September 14-15<MM>hhAR DAY~September 14-15 -a ==^ WEATHER fair Wr4iu4irM Thursday i prratam rraitai Ihr tur. ■ - - n , - ,■ - ■ » VOLUME TWO; NUMBER 160 „• wa iwo ms FROM DESTROYERS , YET BtCßttO arc in Dunger of Break ’ ing up and Becoming Cow m piete Loam M H Calll., He pi 11—I Op afihclaled Prenl - The duslroye- IV* which Wrpl agorund ucur here Salurdap night are reported to he In lauaedletc danger of breaking up und causing the coiapletc loos of all tlielr equipment and machinery. The llrst I of the sovcd vessels hits suffered | much the pact 24 hours. Ho fur otrty *hr*jp Miles have been recovered The llaYcT' dead stand* at 22. Une of the bodies found has been ldentllted as that of C. Van Shank of White Mlver., 8. I>. a fireman The other body recovered yesterday has not hero Identified n were apparently drowned lu their" hunks •nd later wusbnd Into the Vu The other recovered ehortly after! Ih* w reck was that of J. W. Couwuy of Omaha Neb . t scntUHU nu the Itclphjr 110,188 Pounds Os Weed Sold Tuetiday Receipts on the Goldsboro tobacco market yesterday totaled llu.lH* pounds, bringing the total for the two days of »he third week of the market to pounds. The price paid av* erased around 22 1-2 cents It **> *sbl Many ir -arers front adjacent count ter were among those making kales she Farmers’* Warehouse. U*c Al phta proprietor. gave figures of 50- 00h pood* for the day with an average! of 13 I-3 cents, when asked by Th« j Nawa. t’urrln'a Warehouse. I) F. Cur-j rta, proprietor, reported Uavhig bought j M.IW pounds at 22 1-2 cans per | pound He paid 313.500 to gorwers. Approve Bond Ig»ue Washington, tlcpt 11.-—llly the As soclated Tryst) The and Nashville railway <vn« pnny ’prgposerl b*M laatM of 3t5.3W.000 was approved today by Utr Interstate Commerce commission The Issue will be In first mortgage 5 per rent bonds and will be used to exchange for. an equal j amount first bonds Ires ring 5 1-2. per cent. , MARRIAGE. LICCRfRt! INNI>lt I - 4' The. first marriage llrep** In Gun 1 days was Itrurd .at the qf Jfft*-1 register of deeds yesterday.— Jijpier | Hhvls, colored, of riaulstou tyeidtjkfp * sacuj’lug license to wed MllfflfU HtuTv of Nshuntg township. —.-. , . - r * NETTLE WITH NT AT Ik; ! ~i . ' Wayne county does not fcwft»-flu i State of NorVh Carolina Wn Atcal year of 1922 Deputy *(gjjrt)|/rP W D MorrU Want to' Ruleglh 'j>U?lcf < 4 day wheier be made a settleiuAjjk |ot J the year wjfb the State auditor . v" (fITO GROWERS M MAY CmiE , j WHS C GROW • J-. >■.. j Quralion Will he Taken up At ij Meelinu in Wilson Today,fc Hajs Norwood r. < the Kastern North Carolina-Hwarf , Potato Federation, -representing the - grocers of the sections vsHVoldsborb.- Knillhlicld. Itockr Mount, llethel. Scotland Neck and Tarboro. will meet at'Wilson today*to consider u propoi [ xltioii to Tolu the Sulli Carolina Fed eration lu a new organization to l>c • alb'd tin) Carollnas Federation amJ to outline plans {or marketing the, 1023 sweet potato crop The meet- j Itig was due to have been held til Goldsboro yesterday, but all of the members conlrl not be present. Thotv It Young, president of the Sqqf’- Carolina Federation, will he 1 yire/y.t nt the M llson meeting and; In' expert eij to udvance the Idea of’ eonsolldaltoh of the two federations Consolidation of the two orguulzatln* might mean that ihcre wuld lie a ehauge In the manner «V marketing tlito year's crop laist ye*- market ing *a» done through ta«' S! North Amnpeau Fruit Growers exchange. A imW', . *tcd Federation selling Its product' under Its own trade mark Is favored by swine of the Eastern Car olina member*. It Is learned. According to Thomas H Norwood, secretary treasurer of the Eastern Federation the member* will Ihls year * ship 200 cars of tubers or about 