PayAJp and Trade Weeks Are In The Off mg WEATHER Parity rlwady Taridt) and Bed /* nesday | aa rkiafi la Iraiperalarr. VOLUME TWO; NUMBER 171 Walton Will Use Force To Prevent Assembly, Said “Shoot To Kill” Is The Instructions Os Governor Walton to His Troops Adjutant General Mor gan Ordered I-iegialature From ** Assembling in the State House or at Any Other Place. $4 Oklahoma 0»». Ok la, SepL *». _(||j th* liktrlilH !’»»»•) tdjalaat l»h|pMr |wf ike »a»rrr|*a stale of llkla* kaaia ahr a ordrrrd to do %o by tkr Oavrraar. A* a iirmitka again*! any altcmpt of lha legMalnre t« mrr« elsewhere should they hr barred fraai t|pe *U klaa ' "Whenever ihr government *t»p* la Ihr L»nr i« Ihrlr*," thr fW«ll>* awrted. -| t%milil llk< for Ihrn* |« take met ikl» light Wvg«a» || a« a War no m) hands kul until Ibr; dn Ibr «tatr nf n Oklahoma h full; capable f lank* Oia ofbrr II." flaynarlo Haard lapltal OKLAHOMA < ITY. Sept 31. Thr bourn haparhtlng thr Oklahoma legla lallvr .in.l executive clanh narrow*.l down to lh Onlay, with thr linn draw n taut between Governor J C Walton and thoac tliriuhrrx of thr Houae nl Rrprr»riitHtlvi.'K who aurk m Indict him ax thr preliminary xlipa tow aril Impeachment proceeding*. Today brought morr witar*<*en and more textlmony at laiih thr Ti|l*n and Oklahoma ('lty military court a of in .QUiry fhargn* of riot wrrr ex|***cted to tir uiailr In Oklahoma Oily again*! participant a In u lanhlng pnr'y nl- IJfgod locate been led hy N (' Jaw* all. grand dragon of thr Oklahoma Ku Kill* Klan. ./ trlat on n cliargr of r o' *p£obably will hr |«oatpoiicd tint'll to morrow to permit ndd'tljtl i! i inform a tlon Wing obtained bv ihr military agalnul other nujjpored rueuibtr* or Utr party. 'Wed need a) noon thr timer «f He ?esentatlve* lr called to mrrt in rt fjLtordinary xeaaion. deapltr the arm guar'«i w in** ii. who at 111 pace Wfori the hronrr door* of thr liouar ,i".i Senate Chamber* with loam I tlflra and hard bayonet* Thr woman'*, garment making In daalry In N*w York * 'lty rmploya 7.J. prto worker*. THE GOLDSBORO NEWS NEW YORK PAPERS 60 . TOMES TOM ! J . —^) —»■■■■» i'« if .a Inr mined Slu Will Permit De partment Store* to Print HixKtr Ada 4 -Y NEW VOUK. Sept. 2l‘ t*ublt»fl»«rw association officials arranged tonight |tu Increase the six® of Arp- York's 'looriiltiß newapa|>er» to It) |iuaa« to - morrow a» thr otrlkliiK pHMwin re • main udumunt und G. 1. erry. prml dept of the Inrcrnutlmiul union, ak- Ki-rlrd t'nlun i>rr»Hmrn from 1 other rltlao were arriving here lif rkapon.e to hln upprul to till thr vurahrlra In mlahty response. J It was expreted that editorials und Increaaeil drpartnu-nt store Adver tising would upp«'ar tomorrow after a limited amount of display spare re appears. In the romhlned |>apeis rtf this qiornlng and aflermsin A pub lishers' i-omnilttee was ap|iolnte hasn't yet after ml Ills cheerrfiituens or sense of Tiutuor Sir waiter Raleigh jesting at the headman's ax had nothing on him 4 Hi (oigol Ilia shadow across Ills path the oilier da* long enough lo think op a tunny p'fcture title for's contest condiKiVil liy a Chicago n**wi. paper sending It In from the address "Boom 121. 