I. F*!r SntrMny aid Btsdir. llttU chtayy la tm^trstrra. *- - - - , , . mm ■ —— ■ ■ in' qp—■■ I ■ • mm»--mmm » "*^*** > *' ■—*«» I *^!TrT“ VOLUME TWO; NUMBKjp 163 - mm ■"."" ■ n iwiwiV' ■ ' ■■■— ■ —" l ■ - : ; i' * - • ■■■■ Dempsey Wins In 3 Minutes 57 Seconds HUE OTHER SHIPS WERE ID ICCIDEHT „ sirs NEW REPORT * Which Cauacs Secretary I)en hy to Order a Public Hear ing of Matter JAHSHINGTON. Sept. 14. Enquiry ftmr'the loan of am naval dsatroy •n off California last Saturday nlaht will he conducted in public, anil will ha dnslffndd lo go to tbe bottom of Ur incident. Secretary Denby an- Jbunced today. (T ± decision by officers in direct ymrgc of tba Investigation to con -Awt tba enquiry In secret waa over ruled by tbe Secretary whose action Waa tafcan after a new report to tbe department . offlciala, spoke of an uneiplained feature of tbe dlanater, the report waa received by a aub*E> diary buraeu ottd mentioned two and poaaibly three additional ships which went ashore. All tbe additional veaaela were not reported an having been wrecked Neither Secretary Denby or bin ae slatnnta had been Informed that more than erven of the dentroyera origi nally mentioned were Involved In the diaaater. » < “ , Naval regulatlonn are more nlrin gent In thin connection than in utmost any other phone of ship operation. it bleng Important, It waa explained, the department muet know unite unfit for aervice. CM Tl CHE OF | MORE PHTIENTS When Tkr*c BniUinifs at The State HonpjlaJ Are Com* pitted The comMMon of the three build laga »*W A dnr conntruetiou at the i State hoaptui for the colon I Inaaae 'I will give the hoapltal racilttlea to take care of 126 more patlenta and relieve in port the crowded condi tion which now exists, according to Dr- W. W. Faison, superintendent | The cootraet call* that the building? ( be completed by January 1. Tbethree building* will represent.| a total valuation of .$175,000. Two of them will Ike given a* ward* for patients, while the third will be used aa a kitchen. Dr. Faison explain* that the dormitory buildings will ac commodate approximately 400 pa tlents but that about 275 patient* now occupying crowded quarter* will be transferred to the building*. Dr. Fnlaon explained that the pur chase of II arret of wooded land near the bo*p|tal was to get straw for farm purpose* V ___ 50 Year Romance Ends in Marriage • ; Philadelphia, Pa.. Sept 14.—Meet lag again for the flrst tlirte In forty live years. Mra. Josephine D- Green sad Jonas F. Moyer, former state repreneatative from' U-hlgh county, baverenewed their childhood romance and married Tbe bride-to-be I* G 2 and Mr Moy er la 73- The widower ha* rw-o hook. who are clergymen. Mr. Moyer la cashier of s bank In ratasauqua. Mrs. Green, who ha» lived In this city many year*, spent fetter early girlhood In Macungle. where JjAter acquaintance with Moyer ripened Into romance, Mr*. Green a* one was a pupil In a school taught h Mr. Moyer. polddhoro Man Will I Preside Over Asso. “- 1 i "* Albert O. Clemen*. Goldsboro's artlat photographer, as president of the eastern Carolina Photographers Association will preside over the xemlnnami meeting of the society whenfllKcets In Wilson on Monday A thtSKay session will be held. Prominent speakers are listed on tbe program Among them are: J 'll. Turner, advertising manager or the Raleigh News and Observer; Itubert B. Foster, advertising mana ger giA- M Collins llanufacturing fanAjhnf riilladelphla, and others *ll* hue; jitior lllt.H SCHOOL Durham, Sent 14 The Durham i chord board bus given assurances o' tbe estaldishment of a Junior high ■ v* hoot by the onening of the school 4*rm of 1624-‘25. An al readv baa been employed by the board to draw plana