast In this work snd It tw hoped soon to g«4 all 46. countiee In this pari of lire state actively 111 the organisation ■>• , Of Deeds Isttuea License* For Marriage 0 . ——- From the office of the Register ot Ireids fur Wayne county the following marriage license were Issued Hatur day: Isiwls Outlaw.-Ik, snd MarAh Maunders. 1 2u, colored. Goldsboro .township; Georse Rtephens. 31. and Madge. Mdwards Ik, colored. Nshunla. township; JoJbn " IbivU. Mt. and MoIHe Mara Hraftord. 30; white Special Meeting Friday Night — . j The question of a bond Issue' to lake care of enlargement of ihe water plant tor- the city Will not to- taken hip until a special meeting Friday night, it was decided by the city council In sCsslMi Inst night HeVergl | J matters of Importance wove inferred . j until this time In view of tby fuel that Ijibor I>ay Is a legal bolidav and 1 there mtgbl b«- some question by out-. of-Htate lawyers a* to the technical J I in* Illy of mailer* transacted on a Ihoßday J Archie Ml e. apia-artd Ja-fore the I board, to /requesj that relief la- given, jcltlxen* Hdgewood In the matter of paying for curbing In connection > with cement sidewalk* Mr. Dees was ’of the opinion thnt the Isw forbade! the asaessment of curbing coals In connection with sidewalk Improve ment. asserting that ihls cost could only be taken care of In connection with iwvemenl The smount concern ••d was estimated at ataiut lUmmi for .the cltlxeas' part of pavument The j matter was reOrred to a committee Dtacuaslon of the enforcement o' 1 the law requiring the dlmmlnt of au tomobile lights In the rltv and of the r law requiring a parkins Ugh* for cars 1 left on the street at night *«> entered 1 Into. Aldermen were of the opinion 1 that the public should be Informed I Os hese Iswa snd that they should be • enforced. The mutter of s stricter ■ enforcement of the law prohlblMnr ■Jdogs running at large *M also taken Up GOLDSBORO MISED i 1 n ph can won! IKM LIST RELIEF Slate Chairman Bellamy Pay* Tribute Id Rev. Thomas K. Beaman la>chl Choir man o » T o Goldalwtro golf Itouud* will tlijy Wayne county raised 7* per real of Its quota In the Near Hast Relief cam-i pain during the fiscal year Just ended .ltd flnul results of which hsve Juai been announced by *’ol. George H Bellamy, stale chairman for this great humanitarian organisation fol Bellamy paid tribute lo Rev Thomas'lv*Tteanian who was in charge | of the campaign Mr Heaaiuu had many difficulties to overcome, the iloremirst of which was the mlwcon-f iceptlon In the minds the public as to the continued need In the lllblc - An the Near Hast Heller, tn Its doflu-, As the Near Kant Releaf. In Its deflu tc child-saving program, works from I year t<* year, results of work from j to the following June 30 only are announced During tlis past fis cal y«ar_ money was rnlsod to feed, clothe, and educate S 3 little children, assigned to Wayne county for- sup port who will he the future Chris tian leaders In the BHtle I dads, during the proswit fiscal year. » In Col. Bellamys annual report to his volunteer workers, gwhlch will oon lie for distribution, Wayne coun ty will lie showu to have raised a to tal of »3.7 M 67 •« Ra «Mda •( rtlxty dollars taken cam of a child a year, no efficient Is the ntMulatstra ttoa of the Near Mast lUlh-f 1 On John M. I9ff. the tKwt of If.