100-l now bushi Is The yield this year will uol be as g<x*d ns last blit the priced will be better says Mr Norwood The l fuson will »|w-n about November 1. THE GOLDSBORO NEWS Albania Closes Frontier And Crisis With Italy Causes Much Concern ee JURY VERDICT IN BRIDGE ACCIDENT Conway, 8 C.. Sept, ll a Fly the Associated Press)—-The roron'er* (ury Investigating the death of six persons who plunged through un jpen bridge at the Wacainaw river aegr here ou the flight of August i 23. this afternoon held that the i Iraw was opened by unknown per sons which caused the death of Mrs. Marvin Conner. Mr. und Mrs J. 8. Cullpper. and tlielr three chil dren The only survivor, »Marvln Conner testified at the inquest IKJURED WHEN TRUCK GOES OVER BANK Truck Turned Over Twice Near Bridge on Mount Olive Road i * Marvin Dunbar Is In the Goldsboro hospital utirging a badly bruised leg us a result of a large truck used oti Slate Highway construction work go» Ing over an embankment near the covered bridge on the Mount (JHvr road yesterday morning The steer ing wheel under which Dunbar vAs sitting, was wrenched loose and the ! bar to the radius rods broken In the j accident. A negro convict w hom Dunbar 4nrjn>rlnglng to Goldsboro j escaped Injury and rumanled at the; | accident to aid In removing the lii i Jured uian to the hospital. R A stiff steering gear on u sand covered surface und hard curve Is assigned as the cause of the acchlsul. The I rusk Is reported to have made 1 two complete revolutions lu going down the buuk There have been J accidents on this at rifle h of rood in the last month and a half. ° ROrAHIANSS HOLD | WEEKLY MEETING i David Shelton. Music Supcrvbor For (*ily Schools, Gives ’ j, Numbers Ai- chairman of the entertainment committee of the Rotary fMuli, K t\ ! Koyq,ll last utgtit Introduced to GOdil*- ; bum Itotarjuus. David Sheldon, music supervisor of the Goldsboro schools yiy bis reudltlop of "On the Road to ryiaiidalny'* .rod “Utile Gray Home lu iJ he tt eat" the singer, with Mrs Slid- I don rc« eived cordial , f'lipploinlP Mr. 8b«ldon also directed (•the club member* lu the singing of '« number of songs . L,:Wpedal' tnlelyyt »»* shown at the iafkctlng In the High School foot rbtoll prospects Itutai j.uu Indicated’ their Inteullons of cktendlng' >moor- J l.igcfuent |o the season's team ' "in H Smith, chairman of' Sphiy’k "urk. reported the organDa Hfh Os the Rotary Scout Troop, de jftg'ngtetl as Troop No 2 ll start* Jhutefii members J N Umg *l(jft lt{ f*cout viaster und F I-: Kdger tub hi .distant Report Ih iHHued .Sst -. ,C * On Eftiployment • i'- yv - Ksjiigh pi II jlu nu in lie i of rvsgpesl* for help received by offices) <f#‘ the Njortli i urollna brum h of the. ri^plo)ment service during Ipc l'w,Wftiv cml Ing Septembei It »ni. --uukjftf.v tWm the nunttwr of regl*tru oi dGlpllcatlon* for employment fur~+kt'*Slt st lime In several weeks, 1 Mccilfckiiiii’ to the weekly report Os M' 1,. tjb(|wu*'ii. Stele t ontmlssloner of 1 i'rlnting and director of j the 01 die > lojdov nieiif ervlce There wergi blip legist isi lon* and 5T2 re- 1 i 'im -lJlielp. the reiairt stales appljlng for work were Offli i«d) to employers and ale were |e>sltlons. according to th«A repost V - SMITHJfJKI.I) MAN GETS notary Public i.k ense c ... ? Raleigh. Be|d II Notary of the | public license have linen issued at j the of/lve of Governor Morrison tl the following persons i (!. laiw • i I r .tp> !t. Htalwsvllle; T ■<’. Hyman Fayetteville; H V KotMtin, Smlthftdd; j Nellie G Strubl. Klliabalk < Ity. IT It Willi. Greensboro; J. \ War-1 ten. UKiiw) Hill. GOLDSBORO. N. CL, WEDNESDAY MORNING. SEPTEMBER u 1*12:1 ' n In Parin Council'of Am haßHador» Waith Word From Italy; Fiume up Ag:ain NO GFIDK Athens. Sept 11. IHv the AasiM-lat-' 1 tql