-± VOLUM* TWO; NUMBER 115 Tokio Badly Wrecked Yokohama tllterly ' 'W Destroyed #■Keport If . v • i * Prise Har b« of Japan, is no Mope Than a Charnel House and Rubbish Hemp Aaaricans Among If Those Killed TOKIO. Bop* 6—(By the Aaeociat- V *4 Praaa.M-tefcio *nd tokabowa <9mrat«t *y on»r * 7«w mile* ol water, today 1U crashed sod desao- Isto bjs flte aa»r*o«rortef (ante at Om akrthquake-Ht aartas of upheav als that came wi*B sepal *s*b, -- that brought crashing dawn tha walls sad buildings of thsas gfeat cities AU iround towns sad villages have boss dsshsd from ttttr tmaPdationa, What the Asrlsloon of tha oarth fail ed to accomplish. th« Ore sad flood d that followed did. White entire sections of the cap*- tal ho to been obi Iterated, sad Ue In o .1 moss of smoking ruins n vary oon * idnrahe- posttaa of tha cKy rematna. Nat so la YohOboois. from which re fugee#, dtsod snd eshsusted. sre be glalag to And tholr way. They toll of tho completeness of the destruc tion of ths city which baa for years ■hem the most Impgrtaaf part of Jg i«i and tho gateway to the western w ono .Tha at reels sad watercourses, the cutis pad-the sea* front are Ailed with dead and ajaong.thr dead aye Apuhtinas assay Injured to whpm It '•«v boon IraposgiMs to carry fpad or hid. Tboaa are more foreign rraideats la Tofcoboms tbpa la- Toklo had tha tone of life among them wap oorrea •aadiugiy tetastad POrtehad la the Ifaaty port, bat svau HI m teusprsheaslva nocounx \ghs be snouted from Up refugees who art coming In Id as eshsusted condi tion. Btehansy Attefhas Killed . *■ N spans*. SepL k -Advices receiv ed hero are that at. 00l Charles Bur-’ •art. American embassy attache*, sad M man wire lilted When a train gras derailed between fflratssuhs ahd Or eo daring the enrthqaafee. dbilsnaibi dale ‘ • NBW YORK, Sept. The nation al council of the haUKsat Bntgco pal church today received s aeesage stating tffc 17 of the 37 missionaries of this ARurcb -wale t secaonted lor. Among the ten from whom news had boon received Tfefe Bishop McKlm sad bte staff. - -V- » • *i* Yelena* Again Srapte HILO. Sept t.yr-KaUaeu volcano re named activity today With molten lava bw rating forth with a load re port. according ,to messages receiv ed today from the superintendent of the Kallcau National Wrk. > Th* lava according to the noaeage. shot from 100 to 1M feet* Into the alt- and ' streamed doWn the sides of the vol cmxr. .. V 7 Ame rlesW ~KHled ' UtABHINOTOI4.. Hdp( A—The state, department today received s radio message from Kobe stating that Yo kohama ksd been comlpetely destroy ed The United mates Nona I bospt /' 1 hs« been destroyed, the message V id- Tbs Chlst pharmacist Em bach Tnd wtfs with two gtllptsd men were Killed. Or. Webb. In command of the / *pttal is reported to have Wen b*d 'lnjured. Mi hJlesU Rarned BHANOHAL Sept. Eastern Newa Agency reported out of Hara romnebl today said that, KM) {attests •a tha Imperial UalropMttv School at Tohto were burned to dtatli In the meant sunk* ante Are. The Imperial wslateT still steads snd has been throip«pea to refttfeaeo. BASE* I'LL BF.tIRT* Istteaal Pittsburg «; Clactnnntl S. I tetrirm Wasbigton I; Boston 4. v Net ork •; Philadelphia 3. \ Heath Atlantic Augusts 1-1; tfnatnMk 1-6. Macon 1: Spartanburg $. Charlotte 4-4; Rreefirtll* 2-1. Ptedlhoat RsMih Ml; Durham 1-4. Ores Sore *; Uanvtlle 4. \v*n»iou Point 7. Mobile d-i: Birmingham 5-0 New Orleans 5; Atlanta 1. 4- , I * V Rooky Mount •: Wilson I 1 Petersburg It Blebmand A L .. . THE GOLDSBORO NEWS POSTPONED AGAIN i f r Harrisburg. dept. 5.--A joint con ereuce of anthracite coat opera ora snd miners officials repre senting the union recessed at 2 (‘dock today with the understati ng that soother conference would w held st R:4O tomorrow, ptn ihot'a proposals for differences tetween the operators snd miners *6l again he tahen up. LETTERS DM DIUJH ■IT ME MULED Secretary of Aaaociatioa te Dr , vele Ai Energy te pro- Net The Dollar Day campaign is on Yesterday Miss QraOce Warrick, sac retsry of the Mcrchanu' Association mailed letters to the 61 members of the organisation requesting the clos est cooperation la the campaign. Two days. September 14 one an hsa been the custom In toe peat, have heeo decided upon Yes terday afternoon Tplaa Warrick left’ for A short trip to loehurnt. Upon b«r return she will direct all the en ergies of the anaoctstloo to preparing fur the Bolter Days. 4 . Oemtrary to the m**tem used last, roar, these societlaa will not as -an organisation gfevertUe'ihe bargain OO North Tryon {treet The Neay East Relief te oalH.tfJ have a model accounting system and audi tors declare the protection of publicl : contributions to this great human!