- 7.14.u7 had heeu p«M to state tpeasur- 1 er Robert A 'Brown on plodges or as 1 straight conirllmiiu«n The aunt of! 3649 In pleilgca which ant believed to be glltedged was o nth* hooka June T.O. A campaign for old clothing con ducted by Mr lleainan netted com modifies worth 11.39.1. The repot. will alau show that North Carolina raised (Ml per cent more then Ita quota, or 1312.370.R1) Over 1.00 volunteer workers, good Christian men and women, marshall ed together anil directed liy Morrla A 1 lea He. atatl- director and former i tVaabtngton. I>. C.. newspaper 'ij-ule imaalble the ralalng of this msgnlll c«nt supi. Col Bellamy declared To each aud e'vrry map and woman who had a part In ralalng or contributing lo this Christian cause. Col Bellamy egpreaaed the thanks of -the slate committee, which Is hesded by Jose- 1 phus Daniel*, honorary state chair man. The sum of tl 13.371).N0 In money and clothe snd shelter North Caro lina's 3334 "wards" now In Tarheel landa. was used >« (<-«d the hundrVula of thousand* of refugees itum the Smyrna massacre last fall These unfortunates who barely escaped the late of 150,1100 Christiana who were murdered In cold blood hy the Turks., 1 had to la- kept alive until landa could ’ he found for them where they mu Id support tbemselvaa , v* Col. lie I lam y atresaed the fact that lip* end of'this work I* not yet that until the Allied Power* make some provision for hese homeless Christian wanderers, who made such sacrifice* •in the world war and then were ytbundoned to lb* r tin?* I.- f*t« hy ,t.helr former sill-- *l* y can Odd-come self - .itvurtln* ( merlca "d<*es n«»t fe, *i tern e them i NEED HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS j V Raleigh. Hept Ih-tween lo and lisi a< liool tope hers qualified for work 1 In high school grades are neeiled In North Carolina! Immediately, accord ing lo J tils* II Warren, secretary of the North Carolina Kducallonal As soclattou. I Mr tßarrwM nay a lie has a large ' ) | number ol application* o fnr hlg.i 1 j school t»mch«r» ha la unable to dll I Tsachers of I-a tin, French. Maths 1 mattes and ac%MU are aapdklaily 1 • lacking he said Over MM) public anhooi teachers ■ | have la-en referred to (tneiUows In North Carolina during recent monfha 1| by the tslucallon*) Atsis lsilop, *r cording to Mr Warrou. Letter Concedes Righ of Veto |< Asks Mrs. Johnson to Deal With County Commissions Diree( ITALIANS MAY MAY RE RECALLED ■ >■ .1 ■ p dept 3 T»ir.*« nutn Wert killed and 3d seriously la-, » Jured In nn explosion of a blaal Itim.uc of the I’uluskl Iron I‘uleskl. V* . iicronllng lo reports reaching here by telephone. Elf lmin workmen am kquwn to be missing . t'llulxciis of the com • , munlly am reported lu have or ganixed Into relief companies ’Unit dirilt iilty In forcing away t thrullii ruina In Hit. spot *li«r« Ihu wo>£B«n «r« known to bay* boon »a* reported Not more than 5 1 or Ilia missing workmen multi ha tee escaped. Ike report said The Immlv of William lllrd, ibilaakt. I Va , liaa been recovered MKT YESTERDAY! EDUCATION BOAKD . t The Wayne County board ot Educe- 1 lion met In regular aeaeiou Mooday All inembwra were present 4. H Edgerton la chairman J. A. Boat, of Kremonl anil 1- K Kolly. of Mount Olive are Iha other member* a • The board bed under < onaitle rat lon a pelltlon presented by a major*) o( the at boo I t ommliteemen of Wfaya'i rouniy Hrttofelh. asking for a Hpeelkl ► Tax Election for all of Warn* county I outside of the three Hpectal Charter | i-d school. Mount (Hive. Eremoat and Ooltlaboro The effect ot the election | It grunted under Ihla petition, would lie to create a Hpedal la*lnn Bls- I irlct. of the whole rouniy with the j exceptions noted- A H|*t:l*l Ttl of not more than thirty cenu on the one hundred dollars valuation would lie levied, which would provide Aqbal •Shoot fatllltlea for all th* school children ot Wayne 'County. The Board of Education instructed i the Het retary to cell a meeting of all the rtc.hool Coin mil teamen of the "Cnutlr In special aeaalon Halurdny thfti tti consider some proposed changes Ihi the plan w.blch would yield fund, out of the thirty oent rate to provide a building fund Tha particular nectlon of the school law which the