WEATHER #ato SaMay awl hmUU>, llgfe far labia «Mi. VOLUME TWO; NUMBER 188 Italy Accepts Terms Os Ambassadors Will Give Up Corfu «► And Islands When * o t . Greece Complies 'AD Machinery of Coun-* cil WiU be Ready When Reply Comet*; OpUunin tic Feeling Prevails (four. Sept B. (By the Ac sorletrd Preiw.) —Italy accepts th« terms of the Council of Ain-' bassadorn and airmen to evacu ate Corfu and adjacent islands as soon as Greece has satisfied all Italy'a indemnity claims. *1 Optomiam Prevails PARIS. Sept. B.—A feeling of relief and optomism is pre vailing tonight iu official and diplomatic circles which look with aadafaction upon the Inter Allied Council ambassadors’! Battlement in the Graeco-Italian crisis. After notifying Greece upon the terms’agreed upon at yesterday’* session, the council mat today to -make instructions to the equiry commission to be appointed by it in its investiga tion of the assasination of the Italians which brought about the controversy. Thus all the Council's ma chinery will be ready for prompt, action When reply comes from Greece. *» All danger has been taken out of the crisis, officials! think, though it is recognized that other negotiations must lie' made tiefera Altai settlement., The complianoe of Greece is ox pected. ,p , The act km of the ambassadors ; has lieen received with satisfac-' • ion in French circles where it in regarded by Premier Poin care. w|h» has insisted all along that there was very great dan - ger if the parties not directly interested tried to settle it. Will MW HOTEL SOYS SEC DEIM Report of Borv«y Made by Mr. Troutle Will bfc Mode In Two Weeko "It. Goldkhoro going to V* » new hot*!'" The News „**k*d 'V r l»*u mark, secretary of *!•*■ Chamber of Cotninerng yesterday aftermain * "She ajn't a»lna to have anything different.” replied the Secretary.. for the lirst time to our knowledge ev pre; kina him;,elf In alanc "I dua l know alirn or wjwe, or bow b|*. hilt It neem* acMired that the city will have a ttrw otie,’’ he tun tin continued James TrosMe, of the Hokenbngv System, Inc . who has been In th* rlty tha pant ««‘k conducting j. a kurvey for HU company, was prca- i *nt when Mr. Denmark made hla ttatfnimt and did not offer auy tlc nlaln OMr. TroaMe declared that within two weeks lie would aubmlt a report con- \ earning hla aurvey to the directors of I rlpiother of commerce here The Smhport Is MippoMd to make recom mettdallona aa *o the - *l*e of «nv pro ject which m*> le' undertaken ft | will con'aln data concerning the] * number of convention* who might lie lnt*ret,tr,| In meellna here. - and other ( data pertaining to the ueceaalty for a , hotel. Should the director*-adopt the r*coinnien4nt|oaa a date for a drive for the new hotel will be decided upon Marriage Licenses Issued To Two, Two marriage lit iiwh were l**ucd Repaltar of [Med* E C. Oraatham Viterdav freeman I’oley. 63. of No hunfa towaablp. aecured license to wed Rlln Pittman. 36. of the name! township Hennle D. Howell. 19. ap oted In outlining progress hank* arel •*l The latter couple are Cltften* of gtdnay Crook township The heat mearchaum pipe wan made j -IK) year* ago by a Hungarian *hoe- | maker, who •«* a clever wood carv er * THE GOLDSBORO NEWS ROSE MAKES APPEAL I TO CHURCHES TO 1 City Red Cross Drive Tlie end of the second day of tU« jcauipalga for relief for stricken Jup uucae being conducted In thi- city louud Goldsboro 331 H) abort of her •itioU. according to Ilr. I> J Knw. chulrtuan of the Wayne County lied Cyuxa. who In directing Die drive lh« amount assigned thu city from South