* *SeMSMb6Y 14-15M9GfcfeMlt‘I*fti£eptember A4rl&*»i i W»tasm*e*——e '.■ ■ '■! m.mm — ) WEATHER —ly Mr IMihf M 4 Friday) Awakr hm**— Ughl win*. VOLUME TWO; NUMEBR 1«1 Tte Rickard S*HF95*M y Fight Fans WM See The Dempsey-FirpoMatch Sure > r -*Zr Argentean Readied N. York Mat Night And Djiapaoy Will Arrive '■Kay; Ticket Frauds Not Tort, an* i»—(By th# Aaao ilsteß Pree*)- Banda tonight began to meat the "amok*' - of battle—that at mosphere peculiarly confined to Mnrywelgkt filPfio-Dempeey fight but two Tko tirat •t tba rlral gladiators moiad Now York tonight, whan Flr fo arrived at I o’dMk from bb traln latg camp ta AUng*. City Dempsey la expected to braak camp tomorrow moratag. arriving her* la tko aftornoen Bo wUI alar at tko Hotel Balmont tomorrow and Friday kfUraooa bo .wUI moot t|la challenger tor tbo first time whoa My appear before tko Athletic Coaunlaalon (or weighing. Both claim to ho la per fect cor ditto* Tom' Rickard tonight predicted a mil out la ticket*. Ho aald that clooe to MW would pay H 30.000 to aoe tbo fight The flgurea today was well paat be million mark. Mg moa work arrootod in a Duean it root twoat ahop today and police 0 confiscated IMAM worth of counter feit ticket* for the Dempeoy-Ptrpo natch Friday night Soma of the ticket* wore declared to hare . boon cremated The bob ware aafel to have acted la concert la prinUfg and llatributlng them. While tbo arroato wore being made »a lamottgation waa under way by Dtctrtct Attorney Banton Into chargee that a hatch of tick eta tor the fight having a box office value of BTJ* had been aold for |77 and that many other tingle ticket* had been thus mld ’ o >«w turn* irmmv Baleigh, N. C.. Sept. I*.—The ap pointment of tthx a Abernathy of Oroenoboro, aa corporation clerk, euc- Boodtag Mra. Minnie Bagwell Fox. roalgaad, waa aanonacod today by HocraUry of State W. N. Everett. Mr. Aberaelhy will have aupervlaion. uader Mr. Everott'e direction, over Ike laauaace of charters to concerna applying for Incorporation paper*. ADMITS PASSIVE« RESISTANCE HAS BEEN FAILURE Berlin, Sept. IS.—(By the Aaaoctat ed press)*—Chancellor Streeeemaa la aa addreea today declared, “we are ready to give real guarantee* In order to aeoure the freedom of the Rhur. He adnritted a solution 0& the problem could not be eecnred by pas sive reaiatance Shipping Board Sells Vessels Waahlagton, Sept. IS—(By the Aaeoelated of two important ship sale negotiation* were announced today by the Ship ping board. Seven combination freight and paaaenger ahlpe were taraed oyer to the Dollar Line. San Francisco, for operation. In a round the world service through the Pana ma Canal. Two cargo ateamera were sold to the Grace lias for use In the West Coast, South American trad* Coatlnuatioa for both aarvlces for gv* yean Wtm guaranteed «HI WALTON ISKS RESI9WTIONS BBbbb JUqu—t Upon Idea That El Khix Klan Controls The Officials m tL . Okla.. Sept IS —(By the As sociated Praps)—Charging (bat tbrev Jury commlaaloaura. the aka riff and the police cOßMslaalosera are directed by the Ku Klax Klan. Ooreraor J. O Walton demanded their reatfrstlon of the Jsry eoeaiteelonere and naked «t --'"Vu to call upon police commtsaiou 'jhlid aherlff aad aak Mm to demand May larake Martial Law. MSakogee, Okla . Sept 11—A threat to Invoke martial law here ualeee coa dltteae are Immediately “cleaned up** wan made by Ooremor W*Jton at Tu*- ea today la long daltance te'epbdtie eoamraalaatiaa with a local aewepa par. | - i— - I Diet OoOgaa u «M Hein D. Oallano ate to amt Ur V tataro boat la Nhw THE GOLDSBORO NEWS RICHMOND CLAIMS LEAGUE PH *■ —«— „ i Say That the Result of No* Schedule i<gnt Should Not Be Counted v • -wrw - - ■ Richmond. V*. Bept. IS—(By the Aaeoelated Prana)—ll. P. Daweoa. owner of the local club of the Virgin- ' la