v ,■ « . «« —»- - WEATHER Xmil sfcowm «a4 probably toot** tm4 iK*s4entono*. VOLUME TWO; NUMBER 168 Explosion In Standards Building At The Capital Cause Death Os Two Men i • f 1 Shock Supposed to Have Resulted From Gatr of Combustion Engine be a ing Tested, Causing “ Worst Explosion of De partment’s History (Hy the Associated Press l w Whahluglon. Sc|>l 20 -An cxplo -9 ••on of gas at the bureau of stand ard* h er * tonight resulted In the death of two mm. the injury of seven otb*m and tbe complete wrecking of tb4 fuel Dating laboratory. ■ It waa tbe moat aerloua acehh-nl In t|»e hUtory of tbe government tent ing service. |., I.amar of Ohio wen killed ulrnoHl instantly and t'. J Cook of Wanbingon dl<-il tonight flom hit Injuries. . An Internal combustion engine waa being leah-d nt the time of the ex plosion. Official* aald they lielleyed that gaaollne wait the aide cause of the explosion, although they were on the opinion that the present-* of gas from tbe motor Hand a spark from Home source woitlti have given a sim ilar reault. Mi mi of the vlrtlma were atanding either ontaide the building or near the doorway. A large automobile anil several aeroplane motors were hurled through the air. The giant building swayed under tbe concuniilnn and the Mltoelt I waa felt for block* around. O • ■ North Carolina l/egialateH To l,ettM«n Auto Accidenta ATLJbMTA, ftSept. 20.—'"Safe ty flrat" exponent*, ua reflected among tboni- who want to aee the high rate of railroad grade cros*- lif accidents lowered, carried their fight into at leant four aoulberu legislature* thin xunaaM-x. w Ith-wro te** in only one In- the North Carolina, Georgia. FlbrMa. and Alabama general assent- Idle* measures were Inlrodureil which would require the motorist* to rmnr to n eoniidete atop within a speckled distance of .a grade crossing and ul the aame require |he railroad* fol erect HUltable warning signula. North Carolina, alone of the three, enchant ed Much legislation and charg ed with Itn administration nay that , the flrat few montba of Itn operation allowed an appreciable lessoning in the number of accident*. The Flori da, Georgia, nnd Alabama lawmaker* refused to adopt the meaaure, „tb« lr opponent* characterising them a* the handiwork of railroad men seeking to free tfielr lntm-ata from pooalbl, damage milta. Itj the Florida as sembly the meaaktji' was amended to meet these objerlton*. a clause being inserted which would have express ly provided that It wu* not to he con strained u» removing the liability of tbe carrier*. New Bern Remembered In Will of E. S.ltai tiosfnn. Sept. 2- wards of $200,000 lo the county. There art- Home buyars who estimated that 34.Soil.fMat will be paid lo the farntcra ’ of the county for their staple and the J .seed during the season. • URGE PH CENT OF BITUMINOUS COIL IS LOSTJN MING Faulty Met hod h fiT Cited ax Antonu Avoidable Losses by Com mist-ion tt.i Illy lhh Associated I’re«s,J • Washington,' Kept. 20,—I’itumlnoii* J. coal *r.rf to consumption squat* 35-| ! per cent of annual production fh«* I coal commission reported today td ,President Coolldge After an exhaust he Investigation. In this total 16.3 t P»-r ent Is listed as arising from Causes which can not bo obviate,l,' Th« «urvey wu* confined to produc-1 Ing -dates easl of the Mississippi. be cause of Inadequate Held forces to un dertake a comprehensive survey of Ihc tn'ire bituminous area. The slates .covered !!>2l or !*!• p«y cent of the najionui ptxslilctlon. Compared with Ihl* the commission listed l%.fiHo.(Msl.