ern headquarters of the Ked Cross wan *SOO Os thin amount I2IMI ban licen qollected In an effort to carry Coldnburi) over 1 the top today. Dr Kune ha* made ap- to a number of the minister* of ■he city that they take collect lon* ul their regular services today and direct tho money Into the Ked t'ruaa chan-* nela He requested the New ato make notice of thin (ad today. "We art- not conducting a houae to house cuinpatgn aa la helug done lit u number of (he dtlea of the State, and I think K can beat be done by making apiieala at the churches today," he dc dared. BUSK WOMEN TO HUE N f EXHIBIT I • WIU Hh»w Goldnhorn Products ■I National Meet at Hotel Commodore * The fluslne** and Pr*>f> •ilinml Wo u‘nn i Club of the city will tike pet In it national exhtblt of woman r icrt-t - C.c* exhibit at the Hotel Commodore. • \>w York Cttrr tteptemloi ■-21 Mt 23 r he local club la cooperating with the I fun. teen othr* cltiba of North Carolina in thla movement. • i. Bualneaa Intereata of the city are cooperating In the undertaking and will aee that the local dub baa a line exhibit of Qoldxlioro product*. The ;■ Umpire Manufactiirinx Company. A H Kdgertiin. praaldent. will supply a fea ture exhibit In three ply veneer pack ing c»»e* upd panel* The Newa la In formed that—thla plant la the largest' 1 thing of Ha kind In thi* Culled State*.l Charlotte. N. C... Kept 7. Tour hit*- | - lon a r lea of the CnKed Slate* Lti ' thareu Chon li, all realdeuta of North Carolina, are believed to have been vlalllng a reaort In the near Tobin. when the eaiThquukc tvhnrkn swept Japan Innt Saturday and Sunday Thla Informal Inn reached the ASSOCIATED PIIKKS here today from the National l.ilthern Council, t with officer* In New York ThnJr nuate* are given na J Arthur l.lnn and wife Mount I'lfamnt, N. and. C.- J W. Hepnet and wife address 1 not given l.ynn unit hla wife wt\-t> ntatloned at Mount HepnWT aim wfte served at Omaha wefol atotii taol up aolnllodd The ndvlaea state that no definite word bar yet ta-en received, regnr*- tiik facte of the 'Church'e , hut. dWlarea loan likely to run over SlM.Bflft. The object ot the exhibit la to pre aen a vlauel compllal(on of the va-: rlon* vocal lona open to women aim •the manner In whdh they may be trained for them "Representative] hualnraa women tee| that every jour; woman aliould be thoroughly trained, to tie a*tlf supporting It la not the Intention of the group to sir*** the making of n aeparate place for.wo men In th** bualneaa anil profeaaional world but rather to Indicate Ihe |>o v "r of luvUi turn and women to stubll ; ixe bttaltieaa condition* Thla exhibit) la mure than a mere expoaltlon ofj what women have accomplished It la * inlleatonr on the riaul of proarea. a ui'tmhcr of the local club „ MANSLAUGHTER CHARGE Charlotte. N C, Sept k A coro ner'* Jury Inveatlgating the death In an automobile accident near here jw«dn*aday of John Graham. printer. Jof Charlotte, and John <1 Cleminer aallor of Hoaaemer City, ha* returned a verdict, oa which la baaed a cliarge of manalaughter brought aguinat j Crawford Phifer of Charlotte, Who ta ] alleged to have been driving the death car In a rapid and reckleaa manner ... Hie time Os the Hccl»|etlt • / Discovery of the Sault by Brule Celebrated W 1 i, , > j OJlbway Indiana Joito-d with live white redldenta of Sault Me. Marlt. out.. In celebrating •’LMa»-overy aeah. - ' mmnicnvuriitlnc the three hundnjflth ihnfvwraary «vs the discovery cf T|»e Sault by Etienne llrulc. One of Ihe ft aturea waa a production of eillawalha" by the Indiana of the dlalrlt-t. Photograph ahow* Indlau wlgwuma erected on tha Shore and mi adjolnlnx laleta and the Calm erected hv tlie Dominion aitea and monmueola hoard at Uia aid Ninth went company a lock, uniellrd by Dr. J. U. Coyna, K. R. S. CL * O *** -*tn*«i IDES IULE Mil LOU POUNDS WEED SOLD' For the Week ( kming Friday .’ Found* Hrought In—(iwid Price* ——— | More than a half million poundaa of , tobacco were aolil on Ihe tinldahoro 1 market during the llrat two wreka of (lie aeuaon. according to llguica com plied yaaterday The tlgur*'* a* given out were piiumi- i»r thi amount 2b7.0uil aold the Ural weak and itlD.nmi thi* we«k. Th<* price ha* ranged from 211 to 23 rent 9 Figure* given do not lu< tude the receipt* made by thi- cooperative warcbouae laica.* uwwnltera «f thhv a»Mn deilare that the recelpta here have been ex tra good At Currln'a warehouae Friday 68.ubn |N>uud| ware received- tor which II f.- twHi wa* received Ur Alphln. pro prlelrtr of the Ka luer* Uarehmiac. *ay* that he reeelved f.d.iMai pound* * th« *niiie day and the price averaged I j 2.i 1-2 rent* The prlxe haul of that day wa* 'probably brought tn by Joe Dannell lie brought 2Mi pound* tn the I'ano er'a Warehouae for which he receiv ed $1 OK an average of Cl 1-2 centa per pound Jiuyer* da* lured yeaterday lha* they I axpocted the coming week to wltm i -0 (■ new break* and record *al<*. The i grow er* In Wayne and «urroundlng !eoiitit|e* are begin lima to learn of the price* paid on Mm (ioldxboro tuarkei und are hrlnglug their produce here j buyer* stated. IRELAND JOINS THE * ! LEAGUE OF NATIONS ■' * I Spontaneous Demon*) rut ion Os Friendless Orel h Advent of New Members H*'pt the Asspclat-I ill n>oW An ll»t|»r»'>*el>e itrnmn*tra lion of well onie anil fllebitslilp fee tnred *hl» Vvonltig'a meeting of th< r l.eugue of Nation* action by the uttan I itrnou* votp of the membership uilNslon. Ireland wav recommend« To offer a jiourai! In till* department to I lUpToyed •or* and i*irl« or 10 people who »l*b only to lake Rpei tnl. work I* I* ex peeled that a number will lake ail van lage of till* aiiffar The only cost will be that of hooka required. In the iiuirai j Asked alaiut the expected Increase jMi Htteuduiice. Supt llniiillton deolar j• d tlial H would he H over j I lull • s.iya u clrclT .11. Chilli work of ei|uip|uug th*-' buildings lie run A *|ieclal fcatui, of the Full jlhla year will be the school I'Xhlhlta* "T.verx liilnute of’Tlu week wI ft 111 ill oi lafeti irinl h., open Mu - amt j• lie. |i 1•• in 111 in Hot In more ai'rucilvr this year will be Hie "a. hiwd exhibit* |.i(Tlilal of Mu fair, 'l’rermru 011* at'- I being Hindi to enioftatn Hie hundred* of vlt-tbiia who w||| tie In attendant e a fro a the. ,111 rmiadiiig town* and I I mint lea «. Tin* racing pr*|gia-m will be anperloi jto hv ever in• . nleil ond *-ie frn ! tllrariioii 1 , 1 A.,f iiiali wjn’ und 'rape/ . perforiwiht jlog and , my ,liu*a, high Jiiiuping Kora tlr-workr 'alid other aenutlonul sea dll* I have lu.-n .ontrailed for Ihe uildw iy. ron iis'lng of thirty lull length car* o ' ( ilptionf wiil otf*t *ll ol :|ir l iii-.i riding device* high ila-* Mo iMoioil and lu*ti iu live • horn . iud c| *«,i gad ’- * * —t I dill HI.ANIt Ts ATI BIJM 1 Fayetteville. N I', Kept * * uln lierland county's tax.rat# for the years 1923-24 ha* bees a*4 by the county cqiiimtaaloner* at II 3« per |lt* v*. ,uatW>n. apian tinned a* follow a- S< bool* 7k rent*; county It rent*. liond* to 1 rot*. J ceoc*. ro 15 ' e||l* • MICH my FOR •. POULTRY EXHIBITS More 'Chan S2-7IM) in I’rinen For I’oultrvmrn at (he . Stal enFir iS|h!