I WEATHER Ctoß*7 Stt#4*y aad Monday fair. Wont? to tottttor. _l VOLUME TWO; NUMBER 164 Coolidge Will Not Try To Dominate Senate But %■” * * ' Follow Harding Plan WIU Wait Until After' ' %ngretA Assembles to Toiee Opinions, Inquir ers I earn **pt 16 (By U*- 4s- MtW( Frn«rt—Tti* qnastioc of A*wHea,n participation In the World, CMtft la regarded aa one atill pend -Ist bafora the (legate for such action •a It auty decide upon It. En oaifwr* kara bad TOuir attention dl rmgMl to (be fact that Preaident Btibtnlled the fact* to that hA4 la«t K»hnitrr and have been toM that under tke circumstance* there reman* nothin* for President f'ooHdue to do but real In the mat* tar at preaant .s PugfWHtlnna that President Cooltd* do •onj'itblae tn the matter and hi", rwgfr ha* led to the Idea th*t th e-ecoHee wdtl not nnd»rt*Vs *n dom •nafe lerislsUve action Thin posi tion la in acord with that of the late WfeaMent Hardin*, whose policies he baa undertaken to carty out. Tht point to Mr. Bardina's safe-| naant on hla fateful trip that he would not attempt to coerce the Senate or j /he court l«*ue or “(ronoae my wilt i net anybody/ la recalled. Moreover Preaident Coolidge ha* what hla advlaura describe aa a nat- ! oral hesitancy In discussing action*! sqfrjsct to le*lslatlra action In ad wanes of the asembTy of the new, Contrast la Deoambar- This natural h«ltsacy. they say. ha* Influenced what hna amounted to a virtual dc rlalon to abatain from action until attar the neit saaaton of Coagre** has aaaetabled and received the first aannal message MEETMHSyI PLAN TRADE WEEK win Follow Ups to Hifhly Sue csflsfiH Dollar Days is > The hftsa Plana fer Ooldaboro a Pay Up and Trad* Week. scheduled for the ft rat two weela of October, will be made at a meet In* of a special committee of U» Merchant* Association Mon day afternoon The aaaoclation plana t . the Pay Up and Trade feature* a* a follow-up campaign to the bargain d"* successfully rloaed yeaterday. ormatlon obtained at,the office at toe association yesterday afternoon dm* that tbe two Dollar Day* ha I boea entirely succesful with record aalea recorded. "The next thin* now.' 1 aald Mlaa Warrick, secretary, "la the Pay Up and Trade and with proper advertising they ahotild - be more aucceaaful than tbe Dollar Day* Just closed." While definite decision aa to ar rangements to be made for the com ing feataree have not been made, prlsea will be given to lioldjpi of lucky coupons aecurecMwlth purchase* or payment on account* during the two weeks. Winston-Salem mer chants have Just closed a very suc ceaaful campaign In which they gave a hlgh-pdced automobile und other valuable prlaer to the holders of lucky coupons, A tremendous vol ume *raa done at tbe Twin City Mies Warrick explains that there la a law Which forbids tbe actual advertising of a give-away contestv prises going to boldera of lucky num but that It can be done thru A wraooal Interview and Indirectly. Hh» jtyivor* this plan as a mean* of stlmjy- Vjatia* Interest In the coming trade -^attraction* _ Nesrro Worn aif Beaten By Her Husband Is Recovering The wife of Oscar law. colored who waa badly beaten by her epouse la recovering, according to local po-' lice, pee, who operates a atore o* the comer of Pine and Krlffi< was arrested Tuesday fir b» j hi* wife and allowed bat’ K satisfied with bin first pffort*. ' r*turn*4jJ>ome and bent tbe woman some move her injuries being regard *d. It la declared, aa serious. Ar rttted the second time, bond w|Jf> dr illed the negro and he will be given a hearing in police court. Monday otMMhf. liiumtijiaTh 10 u.t.r • Woodlngtou. N. f.. Sept in.