1 » WEATHER CmUM W lease argued that the Coas Lino seeks to obtain a virtual monopoly of North Carolina'* outlet to the coal field* and that It would prove detriments' to the state The hearing here was held at the request of the Interstate Commerce Commission which will Anally act on the matter. Federal Council Rejects Proposal ' *■ (By the Associated Prese t Sept 18—Complete * rejection of the Clalbrrne- Adams check collection plan "and adaption were the change* of the Federal Reserve Board "Regulation J.” penallslxng banka falling to remit at par was recommended to the board tonight by the Federal Advisory coun cil at the end ofUAiflll session The Clalfmfne-Adam* proposal, waa put forward by Cha*. De Clai borne and L R Adams. Atlanta, and provided for par clearances within *be limit of cac reserve district It was opposed by all member* of the cooflcll. Athletic Commission Passes tip Fiffht i ■■ * New York. Kept 1« The New York fct'ae athletic commission took too cognizance of th< Dempsev-Firpo I heavy weight debt today desp-te rff • I port* that It might act "pan the crit | ld*u) directed at Referee Johnnv {Gallagher becuuM- of his nerlec to compel iX’mpM'jr to follow Instruc tion* on several oeegrlon* duriur the Asht The commission dlsctiewed u« match at. Its regular weekly m.otlnr hut i*"»ed no formal statement of p. proceedings (M R HOI HE FOR HIGH POINT High rolnt. N C. Sept 18 -Con tract has been awarded for the Wec tlon of a commodious club house at H'gh Point's recently organiser r«nntry club and the builder to whom the contract vs* awarded has sn nounced that the club house prohshlv* Will he completed by January 1. 1924 The High Uolnt country clnb was or ganized the early pari of this year i and work begun Immediately on a i iClhe hole golf course, which was ( I completed during the summer and Is t | how being used dally. >( FfVF COUNTIES WltL i BE REPRESENTED**! < SCOUT MEETING HERE Department* of Tuttcarora Coun cil Will Re Created at Gatherinff A meeting for the purpose''of or ganising the Tuscarora Council w York 3. St l,o!||* 51; WkMUlfftolt I 9 Itetrolt x 0 Philadelphia 2-10 Piedmont League < post s.-ril Danville 6, Hally-Virginia League (Post Season' Seri*-*) Charlotte 4; Wilson 2 Host here 1 eagae Little Rock T»ls Birmingham *-e rh.'.ttapooga 6; New Orleans X. Nash vine 9: Mobile 8 NEW IOH k C OTTON New York, Sept Jg—Tha cotton market closed quiet today. Mid dling 20.75- Futures were steady October 2*00—88; December 2861 65. January 28 03; March 28 00—02; dav 27 86—*0. , |WILL PROTECT THE ! j CiSTITUTIONJSL : RIGHTS OF BLACKS I- ' v ■ i (rovemor I‘inchot Wires Na tional l.eagut' for Uolored Advancemeftt t* -H (Ily the Associated Prttas l *. 11 New Vurjt, Sept. 18 Governor Pin I .hot of Pcnnaylvaala today sent a , telegram to the National Association r for the Advancement of Colored Peo* ( | pie announcing that the 'whole now , er of this common weak h will be Atser , If necessary to maintain cnnatttu I tional rights at Johttatown, Penn.." I where wholesale deportation of n»- , groes I* alleged to have been ordered by Mayor Caulfield. v t The Governor s telegram which was I made public stated that be had wired ; Mayor Caulfield, "oakin* him for a . full stateoivut of fact* and reasons I f or the actions taken.” f Governor Plnchot's telegram was I In response to a protest tmade by ike association again*! the alleged action • of Mayor Joseph CuufUeld In order Ing all who have not b.vo reeldeate for aeveo years to leave > JohiHdown Immediately, following htc ■ killing of two (police uad the wound . i'g of four other* tho crimes beln;; ■ «hargtul to the negroes. The Association protested ‘'agaln-i' thlc high handed injustice through ■ p4rtaGoii of ni“n r< gardles* of their innocent,, „ r q u IU nolely he- , cause (heir skins are black." nd , points out that the only action that i '11001(1 have been taken would