League, today filed formal claims ] to the league peasant baaing bia ae tMm oa the contention that the Colt* ' were charged vflh the loss of a non- ' scheduled game with Petenburg oa , September 4. This gapue-<qhanld be eliminated , from standing of the clubs. he claim*. Sam PotU, of Norfolk. stattaUcba of the league Is aald ta have confirm- . ed the claim. Hie record la aald to show that RlchaMmd was scheduled SS J games with Petersburg whereas only , 31 were played. Mr. Dawson’s claim to the pennant . waa filed with President W. 8. More of ( the Virginia League today. No Word has been received from him tonight. Aged Citizen Died Last Night w. O. Hollow ell, more than 70 year* old aad wall known Goldsboro char acter died at 8:48 at his home In th* Groan leaf section. Death came rrom a complication of causes Incident to old age. Funeral aervtce* had not been arranged (pat night, but It was though that aervlcf* would be held some time today. TUffiim mum Five American Destroyers Have Arrive# and Taken cans Aboard Washington. Bept. 13 —(By the As sociated Prep*)— Ambassador Woods in an undated radio message appar ently sent rrom Tokto several day* ago reported to tbe Btato Department today that the relief eltnatlon in the Japanese capital waa "now thorough ly la hand." Five American destroy ers had arrived at Yokahoma from Daria n. the message said. All Americans surviving Yokahoma are on ships and In safety the message said. This embassy haa evacuated 140 American tourist* and 21 British tourists from Tokio today on Amer ican destroyers. "Relief ship* be ing loaded in Taint Tao and Manilla Arrival of. fleet remove* danger of hunger among Americans.” VISSIONB OF MILLIONS IS RUDELY SHATTERED Chicago, Sept. 11—-Three hundred member* of the Springer Helra, lac., met here yeaterday and bade formal farewell to their dream* of getting a half billion dollara out of Wilming ton.-Delaewre, peal estate. The gath ering waa tfe* annual business meet ing of formed laal March of Ibci descendants and belra of Charles Chriatpober Springer, who died la 1739. A coord in to the claims made by the corporation, be owned moat pf tbe real estate where now stands tb» city, of Wilmington, and tbe corpora tion was formed to prove tbe claims of tbe belra and collect tbe real es tate. Attorney W. H .rhadwlrtt present ed a signed guNs>«nt from Mrs. Ma ry Springer McMahon, originator of the Springer belra organisation In wblok kha admitted that her claims were'false. “The missing page from tbe records which would prove the claim." the ~m.000.00fl tn . Phils- ( delphla bank" and a "mausoleum" In Sweden. “Ju*t bursting wtlh Jewels and precious hertlooms," the attorney ■aid, were all myths. What has been termed the organising movement. Mr. Chadwick said, “has only been tbe taveatlon of stories to get money from Innocent people who live In {country towns.' To settls the matter once and for all. he said, tbe entire, matter Will he placed before an ab stract company and Its decision will be final _ * >.-*■. Two 910.0 M stakes ars on tbe pro gram o i tha Aatumn meeting of tbe j Ontario Jockey Clnb. A { Walter Co* has one of U>q last- tt of tha seaaoat | year old trotters j tn Etbellnda. S:M 14 CODPStISPftQI W SEMTBR SMITH OF SOUTH EMBLIM Sdventl Thouaund Growers » From North Carotins and Virginia at Gathering (Special to the News.) " Danville. Va.. Sept. IS—Several thousand old belt tobacco growers from a down counties of Virginia and North Carolina welcomed United State* Senator E. D. Smith of &utb Carolina at a meeting la the Danville tabernacle today where the enthusi asm and nppiauae surpassed anything (hat haa been seen at meetings of th# farmers In this town aince Aaron Sg plro of California started the flame of cooperative spirit