wrxrrQ toy | M*»n* ka^ritirr. VOLUME TWO; NUMBER 171 CRAZED WOMAN SjLAYS FLORIDA SHERIFF AND TURN OWES VP LIFE VZ • *r ' ' .. * i’* Arrest Was Sought on Charge of Contempt of 'j Court After Killing Officer is Shot to Death . By Two Policen)(en * PENSACOLA, Pl*., ept. 26 (By the Associated Press.) i \ Sheriff EUis of Aszftinbia county I yVvida was shot and killed in* | atantly here late today by Susie licChinc when the officer at titiMßghd to arrest her on charges of of court and the woiftai in turn was shot to ileath by two city policemen who had accompanied the she riff Arad into the house. The poliy began firing when saw the sheriff fall to the | piMsime 1 FOR COUHITS Fill Amusement Feature to Ik f ■ Stressed More This Year Than » Ever Before * offices of the Ooldnboro Cbwnbhr of (:PBftn«r*J*toir*i**tod ■ biur anm yesterday. the secralary and his two assists ntn being occupied In mailing oat the premium list for the approach lag Wayne County. Kslr. which it Is 1 declared wIU surpass anythin* of Un kind Wayne or sny adjoining county j Has ever attempted The fair will he held *tai» year Oct. 30-Nov. 3. White M Is too early for nny of the entries to bate hern received ui* yet. * It Is said that all Indications at pres ent point to those eclipsing In numbers hoee of farmer years, and tt Is bellev-, •d tlpt the quality of these exhibit* will he fat higher thso hss here the case to th* *•« l * w Particular ntteation In to lie itrvot'd this year to the sport and nmuaemen features ooanactad wMh Uir fair- The asaoctaton has hooked for Goldsboro, the May ghow./ sold to be the. larges* tordhral altraeUoa on the I road at pshtodt This nhpw has been ! booked to ttffffaar during the Vlrslnla State Pair at Rtehmoad and Secretary Denmash at the local trades nrganlxa , tlon Is now plaantng to go to Rich* mood snt weak to confer with the carnival officials relative to the at traction coming to this city. Hr wilt be acoMspaatod bor\ to Gold»bo»u by one of the officials who will make the preliminary arrangement* r#la thrs to how the dhows will he sit dated hare. It Is declared that the Sbeeeley street lons travel on h special train of 30 cars and that there are more than 400 people included In the carnival company.. Denmark says tHat jmr ttchlar attention la to lx- paid thin year to the horses races and some of ha finest blooded stock tn the South will ba b rough *o Ooldaboro for the occasion *-~A new and unique feature la being Introduced this year In the of antomobtle races for the final day of | the fair! Being Saturday, that event ; will probably attract a tremendous \ throng of People from all this eeptlon and Some faat care »r» now being en tered. no* <mly froni tlila section. but of **»|a »|D«I «d --' fbtnlng states as wall. Thai promise? I to he one of the mtxiandlng feature? , of the fair and Secretary Demuurk says that he la expecting thin frautiirc t« kdd very materially In netting a DELEG A TION SEEKS TO ] ) RESTORE LETTER BOX i r ~ it - f Setting forth the fart that the drop i I«tt«r hoe at ttu< Union railway *ta-j Hob hare la of more value than nil > the other c4jt letter l’»o»e* combined and ganartlng thot the transfer clerk! St the union la of great value to the ; buakteaa Intareat* of the clly. a t>' tit ion was balna circulated In the illy , jneturdijr under the direction of the QoMaboro Cbaiiilier of t'onimerce. and waa Win* very generally algned. which pray* that the. aervlcu refer-, rjtta h« reatored at the Goldsboro. elftfco at the aarlleat possible wo m«ht L- r Thepetltlon in i|Ue»tlon Is addressed to the Third AMatslsnt Postmaster General Os the United Stale* and plav- ware In the making here laat ■fe by which a delegation reprt- the tioldaboro Chamber o( Cofhm'rce will leave the city late thin afternoon for Worthington and will praaeat the petition la person to the official panted It la confidently be lieved that he will at once give the matter thorouah Investigation and th* saaerttoo la made that If the aaatetanl THE €DLOSBOftO NEWS One allot urtuck the woman, killing her blatantly. » According to police authori ; tic«.