I WEATHER ’ rwtlf cloudy krttay Hotarda, Islr, mill «Mi ■■■'■■■■ » ■ ■- VOLUME TWO; NUMBER 162 IP CO-OPS ™ mm MEETING . AT HENDERSON Wm Given by Department Os Jnrikc la Coanoction With Modification Talk i*y ( Speclel to Neva.) vT*HBNDBKSON. S«pt. IX— North Chrollas Co-op* of the Old Belt made Henderson their meeca today when Urt drtm tobacco farmer* heard aad United State* Sena tor i Smith, of South Carolina, ta tho Co-operative bouse of this city. Thor* wer* delegate* from Franklin. w#ek* ( arnavilU, Warren. Halifax and Jtonum countie* and many 'VIr |MB who came from over the line to near the famous farm floe lender champion of the cauaa of Co-upera tlva marketing. Many farmer’* wive* were present la this audience and bankera and' merchant* from neighboring town* ant on tobacco truck a and pllea of lumber, elbow to elbow with the man whose toll produces the crop* which the South Carolina senator earnestly urged hla bearers to organise In mar keting. Today's meeting was prob ably the moat enthusiastic gathering of Organised tobacco farmer* ever •can In this city but those who came ( to hear sensational demlgoggy were doomed to disappointment though moved to repeated applause- by the eloquence or a speaker who discours ed with crystal clear meaning of po litical economy the history of sci ence and the philosophy of life In a ' manner that would have done credit to profeaaora In our leading unlver- > allies and yet swept his audience to | repeated shouts of applause by drlv-. ing boms his constantly reclcuring! theme the ‘'heeds for co-operettve marketing, today waa one of the great school dayp for the tobacco farmer*] for the Old Belt who havu envied It for ftve years courm la cooperative marketing. Dr. J Y Joyner, director for tobacco growers co-operative as-1 aoclation evidently voiced the senti ment for the nudlenoo whan he said *%wry since the red mna reaped our j forests It Waa South Carolina that ' ■out ua help ip our matt desperate . hour. South Carolina and North , Carolina havt always stood shoulder to shoulder, and we are together In this last fight for our economic free-' dom. the greatest bottle We have ever fought. Thank God, Houth Carolina ha* , sent ua a champion aa great as they* sent In the day* of Buntter and Ma rion.’* "In all the family of human ■ enterprise* does God mean those who , produce the food to go hungry and , Ignorant nnd half nakedT* asked Se nator Smith, and darlared "if we don't , qygsnlxe when God ha* given the supply and the natural factory of the ( field*, which produce the world's i food and clothes, he will continue to lash us with poverty and Igno rance aa be la at present until do I organise." Reviewing the cause for dhe com-1 plete financial supremacy . rtf tboae \ who run flatly and bluntly t«Jd hi* hearer* today that they were a verv 1 poor financial risk so long as tfiSr failed to organise like tho merchants. 1 manufacturers and busfnfcs* men who 1 can control t£e quantity and qualify ' of their °|>rodUe< and therefore know J and demand Its value. Senator Smith said that he bad 1 written Into the newt baking law the 1 provision which ... allow* all note*.' ...draft* and bill* for agricultural pur- I pose* to have six months duration. | ‘‘Don’t applaud,” he' cried when the farmers cheered tbi* slatemen*. "1 1 feel ashamed that 1 could make It .m little, fOr It takes the farmer twenty! ttffour months to turn over bl* lnvcst 4,Jnent. I challenge the American world to show why the loan ikto the fanners should not be f>r J wenty four, months.'' lie gave high praise to the federal reserve board hut reminded the tobacco farmer* * that when the board had deflated 1 price*. that>cotton and tobacco bad dropped from 40 cents, 10 and 50c to 20c while big manufacturing concern* continued to make profit ranging from 200 percent to 1400 percent. Sehator Smith left Henderson today „ for Rocky Mount where rho !?roat preparation* have been made for to moreh'i meeting of the organised tohgcco farmers of Eastern North Carolina, whom he will address in the association warehouse of that town. He will complete hi* tour of the Virginia and North Carolina to bacco country at a mass meeting of Duplin, Sampson and Pender conn'y oiwAlsstlon* at Wallace next Hatur c __ * !»tw YORK COTTON Nuw York, Sept. ll.