|on* as wan ed. The following its ."onuse re- Kponslhle for avoidiible louse* w< r«* i lv% r'c: *lv<» iilgsllng; poor t.anyportallon i Kp tltods; leaving pillar* to hold t|tc rie»T t,t:,< sailiif hack 111 Up r using i i' r .n (or ballasting tracks; w :k t in r to without i ,|,i‘i s •S’.gl-ts"! # t’h I’e result tint' much c-tal i* ! pen iin '» Hale* the lo * ; I ill Ts. tn JO* t»f iI iu Virginia lo 4;i i»-r <«-■ 11 in si'»i.*, dhe total utp of Illinois, v ~n Indiana'n- I Virginia - . I -('aharet Singer Is Stahl>e<] lo Death lx>* Angeles. Sepl. 2tl -Ihlecllve* hinted, but not strongly at the pro* poet of an arrest today in the slny- Ing of Kthcl Williams, a cabaret linger, 26 years old, who was found stubbed lo death on the flour of lor room In a lodging house late yester day. Doth eyes had been bluckeni-d. her nose broken and in (lie mouth were a number ot stall which had been Inflicted hy u pair of scissor*. Her body was nude. iunl%decp be side It wuh her 3-ycar-old son. Indi callon* were doutli cam, or lo hour* before tlie body wa* discover ed by Ihe landlady. Mrs, K. II Crowd er. who luld Ihe officer*, the dead j singer bad said she bad. "many gems and not a friend in the world “ 'Lite polite Haiti Ihe ab*ence of any weu|M*tt In the room ruled imii the imsalhlllty of suicide; i The woman wa* arrested a few week* ago tor a minor offense The 1 landlady sabl It was In connection j with a cheek ’ .> NFH KINK I OTTOS *•*••• t i • t * • • "" • New York, Sept. 2tl—Bp»>l Cottolp elosed'quiet today; mblilllng tpnle, h«ro lodu)\ Futures steady October 20.70-82; Deeember 2P.35- 42; anuary 2SKU-V6; March 28 78-10; May 28 67-77. GOLDS HO HO, U. C„ FRIDAY MORNING SKD'ItMHKR 21, 11123 -ve— - ——■ -- KLIN BEHIND P - VIOLENCE SMS COVERNOH WALTON I : Makes Apiuul for Fund With WKirk to Carry on Fig hi AxHinal Order . / 0• ' f (Ity the Associated J’ress ) Klahouia Ciy. Hcpt '3O Xcnsatiopal I testimony exiMising the ullegt-d Inner worklug* of the Ku King ktun in j Ol'lahomu city and deklxned to show that the secret Organization has di rer It d moo violence was made public ti-nigtit by Guvernor .1 C, WiOton The testimony was taken by the miTtiul) eourt Mltliug here ami was given out b) fhj* governor that the !people may knoA the purptise* of the iKlatt In n preface the govertfbr tie- Iclnrod the liurdt-n of the klitu had luMrn upon him and ti|ioii Mr. Illuke in king (£> nitcaasary for hi'into ask fir financial aid “Ifigpry elfort is being made to crlfi pb> if* finunclally so we cannot con lln tie the flsltt," lie said. O LASKER-FARLEY PLAN i NOT LE6AL ATTORNEY! GENERAL HAS HELD; WUI Necoxsilult* Ihe Formula- Iton of u New Merchant Ma rinc Solution (Ity Ihe AH*yi iateil„ Press.) Washington, Sept 20 attorney 1 General Daugherty atlvised Pr< lib nt Cqolblge ItMluy that ihe lutsktr-Fur ley plan for solving tint’ merchani murine problem Is not legal, 'bus once more u throws tuto the. laps of gov ernment official* the task of formu-. luting a shipping polity j I nder the shipping act the Attor ney Genaral held the govern incuts I (vessels may, be dleposnl.nf only for .cash or credit The Int'-llfTnil of Congress limit* ilisptMlttitn of the fleet torit. Greenville and Wilmington. Auto Accident A1 Walnut and Mullierry The left band of the front wheel of-u Ford touring car. driven by Nu than Davis. i»tn demolished Irt alt .n-- cldeflt at the corner of Center and ;Walnut street* yesterday afternoon Ibe r>-nr hamper of a touring < ;u --driven by a Mr. Daniels bookr.) tb Fetrd wheel a* u turn wa* made around Hu- (raffle sign The |,|« car wa* nftt damaged ( ili/cnship A|i|ilicnlions Show Increase in ( hirMßo f Itleago. Kept- jo