—'The annual convention of North Carolina Ualveraalists will be held here Sep tember itl and 22, It I* announced by officials ,lo change of the yearly gath er * •' • THE GOLDSBORO NEWS cmsi iiution ra BEGINS TOMORROW Set Aside bv Her Association To Study AU Phases of Doc -1 ument * c ' Chicago, Sept. 16—Tho week be ginning tomorrow will observed as “Oonatltulion W»k" throughout the United' StAtae, u week net aside by the Citizenship Committee of the | American Bar Association for *tudy 1 of all phases of the national consti tution Plana for the week wereU started several month* ago and before made public had been submitted and re :celved the endor*ement of muny gov ernment official* and leader* In pub lic life. The main purpose of the program - la to “re-establish the con*tltutlon of the United State* and the principle* land Ideals of our government In the minds aod hearts of the people" ac -1 cording to the elllseiiHhlp committee Much waa left to the local orgaulzza j Ilona, which will lie in charge of the Hfograms In their respective comma nttles, the bar association commit* | tee simply giving a general outline 1 Cooperation of every organization Interested In civic activities was sought, and in many instance* ha* been psotplaed. Indian* reported plans for discussing the constitution at the fall county school teachers' Institute*, thus reaching approxi mately 26.(104) school teacher*. In some communities the American Le gion has agreed to take the initiative. In others such organisations as the Veteran* of Foreign Wars. Da«*h-1 ters of the American Revolution. Pu rent-Teacher* Associations; Bon* o f the American Revoitfrtoa. Women* federated Clubs. Council of Jewl*’ 1 Woemn. Masonic Service Association of the United States. Knights of Co lumbus and Boy Bcouu. The pro gram for Uw stihoots will tootuda setting aside available assembly pc- J riods at which some lawyer or per son well versed on ,the constitution and Us history will spook. I SPECIAL COURSES WILL BE ARRANGED TUESDAY Organization of special course* In , shorthand, bookkeeping, and type writing at the Goldsboro High School will be made at a meeting to lie held In the offices of Prof O, A. Ilamil i ton. Superintendent of City Schools, i at ft o’clock Tuesday morning. Prof * Hamilton proposes to open these" course* to young people who may, be employed down town or who only l wish to pursue work In the com . merclal department. The hour for elassea will he arranged at the Tuea . day meeting Unleas fifteen stu . dents apply for these special courses they will not be offered. Prof. Ham [ ilton request* that persons should , mention the courses (o friends who , may be Interested Negro Charged With Theft of Tobacco Bob Braswell and John Kornegay. colored will face trial in county court Monday, the first on a charge of lar ceny am! the second on a charge of an accessory to the fact. The ne groes were arrested by Deputy She riff I, O. Rhode* yesterday. It is alleged that Braswell removed 134 pound* of tobacco belonging lo H P, Uzzell. who live* five mlle« northeast of the city, and sold It on the Goldsboro market. t Thu warrant chgTglng'AJl-aswcll with the theft was sworn out by and when officers went for him, they heard a story w hich impllcuteif Kornegsy. At a preliminary hearing Braswell wa« hound over tn court under a bind of 1300 and Kornegay of SDM) I According to tlie story told by Braswell. Kornegay declared that the tobacco was his property > 5 Licenses to Wed Issued Saturday Dan Cupid’s business picked up ; yesterday Five marriage licenses 1 were Issued by Register of Deed*. Grantham. The following couples were granted penulelson to wed: VV W. Harms and \ IQ an Dempsey, both of Goldsboro lowuMtmp; Jessie WVmml and Hattie Baker, of Indian Bprings township; 11. D ftlrltkland of fttoncy Creek township and Ixila <’ox ot { Soulston, white; and Ell Brown and j Ella Williams, of Goldsboro town- Inhip, and Ell Dodd and Bessie Uzzell lot Goldsboro, colored. EMIIIICMUI SHOWS UP WELL IN THE WEEKLY HEPiT Deliverieti ToUl Over Thr*f and Half Million Pounds Bayti Bobbitt (Special to the News.) „ Raleigh. Kept. 16 futrgvly In creaked deliveries to the Tobacco Growers Cooperative Association" In Eastern North Cjtrjllna this week j biuughl 1W rctudpU to well over three and u half million pouds. ac cording to A- V BohhUt, director of 1 warehouses for the Eastern belt while deliveries of 4.100.0D0 pounds reported by C. O. Dixon, manager of warehouses for the S ( : 7. bolt, briny the total receipt* of the association In that section for 1!