have | ts-ep to scu'k out and punish the , guilty OR BROOKS SPEIKS j IT FOUCTIDN MEET i Os THE ROTMir CLUB: - ’ I <, t Thtf Moat Powerful Kdurgfton- ( «l Force in GoMnhonp W«* Query - i I — ' : 'Wbat la the moat powerful edu- , rational farce In Goldsboro?” This t query was proposed to the Rotary , flub usl a number of special guests * last night by Dr E C. Brokoa, presl dent of Rtate College and sixteen , years aro superintendent of the lo- 4 cal school ayatem Before naming the forces that In | reality e(ju,-ate the youthful genera- j tlons. Dr. Ryook* decried the whole- j ■isle Indictment at times made flf pres- j I ent day high nchool students. ”! be lieve thst the hoya and girls In our ‘ high schools today are Just aa moral, courageous, brave and cultured ea In I any sge," he declared. "If their ' elders," he stated, holding thst while ‘ schools are a factor In education, the ! moat powerful Influence making for , education In any community la the adult population. I . As Illustrative of bla view* on the ! subject, Dr. Broqka graphically ra i .counted a story appearing In a flc- 1 tlon magazine A committee was ap pointed to name each ten years the T citizen responsible for Improved con ditions In an Imaginary city during 1 the decade In turn the honor was 1 accotdTlbl a nilnlstre "he showed us 1 the way to peace.'' a school teacher— * "he gave us truth and honor,”--a wo- 1 mss—"she taught us bow to live,” a mayor- "he gave us beauty through parka and atreets,” a manufacturer— * "he made u* self supporting” An award could not he made for the next 1 i period for the reason thst the. clfl- ! zens had retrograded through the election so an administration that went Into office on a. platform pledg ing repudiation of a city debt merely j on a technical error. i 1 "Knowledge* and school work are only a mean* an end." Dr Hrooka •aid In ronclualtni The heat Ideal--, the tdeaD of peace, truth, beauty, ! honor, *r !f-rel!an< <•> chouH be hell' ti» by th* adult population for :; »ir children |o follow " It was September Educational • tAle» ting with the Itotaj lans, who o 1 number was augmented by the foi l tow ing Httecially Invited rnests: AJlle Freeman and Mary Moore, 'fra H. K Fennell, Mr* W, 1) Cieech, L. H la«'twlch. J K Kelly! , of Mount Olive, J Arthur Best, of , Fremont and Ar. til.- Dn VMIIIi.im , Avcock. of Warsaw, r IX Raster, of Ncwu York and Dr Corbett Wayne • county Health officer, also attend ed t) A. Hamilton, superintendent cf •ckcKvl*, Goldsboro High School haa an enroll- * meut pf 307 "Hevsnteen high school 1 •indent* have not yet returned,” he * said "Should they seek to rapenter, * It would be a problem to us, for tho school Is overcrowded now.” • t After the diamond the ruby stands 1 supreme among precious atones, he- Ing the most popular of all colored ' gem*. i — « *-■> . ——--«--■ - 'American and Italian Vie 5 , . ‘ % S>, For Center of the Stage Os League of Nations tT * . • - « ; :/• ; g ' ' M U •'I/O'* THIRTREN INJURED : 1 IN ACCIDENT Summerville, Ga., Sept ,88— (By | the Associated Press )—Thirteen per Mons, Um children, were tnjur »d when au automobile truck plunged down the side of a moun tain near here today The machine turned over three times and went over u thirty foot vllff before It was halted. The Injured were brought here for treatment. TO PRESOIT PEHUIT; IT S SCHOOL MEET 0 r Gf(t»l I'lans Made For Mwrtlng 6f Wavne Hody; I’rominrnl Sprakeru Oue feature of the approaching Wayhe County Sunday School Con vention at VAYnxlland ChurtJi, live miles from Gold*boro, Saturday nnd Sunday, St pi 29'b and 30th. will hi the prc .cntatinn of a-beautiful peu nant. 18 x 36 incbcH, to the Sunday it hool having present the largest! -lumhci of repyeaentailvea over all-* 'eeu years of age. according to the number of miles traveled. The num ber of representatives from a glveb Sunday school will be multiplied by the