. . , IT _,." •tm ■■>»' m stamm - , ■■ ...-fc ■ VOLUME TWO; NUMBEH 154 •v* ' '* \ n ■ Ij.. - 7 'l****- —'— ~ Nkw Proposals Are Made A s * " " ■>W To League Council By the Grecian Representatives SUffest Unit Council Appoint Commission To Deckle on Amount And Ju* (fidaißeferee WILL ITALIANS AGREE m OFFER QUIET A. B*P» 4-A Rich polltl •al Quit waa enacted bars today and ItoliM dslagaiss ap plM Bator* a hurriedly convoked . BMatah at the Council, the Oreeke aa- Muactng to ike leasee or natloaa **b terma under which they would ntoept settlement of the prsehnt eirlal ‘with Italy. “ The tow term* aucgeeted by the Qftoke were In eubatanoe aa fol lewe: V net the Council appoint one or more neutrals to superintend la Qreece the judicial enquiry which has been storied and the trial of theee reaponelble for the .lamina murders <£* That apaltonce be siren in the aoaunlesion which Greece hae pro poeed throusb council of ambassa dors to Qreece and Albania. •eeoadly. that the Council should tnatrnct a ooamUsaloa composed of a Greek aad tsllan aad a aeutral. tor axamplß president of the *wlae Thderel tribunal and the Preeldent of the Internetiooal Court of Justice to meet at Geneva aa aoon poaaible to determine tho amount of Indemnity that Greece should pay. The Oreeke notified the council of their wtlllßfnses to deposit 40.M*.- nre to a hank selected aa a tesUmon -I*l of good faith to Immediately pay thdwanlty decided upon. Tboee who forced their way Into the oounail chamber witnessed a •toriiP aohpe between Greek had Italian dridffataa. land Ceoh Rob attempting The new- suggestions tram the tßrwka for the aaoond time places ■» to the Itpltoto Whether or not they will edcept In any form a set tlament arranged by the league of iiiiiciKw IHtIJSIMI «M*o Pounds Received Hero Averaged 22 Cents, $14,676 naid to Panmsri The price of tobacco oa the OaMe harw market continues to creep up ward with the weed rolling to lire- If aaaerdlng to data gatherad jroo torday. Independents yesterday re- Bibrsd aesie Cl.oee pounds with the petes averaging abput 32 cento, it WM stated last night This Is the heat that toe wed has done yet; Mon top paid 10. farmers totaled $11.(70 At Garrta a Oarehoaae is.ooo lbs ween repeated received at an a rerags at at caste. 19.1TK40 being paid to the grew era. This bouse has re ceived a total of $70,000 pounds since dm opening of the market and paid est apprmuaately tIt.OOO At the tlpkth boos* the* receipts amounted to lUN. grnwsrs being paid about «Uee • The «e ops report tbat thslr mark et continues bullish RACER RILLED Altoona, Bept 4.—Howard Wilcox. seteran Indianapolis suto racer, was Stilly tojtwai' today In tba Inaugu , al race at tha hew Altoona speedway ala ear shlddlag aud turning over. Ilia aeek Was hrgk fo end he died a law hoars later first eld was riwderei th etajured man at aa hmr. g«ccy_>espttal OS Urn Held. Wtlco* wsa Akin* «toae time, nr the aeslitw. Eddie Hearns won the race &.BAQMULL fKKULTH riarlastll tr PHtehurg 1. fit. Leols I; Chicago $ Americas MamXark t; fhltodelphU 0 KJ"ir*** 3: Bsston 1. Mtorit I; Chicago 9. to. Loots 1; Cleveland t. ieath Atlantic kagsato $-1; Gastonia 1-4. bin BBS 4; Spartanburg I. fhartasUß t-1; Greenville 1-1 Sestkers New Orleans |«I, Atlanta (-3. Mobile »; Birmingham 1 Richmond 4-1; Petersburg 3-3. Norfolk 4; Portsmouth 7. Wilson 1$; EoChy Mourn 1* Durham o;B*lstgb 4. Qlgh point Winston-Salem 3. Danville 3. Ortenrilit I. THE GOLDSBORO NEWS HOTEL PMMffllll TO IHIE THY May Msaa Movement For New • Hotel Coating Several Hun dred Thousand I b Mr. Stoll of the Hocksnbury Sys aloe alksT Tab. those nimble loohlng tels. will arlvs in OoOldsboro this morning aad It In understood will Bound local bustaess men as to their attitude toward a new hotel, costing several hundred thousand dollars. The system with which Mr. Stoll Is connected has a national reputation for promoting community projects In hotola aad has a very successful his tory. Maay of the up-to-date botela of tha South were promoted through thla Srm. " * MT OLIVE SCHOOLS