which haa since swept SIAM tobaoco growers late the |rl-atate as local tion **! plead with every man In Virgin ia to join the army fighting for our economic freedom as your forefath ers fought for their political freedom. Tbs man who won’t fight pith you -a as unpatriotic as the Tory of Revo lut.onagr days. I had rather give five crops of my tobacco If at th* ead of that time we cOuld as freemen dic tate bow •*« tell our product," «*- dared Senator Smith. "Dong talk about your sacrificing , a tofcveo 3rap to get your tndepen- ( danoe. What waa the sacrifice of ( your so rant there, whose •. bloody ( tracks margad the snow around Vai- , ley Forge In the desolation of those t taven tong year* when no man reck- , oaad himself aa Individual In thf* , fight for freedom." He asked staL • lug that congress has passed an act x so that no man can bale the farmer*. , to court tor combining that they , have assisted 1a standardising their , grades of tobacco and * cotton, that they have provided a billion dollar.- In bonds to assist the farmer In marketing the Bouth Carolina Benpp tor declared, "we have built the font;. , prepared th* engine, put "the coal in , th* firebox and now w* are asking t yon to pet up and drive. If you don’t i ft ta your fault.” ' a Referring to the Federal Reserve act as Uto greatest banking act ever ( passed ta th* Interest of jusice. equity , and rightaouaaaas. the farm bloc ( leader printed out how cotton drop- , ped from forty ednta to tan. how to bacco went from flfy cent* to twenty, , how bides dropned to where It failed , to pay to take hem off toe backs of j th* cow. While the prices of the clothes, the shoes, and the n^nufer- 1 ( tured tobacco r»mealed almost the seme as ever. This was due to the 1 ) utterly unorganised condition of the | farmers who be declared can only j remedy such losses by cooperative' marketing. John ~H Hutchinson of Blacksburg, director of extension for Virginia. In trodUcetf Senator Smith and atated that the Cooperative Association bat no only, maintained the price of an average crop of tobacco In 1921 but raised the- nrice of a large crop of tobacco In 1922 at leaat five cent* per .pound. Director Hutchinson recalled | there were only four yekrs prior to jibe great war when hla bearers had* averaged over t«n cents for their to bacco and declared that they would jflnd themselves In the same condition today had it not been for their mar keting association. Recalling the great Indignation meeting of farmers from all tobacco counties of Virginia who filled the tabernacle In the fall of 1940, Mr Hutchinson' said that to day'*" great mass meeting could prop erly 'he called a celebration of thanksgiving for the better times that > has come to the tobacco farmers by reason of cooperative marketing. ! President George A. Norwood, of ’ the Tobacco Growers Association. .; who came from North Carolnla to at tend today's meeting told the Virginia I farmers, "we are going to fight until we shall name the price of our pr*~ ducts" Ptesident Norwood was liu traduced by Director W. R West, as the bead- of Amesha a largest tobacco corporation. wpo jjpreeelvlng from one toCTlf”. to oae"' Twentieth of the amount received by the presidents of other tobacco companies. The speakers at today's meeting ware in terrupted by repeated cheering and applause and the occasion left no one In doubt among those present of the enthusiasm and loyalty of Virginia co-ops. ;« BAAKfMI.L BhHI LTH American La—as New York 2-1: Ckleags 1-1 Washington 4; Detroit I. Nat loan I l.aagae Phlladslphls 4; Brooklyn 6. Chicago 0: Cincinnati 4. Heat hern Lragpe • Nashville 4; Blrmlnahsm 10. Little Bock <: New Orleans 10. Memphis X: Mobile 0 rkUM Leagae Bsielgb $; Oresnsbore L. Wlnaton-gaUm 4; Durham 3. High