°thc woman hud lieen suf fering from an affected mind aud according to them, hud an noyed familien living at t house near-by owned by Harry Col>b, of Bagdad. Fla., and which house she id said to have claim ed as hers. She had been ejected once before by Sljpriff Ellis after Isome resistance. TO LEttm BY MAIL 'fim inn Correspondence Course in Atjj; vertiaing and Salesntutnship To Be Offered (|ty 'he Associated I’russ.V fhnprl 11111. B«pt ft> A new pro ject was Inaugurated by *4i* IJitan 'slon Division of h<- I'liiverSl* of North Carolina to assist in business jand commercial development of the 'state when It vis announced today by C. D. Sn*ll, director of the Exrtcn aton Dlvlaton. that correspondent* courses In advurtialnii »mt salesman ship are being brgaalied hy Profes sor C. H. K*rnald. of the School of Commerce. Business men ami their employes ios y register for the new courses offerod by the Extension Di vision beginning October, llt was stated Speaking of the nuw courses. Pro fessor Kcrnold said, "gealltlng the high epet of aggMmerclal corrsspond aace at'howl course*, wg hsvu f % >r j atone ttow doeirad to offer aulstdWfe 'ld the fields of advertising unit natea-' mansblp to business ineo of North Carolina. Last year, when touching littenalon clnsses In these subjects In Durham and Raleigh I found many progressive merchants and business employes interestedin learning new and up to date methods of Increas ing business- The member of my classes were not prejudiced ugalnst n college prwfessor trying to help |them in their business; on the other hand, their seriousness of purpoge nnd willingness to learn impressed in" gruatly. ‘ The courac In tidvertlalmg constats rind** a careful analyida of the fun damental principles on which selling | h baaed and "U study of the reason? why men buy things. It take? up the swlcnuian In hta ptlvule life »? well aa at work and dlacuxsex tho»>' thing, which make one man aucceaaful and another unsuccessful —lll*, course In advertising mnelsth! primarily of a atudy of jt»|e psycholog ical haala ou which tin- . science Is founded. Tills Is followed t»y sn only- Jala of the various types of advertis ing; us they are to • the Selling „ itdntlnued on page three)’ new high water murk for attendance ikt the approaching state /air All roada will lead to Goldsboro during the time that the «*vcnt la go ing on here. given the matter the consider at ton i which it deserve*. that ho will on j doubtcdly order the service hero re ! stored. The service mentioned «wh fur-| jn tilled hero until u few months ago, j when, for reaaona considered tea by J the powers that Ih\ but concerning) which local people are not Inlormcd., jit was summarily abandoned and since j that time there haa b«rn no mirh drnp| letter service furnished at the I'nioul station and there ban been no Iran* 'fer clerk on duty here j Tonight's delegation going from Goldsboro to Washington will be [headed by Walter < luninurk. the secretary of the Goldsboro Chamber , of Commerce, and con fid* nee Is e»- .' pressed that It will br possible for I the delegation to get somethin* done I I In W ashington. If not Immedlstsly car- I aisly within the near future >1 Practically all the leading business p en of the city affixed their algipiture^ to the petition yesterday when they came aware of the (act that It was. ih-lng circulat'd 1 BOLDS BORO. N. C„ WEDNESDAY MORNING, HEFT EM HER 26. 