1— ■■■ 9■»“ * » <■ WEATHER . T*m4v partly riNiyi Weffncafiaj unMMi Mlt««l ks ikntn. ■ - - i’ ■■ ■ - - 1 1 — — VOLUME TWO; NUMBER 165 L~ ' 'i m m ms ittSETFomm Yam Omnahon Man la Be TrM Far Mar4er as Fall** (■•Law Greensboro N. C.. Bep- IT.—scour Mirier cuei am on the docket (or tki two week*' term of criminal court #T F h *«k convenes hsrv touiorrow, | V reel pel among which la the caae I oeaa Os T. Clyde Tuttle, young ad verttslag men of this city charged With the anrder qrf his father in-law C. A Jones, farmer judge of the city fndi^yinr i Hied August 20 ua the molt ot a pistol shot wound alleg ed Ap hav# been Inflicted by Mr Tut tle oa the night of August I follow-} lag a hat Fas reported by police a* n domestic difficulty at the home of |he fnth.r-10-InF othsr defendant) oa ihe dock et sod trlvl on charges of murder at this ness ton of court are three ne groes ot High ro'at Pete Gray *t ] charge i with *b» in,*d#r of hi*' brother. William Cray. He esc*pe«• N* w Hampshire. Will U North Dakota wjll folfc£pfo vjffr l«t ar. and con trolling some of ■ Abe, jJpeVr-telega- tlons that sit-in * *V> vrn ’ tlons. will hacv-WpgA'Wlht i e «•<* of Aprll/OHara I* jSFfulj Wt tft having preetofiTUu*.. p(ligar|RV>W'«.! with the dates, for 4*. prtmj>r*n»fec tlons of all pant Ist: ' California. Tuosday.'vWMpy’,. jlftM Ida. Tuesday. June Ji'A’vifunLtM. be Asad by state Tuesday. April 6. , day 6; Maryland. »>■ Alaaaacbiisetts T(*cTffqy7~n|flH Michigan, Monday. AprfftljiMtafi'tu iftay 27: NcbraslQC April IS; ’ Jtat* JvrsejT. April 23; March 11. KppjitaFatoU-diJMkj June 7; North Dakota. March 1». W Oregon. Krtdaf May i ala. April ft; /ffonth- Wh kota Tueadpy. May 17; Jft'est t training TueudajH-May 27: /'cut Vugiirn.; m Tuesday May 27) \Visci7li- F April 1 The prealdenUal primary f*w of Florins does not apply a party poll! 'teas than St per ceut of the total In the previous general i Ivctlon This eliminates the flepub- Itrau party from n presidential prl luary sad leavas Us deb eaten, to be choseo by convention In that o^ate. ——————— v* l*|H 4’KAIT TO PIEACH 7 ______ Md«r W. K t raft will preach at (ba Primitive Baptist church herr ou W'adneeday evening, Beptmeber ikth. The public It cordially Invited lo be present For the aoOond year lb succession, no passenger was killed In lit.- course of fMgbt on regular Brltuh air yr vlce during the twleve months inoud March 31 wl Imrt THE GOLDSBORO NEWS GOLDBBORO. N. C . TUESDAY MORNING. HEI*TEMBKK IN. 19n City WOI Vote $60,000 m $ Bonds for Enlargment Os the Pumping Station t _________ Decision to vote bonds to an amount not lo exceed $60,000 for the purpose of enlarging the water ptaut of the 1 elty to Insure 1.000.000 more gallons ot water dally was reached by the city council In session last evening Work on "Ihe proposed enlargement of the water plant will alart right sway, it. was declared by one of the council-' men after Ihe meeting. Knlargeinent of ihe preaeut water supply by 1.000,000 gallons will give the city a daily record of 2.600.000 gallons und sufficient to take care { of installation ot several miles of : sewer lines and additional water; mains Which ia contemplated. Another committee of the aldermen already committee ot me stuermen mreau> mmmm ON MANEUVERS * In Tnkinir Part in The Mimic Warfare Ifclnic Carried On WASHINGTON. Hep! 17.