< ml tV Nrw« I ltnti. Hcpt N A O Oilv**t Mlntc n ix>ullry «• x•« uhlihi intent, hue gone and done It, lie limh gathered together I some |2 trad*) as ‘wiring" fowl exhibitors are barred from the Stale l-’alr Ity ‘string" poul try shown Is ugdersUMNi those exhtb Ist that the fairs payMo gel No lnduoeiiionse are Irelug offered ‘ t*i any laidy a* the dtnte Fair except i Ilioae contained to the premium list The special claMslUnallon Is open to •veryT lub boy shjl girl In North Car- Jollna on the aame basis as thu> of the ; biggest breeder In the country Tha' i far llee| boys atid’ girls ran mine good ill Irk i ns Is Indicated by the fart ) i tint one of them polled down ope of the big pile’s at Ihe Madison Square rCurden* Show In Mew York last year. H*»t tip' prl/.i’ money, more than II.UfMi Is reserveil for Ihe regular da*. I siflratlon which Is confined to North and Son'll I‘arollns. tieorgla Vlrgntla anti Tennessee Theft. are some hue poultry men In these stale* and they wilt ho. on baud for Ihe show this year. ( Harters Granted i • . Italcgih. s C. Sept g rfitrler* have been Issued to Ihe following eor Kverelt Hnyder Hiin*«>r, Inem porateil. Char lotte limber sbilp btielneas, wtlli au thor land capital of tfilMSm of wlipl sl.llOO ha* been subscribed tiy S A j Hunter Jr . J Snyder and 'lrs Smlb Hunter all of charlotte I algal Tufta M< mortal Association , Manner Klk Avery county, with rights; to cat aid IMi a chafttable hospital An. 1 'thnrlr.ed tapltal not named The In- i corporator* arc Fraser Ifmal.. Havni I son, l> llrowii china ilrove; J ts Ileal. lAiiotr * The Office Kqulptnenl Company.; High I’olnt, wl 4 h anlhorlxed eapllal til j •2',him. of which IlfiUii ha* been sub . riled by .1 A Marring A -Jl lleuley. .1 J iNill and J M Fambrongh, Jr.' all of High I’olni *’* Kim klngham I'm par t'ompanv Ro k- ; i-iahttm. with authorised capital off ;ti.A.tHMi of whlcli s23,ism has been suh-j milled by VV M McCall R.& McCall Henry C. M all J 1’ Harfsuigh Clade, Oars A C> ,Corpenlng. John U Kvet- Ltt. all of l|o* k IngliHiii r j The largesl peach or* hard In ihe | «”rl*l Is In Arkstivs # Miners and Operators Have Signed Agreement IRE PILING UP DEAD IN STRICKEN UND 6 JapmeMe SoMirrs Arriv e und Txkc ( harifc of Hltunlitm London. Sept k illy the Aaamlnt ml Pre**) With a ring of bayonet* extending around the xUantli aiwm- I ble* where a week ago I'nklo and Vo kohoma were In Itamc*. teeming nill llon* of Japanese are feverlahlv ptl ing up the dead anil clearing away through Ihe ruins am) bulb|in; and erecting temporary alEuctUft* to houae the hotnelesa who are encamp c I at oui> to the steel cun puny r»p wh«roonc«i were building* Thi* ring | of luvyoneta bucked by Ju|vune*c sol dlef* «yniho|lxra the power that aav- ! <*d Japan after earthquake, flood «ud fire hud laid want* one of the richest ind most thickly settled section* of | the,, Island empire and the district 1 where all foreigner* lived Immediately after Ihe shock a j week ago. a long line of khaki clad troop* marched towarda the stricken dlafrlcta from the barrack* which top |M*d many of Tokin a hllla and knoll* j and provisional headquarter* wen set up around the ( capital. ! CO OPS IN LENOIR SELL MUCH TOBACCO From M to (Ml Thousand Doily at Smith field. Aydnn tiv ‘t'l to N-,rs i Ral.dgh. Kept, t-dlw T obared ' T rower* Co operative Association -ps ' I ihlishetl g new high record In dellv -rb* lor reaeon during ihe past weelf wueft over .even and a half mlllton ismiidt .cached Ihe co-op floors In the South Carolina and Kastern belts. Several Fa