1923 SEMTffiIH ISKITICIIITE FDR HIGHEST POST Democrat Suva He Do«i% Not • d Wiah to Impair His Uaeful ' iMfwt in Senate BACK WITH I’ARTY from Trip abroad (Hy\thf Associated Press l New York. Sept- 26—Reinforced hy first band Information. tlir delegation of United States Senator* aud Repre senlaMres returned toddy on the l.e vlathaU from Europe a here they Have beau studying ‘he economic and po litical situation of the toretrn conn tries. During their stay abroad they attended the psrltuinentary conven tion at Copenhagen 1 Among those returning today ware Senators Robioson of Arkansas; Me- Hollar of Tcnness**; McKinley of II llnola: Swanson of Virginia and Rep resentatives I-ongworth or Ohio and H tick or of California Senator Robinson, who Is minority leader In the Senate and who hits been mentioned ax a presidential pos sibility when ssked If he would ac cent the ’ Democratic nonilnatioi President ahould It bp tendered tn him replied: ”1 want to render the best service of which I aiu capable In the Untied States Senate. I am seeking no fur* (her advancement I do not slab (o Impair my usefulness In the Senate hy becoming a candidate for the pres idency Senator Robinson said that while , re.uljoitoo-nt In Stance and Germany • Is slow, hr believe* that n working agreement between the Ihb* two na tions will lie reached ... 2! I IAUHCH CAMPAIGN . TO GET ORPHANAGE (Hy’s Hus incus Men Will l>ut ! Forth Every Effort to Secure \ Institution ...No uloar will bo left unturned. Av lb): oar who hnve tha best Interests o’ Goldsboro* u heart. In an effort sci ure for hlx city’ the Branco Or phu tie a** of the Junior Order. United American Mechsnlcx. according to a xtatemt-nt made here yesterday by those who have actively Interested theiji selves In the campaign The jdaclarktlon Is made that Goldsboro iproposes to push her advantages tn the utmost to an effurt to secure the Institution and It la fWlarcd that ( h - prospects now are very bqali 1 anil there Is every Indication th »* ih n city's efforts msy tie crowned with event ual success. .» , In discussing the nuttier y.ui rday some of those who have iki-st the lead In this undertaking said; ‘'Why 1 should wr endeavor to secure the or* 1 .phanage here"’ Answering their own question, they say; ‘Because an t 'orphanage Is n good thin { fur an.v community; because It addii to the 1 population of the city and th-Teby In ‘ creases the .business reven ic of the • jolty; because It gives to tl;’’ Wu.uun- Inlty'ln the ware and welfare of 'Chil dren. a higher Interest th.in 'hat of jp- a f mere dollars and cents: be,-ic ninny of the orphans <4l nested «" sot h a liouni will Eventually set*' in th City oud community and make this their home: tiecauae they will in tutu b'T"me good cltljens und help do Hhwlr part In the upbuilding of the idly ltml community: \hen tb blessings of heaven r«st\ uptpuJhose who help the orphans; pWlv iivigion and nndeftlcd la to visit .h widow olid ofphons and In tlielr uffltclior; and Ho keep himself us subtend t i urn the [world." ” Goldsboro la planning to uO cv >r» ilcgltlmate offort to secure Mi - it pli, 0 [plant for thl* city and thus fir no Ifcood reiiaon has be*n advanced why |ehe should not suit "If Iryiiiu (will bring home the goods ihen wf lhavr practically accomplish'd • m Ipurpoae," said one of Dios' rims' n [lively engaged In the cui.p.iial. 11l illacuaslng the matter yeste'ria). IAIKVIK* hHOITKKM IIHII Meadanum 1. Met"idler, .1 J Glb lln iris A. H WHherlugton. Shaw i Hines and Vilas lt< sse Ireland of Cul [aon were shoppers In the city yrster 4ay. HAhfffltl.l. HIM IT-T . National i Cincinnati 2; New York I Philadelphia S: Pittsburgh I" Boston 2; Chicago o. Brooklyn 1: Ml lands I Chicago 2: Washington r. Imerkaa Cleveland t-l: Philadelphia t* 5. HI I,mils H: Itoslon 2 I’osf Season Charlotte TO II 0 |\V llaon / 2 I h 2 Sr, 1 1 J 1— 11 "■ 1 '■* t.UI IIHMIKO MI.MSI Ik. 34. \ld His FIRST MOVtHG HlTl Hfc ON HWERItiI Hr iciHv -logr years of awe and yeslrrday <t»* «ks *to»e that e rirr saw Jktoyl i ~ Ikat stalvtoM wIM see*. aloMr.l MarredHtle lo a g*« d k«a« Golds, boro people, but It b a fhcl Jnsi the same, arcvrdlag l» Ike slale meat made yesterday hy Ike Me*. William th Hul-ler* local Methodist' minister. 