WEATHER I«hNM, «M* t|b*«m Tkir>4*j aatf Mitjt Nnrth " 1 mi MBWO; NUMBER 178 . finul PrarkuMtiMi Seta Date . la Narik Caratou Far Oct Bth aa4 Ilth CONBERVE RESOURCE* BY PREVENTING FIRES ~7] -OPVthe Associated Pr*s» I | Ritja Me pi 34 —Hollow-tug (be proclamation by Governor t'amrron Mgrrlsnn last weekfi calling on the pwpl« us Nartb Carolina to übaervr T—day. October *. anniversary of itin iriajT rkl ain Ire of 1171. In which la jpkn.oni low their live* aud 17.- W tmlldlngH a ere destroyed at a Joss of VMfJHHt. aa Fire Provaa tioa Day. Mate Insaraace Comiul*- aloner Htacye Wade today announced some lute retd lug statistics concerning Ire losses. .Mr Wade hnc ssknd that not only tie day of October », but the week of October 1-13. aa well, be set aside Jbr id anti-fire preveatton campaign "Tile object of Fire Preveatton Week." ke eatd. “Ih to linpreea upon tile community at large the necessity of conserving Ibe resources or the na tion by preventing Ire* The cam paign Is national la scope, aud It Is hoped, wjll be the mesn.i whoreb) permanent Ire prevention campaigns Will be tnaugrurated In all municipal ities." Tbe follow lug statistics coucenlng losses were given by Mr. Wade: *■ "The sat tonal eras >S?I.B6(UWn. an a mount./equal to tfct’total coat of the Panama rawtl This represents an average per capita loss of M 71*' wblcb la a figure great er than ever recorded previously— including IkM. the year of tbe dan Francisco eophagratlon 1 North Carolina’s per capita loss ol 12.43, or half tbe national averages la a tlihplc to uur efforts (g Ire preven tion, but II lb atill nearly four times gcgaler than tbe per ecaplta toes ta great Britain. “Tbe total agaaetary Ums, including thh Art ml. coet of Arp protebtlon ( loss of business due to Are. etc., ti over annually. "Tbere were 1,505 Arss In 1922.' causing n loss of over 110.000 each, aa i co tape red wllk I.HH In 1921 and •*.- 457 in 1920 There were 13 lo the 'million dellar or ebove' class—an arupgc of almost one each week i average pur capita Arc loss greater then the per capita loas In | Csflft-j. Wblcb-U a redvicthm Ironi pre- | ilotis* figures. In France, Germany and Italy lossca arc still lower Home reasons for our high loss figures are trßdtJJonhl natural carelessness, poor er conatroctton *ad lack of person'll liability, under the law. for uegll fence In causing Area. 'i "Fife .losses In cltlos over 20.000 population where chambers of com marce have permanent fire prevention | eofpmlteeex averaged 13-27 per capita as compared wtfh the nation al average or 14.75 * ["Fire:! hill tfi.OOO o( our cltlseu. an- caccordlng to. the National rd of Fire Underwriter*." ./> RESENT PETITION 11 CLERK MUTTER o 4 * Judge Koblniton HoMs C onfer- WHh Thlrtl AnnlHtant CoHtntaoCer Judge W H O B ioblaaon. proml* ) neat members of the Gohlsboro bar . who in In Washington' on business , pstterday held n coni*reave with the [Third Assistant Postmaster Gco-ml of the tinted Htatss retail'* to thi local station Judge llolusoo carried with him to Washington a |»etltlon drawn by the GoVd-boro Chamber of Commerce «mV very generally signed by the biislii'- Int*reals of ihe rlly. The petition bore a auiner of names of TMtdln: irm of the cMy sad l« Is W* ‘h* it will have sotuv effect In Waahlap ton It Is hoped that carl) and fa' orable action will be taken In tin •alter Df- following ta a copy of ‘lie |»- All. Js “W«, representing ‘the business In (ere-.ta of Goldsboro, believing that the Post Office Department It at all t)mta ready to give the public th< gysint efficient • service poolbb re request the re-eatabll-h --lh« transfer clerk st fir Hater Station and that the letter l»v be reinstalled This Jkjs Is probably worth wore to the bnstovss interest* •r r-old: oro than all of the other sire* I letter boxes combined The mails In this box are djstrtbutsd by Ih* trans fer dark and placed on the proper trains for dispatch' TW* tfudmtlrj* uance of this office has worked ‘a hardship on lh» Uhlg*#4 Interests of If and travdltHg public al i THE GOLDSBORO NEWS GERMANY’S TROUBLES ARE JUST BEGINNING ASSERTS ONE LEADER GAEEKSPOKESMAN 'I HEARD IN PROTEST Hays His Countrymen Hid Not AitMuibinatc Member* of The Italian Commiatfion (By The Associated Press.