- ! turlan cause to as near perfect as l« posible to make It. During tbe past fiscal year, which i 1 'ended June 30. over $312,000 was ralli ed In cash, pledges and commodities in the Tar Heel state. Th# qitotg :* , only S2OOOOO and North Carolina Is' reported to have stood second only. |to Maryland In the 48 stVes regard toj 'oversubscriptions ■RESTRAINING ORDERS * ARE ISSUED Orders restraUrtfit''«it*Lil>crs of the ■Co-operative Jobacco Growing Asso idatloln from aelllng their product to Independent buyers have been Issued iby Judge Henry Grady and recorded In ybe office of tbe clerk, of court. The four defendants concerned were A H 1 iHarwich, i A. W. Barwlck, Alt>ert /, , | Price and Lillian Ford Price. Thirteen i members were restrained under or ;dera Issued last week. ! NURSERY MEET > AT HICKORY ' ■ • 11 Hickory, Wqpl 6—Address* g liy iOeorgla. Tennessee. North Carolina. Pennsylvga*. Alabama Kentucky. Florida, Indiana, IMwsisslppl and Ohio ji-ltlxaaa will laatura the annual meet ing of tbe Southern N»r« GOLD6BORO, N. C, THURSDAY MORNING. BRFTRMKKK 6. 1923 r* * ' -" t J IT EUttMEir OF 1 PUMPING STITBI ISMMMB ■f 4 < t Would CoHt $60,000 and In errase Water Supply Million * Gallons Dally \ j \ *j Recommendation that Ooktoborn Is sue bonds to the extent of t#t> (HKI t.< take rare of enlarging the city pum - station and in»«ire greater water ply will be made by A ypeotel cum inlttee tp. the Board of Aldertuan ul the special meeting to be held Friday night. Opinion te expreaed that the .lioard wUI act upon the reooiomend 'at|on of the'committee. v J | Issuance of tbe tttO.QOjOj bAiti (sue td Increase the watqr spw Is of urgent need te keep par? With tbe i progrwn. sos the city. It Is declared. It la proposed te enlarge tbe station on Little Rtvor no that It will have a iloHjr capacity -of 2.6*1 Mo gallons TtuaJa an mn-aha. or thooßno gallon* over the present capacity. The special cdiimltte* of Bureau of the census and enounce, today by tbe department of commerce During 1916, the last year for wbl<-4 ! these statlstlcg were compiled by th> Bureau of the Cc>nsua there were St,- marriages and Bftk divortvs In North Carolina. No divorcee were granted In 1922 In nine counties of North Carolina according to the report of the Rurcar of the Census which Is subject to cor 'faction, the report lietng only prelim inary These counties are clay. Bare la, vie Hyde. Hoke Onslow Pender. Polk.feTyrrell NutuTwrlng 9s. Bun icoiuhe county had the Urgent num lo.e . .f ,4 I ensAjKM is i c I, .. - tier of divorces, according to the re port, which place* Forsyth county .second in Ibis list with 89 divorce .Urol Mecklenburg eouijty third with 8r divorces. The statist lew for the report on marriages and divorces i furnished the Bureau of tb«< Census >tiy the elerkg of the superior court, of each county. t.HKKMYIAI.I. 11l 111 111 HESM.XS ! Oreenvllte. Sept 3—-Coastable Ern est Allen, following a citation signed bv .In,lg* Horton sh Superior court notifying him te appear botore tbe court to answer charges fled by may or D M Clark, who asked for hiu removal from office, failed to appear before tbe B 4« bat Informed Mm I -* , 'irt that he would prewent bis re 'it tens Don to the cocgty (tQ!itlisMß(M 'ln the near fnturo. MRS MCKMiI TILLS OF M VfDRK | Hhowd Whal DcimMtrulion ! Aifenln are AccoinptUlhinir In The Stale ,"\V■ , s* - RALEIGH. Kept 6.