- Marching through Mil- hills of Virginia wit)i(jfhe the Rest (.’oast Kxpudlllouury Fort’Os of the IT. S. Marine Corps. tMllisni Edwgrd CroCjux,. formerly of Plkes vllle. Wayne Countjf, N" Q.. Is now taking part In a series of maneuvers, which began August 27 anil will nut be concluded until October 7. when Ihe Torce returns to Its base at QuanUco. Va.. near here. Many unusual features are beina carried out in connection with the maneurnrs. Including visits' to the Civil War batlleAelds at WaynagbunA Winchester and New Market Artlie | latter place an hlalorlral spectacle of the battle of New Market Is being ! presented by Ibe Marines In roujunr-. j tlo.n with the cades of Ihe Virginia Military 'lnstitute. Football and base ball games, moving pictures, athletic and educational features alternate be tween military marches ami battle practice. The Marines are following a clreul i tous trail to Waynesboro. In the 6hen mdoah Valley, and will return qver a northern route bv the way of Win cheater, the entUe'fjolirney gelug over JOO pilleSs. They will reach Wash ington about October 6. where an<>ther {football ga|ne and a great military I spectacle Is sceduled to take place before the forces returns to yiyjutlco p M'tlllams. who Is jirotber of Berry i Crocker, of Plkesvllle. is 1« years old and was lairn In Wayne county He I joined the Marine Corps at Greeus i boro last November, and ts now with 1 ibe Itth Company, Mh Hgl More T-ftnft* thtrly-flve Marines from North )Carolina are taking part In Ibe man j covers I 1 I NKW OPTICAL COMPANY j The Kdward llerke OpliaT Company Its the name of a new Arm uow do jlng business in Ooldabovo, Mfss Katb llceh Farrlor bavin* formed a part nership with I>r Edward Berk* on der this business name Tile offices formerly used by Dr llerke will b<- retained by the company j KI.IM iff ATEN It HOIK DAT I to wn. O-, rtept 17. The scc oud big step toward elimination of | the 12 hour day In the steel mills of this dlatrlct was takeu today when several thousand workers changed the long day to leu hour and 'eight hour shifts. A month ago. men ‘ld ibe continuous operatlns fit-par-.- men changed to three shifts a day. and today's movement affects chiefly h the pipe mills In which a ten hour A day la to he established for the most ‘'part After today only admail per \centage of the 6h.(s*n steel workers Am Ihe Youngstown district will oe wkf.ktng the 12 hour day. and the i. liOTta of these few will he reduced .s« additional laboi can be [ Two Students Die In Fire ;! That Sweeps California City R v • Berkley. Calif.. H**i»t 17 llly toe | Associated press I—-The business sec- j lion of thl# city und the entire rc#i- 1 tdenMal section of North Berkley was I t doomed lout today by Are that start-I i ]ed In the brush on Contra Costs' 'county bill* und swept over the rnlg« ( p-jlnto the Fnlverslljt city. Scores of buildings Including then I of more than half of toe faculty of j i, the University of California have been | i- destroyed Dynamiting has Iw-en re-| • sorted to |p a desperate eflor; to stop 1 '1 tile flames At 5 odoch b'ltlduixr at University* had this prtiject under udviskiueut. The < lly may pun base It* own bouda, II was staled follow lug the muetlng. tjeveral uivrnbers of Ibe board were of the opinion that Invest ing inoucy now maintained us u sink ing 7und in Ihe lwinds to tie Issued | would be excellent llnanre The Increase of tlifc pumping capac ity by 1 000.000 gallons a day. will take care of the growth of the city 1 for sometime. It Is thought, J The metier of Increasing the salffy of hire Chief Yelverton also came up and Increases were granted which puts theA'hlef on a salary of S2OOO a ! year » Jf jWIM « GEORGIA TWINS SAY > MAN LOVES BOTH a _______ | They Wiah There Whw I jih AUowinif Man lo Wed Two MARIETTA Da.. Sept 17 Bulb Webb and Ituby M