* C.eneyf. Kept 24.—-Nicholas Folltls. 1 representative of Greece on tbe Inter- [ Allied Commission. today made pro test against tbe decision to compel Greece t 6 pay to Italy 50.0(H),000 lira In connection with tbe assassination , of the Italian members of the Gre-1 co-Albanian Boundary Commission , M Folltls declared (hat if the Council of Ambassadors had official ly decided lo award the money, de posited by Greece as security (or In demnity, It would be an act of out rageous Injustice by areat countries j against a little country He liislated that the Inquiry Into Ihe killing of the Italian-) hud uol been finished and declared that the Greeks have evtdenc that Albanian uiithorltis were rsponslbl. v Faria, slept 3fi. The Greco-llallan affair was brought to a close so far j as Ihe Intcr-Allted t'mincll of Am-! buHsadors Ik concerned when that I bod) decided the 50.(100.00 lire de-! ,|KM,ited bWj Greece In tljy Bank of Hwltserlauu ss security for Indemnity! should he paid over to Italy. BIBT smilf SCORES BIG SUCCESS UEUE Four. Prig* Winner* are Select-; ed anti JjtUe Folks had an Enjoyable OuUng While the well known and more or j less highly esUemed Wcniliar Man j appeared to be determined that he | | would not allow a Baby Show- to I>* 1 • held in Goldsboro, the show dbl take place here afternoon and j uotwlthstabdlnx the efforts put forth by Jupiter Pluvlus anil his cohorts , the event wa* * success from start !(■? llnlsh and t|ie promoters of iff*- '►bow feel very much encoorased |While the checking of receipts bus not yet been completed. It Is regarded H , probable thut the money, derived from the show will !»• more than sufficient' to defray all the expens* Incurred in connection ’with tin - event. i The baby show bail been advertised j to take place'aeeral days ago. but In* icbniL-nt weather prevented anil ruin I fell for a portion of the time- whlli the show was In progress yesterday bnt this did not serve to duiopen the j ardor and enthusiasm of those In ut j tendance The following prW award were ninde: First .hahy, Mildred Borden I. eonih and brush set; second-ha* by George Waters. Jr., llnsur toy; and fourth babies, Mary Ixmlse Hcliwelkert and H-irsh Kllxabetli tills •out. large kindergarten balls While then* were only IS Its bp entered In the contest, the comtietitlon -|Wa* very spirited and there a«* much J friendly rivalry evinced on the parti of friiWds of all the tots , P The attandan)" left nothing In ' desired and the little folks present jenjoypd to the fullest extent the vsh pond, the refreshments and the other j features of the wft«rn<sMi 'lt »«< '•We ol the loveliest sights I ever'saw arnl I don't know bpw I ran add any thing to that” suiidoni of the holler .rci-ponnlhle for tbs’show lirlnp slag h 're. aflci the, event had come I) • a close Cotton Sales Brisk On Market Yesterday l>mg strings of w-acons.- each load' etl with two or more bales of cotton, were to be seen i*.tt-dfi-'l In varioil rcrlloßa of Goldsboro yi-sU-nlu) and - ba nl cotton buyer* report that there »»*, unusual activity on Ihe local market during the day The prevail i itlg JVlr e offered for tile fl> ecv slanle w*s 27 l-l ent:- |s-r pound. Imt-eonn* who brought cotton to the city chose lo rviuin home with It rather I bun to market It nf-that , price One Killed; 7 Hurt i In Auto Accident i Records In the office of the Register r | of la-ed* of Wayne county for vaaUr ijav show, tjjsn- was only otic i lU*jil»s Issued during thr r day. jhat d?lpg tu Newton F .Farlow I of *mii S 11, Mourn of I|rog(lsn township golUßßoro, n. Thursday morning, heitemiikr 27. m:» _ ■ . '’ - »•' * ' ’ . •- - > Berlin Editors are Told !