for tbe pro posed new school. , , *, THE GOLDSBORO NEWS SEND HURRY GULL FOR i «EXHIBITS ‘ * . Only Two More Wttb Remain For Kntrees For Skate Fair i ltnlelgh. ’ Sept 15 Kntriea are coming in fast enough for tbe State Fair, which will be bald October 18-19, according to Mra. Edith Van derbilt. president of tbe North Caro- I'na Agricultural *«<’*)«, but fcxhib- IlCta of livestock and poultry have but two more weeks in which to make their entries. Unless entries In these two divis ions are to hy October 1, Mrs. Van derbilt announces that they cannot bt> accepted. However, entries for other divisions may be made aa late as October 5. Exhibitors should keep these dates in mind. Mr# Vanderbilt state. Oeparal Manager E. V. Wulborn. who has his office In West Raleigh at the Htate Fair grounds, baa charge or all entries, and applications should be made to him there- Foy the con venience of the State College t.bere is a branch postoffica, which la known aa State College Statlpp. Ralealh. Mrs. Vanderbilt Explains that all mail should bo addressed to the gea- 0 eral manager at that address. Home of tbe exhibitors are already putting In their equipment In order to have U In smooth running order. One enterprising textile concern, for instance, is now Installing four looms for the manufacture of table cloths and table napkins. This concern la going to have everything in apple 'pie shape on the opening day. The general \ manager states that J entries must bd In early In order to be entered up \ properly before the Fair opens. TWe judges esn then start without delyy, and award the prise* early. All Indications point to tbe biggest H'ate Fair that tThe North Carolina Agricultural Society has ever had Tbe Halegih Chamber of Commerce is putting on a special boosting cam paign. and home coming week for native is also be ing promoted by this enterprising bunch or business men. Blind Newsboy Weds; Too Busy For Honeymoon/ New York. Sept. 14.—1 n a high hut nnd a swallow-tail coat, Oscar Hy man, known to thousands as the dilind newsboy of Astor Flare was i mailed to pretty 25-year-old Yetta Stocker, tbe sweetheart he Aever saw, at the Congregation Kllwarler, 18 Pike street. Four hundred Invitations had been sent out. but so great was Oscars popularity and the Interest shown In bis romance that more than a thou sand. guests crowded Into the syna gogue. where tbe marriage ceremony was performed by Ilabhl Moses Skin-! dor and Cantor Shapiro. Tlip bride wore a white satin lace ! dress with a long train of white bead* apd lace. Flowers adorned her head. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Morris Hltenbauin. , brotber-ln-lw and sister Os the bride groom, acted as "best men." Mr. nnd I Mrs David Stocker, brother and si*-; ter In-law of tbe bride,, acted us her j “matrons of honor.” Many blind men. women and cbtl-; dren from tbe societies for the blind I to which Oscar belonged were pres-1 ent. Unexpected guests Included a[• number of Osdir's customers. He recognised them all by their voice* when they catnq up to shake hands land offer congratulations. Oscar anil Ills bride will be able to set up house : keeping in comfort, for many of the guests brought check* a* their wed- 1 i ding gifts. | "Where are jou going for your | honeymoon?’’ someone asked Oscar. "I am not olng to have any honey- j j moon." h^retilled "I would .like to i go to as the society folks ; I do, but so many customers to | attend to that'l'm nfrutd 1 would lose my business If I took a weekoff Oscar and Yetta will make their home In Dplancnjr street They linvo j known each other for five year*. They 1 met at a dance and afterwards Yetta | was u regular visitor to Oscar's staid. Then she took to leading him around and giving him a helping hand with his work He said yesterday that hy that curious sixth sense which the blind huve he was able to visualize what his bride looked like in her wed ding dress 111 KVI I.IRKM4Y EOK IH It 14 ' M Durham. Sept 14. library ser vice for the t tone fit of person* liv ing In the rural communities In the i vicinity of Durham is expected to be established within the near future, tt I ia announced hy Mr*. A. F. Griggs, . librarian of the Durham Public M , bfa'ry. A specially equipped motor . Iruck will he used in distributing the books throughout the county. ' E\ * V *’• «...-• ?v. • o GOLDSBQMI N. C, BATWMMY MORN I N(. >i;i IKMHKK 13. \ i (OOIJIKJE ORDERS INVESTIGATION I Washiuton. Hept. 14. — Prealdenl ('ooihlge has suggested to the Fe ! deral Trade f'ommlaslon that an I It investigate possible unfair priio- I tiers in the coal trade which would tend to Increase prlres. it was stated by a White House s|iokes man tonight, cTblsiml COHH HANDLED o , ¥ ( Idtw Wa« Enurtcd Al The l>u*t SfHaion of The faUure Raleigh. Sept. 14—The last session of the legislature enacted a law which became operatic August 15th 1 that requires every public gin to ] number consecutively every" bale of | cotton ginrn-d and to mi number li •hut the Burntier cannot i.o removed j or disfigured by ordinary handling ! Muny glnners seem to have some mis-1 understanding concernnlg the law j which is given here in ®Full. Beetlon 1. That any person. Arm i nr corporation operating un> public' cottoh gin. that Is, auy cotton gin other than one ginning solely for the I Individual owner, owners, or opera tor* thereof, shall hereafter lie re qit I red to distinctly and dearly num ber. serially, each and overv hale of cotton ginned. In one of the following way*. (I) Murk In color upon the bagging of th* bale, in figures; (2i attach a metal atrip eart*ylng serial number to one of the tlea «f (he'bale und ahead of the tie lock, and so se ct re It that ordinary handling will not removeor disfigure the number; (3) impress the serial number upon our of the bands or lie* around tbe bale. Section 2 That any person, Arm or corporation falling or refusing lo comply with the preceding section aballbe guilty of a misdemeanor for tack and every offense, and upon conviction shall be Am d not exceed ing Afty dollars, or Imprisoned not more than thirty days. „ Section 3 That this act H |iall be in force front and after August Afleenth one thousand nine hundred and twen ty-three. A > Villa’s Large Domains Now Without Leader Mexico Giy. Sept- 14—Wheb Fran cisco Villa fell at Purral under a hail of bullet* a xmal| o kingdom in the state of Durango lost" Its ruler, and marly S.iMKt potetitioal soldier* then chief. The fact that the former bandit leader exorcised virtually feudal rights over an extent of mountains I und plains as large as the state of { Tlaxcalu, with a population of near- 1 ly 100,000, came to light when a .commission representing the JVoIo nlsta" he had settled around about ji'anaUllo journey to the capital to lask President Ohregon what the pol icy of tbe government would be In gard |fl- the Vllja .holdings. They were told that It would not be al jtert-d. and those of the former out law's followers, who had devoted themselves to agriculture -would” no< bo molested When Villa Arkt subntltted himself to provlalpn.il President Adolfo do la lluerta In 192tt and received, for iblmse|f and bis 5o followers, tbe ha- . 