Pay’Up and Trade Weeks Are In The Offing WEATHFR 1 Heady !■> UW put Id te 40 tlre § aday. and on Ih** - I’** 1 ’** What la Matter With Church Will be Text * *> i "What is the matte rwith the HitirriC* \ Is the subject which Dr. Zeno Well, pastor of First Baptist church will discuss at bis ovenlng service this evening. This Is the eecood of t se- ■ rise of dtcusslons this subject. Stgrted last Sunday the series has aroused more Interest among the npt Rapt Ist members than »*» te tri ft- ' Bounced previously The News will ' carry the Sunday bight sermon In Its 1 Tuesday * issue. At Ms mt !• . »»r « vies today Dr. Wall will preach on 1 "Paul's Dying Rtueat,' 1— ■——■ i- i Seven Springs Man | Gets Notary License ] Raleigh, Sept 22—Ajotory of the , public licensee have- Win in sued at , tbc office of Governor Morrison to the following peroana: J L. Moore, Raleigh: Mite U Dor othy, Hanes Winston-Salem: Walter Porter Greensboro: Georg* D. Rob ertson Aabevtlle; C. C. .VcQee. German ton; Marcus Ervin Ashe ville; E. W. Ayers Jr.. Washington; i Charles Blackburn Charlotte' R. T. ! Bruton. Tabor; Fannie D. C«*mtb*ll < Doll wood; Miss Maude Davey At he- < vllle; Rudolph Fugey Jacksonville. Ada Ferrell, Wilmington; D. W Her- f risen. Swaonnooe; Tbnddeue Korne- ■ gay Baku Springs; T. I. Orr Mat- t thews. t — I Wavy-hslred girl* nr* usually 1 popular at school; they are optlmls- I Me end hitch spirited. j Oklahoma Governor Plans ; Extension of Military Law To A Number Os Counties Vjklahomn City, Ofcla.. Bept. II By Aaaoclated Preaa) —Mobil!tut lon of ‘ additional unlta «t the Oklahoma na ttoaal guard will be ordered »oon Ooraraor WaHoo declared tonight tn aaapuncing that an eitmalon of mar- M&lawa to aeveral other countlea la •^rogreaa. "Wa are not getting what we want egos aetnral countke" declared the Oeremor. oetenaibly referring to the aettvttlea of hla agent In Inveetglatlaw aota of mofc violence In the atate. "I can no aay gotw when three other count lea will he Occupied by tt>r> mil itary, bat unlesa we get aatlsfactloa aoon It la aa re to coma.*” a THE GOLDSBORO NEWS " 11 ■" - ' " -■ " ' ir ■■' .■ty'-H. i 1 Oklahoma Law Maker • WiU\ Not Use Force to Gather For Impeachment Trial A Dr. Irwin Is Chief Marshall For Fair* Dr. Henderson Irwin has been ap polaed chlejj marshal for the Wayne County air October SO to November 3- Dr. Irwin will act as generalissi mo of the 24 marshal* who will di rect the crewed thousands who will be In attendance during the fair days. A teatatlve Mat of marshals was I made up yeserday. Tbe list showed I every corner of th* county represent-' ed. Those In charge of this detail of thi fair urged that prompt and af firmative responses be given for ser vice. Want Mail Box For The Union Station T> A committee repreaentlng the Cham ber of Commerce will go to Washing ton In Tuesday or Wednesday of this wsefc to take up with the poatofflce' department the matter of the addition of a transfer clerk to tbe Goldsb&ro poetofftce and the matter of having a mall box placed for rain collection j at the union atatlon. Tbe committee I hopes to secure the»« changes It**’ 1 ' : 1 der tohave them entered upon r then* case* are In need of sanHorluni treat ment. according t.o Dr. L- W. Corbett. * None of the caoee dincovered by the 1 department are financially able to gj I to the sanltortum for treatment and ’ their cases will be referred to the 1 charity organization of which Min* ‘ Gertude la Secretary The health * deparmtent things that monye can be 1 secured to give tbe diseased ones the aanitorlnm treatment. 