Press( —The crisis between Italy and Serbia on tlie Flume question Is causing grunt anxiety here where It Is looked upon as a possmlu menace to Immediate adjustment of tin- Greco- Italian actUcnicnl. it Is feared that j in the even! of hostillics lulv will find some pretext of continuing, to occupy , Corfu, which seems to *c must consid ered Advices front IHlgradc slid the Jugo{ Hlavtun capital is In a slate of high 1 excitement and the government wjll follow step by step every military! i movement taken b» -±Wtnim. The Albanian* have closed thelri tirm-k frontier und are arming all until , of military age In the eastern country , UhMPStY CHAMPION FOR FOUR YEARS IT Firpo Wintv it Will in* Second Time Tide Curried From America Now York. Kept. 11. Hcavy-wclglit j 'boxing history has Imen traced back 1 1 1 more than n century, to 171 !•. when (the game first flourished In Knglund., but tlie world's championship, held today by Jack Dcuipsey. dates back only atsont three decades to 18;m when John L Sulllvun tweame goner ' ally acknowledged us king of them | 'all Saveu have held the hcav ywelghl I 1 sceptre since the regin of Ihe "Poston Strong Hos." and all tsut one have iw-en American rlngnten ' Boh kltx slniinons. Ills lanky Gorulslimnn. was the only foreign pugilist to hold the tHJp Thud If l.uls .Angel Firpo of Argen tina debate Dempsey, he will be the second of the Hue (o upset Yankee - prowess and the first to take the crow a to foreign shores Fltxslm- | moils won and lost the title While Ini this country Jock Johnson, famous negro fighter | and Jim Jeffries, each held the cham pionship for seven years, longer tj*un any nthni* he lore or after them Jes tries retired undefeated hut wa* kiiocitwd out by Johnson |n IHIO when lie attempted u conic-back' us tlic'j “whit* hope ” "Gentleman Jim" Tor- ) belt w a* chsQiplun for Av* years; Jess i Willard, four years; Tommy Hums, who saceended to the title by default when hung up his gloves, three years; und Fltxslihinos*. two. yours iNunupOP hq» ruled" the ill | v Islon for V+rr'tiHwt -p Ml I years , In the lust chumplouslilp flgfit wttn bare knuckle*. Sullivau knocked out .lulfi^KHrnln In '■'• rouurl* at Klchhtifu ' Miss July 0. i»ib--*Snlllvan held sway with the gloves Übtir IHP2 w hen ' til* title passed to l olbelt Anifier Duke Had Executed TruHt Fund New-York. Kipt 11. More llia/i two ' years before they were dlvoreed An jgier II Duke, who was dtuwn<d early luibor Day. at Greenwich Conn . and ' his former wife Cordelia lllddle, exe- 1 icuGfd a separation agreement under which a trust fund was established I for the wife and two rhildreu In re- ‘ turn all dower rights and alimony ' ;rillluis were released I'he trust fund 1 yvas re|M»rted to be about Jl tton.iaio ' file aeparntlon agreement first wus made public today when h petition 'SvpiplKylng Sslurdsv * util was filed In 1 the surrogate'* rotlrC The agreement ' was dated Julp 23. l!'l!t The divorce 1 I was obtained October 21. 1921 liy the terms of the will the pell < lion estimated. Angler. Jr, three and 1 ! Anthony five who I {we with 1 I tlielr mother will Ih- beneficiaries of 31.26*1.000 trust estate* Mrs Mary, 1 I Duke Middle a sister will rnelNe ' 32.000.00** The r*-sl of tile 1'..500, I 000 cstule was bequeathed to public 1 ' n*tltu!l**nH and four execllturs, ... _ .» . n 1,,-- - fy-- .. ...., . < VkIT.UA> |)|t> llalliiuore. Sept 11. McHenry How ard. ('vnYcdarste veteran und lawyer, died this morning In his alghtjr fifth I year st hU summer home in Oakland.