■ That Germany Con templates The Imme diate Future With Profound Skepticism And Does Not Expect Day of Happiness (II) the Annueluted l’reet ) IPrllu. Hept- 24—-Germany's for |djin troubles are just about to coin inence and the time to speak of cap itulation h.'« not Just exactly arrhod for the Htate of the llhur ami tlm Itlitttf land was the conclusion readi ed today. ' TliKll* the gist of Ihc'iCandld state ni'it by a government leader to n private audience of the' Berlin edi tors who were frankly told that the government contemplates ihe Imme diate future with profound skeptj clsin If not pessimism and that It hi not deluding itself Into the belie' that daylight and freedom await Ger many, now that ahf- has abandoned Iher plan f passive resistance "Our trophies are only Just begin ning and we bwve yet to |e-*>» • , Entente attitude toward our abandon jnieut of passive resistance and wbeth jer the occupying powers -aye deslr ions of cooperating with us In the task of restoring order." asserted tli<- | speaker. I V T . ' * BM I AMF VAttTIAL I,AM i I'arla, France, Hept 2th -Matrlal law has Istnn proclaimed In Iluvarla. ac cording to late advices front Burliii and former Premier Von Kalir has betyu appointed Oeneral l ommlhtlon rr of Htate, ! (BOSON sum* ISKLOUm I iJttHlirr Clark Render)* Opinion In Sunrreat l-umber Case Be fore Court ißy The Associated I'jens l liabffah, Hept 2(1 Affirming a judgmcnrimposing* a fine of tblH) upmi (he Huncrest Lumber t'ompany 6t Haywood county, the Hupreme Court l 111 an opinion wrlllcn>,by Chief Jus-j (Ice Waller Clark registered approv- ! al of laws (irnhlbltlng labor on Hun- { da), his approval being based upon e* oiioiiil) * ruther than religious, grounds The lumber company had I begn fined (or operating a train on I Sunday The opinion rendered t») Juatlce (Clark aaaerted .the legislature could j not pu-s sudk pndillduo > law upon, religious troutidth tills line with previous decisions a but that It did liafc amkji power on uronomte grounds. Justice Clark reviewed the history of luboi In the Htate In rendering his declalon 'MW DIM IT ' I - EIIB IS FEIIBBE ’ I ! Htufc ( nnvHMM Tents Will Houne Kxhihitrt of The Goldsboro Cnr I»ea1t r r?* | At a meeting of the lm al- autumn ( | hllr dealers held In the off In- 'hf the (secretary of the Wayne t'nuntv Fair last night, arrangements were made tor an alirui'tlvr alltomohlle exhibit I A -large walei proof lent roveGn*’ •.tto Mjuari* feet will )'i f-cured anil Hie Imal aUtouioblle dealers will <||v pluy IheW winter. models attractively, during tin- enmity fair Tills promise In be one of Ihe greatest attraction-' ol tu* ralt ami thi pro pii-iivi hi turners of each of the dealers will hr Invited to visit this display Smallpox Given School Tots i j The county department of lisalili 1 has been swamped fur the past few 1 weeks by school children who desired to seenrl vacrlnation against smuil pox. u<cording fir st»|eluents iusd-* yesterday by officials connected with the department Tlie North Carolina law prescribes that all i hlMren. be , : lnr«- they tag attend Ihe t-uhllr. -*<:bnl*. * <rf this Htafe, must In-ar » satisfac tory twcclngilou scstr or mu-t vhlh r ,It a cerllftcsTe lo prtove that they ha-- c ■ bwen vaccinalsd » It I* stated that I here sr* » few •icasns of sfnallpoix In various seitlons > nf Wayne eminty at present, not in stiph-ieot numbers tu iscn«l«B •‘HV alarm. j.. : RESTRIid GROWERS I ! IN TOSIKCO CISES bt coinrs oooEir Kikrd in Office of Clerk of Court i For Wayne County Here Yenterday WILL KE HEARD AT SMITH FIELD (MT 4 Restraining order* In iwn eases trough hy the Grower* Co