\ HE. S ; ' VOLUME TWO; NUMBER 169 Dry Forces Are Called To Conference On Problems *P_*_ - V* ? At Capital Coming Month Call Signed by Leaders in Many Activities and Headed by Bryan; Will t Attempt to 4 Rearouse |r Sentiment WaahtD«tib. B«pt tl— (By tbs ***** fnil)-A Mil (or a rally at4rf lore** or lbs nation In nup- MaW Qm lttfc amendment van sent forth might by the Federal council K ohurdhes A Good Cltisenship and pntrtetism conference «u announced ho ha bald In Waahtngton. October 14, »“W 14 to apur on ‘boa* who ** S prohibition bnl have loat ac tatareat. The call was signed by 766 men aad women. Including business men; college and university beada clergy aaea, member* of congress mayor*, beada of religious aaaoclatlona and leaders of wotnen'a organisation. Heading tba Hat were the names o' » William Jennings Bryan, former Gov ernor Cbaa E. MllUken of Maine and Prohibition rommlaaioner Roy A. Tba date chosen for the conference proceed! by a few daye the time ten tatively selected by Preaident Oooltdge far a meeting of governor* on law esforoemtnt. The call went ont. how ever, before Mr. Cooldlge'a plan had beta announced and It waa said that > I (bare waa ao algal Ocance to ba at tached to the dates. The commission of the Ftderal churches decries propaganda which it being carried on to nullify the Vol stead act fend to discredit all law- Kealiatag that a statement issued by leaders of the movement —that Inactivity and apathy has resulted in an apparent growth of liquor senti ment aad In a none observant# of the enforcement act and not only by atate officials and bootleggers but also by maa and women who wer* law' abid ing in every other way. The confer I ante lg catted t« change this c«Mt 4hhn». ** +*m * VW* * v 4" uUmn GMFERS WITH KTTYS % President Moye in Charlotte Denies Serving of Any Pafters Cbarlbtta. N C-, Sept SI —« T Daw ton, president of the Richmond Chib of the Virginia League refused! to confirm or deny reports that he! came her* to continue bis fight to win •ward of tbe league's 1933 pennant to Richmond, after a conference here today wltn a firm of Charlotte attor ney*. Mr Dawson maintained si- Dace regarding tbe purpose of bln < vfttt and th* subject Os bis conversa tions with lawyers. President W. P. Moye, of the .VI r gtaln League, arrived here to witness Charlotte-Wilson post series games When asked regarding re port* that Mr Dawson planned lejal action against him. Mr. Moy* said he had aot bean served with logs! pa-j pern directed either against him or the Virginia League. Mr. Dawson could not be located s Short time after his conference with ** lawyers wae terminated, but bis lav- | yers said they knew nothing of any plea he might have to seek M obtain 1 from Judge Harding, holding Superior Court- at Oantonta»an Injunction re IStraining the Wilson team from play ■r4ag the remaining games of the soed- Qsied poat-seaaon Inter-league chain- series. Asks Dissolution Os Shiloh Colony : % Grand Rapids. Hep! 31.—Another broadside was hurled atrlnst the walls of Shlioh house. King Benjamin . Parnell's residence at Menton Harbor when Mrs FI- A. Meldrlra a member of the cult for 30 years, filed suit In federal eo«i\. today ask In* . djas/aUi t, tton of the colony snl the men! qf a receiver, fcr-lis extenatve hol^Ufi * P6ITH KILLED IN AUTO ACCIDENT AT HARTORD •(.' Hartford, Conn. Sept 31—Four men mere killed end two s*rlo<t«l- InJurSkOarly today, when thclf au . tombmlr going toward Springfield. lifts.. crashes Into a trolley pole on ' abridge In East Hartford Another man John Loary. fractured several boars when he f«*|l off the bridge <o the rocks,- thirty feet be low la an attempt to extricate the In jured men. One. of those killed was from India and the others ,w«re all Springfield men THE GOLDSBORO NEWS I „ i i . : Jm HABK KITH UKTN TIf^PHV *r t'hlcago, Bept. II.