--ln an Inter view today, Mrs. Jane 8. McKTmmon, ikrector of home demnnat ration work for North GAPotIM Btate Collude and tbo Department of Agriculture, out lined „the work of the department she ’ bends, telling of the activities of the numerous county demonstration . agents upd how they endeavor to bet ter lha homoßfe of the farmers of North * aroltnn, not by talking and telling them ho* to do things but hy showing them how by doing thlngg Ihrmselvoa The posilloti o t the county home dvmonstratlott agent te 1 no "eofi job'*. acrordlnaJN o Mrs Mc- Klmmou, but nhe nojd there art very ' few home demonstration agents who would change their work l{ they had 1 ilje opportunity - ' _ u . “I one* asked a home demonstra tion agent, ah# said. ‘How- do you pet 1 so close to tha sxiutpu and girls in make myself a 'bridge between that quickly. ‘I believe H Is her a as* I make myself a hrdlge between that woman and her opportunity.' ' “As I see these busy county Work ers gping from community lo com , mumftyr *ke condnuod, “l am mind ed of* tbe many bridges they are mak lug over which women cross to fellowship with their neighbors, con tact with (lie outside murkels, s but ter understsodlng of their responsi bility In knowing tbo proper foods lo build bodies, and s know led# of how jo plan work that time • may he saved for Mb# higher things of life. -• “The tnngililc results are many and can be cosily counted.- but "who can meaaqre the Inspiration and bop# that comes to that girl who sees the way towards college opening straight through the esna she has filled and put on the market, or the Joy to that woman who aqes her home growing In of a thing of beauty and comfort be cause or the Instruction she hsa re ceived and put Into practice. Illustrating her statement that the e-brk of the county demonstration i gent te onu of action and not of words alone. Mrs, McKlmronn cited in Interesting Incident. An enthusi astic wotiHiu applied to me for a po iltlon as home agent after ehe had men the work In one of th* coun ties.” she said ”1 asked what were ter qualification* for tbe job ‘Qual ifications! Qualifications!' she es luiincd ‘l assure you 1 can talk.' That was evident enough, but 1 what I wished to know was could she do Oh! she said, ‘1 don’t Want to do the .■poking and the canning and the sew ing. It I* the uplift 1 lnterested In, I have been a society woman, flitting here, flitting Chare, lighting! nowhere.' And now. i ihouht. she la going to llht on tig. I hastened to 'ell hsr that the I rouble was, we up lift hy the rooking ami millinery. If she hud the opportunity.of attending the conference of home demonetra tion agi-nlx ut Bine Kldge In July snd tied heard those practical women dis cussing with each other the practical methods of doing tboir job*, she would have caught a vision qf what real uplift niesns and whst It tekis to prepare It. "It te the ueat who ran lake from . "It lx the agent who can tube from * firelesx cooker a chicken wklob she a group of farmers that this device, might be a good time saver for them to make for their wives, and It la the | agent who can leach tile farm women , to produce saleable articles snd or-j gatilxe tliqiu lor market lug Ihese who proves she Can add to the community t enough Income to make It posslbl* to r secure sopie of tbe joy-glvtnk things , *of life.” . 1 . The director of home demonstre r tlou work I old of another interesting . Incident. Illustrating tbe work of ths Uuiom demonstration agent "Th* H.tfUUnued on pag* elxj IFounda tion of Europe ' Shaken and league Is ■ | Imperiled Is Belief 1 o * i »:T ■ - . v *■ , (Mi ■ - — 1 ■ I I~ ' ”! TWO OIK IN ACCIDENT AT ALBEMARLE * ■ i I Albemarle. N. ('., Sept 6.—Wal- I •* Johnnnn of Gita place and Jo* I rinnty. of Cllotun. 8 €.. were in- j I tuotly killed bare today when the I | ‘able to nut q( the steaity shovels operated by the Asheville Paving '! Company broke, allowing the I ‘hovel loaded with cruahed atone o fall upon them Tha men were I n the employee of the company which la engaged In construction vork here. iM pbices . . CWTINUE 0000 1 Receipts Inertaae With Co-op erativAb and Average (rood Detfpite the Prevalent 1 !? of Me dium Weight Leaf consistent sales and return* Ware observed on lha local tobacco mar ket yeatarday . Though tha aetua* retnraa ware not quite as good aa 0n several previous dam. official* Had •mcouragsmeui ia tha fact that the sal* remains conahtently large and profitable The average salt!