*2.1 to more than ' Its total receipt* from the ft. C. belt during the whole of last canon Tobacco growers of the old hull of Virginia and N. C, who heard of the success of the association In ft, C. from IT. B. Senator E. TV Smith of i thai stale At mass meetings ip I Danville and Henderson Ihl* week. 1 are preparing tn market their crop*, at the association warehouse*, -which wRI open soon Asocial lon official* | are predicting that the cooperative Cocrs will receive a good majority of, ,lhe present crop In the old belt.j which Is considerably larger than! appeared fro meurly estimates Hue-) cessful case* in the courts of two| states during the past week resulted) in the Continuance of eleven Injunc tion* brought by the Tobacco Asso ciation against Insurgent member* or Martin county before Judge Geo. W. Connor, of the .Superior Court at Tarboro, who dlaolved eighteen in junction* brought by Martin county, members seeking to prevent the Asso ciation from Interfering with the delivery of fbelr tobacco on ihe out-. Side. A complete victory In the court of, Campbell County, Va. waa won by attorneys for the Tobacee A* hoc la- • tlon befors a Jury, which brought In. la verdict against John Pollies; oi * for selling pait of hi* hist year’s crop on the auction floor* Wdth Um> i 'll' i* liHil II i dared damages of 5 cynt* per pound: for all tobacco delivered outside of the asosclatlon E t Hayes. A. p Barksdale and J D. Abbott, appeared a counasl for the Association in the 'Virginia case and Randolph H»rrl-| *on re presented the defends:.t. Thu, ,ury waa out for only ten minutes- ! Eastern Co-op* who have enjoyed the high advances of their A»*ocia-, t‘on first -deliveries of their 1523 crop j outdid the old .. licit growers of Vir ginia and Western North Carolina in welcoming Senator Smith, of South Carolina, ut Rocky Mount and W»|- lace Friday and Suturduy- At Rocky Mount five thousand people wcle.oin led the farm bloc leader and celu j bra fed with a barbecue for which hundred hogs were donated by ™he lcs-. !* of Ihe Cooperative A*so- j I nation of Eastern Carolina tobacco [ and colion farmer*. At Wallace the, enthusiasm of the Eastern co-op* I reached the highest point when Sen-! atftr Smith told the farmers o: ; Sampson, Pander, add Duplin coun ties that-the principle of cooperation la a fixed, a law of God a* the law of gravitation. Every Individual must bring himself to realize tht* truth. When It was r-i'tzed those who pro duoe the wealth of ihe world wIH en joy their *hare of If. a r QjOgressni-an Halln Watd of W« <h Ingfen director John It Hufchlusoti of the Virginia Extension Service. I resident Geo A Norwood of the Tobacco (lrower< Cooperative A»<to < IJibm. M O. Wilton, its secretary, and J. Y- Joyner, thairman of ft* or caclzdtion committee are other .vrenlier; who have appeared at -the ma* snx-etings which have reu< beu close to<<ten thousand farmers during C.e r«*t five days. - VLB YORhlßTtttN New V’ork, Sept. 15 -Spot cotton i cloned quiet: middling 28.1)0. Future* i firm "“w i Octojser 27«1J; December 27 1.5; -nuaryY: Jy<M*r. h , 4day 27 '»* t -n Corporation Charged W WVIeMINUTON. - Bqttf > crittclam of the State Corporation s Commission formed u part of the New . Hanever county grand jury report • returned here tht* afternoon. The Jury took occasion to censure the' t eommlaalon sos alleged laxnes* in «n* I furring the l.ahkltig l.iw* of (he * Stale 1 The report referring to the Indict t ment which hud lieen brought ugaiunt I Thomas i'.ajpcr ami J. C. Romk. - president and eashlr r re.