—Spot cotton closed quiet today. Middling 2X66 Future* steady c host to the' Conference, bishop Cot |llns Denny, of Richmond. will pre side over tb« sessions of the confer ence. opinion on mm j m FURNISHED Are Making I’rtparttl ions For Another Gathering at Rocky Mount Today , Washington, Sept. 13—(By the As-■ hoc la ted Prc.su) — An opinion “on tiie Gorgas plant feature of the Muscle Shoal* sale* proposition hs* been furnished to Sectary Weeks “by the Department of Justice. It whs learn ed tonight having been sent several woet* Ago. before Henry Ford's last conference with officials here At that meeting Mr. Weeks asked the Detroit manufacturer to modify hi bld. explaining that legal obstacle* were In the way of Including the Gorgas plant In the properties Officials of the Department of Jus-1 tlce and at the War Department re-j fused to divulge the chartiCtor of the) opinion and declined to comment in any way. Secretary Weeks understood to I havq In font red Mr Ford at their re- j cent conference that the government would l»e compelled with the conkrurt with the Alabama Power Company to sell the Gorge* plant, which Is locat ed some distance from the other plant*, to the p ' eouncll a motion for un orgllnanrr 11 designed to keep school hoys, out er public pool rfioni* was defeated by iiij Vote Os five tO tb/O'e Pll’j; HMOkP.KN OK t ter. Final. Judgment by the Huprcine Court will come in two weeks. It Is said , Argumrtits have also been heard in a motion to discharge from hunk ruptcy l'has. K. Lute* and George W lstne. of the firm pf the Mt Olive Uve Slock Company. m-T> —rr-- ~ "■ J “‘ 11 " ’ "" Community Service Directors Meet The District Chief Meeting In tha Armory building last night, the directors of the Wayne 'county Community service were In troduced to Dr. Parker, new director Tor the urollna'a district, nnd prepar ed for organisation of the service for ianother year Dr Parker explainer I 'that Goldsboro waa now In s district < which Included only the two Carolina* , I where formerly It had been in a ills- i )trlct with several other Stales Thlr | i-was declared a* “meaning that the i Service would be In position to belter .accomplish ItS service. Thomas O'Bafry, president of the | Hoard and chairman of th« executive i cointnlttee tendered hla reglgustlon to | take effect when hi* successor Is i elected. A nominating committee was appointed and s new chairman will probably be named in the next .vcn days. The work of Miss Cather !tne Park as community organiser was Indorsed by the directors. COUNTY-WIDE , - ti | Gartoniu. N. C„ Hepl. 13. —A conn- ( ty-wlde evangeilstlv campaign. In , I which every church In the county Is | expected to participate, will he j launched In Gaston Sunday. Heptera- e her 16 Preparations for the cum- J paign have been In course for several f months. Assisting the pastor* of the v churches In conducting the evange- ~ listtc campagln, will he over a acoiy / of special evangelist*. e — , a , s Sentenced To Hartß V l !' ' Atlanta. Repl. 13 een moved up to Ht.'lO by our time and (hat returns from the rintpiide would Ktart about thaj time. «■ Fans who expect to attend th/ matinee to be Riven bv The News will please take notice. BEFEtt tCIIOIt M ' MING OFFICER Flection of Welfare Officer Will t ome on September The Twenty-Seventh Ih* county board of commission «*r» and th« county board of educa tion In extra session yesterday again deferred action on electing a welfare officer for Wayne county Definite action on the matter will be taken at u meeting called for September 17, It wan decided A. H Edgerton. chairman board t)f education, and U A Riney. chairman of the board of comntla alOßOr* were appointed aa a commit tee to receive application. Three ap plication* have been filed to date. It i« learned The hoard of education In It* meet big I '' took up Houiecmaitdra effecting tchnol*. Twelve permit* were keoiii cd children living outside the city limit* of the city Ncboola.. and* of pound* of "lobacrO which Uie Association by means of the Iron l bound contract which ha* been re le atedly upheld by‘ the court* l ojonei vt -;r Joyner of