—(By the As ioc I a t*d Press) —George Herman “Babe” Bulb of the New York American, ponuant winners of the American league for 1913. today was declared to be the most val uable player to his team and was awarded the American league tro phy so rthe season, having receiv ed the hgtest possible number 6f points and setting a record that an never.be beaten. Kuth wps tba unanimous choice of the committal appointed to se lect the American player ’who has been of tha greatest service to his team during the cbamgitonstitp sea son, registering first place on ev ery ballot—one of each of lh« glgbt cities In the circuit for h total of C 4 counts. r Announcement of the award was made by Preaident Ben Johnson of the league tonight. NCOfINIM 1 ROUSING SUCCESS Some 300 Mefphcre and Guest* Took Part in Opening , ; Program rpwards of 300 members and guests yesterday afternoon and evening took part in the program Incident to the opening of Goldsboro* country club. Golf and tennis tournaments In the afternoon, a barbecue at 6 o'clock aud an evening of social pleasures at the club house were the Items on th. program. The formal opening of til club wan pointed to by those parti cipating In the festivities as iftarktng a new sra In the social Ufa of the clUt. Forty members took part in the flag hasdieap golf tourney whldh gt* qn ams Was not conoluded ifhtlf the* >.hades of night were falling 'to was poetical. Professional Newnham and Z. T. Brown in charge of this number on tbs program were well pleased with the Interest manifest in the matches. Due to the of the hour at which the tourney wan com plete and the press of businetiH Inci dent to arrungemen fs\gr the barbe cue, Professional Newnhum could not last night determine the winner This Information will be available after a study of the scores aud han dicaps. » Prof. O.'a. Hamilton was in charge of the teunis tournameut feature of the opening. He reports-that' three qf the five courses of. the club were psed by players for several hours In the afternoon, some 46 nepole taking part. The barbacue held at 6 o'clock was voted the piece do reslstaace qf the opening ceremonies An < estimate plai-Cs those In attendance at 260. A long tablf waa placed In the yard ot the completely apportioned club house. A corpa of chefs hafl.prepared barbecue and freak meats for the 'crowd. famd-volced approval of their efforts waa heard frofh the crowd. The u»w club bouse bad been ap propriately decorated for the oCeaslftir and waa thrown open to lhe_ mem tiers and guests following the barbecue |A local orchestra furnished music for .those who wished to dam^— some 'twelve couples taking the floor while a number of tablet of bridge were formed Will Vote County Wide School Tax Says * Supt J. T. Jerome "The special election for a uni form school tax rate for the county will carry and with slight opposi tion." declares County Superinten dent J. T. Jerome after severul days spent | n visit ip g various sections of the county In the Interest of h» elec lon which has been ordered for No winbe'r 20th. “f have talked to a number of the oltlseas— and some of them the most Influential members of their commu nity—and I don't helleve that there will be many votes cast against the 1 proposal. Moat of he people have ; bought through tho proposition and realise that It will be for the best ln lerests of the county that, the election will carry favorably." he continued. I'KI’IT BOAT FOUND Milwaukee, -Miss, Sept 21—The American Girl fruit l>oat reported missing for alx hours tMs morning, ‘put In at Muskegon.. Mich, at noon 'today with her deck dismantled and ina crippled condition according to advices received here. Her crew of |threw Wsrs reported tale- GOLDSBORO. N. C„ SATURDAY MORNIV, SEPTEMBER li. lyja CAROLINA HAS FIRST SCRIMMA6E TOOAY