Pout 10; Dan rule «. GOLDSBORO, N. C, THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER IS. IMS WNEEMFri 11 HUH Mm JL A, Joseph, President of Mcr chant* A asocial ion UrgM Full Attendance Final preparation* tor Goldsboro’* dollar daya Friday and Saturday, and report# from outatadalng committee* will occupy an Important meeting or (he Merchant's Association this aftar- at 1:30. A. A. Joseph, president of the organisation, urge* a full, at-j tendance at th* maetla* A drive for i a creased membership haa been conducted by (he A*aocta-j tion for the paat few daya and re ports concerning the success of the undertaking wll( he made th|a efter noon. Several other committee* aHi due to make reports. Officials of the Association at tbs meeting will probably urg* upon the members th* Importance of arrang ing attractive bargains tor th* bol lar Days aad of properly advertising them In the local and surrounding papers. Mips Grace Warrick, secre tary of the organisation ole now ee votln her entire time to promoting the bargain days. f ■ i- ■ COMMUNITY SERVICE DIRECTORS MEET Introduction of Dr. Parker, of Washington, D. C., district represen tative and consideration of certain changes ta tbs organisation will oc cupy a meeting of the Board of Di rectors of the Wayne County Com munity Service at th* office of the association la the Armory tonight, ac cording to n statement issued by Thomas O’Berry, president Mr. O’Berry calls upon all members to be present at f:l4 o’clock. Dr. Park er, of Washington succeed* 3- 0. Brl sou aa district representative. TO MOLD MEETING The meeting of the charity organi sation waa postponed from Inst week until this week, end will be hsld #t the k#me es Mra. .C. A Wilkins at 4:88 p. m. Friday afternoon. A fu:: attendance ta urged. Thomas Ruffin Chapter. Daughters of ta* Confederacy will mast thla af ternoon with Mssdnme* W. H. and Graves Smith. All members are re uested to be present. Mrs. Flora Kendall will return to the city tongtht from a visit with h*r daughter. Mrs W. M Thompson who lives at Aisles. N. C. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Thompson were In the city yesterday shopping. Mr. Henry Carr <bf Calypeo *yas In the city yesterday shopping ahd vto- Itlnu, friends. Will Support Coolidge ' Washington. Bept. 13— (By tbs As sociated Press)—Assurance of sup port for Coolldge for 1824 were brought by Republicans from several states* who were snhong an unusually large list of visitors today. Ml COMPLIMENTS - LOCAL FIRE CHIEF % ■ •■ V , Goldsboro WHh * Adjoining Towriu Had 100 Per Cent Re cord in Augodt Goldsboro's perfect record .In the matter of fires Tor the month yf Aug ust has attracted favorable attention at the hands of State Insurance CunimlJbtoner Stacey M. Wade. He baa written fire chief Inslle Yelverton complimenting; him upon the showing which the city bos made. Mr. Yel verton hopes to be able to make a perfect record for September. With the month half gone, there has not teyn a fire as yet. In the letter to Mr Yelverton. Cdtn mlaaloner Wade said In par; " “Your Ore report for August Just received. ! hasten to congratulate you and tbe cltliens of Ooldaboro on tbe excellent record I assure you I am Just as delighted as you must be or can be, I trust tbe low, Are record for August 1c? the entire state, and the clean record for your city, will act aa an Incentive to renewed Inter cst In Are prevention among all dll tens * "As you know, that Is the thing !aaadud meet, it la Just One And you will ha glad when yea ate the names oa the August Honor Roll, to find your aoUhnr eastern ettlea of Qreon vllto aod Wtloaa there, with only one Am aad small toes far Kinston ana Rocky Mount. That’s going some for practical reform Let's keep It up down thereat . X ‘ ' " e_ , An unasually strong AeM of Inter {national stars will compete la tbe Canadian wonten's golf championship to be played Hi Mont real the weak {of September 17.' LnVui unLHvMRn TOWf-BtffnUKD -Wm TlrtMviHM/r 500 InhabHhiAta of Fbiliißc Vlh lave Thought to Have Es caped to High Land Mexicali. Lower t’allt., Sept. 11. (Ry the Aaeoelated Press)--Wireless message received , her* today report* the dent ruction by tidal wave of Ban Jo»e D* Cabo, a smXM fishing town off The number of lives lost 1a not known. Moat of the 60p inhabitants of th* town are behaved to kav* escaped to high ground when the wave came yes terday. according to radios advtoea sent Suit by a steamer ahartjy before the catrastonhe » HKD li t KHUN NOW t'OACgINt* FEDERAL PEN HANKIIAI.I, TEAM Atlanta, Bept. 13—David T. (Red) Barron, whose playing on Oeorgia T'ech'a Golden Tornado team, during the paat four years attracted nation side attention among gridiron fans has become coach of the Federal Pen Itonliary team her*. Th* former star also ta assisting football men at Georgia Tech and ta attached to th* sporting department Hiaff or a local, newapdper. "Red” I* giving the penitent!**? aquad his at tentiou two aft*~roon» each week. On Sundays. Barron for gat a work and teacne* a Sunday School class. | Wife Secures Peace l ßond Against Husband p J i L B. Pats waa yesterday required 1 1190 over a period of six ntoutua at |a bearing before Esquire W. G. Britt I Sarah Pats, wife* of the defendant. ; brought the proceedings Evidence was Introduced to show that Pat* had | made threat* upon her Ufa. RELIEF CHMPMGN ENDED LIST NIGHT A Total of fft66.B» Conti Wha Wired to Southern Headquar ters in Atlanta Th# campaign arUtcb has been con ducted In Ooldsboro and 'Wayne coun ty for the past wash In th* interest of Japanese relief ended at 4 o’clock -yesterday afternoon with th* local Red Cross Chapter »1*«.88 cents over Its quota. - Officials bad naked for 1600 and a total of |M6 88 was fired to Southern headquarter* of th* as sociation ta Atlanta Inst night. Dr. D. J. Rose, chairman of th* county chapter, last night expressed appreciation to those who bar* help ed make the campaign a success. He ,*a|d In a prepared statement: "The local Red Cross Worker* wish to takeGtdvantag* of the opportunity to thank th* Editors aad Publishers of th* Goldsboro newspapers, tbs - rharebas and civic organisations, and all the people of Wayne county tor their cooperation, assistance and contributions In tbe recent oampalgn so raise tellef funds for the Japanese Hufferers.’* 0 GKNRRAI. WOOII IN UNDER fIKK AGAIN / 2 Manila. Kept 10 —(By the Associated Press) —The_- controversy between Governor G«»*ral I/ronard Wood and Native aovernmeat officials sad par ty leaders wps reived la*t night when Manuel Queson, president of the Philippine Senate, and Manuel Rosas, speaker of the House of Rep dre sees that It was thslr intention to reduce tho Governor General to s mere figurehead " Speaker Rosas said: "Filipino members of the cabinet •Bd our representatives la tha gov-t ernment have encroached on tha powers and prerogatives of tbe ernor General That’s true. We ligyc* encroached upon tbe rights of the Governor General because la that [ guise liberties are won “ Quezon said; * “It will not be betraying any secret here If I say that pur object Is to re- j |luce the Governor General of the Philippine Islands to a mere figure head It la unpa'»*otlc for any FilT ptao to stand by Governor Oeneral Wood In Ills policies." The Renata President referred to’ •he British aelf-governlag colonies (ovsrnment similar to them. Orlando tn tha Florida flints lea pup Is another of this year's sham, plons to win both halvos of the a#Mt, season. Joe Beckett, tbe British heavy weight champion, denies