operative Marketing Assis latloo were recelxud In Goldsboru yesterday anil ( tiled In tli ,‘-offices of the Clerk of Court for Wayn* county. The two orders w*re secured' (rum Judge F. 1 A Ituniel. sitting at Hmitblivld. and ( were Issued upon motion of Teague and l*eas, attorneys for t|y»- pU|ntlffn The actions are brought against W II tilbsdn and David Adaiug, as sep arate actions, and a hearing of the 1 two case* has been get to Ire held qt 1 Hmlthtteld on (X-to tier 1 before Judge i Daniel* . sh ( The actions brought by tin* tissm la- , tlou ure for (he-purpose of seeking i to prevent the two defendants above J| named from disposing of their totmevo ( crop outside the regular rhanm Is of j the cooperative assoclutloiv and In ‘ thr restraining order. Juilgv Danb-ls |. direct# that each defendant post as ( lamtl of 1200 In **rder to prevent th* two detendaats above named lidm dis posing of llielr tobacro < r<ip mitsldi the regqlar channels of the coppers- |' live ass«M-lution and In the restraining ! { order. Judge Daniels directs that each I defendant post a* bond of I'Am In or-j iler to prevent the sale prior to the j hearing In Hmlthfleld on October I, ■ The restraining order may he made a i permanent one at that tlm*. OiIEDIPOn ' IN THS CnUNTY NOW Only Sixtnidi* Ca«m, However, And There In no Ground For Akira While Mierc are a (§4k»«i many ease* | of dtptheria In both city •no count) j Just at present, partlcularl* among thr smaller >i hil'tCan of the city and county, these «asm* are lurgcjt of » Sporadic nature nnd thoni • nothing approaching an epidemic" I Hucb was the -Utsment made by uonnty health ofTlcMs ynstvrdsy In | dlsciiaaldg general health condition' : (prevailing over the county at present: (It Is assertol that within tjie past few [days a number of Own of anti-toxin diate been administered to •M-hj'ol i III!- , Jdren and others as a preventive and It Is believed that t|i<- Use of this rum will do quite a bit to prevent the j further sprrad of tip. disease In till cßy and section The serum- is f j Ills lied of charge by Die North j ,( sriilliiH Htate |t<-ard of H<uilth anil I there Is no charge made for admin Isterlng It.' o. - *—• - Display Pictures Os Auto Special tjiilclt work -mi the part of lb* b« u| liliotogrsphrr nngaged for that work ahil unite excellent work I* vrn* *,» • Ihe »ay resulted In the Goldsboro t ham her of Commerce being tU>!« to .display very proininenlly In front o jthe (JbamlH-r of Commerce biiilijlng 'here yesterday nUrncllve pbotogran*- (of the unloading here of the solid train load of Biilck antopiolles V ill toils view- we,.. furnished mil , show *d the work as It progressed and j tlie pii-tures. 'excited considerable in , ter, si during the day-on, the pur* ~f.' i |>HSSers-bIS \ RclH*kah Observes Its Anniversary I V)oita-r* Os tlo- Keliekah brain h | of tl-eln dependent flrd'i of (1,1,1 |,|- I' I 1 t .*• t■ I I ' lion t, ,I, or - r A, >i. 1 v Intel. ■»(. ,| j •).< He«\ii l Aniil'ei-grv , , |,.i. , 'lon willcli l« t-. In belli |,y Holm I* ''• kuli I i>ijg. tomorros si ihe I <> D- * bull Music for tlo- is-, .i'lii.'i |- i to be furnl-heil bv the elilldnn 1 from tlie Orphans'- llojm and pri-M-nl Imllesltons ar< that there will jbe .i large attendance for tonight's j exercise*. I Mount Olive Firm If Given Gh^irter ,9- The Mount (Hive Hr* ItoodH Com I 1 1'any »*f Mourn Olive ha* gtiir- | •|teeed by the He* retary of (Rata ~( i North C.irollna armed tup |„ da an ; Bounce(iirnt mi*d' vegterday Thi new company Is eaiiltallxed at tlo.'HH* with the sum of 15.5**0 aubsyrlbed hy H ft ! i|f!n>adhiirst. II M«rquetl*. arid other* ,-n'd ns |l» name Indclalex. will deal I In dry good# and general merphan 'disc 'I.- - -.. ,2. ms*.:j! ■ ■ OKLAHOMA SOLONS 11 iiRINGSIJIT AGAINST 1 GOV. AND GUARDS l Ad(fi(ional Counties In State Are to Be Placed , Under Martial To day Says Official Com munication From The Chief Executive Illy the Associated I'ress.i ! Oklahoma i'll,-, Okla .