1 yj— . ’ » DogTanciers May ] Arrange For Show 1 Dog fuelers ot the county will meet t at tbe Chamber of Commerce room* Monday morning at 10 o'clock tp dla- t cuaa the possibility of arranging a i dog show In connection ' with the Wayne County fair. Owners of *oine I 50 registered animal* In the county nr* expected to be at tbe meeting and i the show la regarded aa a certainty, fillrir loving cups and ribbons will probably be given la, the winner* In f thl* event. Addition of a dog *how t In connection with the fair will be I an eqtfrely new departure. ! r ■" =■ g* ~l \ Governor Walton declined to name ‘ the countie* to which he referred, end also would not any how ninny troops would be railed to augment those now In service. He declared however that more | troops would be ordered to Oklahoma , City during Htate Fair week which i opened today. Asked dafinltely bow | he Intendent carrying out his lntefp f tlon of Imprisoning all members of the legislature which is scheduled to | meet her* next Wednesday In their | scheduled extraordinary sasion Gov , •rnor Walteu declared; ij "1 will leave that matter to Adju- | ta*t General Markham." ,i J Leader Brands State* ment to Contrary As Untrue and Expresses Desire for Court Rul ing oi| Legality of Ses- • sion ' | Oklahoma City. Ok la.. Sept. 22- (By , Associated Frees)—Member* of the < lower houa* of the Oklahoma leglsla- t lure will not resort to physical force | to meet to consider Impeachment j charges against Governor J. C. VVal- j ton. # t This announcement waa mad* to- i night by W. D. .\lcßee representative ( from Stephens county, and leader of the impeachment movement against t Walton | Representative Mcße* said the leg- i I ala tor* would uae the courts should i Governor Walton act to prevent the < assembly Wednesday. The elate- t meat was In reply to that of the ex- t ecutlve that the houe* member* open, r deDance to lawful authority would ride through blood to -peet and any f toppo«te<» ** b* wading r •e to nn open p a No such expression* cam* from a apy members of the bouse Mcße/ c declared; "lit la the unaolmous sen- • tlment that they will not resort te u physical force In any way whataoev- u er in assemmlag next Whdne*day. nor v do they expect to reeort to phyvlcuf h fore* to repel any effort to diapers* n them. p |‘ They do expect, however, peaceably e to assemble and In case an effort is a made to prevent them from doing so the house members will resort to the c | court* for vindication of their rights. I I The members while convinced of their li right* to convene and of their duty to h do ao under present oondlttons would o pMlnme nweq^puq—Atyy tea mati epi opinion of the courts on th# quae- e tlon and will cheerfully abide by Its b Its decision. * a K EXPERT FORECISTS i BUSIKSS PICK-UP : c ... >. • a Stattetlcs Chplrmait Aantffrw n Three* Reasons For c “ Idean v r l< Washington Sept. 22 (By Asso- * elated *Vruaa>—-An early definite lm- ‘ provepent of the present general ' poise of manufacturing business 1 throughout the country Is forecast * by Arthur Douglas, chairman' of th* committee Ob statistic* of tbe Cham ber of Commerce of tbs United Stales- i In a report made today. H» attributes th/sjlowlng up of manufacturing at te “Th* usual seasonal slackening which al'- ways accompanies the Summer *ea- * non and the waiting of the return of b the harvest. p "Th* satisfying of a demand to fill up empty shelves and to replenish broken assortments. jo “A wide spread feeling of conserva- ( c< tlsm baa marked buying at present In '«M all Us phase* " p —. b< MERCHNTS MEET MONDAY Cl * c d FOR TRADE WEEK PLANS c i in A A. Jospeh, president of the Mer- d chants Aaaoci&fton. ye*terilny after-1 noon called a meeting of the full m*m-' 1 berahlp of the organliation for 3:30 1 Monday afternoon. Final plahs for the Pay Up and Trade Weeks—th* flr*t | two weeks In October—will be mado I at the meeting. letters from the), secretary Miss Grace Warrick called attention to the Importance of a full l e attendance at the meelna « WEn.’H COOPERATIIftt ;1 M>ir» are pre**ntln( to the young', women of Ooldaboro In cooperation < with the Betty Wales drenamuker* an [t , exceptionally attractive collection of „ dre*ae* for fall wear. ( c I'MAMCEI.I.OK TO BEf'IDF. v | c Berlin. B*(pt. 22—4’hnncellor Htreaa man Is to decide In th* next tour day* whether to strike hi* color* In •he Ruhr or nrga the populace to con- c tlnue their passive resistance u> the b froce* of occupation. , j The ntomentuotaa decision will nat lie rest had until the cabinet baa cea ferred with the premiere of the fed- a crated Htate* and thna* of the reie||- e stag leaders qualified to apeak for the H parties making up the present combi- ii i nation. ; B <;*• ■ - .if,i, iiAe 1 11.. 