44n N, Deal boro street,'' The tills won first prlge. dfTiii now lo room "421" a cull In ’Mkirderets' row at the Conk county /ail. fruitier doesn't see anything un, *i>yial 111 Ilia pr* silit m til llt > to forget '//jiAatid think up jukes "When any of the fellows tn b* re get blue, I try to cheer them up; I feel sorry for sdiite of these unfor tunates.' says Cramer, cmphaslgtng the "unfortunates' lit distinguish them from himself. He hliusclf Is merly midst to die. and unless his nttornsys. Hal’* old T ’D Connell wins his pend fi nal effort before the supreme court Ills life will “ Cline to the worst." At Ills trial and ever since Cramer has steadfastly asserted his Inno GOLDSBORO, N. C„ TUESDAY MORNING, &BPTKMIIKK 2T». 1923 12 MEN AND 4 AUTOS ] CONFISCATED IN 016 CRAVEN BOOZE RAID . * o Solicitor Davin (onlinuew His Spectacular Pursuit of Whis key Runners (JETS SEVERAL VERY EXPENSIVE AUTOS' ' - s> NEW HERN. Sept 24 Headed hy Solicitor Jessie II Davit, a party of county ami federal offlccrk at aged) a raid against the moonshine Industry In the Marlowe section of the coun ty that netted tweleve prisoners, t automobiles and a l&U-gallon still with several thousand of tmer, according Jo advices by tele phone from Morehekd City where the raldlnii; party went Into camp lasi night.' The- officers left here In the party yesterday morning bound for the Havelock section, some fifteen miles from here, where they were expect ing another ruin caravan to start out during the day In a sally on the Cherry, point road Deputy SherlfT .fames Hryan captured three of the automobiles, four while men who said their homes were tn Raleigh, and thiee negroo* who gave Kinston as their home. ' Deputy Bryan reported that whls .htjy was thrown out of each car just before he met them, and that the rtrst car taken, a Packard touring ear. was occupied hy two white men. one of whom was armed with an uu iohuttlc The second machine waa't, Sludebaker. with two more whites. .imJ Jbe'third a I'ord occupied hy 3 negroes Solicitor Da via was unable to give the ggjjyes of the prisoners for the rv'uaeit that jits records of the day s work' wwce lipt aoceaglhle at the time Iteputy Bryan who arrived here late at night brought Jasper IKive. negro, who was arrested on ad t»ld warrant and ieleaaed him after John Parker, local automobile man signed Ills bond for *6OO Htyatt reported the capture of the sitll apd several negro operator* near the- ? home of Jake Nnaon. c01,,1,.,1. ~1,.,1. anil si,ld it was running full blast when found- He estimated the Hiiuntlty of beer lead)' for distilling «t ten thousand gallons It »as said to have been the largest still of Its. tv pc futiVld In the county ho fur i Hksnm an hem ha: •» * IXIOX HKAIPS I M.l.j New York. Sept 24 Continued fusal of all but a few inemhwra. of the dissolved Ipcal preskman's liM\pJ to answer the call of George I. Berry, president of th<- International lirloti J ito return to work and cpd the strike which lias hampered publication of, j leading new spapers tills w eek. lod.»y_ 'brought froni Mr Berry an urgent plea to all pressnienn's unions out side th<- cltv to send inijn fninedlate ly to hll their I*l ae. He who has love In his heart has spurs In his h'-els j *cm c Thai assurance. declare*. I* at least half the buttle tu preserv - Ing hla eheerfillness "TliV , Jail bouse tilues' haven't been glvl ng «ue «tly serenade," “aups ,thls pnaon anna "Always T have considered myself j a rolling atone I don' t mean a wand-1 erer. her-auae I hav« stayed at home Hut whatever turned up next. I was ready for It. The hi* thing Is never* to give op or make a fuss over what