OPTED IDEM Fifteen Hundred People Attend Lnbor Day Op Ink ration of Woodmen Mount OHve. Sept. 4. —The city schools hare opened today. Monday Tiornlng was given over io faculty conferences, and Monday afternoon the high sekool pupils received teach er and laawra assignments. Today the primary and grammar g-ndea re calved their teachers and lesson as signments; aad tha school* la off to what promises to be a good year. Due to the fact that the school auditorium bad been Condemned ■ cauae of the lack of proper firs (igk cape protectlaa, there were no Ipf? mas tfpeatMg exercises, witnessed by the usual crowd of Interested patrons and friends. The faculty is ss follows: Super intendent, C. 8. Warren, of Hsmlet. first year: Principal. L. J. Perry, of Wingate, first year; high school, Mlsaeq Irene Goff. Ellen Utile, and Nan V. Shaw; primary and grammar grades; Mrs. Allen Cox and Misses Lillian Royal, Kethel Davis, i Mary Pipkin. Leona Martin. Ruth Hooks, ltottlb nark, Luctie Suggs, ami Mamie Relcbel. Monday. Labor Day was celebrated here with a big street parade and many other amusement-prevoklng stoats by the Modern Woodmen of This order was onganlteil here sev " ' - ; Vt oral years ago. following soon after which H almost ceased to exist; but for several weeks past District Dep uty Moore, 'of Oreenville hee been spending quite e bit of time here, working up renewed Interest In th<4 order and set the local ( amp on IU fact again, and for tjis peat three or four weeks has been planning for Monday’s avenWr- A throng of about fifteen hundred from the town nnd the country Bide, and many vlsttinc Mtoodmen wars here, the latter doing many amusing street antics, while the spectators looked on In evident amusement at the Various pranks played on the “fresh meat” candidates by the regularly initiated members. Cases in County Court Tuesday Two cases were disposed of In the county court yesterday. Richard Koi was bound over to superior court un der a charge of (alee pretense ('has • Hlnnant wag sentenced 00 days on the roads for carrying a'platol Hln uant. according inforjnaiinn re ceived. was arrested early Sunday morning In a very much cocalned ef fect. » (HARTF.RM GRANTED Raleigh. Sept 4.—Secretary of State W. N. Everett has Issued char ters to the following corporations: Shamburger, Pippin Company. Zebulon, wholesale and retail mer | cbandlae bnalnesa, with authorized capital of (60.000, of which >3.000 baa been subscribed by M H t’hain hlee and C. H. ( bamblec. of /.ebulon aad Mrs. H. R Chamblse, of Wake field The Menhaden Corporation. St Phillips. Brunswick county, fertiliser oil and fish dealers, with authorised aad aubacribed capitol of s2oft.too. Tba tooorporators are L J. Poisson. R. D. Dickson snd O. S Grimes, of Wlfmtogloa I , GOUISBORO SHOWS DECIDED PROGRESS ’ ID Ell ESTITE Edgewood PtvfltpwHH Thm »■< Feature. Wltk Appreciable . o' Strict in Uonstruction The boom In Goldsboro real estate exchange and the unusual advance In building projects during the lost 13 months must be Indicative tff reai prosperity. A number of parties and concerns have been effected by the movement, but the largest share of dsvelopmont baa been carried on thru 1 the Realty Development to. of which 1 Joe A. Psraer Is agent Under this 1 concern there Iras been Inaugurated r known as “EdgewootT. and in tiddl -8 tlon they hare made developments In Park annex and Bellevue. 1 The sum total of expedlturea In 1 Goldsboro from January Ist to Bep -1 tember tat Is (133.960 00 Os this amount tba larger portion. 1(3.460.00 1 In fact want for repairing dwelling 1 houses or (instructing new ones The number of.Aiittae* concerned was til A big portion were In Kdgcwood. 