1 ‘The nW«(M#waa lo u*nr. 1 tou *ays that he has after had any desire lo wllaess a motlng |W«'«nre, aniHbhtns with roashiri! title reluct a acr tkol hr accepted Manager II it let’s Inflation v«s- Icrffax to witness uu advance skt'ttliig of • Hnuian Wieckagr" at Ike Opera Haase. However, hr did accept, and hr saht nflcr he had aHnrssrd Ike ranvltistuli of ke picture that hr t*a* very much impressed. The minister does not hold tkal there Is no g««d In any plclures. hut he does think so many ioo. tie rent aud kardifnl pic litres nr skt.Wn *bai ikrre Is n pos.jhi'ily of moving pictures do‘ log wore harm Ikun good. How ever, he did not tnl*r Ibat view of •he ared net lon ke wlf mowed y«w. lerdny. *e Drt fro people In ’Aloldsbor' bad nny Idea thnt ‘kerr was n iilgre who shad never n Motion alclnrv of Ay kind. POLITICAL ASPECT - me fumce • ' -r— „ * A Hit'll : Rorc«B Will No* Take 1 Sides to Any ( onfilet Which May Artoe jroi.lTlCAl. Ai? Phi r lßy the Assoclatod Prese t «. Purls. Krtutcc. dept. 2ft. The pollt- I leal situation In Germany as an nr*; |icrmuth of the doclston to übauilon passive resistance In th* llulir Is be ing watched by Uie Krnni h gnrern ment with name anxiety. Should serious rilsturbanctt* of an* j 'sort arts*' iu the reyit of Oennauy. 'they would ntrmt certainly vtave the result of Incraastan the nit Other jd Htiln< l.uders doalring to anaure con !tilluntlon of tcanqutlHi by sopafa tlon The Aillod teoupn. 4 Is 'hfhteil In official "t in too. wilt Ml hr allowed to luke aides tn any .ronffW-t us In the ahaencc of any other tuitUai y forego, rdoponslbility main Upon them (or maintaining order to the occupied territory. There Is gisMt reason for this run iciwsiun thnt the Kesach nttrlhote Ut ile iniportanc* to tha Saptrsiid-- but they will not tnlerven* to prevent the Inhublanta from taking, unv step* the* See lit provided order tnint dl*-„ t u rliiNl The hothosts is that the liuhr. freed from thw restrictive derrem of .she Berlin government. will repeat the- promt**? made after the liefTln nlug of the occupation and will pav the coal t«x demanded )<y the wen. potion authorities and will hr willing to cooperate '!, „ ■ VARBOROU9H TIL ISBINGCLOSE <1 * pinron FioKKinir Cane Will Prob* I it lily (!«4®Th« Jury Early Tonight - - y 0 (By the Associated Press ) .M u on. Ga , B'pt 2ft Taking of leatlmony In the egae of iir. C. A ' Yarborough, charged with riid'lug connection with the whipping of u 6 Harnett proceeded <,so rapidly to day that the Stub''ran nut'of witness > c« and disked for tt”recess until to morrow morning Attorney* ig ft e r adjournment stated that they expected I the mse to reach the jury by nimn urul that It' 1 was poasalble arguments would bn court titl'd and the jury atnrt conableration of tin Case by night Tb.- Stall* rested Its case shortly aftci the iiuirt s «*ouvened following the mam recess The d*fen»e then lagan to offer character witnesses In un effort to impeach the Slat* a 'vi dance The Hist* dwllgeif to exam ine any of the defenses character w Musses. .1 OXHtKH Ml It MIT OPPhH Oxford, Kept 2f>- Wtht several huu ilred larmera attending the Oxford tobaecomarket opened today. live warehouse* receiving about .IZft.npilO pounrla up to noon, according In re ports of warehouseman Prices wen ( declared “aatlafactory'' b) Ul* grow, ers thouab the warehousemen wtrei nil a hie to aniMiunce average prices iti. uuallty of the leaf waa reported to be good Tln< cooperative market will open* October 9. i tIM COUNCIL j OF THE BOV SCOUTS i WtSENTEO CFBBTER Flans Outlined (or Making j Break Campaign in Dtolrirt i , During >ear f “ —. \ OFFER FOR FREE CAMP MADE BY SMITtIIELD u * ■ ... Boy Scout stork in the Tusotooru district. Which cmliruccs the rountivs of tVsyn*. I.eaolr. Johnston. Graftn# and Duplin rose- ulmut bft t»er tent here yesterday aftcriuwvn wheu the district executive committee, consists' ing of leading dtigen* of G<ddsl>oro. Klnxun and Hmtthflsld, met here, re ceived the (barter from the National Representative, outlined plans for or ganising u number of. new scout troop* in both Kinston and Golds born any! the creutton of such troops In Smithtlrld. pignned for u summer camp of'the Hcouts and lu other W ays mapped out u progressive program to he carried to a conclusion daring the years of 15*23 and 1!*24 Has a Keteiallan. Yesterdays meeting wits an actual) revelation to Interested persons from n standpoint of the amount of tnterent the responsible business men of Kin gston unit Goldsboro were willing to 1 1ake In “Boldmii Kurnextnews and I sincerity marked all the discussions | heard during yeaterday'a meeting and .that the fjhlitora o? the towns men tioned «rr‘dgt*rniln»d to do everything jin tiietr i«»wer for th*> yontli of t|m I community demonstrated. Ileglnnliig at ft o’clock yesterday afternoon, the session continued for -two houra at the Keanon ho tel and was tilled throughout Willi In teresting features. • HmR htle Id's Supimrt. 11. O Hunter, regional sropt execu tive and W. W. Rivera, disijict acout executive, were in attendant'* peeler dap nMurnoiyn lo meet with the coun t'll. John L, Borden, tbv preoideui M ■ the* cnurlcjl. presided over the meetlffk while Ah' Rivera acted as secretary- 1 1‘row 1 want cltlgens from this city and Kluxton were in attendance and a -message of regret that It wag Impos- I slide for any on* of. them-to attend w«s sent hy- the eillvus of HmitbArid. ,bW a the samw time they assured the e«S3rcil that the best wishes of Blilllh field are behind the movement and 'that the peoplr of that town aland? ready aj>d willing to do thetr full' 'share to putting over t|i« present movcn#>nt. Th* statement I* made .that tin. people of Smlthfteld are very anxious to get the work underway jl'l their tow ns ami to get some Scout ! I oops organised there at the earliest possible moment Mr Hunter Heard. After President Borden had •b» meeting to order yesterday, he In-' i induced to., tin- coiinict Director Hun-. t-‘r. who talked moat Interestingly 'That gentleman outlined Just what the Miiim ll should first attempt to do ( an<f stressed that tn hi* opinion among the most Important labors to, be un dertaken should la* considered that ts-f establishing a spstem «»f training schools for Scout Mugers lie thinks that this school embrace a training tx-rlod of eight weeks, and that theta should then be held month ly < onference* of all these Send! eg* ccutlvos. In order that each of them rnoy learn wlist the others ar* doing •ml thereby gain considerable bene I'ftt He also mentioned the fact that the Boy Scout odfesnlgatlon can be of Inestimable benefit in the matter of community service, bill at the same Inic warned that certain force* ar* always seeking to use th' Boy Scouts their own aelflsh end* and there fore advised that aurh plains be very • loacly arriMUlnxed before tjn- <xeru five council give* Ms format appro*- ,hl' to the various and sundry -catch penny arhemea. Mr Hunter then rec ommended the appolmmrnt of the following commit ice chairmen; Troop Organisation. Finance. t’mle of Honor | and- la'.ulershlp A loiiml table ills cusslon eiMMted over this ypoint Wh ,the final decision being to the effcci ithat President Borden should be etn 11 ioW"red In niimti these chairmen fol Ilia three town* and that the chair plan would be allowed to se|ei t Ill'll own assistant* President |lori|e U r|»er named llnue Modgiovj-fur Kinston, P VAn ilkip. f.»r Giildsbnro and i' Young for