(MM-llvlcy of 1 the defunct hank here, said It wa* apparent that ’be Cummlsslon had GOLDSBORO, N. t\. SUNDAY \fORNIN‘* SKI'TKMBKIt 18, liC I MARTIAL [M OVER ENTIRE STATE IS THREATENED I , i Governor Walton, of Oklahoma Ik-dared to Have Thiy in Mind OKLAHOMA CITY, ftept 16 Mar tial law lor th, .entire stale of Okla homa loomed early tonight os the. I next step-in Governor J. W. Walton’a ’ war fin the Ku Klux Ktan and flog i ger* The executive was In cull fog- - euve with advisor* ut his home and a. ! new martial laa ofder was expected to he issued before the night was over. It wa* ondcrUood that the govern or contemplated placing Ihe entire j »talc Under the rule of the military, | | m cupying%ut:h territory sui b«- think* liosiile to hi* tH'licie*. Milskogeo and Oklahoma City would Im> llrnt In ihl* action. % The governor hlnmelf rofuswl to (omment on th* nature of the antic-[ ipated priM-luniution. hut report* from ' j well founded soiirces were that he ' would declare military rule for the whole salte, FOOTBALL CIRCUIT - ! j' MBISPLUI Would Include Five Eastern Tow nn in T«*n Game Serie* Organization of an Eastern Caro-j Una high school football circuit rep resenting Goldsboro Wilmington i lOreenvlUe, Binlthftcld. Wilson, and, Kln*u,n *cems assured as a result of a confi renew p( high school r»-|»rr'<eni-| Uatives meeting here. Daltnlfe an oouncrnt.'nt conn-ruing the proposed 1 circuit can l>« made in a few days.) ray* Coach fthepherd, originator of the lib i | Under the pinna as miUtnud. thej towns of tlui Kchouls namod -would play Uo *»»«* awefe, w.-ctlng theirl m>poni ni* twice, him- gaiqr at hoiuei TtW'iC*' awzttjf Th« * eURfr-T* mfuTt.! jconimwcd on flvploMber 28 and run until Thankagpriag- Winner tn ins| circuit wowtd , then contest in t.h.' high sctiuad rhaiupiont hip aer:.*» jeoudocted nzsdaq The Moplcea of the University at North Carolina. | While Ihe majority of r. presenta ’lives who attesdrul the meet are In favor of the plan, eupcrlfiteiident* of Uwo schools are said to object. Tn ibis. obJsH-ilon becomes aertou*,. state* Coach Sh» i»hcrd. form* r Car-' clinu star, the <fth<-r m hoots will go * n with the plan* The Idea, It l* pointed on tola not to start something that would run, counter with the regular eliatupio. ship series, but Would dovetail lnu> this whcitMl und at the sutne time pannit ihe Mroushtr of u niaxinmin Irtuoiiid of ititelfst In high schooU i footbail- Produce (irowers Will Charge (’ommiKsion • ■ -j- . a Produce grntrefa mcetlug at Hm? ermrt lonise yesterday afternoon «le cided that In (be future they would Ik* compelled to charge a 10 per cent commlshm on their wares to Insure rent for tbu' hulidlng used and that on October 1 the market would open st 0 o’clock In the nuignlng instead of 8:30, Expression of satisfsctlon with the manner in which tli* citi zens of Goldsboro orjfv supporting the hie* waa heard %nlrty of t * produce seller* of the county were present. Mrs. Ist tkeelc pr« t*led oxer the me«*tln*. IU IAN IMIM I F.N 41 1,1.4018 Hlckoty, N. (’. Bept. 15.- Forty” e.chdidiifes repurtert for esrly seasoi football practice ut la-uoir < 'allege this week Coach J-aMotte Is now diilllng them iiTthie elementary radl iiuent* of Uo* game, and getting thorn in ccondltlon for ’heirsgsfirst gome, which I* scheduled fhr the early i (tart of th-iober i Commission r ith - Laxness i been tljfwtirl) lax bt #nforo*manf of i -tuUfls hpponed ‘of IVb> Isw of the ' 11*21 sewdon ofiftr Usu- rul Aaeentbly r of North Cais>tia|. • Thf Mo*ovt Ipftbef Stated that tin ommiuhon meatherx had insde (ben, - selves liable Iq sevrr. riille,, oi ut • least for condoatfcgi tke Irregular set* of the oUlcr r* ot the above nientlon - ec| net* utid liy in rmltting Uo* < ota t dltions tn rsiutliige , Judge Grady after receiving Um* re. f |Kirt stab-it that he would me (hut o * certified copy of it ftus sent to the 1 i ommLslQgerx ut Halfigh. COMMITTEEMEN CALL! j ON COMMISSIONERS i TO ORDER ELECTION. j-. I fM-nlimcnl * firt-ntly