that ha lA taeda to ratlre from. the ring, Bow that he has married. He expects to meet Csrpeatler In the early aatama The News Will Gme Firm* Dempsey Fight Round * Round On Friday Night UEK MISDHSIU WITNESS BIG EVENT To Altoml Laying of C'ornvr ■ttmc of Goo. Washington Memorial Nov. 1 • Biggest and moat Impreialvw of all { carempnlea In th* hiatcry of Krevma- j vonry In the United State* will be the I laying of th* coraeraton* of tbe I George Washingtcp Masonic National Memorial at Alexandria. Va.. oa Nov. 1 I. 1831. This occasion uadoubtedly will witness the gathering in Wwh iagtoa, ff'. C.. which ta |u*l across the Potomac Over from Alexandria of the largest body of Masons over attend ing any function. A number of Ma *ou* from thla city and Immediate community will attend th* ceremonies. There are now 3.000.000 member* of th* Craft in the United Btatas. with more than IT.MO. Blue Indgwa Mat tered from coast to const. Bach of the rantallve at the gathering, aad the total atttnndanca 1a egyacteel to go Into hundreds of thousand*: The national capital and Ho vicin ity already world famous for tbs Im posing beauty of their tdlßcws. wUI linvs In th* George Washington Me morial a structure more raajoHle than any hardtbtor* eroded at the rant of th* federal govern neat. Tko site selected for this memorial, the grandest aver erected In honor of any man. could not bn Improved upon. It ta on Shooters Milt, oa the o!4 Klag’e Highway and an the commanding Ar lington Ridge, from which a vtaw any be had of tbe olty of Washington aa# of all th* places most frequoatod by the first president, whoso reaWmae was al Motmt Vernon, only a lew mile* distant. The Mr net ure U**)f vffH be of noble ptwporiloan and of Wonderful architectural beoaty. «ur rounded by a park of 33 sersa. which will give th* ojjtan a yrayor watMay for all time to come The memorial trill be of •■delta* 1 xraalte aad when computed will «Mt 4.000.000. Its dimensions over all will he 310 tori la depth by I*o fest In width, exclusive of stops, terrace* and approaches. Its height to Um summit of ths observation tower wIM b* BO feet. The architecture Is to So clusle. ! tie form Inspired by the great tower* , built ta th* days of Or**«* and Roan* , to mark the entrances to harbor* and . from whose summits permanent born- j tog flares could be eeea for nil** at | I sea. a guide for mariner*. •| Th* Manorial Hal) In this ganad structure will take the form of-an . atrium. 70 by 10%fe«t. In which it Is ( 1 proposed to aet-» atatus of Washlas toa. This great hall will .have a height of #4 feet, rising to * clwrmtory above the attrroundlns portion of the 1 building. It will be flanked by loaD* 1 column* 40 feet high and surrounded | by a number of rooms d#voto«f to Ns ’ acnlo Interest*. The entraao* to tbe 1 edifice will be expressed la n ai*-co»- 1 ttmnad portico of pure Doric d**|gn. '|Above the Memorial ballfnd forming 11 he second stnry. will be s tnueAum to I house the many priceless relrtn of the j fleet president now In poseenaton #»• ' Alexandria-W*shlnst<% lodge No 21. of which Washington was * tbs first Worshipful Master Above the mu seum* will be * third letsL *nil top ping the whole will he s cowered ob servation platform, all three Isvela screened by stately collosades. ■■■■ " Purchasing Agents Will Meet Today IT" Asheville, N. C.. Bept 1*. —<By thei "Associated Press) —Standardisation of I • ■tale supplies and uniform msthods ! tbruogb tbe country will bs considered at the mcetnlg of the National Asao -11 elation of Stata purchaitln* which meeta here tomorrow In con-1 [Junction with the National Association j jof fltate Secretaries and the National Aaaoclaion of auditors, councilors, and treasurers. , Dr. C B. McAllister of tha Hurenu of Atandards. Washington