ebb. twins, are In love They liotli love, the so&e man And Ihe man. they say. loves both of them He can’t tell Ituth from Ruby. Ru by from Ruth. He can’t tell which he kudu tocmarry. When he make* love to Ruth be ran t tell her from Ruby and when he makes love to Ruby lie’s not sure whether she's Ruby or Ruth. The question is: “Can three llge as cheaply as one*'' And If so —where? •‘W«'d both marry him,'' the Webb twin's say. “If the law Would let us.” He would, too. they any. He’s In New YoiV and he writes them reg . ularly. Every time he writes he has to write two love letters, one to Ruby and one to Ruth. The letters are dif ferent— nul mere mimeographs: —and ear bis Just exactlydhs srdAt as the other No favoritism here’ „Rnby und Ruth are 21 They're blondes The>i fall la love “at first tight.” you see. they both auw him at exactly the same moment He| rubbed bis eyes and looked again i | Yea. there were two wf them: From that lustant his perplexity began *’l wish. - ' says Ruby, “there was a | law legalUlng polygamy. Wave sim ; ply got to marry the same man. ,AII Bur lives we've shgred everything. Why shouldn't w«- share a husband"" "Why not. Indeed F' says Ruth "We wear the same clothes, and we j never quarrel about who's to wear.l 1 1 them We’d sbu*e a husband happily. ] and we wouldn't quarrel over him.” Itiiliy and Ruth haie never tyeen sep arated day or night. In tlielr live* \ ! "And.” they say, “were not goiuA to begin now To tie apart would* break our heurls. Whoever lovis one 1 of us must put up with both of us." i The name of the sweetheart of the r Webb twins* They won t tall. “It wouldn't be fair to' hn».” they | ' say ‘‘But w«*re glud to tell th<) ; world we love him And at the right llpie, when we've found a s«ilutlon to] »'our problem, we’ll tell We agree ' | though, that he's the handsomest and sw celest thing yroti ever aaw: We re crazy about him.” Ruby und Ruth say they’ve even (bought of going to Turkey und expe - rlineatlug with '.polygamy— so f annoyed with the fonnjr laws here. ( that'-.put sip h restriction# on mairl i * I - - ’ One Dead, 24 Hurt In Train Collision ■.j —,—, y CoKondule Fla., Sept 17 -Illy the r Associated Press I' —four person, t were In a serious condition here to - night a* a result.-of u ciilllslon he s tween trains near here in which 21 e were hurt and killed Mrs Ike I nut u i t Cottonwood, lived about an hont d Fears are expressed for the lives «* e one o( her eblldren. t years Old an t three other persons ,ivenue und Bhutluck .*venue ;n tip iliesrt of th- city were utilo#--. !.*■ v - ilng cought from firebrand*, ind I sparks that were swept ou by u ! lierce north w Ind Two unidctiUfb-d stud* als of -he | t nlverslly were killed when they fell through the roof of s burning house I today II Is reported that scores of Injured uie In the Be i kitty titstnl | Hospitul j A shift mi the wind si 6:15 sent the Illumes hack" over the same territory 1w hit'll they had crossed gad -.tted (he buaioes# district ! New List Americans ■ Dead or Miaaing In r ' Jap Earthquake WaslnnwC.n Hepl. 1.7. (By the*As se reported missing. Fords Collide On * Mount Olive lioadi The fourth automobile acotdeiit In six weeks occurred at the'covered bridge on the Mount Olive -road Sun day when two Fords met in a head »# collision The cars were lodly damaged, but the occupants esrgperi injury Mat Futretl of Mount Olive «as driving one of the cars, accord 'a# to Information obtained front po-< lice, while the driver of the other car. w hich bore a Virginia ’ license tag. refdesd lo give his name REVOLT Iff IIOI.Y LAKH ~ ' ' Jerusalem. Rept. 17 Atithorllatlv# retHirls say thui a revolution has broken out In truna-Jordunla against ihe Kmlr Abdullah. Advices from Jerusluiue September reported u revolt by :;iM)d Aruba un der the * leadership of the Sheik iff Kn Salt The rebels at that time sub mitted uu ultimatum la which they demanded an equitable system of tax ation. the expulsion of all foreigners and the formation of a preliminary government 'EM MFXHKTANY * Washington. Sept J7. Howard M. Gore, of C’larkaberg. W Va.. was-ap pointed by ..President Coolldge today as. assistant secretary of agriculture to succeed C. W I'ugsley. who ruelgu cd to beemne president of the. South Dakota College of Agriculture and Mechanical Arts t FOUR MEN BIEO UNOFH TONS CEMET | ! IN MOHAWK m '' -o Scaffolding on Bridif? Work Gave Wav und They Go lo Walery Grave a j Scheneotady. N. Y... Sept. 17 « illy ■ tlie Associated Pressi Four men are believed to be burled In the Mo.mwk i river 0.-ur till - -.-It v under 'on, if jwei cement which forced them Hilo the water when wooden scaffolding |on the (ircut Western Gateway bridge gave way late afternoon. One ol the mea Is Kenneth Devifiaoti, superintendent of construotloii lor the. I entire bridge. Six other men have been taken to the hospital sertoqjply! Injured , YVomanP Erected Her Own Home .5 * - Omaha, Sept IT —When Mrs R. A. Bolen |M>ints lo her home and says. "This Is MY home." she’s more en titled lo that reflection than most wp iU|C!i In the I'ntted States. For nut only It Is her home the home she lives In hut It's HER home, the product of her u«u Jyuuds. Hi', home she built From fuuiidattnu to gable, the new 11 flvorroom biingahiw on Ui Fayette av enne. here, #vas .put up by Mrs Bolen ij alone Os course, she hud to leave . ] the plumbing and electrical work to -1 licensed workers, but she did all the | carpentry I' -J B4.MEBALL KIRI ITS «k i American League i New VofV 2; Chicago t. IMilladelphla 2*4. la-troll 0> Washington :. 12. St lands t-2 Boston 1-6; Chlcuga 6-6 ffatieual League I'ittsbilYg l, Boston 6 r Chicago 6; New York |.: I'hltadelphls St. Untie 6 Southern League Alulula 12-*; Uttle Risk 1 k f* I'lrdaiwnt League d (Post Series) a V Duuvlllt- 13; , Greensboro 6 • ff fiHlji It MLI S Iff tfkßNAJrt II —.- e Loudon. *tont 17.—Twelve pnrsau if were kltlnd end Aftown wouud-rd dm il Ing n demonstration against tdgli price of food at Burma. Brundapburg e provlace *hs« fighting ncc.irred be v tween the pollew and taw demnnslra d tors, says a, Central News'’ dlspalcti .from Berlin today. i Anthracite Agreement Is | t Signed and Miners Are \ \ To Return to Their Work Si OAY SESSION ~ l Os COUNTY CHllßl I V II hurven. ArßHuil Julg J*. Lane Occupied Muni of The Day Count) Court was In session the en | lire with only three I < uses'liclng disposed of. Most of the day.was taken In the hearing of the cases (barging Jule 1. Lane with non support ahd abandonment Two canes act for the day had to tie postponed 'mill this morning The two cases ngalust lame were 1 the moat long-drawn-out that the court has seen In somullnie In the charge of abandonment a nun-sult ■f" as taken, und ttl the case of the alleged non-support of children a not 1 i proas was taken Boh Braswell, colored. Was charged with the larceny of a quantity ot to bacco. found .guilty und sentenced to serve three months on the roads He .