37 huses having been erected there with in the past twelve months In the field of manufacturing there 1 la a stogie (10.000 Item, representing expedlturea for the addition to the Empire Manufacturing Co. Store build-toga have been con structed nnd repaired to the extent of (40.600.00 with** this January to September period These figures Include’’only complet ed work, and there are In progress now many appreciable building pro grams. The Wayne National Bank, which to consistently pushing Itself aver btgs|to will Involve (360.000 ex penditure*-Then them to the (SO.ooo expedlture for tbp Mgnsour atorDP building. El Ms Department store nnd ( ohen’B Department store have also made considerable recent investments tn renovation. g Very clearly Goldsboro Is prepar ing Itself for greater Cbingß to antic ipating an Increase buaiaeaes and In equipping ttaalf to care for (hot bual * ness when it dona come”' Al| ibis is in Une vHM» the expected boom this fall from better farm yields and more reasonable crop and In line alad with the whole aspect whtyh Eastern North Carolina has foday It is the aspect of a community which has waked from a sleep and gone diligently to work. Gerjnart Miners To Work For French . r j Dusseldorf, Sept. 4.—lt was an nounced at French headquarter* hera today that 6000 GeUrman minora ein-, ployed In four mines In the district had voted in favor of working under French direction. One hundred and ftftv workers locked out by Tbyasen Steel Works also called a meeting to consider working for the* French, but a thous and other workers attended (be meet ing and It broke up In confusion be fore a vote could he token Veterans Approve Occupation Brussels. Sept. 4.—The dele bates representing war etorans of the sev en allied countrlea In aesslon here today adopted resolutions approving the occupation of the Ruhr ae a legal manner nt securing reparations from Oermany ss provided lu the Ver sailles treaty. ... COTTON MARKET New York., Sept t - S>o» cotton quiet; middling 36.76; closed easy October 24.70; December 24 S 2; January 24 3ft; March 24.43; MBy 2342 Goldsboro Native Invents Process Which Means Millions To Country s Fruit Growers tg Inventor of a formula that means million of dollar* annually to fruit growers and which means purer fruit and better fruit for millions of con sumers—such Is the story of Krnest Brogden. native of Qoldsboro, now re siding in 1-os Angeles For himself * Mr Brogden Is said to realise some lioo.ooo annually from the Installa tion of machinery for the application of the formula, to realise a half cent upon each box -or fruit treated with the process, and to control the out- j put of the machinery required by the formula The News learnt that hla peraonal fortune now paaaea the mil lion mark and that ha la probably' the biggest factor In the citrus region of Florida Twenty-five years ago Brogden. a freckle-faced happy-go-lucky youngs ter of sixteen left Goldsboro to woo Dame Fortune And If information Is j GOLDSBORO, N. C, WEDNESDAY MORNING SEPTEMBER 5, im STATE GOMMISStDNER ISSUES VALUATION FO R RAILWAY LINES .j Coast Line Giv«n Increase. But Several Other Liaetf Allowed Decrease RALEIGH. Sept 4.—Valuations of railroads were announced by the aisle board of assessment here to day. The new flgurea wRT supersede those of 1934, According, tu Com - tr las loner (ioughton the railroads -■untended their prqperiy was over valued. In the case of several of the shorter lines they were running at a lose j-t Valuation of A. C. L. gave Increase but the Norfolk Southern. Seaboard and Southern war* allowed a de crease. BOOK OF DDE COES 10 Df HIM . —w * ■ Only Son of Late Beniamin Duke WiH He Buried in Fant- Cemetery ia Durham New- York. Sept. 4>-The body of Angler H Duke, only aon of late Benjamin N. Duka, wealthy tobacco manufacturer, who waa drowned ear ly yesterday at Greenwleh, Conn., to day will be taken from BB undertak ing establishment here to Durham. N. C.. for burial In tha family ceme tery there. «'Duke waa drowned when a small boat In which be and five friend* were orabarklng from the Indian Harbor Yacht Hub lor kls ytjfch Al thea, capslxed and spillad the party Into the water. He ha dbeen visit ing at Manurslng Island Rye, and was taking to bto yacht, Mrs Rlcael- ■ leu E. Wheeler. Miss Louise I .aw eon, Miss Florence Huntley. Warren Jones and Christopher ‘Greer, well known ns a polo player. Al