la-spite the strlqg*nt immigration restrictions of the last few years, application* for, naturall/atloh hero have Incrvu-'di to more than 3<» daily. Deputy < b rk Thomas V Knell ha* “Wlii re formerly Ir-mlgrants re mained unnaturalized for year- ester! .irrlval In this country, they now take out their paper* as sooh a* (hey are i tlglhle." Mr Knell declared. “The ,reg*pn (or this Is lhat manufacturers and olher employers of Immlt-rsitt lahorare becoming Increasingly In vistent thsi th'f-lr employees be Amer ican citizens or at least that they shall have taken out krst papers." DDDD SESTOBITION ! ONET SOLUTION OF PRESENT DILEMMA i Hcpotls Says llcawll* lni|NK*i , lilt* Lit less Counlrv is in Hands of Germ an* j Her I In. Kept 20 illy the Assoclat I cd l’reasl A semFofflclal'report dr-, r'culatlng from I'aris cuntcrnlng |.n»*l-l i hie Franeo-Gqruian negollullous r|ntakos It quite clear lhat no practical -'result can Ih> obtained Without the I restoration of normal economic adv 'lty I nthc Kliur with amnesty and per . mission lo return for tlmae who have i been i vilii-,I and unless, tin udinlnl* . nation of the govcrtituciit I* pitted jin tin- hands of Gei mua offhtul*. JUDGE DISMISSES PETITIONS FIIEC I ! FDR DIDEIS CORPUS _ j l i Thrfe CanfewtHl Flnotro*** Will I'rohahlv Appeal to Su ' preme Court 1 . I' lily the Aama-latml Pyt^tg.) Tulsa, ukln . Kept jo Military ! power I* supreme lu Oklahoma, (Judge Arthur V limit rufi-d ih dl»- ! ( Irlcl court in dismlu-dnk petition* for .habeaa corpus filed hy three men held I re (gn flogging charges. Notice of exception i« (he i ulltir. | wu* filed* hy Stair Sriiantr lludaon, icounsel lor 110- jiciitiorp-i * The t, j, sue will prohubly gq tg i|u- Supreme I Court. General Murkhwm, lac Mate's t military commander muter martial jl law. appears din Jndaw Huat’a <-out-l ji hut lie wa:. allowed Ul retain custody I (of the three men In whose In-half ’liel petition* were tiled. „ | j J?ida* Hunt declared yhpt there was nothing in He nr j .lion of General i*wrhih#t'Tt"7 w 'htlnß * Ills ipcii for teatliuapy before the (Wagner roun'f giaiul jury In con nection with the Invvbtlgatlon there «CUM IT KFtH YESTFBDW i i‘ I Inlnmuol Will Take IMme in V WilJowdnln Cmu-tvry Toduy •i - . Mrs. h !,. (Mark, u former rcaldi nl ■ of (Jolilshorn, died at her lionw In , Keitly yesterday morning u» k uyclock. Death rrjwllnl from com ■ ( lonm nf a l'in_ illness ■O ll ”>**1 MrvteM "'ll M ioadKUjl,,ut Knmj 1 tills* morn Inn iiml tin body It rnliy It I to\ jtJnldsboro at non it w here tn+rmunt util hike placer In the Wlllowdule [cemetery. Mm. ('lark was the wife of Mr 8. ' j.L. ( lark who formerly conducted a ' lore on John at reel In this illy She ' |Uaa :iK years old and Is survived hy her husband "and one »nu. (wo years "Id. four sister* and on« hrolher.i xl‘lArs are Mr*. 'I I’ Tliotniison of (?W •boro; Mrs. K. ('raven of;;' jßrimsuur, and Misses Ida and Jolla West, who reside with the parents 1 of Ihe deceased Mr. and Mrs. T K. ' West of Iturusetir Mr. W. J. West, 1 also of Itanieur l-> Hie survlvlnir hrother i ft , * Morrison (iets First Treasurer Report Ital'lyh, N i , Kept, 2o governor Morrison tOilay 'made piddle *u letter from H(«li* Auditor Baxter 1 Mirlkun Had II. H'**ljicy stalliiK thut ; the_ amount of revenpe received hy the Stale since Ilia * tidier 31, Ift 32 e (di h under the revenue |.*yv »j , levied for 'la year t-*Tf r 'nr \0 prior, thereto, ia $.» 17H,'*•* # *i7 After i red Illllr Ibis timoufit to the State's lie-, count and tpo'iiniiiiK that the recent (Hlldlt of III" Stall’s legislative (tine mlMee was correct, there vva , no iH* licit last Iicci*nliter 3t, hut a silt plus of f6Jll.K!