petition was drn»n end presented to ttye board at ll« meet- | jng yesterday. It seems dims not pro- I vide s Itulldlng fund to be inrludetl jn live rste specified t The Board of- Education and the • I t'onimllteeinen's Assoclallon of Wteynr County are undertaking to work out a plan whereby the county of Wayne shall have a uniform ayatein of schtails and a uniform tai rate The session or the Board was taken Up larfely with a discussion of this prob lem. Automobile Hit* Drunken Negro a a .. . j l J A. Waynlck. colored, fell Into I the trends of his friends Hunday after noon When they got ..through with (him he was not sble to get out of the | winy of an automobile which die a whole lot lot *of driving Wsynlck riding » bicycle, headed on Into an automobile and was badly shaken up while the auto refused to go farther unMI properly doctered by the garage doctors Waynlck admitted this morning that he was just about drunk "I • weql to see some friends, do' give Hie a drink Be' .aid |t wos wine, hot It Sore had de tfcl.l.ll In I* All I could see wot the road. wlo-n I started bank amt wax mil so sore mlhhii that Number Veteran« Kxceeds Report Os YeHterday In the Hundey Issue of the News It was Incorrectly stated that Mr W f p Kort wan tlie sole vetrrsn to depart for tbs Confederate Iteunlon and Win ston Halem The following veterans left for 'be reunion W. B Eort. W B Anderson James Jones. Ben ('MOT IHeywood Lynch and B H Tysoo SIX CONVICTIONS I IN POLCEICE COURT *>ESTEHY MORN 1 *"* ** I Nine Thought There WmiM Be i No Court on l*hor liny and <7 • IHd Not Apiiear i : ■ TO KNFORCE CITY - AUTO LICENSE LAW Niue i»Miple for wld»ui wnrrsnlt had been Issued-got the Idea that as yesterday was Imlior Bay police cour* would not he In session »nd did not ! report for hearings Accordingly It waa a light docket that was disposed of. ala caaes being disponed of, sc cording to Information secured strum .the police The nine defendants whe did not appear wilt be tried Inter. (N the els rases disposed of I3P was Imposed In fines, ops was bound over |to superior court for Iprceay, wkllr Judgement was suspended on payment rat C.unts In one case Albert Herring, whits,, was found gulUjf <4 inrccgny and bsuawl ever to .vu parlor wart KuMei.ce wn# miro 'bleed m dnow’ Thai he hats removed tlrws 'from an automobile bslongfag to M. E. Epps and (told them tleorgv BOveite was wn hand to si _ 'ilalp why htt. ihu ill Ihr possession *f 5 gallons of sine. Hr could not txplaln and was found guilty of Il legal possession of ln(oslc«ats. order-1 ed to |tay the coats In lb« rear and pour out-the wine Being drunk coat Bud Wynne, col IS and court expenses Melton Joyner, colored, was found guilty of operating an auiontobllr without a city license and seats need to pay the costs and »f. Police slat ed that they expected to get trtisy In enforcing the ordinance which ra ittlrtys Ihe city lag Joh|i Plachsr, colored, was found fullty of feeing drunk sad lined tin nd costs Auto Which Killed" Mule Belonged To M. Washington Tfile'ltytlfl.baker touring car which early Monday morning struck a team J driven by Johnnie Igiftln. colored, and so injured « mule that the animal' had to be shot Jotfonged to Worthy ' Wasbintgon. colored, police staU ( | yesterday Washington departed ilor parts unknown and officers yea t«rday morning had found no trace I of him The ownership of the ear *o traced by 11*22 Ooldsboro license tag l»t& on the uiMchliye The automobile re mains la the eustody of officers RE NEWED (H'ERA HOUSE MAKES ** INITIAL HOW The Opera House opened tlay afternoon. large aiidlense kmlli erlnfg for the first performance In the refurnished and well decorated quarters The ulclure was glen ad ded attraction piano playing Klhel Clayton was the star, and the picture, t'an