There Will Be Some Tough Fight* For Ufte Berth* , Chapel HlllrN. C-. Hcptsmher 31 The Carollila fooibafel squad will stage its first scrlmafee of the tomorrow unless the coaches,change their minds.' The game wlh - Wake Fores la- only one week off and the Fetters are anxious to know what preliminary skirmlaea will developc. Little dope thus fur has come from the Baptist camp and folk hereabout are wondering what surprlseea they have In store. The first string eleven for- tom niorroif'M in 1 xu |> will probably com prise the following: (apalii "Casey*’ Morris Llneberger or Bhepard. ,-eftds, Pierce Mahews and Hawfleld. tackles: Fordham anil Ijplndexler. guards; Mclvar, center; Randolph. Sparrow. r -Jtlerrlft and McDonald, backs The secotulj string leant will prob ably be composed of: Roberson. cen ter; Blanton fehd Epstein, ends; Ham er and Farrel, tackels; Street, Boa tick or Curlee, guards; Underwood. Devin, Griffin, Shirley and Uouner and Whedbee. backs. These lineups are subject to fra quent changes. Coaches Boh und Bill Fctser want to gtvp all the tpyn the chance to show their mettele and will probably try ogt most at the 'Pip ing table. The first scrimmage Is eargly wait ed by the student body and after It is over there will be a feverish wag ging of tongues regarding the possi bilities of the and lhat man and speculation alorc until the Wake For est game next Saturday. There Is tap ing to be a fierce cumpettion for line berths on tbe firat eleveu Captain Mor rig Is about the only lineman re garded as sure of hls berth. The others will have to fight hard for their places. Jit now apiWrs that tbe Caro Un a M. I- game on Novmfcr 10 will be played her*. Richmond wants It vary much and has made alluring offers, but there is a growing gentl rndut to hWVe It staged here In wWlafc event. Richmond folk Will send a loud protest, V" They never have quite forgiven the University for removing the Carollna- Vlrglnia classic and the Carolina- M. 1. contest then- has served to mitigate the effects of tho losa. latst year, with an Armistice day eelebrat tbm on. It was u banner event. There nwas a record crowd, everybody had a goo<i time und the Virginia folk de cided It should WFII take hie place of the old classic Richmond, It Is un ' ‘dei-stood ha* offered to provide scuts for 16.000 this time. Negotimions will certainly head up one way or the other very soon. PIPING FI DRIVE FI IPHMS HE o ' 3 Active Campaign Secure Junior Orphanage Next Friday Two hundred members of-, the Ro tary and Klwanls flubs In Jhe city and other Interested parties will to day receive letters calling attention to the drive which the Goldsboro Chamber of Commerce .coni>erarwg with the local order of Juplors. will make nsxt Friday to secure the orphanage to be built by the (rater Olty In the state The Joint commit tee handling his matter will considerable attention to advertising the coining drive. . The letter mailed last night read In' part: . Several other town* in North Caro lina are making a sjj-ong fight for this home and tor us to he successful In securing It u will be necessary to subscribe an attractive nrpount of money Friday. haa®been designated as the -day tor the catn pnign and we are writing you this letter asking that you give this r ter serious consideration and request ing that you assist us In tin- financial drive. Sheriff To Florida To Get Prisoners Sheriff W. D. Grant left yesterday morning for Fort My»r«. Florida, to bring back two men against whom charges are preferred here. The men skipped bonds six weeks ago and were recently srrested In tbe Florida Icily They are Zeb Hnlpss wanted op a charge of abandonment and gambling, and Hoy Harper, wanted on a charge of gambling and of ills posting of mortgaged property. The sheriff experts to be bark about the middle of pftxt