1 1. 1 OOUMBORO, N. C, SUNDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 23, 1923 mk nuns cm GET BUST MITERIIL RTI VERY LOW RITE County Arch 1m Will Order Car of Government Explohlvcn For Distribution Wayne oonnty farmer* who expect to prepare new land and will b# fore ed to do some blasting can secure a high explosive prepared for farm pur* posea by the Bureau o( Public lands at one-third th* cost of dynamite, ac cording to A. K. Robertson, farm agent- Mr. Robertson la preparing to pine* an order for a car of th* ex plosive* for th* county shortly and farmers who expect te do blasting In th* next few months should commu nicate with him or with J. D. Bran don aaalatajpt agent at Mt. Olive. Bodatel la tho name which lb* gov ernment has given to It* explosive. It la manufactured from surplus war material and 12.006000 pound* are ready for distribution by the gov ernment department- £> There Is no charge for the exploelve self but the coat of preparation and of ahlp men must be paid by the consumer. Soda tot la a high explosive made by It le prepared for uae In double dlp mlxlng T. N. T. and sodium nltra-e. ped parra(fined cartridge* weighing about seven ounces. The cartridge* are packed In wooden box**, each containing 50 pounds of the explo sive. While sodatel In more sensitive than T- N T. or picric acid, there Is no more danger In handling Itpro vlded that the ordinary rare used In handling It. provided that the ordi nary care used In handling any ex plosive la used It will burn without exploding, at least In small quantities ao should not.b* exposed to fire- Bo far ** ordinary handling It con cerned »od*M fal* qo toxic effect*. It can be magd k* any open air bhtst- Ingo peraMqog and will not cause haadache* stein te* hand*, nor cause 1,1 A tetri ridge of ao equal in MffMtte Iter agricultural blasting |o the usual m.rtrldxe of dyn amite wblah weghs * ounce* Thl* Klve* il *out 136. dgrtridg** In a r.O pound box of soatefol. amipared 1o UK) In the nmol term* of dynamlto Hodutul I# a opn-fr.-iina explosky.. and will give good results at all or dinary temperature k On nrcoont of the high frelaht churgee on explosive* in small loti. Hblpmeirts at sodstol can not bg made by the department In leas than carload lota. No one Is permitted to order more than 1.000 pounds nor less than 50 pound* .therefore orders will |tav* to tie cooperative for a county or locality. The N. C. Htate College of Agriculture and Engineer ing through It* county farm agents, will handle the distribution of sodatol, • sd«J 3u(iaS|q eifj jo o*| h pu u Secure Options For Orphanage Sites s A report concerning available site* uhleh have been secured In Oold*- boro’n effort to secure the Junior or phanage for North Carolina will b* made at a meeting of th* joint com mittee handling this matter at 5 • clock Monday afernoon. Tin- special -onunlttee which ha* to-cured option* in a number of desirable alte* Is well pleased with tbe Interest that baa !>een manifested In the efforts to se cure the home for Goldsboro. Th* Irlve wfitch will be conduced In tho city negt Friday will come up for final discussion at the meeting Mon lay. * - Five Permits to Wed Were Issued Sat. A* UHital the marriage market waa good on Haturday. Five llcrnße* were Issued, four white and uu* colored couple securing paper*. The white* were: Albert Mitchell, of Vtkevllle township and Kutb McKinnl*. of Ibf *anie township; Iwwla J. Cameron of l,«nolr county and Dora Faulkner, al so of Iwnolr; Heath Rodgers and Clennl* Smith, troth of Goldsboro township!; Janie* *W B»»t, of Hamp hoxi county and Ada McCutltn of Grantham township. Tbe colored couple securing llcenee waa Charley Halford of Goldstxiro township, and Odt-I Dey of Ford twn*hlp I4KH YOR KIOTTOM New York, He pi. 22.