* j.Mil He vvg* a grandson of Francis S<*oti Key. Mj Howard saw service at au ord inance officer of Maryluud and was ' | once wounded. He was the author of {"HecoMetTlons of a Maryland Confed , iergte Soldier and Htilff Oft bet und* | Johnson l,e* and Jackson " CITY IS RIMED : UiORDING PBWT | EISTERIICU All Huielt'YiirM Will t>« Unload* t’d and Driven Front ■> Here Goldsboro has been selected bv C , C t’oddlnglon. of Charlotte., -taipl | agents for the ilulck uutomoldle for j ,]i North and South Carolina, a* the dis tributing |adnt for eastern Carolina Ml curs to iHtlnt* east of Durham will be unlouded bet's ami driven through I the country In tlielr destination The tlrst train load of the autumn- I Idles for Kustero points has already l | tiers «{arted from the factor), » is learned The train of 32 cats, owned ’by the CoddlngtDii company. oY Char j latte,' Is due to arrlv* here between September t? and 35. Mr. Coddlng j toil estimate* that It wulll uol take , mure tliun four” dav,* to iinliNid the cars and start them toward the va rious u|ents - .Coddlngton s sales force in the part of the slate will have' their men here to meet the train ■uud take charge ol the curs Other i trains w ill Ik* unloaded hare us the business demands Selection of Goldsboro as the ills- , trlhutlng point Is us a result of of- , fori* carried ou by " ('. Denmark, secretary of the ■ dumber of com merce.' Mr Denmark la now Interest ed In ucqualntlug other aulomobjle manufacturers and necessary dealers with the advantages of Goldsboro as a distributing point WlfflE EXCEEDS HER RED CROSS DHSYt Wum Asked lu Give 1691 to Jap anew Relief and t#of Raised | t b > YesltrtUkirj Goldsboro snd "u>n« «Mgy have exceeded their quota in the mMt C'rW-vs drive flu txllef of stricken Japwoesc by 3l*m. -Cording to an announce ment 'made u esterday. Southern offi cials wired local Red Craas workers firr 310 U and 3t>*a> had been raised by noon yesterday. A number of churclie* over lb* 1 county are making contrlbutfoa* ac- I cording to chairman D. J Rose Frs j uiont und Moitnl Olive cfuitrlwx imr ' i»>d the list of thone front outside of I Goldsboro ! In the trlcgrufh to lied Cross irffl-' • Inis here request wax made thui the quota be pxieeded If jlossitilc und tile 1 cuniiMilgn will not r enM/uiitll tnntght | I'oday \|lss Irene i'tYcasurer of she "'a)'iie chiyrfer will • again he at hcuilqitatler* «f.,the or-' ganlisllon It) the Armory bfijlding to* 1 receive conlrlbiitlotta. * * NAME RACING PRIZES EOR EASTERN FAIRS • SrcreliirittNit Conference Here Derided on $.‘(200 Frizes For Four Days Secretaries of (lie Kastern Noriti iCurollnu I'afr Aasivclution In confer ence on their. Joint racing program] hen- upon pur*<'- totaling 3J2OU to be distributed over a four day .period Armngwmeiita tor ihe big racing program was the prin cipal Item taken up by tin- secreta ries ClUes represented at the confer • nee were Rocky Mount, Kinston Ital etgh. Favett.-viiie Clinton, anil Golds l-oro The mti«'iarii * il**< lil.* d upon eluh' 1 ' race* over * fmjr day period Two lul l's will be held eat:h. *lay wlttr purse* totaling 14**o to winners In • iieh ruic The 1100 pur-'s will gi> a. fcrllows. first prize S2f*t*. sei olid pri/.p 3126. third prixr- 37r, s The secretaries nr»* very efithoslas tic cormernitßg the oullimk for the circuit this year "'llli lotrai co siilC Ing at prices higher Ilian since lui'i. they expect tii*t i|„. fair* will to „ , greusT* v wiuc«:,-* Ilian lu years The co-oparation of the sit <- it i< In 'arranging a joint raiing program . IttcHU* that bo I sea of known sia-ial and reputation will be • ntereil The. '•lreolt will o|h'|i at Ilia to Mount *fit* »eur. FLANK f ALIJA » INTO RIVER Moundsyllle. ". Ya Sept II illy lie Askoclgled* Pr* -* I The UjsslsUnt 1 rbh-f of C S Air service tiair<>w|y * ' aped lieu'll when the plane In w hich Ibe and Jade " oodruff were living to I tJnyldfl Dido .ftlll Into tfbln river 1 Neither was Injured jfltgin Trial Ol Flogging Cases With That Os C. A. j