Favored I'nlform School Tax Kate ForC4»unly » Eighty school committeemen of 1 I Wayne coqnly, representing various I i school district*, yesterday adzudeil .resolutions culling on the cniiofi , j comml**ioner» to order a hik-cIuI election to determine Ihe will <n Ihe t Itizsn* l onecrnlng a special uniform I sehiMil tax rale for ths entire county, the rate not to exceed 3t> cents- The j Itoard of' conttnlaloners Is expected to act favorably upi»n the |>etlllon from j the committeemen sometime this | wtsk,. The election. If ordered, will come about the middle ot November. r jrl J* expected- ' I Expreslson of favorable sent Intent t for Ihe unlforpi lax rale conceived by | ledwfiUion legders gg k method of ml » wincing file county Ktdjool system t was greatly In the majortly at Ihe , meeting which was held lu the court- t house, beginning at 12 o'clock Os r Mime nine speakers who addressed i ; ihe gutherlng In the two-nnd a-halt- r hour session, only one was oppocsd.t to the proposal , j I M E. Best of Btoney OTreak town jc (ship explained that his chool district u |ut present had a special school In' c and that the patrons of the dlslrt * | thought that the best way to advance « j tint "county school^ standard* wan by i !*ach Hpi-ctai tax rales. ( Among those who spohe In fnv M !of the proposal were former sheriff , !H. A ft'evensi who prxistded ats t i meeting, and Dr. W. G Hutton, George Edwards, Dr- Henderson 1 .( win. A H Kdaeeton. of the t board of education] 3* A Kelley | A. Best, the last ,«o uw .bees of tb i j Imard of edueaGon; and County Ru ■> t . erlnti-ndent J. T Jerome ‘ I These men- explained -that a uni jform school tax rata for trip county I would mesn an equal chance to *v- , lery child (n th* county, that It would T | mean that the county 1 school system > j could Im> Htuaflarittaod as a unit, and > jUiat it wmild gtyi Mamz. the »«»»*} V»f n cooaty (hut wa« not rtopplnff RfJ 1 edunnllon progress i J It- waa made ndesr In Ihe petition * drawn up And Adopted that the elec tion If-called would nol concern It sell with the rliy aehdol syktejua of 1 GoMslwro, Mount Olive, and Fre- 1 rnont. * < FREMONT WOMIH ! IS IT MISSING: ... i Story lo This Kffect W«k Run | in Durham Paper Yen* i tcrdh> • | i ——■ -.. n Neither l<K-al officer- nor the chief c.f police ot rretnmit know anything of the disappearance of a Mis* Ren* , Bmtlh of Fremont on Tuesday. A Htory to the effect Jhat a young wo nan by this name disappeared after, | boarding Atlantic Udqtd Idne train i-utnlxyr 4N here on Tuesday wa* run under a Goldsboro date line tn yes- , (erday's Durham Morning Herald I’onnty and city officers ask ed about the matter yesterday after noon stated that no such case bad boW rt-ported to them The chief of l(oliee of Fremont wa* reached on i long distance and he likewise denied any knowledge of the report. Notii >,f the officer* knew the young woman mentioned nor her cousin referred to In the story. At the request of The New* th* Fretnonl liilef declared that he would make enquiries in hit town con lug the MttSl and advise If he could trace the source of the slnry At a lut« hour last night he hod not communicated with The New* The story < arrkd In the Durham paper was as follows Goldsboro, Kept 14 The Strah-i disappearance of Mis* Rena Sinllh, Ifidv living n«-ur Fremont, wh>. .-Tiikwdr-d Atlantic Coast Line train No. 48. here on luxl Tuesday nnd n some strange way disappeared r* | mains u mystery Her sister at i-re mont. or cousin her* In Goldsboro, have heard nothing from her this l morning. Member* of Dm train crew 1 of No. 48. and other* believe that Miss ftmith. who wu* in u highly n vook sitle, left Ihe train u» rtljevllle, and a’gM lost in the woods S I’risOTi liuildinßN Destroyed by Fire Thoma lon Hfo) If, Eight bulld- I ill* Os the Vlalim Klate prison hen * »er« destroyed by fire tonight si a . bets ostlrnaled nt t6(H).f)OO. Many of , the Inntsles worked side