week- He was accom panied by his son KayuuuU Grant aud Mrs. Grant. HIM. OF WIRD IMS II SURPRISING TEPM Attempt to Show That pefead ant’* Father Wax Victim of Blackmail WHITE PLAINS. Jjept II -The cllmux of a day of surprhnr In the trial of Walter 8 Ward, charged with murder came when charges ot a blackmail plot against GOorge 8 Ward, wealthy bahu-r. futhep of the defendant were sudilenly Introduced by deputy uttorney general O’Neal. The ehurges were In the shu|>e of a complaint signed by James J Cun ningham who waa reported to have told the sheriff Wayner ha knew tbe details of the Ward blackmail stor f. Threats of moral disgrace were mnrte against the elder Ward by the black mail gang, and Walter 8 Wbrd, sent the romplaiuta to hia-father who did not act upon them, the complaint said The charges came after She riff Wayner testified the Ward* had made Bo report of mall to him. Much of the days testimony ten tered about the pistol said to haw been In Peters band when hj; saa shot. Tbe state attempted to show that the pistol In reality waa one which had been given to Ward by the Chief of Police <4 New Rochelle. . Finn MEET STHIS SUDANI Meeting at Elm Street Meth odlxt Church Armnged by Federation a A protracted meeting lo be held at Elm Street Met In si Ist church begin nlng Sunday nlaht and continuing a> long as Interest can be malntalnod probably three weeke waa decided ui>on by the Wayne County t'hrlstlui laymen's Federation at Its regului ne'etlng lust evening A report con cerning the group plan wtffch Ha b<uu derided Upon by the I'Vderktloi wnn nutdc sjhi meeting at the lUn street church will be th« second tha the Federation b«» undertakett in re cent weeks. The same unique plan nlth an Press at the recent nte.-tiiu; U ' the Bryan street church will be em ployed agulu- Mnyor E. H liain will open tho service Sunday evening und also be In charge of tbp Monday night service. On TaendAy night group ntiiuhrr 1 Witt- be in charge of th<- pro gram with .A. J Kulghum as leader ninl un InterextluK program. Is assur ml. The Flying Squadron will be Ir charge' of the program on Wednee day evening. nuTiom wo PUBLISHERS SIB ■-* ■■ -i. , - Biff llfiion Will Attempt to Rui Run New York PHrmtHex Said o -- Now York. Sept. 21 The Ne York n<)WK|uip<'r puhllstiers aasoci’ tlon und the International'pressmen union tonight signed an ugreetner under which the Interballhnul • uulo will endeavor l>o run the presses wbit the locgl union suspended from Ih- 4 International body remains un >*trib The agreement calls for dUlfo|titU» of the locul union und the revocatln tis its (barter contract w* signed by newspaper owners, uni President Berry und other officer* o the isternstlouul union Younsr Lovers Fled 2500 Miles to Wed Mexico City, 8c pt. 21— A 2 ,r.(V mile trip nfoot and afloat, ending to ’marriage might summarise tho tea' of Carolyn Cnshtnsn Murphy 16. an< Roy Sllvestre Wlegand four years bet senior. Both were students at Mlatn, University. Ohio but tied from tha Institution Inst June, according to th> gride, because their parents objected to their marriage. Both have gone to wbrk Mrs. WJe Hand's first adventure In that lire l»eliig In journalism and her firs* i story a record of tier trip nu foot ant* lln automobile und aldc-iloor I’liilman to New OrlPan* atul a* extra hand aboard a freighter from New Orlenn • o V'Ts.f'rux. Her home U In Brook lyn, N. Y. * snoF'woßkFHs t.i i lYi ni ibf/ Ilrockton, Mass.. Sept 31 As a i result .of a conference bei.wea rep resentatives of tbe Brockton Abas* Manufacturers' Association at it, if*'Ml shoe council or (Jie Moo nni : Hlu*e Worker*' t ntqn. the recent ten per ceqj wage Increase granted to tip majority of the shoe workers here hu; le-en extended to worker* in a hat are known «s gra.lv u factories unking i shove (or the jobbing trade