Yarborough At Macon | NEGROES FUSE HouHi Beml. Inil . Bept II tUy 1 tli** AnwcUlwl I'renst Between JO*) ami IMMI negroes nn> reported Id lipvc lelt Hie cll> h«re lit tin past 2I hour* («illow Inn ilic u - «*lpt «I u threatening letter tt* a well known colored residelit Al though no violence hio> follow*! j the receipt 'of the loiter, many of ] tile negroes fear that tbelt safelp In Ip Jeopardy BOLSHEVISM LED-. . HID MASSDCHt * l . ,Im Charjre Made by l nitcd Mine Workers of America in Report < New Vork. He pi tl >*lg li t> Mix l.lthiiujiluu Bolshevist* led tlot Iterrin i | oi nun union 'lllinoln mlo | era. I lie I’ul'ed .. Mint V 4 orkern of Aiiicrluu charges in uiukiug pulille to | day llii’ tlllrd of u series of urtlclen e\- i (toning nu alleged j, lot by Moscow j Communists to guTff control of organ l*ed lubor In the l ulled Hluten and i Canada, stage n revolution and over*. •liniw the exlnllng governments. The moh leadrra—•" of mem were i mein hern nt IlcrrhC of the Bolshevist , l.iihuuulHii branch of the rominunigl i party of Anierlea. according to the , | miners' article. 10 other memher* of , I In* same purty wore Imported an ageutn to foment the ultuwk on the ntrlp mine of the Houlhern lllonoln ' onl I onipa ii) whlih CHliiilHated In Ihe vlofent death of 22 men In June laaf year * „ “Thin revdltlug. Inexcusable crime I wna fomented, promoted and oaUaed solid) liy Communist*." aayn (lie writ.' er. “it wan u carefully pUnued as . fair, m heined with all the diabolic cfi:-'| city mid dlaregard for law that char-* ucfeiUe* the Communist movement." William 7. Foster, promoter of the 1 “one big union" ld«a In America. t»j alleged (o hate been the dominatin'! lor ii re In e went a' preceding the iiuissu }. rre. numbering among Ilia widen Jack I J Carney. Chicago editor of tjie radical' ,Voice*of l.u]mr. Nick Oogenhurg.- Cdr itey'a business manager. Arne Hwa hack, of the central executive commit* j dee. Coiltniunlal parly of, America. On car loiraou of Ihe Young Communist | lauguc Hun Frgfjickel. "lied' yorker J muon g rail employe*. t'hsiles krum- In ln. dlntrlet Coiiiniuulat official, and | 1 ( .Vein KJar. convicted In Chicago courts |* for connplrlng ugulnnt ihe ■luring fit! wMr o x ' i! Secretary Kverett* * * -i; (irants (’hartern * Nt Italcigh. Tie pi II Churl, if luii' I i lu eti Issued to the follow 11 Ionn by Secretary of Stale W N KV**^ erett: : I Kngluwood incorporated. W inston-h Salem, a real enftite concern, with in (ltorUod caplial nlock of lioojjo, .or ( which t.lUd.'t hun hyeri subscribed b> 1 .1. A. Boljch. Jr . Hfunk A Stagg and k K C, Vaughn all of VVtnstoii-Heleni !| l.mmi Scrvlne. Incorporated, Mount I ( Holly, gasoline aud oil filling ntalloo 1 1 for auliMiiotillea. with aulhorlbed <ap- ( . Ilal nlock of $25 bop. of which HtdO ( Iran been nubncrlbed by I-' II Dunn. , .1 W. Holl-umf and I J Stewart, ull of .Mount Holly. f j lln Hi rlfotd Count) Mutul lineal ifliniirailii Hie defy, of Mnrfreenboro ( Thi- coriniralloli. which ha- no capl- , tul nlock* orga(fined by a group , •of Hertford county negroes 1 I’rinoners AUempt To Kttcape Jail ! - .. i Nr* i 11-born N C . Sepl II Csinih I of two flea f>crate negro prisoner*. fTOtn ( the Uullford county Jull ,» u* narrowly i averted here ihln morning ai 5 to i o'clock' A, third, held for forgery, ii 11 mule bln cac.ape by Jtimplnu from <ln r Ineeoml ftisir to Ihe top of ail automo* r Idle. Hud l.llMlsuy High I’ollit negro. , I <Jl»d«'d with rhe murder of hln wife ■ by Valurallug her elutlilng with kero > none and then Igniting 11. and Deny ■ Handera, alno of High I‘olut, i iiurgei. i nltb the attempt to dynamite the safe <|f the High I’Hint Havinga and Trttnl t miipany more <huti a mouth ago. where the two negroes were praveatfo i (mm • .neaping