'elenda of fanutlllo, the government ■ though tbe Villa problem had been > solved. But when the paciAod rebel’s! friend* learned of the good lurk of those who surrendered with him. 1 hundreds of them addressed petitions ]to their former leader asking fpr !lands In the district which lie domi nated. Villa compiled, us did the government, and more ranches wer {bought aud turned over to ihem for the formation of mllltary-agrlcultui* I'Sfl colonies. ' Prior to his death Villa was the iloininnuting force in a ilistrlct in rio, along the liordi-r between Dorati go and Cosbnllu ldora, El Rraleo and bark to Rosario { | by way of Ornelas Various villages and towns nre included In this dl* > trlct, hut ’most of the Inhabitants, de- ispite the existence of muni let pal governments, looked to Vlllo Ifor justice. '4 L Ponnant Still Undecided, Auburn. Sept 14 Secretary John ' If Farell. of the National Association 1 of professional baseball leagues *n tiotiurrd today that he would make ] |uo decision concerning the Virginia ( league yionnant claimed by tbe Rich mond and IMtlsnn pcniflm: te (- ( tlinripv from the four other clubs lu- Jvoiced DRIVER DF DEATH Clfl 10 BE GIVEN HEARING Klizcbath City Man Chnrgrd With Manslaughter When .'1 Die in Accident | EI.IZABE.TH t'ITY, Sept. 14 Jit jllan New'lterh I* to be given a prellm- I Intiry bearing beta tomorrow on she II barges of manslaughter Hied against ! him -after i lnMiuilrr insfrih Uiuih tlial all pro ceedings rbnlryiun of tho publicity .committee Uatiod tho following group Inga of RwmWri Group l A J Fulghuni. leaner; If A Guyton, assistant leader; C. h liratitui),, secretary; llulibunl jdrew*. Mlloa Harris, O \l Hi indie Roger Hinson. Flunk I att ham unit J 11 rate No. J M K. Andrewa, leader; I. II llurt, assistant leader; l-oitlr Kaiunuth. aecretiiry; Clifton Pmrr j aon. 11. \l GllUkln. If. A like. •’ J HlvllJs. \\ t„ Summerlin. G. A Thornton. It l Thornton No :t John It Langston.. lender; A. Mr. Gillette, assistant leader; On ;C- Kornegay, aeeretury; Geo. D. Hu rt’ll. Ham Bridge™, it H. Kdwants A T. Griffin A T. Griffin Jr.; T. U Robinson, <‘apt. It. c. Jenklna. C O. Smith. < 9 I 1 So t J H. McClenny, leader: T A. Henley, assistant Under; ft F Klka. aeeretary; J. M Mitchell. John Edwards, K. C. Futrell Henry Tew. Tom lame Ed Gone. W.’P Fairi-loth Ilurrell Jones C. Stroud. Geo. Bas jner IJenny Jtutiea. N r t». U Chan. A. Ilrown, leader; li C. “Crow, assistant,, leader; H. K Scott, secretary; \|. A. Shiner. 8 I Rost*. Dentilark. H II Cursor .As K. Hub’ rfaoi).’ 8, A- ptarr. W R Thontpaon, W. C. Moy«. , No. t> .John Ha per, lender ; K L Fdmundson. assistant leader; R Hill, aeeretury; Frank lb Ivlmundson R. 1.. Thompson. K- P. I’ute, Jesse W. Pipkin. J \V. Jonea. A H (Iflrlnn. y, Herman Cohli, l). W. Cobb. He uihjcd: "These nanus do not lu elude the entire membership of the Federation. Imi It la the drat drnfl and juat going over the surface. Oth j-r groupa will l»e formed, frtitn tlnv to time. Fateh group will hold Itself In read i.lhraa to go where they are called Thus they will hold several meetings on th<> same night, and th«;lr work will cover more territory than before The Flying" Squuilron or Group No 2 will open the group plan by hold ing n meeting at the 2nd lliipllst .hitfch on South Hloettmb street or Sunday eight. September ISIh, a’ ,7:30. All are Invited.” - - n - ( ( I*. K. R. REPORTS ll» I»CT. INCREASE IN DEATHS AT GRADE CROSSINGS ....,. * J >Vu Mi lug tori?’' Sl id 14 The l*eni»t aylvanla Railroad has just made pub lic a statement showing that In July ' of tl/ls year t'i persons were klllfd i ami 3!i Injured til grade crossings, as i • •impart'd with 21 killed and 3a In jurod'lnJuly laxt year Thi Increase J i in fatalities was tilt per cent ! The report cites the number of t ■ uLiti- re< kies • tllsre anl by ai| • driver* for the t-afety of themselvea and tho with them Among them are the following: “An