MMIL BUSIES WILL BE ENTERED Hi THE SHOW ■> ■ Will hw Firxl Thing of Itx Kind F*r Gold*born in Thirly Five Yffefx . Just alsiut every one of Gpldshoro’* j belt»?r babies - und (list meulifc all arc • *peeled to lie entered la baby show to lie stage,| |, y ih„ | U( ||A« of the Episcopal Church Hit* afternoon. The first huby show tor Goldsboro-In some O .1 years, unprecedented Interest 1» ah lift** manifested In the occasion Most of the proud manias and pa pas of the City are willing tp bet their Winter coal supply that ih*lr baby will g«t the prftc In It* age group. o One woman w*» hiard lo that she knew her darling would take off the ribbon It It were mu for a couple of mosquito bites os bis pink leg. Tbe ladles"*o4 the church staging the contest have spent many hours urrauglng the vacant lot oh the cor ner of Virginia and Wkiiiht street* for the contest The hours for th< show are i:l*i to 5 Hevercl hun dred visitors are expert^! LID GEH Clin IN GOLDSBORO |Shortrnintf of Former I‘remkr'H | VWI Keep* Him From Via ing State I.loyil George, former Premier of Great Britain it ml recognized uh one of the world* greatest figure*. with not apeak. In Ooldxboro. Hlule |ia per* yesterday carried stories to the effect that there wu* a possibility of the ldttl« Wrlahntan speaking here A letter received from Secretary of l-abor Dari* however, by W. C. Den murk ’announces that the KnalUlunap wllf not b* able to make n atop "In North Carolina during hi* riall to the country. Secjeutry Davis, gcllng with the ae<*re|arV <lf 'he KitXTtofimsn tint* In charge of arranging «n Itinerary for the former premier. In the letter t< Mr Denmark', Secretary Davl* pluina that the promised vlalt of. the noted mau, will of necessity have t Ite cut abort on account of the nyar opening of I'arllnui) nt m Kngland Hpcaklng ilale* will only ho arranged In the mw*i populated camera of the couuf ry. (ioldehoro w.i* the ftrat North Caro ina town to egtend an Invitation to e former Premier ll waa Hh»r town* were ulek in falling in !ne Goldsboro’* Invlptlon hail hern gtmded through Senator* Simmon* nil Overiuun and •'ongr»**man Ah 'rnethy. ' ■' • -O America Excels In Ending Uses For Craft *-• New York. Heptcmbsr St —(By the **oclnted Prea»| " While other na 'oii* are developing air power aa a V*lructlve weapon the United Stale*, o'llowing lu truiiitloanl non-ouli ary policy.' I* puttfee aircraft to iork,” redd* a report ruSde nubile by he Aeronautical l hamber of t'om . nerce. •The KoreaL Jh rvk-s la utilizing Imiea In timber patrol In Oregon and ■ 'gllfornla The Co**t Guard baa nvl tora In 11* employ. The Oon-d and , reodelle Survey I- remapping .(-<•• lon* of coastline from the air The 'inlthKoninn Inatlt ution ha* found hat aerial -scientific atudie* of flsher ea can be made admirably. The air nail of ihe Petal Office Drpurlninnt tan operated with Increasing rffl lency for the luat three nifd ono lalf year* and only recently began night flying experiments which will •edttee the tiuie of the ltaii*conlin ntal trip to :i0 hour* of less. In all "»f Oieae aetlvltle* aircraft figure* ohey a* a vehicle performing con- , <tructlve service of economic benefit o the nation "Cbflßldcrablc late real aliache* to, xperiment* now being conducted by •he Bureau of Dntolmology, Depart ment of Agrlcuttnro. In collabor ■ion with the army air service. Pt2l apecially equipped mllli —■ plane* were utlli/ud In *catter teellclde over a valuable t-atai * grove In Ohio which had been I'leetroycd by caterpillar*. The pe*l 41 were poisoned by the dual which wa dft»d down from eimve and the grov. wu* saved. Parly thtw summer tb< - Ulr service lent a motor bxibim to't the Bureau of Knliruology and hov ering flight* wura auc< -eseftilly made over gypsy-mot tr infested orchard* and foreela In New Hampshire. “Os even greater 