Mmlthfl»ld I harder l’rw«ruled. following this a ppoini'ine ni Mi Hflliter In a few well chosen word present'd the Founcll • hartci to th council Me read the i bailer whW Is {sailed to Tuaearoia t‘oil net I un< embraces tile towns, cities and conn Has named and expressed the hoo that work far more valuable than cc now be anticipated will tie dope ti itb* - organisation Reply to the goi. wishes expressed by Mr Hun'' , tPrcaidem Borden pledged his nw efforts Niu| the efforts of those sist elated titli him In the undeyinkln to furtlc rlng the raoae In this roll j irnatlptiwd on paap fonr.J OKLAHOMA CITIZENS OFFER SERVICES TO A ID NA TIONAL GUARD More Than 35,000 Have Volunteered Says State ment IsHued by Governor Walton—Amnml hi > Sounded to Ptenident t oolidge o • ” -n ■ I OKLAHOMA (ITY. Sept. 25.1 (By the AHhociated- Preas.) —J A general order Untied -by At| jjifant General Markham for bidding the convening tomor row of the lower hou.se of Hie Oklahoma State Legislature was served here lute today by members gathering in anticipH lion of £he session. As the order was served, each member asked if he k’as being served as an individual or ag h member of the legislative. Upon* being told that their ser vices wrs in their , capacity us legislator* Each asked the name of Major J. J. McCartney, j in charges qf the service detail.! gnd then took the names of wit- [ nesses to the service. This was regarded as indicating that j the way was being paved for a court test the au thority of the Adjutant Gene-! ral. Copies of the order were pasted on the Senate an\l House doors. \ 1 •- 1 \ T \ \ , Mage Relate itot \ Despite tlie IstutynOe of the urttor Jh(> oplniun gained sruUmi Unit the stage Is being art (or p>a HR-1 tempt tomorrow to convent the • t~ , ISIS REQUISITION ! ' TO# Mil MEN, ' a South Carolina Would Have 3 Harrell a Returned There For Trial * «»«» * (Qy flu Assoeietvwt Fresa.t I f'oluntbis. B. C.. Hept. Ik -Cover- j nor Thomas 0 ild<*od late today sn- 1 noticed his decision to request Qov*l aroor t'llfford Walker «*f Georgia tn \ grant ffxtradition papers .. for Krank Barrett, Julluji Barrett and Thomas ; Barrett. Jr. iriciiilteha of the defunct j Augusta cotton firm of Barrett and,, Company The defendants named are |WanAd In Aiken, d , charged with j obtaining money under false pre 1 tenses * j j The warrant for the arrest of the | ► three Barretts was sworn out In • Aiken younly ou August It. by < harlef j ,1/W'rand, charging that they defraud- | ed l.ybrand out of *13.007 by repra- | sent log that- the Barrett firm coald i I handle Ills cotton mor*- profitably I (than any oher company, although they knew that the company was In | solvent. , The warrant was Issued "3&" 'Anglial 1 II and a hearing was. held liefore I Governor Md.cod on Aug 70 KSTKKH Mill. MiIIRIIV i ... _ f Units Mayo lett Monday night for Annapolis in enter the naval cailepiy • at that place. • THE OLDEST CITIZEN IN * “~ WA YNE COUNTY IS DEAD ' 4. ; John A. Jordan Passeg Away at HU Home In Grantham Townnhip at The Age of 110 Yea** e —Wat* Too Old to Fight During the War Be tween the Staten —Had Been 111 Only AtMMtf i- ( j One Month h ax 1 John A years of age 1 beyond dispute the oldest eltlsen In’t •r vVg\ne eminty. died at hi* home In., Ir [Grantham township yesterday after , n iiitoix follow ing o llug-rlng lllneaa of ..lioiit uni >'ar Svlffle Mt Jordan , had lieen In ileilliilng health for a • Oil side rail le period of time, his laat lllllea* Was of only one month'* dltra , i tlon having l***n forced to take to 1., tils tied only about 3« days ugo Prior 1( , t v that lime h* enjoyed all *»f Ufa -ti !faculties. Was always glad to see his friend* and earrtml on Interest jag n ji onveraatiuns with tiiem- Hi* ay*> Iglit did not begin to fall him until cijhe was forced to taka io Ilia bul ~-j Mr. Jordan was horn In the same I section In which be died and had , been known for jhe entire of I life a* one of the enunty'a moat o-'tiptight men He formerly look an active Interest In all public affair* H, ami gave llbetally of hi* time to claim* made upon It by the nun Hill inity Io which he ftv’ed. » , .... , , a, ' "■ '■*' —■——ff— tog. UVMttfUl gkli* V Os Jto t j ASSCKTATEn PR WBF f ■ i PRICE FIVE C«m * o » ♦ .