Raleigh. «bo fot latlon in 1 d*Ufc§rt»ObiS?Fat i nrfcorol f*C**tl)T tii 1 1 iwr.y.iTuti who started mi,it again*! the AsxoCl*- ‘ tton In the summer of |!i23 wa* no-' iter an Injunction of the churl .and III' I 111 l ttl I 11.110 e I.C thi 111 lUWIII’II . against tJie Vfartin « minty grower* who, like those of pm county soujrht j to evade holr contract wilt the A«*o- j ciaWofi by legal proo i ilinr * greatly! strengthen* the poxlllon of Ihe Aa«o- * elution which ha* now placed locul Counsel (o protect H* loyal members 1 against contract breaker* in every important tobacco growing county, market* are at present re celving tobacco, according to Colonel Joyner Injunctions against seven of the .Martin county menifTer* who*e caw s cum. up before Judge i onnof today are In the Wake county court 1 at Ilaleigb IMS! mi l. IIISI 1.1 M National league Pittsburg 4-«: Itrooklyn 7-1. Chicago 3; Cincinnati f, \ iih rleariA* ague • New York ’•. ( iTieago ft Ho; ton ; (*lcvelun I f| I'hiUdrlphla 3; Kt Imu I* :• Washington 7:., Detroit 3 Noiilh Atlantic (Post season erle ) Mognc I: Charlotte 12 ■ Sna'llcrti league l ittle Rock 1; Atlanta 13 Memphis 1; Htrmlngham I. I‘iednionl l eague Rtileglh 0; Greensboro 1. High Point I; Danville 10 1 Winston Salem *; Durham 3. HBPr ‘ . PRICK FIVE-CENTS t Some Ex oerls Believe That “Mighty Right” May Again Come Thru in Pinch; 90,000 Expeo »ted New York. Sept. U-(Hy the Aar.o clnted Press) Two modern gladia tor*--Jack Dempsey and Angelua Plr- P° will match- *peed. courage ami punch lu the grente*! right of lltelr live* tomorrow night The grealent priM< of the ring, the heavy weight championship «f the world. If at atakr The American holder of the I nic king 111 llie iMiourcd circle for the v paal four yearn- will go into Ihe con- I fllel with hia bronxed, grlnt yisagctl | South American adversary an over whelming favorlle of the follower* of ■ the lime —lo win and to wlir duet* 1 Ively While export analy*|* —"dope"— jail point toward the vcltory for the champion, those who have followed - the rise of l-'lrpo, hi* dipli from oh 'curlty to fame und fortune ami po i alMon of foremoat challenger iMillev* > that lh« mgihty right lhat ha* 1 thrust a*.ide all opposition bereofore tngy upnet calculations and bring . him triumph. Attracting the greatest Interest of any International encounter for ring honor*, since* the Dempaey-Carpen- Uer battle two year* ago, the After# round title match at the Polo groum l tomorrow night rivals that historic NpecUcle in which the champion j Vanquished hit* rival from Krenrr. 0 A throng of more than NitN will ji«av 1.340.01*0 according to Tex Hick i rd. The promoter declared tonight jthut revised figures to take care or j additional spectator* shewed 00,374 iteal*. He predicted that every or.*- f those would, he occupied and that j> ufficlcnt standing room would b* i old to- swell this total by nevertl {thousand*. Thus the crowd may rival th* rec ord attendance of tt.l.OOfl at the Pgr- I tender fight at Hoyle* 30 acre* Hut J I thegate" eyen at It* maximum Will ' not let able to eclipse the $t.3000.000 * set by the battle of the century: Cupid on Vacation t'upld doe* not seem to have re turned to Wuync from hi* August va cation, J II t'lHik. of Hrogden township, was granted license to wed Annie Parker of Duplin eounty. Thl* wa *the second license which ha* been Issued this week . , PRODUCE MARK FT MFKT | The new* I* requested to announce that there will be a meeting of aR | people who are Interested In the pro j(luce market at hte,courthouse at 2 .o’clock Saturday afternoon FIRF IN MACON ' __ , ■ j 1 Mueou, l}p., Kept T 3 >Nuinhcr k3v* i ; cujine house In Noiitiy Ms. ..n I* on 1 fire and a nuu lx r tM other lioimea .►re aflame tonight Jn with the fire: 1 t ; prt tdlng Alt'of tlmlpre llxbting ap- 1 ar.it us ha* I teen rtisltitl t•• the acep^ l C»USeM PROHIBITION WORK 1 V I i Is Opinion Delivered by Attor* I Daugherty Today I' Washington, Hept. 13—-fUy the As- J • ticlated Pre«*) The navy cannot be ! used In‘enforcing prohlhltlcn. It was I .declared today by Jhe Attorney Gen i rsl There T* no national etnergen i. y which calls for the necessity of. txc of warship*, he conUntimd Delivering the opinion nsiTe