happen* , "Evvrxj»ne git* blue sometimes, of course The tough time hero Is on Halurady night when fellows on the. outside are going to see their girls W hen you get to (Veilllk that way though. don’t give »h). but start i thinking about something else. Til men fn here don't seem t?i mind It so much "The months go fast, fust," he ad-Jx with emphasis i "In Ills old days st home I worked on newspaper puixlev and contests to put In the time with my yonnget brwthers It just came natural lo try It again here. The yon n gat era and I i used to win (irises every now and then before Everything goes on hers just i'lio'lt a* It iliieM on the oiit*b|- a mixture of good and hud "Ye*, when I get out Im grdnt i bark to the old job a* whipping cleric! ; SAIN EI.OMaEKN ITT OEE AH'TMTn KAN AJII TU It: It TO tORI’I HIM lit EAT II : r . 9 * ■ * OKLAHOMA CITY. Sept 21 A story of how members of u mask e,l r . mob at Tulsa. ’ after merciless ty heatlnt a victim, cut off one ear and tried to force hint tu eat It. wun matte putdtc tonight tiv Gov - cruor J. C Malt,hi In tin form of testtiuon) given Die Tulsa,- mllllai > idfirt'liy J H Smlthemisii ""This is only oue of the hun dreds of such ertiue* commut'd, I which the civil authorities of this slate relttst to prosecute," declar ed the executive "1 ask the peo ple of the clvtltied world. In ll)e i presence of Dlls lesDipony. If I was not Justftted in imu-latmUig mat - 4tnl law In” the city of Tulsa , WILSON WINS FIFTH GAME OF THE SERIES Uuinn. Kiu-ketl By Errorless PiayinK. Has Little Difficulty in WinninK Game EIIAIIIAJTTK. Kept 21 Wilson won the third game of the champion ship series with Chariotin' here to day. the score being ? to 3 Quinn pitched excellent lotll for the Vir ginia league i liaiiipluiis. and hack jd hy errorless playlftg on the part ol his teVmatrs. had little difficulty tn winning thla afternoon and stopping the mud rush of tile Hornet* towards the championship In class It l»x*»-l»i*ll ' In the Sou Hi Atlantic league, The score: » \viDiiii- 7 run*. !> hits and u er- 1 rura; fharlotte- • runs. t> hlft ami I errors. Batteries- Wilson: ( Asalstatii No r* 1 tarv of the Navy, Themtore K-o-.. ' veil to , h'-i ks and the nann h of iiiuny other prominent ntep while in NV ,-h i Ington v I He Itus been ex|a-lletl front « legal fraternity, a (ireeg letter' frat‘-nHtv nml the Masont* laalge tn Alexandria a. t*i which George Washington tie i longed according lo offi, lal notice, hnr* irom the organisation G CO OP REAFFIRMS ITS | I DECISION TO HOLD UNDLORDSIIIBLE * ca . &' fO • « Until touris E'innlly —Decide Otherwise, Thin I‘oliry Will Hold (iood ' . ' 1)1 KEI TORS WILL DEAL FAIRJ.Y WITH MEMBERS . Raleigh, Sept 24 The director* of tip- Tobacco Grower* Co-operative Asinxintfon ut tlo-lr monthly meeting tisluy riaftirmed the pollcv ol the A»- *o i make no further reductions from land I. lord member* beeguav of d'-liverh-s try non uirmbei* tenants of tnbaico grown upon their parties nth ,-r than tip- Assmiatton until the Sit prenie Court of Nwrtli Carolina passe* upon this question Deductions will lie made against all member* who i have failed to deliver their entire crop to the Association If .and when .the Supreme Court siist,itns the opin ion of the Association directors in j their IntePpretation of cooperative j contract which vails for all the to bacco produced hy a member directly, j 'or Indirectly as a