Unuird VVhltelep, to* ' cat m*«ru. chaiged with forgery, made Inn getaway Attempt fca Show Know* jedtfe «f loetter» Seek -1 ingr Punishment ofj Other** Many Wit nesaea Macon. On, H. pt 11 (By the Anno dated Cress > K vide lice Intended to allow that C A. Yarborough on trial lu eliy court here of. the charge of riot lug in connection with the whipping of a I rank \litln. chiropodiaY had knowledge of lettem necking to hale olher peraonn punlahed lor tarloim of feiincn featured todapn aennlon of the trial which ntarted the whipping tune urreatn In uni' Instance, a state wltnaaa. gp 1 employee In Ihe office of |>r, Yarlio rough, told of muling a lelt«r In which a mother a day or two Or lore ' he i non wan flogged ex preened a wlnh that Nomethlng could i«c done in ner non Ktnplnpeen of the Ku Klux Hlan tcntiiied regarding tellers and j other evidence Intended to connect I Dr Yarborough with the nerlen of (loggings which lisve hewn going on here and In illbb.rounty for two yearn II was also charged that J, H Dor-1 kee. organiser us the K. k K vlslten Hie proaeeutlng wltneaa In Ihe rase and pretended that lie wan an officer I neni lia (kivernor Hardwick lo run down floggera. Tlve w line sacs teatlllod today. The i "late anaiMiaeed the names of &4 wit- > uensen at the ppralng of the oaaa to- 1 day. Including Ho name of former Ooveruor Hardwick, while the defense, counsel aniiouuend names ol more Ilian Ido I mill utloun were Ibal Ihln rung would last three or four days. —* * | Commits Suicide 6 , Athena. Sepl 11. -Arihar M Hrmikn. 1 I*" a cotton broker wag found dead liani today with a pistol wound lul ' his head A pialnl was found naar Ihe body and the police acid It waa » case of silicide with despondency 1 I the caune •’ FULL LEISED WIDE FOR CHOP REPMTS * * . .. . Farmer Can (i«| Prices And Market Trend by Applying For Them Kaleigh, N Sepl ||.. The, bene llts of full leased wire reports, oo | farm product markets are now avail-, a Ida to Nurfli Tarollna faruiem. a ill-] vlnfbH til 'markets supplied with re- ! ports’ direct by telegraph from the [ leading faun product markets of the i ouutry having been Instituted by Ihe North Carolina Department of Agrl eiilvn..' >W A * YV ban lieen injdwrkd and ill the nCjji> state In tw-ffTTlon wrhervby he mlgli' ’ give the heat market report service I possible to the farmers of North Car. ! ollna Mr Hhuuiaker rec«'lv«n fret(uent re polls each day on the receipts, actual prices and trend of the livestock mar* j keln at Chicago, Jersey City. Pitta* | burg. Hullhmiie iUchmond uad Allan- 1 is He also gets dally reporla from the leading markets on apples,. Irish IMdatoes, sweat potatoes and other larui products lu seuann Within toe j near future he nays h** hopes to be hie to lurntali lni|Hirers with re|K>rtn from the cotton and tobacco marketn On ieg nest. Mr Hliumaker says, lie run obtain r«porta from the principal markets on uliy farm product be In, : marketed If a farmer wants to know ' what onions are selling for In Ngw York, he can obtain the Information f'i directing an Inquiry to Mr Hbu maker, care Division of Markets, lie* | iniriioent so Agriculture. Italulgli. N c Information cpneernlng otner min prCNluct markets can be secured In • lie -aiio' mauuer Mr Hhtimuker he Intend* establish h service wllhln a short while for supplying weekly newspapers. Ill* ilivhloaln wad . Ollier * parties who re quest It with weekly market summa ries Agrh littoral offtelala here say they believe the market reporting service will prove of great advantage to tann ers of the stub In aiding till 111 to sell • heli products at opportune times and ill the prevalllna standard prices. Mrrruv VtltKtT New York. Kept 11. The market ■ limed quiet; iiltddlluu I'.Mfi future* ended steady October Id t'*.