automobile, occupied by eight • persons, running 3li miles |wr hour, ran Into the side of a locomotive -landing on a trussing, all the occu pants being Injured ’ i "Alt automobile, ottettpled by four j mm rsous. was driven Into the twent- I tyjonrlh tar of a freight train, kill ing three and si-rlotisly Injuring the other. "An automobile, occupied by the driver and four turn companions, whs e-n. me ol a 'freight train l.ilulttn- oil a crossing The driver wiis arrested for driving w hile inbrt- Icuted. "The driver of a motor, truek ul teinptetl to drive across tracks uhcad of u pns-4>nt;er train after other sit- 1 tomobllei had stopiM-d. The truck was struck, one person being killed anti mine I njtired I'm egpcrient e of the I*« nnsyl tnnla Railroad tills summer In grade emits lug accidents Is in, Mae with a report of th< Interstate commerce Commission jupt Issued showing that in March, this ycur. 137 persons were killed at itoshings und 4&M injured, compared with 117 killed and 2*7 Jn- Juretl in March, 1522. MUCH SILK DESTROYED Aboard the President Jefferson. Hi pt. ti Hlik jworih 100,000 yep. iFjnosfMMHiO) and Mored lu the Yoko huma warehouses was deniroyed In the dtaster, uu official who escaped aatd, ’ , * m • • ’ { i 0 < - ' i v - , - Scheduled 15 Round Fight Ended In Second Rouiull A Fierce Bloody Bo# tt*gaanuß —t-ww V THREE BURN TO DEATH >■ ..gib New York. Sept. 11—Three wo nti n ami a baby were burned to death in an Fast Hide tenement lire today. Twenty women and chlldre rescued The lilatr mushroomed through the httlhllng with great rapidity und was brought under control after a two hour fight. n The liiilldtug was a live story building minis WHICH Iff USED IN MIKIK MOiSK LIQUOR Ml Rotten IMmt. MnjnrotH- Green! Flies, HornelM, (>n«tß and Manure Named ° 1 WAHHINGTON, Bept. 14.—" flood 'Vld Hcotclt." alleged to have I men ( rotten that .the flesh fell from the bones A- barrel of mash waa found directly undvr u horse's stall. Dead . snakes are frequently fouud in the , mush and one barrel contained u half bushel of maggots Yellow, jackejg. Uiornets, gnats,- green files, -all entec Into making moonshine “llcker" I ■ft -should be understood that the; m.isil Is what the llquoi’ ts made of und Is not refuse Manure Is used { ul'many stills to produce it begil The | lotatloii of .i till under u hog /ten ( «r cow's xcill frcsjuenlly .im anr the Inclusion of Indeserlbnle matter In . llie good old whiskey. I'orroslon fnnn Improperly cleaned copfier lultes • the use of water from sewerage imuiils jhe of concentrated lye und witmf alcohol, even the use of alco hoi In which Isslles /or dissection have liecn kept all these are eontrl- . liutltfg to the rapid decrease In Ihe me of what Is being called "pote nt pop ■’ CHEAP. LOOKING BAGGAGE ADVISED FOR AMERICANS t'ologna, Kept II If Americans would carry less exp(;n»lve-looklng baggage they would not have so much of It stolen, was the advice a Co logne haggagesiiiasher gave to a New York woman who waa bewailing Die losa of a suitcase which contained her pasatiort and traveler's checks. •y.cHV*) all your high-priced hag* • and case Wand boxes at home when you cogue to Europe," the buggage man advised “Buy yourself cheap i cases and hags. Get .those whlcu I Iqok at If they were made In Kurope tor the u <• of seeont or tjtlrd clus* | p.c o*ngers. NVush off them all Ihe j steamer pasters and high-priced hotel J label*. You will never lose ’•buggage , of that sort. Furthermore, you will - uu4 your lug' I bills arc much Idks. , Kales In ° many Kuropean hotels are Qxed In accordance with the appenr- Ance of the traveler's baggage and 1 Bttffe." . llkT'v ■ f ' , -. ; ” I J ASSOCIATED PBCH^f I*?■» "I" > ■ ■!