-H< pt '.'*• C (Floated hy the result ol 'ho llf)l oklriulsh with the nulltar) force*, julßfrbars of the Ixiwer House ot ill- Oklahoms i*vglalatur« prepared to- In'ghl for their next move In their at t* i.pi to meet to couslder the offb ials acts of Governor J C. Mniton- » I Despite the fact that (hey ware dla |e rsffl whru they met at noon In the chamber at the rupltal. tin- medio* r cantend that the house lormull) ebu v«ned und Is In eesalon now. awaiting the pleasure o) the presidium officer A atalnuent by R«i»r»*vntßtlvc Me Bee. a leader In the assmebly move llienl, ileelarvd that tbe pr<M'))'(lfhg* ((instiltiled a meeting of the House notwithstanding Its Interruption h> [troops uetlng under tin - ttovginorV order* Representative Mcßee made u state uient jiublle whl(?ii he deelurtd to the Journal of the House It detailed the brl*f action wlibi .terminated In Ihe clearance ol tin [capital corridors by military forces Prevented from meeting and eau [cussing House members tonight pin nrd- their hope for prolrrtlon against I Ihe military authorities upon legs* action to la- taken b/ the legal com . inttlee. That (lure will be no Immedluli attempt to ase< uitlle again in dcllanei Jol martial law regulations «u (hi . promise'' mad* lute today to .Vtljnlan* General H H Markham Ohserygrt predicted that the aolons would await a cour ruling before assaying i.u «Hi •■er assembly. I Hepres«nt«il|v% lilnaey. ehulrninn ol the legal eommltlae of tlie Hue jsiiid tonight that the court proceeding* [couldn't ''get underway before morning : lie refuse(( to Imlieate what form tlir legal action might take and would vci (tv wlirlhei It would lie brought le the Htafi' Hupreme t'ourt or In the t•’•■(lerMl court -here I* Is expected, however, th'it all .1 junction may-be sought ugalnst (l >v [ernor Walton with the pos>dlii'L.\ tliul thr National Hoard officer* to ) he made parties to the suit- " Attorney General Hliort, who will' i ppoae the action In Iwh.ilf of the ( Htate. told newspaper, men that »*•- eral types of legal actions mlkht ’o-j tiled- He added that he lUd nqt kn -w iwliat lo exia-et. The ngture of '**. I proceeding#, he said, would il*ienuln • the plure of tiling. i I O.VrV 'AM Fb MIIII II' Oklahouiu City.. Okla, Hept 24 Hl-ld martial lug,' will he linked In another Oklahoma county tomorrow The name of tliq,county was not mud public by the Chief Executive but lo <ald that a delegation beaded by Ahe mayor of one city bad culled upon 'him for military protection Governor WaMon declined to elab crate lurlher upon the unnouneeni'nl Oklahoma City, Tulsa and t',«*!« county ar* now under absolute mar 'bit law ulGiough troop« have neve, occupied Creek county I llrttKMT H> F I 'Mn Okluhmna ('Hy. Okla, Hept Jg, [« umpbell Russell former chairman of the State Corporation I ommission '**>• *be b|lt(,f tedltleal enemy of I Governor J C. Malton was arrested this afternoon hy the (ioveinor's (tv Ilian o,erstlv.« Itilss-lT wa- taken to oillltarv licadqusFters and lale r to j M || * . rowd ol s* ei al .hundred personx fol |ow(,| Hie nffiitrs alol Russnll |( . was officially eharged with disorderly UniiiJoti and attempt to Inciie riot lb had been ills! (Uniting pamph let* attacking Governor «niton when ! tl tested (lOldslioiM Siirt* To Answer (’all (Johlshoro has had 111 lute ve H r* a g(ssl limn) drives and -lo has al ways IS*ponded lll»srally t„ .very 1 «•*•”>*(• I'lilk is why hi * will rs-| Visitol generously In an i Hurt to cure t|||. location of tile above Idsll I ..tlHsn | Who Will question Itr Goldsboro Is the la's I town 111 Hie stall 'flute' and tine again *h*' has measured tip ! to her reputation, and *l,< will do so [ again in thi* drive. When the cam i Ipnlgn Is