>r> 2k according to III* Idler of I rati eiu It tut* |ii the (iovemor { In a statement Uuml when h> made ptllille the letter from Ihe slate I trcasiiivr and auditor (iovt*rnor Mor i rl on said "I have no comment to make upon the statement of Tress orer laicy and Auditor Durham the statement Spcnks for Itself” iin also expressed (be hope tbst the press of .the s>sfe would dies the statement the widest possible publicity « The Crtremor addressed letters In, the trrnnurer and auditor on August i 29. a.kina for the infuimillion crdfcf 'iiliied 1 nlhelr reply made piddle to-; day ll'* also asked Ufa! a monthly statement be made to him hereafter. ' rbowing tbe financial Condition »{ the' tie for < ach thirty day period. Golf And Tennis Tourneys Will Feature Opening Os New Club This Afternoon A ' flag handicap tournament for., golfers and tennis qiutt lie* In the at , icrnoon, followv-d by a barb<- (-fie, ami (ended with * *oelal evejrtttg' at the club house will mark the formal o(*‘tr< “ing of Goldslmro's country c-luh i(*lay*. (The golf lournument will start at 2 (o'clock, the tennis tournament, at 5. the bar In-cue at 6. with (hr siaiull evening concluding tin- program Officer* and members of of tin*' rjis U have bi'en busy for the p.t*t lew | days iu uutklng tlnal preparations I ' for 1 today ‘si- events The nag handicap tournament ar ranged for tin- golfers of the Huh l* • sported to prove one of the most! i Interesting features of the day's pro gram Professional Newuham bn* given each member a handicap lhat' will Pldce all on an equal fouling for the- contest The member who, doesn’t know n mu*bte from ’a nlh Hck will have nil equal Hfunre with tbe old bond-i .audit tin- huudlcup* that haye Izeen arriniged Tbicli member will he given a flue bearing his name a* he enters the tourney. At the end of the round the; flt»g will lw placed at a point repis--: sent log the scofp made hy the |mii - j tidiwnt after Hu- lOtndicap I* taken I into consideration The entrant who i take* his handicap In the fewest tfrukwH will l*i deal a red winner linen- in charge of ihe tournament - request that entrants In- on huttll out title- nnd start early. The tennis tournament will start at Hu- - golf tournament i-mii. Five o’clock I* the lumr named The fltc ( eourt* ol lie- lieu lire i-X|h i led to ge lUb d w ith matches iu Imth doll-! 1 hhVaud slunk-s, A syaletit of *Hoct tng partner* according to utility id THE COMMISSION. IN i “ REPLY TO CRITICS ritjnlclliKfiil Criticism Ik*** N»l in Making lUuks , Safe for Ik-iMiHitorH Raleigh, N 0. Hepi. 2«—Th« North t iiiulmu ('orpornllon Com nil*- i alon, th*- poljclca of which in conn** * u ill hi with Min Ht!|M>rvinlon of < afurce nii'ttl of the HD" hanking lawn Wor* 1 ( recently crlllcTu'd 111 till' ri , |Kirt nf jj,l New Hanover County urand Jury, in- ■ liny laailil 11 statement in which II «l<- (infi'il. "The lilicdily public purpoa*- j of mukliiK bunk* Hiif*' for depoaltor* | I* not helped lijr unintelligent crlil- i i lani of the d#pßrlm»Bl that la earn- i < My. into 1 1 1ic*-iitly ami effectively i Lorklng In iltb uni, nor In tin* bin-1- i m-aa of making tin’llkln k unaaf# for' i rlnilnaia helped when court officer* ' turn on ItioHf furniah Mi- «v '■< •fence, tli<> cooperation unit In muriy 'i < a ca tin* *p*ciul primci 'tiling cminael In convict hunk criminal*," “Tin* Corporation t'onimlaalott w<-l-j i min . Bn ~ opportunity rmnlid t*> , jibe ci iUctom* of, I lie New tfgnov* • county grand jury in present u view ( r Its policy of