■■■■■ ■hi in pn^itfr’ ■ == -------’ WRgljWi PRICE FIVE CBNTS - - - - - - -- A' 4 90,000 People CrtmMf Inta Polo Grotindi T m See The Gladifttofeft | Meet POLO GRtMTNDH. New York. dept. 14 - Jack Dsmpsoy, world's weight champion, knocked otft LMd Angela Klrpo In the aecopd rouhd oT a scheduled Hi round fight tMMIkt- The Aght evaded In lha second rohnd t.7 sm onds after the beginning, Melt knocked Ftipo out with t left hook and * right to the chin. , The bailie wHnraeed by M.ddd pie. was one of the flerceei Idflßht ,In years. The Argentine giant nlier being floored Ave times In thf irgl round, knocked Dempsey completely ihroukh’ Mis mpea When the champion Same khif. jm' was groggy anil hlbedlnf •#** RIP uhly Jtmly to UM the round bfeauge of hi* rHlr.fi. perlence. . A X Ftrpo a famous piling drlvtnjbtnMp, tv us dm moat effective wsnpofL pm sunk this blow Into Dempadr* und smashed him on the chin fi r every opportunMy. . r J ’ty.,. 'Dempsey lore rttht Into Pfrpd from the start, booking "Thf'f|HjH lefts gnd rights wWle the bikHlV ed slow-moving Argentine rstregtef. Round one; pompeey kSuokeCrHL |mi over wRb a herd right but he 4Eff not lake Uw cvm#t. Again ka ihr Argvnllnc dwwn bm he 'Wglk'jß , Dempany knocked hint oyer »v®|f Glint title When b» |M tlf , based him to the corner knock4| him down again. At betaglMrkfK| the fourth time fflrpe knocked D*# :ry through the roges end wgy. tnm back rrmrgy Fltp* iH.mpscjr on Ike Jew Wllh hammer rights, drawing bloed te tiie mouth Ftrpo als« was i.s be went to bU cortef. Round two: Klrpo swung rlgMfg Dempaey’s J«w. Dempsey heohM • left to the rhln. drove tykh lists u> the IxHly and Flrpo full Poor Ftrpo blaadlng and : taggered Into the center of l*empaey hit with left hook mMR ! nocking him flat He rolled • ; Is back Willi blo-sl trickling WU I Is motith remaining In *hla Wotm while the referee swung the mgff % < ver hhn Dempsey's neighhef#|lßp ■ d over nijd helped pick up klnfcpbn I k> to the corner. Ilurke Has In PrellmlnaHee . , I*OI/O OBOkNDfI. Naw York. lepl. II liurke. ofbreetwleh vlUege hnf lled At Roberts of Staten Island Info defeat In the third preliminary of alt , rounds. Roberts absorbed terrific nunishntent about the Jieed and i»e» barely ahla to keep Ms f*et 1% the l.ud round. Bloody amd bewildered he reeled about the ring. Burke weighed 173 and RoberU ltd- ‘WMT *• w MOW YORK, slept 14— WfrglMej { Polo Orounds Dempwejr wae, the * lirsi to arrive at the erena tonight lu the battle and the detail of police that eaeoned hhn from hla apartment where titfsphat Hie afternooe enter ing Ihe main %ate he had almost Insurmountable rilfflcttlglem In getttng In. - » Dempsey wore a big white sweeter nd cap Hla manager Jack Kedfta •as with him. e sparring partner; a r 'hlc.ago detective and body guard aAd ■ Jerry l.uvadla, hla rtalnar. Dempaey said h# waa fealhurdtam- Once Inside the dressing room W 'elsurely donned his tights and lay town to rest until called to tha Hhf- Flrpo did not arrive until sometime after the champion Hla body gahrd took him to a private gate end he. entered without being detected by the crowd. He had on an ovsreogt ttgj tly buttoned at the neck. Hg.Mtt that he as feeling fine and “reedy j'o «o” „ WIIM rswd Him t I*ol.o GU(H'NDB. Naw Yerk. Sept. Il The discussed hla PUB' of battle with- Jimmy Daugherty of I’hlludalphlu. .who referreed the fMb tiops-Dempsey fight at Bhehy. “ think I will crowd him.” Jack raid. “I want to get Inside of him aa quick as I can. I won't uay what I. (lit going to do. but If ha beafa me ! tonight he will be one sweat fighter " xi;n york- roTTOW New York. Bept. 14.—Spot closed quiet Futures December 37.31; lanuary 24. M; March 14.90; May 26. k1. ,