endwd (Jolilstipro will Ip. I proud nf her hi rompllsliim t|t tvith a long push, a strong push j and a push all together we will have I Ihe orphanage here In a little white ' OFFER i WITNESS IN WARD'S DEFENSE • • ' (wte of Defendant Charged With Murder of ('larenee Peters Ih Heard ill) Tb*) Associated Whl** I*llllllll. Kept- 2S Thl cose of A Wind »u pleaded h«- furc a jury In the bint* Supreme (omi today without » single witness hxviug been called in defense to thv iliumc tlent lie murdered Clarence feltm 17 months ago. Thin tiny mark «ml tha third mtitrMlvt one In which the trial hue liven a series of sur prises. The prosccttllon had reatad Its rime East night after summoning only :t.’ of 72 wltn#**## »ho hail been nulled The defense »»» to have be gun railing w Unease* thla nityiilas )00 DOC SMI Til THE ClilTY FI Prison Are Offered In Mnny ClawteM for Approorhinu Wayne Ctt. Fair A new and novel feature will lie In ti odured at the Wayne County Fair lula year In the shape of a dog ahow to I* held In manertloh with th l fulr. arm rd in a to an announn'ment Hindi yesterday by the officials of Un fair. Details relative to the dog show ate contained In a special bulletin lasu'd by the Chamber of Commerce, which slates that all entries In th< dog ahow must be received prior to October 25 o Thv dog show wilt be In the hands rive next wteck slid then the ahow ft- Ofb competent Judaea and dog fancier* and a prlxe of $2 will tie awarded to Ih- dog taking Itrnl prlxe; while a prlx* of It will tie awarded to the other price winners owned by the smllr Individual A prlxe of II Is offered for the best mother and pups not under two months of age One rrqulK-ment ts that all owners lirve registration (wipers on tlu-lr dog except In the cases of beagles anil fox hounds Included In tht- classes to be recog tt.lxed at the show will be lloston Ter riers. Airedales. Collies, pointers, betters. IPagle Hounds <> and Fox 1 bounds. sceond and third ribbons will also lw awarded, hut no owner will be allowed to eater mure than This "is the first time that ihe dog ItVe dogs !u the show Another pro vision requires that all dogs Ih- placed upon display not later than N o'clock a. m . Wednesday, o< tolu-r .'II and that they must remain uo display Ihrmigli Thursday * * There ate hundreds of dog fatieler- In the city end county and the prob ability D .mini I the announcement of the dog show will rregti nil over th* conn) It Is < onltdenllyrire. dieted that there will l»- many «-n-i tries and will tye oa<- leaturr of the muntjr talr well worth seeing This I sthe first time that the dog show will create Interest all over the county fair well worth seeing, that there will be many entries ant) county fair well worh seeing ■» that this will t>« one feature of th' county fair wtfll worth seeing This Is the first time that the doc show features haa been Included In Ih- local county fair plans, and sos that reason It should excite an udus uut amount-of*bilerv*l i . Offer vSunplement Jo Premium List { Offering additional Inducements to jth.-rse already outlined In the regulai I count v fall pr«mulm list. official* of )the Wayne County F'atr have prepared I and yesterday plat ed In the hands of printers a supplementary f,ij| p n ., list end these premtinu Il ls will soon he dlstrlliute>| to the gelirral public of the city and county The added ipr«muim list will contain consider '•hit- tlelail which should l.e of Inter est to those who are planning to ex hibit at the lair and It Is hoped that alt these will endeavor to se-rufe * etipy ttf , the supplementary list when II comos from th« press A Hack Is Made On Prohibition Laws I Ih's'un. y,-pi 2ti The admlnlstra lUI.