—Spot cotton closed quiet. Middling 30. if), Decem ber 23 23-23; January 28.39-43; March 28.36*33; May 28.14-30. Finding beauty chorus girl* Is the worhof Mien Carrie Graham who Is employed by am- of the great l/>ndon '*i»*tetenl producers, hfl** 4 >\ " , " 1 ™ Respect League; Settle' Reparations Qjjestion • - Is Desire Os Delegates r City Milk Supply ’ Is Rated Sanitary t Every dairy cowl n Way no county . has been given tho tubercular teat n department thing* that money can be . according te Dr A. H. Kerr of the g health department. The local depart- Im*nt cooperating with tho atat* de part ment of hanlth a few weeks ago n 'closed 8? campaign which secured a 100 per cent record for Wayne In j thla respect ” Five years ago. Dr. a Kerr states, Goldsboro waa regarded by the state health officials aa hav ing the moat unsanitary milk condi tions of any large town In th* state. jßucb baa boon the Imifrovement un , der tbe supervision of th<> r pnrtment In the past months Uxal B *he city Is given a rating with the high record citloat or the Htate. I Woman Sboota Lovgr Atlanta. Ga., Sept 32.—(8y Asso ciated Ureas)—Mr* GUIs Justias 25. ' shot and Instantly killed Dewitt Tur' per a* she rode with him tyi an nu tomobtle late today. Accordgia to the | story abe told the police. It waa u 1 case of rejected lovs. After killing, 1 - the man she took the wheel and stop ■ P*d the automobile and when an am bulance arrived sal kidding tbe dead' ' niun'a head In her lap. I MR'ADOO RAY NPKAI 114 111 KHAN Durham. N. 0. £#pt 22—A latter 1 received from Frank A Hampton aec -1 retnry to ftenntor Bimmons by ofM clals In charge of the Harvest Festl val te be held her* October • to IS. expresses the belief that William G. McAdoo former secretary of the treas ury will be able to accept an* Invita tion to speak at tha annual fall aveat. Mr McAdoo, pi* letter asm will «|*fl ' oltdy accept or n-Ht TriV**M* 1 within 10 day* I Show Postponed Until ThiH Week ’ ~ !> Jupiter Uluvini was In n bad humor yesterday and ordered that th# ladlre of the Episcopal rbiQ-ch could not , stage th*tr better baby *how ached fjuled for the afternoon. The ladles, i, however are not aatiirely dlacourag l ed and announce that th* ffbow will ■not be staged tble'week. , days of deity will only meali that tlthere are more entrants.' on* of those , I Interested declared. * UOMTPONi: TRAIIK UOHGKEMM^ „ New York. B*pt. 21 The Southern Trade Congress convention which |Teas to have held- h«r* early In Octboer has been postponed Until | next May. It waa unnounced today Thu action was taken because of the , serluo# Illness of Muyor Hytan. hUn (»rury chairman of tfc* New York con vention committee and reueata from , Boutbern business men. Larire Attendance At Sunday School Meet Is Expected The largest att*ndaifce~ In years If not in tha history of the . which will be In attendance. Several r hundred delesate* prepY-esentlng **• *ry.tQwn»hlp In thu county are <■« I pec ted and prophe«le* are made ol , keen competition for the flag whirl will be given lo t|o> school aendinx f the largest, numlver of delegates. GEM. IMIB I.EY TO ATI, AMT A 't j Fayetteville, N. C. Bept v 21—Oener *1 A. J. Dowley, commanding-offlcei | of Fort Bragg has gone to Atlsnti , i (la te assume ctiimmand of the fourti corps area In th* absence on lear i (>f General David O. Shanks It I understood that General liowley wll jbe In com men do ftb<’ area untl ' übont November Ii i A new ollftienl reported among wo i men in I-ondoo I* ‘‘cigarette rush," i caused by over Indulgence In clgnr i sites. | Representatives Many r Countries Agrree Ua srue is “Citadel of New Age and Refuse Small ; | Nations” Oenev* Sept 22 (By Associated | Urea#) Respect the league covenant 1 end settle th* reparation covenant quickly—these aiw "tee two message* which go out te all government* and all peoples of the world from the league of Nations. Thsy are con tatasd la no formal resolutions and hacked by nn formal vote but they •■merge clearly na the will of the ma jority of delegates assembled In Ge neva If plaudits have any meaning and enthusiastic ovations any signi ficance. This expression of what public opinion demands found Itself today whan