will rspro aent Secretary Hoover and dallm an address Senator Carter Glaaa. Oovur nor Morrison, and Highway Commis sioner Page, who were sipucted, can not be present. Greet Britain la being searched at present for a potential world's box : , lag champion. Tbe qnsst le backed by 4 syndicate of British sportsman. . with Tex O'Rourke, tbs American manager and trainer, as official ad vlser. »iVffVE Tbe signing of Ayt Fletcher to pi lot the nilllee again next year has met with the hearty approval of ike Quaker City faaa. | MEMBER OP f. ASSOCIATED PR—I PRICE FIT* CHTB The AseoeiiteA Ptmt Wire to Start Ratmw From itg Experts Be ginning mi 9 Mr. Minton to CM Fight • Beginning at 8 o’clock Friday atagE The News will be at hand tofKa>*< fight fans of Goldshoro and twrrmdO> ing country in honor || the Ban Dempsey championship hoot at 4a Polo Orouada la New York. Th* fight wUI be give* ta Mhi crowd which aaeemhlos In Hr Mg jt th* office on ('enter street jnug gg ft coma* la on th* Aaaooiitad Mans wire. The News has bow artllid By the news gathering -graipr that MM service will begin at 8 o'clock Friday night. The pragma of th* Mg hand willr b* given ranad by round. ►- W w. Minton, th* stentorian vriaod heraldi hoa kindly oanaaatod. at Mta request of the editorial dagnrianant. to call the result* to the crowd. My. Minton declares that with tbo pfMfifiM he got in the Willard-Deapagy fight ta Jaly. ha will ho able to nrVghtfii •elf heard clearly afl|L fiMMftftoV a rnrtlu* of several idMks. Ip'that la up to him. The Associated PiRKKf The News, will mSWlMfi|. (M'M|R|« trained eporu writer* at the ffUMSfifiS and will be able to gigi ilxhu on tbe ftaht, an WNmEJU telling blow* The figfil M h|g|B| j ** th* blggeit event In tory of recent year* dl Vm .igsncy hit mid# <over it accordingly. To S| the Polo tlround*, )ho U,.te "tha, 1 mm ’irarie the bout whu-h ). .<h. , ( ta# fiPgPll round* } Now coma early r‘««h and ge< the h.now mM M lMp «»f the New* otnoe YtfiMA O .Mi to «tand up. but that «||Mhi .out.) (o throw «onr MUjw out i JH Will Have AnothS# Investigation 4# To Mental A defendant who l4s MfeMflflpf mentally Incompetent by a |Br |K f? not later ba thrown lain tmiHlipß Federal Judge t'oaaer Md wfcag Ifep him la Kaiegth. To ton to all. however. Judge Oaatoar provided that another usmlaatten „ as to meats! competency ba heM »e determine the preeeat ooeMMea « the defendant The date far thin In mitigation baa not btm aat if 4 -«u. - i,i gT~*‘ 4 < 9TTON RARKBT r ■ Net York. flop!. IS—** MMfft closed qelet today. Middling. M4l. futures closed steady. Oetoher 27J2- •1. December 27 4M9. Jaaaary IT AS, VSrrh 2704-09, May tr.gMt - - "* 111 'ffuu , . AEjtitfiistt nm uwnif Bag FYancleco, Sept 12—MqgtMNg of the Southern California«dggt wOh asked in radio calls aant frqtol W* commander of the Pnctfle. tom* refer squadron last night to iMfc ont M a n rowboat which was sighted three mile* north from Wllnah Roek, hao Miguel lajand. and sent thsught to contain survivors from Mm south wrecked destroyers aahnrs at Ngtoh | 30 miles aorth of here. si) mem ■ IN flow urn | JurjwMar «ot Firwl pf MMfB Affairs Caaaa Mur, BhM I MACON. Oa.. Sept. It—The plana* today root ad Ua mm lh tbe Dr. C. A TirtmaM dsntlat. charts to with rieUag » mm nectlon with nbggtng lh thta atty lav ' tbe poet two fmrt aad the dodhtoa • began aa attempt to break daw* the credibility of etato’e witnesses. MM recess wan taken tha atoto hid «h --1 ed • witnesses. - j 4WW Today's trial waa j mgrhad bp hh iroductton of three tolepto vtotlane nt the floggere all a t whom M-MBed Dr. Yorborosgh aa having Mob to crowds that “took them aht" fha women also ldentlSud letups w—ah bad haea written, hat theaa (HAMM r-raasTMt

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