aupcrvlaloD Unit th*- public; hliuhiil unde rata nd," III" intro duction of the i*tat< incut reiol "fn nttjneron* irmiil Jury Inv* -ligation*' wltli referctn e to criminal violation* of lie* hanking law, the ft«nunl*#l«*ti 11><««• film ii| at Ibr i|‘|a|H*«nl As grand I lurl*"< II Coniplc*» fib I of ciiii|l(|i*y tinl rc|Nirt« of It* ran minora. Thw report# li vc ill do-o ij ascertain cun ill!Iona of Insolvency. Theme who never cave bunk aupervlaloii enough thought to lone .In Int* 11 Ik *li I opin ion ftlmMlt It have Jlimpeil ut 111* con i jualon that I lit* wua perfect proof (lull tie* conimlaalun van grossly neg lt"cnt In performance of Itn duty If It permitted it bank to continue In oporalJon after It bream**, known to lit that- midi bank wit* In nny ih;:r*r In-tib ii W |li view to protecting -ll* |ai|b'» In yux regard, the < oirfinia lon In eluded In Ita ataWnicnl n parang*- from "Itomance and Tin ■•dl'i of Hanking. by T. I*. Kane, for 27 year the MHclatunt comptroller of t' * cm reney, ‘ (iettinKT Readv For County School Start , County education offlela l ' are mak ing final preparation* for file men Tag of. ttic; county «i hooJT on (Veto Ter J. Seven and elaht month* term jmhoola will open a ‘lhl* tine* School Truck* to lie mod In carrying dill jifren to and from tlm School* In the con*nllilntcd district* are now being a*irke«f over and placed In Ural clan* condition The find teacher* meet jlnr' nf the year will be field ne*t Friday, Sept bother 2*. ■ \ «. • * (the game will be dcvlaed B»#ry member of thy club and a number of Invited guoata are expert ■ d to be present for “the harbceiie which will be held at »i o'clock A local orclicstny I* cape tiled tu furniah ttiualc for the auclal evening that wll follow The handicap* and malchea nr ar t-mued tor tiie golf turner ar*- a* fol low*? ’ I J A Image*! 44, and |< j> Irwin Ts> * I. T llrowu It*, and U. T. It, J Anderaon 4ti. Dr 10 It. Murreu 16. und Oewrg# llaywiMel .f.o; II K Ir wifi td, and J. C. Vunmory 61; K r, Itoyal to, and Kill* l.nplor 60; Mur iay Nord*'n 54; Itoyall SiM'uyr 64, and Shirley Wooten 61; Tow Norwood 56, and John Norwiatd 51; K Kal ■ner fit;, ami 8 Kprtiu 56-; Fdgur llor ’tier 67. nnd K. A llorden'67; O A. ilamiltnti til, and r Itoyall ti 4, T. 11. Holme 65, aud it t\ Humphrey* 70, I lorn I Well Cl. and A II Kdacrtnn .0, J 9 a Darker To. and C-Martin <0; W F. Ntifer 'To. and N Holm*-* 70; (' A. Thotitna ?0, nad Muller l*ea j*-ock 7V, and Wad* Dnraett 66; (i. 8 Daniel* 7», und K. lam til; F \i |r jvln fio, and J T J**mmc 66; Kd Jo lt.eph 60 HUd J. It Hooka 56; I, f,. Totompn 70 und II Htrange 70; A H ilmlge 7«. and O. U MTIIIama; It 8 la*ftwleli 76. aud William Mahler 50: U’ K. Stroud 70 aud II M>l| 70; I Vane* Well 7o and J- Hbraifn The ladli'g tournament 16 a* fol low*; Mia* Alice Spc.ua 66, and tilre 'A A Joaeph 60; kfrn, L A Newhnnt and Mr*. I>*wl» Well’ 6o; Mr*. II t'ortch no and Mr* K l.*e !Mt, Mrt- Hnrah Horden 60 nifd Mr* W.*F. Neu f* r IM), Mr*. laoiWc Well Ido. aml Mrn (‘. Ooitinger Hmi , *» . .■, ■ J , r KIWIWS OBSEffi CiSTITUTIi WEEK I'he I'rtHidenf of The f’lub And Miss Picket | Talk on I’hant* I of Work o <‘on*tltiition Week * wa# celberaled by Klwanlun* all over, the country Till* week, und la»l nlglH at the Wo [n;an'n fTuli l*rea. U«> K Freeman ( dellyer*d a moat comprahenalve, iltu - iiilnallng, aud altogether Infiruetlve lecture on the roneUlUllon *if the Doled State*, The t DiiHlltutloii, Prat, I reentan atub’d la the liaala of ull law, and nil law* are intended a* u prut net lon to Ilf*' citizen* of the country, and aid not Intended, u* m. good many think, to curb their Individual Inter cat* or oppre** them Tit*' inen who wro«** the eonalltu ;t|on were wlae beyond tbelr day, be TontloiP'd which him Imoiii proven by the eUhlllty of ,thla wonderfol doen iiicnt.Tn I hut It hna not Imen neceaua ty to either add to or taka from>i *- Vept |n u very minute degree 4're*. t ri .