*o; IXi ■•cnilM'i JT’M. January 2T Wi; Merck a»Ao-*7; Mb My J7 SJ. , - —■■■<■!■ m SZZTrTmS * t - I MKMBhK or I ASSOCIATED PRESS i s IS awl t« ~ gw- r PRICE FIVE CENTS wow „ i BiDiomuEF; OF JUNIOR OHOa Joint Committer of Tlio |g^| • Council and Chamber If (V? fed Plana Toda» I , ** -w The (Tiamber of Commerce, euog eratlng with the local council of tlw Junior Order. In tha next law’ 4aya will launch a campaign luteudgd to secure the orphan's home. dscUail upon liy the members of the naMMtg! eounrll for Hccrwtary Denmark stated last night that If •rts opinion some tMKMMo Would be . niwhi In erecting the home and that Goldsboro hud a good chance of fee ing selected aa the alia A special committee appotutad •»> Ihe Juniors of the city mat with a ‘special committee appointed bp. tli« 1 chamber of eommerce yegiarfay morning and oigsnlxed for lo Iw underlaken The Joint ootu I mlltee will meet again today aud per fected details (or Ihe drive "I'here are I 5« memhera oI Use J'unior Order In the rlly and Ihe In | iiueuee which a chapter of tfela ataa I will have, coupled with Uw natural advantages (tosaesaed by Iha city, gad I hacked up by the public aplrltml elt Dens of ihe eonimdnlly. VMuld ifead | Its ihe Home,” stales HecNstsry Den mark Ttie home deeldnd upon by the Jttn . lorn at Ihelr national conveatlga *p 1 in keeping with ihelr plan ta» lltifei llsh such homes Ihroughoah tk v, H Various states where It la o<F j side red advisable to erect bomaa wofO named and North I'aroUad waa 1 eluded. Other towna tn the state wMcfe oA ’ - making ufforta to aooura tho feaafel planned for are Durham. Hudifm and They bogaf ihelr ettoru In thla direction afeam lime ago. This last, however, In no wise est eel Uoidehoru'a uiiaucea. Italy AboHshee i Colonial Slavery oanmi -few | Uoaeva, Sept. li.—ltaly hai nif fad ihe league of Nations that afea half •ordered the abolition ol the elavely -Syatem exDt|ug withip the Itdllgg im itation Mi the empire of Ethiopia lAbysnffiiai, wbltfh recently applied * .for membership in the Imiw tally baa ordered the native staff oI tha „ legation Which owns alavaa henna forth to consider them aa servaaW, not slavtra. pending lUllaa avranga uient* lu restore ihym to IthaHy with' • oOhpffnsatpHi to their ciwaara. , ItIhTIIK lUMir < 1 • • *' ’' I A new tul>middle tire repairing aud accessory huslaess la opeaed todap us ■'Vest Chestnut street. H T Mag 111. ; who has been engaged tn the nuta**- • bile business for thv.pasf at> year*. Ii jib< proprietor. FRENCH DFFICMIS ‘ DISCREDIT TILR OF i cipinum 'V. , * Think it a New Mare an Ger many'* Part far New Na initiations I’.viyh. Hepi 11. -The optlmlna la t duanetal circles arising from coavtr -1 satlons whkVShf Fraach amhuasa dors hs» had w lili the Uerntsn amtws sadors has hud no sharp rlae la francs 1 io.luy. bui the Tallowing Is shared oa ly slightly in offlcDl circles where a settlement with Oeruiaay la thought • till sonic distance off One official pointed out that when ever the Hermans come to the cqn elusion that they want to raeuaie aa ! got la lion* | heir uciles are lo draw out Krvneh opluhjn If they ohu ho* 'fore discoloring Ihelr own skate of mind t he French therefore accept the la* dicat lons of th« capitulation of Oor -1 mao) on repatfttlona with a paaetve resistance in Hubr with reserve The French think thut the Lpssslve restet snee In ftuhr will cventnhUy hffuk down dbsplto what the Herman gov eruiuent docs PaHHenger Train (>oeH Thru Bridfa Muskogee. Hept tl.--A 81. Louie and Han Franelaeo passwuger train at Fayetteville. Ark., went through a | bridge south of here thla afteraaa* according lo information bare file bridge and pwasengar cars are buna ' Inn." No one wae hart *

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