stern markets of the big cooper*Uv« .worded the large*, re ceipts tn Ibe.r history last week when l.euotr (Oditly co-op* flooded their 1 vrnrebouge foor on Friday with jeou pound* of tobacco and deliveries !lor s single day* ran a* high as MU.tiou tiound* at Richland* ad front Itfl) to sixty thoUMgnd pound* at Huilthfleld. i»vden and Fremont The Heatern < irollna co-op* brought In two mil lion pound* of tobacco, according to A V Bobbitt. assocta'-lou wareirouae .manager for that district, who atalea that new member* era slgnnlg up at Itivauy point*. ' According to Mr. Bobbitt, the flr»l leash advances by the anaocintlou are .averaging over fifty per rent of the prices iM’lng most of the auc tion floor*, the advances on the bet ter grade* being particularly advan tageous to tha organised farmers Tlx hlggeai gain In memberahlp from North Carolina la now coming «o the V**i*tled grower* have uioyed their tobixeo from Ihe auction to the Co pe 1 alive ft.' are reported at sei era I iMtlnl* I The tobacco Co-op* of twenty couu lie- in the old I sell of Virginia and North Carolina have Iteeu notified of the eoniing of Senator Smith of jKoiith Carolina, to Danville and llen idefson uexl Weilneatlay anry tobacco grower* wlxr started Milt agaluat the . aaaoclgtlon In Me I !summer of 1523. Is now under au In ! , martbm of the court, according lo i the slaternepi of Colonel W T Joy* asr. attorney for the Tobacco Co-op , 'erallves at, It* Raleigh beadiiuurtnrs. I'exag prcsltirea over one-half of the s*tl|*lit| r supply of the world I MEMBER MF ASSOCIATED PREfll PRICE FIVE OMTH Grants 10 Per (*mt 4*- creaHe in Wngm T$ Miners And 8 Hlf Day * * DASKD UPON piNCHors orrm Harrisburg. Rvnn , B««». lts Assam latud l»rea»| c*et»def| v* x*'dxeap aw of daw . sgreamojf* drawn up In rogfemee whleb ««h --jilnued throughout the day tropo'him !>d generally upon the lout #Mosa dl lb. .etiiemen' plan* *ugge«tad hf ernor Rlnrbot when he «dM|f4kfc ■ esnhtatlvo* of both 1 dreda of people In the bualhee* M* trld of Ihe city saw the tut n|n Blag i __ _ Win-fOOT MS IMIDEM l»uk* Duncan Hay* II Mu R§> juvcnated Hk DMA lUlelgb. Sept *. BmiMl tea* ly have been »ond<-rtag what Duh# ’[hfiican. munagitr oMB* fTalfefrf'tYp) i mil. bua iion. to inatlll la hi* man the i»P *nd ffght that ha* cbaracMflMd ihHr playing recently. roc thro* week* the my*t«ry baa remain* 1 n xrrat. hut yesterday It ara* divulged Klkhtrfn day* ago, K watt said. Mao *|kr I'tiurun Mlauahtrrad a gratagad rahh|t under a fall imgm Ha thon < airfufly rut off the animal's laH hind ft mm and put It la the Capital*' xupply ha*£ according to t%e later malfon that aeeped through from **- • rrry ya*terday. A saw day* lalar “Jumbo" Iturrrtt, nrat IwMpia lor 'hr locals. found a bor»e »boa. which hr ha* tMM-n carrying with kiai coo tlnuoualy with the exception of th* ttnir h« la on the Held playlaa.. dar Ini which time he loaaa the shoe to • ht* pit* her 'drawing th* hurl la* aa- Klanmoat for the Kama The pitcher ulwaya tote* the horaehhoe to the 'mound with him ,81m« the two t>roterbUlly *d luck »lgn* hare been with the ctoh the Cupltala have won fifteen oat of #tgh , irrn name* played, winning the la*’ >l* atralatit encounter* climbing from the accond dlvlalon near th* botfcwu or the league to within on* gnat* of ,r«*eot amtson. The aeuMin a play wit) and “riptun tier .15 and tha poat aaaaon »*rteo H expected to begin Heptamhar Iff It ha* been announced that tha drat ae rie* of gamra In the poatseaaoa group will be played at Greensboro, how* of lh« winner* of the flrgt half of th* t. '' :