-d *f the k'edeial Pmhlttlol iew |v,g aliawk-0 by li-oeral Attorney I Urokipeyer at tshlntrUjp f» C, r*j»- ) resenting the National Assorts*ton of j :«c«all Drugglsls, )„ an atWrea* lie M ■ l!r--r*d here tonight MIOMUKK OF .1 ASSOCIATED I’KJBBH A - PRICE riv* CUNT? Will Hr Itrffun Wit Mil Nf it Ton Diiyn h,v County HeuW Drpnrtmrnl e IHHKASKI) '' | TO 1,088 LDftmONS , In flection of all thr calos gnd thig} | markets in tioldshoro. numb-rlhg | nbodt 25 all told, and physical exatul nation of all etuployrs conueclyd wtth such eatihltsbments will la- u«duvtafr <n hjr the Wavn<- Con my tHpartgggUt of Health Slime time within th* next 10 dare and will Ik brought to a con elusion as rapidly at pusslhtg, *«- cording .to, a statement true*! bbr* yesterday hv officials ot the health department The statement Is tusd that If nay employe of any such »mjtitlsbateft 'ln the city of Ooidaboru Is (upd U> tie suffering from all laft-i-tluni din cnee, the entploycrli of ijnit IndWlti vi«l wilt he required lo d 1 -nols* Win frion the st-rvlct for the IxTcgrfit of public protection It la potg'dl opt by Ireslth authorities that |g vested In the department w ***. lo require such action un 'he part 0t I employers and Ihe health WNctala say that It will lie rigidly nib* red to In this Instance. ' . . .. It Is also dvclxred that following * I the eonclosion of the Igspeettoo qf ! the cafe* sad moat mark els. aach cm jeern of this nature will he gtVen a rating and that lbase rating! «IN b* published l|P the praaa ta orffor tbo' the public of lha city may ang Jos' what the sanitary coodlUonai a«d -gUt nmndings are at each «siaills|Mi»Bt . of Ihls nature la lbs cjty ■ Health olfleerg aatlclpoh^'tpat *iht* 'utuvo will meet with some apyualtioo front some nf lha kuainoss mania of lha city, hot they a start tfcft it Is don* fur Hut guhllc's oind Mg that «Hlaltsbu<' ill* of IMs inAiUf|fK t.-ldshoro should not Ult«rMaa apF objection to ths laspeeilAo hal2 iiOMta bars. VC ~r ths >srt«m ' will be awjjgtsd W the -efly with ry aldaraMa lW»Nsj.. . W wm civil com IS ED II Ml Rraidcnt Judge WIN fttdjlr I Over TK# Two Woeko' Held Harr T Craparatlo'a* are golog no for gtff . to-v*t t<-rm of " ayne County 'court which will begin lirr' t4* i»d wt-eh In October " with Judgr'fF.* A* lianlels as Hie presiding off tear--(Hit 'every four year* the resident Jumpy remain at their home localities (pf a term, of court and lhl» I* the fourth ■ year t</? Judge liunb-lv - which pir mils hint to hold this Isrtu of 4a court at boms Thr approaching term will coUllpN* for a period of «wo’ wacbs und it Ir suit'd that the roster will hr fiinu i vatymuch congested The .County liar AssiM-lattun rvcrntly gfr amt dratted th<- calendar-and It Mil tie seen from that i-ujendar that lar- Hit told Ilf cases for trial It !Is aot probable that on*-bolt |U|r 'number will lie disposed of luring t)|r s pproaclilng session of the engirt m check m i_^ ! . STJITE NEEDS THU Thu I in OpiuHHt Held by <M£* huro Miiffiutcajeu and TV Hunlneuo Meu The uumher of had chack COM* cutnlng b«for« tSoldslairo city ■ rales appears lo he on Ibf lOOISIM* rather than on the decrease mi|pl hi- eTpccted, ssavre Magistral!* W, f Hrltt, one of lh<- local JutillOuf. A<?rprtllng to Magistrate Britt, this Is dtfc -In part to tbc fact that tfc« North t'aroltnh bad rhgc| low la ua fectlve in some txilntg and that ty tr at time* impossible u> secure coo4r lions of defendants on this cbofan. even when th< evidence I* very utmti and clear. Magistrate lirltt assarts that ttHb* should'be some terth | D the Carolina law and that If tfefg out||tl be done. th«re would be mors r*. gfft lor the law and Ihe avrroffe l0dlfl(|- mil would hesitate for ymte time bb fore be would give a check with th* 1 5E’bSJr.A’Ifa 1 , h li' y**' * 49 ifip UUUk to thF »|W IxinbtTdns fh< opinion of tho OuMk h<»ro thakistfatr will be s|MWYCJB Other maglatiaW* of 'kit aOj|Su^pit» nr* annoyed dally with *4lff N(H|||

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