'aviation work carried on hy t vjsit in iliurgs (d thip delta A lory at Tnllullia, 1-u The south \ IF 1 luillltm* of dollar* through lh**l -I - I age wrought u» the cotton cr 11 I the boll weevil and other pexi*. J have bean going 00 tor nsore • w jyear aud ar* proving spry ualt I «®rv “ , /“ J Gov. Walton Now Charges That Legislature Is Made Os Memhers of Klan Order SHIPMMI REPORTS Wl MEETIHG 4T TORONTO I .earns That Hundreds of Thou- MundH of Negroen Have Mi grated Kaletgh. N, 0., dept 21 i'omrals aloner M. L. Bhipuiau. oft to- North t urafiaa UnpaMknstit of laibor and Printing, I'oWMwenting on the elev enth annual sowveniiuu of ibe Intsr naUonnl Association of Public him piuyiueot Service*, which he attended that it wa* grought Out In discussion* at the conventlou that iie groeS hud migrated to the north form fits southern *tate* *tnce Deceuitier i. mw. Approximately 26tt,0u0 uegroe lab orer* of ihe mogratory type already were In the north, they having re mained iber after the ind of the war which wu* responsible for their iff gralion, according lo information made public at the convention and r«|M>rted her by Mr. '^htpmgn. The commissioner of latbor and Printing *uld he ascertained from dta- j cusslon with representative* from Northern state* that the percentage I of negro labor from North Carolina j 1* Ninuller In the north Ifcgn the state. He accounted fur thla with the 1 *1 a lenient that North Carolina offer* greater opportunity fog-Ihe advance ment of the negro race than aopte of ler *l*ter *iate< Mr Sbtpniau «atd he, told the convention that the better I clu*« of negro labor In North Caro-1 Bus had for sometime been engaged , In building highway*, installing water ni.kl sewer systems and In conetnie-j lion work of various kinds and that comparatively few w filing 'worker* of any character were Idle In North CurullUit, •tie said he wad convinced (hat Ihe negru la not a welcome vlaflwr Is the north, declaring that many of (ha big cm pornllon* use him for portly comnierdsl purposes ,aS(I the cH-lely generally re-alp bis pr—auue- The Toronto meeting. Mr Shipman rniiorted. wu* -largely attended by repreaentatlvss from the Hlate*. the' Canadian provinces aud by high o(- f|. tais ol the British government, subjed* vllul to the solution of un employment. International In scope, wer discussed by prowtlnent labor ofilcUl* from all Ik" countrle* re pr*-—iited The subject of jiegro migration to the North wa* touched upon by many *l»eaker*, reported Mr SOlpmun. who Hiild he wa* culled on lo answer many question* concerning Ihe effect* Os the migration on Ih« south, he being the only representative at the con-1 ventlon from the southern atate*. Beside* reporting on employment conditions In North Csroln* Mr Hhipman served on the nominating comtnlUtee which recommended the election of K J. Henning. aeeUtant —cretary tp of labor of the United State*, a* president of the association, nnd PTunct* I. Jones, director general of the United KUtse Dmploymruk Service, a member of of the ossoclatbvn's exeeutlve com mittee was selected a* meeting plate for P'24 convention. Mr Hhlpipiin reported. S ■ ■ ■ ■■ 1 ■> Mannour’H Building Heady Next Week --• | . ' j VViib workmen on 'he job 21 hour*, a dny In an effort to complete final touche* of >lau»our's new (l<port-| ment store on Walnut street, the con tractor H A. Griswold *tat<-* that | the building will lx- completed by *»»•*j lust Os next week High powere.L electric light* Inelatled that the work i might not lie held up have enabled the night* force* the pa*t few day*.to louke ** much time a* the day force. Maanour'a will begin "srly next week 'inovlhg a complete • . *•'« k of ror*-t...1 .c- ‘ - . fiMd t.y _ _ ■ ■— I 7 fwr /"wt tso [ | I C] yP^-i u> •,*» w MEMBER OF % ASSOCIATED PRESS FRICK FIVE CBirn . Statement Declares that Klan Whipped, And The Military Court It* Kins Trial of Flofgiiir Cases'^ - OKLAHOMA City. Kept. 21.