producer or land - lord . , Today'* decision of elected directors of Tobacco Growers Cooperative A* , | social lon was taken - because of the: desire to lre*t all memlier* It a fair 1 und uniform nmnuer following the recent ruling* by three circuit judge* preventing the A*»nrlatlou -frinn vie- | -'-ducting danuige* from landlorita tor ,b llv*r|r* Qouislde of the Alisociatioq ] by Ibeir teuants In the case of nbaul a d the SuprernE Court of North 4'uroltn-i hy the To-' .haceii Assta latlou of t)losv* V a**ys ac colliding To .today * statement of Sr, letary Wilson of of direct ors Meets-Death Half Way By Shooting Off Top Os Head UtlfffMil. S|.|,| T\ iN'Jilh VArlB jUM( tin* frorner ff»r H«*n well known wlilf • niitn, who Itv^d ahoiit two ntlji •< from In i* , him! h»- III»*I M hsijf w,i> |»x hontiiiß nlf thd* lojl lt( lll.w llltaA.. (|iM l-|M! (|w)n l t**J t<» 1m Hjh first »»f hHroiiiiohlE hiottßlit H»n tn rluHlU m floor. In# dcM*ldl»il In mil h all llin) wan Tin rnwaril Mr « iiU* avuj»*i| tn M't ii'i* «*nfram #» in hnfkpital for t rratinnnt hill iinne 9oiiM taki* him in . H«i li«< iMtuit hack liuriiH tn ed him on* paying that life lititltlfo: fie—hfm now .iiutl fie wo KiiltlK fn end U aJI. Hardly had the d*a»t tinned f»e- HENRY FORD’S OFFER FOR MUSCLE SHOALS MUST BE MODIFIED CIEVELANO MAN : SLAIN AT MILL 1 ’(*lmtide ( I'hillip Wyitfinyriftr al (ikMl»ni» tiasloula. Supt. 21 t'lallilt! Cook > •igevl X. a yiitiuti l levelgltcl county I turner, was stabbed to death shout! !TT orlmk lasi tlighl Itv-MI the office iof th,- Ogurk Mill. East' Gtstonl-t. jby Philip Wyueberger. Tip- vleevl wag rnmmltle-l while it 00k sat in tlo- from* *.il Os 111* vat beside Wyneburger* wT|s-. who had Juki returned front u ride with • imk III* brother. Souimey t ook am! ' b-m --tulg Du via all id Cleveland >lllll v. Cook's jugular veil! was .reveled nnd' he died within a minute er two •tfler he had been •tubbed," W vne bet get 1 e*ra|>cd uud has not u* y* I been apprehended , Coroner Kincaid enipunnelle I « Jury shurlly after Cook'* lasi night und the body -was viewed at I the undertaking eeubltahuimt The I body was tuken ihl* afternovyn u* the ,1,-ad men's former home In’ cieve- ruiinty The -Jury hell an tn i quest at ’ the City Hall tbl* after | noon «|t ol o'clock at w hich the i4'*te Iw a* repreaentevl by Solicitor John US Carpenter who examine I th« wit | uegses. , v Witnesses examined by On- -ornor v ,»)k pr* . Nancy Wyoebci gei Dock Dock Keif and Mr* Maninile Nels. 1 According to the testlmory of the w llne»*ea„ the two Cook boy* ml 1 Davl*. who ate •• coualna of v, r* *\v vav-het ger 'cum* tu Gnaldnl.i Net virday' afternoon and went to th* tu*** ol Dock 4M( •« '«*< o** rl ‘ Mill, where Mr* Wyneberg-r we* living. »h* having moved there on that day from the Avon Mill Wynv berger and his wife, II nnpeared^ I had not been living together roc four w-eks Nell Is htjr brother thfor* - ,j a rk the three buys took Mrs. Wy ne ' bt-ergr to Me Aden villa. The purpose !,.