-maii'a uililrVaa wag - llab-n --c*l lo with inteiim* Internal by the ck llre * lull. - i The t'luh llat*'n*'d t«» u'Hiu*lh on the t'oaatltution preceding Drug. Free man'if addreaa, delivered ftp Mlaa Mn “Bth* llnll Pickett «f the Oiddahorui High Hhhool, and rcOeetiong yreul credit ll|a>n li' f knowledge of the Conatfi ut ion. Klwunlan Htroenider brought to Mi*' ,itl*nt|ou of the t'luh Uie Ini'piirt alii C of .'>tii|>un|ed on thi* |il,mV by Kl aanlan fa-ah Slaughter F’olirt Recover Car Stolen in \Vilmin£t(>n I-oi ill polUi- *-Hl*rdiiy r«c<• hi faiff that when they Indicated tlu- aqtiadmn w«a north of Point Ar uuellu, where It would b# perilou* to turn eaat. he aa the commanding officer oi tb* Delphy qrifcipot hnßf tnle to dertde on ah enMwgfd chOßg* of courae In aiple of tbam, noeuro In the belief tha; radio atnttpßa woa •‘lurneil around" In ICn atgnnl* *Bd wis aendlng litem egneth tha ro* vi rw of wltal they might vapßct. Changed I wane Itncetpt of rrpeolad hearißgn ißdl cuted that tha auundhtn b(W ddji north nf Point Arguello dtt Bt fgj<» any doubt In Ueutcneag MadgallN mW - tia to eg net lo*-atlßß Bf ht* ihlp, ha i*#tllle I ilu- instiir) #nd ahonid Wao* that It .hla right u$ a d#*rmrtgh« to Bh t.iln counael. * » • Hl* effort# to hnvn hAa*l«#Hniooy airickeu frnui th# announcement Wan ovayfgtdd J , > r Ad*. ndral M V Pr#U. gHiily BMtmbor id the liiiirl^^ m dii am FOB Win conn rarm Afrrnt Hm Oatlintd Man to Official* of Slab B*; tension Servlet More regiatt-red dairy cattle. more pure-blooded now* .uni boot and *art high grade poultry for Wayue county ,n litis utul 1034 Ih Ui« ami of a piMgii launched by A. K. Reb*rteau. fhrm agent. in MupOttlaa with the Coldaboro Chamber of ( iHumercr. Those behind tbe movement want Imm 200 to 600 rcgt*lnr*d dairy coal hroußM to-Mm* • ouaWf vJlMaitka ne*l row month*. Mtti brood anv* added to Wayn* farina la Mm aaata period, uml 10.000 Uylaa pullet* of rwetgalx • il atniln producing eggs la th# aortnr „f 1i»34. Preliminary plana mapped oat by IMr Hnbi-rtwm uml Ih# Chamber of I Commerce were explained to mam* l.> ra of ihr Slate Kxlmalon Rervlce in ItuMgh Wi’ilneailay and highly ap proved by thin board. Officials of Uia Service told tb«? Wayne men that If they could incceed ta Interesting the farmer* of tb« county to aay appre • table client in their plana that the I .ire Steak Convention of the Mat* would In all probability he called to no el In tioldaboro. JV*kpg?4fty» It waa proponed to In t.-r at farmer* In the movement, the men In ebarae replied that they plan »ied-to aernre offera of blah grade cat lie at aitch attractive price* that the farmer* could not afford to poaa the tiaraalna up. Further a program of < ducat ion na to poaalblltiee la aell- Ina regl«tered atock and la making ilie fnnn aelf-MUpportlag were out lined HKNHAMWff unhim. TO KTABT w ilmiujtton, B«'pt 20 The menhad | den flahlna induatry la eipected to act well under way her# within the next 30 day* Two large commercial concern* already have begun opera : tloua for catching menhadden flat*, al i *o known aa “fat bach*." hut the la* duatry la not expected to r»ech ttn 1 height for aeveral wee ha yet, aatU ih.. -millieru tiilgralHM 0# tha •#!» | from nortberu walert h*a cauaud A i more plcitMfUi supply