by side with the Comerstown and RiM-kltnd fire . department and two companies of , coast artillery In eomhaltlug the flrw e Due building housing lln of the 205 prisoners wa* hunted dowu. Yarborough, First to Be Tried On Flogging Charge Was Declared Not Guilt? w m fomii hies? RULES ME GIVEN * C - i . Context Open to Memberx Os Public School Teachern Organization • j It ■ Idgli Kept IS, tltulwn unit regu luti«n« governing Hie recently an- i'il cotite*i_for three *sii prizes offered by Uij* North Carolina Isliicu ttonul Aunih iatlnq (or articles deal init with educational problem* were announced today by the executive committer of ttie ussix-laMon The contest Is iiiien only to member* of the public school teachers' orgunizss tinn for the year 1R33-14, according to the regulation*. which place Feb ruury 16, MUM. il* the time limit of the contest. A list of SI suggested subject* ac rotriiwulrd the rules and regulations announced by the associations **• ccutlvc committee However. It was stated, 'The teacher tusy select any subject within the educatlonul Held provided of course, the subject uf fonls an opportunity for rcsl study tad will give the leacliers of the stata Information based on serious study of faces,” Contestants should not express opinions or deal in theories unless their opinions and theories tre back ed by furls obtained, from study and research, according to an expLtinaUon of the rule* and regulations and the purposes of llie conical. following are the rules and regu- , latlons governing the contest: I. Only member* of the North Car olina Education Assoclatiou for the ichool year IHM *4 may either thi < on test. i These studlea 1 must not he losg • ham f.ddP, uor more than 7.o#n wordr la length The*,, figure* should I* . oproxlmated 3- All articles shoiild be typewrit ’D. iluohle spared, or If tl I* not pos sible to hove the article typed. II must lie written In Inn on one side of the only 4. In entering th* contest all par 'll Ipants agree fliat all articles sty It - ill led become the properlf of the North ('aridlua Kduculon Association and may lie'published or otherwise used us the Association determine*. f(_ All artlcJca must be based on an exhaustive study of all facts avail able on the subject under discussion or on the actual experiences and ob servations of the writer- All theo ries utul conclusions must tie sup ported by stated facts gathered almul Ihc subject i: Contestant* mus| send He ir ar ticles to the office of the secretary of the Assix-ialon, llox US7. Raleigh. N. C, on or before February IS 11*544 Announcement of Hie winners will be made at the annual meidlng In Winston-Satan* In March 7- Those expecting to enter the lontest shpitld register with the of fice of t hit she rr laky and secure cop ies or (he rule* and regulations on nr liefore January 1 I»'J4. x No one holdlna an office In the Xiats Association on December 11, tajl. is eligible for this contest it A committee of three, to be named by the President of the As sociation will passion these papers One memlier of the commit*'- shall come from the (bate Department ol Education, one from the departnpenl of education in the tcucher tralnlnk institutions of the state, and the bird from he workers In the Held. 10. Then ante of the writer must not t»e written on the paper on which the article Is written, hui must br sent will a Inter of subndtal. I .'Judges of tiie * contest will ob serve tbe following points nl grading papers: Subject it,. <tter 10 point t T i mi-11 in of study i r»*i>ot{ri A* Idi lion Ptactbally In treatment „’o point* Soutuiiii’SH of conelnskins—wii points ■ Any subject within range of edu rational research or experience In North Carolina may he selected by a contestant, It was announced The executive committee suggesting the following topic#: standardization of elementary choola. The county wide plan of * lumil organization The economy of -consolidation. -Teaching