Ithe others were rescued but Duke could not be found Some hours later a searching party dla body under the yscht float. Duke married Miss Cordelia Biddle of Philadelphia, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. AnChonry Drexel Biddle In April 1!)16. She obtained a divorce In 1921 $200,000 In 1922 Taxes Collected Approximately !20ft,ouo of Cttti.uoo city taxes: for 1922 has been collect ed. according to J H Warrlcl. city tax collector The total of $234,000 showed on the books for 1922 shows ntjd increase of $43,000 over 1921. the figures for that year being $173,000. L .. " fL, —— Nl MI»4T Nf'lltMH. CI,ANN .HOI.BN PI4 NIC 1- The Carey Newton Philatbea class of First Baptist church held a picnic at the waterworks., yesterday after noon Aureal pl< qtc supper was ser ved to the 60 memlM>rs and friend* In attendance. GameiK were enjoyed for several hours A ’ ' NEGRO FINED FOR OPERATING CAR , * WITHOUT LICENSE Harvey Bayne,-colored, yesterday bought jrlmself an autunioblle In Wilson and came Over to Goldsboro for a drive. He had neglected, how ever. to get a State license tag and local poltf-e arrested him He was fined $6 and taxed with the costs ) correct, be has certainly broken the heart of that tickle dame Neither did he hsve s college degree with which to dernsnd special privileges or to ' hold an employer In awe He had bsen educated In the public schools ‘of Gpldsboro and had takeu a busi ness course k T« Hnvsnaab A few weeks after leaving Wayne's , ‘capital city he could have beau seen forging to tbs front, as tbs Horatio Alger books uusd to say. In tbo Oid southern tows of Bavaoaah. Oomrgta. , Here he was la tbo goveromeat Ota- < , ploye But Savannah couM not bald , him. We And hint a little later ta Jacksonville. Florida, and In the ce nt the bridge* sad most pretentious public undeirakiags In that state are j * testimonial building. He was the | (Continued on page .four) GEORGIUS ARRESTED JA wain 1 raif' WHIPPINE I'rominent DentistMadKEßurt official within c<Mm Law f MACON. Sept 4 Dr. Yarborough, dcntlat, and tjdward Thatcher. rourl official. war* arrested today charged with uhhuiili and battery lu eonnet tii>u with recent (logging actlvltlaa hdre. " Dr. Yarborough, police said. la a ranking official in the Ku Klux Klan j ond whipping bosa here. | William Delmau wan arrested on | a nimllar warrant Mllff SIUDEMTS ARE EXPECTED AT A N C * 5' September IHIh In Reffittirntion Uav—New Ruildiami Will I Be Ready CHAUEL HILL. Bept The op- ( cuing of the Univeralty us North Car olina for reglatnttlon on Hcptember 18 wilt. I)rtd 8300 atudanta waiting to be enrolled, according to Indica tion* at the office of Dr Tboinag J ' Wilson registrar. Thla will b« an Jo- 1 creaaa of virtually 860 ever hut year. , Dormitory apace |a at a premium and the univeralty la counting on the l rooming house* taking ogre of the overflow " The freahmen claaa will he the , largeat In the hlatory of the univer sity, official* aay. Dr. WiWoh aaya ■ be expecta 760 new men More than 660 application* already have lieen ac cepted and every null bag bring* • botch of Other* The high wntar mark aet last yaar with 671 in the first year claaa. will be peased Vir tually a hundred more applications have been accepted than at thla time laat year Eighty new name, gave been added alnca Auguat 1. The Increase In dormitory aocom- , odatlont which the remodeling of (he Kant and Weal building* wera ex pected to offer will be temporarily off aet. Old Weal, will be ready ams will have ten additional rnoma. but the middle and noutharn |K>rtloua qf Old East will not be ready for occupancy before January I. The fare build ing will lone 10 moma by ehangna made necessary In remodeling atalr way* to make them ftre-pmof. Old Went will lie In good condition and will be one of the beat building* on the campus on the Interior. Carr building alao will be ready at the op ening of school. The okt students wtgjptflhd many changea In the campus and Tiulldlngs when they return and the freahmen. consequently, will find many