( the trip being according to her. lo I endeavor fn fknd her husband who 1 she thought, was al (lie home of bD sister, Mr*. Grlggf . Ihure Ju*l a* (hey reached the Self home about II o'clock Saturuday night Phillip, Wyneberger junt|>ed on The running board ftf the car and killed Ciaik I with a knife, (lie wtUMmaaa staled. The jury rendered a verdict To I the eflee'l that Coo| < atnr to * hi* (death al the liaiul* of Phillip Wynev hergei In his lesllmony before the Jury j Dock Self slated that about twenty minutes before the tragedy me it red. Wyneberger told him he Was ‘going ■to kill somebody Accord ing to the testimony of l*oth Davl* hind Sitmmay Cook, this was ihe first ■ time the t uok hoys had ever Iwteu jin Gasloniu ikilng through life wljlr a fflend j -I*’going through It, twice llelleve It or not, Uie J le**j fatlgtt-■ ling thing in life li* work. , 1 I hind the boy before lie heard thr] (explosion of the gun. The force of; Tlhe shot blew ihe top of hla head | lolf |. I.sllv 111 tlir spuria one of Ileus! sons carried home a dog that had' | symtoms of hydrophobia It was I tied out with the hope that It would rerovei Guliedge fed Go dug 01 1 a-’T slonallv but did not renietiitiei to pave been bitten !•> 111, dug flit- I ally the dog died and to- forgot l ! about It E rid ay Guliedge ttecame aer-' i onsly ill w ith .< pain In his neik,- but Ihe physicians did not attach. | aitv partli ulai slgnlfTcauce to tills: al first Krlday night, how ever they I I lie came convinced that It was hydro-: morning lie went lo a Eayettevllle hospital.'hilt I"- couldn't get In 'I he hospital there Isn't treutlng persons afflicted w ulr rubles I hen the doctm wired to K.ilelgh for Instructions with » slmllui re soil There was nothing for ixair • Beil to do tint leturtl home to die | And there he ended It nil in the as-, i ternmin. and to day hi* wife and four 1 children tnouru for a fathei win, w*> btave In death as he hail lvc*T|| In life He wg« forty year* u-liliiKtMH. ,s*pi. 2i. r.«laa as I nagrr*a nhlrh pa.albiy ari«t‘ d'lrlop- lata .oamihlafl bp a ling a rrlallaa' I. Ihr prrr«ariafr^traa< Idratfel raairallaa raa^lgiti. Heairllair a«a Ihr nay drhart taral aatlhrd Hr. Far# that Ilf •lr|»arlairni of JaatWw aad Ihr Jadar Uurdlr Urarral hdfl JMI 'atlrf ||. raalrarl nHh Ihr jS. rnmpMWy. nhlrh uotrraairal la rraiaf* thfe |EI ■, iriha Ihr |»onrr rompaayV 111 »r »rll N U Ihr ruwpaaf. Vh* day naa (ha toot radar ««■■» V l«a. I>rd'* rtfgtarrr* to {MBt nlr»d ihr war dr pant.,.* • dr iiaral far aaoihrd «ttra • am.iaarr. u « vr# gfga*. I a Krona la Ihr Kn<*ramr*hß apM Ihun aia«r. Thr artaal prlrr paid w«a ft lid.lNfJlm « «nm agreed ' V »i|i|iralaal« by Ihr ordnagp (I • l*laa al ihr air dr|atfta#*« and rt|trri» al treh» luiihd Adi H Ihr government nrrr I* tomato* 'hr plant II «■ aid r»allr aMf §| Jaal. talar aad that «|Mnr(ift» there noald hr rroanml#"iagg Injury la ladaatrlal* afhi|| paw* In lahama aad nlggr lljjkp rra .Male*. nhrrraa a * arlrutad to dip | raat-at n Uoldaboro Th« laam artlt Itrohahly hr arln-iad Irom thr follow ling pluyrra. ~t rrofaaatoaal Naato Imm Urrlarra that ynr nrvrr cdn lrll uKoot thorr thtnaa: J N. djamait, ndrraon l»r R. H viVrrra. J C Vanatory. Murmy Kordvn. Oaorga Hrynood. II K. Irnln, Kohrrt fHav- ( • na. Krnnrth «oyul+. 'Huklw Dortah. J ami Tom Norwood and Julr Hvith All arorr rarda ahould be turafd iln in Ihr n*r*t f>n day* Mr. Nrwnhaui iwt>a. /. M l TIMTM CAPITAL Wiaahlnatoft. Hra« *j. nylag an hour Inlt- In a inlaty fain wh#-h tar lahrouded hrr. Ihr 7. H I, th« Navy’* nrn arrlal lavlathaß, rlaltrd W»*h Inaton Unlay, tllylna or*r lha rapllol. ;ihr Whlir Hollar. Mount rrnon au4 Ihr Tftmh of ihr t'nhnown Holdtrr at Arlington, nhnrr ahn dropped a wrrath • -w Thrrr n oiii-ti In thr I’nttad Stotii arr Inioired lor more than H.gW.hOO ra> It.