citizen ddp in public si hinds The effect or * ousolld.itlon on the social life of a community. The "Three lls” v*. and Knrli bed Curriculum A study ol j school cost* In ..... county... .ills trict. Joint -ulmlntstration of city and county schools. A study of school luxes ami a suggestion of u better i (Continued un ptgo Five j ■ ■■■■». MEMBER OP ASSOCIATED PRSkMri ' w ■ ■ , ... ■ ■ PKICfc FIVE l UNW Solicitor States Hear ings Will He Kefltmed Monday MACpN Sept 16. Dr. C. A. Tnr- ” borough pag acquitted her* today la the rioting charges. (Hty Hollcltor Hoy W. Moore, after thw jury hod announced Ita verdict, stated thnt the caee would tie continued. The Hollcltor said that J. _A. Ajti stider. who (a charged with havffkg h*«n urn- of the men flogged Ollle I'j-rry would probably be the next man lo l>« tried. City Judge Johnson of Qraven win hear the Alexander case It wee an- ’ I nounertl. Judge Will Gunn of the kin run city court is dlntogtly related to Alexander and for this rssaow In <l# qualified. ' , Dr. Yarborough want on trial oa Tuesday on a charge of being iaapil laled In the flogging of H. K. Milieu. Taking of testimony tasted front peon Tuesday until late yesterday. The caee went to the jury at It:It today and at 3ill tbe verdict wae reed. CO-OP NOTABLESJfc WALLACE MEETW6 '• ' o*. A Idirge Crowd! Hewn H| I Mil , , With (ieoege Norwoo4«» I'rwffnun *: W% . ■ Co-op* of thjn section coffMMp tlielr campaign of great meeting at A large crowd was o« kiMtew Senator I- D. Hpidh. of Kqs*£R'jf|M has. noted fgr-m bloc 'leader, aKS ttclal* or the uperaUve *"~fit|tluh~ Hpedken «t- Am imdna»%wi * faets and figure* to show the Mb it m«tto*ed succea* which ha* Mp in the cooperative movementa agff i.Tgt’d the farmers who are got ■mg* hers (o si ami by the orgaalaatlHrtMi j Hume who are not to cnot lo ffttr lot. "The cooperative movement 'lit |or the beet late rests of tIM farflMff Claes as a whole |t means iffffre nlng ’of independence for the fffrffh nr," ibi* irowd was told. *• Z»T!. Henator Smith was the prta<ffffwl speaker of the day. Othera pr*«Ml were George A. Norwood of thin ffSr - tri-slate president of the TafMMh I,rowers Co ois-raMve AHMOcUMMkjI# It. Ifaymna. of Itichmowd; L. Hoaers of Kryesvllle, Virginia; nmt Hr. J Y. Joyner, . fit - $ * • FIRPO NOT VET EKME WITH JICK DENVSEf w , I<IMI Rickard Will Atttm|rt AmUli lioul Nnt Hummer With • Thw Chaimpion New York. Hept J<—<By the Ktmo i lale<t Press) jack Dempaey and >.ula Amrelo F^rpo. hawa* vNgmMnd Hitdr title feud despite the wertd’a champion's smaslilog victory over, h*d Argentine rival la*t nlght gt the Polo grounds In a swirling, ryclpnk ma. unparalleled In flgbtiag nasals Flrpo In dtfsal was acrlaUned a# a ■lore dangeroiia challenger than ever 1 tonight Te* Irickard announced be already hud plana under way tor w ecnad light between these two tlghty gladiators, “a caasot take nines before neat summer.” the pfo -notor said He hopes to stage t)M 'natch about July 1. I*l4. probably ia New York Meanwhile he la prepared to.jwgtry, Fl|or and Harry Will,, New 'Jrle«nsi negro, who has been cloia urlng for a match with Dcmpery »or. more than a year. The promoter who haa already ' > Igm-il Elrjio to Ufflu Will* la the Ar gentine said he would scab Will*' sig nature to a check and guarantee the 1 victor a fight with Dempaey. 1 Will*, o far. however, baa turned a ' deaf ear to Rickard preferriag to ‘ pres his .claims to light the ehlfß plon. One factor ~4nexparieme«— 1 w*s (hlc-fly responlable for Flrpn's expert* agreed totfgy and r the glaut Honth American recoffulr • Ing hi* own short coming Intends to f ll»e ready next time. "( bIRI KILLED if ■ .lackaonvllle. Sept. II.—A three 0»l y a half year old girl nad setrea othsre >' were injured la leeaer degrees r ; two aulomohltes collided hetu tonight. | Ph. girl, according to phyalcfaißn H Uuffcrlpi Dorn a crushed ahull

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