thing* they did not expect The beautiful new borne of the I-aw School. Manning Hall, will be com pleted and ready to care for tta stu dent*. Murphy Hall, the new home for languages which waa being part ly uaed when the ITn Iveralty adtoufn ed for the summer. I*-entirely finlsh ed. A construction lower already ha* •>een erected east of the four dormi tories recently built on the old fresh men athletic field and fnundnttnna arr ’•eljig laid for three new. dormitories .fuat north of this site, which Is Ir the *oiithea*'?rn edge of Battle pnrti a road ha* l*een rut through the for est to unite sealn the old Chonei Hill- Durham road Booth of the site n* 'he three new buildings ground b Wing *e' ros* from th” site fo* thee* ten nis courts the class athlktlc field 1* looking much Improved over l*«t cear snd wefk I* to etnrt soon on Iwo athletic field* close bv Ttetween the ring* athletic field nnd tenunerson field another ne» road I* in proereaa. thla road running wre to connect with the flttsburg rna<' a mile awav llacli of Ktnmeraon fi*ld a rle«e , ne I ‘hf.* heep made tnd t*w. *onnA»**»«*« I for the new ateel Indoor athletic! court* The bulldtn- w"l h«« W h’et wide, larre eno'leh to ht»l*e r hn«vetb-.lt Cflorf* *od having a seat- Ip" rspeettv of 4000 The Infirmary I* h«ln» »»l»**»4 Tti» arbor In the sbroretiim ha* been ' reconstructed on Itj southern horde- I •.tone Cin.-rnn eyenoe v*.„ rw»t*» rnqHf|»| *" Ofee *»“»"* I o' the car.ups Unexpected to b* h.n. 1 l»hed by the opening of college. Work < on the Carolina Inn M the West Oste I •f Baptut church Is finlshial snd la.be -- e Hb Ivtona A - m *•**/ I eonstruetion work about the village •a progi ---*n«* ■.bun*' n« ranldlv *• on the I'hlvrrsltv camnu*. • r I M tit 111 SUV. l,M’l»W**t IHHI’H) i ... I Th* *i*rr|*»* m**V*' ha« Wen oW I t v «> mV f-w day” Ve-tp-dev It****- ' t-. yed —** U«l«d to A C lame and 1 Timer Grantham, colored 1 „ ~ Relief Work In Japan Gets Under Way After Appalling Loss of Ule * at CITY MAT GET ELK FOR HERMAN PARK (onffretmnuut Abcrneihy Say* Th«y C«n Ht Had For Freight Charges Dora Ooldaboro want | couple q * •>!*• •Iks’ ea, thoas nimble looking fellows with spreading horns, like tbs village chestnut tree fleet of foot and shy of eye Wall, If ahe wants them she can have them by paying ths freight on a couple from Yallowatone Bark and a place to ksap them Congressman t'haa Abernathy baa notified local men that the govern meat will let Ooldaboro have a male and fauale elli as tha basis of a hard for Harman Park. The condition* •iuder which the animals may b« se cured ara that (ha city provide a suitable place for them and pay tha freight chargee from Yellowstone Na tional Psrh. Claude M Grantham, city manager, has bean Instructed by tha City Fa thers to Sa<L oul what tha qost of getting the ahtmals hare would be and to estimate the coat of their keep. He will be ready to maka a repor at tbs next regular Welng of tha eoua sil. It la axpactad. W. C. Denmark, secretary of the chamber of commerce Is enthusias tic concerning the possibility of se curing the elk. placing them la Bar man Park and making them thy first other animals whloh would be sights of Interest to the children as well as to visitors," he aaya. (j _ NEW PLAN FOR ELECTRIFICATION OF COUNTRY HOMER Dayton. 0.. dept. 4 -Announce ment Is, Just made by lb# Detco-Ught Company, here, of a ne wplan for the distribution of their farm electric plants which It is declared will be of vent Importance to all farmers and their families who have been longing for the benefit ind conveniences of electricity In their homee. This plan Is called the Installed Price Plan- It names a single, low price which rovers, not only the Delco Light plant and battery desired, but also the coat of installing, tha cost of wiring the hone# for tan lights In locations to be specified by tha , owner of the bouse, tan drop lights placed In poettlon. complete even to Ibe ten eleotric bulbs In their sock ets, and a special power socket for (‘onnectlng up the various electrical appliances