a Women Iwrve Twp-e WtMtc apparently so. for the theme had to do with love of s soman for her dead haeband. her effort at making a decent livelihood amt her llnal r«>le of Imposter In the borne of H supposedly dead soldier, who lone her husband a name ami who eventually returned to claim the lm lersler In love Ethel t'layton played bet perl well, and ailed some graph ic The work irf Mslcuiu Me tlregor as Tom firant. the returned i ooldler. Was also credllahle HBWEIIH mime AI/AIMN . i (Tty firemen raced to Edgewood last night at 12 o'clock to find that I they bad !*een summoned by a false j alatm membekl ir rr'/.m SEEM TO CONCEUB THAT MR. Mfim IS OUT OF Rifty Tax Rate Was 95 Centm Same aa'lUiv Which Has Three Years - JL Eonnulatlon of i Inttar la rwaty to •it las lon nr of Pm Mb- HwtfirA apAy •im to asn spam aguao (gklt Bg ° appolntmant of Pred R r |n|ka* r * county Welfare offlear add tw fat of the t«g rats occugM, ifei (ffen seaalon cesterdny The tag rale wag fixed 1 at H edKi und distributed as --y- - r jjiiAferirOf road 2tt egata. alahing feat It rate Is the same as th«V'Qgpiand^ N<> change ha# baag mad*’lgtwMPji thrwe ygara. "I™ W The letter to Mrs.. Jakaefekl ra*M§- nlaas her right nfVeto pwwaf, hat at Jm-ts strongly to tks at q«r VMsalng the matter througft'fßljtfc^V tervie* to the press The optigl • Htner. request that Mrk- talk directly t u StK* 4«neu ho chairmaa I, A fUaag aM after pledging the bvsfd’n •tor. to Mrs Johnson aMi sillfe -onslderatbw at Rat haQ|JW •oust insist that jemr dlred with this body" WUpi’ Stoners In the letter .tM t| cdßSs (he fart that Mr Mlprf. ellmlnattnl from th. race ' officer The letter achnuwladmaa hB copies of Mr. Johnson's IdHfMi states In part: Reeogalgtag as we iauat sad it) the authority ot yaar DafgnMK which amounts In elfadt tg gV’n|p •rower, w* are uaahla to reasons’ for the undae 1 hat seems to have Hnfa||rln,' Beparlmedt since the IwM 'Mni f Mr Mlati prior to ertlflcale of uuallfloaUdßf i ml r thing that was -fftiggH ttj " your department to do srpa * vcquaiat us with this error AM DM* await further ectloa hy oar MM barore giving evidence of gdiMtfcl'Mi indue excitameat • *1 i ontrary to this copra* yfffc _ ve And that aftajf advising aatf flwr ttillude through the letUf of , nst 24th and with four day* mr >our letter waa written asd wMhin' I Wo, days after Ita receipt tma llvldnal member* of this Board mrl before this Board could hoW Ha du ' meeting to dellharata upoa Jpp M tar. your Bepartment mdhaa fraßadf' ’ Interviews through the praa* 1% oRP of which a threat 1* mad# to "fta#* the matter. In the band* of tha' |p llcltor .4 this District “ b i -Aot T* Hr HtnwaaßiA with due respect for tha dteaßjf qd -oar office and with a profor SMhd>«i mr Ha own functiaam sad datiad. in- stampeded through th# public t»- tdrvlews of your '"rgaftanat. aV'lhV tbiaats <«Tyour DpartmeaL' f lh(h course that may aot 1 ba* |g * I ace with Ita beat luilpsni IR UM light of Mil of the I sets and afiar’ijiT lore conatdaratlob The t'ommlasloners are ntggidltf 1 handling the public mnttaid* hefora ih«m by. orderly pi'llißgg. jjd* where they foal th* Maad oCAaMtwT vloe upon nuesUons of tidgSiMß they are <*< vuMtowod to toy questions tiefore Ihwlr duly Hfrpdfatdfl attorneys ftp their advhat. *Wrg||j« in t|is regular pruceag. r~nr leallou. together with aadi dkiTHi gaj matter* as the Board map raRgRP legal advice upon, will ha plafad’ht|* fore their duly appoiatad for their consideration apd -advhkn In the meantima. he ' proper for this Board to iaqultw 1 whether good tsaU 4*aa aw requtre that question* which have to ba gy ter ml ucd by the Boar dad HdpMte be taken up and diaonaa## hkjyaarf the respective raapoaaihU bedifk rather than hy latarviaoMt Riwpdkt, mm ” * ft oattnued one po|« Up