•> , jtiaoKllnary >«s«iuu at which the gg i ponvnts of Governor J. t*. Waltou pi bin seek bis liwpgntkyal I*resident t uolidge sad ftßcrxei General Daugherty wer* appealed lo tonight Tty Governor Waitpn to na* their good olflc«s to pr«vwat the memherx of the lotwor Honse of the Dklslioms "legislature from i-anv«a- Ing lu agy Kederal buiMlag la the stale " . ' * Thtrly-Hve tliousunil aieu in the Stale havp volunteerod to aaatot the Oklahoma National* Guard to Ike to-, gisiatlve tfriais. Gov#raor )V>itoa an nounced tonight The ChM top* live made li plaiu. however, that he * anticipated no neoeanit) for enHtog upon the volunteer* for active d*»t' AnotheY National Guard unit will lie ttroughi here early tomorrow _ 1 inornlug to aid the tumps nlraoffy fetntloned here In an effort to block ' the session of the laglslnlare a* ; atsin s* - Hpcsuse 11 of military ceoaonMp. Governor Walton declined to MT what unit has hoen galled cel lor » duty tomorrow , lii-eaeaf* Report* l> The Etxeeutlve wade tight of ttto report ihet there- woold toe totpaffsltod .* and violence when Ike lofftstolwa attampu lo meet tomorrow. . "Why. I could take e enp pktel end 'll l\c all those fellows into Rffff Jllver.'' *otd the Governor JoculMir. | “I don’t think (here will hR tfel | least violence." he added. t < ■ snow aJteli li STOCK EXCUSE 3 TIGHT ITS CHIU r AJI ’“ C 5 f f K»i RcprcttcnUlivM ilfyjNtaf Art Tirpd of Un.#(K tlnual Abßoc )k : I .(By !*i* aWoc*»tcd Taeas AUagtlc *»My, N J, fle*g (fiHt s.-» York Stock TUchnngt HlMSfta ,to fight Its critics publicly ’content lta«lf with mqre aptdfipfi through Its legal repreaeJßMb* Heynnnir U CromwreH. prealdanßtWP • xebaage declared her* sddteas prepared for deliverylCpiSß 'the Clearing House Hadlon ■BK American Bankers' AaaoclntlnC| ' ! "We ara tlrad of the abtwn S||pi which am da|ly hurled at waMi. < hangs.".be said, "and while f* '<# not Intend to redprieiMe In hM.4Op do Intend that every Item of lal»r mat lon In our poaaesaios whteh AMH enlighten the public coucornfpf »h* men who ere attacking uq, aMPuorn Ing thatr metbodA their pqrpoaea. th«lr records and their subjoda. shall be given to the public. "If an officeholder stops |a«c enough at the Grapd t'eptral station to call up the president of the eg- 1 ' change and tell Motsthat b» wants a certain tblbg dona forWjpa vaa, qob* trary .la tbe rules of the egchaatfo. and Dial he wants an agswer In iS inluutea b«cauae Ills train Ibavoo too AH>uny, where be la going tot look ’ | "i ' (i ontinued on page thrwo.l * While It la a remarkable atatnMat In make. R la aoaerled that Mr Jffff* dan waa tiMi old lor act!** sanrtoe during the Bar Between the MllM 'and aceordlnaljr n«vef aaw »*M*e nervier in Uie tog federal* army ffw ing Hint tneutorable conllk't Mr. Jordan had live children, hat All tbeae preceded him to Mia graea with the exeepilou of A- G J organ, th' sole surviving son. who boa wr self attained a ripe old age. Tha ff* ceased was a grandfatht|r of Mr*, ff I Thorn too of Goldahoro Funeral aervbea are to take plane at the late home thl* aftenWM. tk* hour not havlnd haeg deftmtlely teod laat night, and Interment will W*- dlaUtly follow in the Jordon fonalty cemetery In Grantham towaafcfp It la probable that a number of people from Goldsboro, friend* and AUHvei ’ of the bereaved family, wU| go Io .Grantham G|la afternoon Vo ha phwa ''a* ;ent for the aervlrwa. ■ i.■

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