—(8y (Tit'A—oclaiod Buses. I—Military 0O«rt In this city. Tulsa and Shawpss te Into Bogging esses and Ku Klva Kin activities today while Governor Wal ton laid plana for aombuttlac tbs Impeachment movement agsl hst him Tonight the governor uxagfllng thM the called meeting would (m u Un lawful Klan hwostifs M member* of the lower bouse am jklunsmeri. declared there would he no meeting “The Klan I* whipped." he s*l|. ' Daring Ibe day be g«Ve out n -opinion written by peal Mssbttj otMs highway oomnil**loo|r and s forager speaker of the house which held that the legislator* had no lo assembly at the executor's sell. They (lain* that Mos \oi rg(Mfisw . .tstlvss *lll he proses l Wedßesdny wa* msde today. Regis Jewett TrM OKLAHOMA CITY. S%. *1 Charge* of riot ware Bled hem to j night *i*ln*t N. C. JewwgU. gnugd dragon of the Ok Inborn* real** it the 1 Ku Klnx Klan Jewell wa* charged with IhgMgg ' Hon in the flogiflng of l-'mak kfMTt , man, who I* alleged wa* whlgfif • year ago The Information against the graad dragon waa filed la Jo* I lee renrt by county attorney Wright on the heel* , of evidence gathered by the nlhtlfy I court sitting here. Dr A A. Manila, a wltaeaa nailed before the military court teatVM that Jew ett wa* tbs one who naplMt I the laah to Merrtman. Or- MaoMl leatlAed that he waa n former tatjlh her of the Kltn. County Attorney Wright admitted that- hejppl piurt'Thc nieinhcrslitp fee la Jewett, vtauua jMtrged. hsd'jgHgg cimeeruing tslV of klta noMMH Hinting Ihsl the pgraoas who » been doing things around Oklah||p city" wore for McAllister #1 van whrli peßHsntlaHss. T Dr. Mautia charged that Jtgy hnd stated to him rpgardlag the gy mi,an whipping: “I Will have M ' know that I am Ihe man who M Hint party lam the fellow who tMg| the whip uud pul It on hl» wwk MP made blfn confess. Merrinian had been charged Jewett with malnialalng aa tatliaagp with a married womae. t>r. MsatH te-.llfled, , Vbe -'bulging of. MerrtaMa. M la alleged, took place March 7. Ittl. IGEHTS FROM FtfE. ! CURIES H HE Will Represent Couattaß ft p momit ration at Courthouaw To4ay Home demonstration ageala from live counties will gather at the Bf ftec of th* Wayne county detaoastra tor mi » o'clock this mornlag »a ?w --celve Inatructlon la saving grape products from Mrs. Cornelia Morris, of Hlate College. The daaMWStra tiuu* will liegln *t *n the iaoral»g iaml continue upti! 3 in tbs afteraooa. House keeper* who nrs Interested la 'th<- demonstrations are Invttsd to b* prc*#pt ! There are hundred* of haahelg of eurpluk grape* In Wayne and ad Join in* coun’le* that will go to weeds aa lc»s made Into Jelly or othor asrvfwe *hlc for-n*. Hlate* Mias Jeaale Rob ert* the Wayne demonstrator. At ibe exhibit* tomorrow' Mrs- Morris will give Inatruction la all tbs Rif* threat' manner* In which grapaa aha be put to use. The home dsmaaofra tiofl Itgeala will then Introdass (boos method* In th*lr respective couatiss. The following agent* will be pres rnt for the demonstrations ta«ar: Mrs. Klf e Vines Gordon, represent ing Nash county; Ml— Dorothy Dana. , repreneb'lsg Kdgecotnb* oouaty; Mis* Minnie Lee Gsrrtaos repreaaat iiug Jachaon cosnty, sad Mias Jeaale 'Tobsrte, the Wayne agent. r* ILL SOON FORMULATE k NKW SHIPPING POLICY \ V ’mihlniton, Hept. 21—Early fM y atk*i to Pr»iWf#t Coo(M|i ui f4’<*(al advuar of a new plat of /Alon for Iha if—tit it KM t'cm! today at tha rtlppln H waa vmphaalked that tbo apparent for a decision YH \ »ii i>i Ktvc national thtaftea ii p«)iuent policy, stated at tha arftoaa of tha at the Attoraay Oenaral's ac | not tiren entirely anaxpact r that i oualderabla work hhd je on a kubstttato hi an. ata a» tot ■ -• •

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