several delegate* representing, India, South Africa and Sweden In stated upon the gravity of world con-1 (I It lona and demanded that the gov ernment obey the new order of hinge a* represented by the League.. * Referring to Italy's repudiation the, Maharadja of' Navangar declared hla I conviction that the League Is per fectly competent to Insist on a peace ] |ful sctlcmsnt of dlsputsa \ arUing (monr member* and |, u |* MU »d tj„. , warning th*| If aqy member falls to live up to th<- covenant the L*BKp«> fulls In Its purposes and facaa ruin. “Under th# old order and before this family of nntlona cam* Ini# being" oald tbe Indian prince, "the right of reprisal no doubt hold good but un der th* pew order which nil have ac cepted we bop* this Is all - changed The League of Natlohh to the citadel of the new age and u specially th* CR hdai and refuge of the pul! nations Amumnet Winners In ( Flag Tournament’ - !< floytui Him nee, Hugh Dortch end 1 W. Katmnr were yesterday declared J Arlcoep In the bag toiirnument which *1 was one of tbc features Incident to 1 the opening (d th* country dub Krt-I 1 day. Hrofvaalonal Newnhum In mak I Ing unnonnceiuunt of tha winners * r«v# out a list of tthose who left ;hcir 1 flags on the course. 1 Those leaving their flag at the ninth hole were: Dr. T. B. Henderson. Z. 1 T. Brown. George Haywood. Wad# Domett. Dr. K- R Warren 0. A. Hamilton, and *H. R. Irwin. R D Irwin. J. C> Vanatory and K. V- Kwyisll were reported as having left their flags on th* eighth green. Four lady members were entered In the ladles contest: Mrs A. A. Jo seph and Mrs L. A Newnbam fln laheN thr lanra New l'nrlt paper* uni ( |t M itrft« IhU nwk anil far two or thr.. day. Mew \ ork had U 4a -It heal Iha r.Kiilar edition* ol (hair paper., **'**• "f pre.« anaorlailona *eut a nprr.eutatit* to tolar the MU«tn aad (Jerk* In tarlua* larwe departawat atom/* 1 ' f *er) where. there *a« eiideaee of u hi K .lump l n haalaea*. The "blah, al IhU lime »( year, u an cwl prlat (hr ad tertNeatr wt*." Tw# mm— «m frankly admitted that a aiaato wHbeat to tor tUto* probably would lam- thaai to alaaa tbalr doom. There’* a la.»«n la ba learned aal al eiperteara al Haw fa* I atari-haul.. It la 'a laaaaa which applies la .uata as Ike m*. rhaata al VtiUaa. | The major It) as thr proapereu* merchant* at thU city aiw tre- \ 'taaul tot aril. era. lon ran tell that by watrfitof the paper*. There are other* which adrertlwe seldom ar not at all Ttoy are dola* trey little baalae«« and are lltlaa Irna bato to aatoh. I*a*t It »t ran ire, that when etery pro* pa raw. star* to » aaou * maalty adiartl.a., the *mallar More* don't follow .altl—WhM “,* Hlrror. o. f ..,*»* 4 4 i n — ■■■-' ■■■■— , ■ ■ MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS I —■-" --- ■ 111 —— m3 . ■■■— PRICE FIVE CENfB COUP co-ops imT STAGE GREAT PICiC I 'resident Aycock Telki NMM Thnt Opinion Is Being Secured Wiley Aycock. president of the Wayno < Viunty Tobacco and Cation Cooperative Association, U oow In communication with tit* 1* local* at the organisation to Bad their attHnd* towant a propoaed mammoth picnic to he held In the near tutor* ho told The News oVer long dlatanoe tola phone last evening. Mr. Ayoenk de clared that the reap on* 11 from the locale would determine whether snail a plcfcc would be held. With a membership of MM In dm , county and repr*sonUng every mmk ' sad comer s mymmoth picnic hr the organisation weald exceed anything of Its kind ever held In Wayne eohnl ty. The Idea Is that the locals win probably make an aVrmatlT* re eponae A program of rf —hn and arrangement* for a genera) good Mate would probably be made ts the leoala are favorable la thely repltaa The neit bualneea meeting of Urn mania I ‘ten will ha bald on the third TtmaAhy In October. FUCKLET WILL MIKE ! OUIRTERI MUSI TEMI IT IS TMHSIK Four Fooil/aU Man Am* hk t«wn KcpranaaUiivmi AK\ Wake Parwt - with (our boya alrady an tho «JMp | pu« and ecraptdng for planaa an toi football vatally, eleven dtJ»f* Jp leave (loldsboro Moaday. maratag gfe Wake Koreat to enroM MM* 1 renceeenrtag the