-cave notice of appeal and bond was fixed al S2OO. Walter Griswold was charged with assault with a deadly weapon. The rase resulted In a change lo ussuult. ; Prayer for judgment was continued for 12 months upon the defendant promising to he of good behaviour Mr. Koyall To Attend National Meetings O *»“**•■ —• George G Hoy all of *hi firm of Hoy all- ti Boiden. Jurnfturt dealers, left yesterday for NsXr York as u delegate from the -Southnni Rntnll Furniture | Association to n convent lon on Dade relations From Now York Mr: Roy all goes to f’hlcngo to Attend a con ! vent lon of Use Better Bedding Alli ance of Amorten He Is chairman of the committee on sundsrdlzation uhd , publicity Florence BAafti * Recovering From Auto Accident! Florence Baker, eight year old, ■liiughter of Mr. and Mrs. (jeoise H (linker. Is recovsring from injuries sustained when eh# sms kn%k Geneva. Hept 17--lily the Asso dined Press i The machinery of Ihe l«eagu( of Natious whirled tmluy us never before The delegates uttuek* ed problems of vast interest und the of the League in u nolewor ihy public session frankly o*-bated lialy’s * refusal to recognise the league's contpoU-ac' yin the Orec:#n n 'crl#is. The famous article lu Id the ro. It enaot which was the ittalu qiieslkm g In Ibe U. H Benate when th# question i* of adherence was before the AmeH i*l can public, was up wheu the Uhll* fa no delegate presented a powerful 'details# of to# Monroe Ine-trinc which 500 DelegateM Repre senting loucal Unions R tirx i f y Agreement Without Protest * • , Acrauton. Fenn.. t4ept. 17. (By the 'Associated l're»#l- Anthracite non era, represent luge workers- th rough I IVnnsylvanla today ratlAud the new 11 ] two year wage agreement drafted by I heir officers, and operators repre scuta! iv es in Iturrlsburg. Kept g. 1 I'ltey voted to t-Mufii to work Mon 1 day and plans were made ut once lor the signing or the new contract t on that date James A. Gorman, secretory of the lute real# agree ment. announced tonight that the op lerator# and miners would gu to «oiv ;l ernoor Ptnchot’s home H t Mllltord. 1 Tenn . for the slgnlnx This Is ached- 1 ided for I p. in Wednaeday The factj that the contract will not be signed tiutll afternoon will not affect the (•sumption of opera)Kins Wednesday morning. More than &0P delegates represent ing local nnlons and the Three Chit-, > d Miner workers districts of the I reklon took part u, the convanUon Their actlnp rntlfylnp t |j.. Ile , ' agreement came with very little „p- ] iHwltlon Hljh(mgii several ol«H -t, that under the 111 |ier i-ynt flat wage ! Increase provided for all worker# day laborers now receiving the lowest' d | imy will he given n smaller increase, than the contract miners PHIUM LIST FOR i Win FI MULED Shown H und min of l*rlicci Of-1 fired in T*n Itoßart month • ~ ' ' ! The prsmlunt list and rtgatatiwnn | of th# Mfajrpe county rale, to he held i t on October 3* to No (euiheFl. wire yesterday mailed to luindihda of prospective i nd Interested parties In the county tend Ihrotighout Eastern Carolina. Tha ' • Hal comprise! a 6$ page, neatly nr-< tanged booklet, with hundred# of. 1 rlxos. totaling, several thousand dot- ( larn offered The Fair grounds le si* tt-ady being made ready for the ex* 1 hibita which will be entered. ' The list shows ten departments sr | ranged as follows; farm and field crops, horticultural products. live stock. poultry and pel stock, pantry supplies. Indies’ handiwork, fine arts, curios and relics, educational, and Odd Fellows’ Home, The educational exhibits are-this year being glvep j special attention ' The Greater Hhows are listed as the attraction for Ibe mld- This shtrw claims to employ too people and to travel In 30 dou ble length railroad -( etuher 2I V2-H2, 20 00; snuary JtH.l7*37;. March 26 26-32; May 2606- 12 » . " In Madagascar, the natives hav# a curious superstltloii about the striped i trrtrWgwj* airyoue flndlng a nest of jthls bird und not breaking Ihe exgs. < auses the death of his mot bets. he said was worth more to America than article 111 could ever lie. "And Ibis ws» so.” In (-inphasixed. "because the American naval ami military foh-es stood ready to en force ihis doctrine which forbade any state from Interfering in a ter ritorial sense In ihe affairs ol tha American continent. , There occurred a lively discussion ou the question of (he proposed pad fur mutual assistance which toe.U-om iiilsshm oh the ruducitou of ‘arma ments will latvr submit to Uie as sembly Ills s pro Jell aimed at th# control sad will be eg nipped with smoking rooor for mea and ladles’ Ballons Thin service will he I of greet convenience to the travettag public golngoto Washington on tmta 42. between Washington and Bpcky Mount aod those oa train 41. agatta i bound bringing passengers from Btes» moad snd Washington to miiß ] North t'arollnn points This ear tS be operated on Ibe same trath urhlS bandies the New Bern. N C. WMh ' ington. D. C.. sleeper. . Ministerial Body Far &- 1 I ' County b ProhaMi A Wayue < ounty , Mlnloto>lalM|L' I soclsllon. Including as itbe pastors In the county. W»U MH i.-hiili from action taken by Uto tlHB' f k bon, sbsocluiiou at its mnttagyn 1 Icrduy morning Rev. W. 0 BgflML Secretary, was Instructed to the- ministers of the county to In the Monday School room fIHK. First Preshy terlan church at IP A. M Monday. October 1. for the purfiqwH illscussing Ihe matter High School to Ha* \ 10-Piece OrchMlni Bludenta of the Goldsboro High Mchool met last evening and under Hie direction of Mr Sheldon. 6MMft „ supervisor of the school*, organised a ten piece orchestra. Pinna ware formulated to give public pertorm snees In Goldsboro nod probably sns toundlng towns during the wtsler ' "Practice will be held each Tusuday in preperntion for the cwneerts. Of* llt-ers elected at the meeting was* < ora Hill, chairman; IJIIInp Brawn. Ilbrsnsn and secretary and WtlHs Parker, treasurer HOUTHERN HAS EXHIBIT , ' , AT HIG CHEMICAL SHOW > . .. ®New York. Beni 17. Mineral re sources of tha Booth are displayed to ■ rest advantage by tha exhibit Os the .Southern Railway Hretain at the Ninth Naitunal Exposition of Chemlanl In* duetrlfa which opened at .the Orand , Central Palace In New Yurh today. I Attending the exposition are MS I from all over the country Wtaratand , j In all branches of < hemleal and tain ■ eral Industries. The Southern's eg : i Dibit gives them a cemprshpßSln I view of the great variety as raw £g~ teriuis to be found In the Booth gad the opportunities for the location of n wide range of Industries using those materials ..The exhibit occupies lour bentos. . three of which are combined In oar ' tor ih« nshihit proper, while mv (mirth Is used as an office. It id eo arranged tow visitors who arq tatpr ! rated In nay particular class of mn -1 terlals And all the samples of tout class grouped, facilitating study Iftf I, ( out par I sou. y , " hlle the Boutkern has made exhib its at each annual chemlunl expwal lion fur several years, this In doctor u i«d to be the most ulaborntu exhibit - ] It has ever made and It Is tgpeated • (that a number so Important Indust rles will be attracted to the Be nth na n n result I - ... - - O' " u •*'- The oyster ia one of the mos pro >- tide from the bode ou the efid sis « *- match lu the spawning season, and « examined under a micros oops, will he . found to contain a doseu or morw In* „ ■ ' I “ * vTF'YJ ■