which the housewife may want to use A financing Vl*>> also la provided. It Is explained, which enables those who desire It. to buy 1 tbelr equipment on easy payments The whole plan ,1s designed. It appears, to make It easy for the farm family to have elec tricity. Many tbouaandsof farmers have purchaaed electric plants. It waa shown, since tbe Delco-l.lgtj' Company begun their manufacture, less (ban eight years ago. This com pany alone has sold more than 800,- UOO of these during that time and thla number will Increase very rapidly during tbe coming months, la (he be lief of the manufacturers ol Delco- IJght Products. I Dublin Railway Station Attacked Dublin. Sept 4 -The Amiens Street station the Central Telearaph office In Amiens street and the Mount Joy Prison were attacked during the night. The guards successfully re pelled the attacking party which with draw after an eichunge of shots last ing forty minutes. No cauaaultlea were repored A OORREtTIOK In yesterday's News It was stated that Albert Herring, white, waa found guilty of larceny of automobiles liras' and bound over to coart It seems that the News m thts Instance was Incorrectly Informed Mr. Herring states that he simply waived a bear ing In polled court, sleeting to await Ate siting of county court I ASSOCIATED PKM>| PRICE FIVE CNint * * l Death ToHPiiily SIMM According to Fdlliy Osaka, and DiMftii l Property IncJcgH» RED CROSS BBGIM CANVASS FOftltir LIEF SAhj Washington, tape. 4.-®*oret*jr Woeka today called «hf Ifinei tbe Hawaiian department for lMph-\ ■nation as to tha amongt at ' food and medical suppUan the £jm has there. In the event finfMlfi* sent to Japah ara lixwloduata It stated tigt all suppllsa av«ll|«| would ha sent to tha 'spos ol M|p tfir. v > • . . # Shanghai. Bept 4 - D«itjM in Japs as * result fit the sart>qaa|o urdsy number ltd.MS fiaat>|lh| g» lalkat »*ilmates recalvad hr Kaatan News from OaaakA ** ' <v , It. la said them ware IfM* ft fn. kyo. ioo.oeo m Yokohama ' Yokosuka; and 10.6 M In Tha Sre lb Toby* wan hkßtMßfi late today g —4 ' ~ ' . San Prsnctaco, Sept. A— boms office of tha 0. L. B|Ki Board waa destroyed WJth a to tSftm in tbe disaster here find ip||x flask, ad Anderson waa MqrndJhKJVnßr rtously icconflng tn mss■ Ilk .11 |. ealvod by radio ham ■ !' m«M in .woneotfch *s& ,rifl Os Tokyo by the Radis 1,,,, ' ■wll. The water supply replaced and t* giving Whfl capital Mghrinfl -••stored food has come I®- 7 ’ Washington. Bept (uid In usd to n^^^H In give aid to endeavored to ohtaih IhfthhUOSnTg tones of dlaeaur. Red Oenag pOr ' i.O* decided to go after a pUfttipk relief fuafl. * . r 7 y' Much already had boon assstgMV bi»re hotmimswu ’ sponsor scans Dedaloa Was " —Tl~riltf A| Meet lag Last Bsftwkfc PpaflMH , The Ooldaboro Roiaff ORB In, hiL' sponsor a troop dt Boy flooStg Mb decision, detarmlnad R§*q hf 3ao Boys' i ommander was aadMMMfl R| the weekly meeting of the TjFiiiHßfll last olgbt la tha Wmflh 4M*k‘ j I SSBp Conference of Rfll«ry rissnlßan. Mi, v Tho local members reportg Mjthe flpt*. i • clings Presldoht T*t*aj lhat "Better Busßßh MmR&B h tfi xps'lal objective for the ragTa Rsgk in ih. 87th Roury Dlstrlek. ahaMM|K o' E astern North GaraMn and ttlflift Mr. R S Uiftwleh. prlndinal ad hg Goldsboro High Scho4. waa wmSSL A. H. JEWELL BRINGS . • SUIT FOR fait# A JewsU yesterday filed against H. H. Johnson and P. R. Whitley for sßoo* and lataragt Igang May lo 1131. Tha ddD* with two promissory notes aßagedjto have been given and nagnld Smm>WMl In the rase have been leaned and the case will probaly cone ap at the next term of civil coart. ■■ -i*. a,, v RRVIKWM I.fH'AL BATTRRT ; rapt A R vea of Raleigh. e4ipr officer with the 117th neAd AltltlWf- . last night reviewed the lean) ctn psny. Battery A. The hhUttp pgrfid* *d through the streets agecsAtu the various maneuvers and Jt la jMltgA that Cap*. Ivea waa well inpieai id with the appaaranoe made. « (**-, iii iMkaufmmm 9- ■. - 9\- iht/ t H i MORE DAYBI|Nm v . DOIrLAR GET READY NO* V

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