number of miles from that < bureh to the convention church and the school having the largest total will , receive the pennant. The Sunday | School with which the convention .Is held, and any other school within ansi mils - There wRt also be a roll cell of : mile, will not compete for the pen-1 township*, when n record will he made of the number pf Sunday "obools represented from each town-j *hlp as well as the number from each school, and the number of pes- j tors, superintendents and teachers present. The county nnd township Sunday School Association officers who are promoting plans for the convention ur«: County Preset ent. Mr. J. Beck Thompaon; County Secretary. Mis* Bertha Casey; County Vice President'. Mr Edigar H- Haln of the First Bap tist church, Goldsboro; .County Super intendent of Children's Division. Mrs A P. Howell of St Paul's M. E church, Goldsboro; Towushlp Prasl-t !dents, ('has. H Coon. O. J. Howell, i John W odwln. Jamas Edwards. ; J H Williams W. Wood, Mrs A M Rich, J M Parks, and J Henry' Parker. These officer a are requesting the ■ co-operation of all pastors, superln tendenta and otther Hdbday School lhadnra In the effort to make the i convention a aucceaa. ■tyic two out-of-county speakers on ■he convention program will be Mlea Clora Davie, Raleigh, Aeeletnnt 8u porintendent North Cnrollnn Sunday School Association, and Mrs. D. W ; Donu dson Professor of Religious Ed ucation, Washington Collegiate Insti tute. Washington. Both Miss Davis .nd Mrs Donaldson are well trained and experienced Sunday School work ers, WHb thsoe two outside apeak r r« and the splendid local talent, the] county officers feel that an Interest-1 top ptoftram U assured Legal Questions Will Be Threshed Out In Tulsa This Morning . * * (Ujr the Aiikociatrd Pnm.) pus esUta la Oklahoma tad despite Tulsa, Okla, Kept in. Tulsa want military law and Uorrrnor Walton's to tw-d t.ialght In a feyllng of sympe order suspending tba right la tha le thatlr tab* 11 ion It wa* |>erple*ed ar gal question Involved to who ruka the too*' the military Are military auiborltlea reapoaalMa or the rivtl authorities to tb<> civil courts during a period of A district Judge haa ordered the Insurrection and rebellion, aueh an Htatn Adjutant to app« United fltatee. had taken similar steps, In matters lose aerlous than the occupation of Oorfa. By the time he had reached the prtaf pipal argument*, the op4wm meeting had adjourned, perhaps with Into*' Gen. end the delegatee flooded into the council meeting. The Italian held that there was nd nocueelty to\ diecuae the qgeeilne es the Leegne competeeep heeenee ge Npeoifle cose a misted 4a fh»fli lo Ml* terprel the covenant, ItaWevar. he added, Unto would not aydgna era! Interprautlon of hy authortaxed persons, prnenmshly ra .ferring to the permanent court es In- • teraatlonal justice. Commissioners Order School Tax Election Wayne County ('ommloalonefi to trs session yesterdny acted favoraMp upon the b petition r~r~flttl (Pita school committeemen who toot Satur day and ordered that n tninlal elec tion be held on November Nth lo de termine tha creation of n spatial r-chool tax for tM antis* eonaty, ex i eluding the city epttenla 6f OeldPheto, Mount Olive, and Pramd*!; it a rata l.nf 30 rent*. Public sentlmeat $t pre sent would Indicate tho foyeraMe ’ ' adoption of the proposal at polU | Already *ome 18 dletftota la the eona ty have a special school tat pad the county-wida rate would ‘ notr' roles their eaeesemeoi op- ' , n FGio “ Hattiesburg, Miss, Sept IS.—John * Gray. 26. negro, was shod to death lost night on the Rlchtpo-Hew Aagnet highway by a band of Iratfl rtUsena. whoforced officers to torn their pris oner over to them aftdP" Gray had' -hot Z. w w alley, of Rtahtoa. father 'of Drs. W A. Whllop. and Date Malley, both prominent Jackson, Miss., physlrina. One divorce Is (mated every four I minutes in the United State*.