* la ah i*o not particularly high, due to tur fact that at present medium weigh* tobacco la being largely disposed of. with the dlapoeltloa of the better leaf a niuch higher pound average *|ll! br attained Ou Trias’ Independent Warehouse reported for yesterday a sale of SO.TM ~ xiunds brinalag M.ftO Ths average nrle* was from fi to 51 cents pet 1 i round with an average price of #1 ■ cot a The Farmers Warehouse could ad Wtnee no Amu figures When laqejrvksw ; «*| yeatarday evening but the wftotalr already been haadlad la ail. The i*i ready been handled this week. Thi nrlce, U waa declared, remains eon i rlatently high. The lecal agent* of the co-opera tives ware also unable to advance ds finite figures, but declared that tbalr r*'cetpta continue to grow higher, tha* the average waa relatively good, aaf , that with the later disposal of th< better grade* an even higher return was certain to com*. •> Williams Elected ~ Veterans Chief Wlnaton-Halam. Sept s.—With the election of General William Williams aa Commander In Chief, the selection of Charlotte aa the place for the 1914 encampment and a street parade aa ‘ a final number the annual a noamp- ' meat of North Carolina Confederate Veteran* ended bar* today. The public parade thi* afternoon waa tap* far the encampment, (he old soldiers one* mors keeping step ‘ vs they did in the dam of Lee and Jackson The Chief of Polio*, fol lowed by the local company of the 1 National Guard, beaded the parade j lb rough the principal etreeta of tha city, The Invitation to hold the half **• j cnmpmsnt In Charlotte waa by the president of the Charlotte I chapter o fthe United Daughters of the Confederacy. 1 * Road Commission Awards Contracts 1 - Rnltdgh. Sept. 6. Contract* have been awarded for ten highways and bridge projects of the Hlat* Highway commission, bids for which were op- i 1 «n*d last Wednesday. It waa an -1 bounced at the rnmmlslaon’a office* Tuesday The estimated cost of lb* 1 ten prdjsct*. which Include the ersc- 1 I’on of iw obrldge* and the const rue- 1 lion of 74 71 miles of Improved roads was given as 11,795.859 98 i PEAR BRITISH TANKER IS LOST AT SEA Pa Panina Kept 5 - -It la feared that 1 the tlrttisb tanker J. A. Bnstwick. j 'owned by Mi* West Indian Oil Com • any, has.lwen lost at sea. No word ;h July 12 , She waa of 5858 tons re | tatry HARDHLRFACINf; STATES VILLE CHARLOTTE ROAD i: - * ■■■' ~ i' Charlotte, Kept. 5. —Hardsnrfaciog jef the Charlotte-Staiesvlll* highway - Is expected to he completed within a i i few days Only a few small links > between Huntersville and Davidson • remain to lie paved befere Ah* road will he open from on* end »*' the t other. ”. . I I) wimmmmA ASSOCIATED PIOW PRICE FIVE COTNI EailuWby|f Leagiftfb SfcwlWe ■tCMM Sadness * - o HOPE EXPRESSED v _BYS«M Geneva, s«pt. s. —vir na pemtructure of the Laagua «f Nhtionn. of which tn AmMp president wot chief iH emperiled and in PHtjgh llglr the very foundatkma <4 Rnfenpa are ahaian. Such briefly * m nummary of the aituatkm to night becauae of Italy's nM| to recognise rif htg of IbeMi drue to Intervene in diapßJb #Sh Greeoa. ConaternatknTiJT feeling of nadnaaa prevailidav erywhere Generally though to luctualiv it ia admitted that ||» 'eague ha* bean unable to wNh lUnd the first great teat of fla une a machinery for regnMMg difference* between tha nitioiui nince one pf tha leading mem bers hag declined to ennoadn to ta competence. Hence than a n growing aenttorient among * the amaller powers that it «m --trolg them, but not hinds I|\, creat powers of Europe. All the mor# do they feat «■*» l inced of thin beennee of In j roportiona which the OmUi and Italian conflict bee talma ire deemed unjuatified as in >riginal cauae of the oontriH '• veray, serioua end rnfreigtile ad waa the murder of the IteHgn •fficers. But hope ia not abandhttik ' **»■ af ternoon following g prelthltaafv hearing today i ntuuusinc - wfm Head of U. 8. Staei CorpirMlMi Reftwes to Say Whether Up”' Or Down NEW YORK. Sept I—■hart 9. Gary, chairman of the United Malm Htesl Corporation announced lei* to day that hla company waa oeadadrtdV with subsidiary companies rslniiiA fly ' readjustment of the wag* ratio. Be leclined to elate whether the road luaUnent contemplated was nporard or downward or whether It had la da with tb* 12-hour day. -We have been meeting today With our president on rstee ia loroa/* Mr. Gary said. *’Of course theft are a number of questions t* nndtfin W*‘. have notkiag whatever* to pdliUefe beeuuse adjustment 'ls gotag oa «et- Isfactorlly and we do not want t* publlah anything that might eaafle friction or disturb our nod ratatlens with our men. That is'Cl! t eaa eng" i—--*sS3BaSsfe 8 , MORE DAYS UIYHI. DOLLAR PAY GET READY’TVOW a t ■ ———opp -a V ” M-." f'