V gUtpfgX The GoWsboro News To Issue Monster Publicity Edition ——————s ■■■ WEATHER hk la laUrUr sad hwUHi sr«**- >akl; raia «a (,'mil I rM«r * . r. VOLUME TWO; NUMBER 174 WAYNE COUNTY WOMAN COMMITS SUICIDE IN A FIT OF ABERRATION Rena Smith Ftria Bullet L* From Automate Pistol Through Her tteq|f ft Home in Death Resulting distantly Therefrom Kona Smith. well kn9wtf wo man (k the Fremont hoction of •fayue county, and said to be ■lout 86 years of age, ended Mar won liOytt hey hupm in that community yesterday morning when she fired a single shot from an automatic pistol thru ! her left breast the bullet pene- j trating the heart and death em suing instantly. The, woniaivj had expired before her relatives j could reach her and so far as is i known, never spoke after the i rash step was taken. Jfq liniMt HMf*wr) Jkc tuOyNk took plat*, la,tto" dlu tirgntem ut the lioum' about live o'clock ysstcrUsy morning and short - Ijr thereafter neighbors of th« Until) . notified lb* sheriff's office bare but I Sheriff AV. D. Oraot «u given Incur- 1 reef Information how to reach the acetic and wa* unable to locate the J houac Meanwhll*. Coroner T It Robin•'ori and Deputy Sheriff Rhode* , bad been notified and these two offl- , data want to Ibe act! no. viewed the body and tborougbly Investigated the ii.tppaulng. after which the County Cortaer determined that no Inqueat < waa accessary and accordingly fuao- ( ral aartriceH for the dead wotnan will be hrKUoday. 1 , 1 It la %k> that grueaom' *nt\ wag tha - third Itoe UpH lb* unfortunate , woman haa slewpUd to take her Wn Ilf* ft I* declared that aha onci jumped Into-«>-mail Jntla in «i effort to drown hernelf. but wait rfs cued before bar purpoae waa accoui- 1 pMsbed. and that later nhe *laahed < her throat wlfli a knife, but likewise * this time failed to kill kefscl Speke Ta Brother •( According to the he*t Information ! available yesterday'. Rena Smith *•» , making her home with b* r atater. | Bert Wllklua. and brother. Braxton | Smith At nbout 3 o'clock yesterday morning Braxton Bruil.h left home to ( haul a load of cotton Ur a alu and < at that time he said that his sinter ‘was awake und spoke to him. altho •he did not leave her bed at that time. It appears that later 111 the morning, or shortly before y o clock, she went to her brothers room, and finding his trunk unlocked, she took therefrom a 35 calibre automatic pUtol and went to what was former- ' ly uiied aa the dining room of the houae Mho stretched herself behind b ome hales of tobacco there stored ripened the bosom of her dress, placed (be muxxte of the automatic against her bfeast and fired, the one shot which brought her life to an end Had Brea Watched It in said That meyibcrs of ihe fa to lly were aware of her unfortunate mental coudltlon and that for some mouths they hare kept as close, watch upon her a» was fioaslble In an effort lo frustrate any further attempts she might make at suicide Bultcrfat Tests Soon to Be Made kj Within the next I" d«y* or two week* the Wayne County Department -I Health will l>e In position to be the conducting bnttertat l"*xanjlnatlon* <*n X \*H dairies In the r coauny and making; the bacterial rotinl on the milk aftiti In Hits coun ty. according to a statement made ’ ve»leiday Ttm testing sppuratus al th* laboratory In the health depart m«nt has, t**en set up and Is now ready for u*e and the Important de tail mentioned will be given attention at stAfarly dale, aay the health offl clalr**" . Henderson Girl Is Queen of Festival Mg (fly the Associated Press t Raleigh. Hopt XT.—Mias’ Alice Cheek of Henderson this aftarnopji was •lavted as winner of the Kail Ke*t|- ’ va| Beauty Contest and tonight was w*yms.| Quern of the festival at u Cr 1 which was the culmination of tnate days 'festivities here (Mlier ladles Included snd 'he towns which they represented were: Mt*> Hilda Randloph of Kln*ton: Mrs K». elyu l,ln<kc of Nashville; Ml** latulso ButMngton of Durham: MU* Mary Louise Everett oi Raleigh; Mis* Mai garet Poii of Mmltlifield and MJ*g Kathleen Pr*e» of Qreensbnrn THE GOLDSBORO NEWS , . i a-o I OP IDENTITY IN NETTI.i l> 111 41 KY Illy the Associated Pressl , ilendeison. N- C-. M«pt. 27. (What Is said to be our of the strangest rasea e»*r tried here waW coinpleted tonight when Boh Raw-rn wgs ’uji-qulUed ot Ihe charge of wife. Mr* John HytWni Rebl arid her chil dren. the Jury returning « verdict it not guilty on charges of duser tlon and non support The case depended upon the Jury believing I or not that Rawls had been aid# to grow a full set of teeth during thu eight years the plaintiff claim* cd she had been without the com pantonshlp and support of her | h^band 'COTTON ESTIMATE IH COUNTY IS TOO HH IKM AGENT Thinks Figure of 40.000 Hales Fur Thin Season in Too Optimistic SAYS THE MAXIMUM TO IIE THIRTY THOUSAND Is an nsllntated yield of in.non bales trf.-. cotton for Wayne county for this season unreasonably high, or Is it ; approximately correct ’ County IXnipnstration Agent Hob \ Insult. who Is naturally ahnut as keciriy Intomateil In that subject a* I* any rlUxcn In the entire eoiinty. hold* and maintains that the estimate Is far In excess of the actual amount of eoltou Wayne will la- able lo pro due* this year and Ife savs that those W«yt|e county farmers who b*’lleve that Att.nofl hale* will he the year's * yield here are going to be right e.on slderaly disappointed when the check log up take* place He takes note however, that some of,_the h.-»t In fuelled business men In Goldsboro |, ami soroe of th«> bc*t farrier* in j "nyue county have said llial tlo yield will reach 40.060 hales, hut he ' haa an Jib-a that they are entirely 1 100 optimistic 'about the situation i l.a»t Year** Tulal- I The County agent says that lasl.t season Wsyn£ bounty produced a to* ‘ tal of 37.000 balek of cotton and h-- ’ Is unable, for the life of him. to see • how this Hgtire ran Is- very material- 1 |y Increased this ye*i |{r does he ' lf*ve that there will he some slight T Increase' und (hat In all probability • the total yield for Wavne this year mi 1 * emount to notion hale*, hut cer- 1 tjlnly not in excess of that (Igure. I li ni* discuss* lon tis the situation. ' Mr Itoblnson goes on Jo say that the I farmem of \\luyne county who rulsc I cotton, just beeause they wen- not 1 vtjr seriously hurt by the'f’boll weev-|‘ II ravages Utl* year peed not think,' that the? are going to escape for all time He ipilnls lo .tits tact that this wa* an unusually dry summer, which ' Is Ibe must unfavorable weather three 1 era he for the boll weevil, hut he savs that there Is no assurance of ' similar weather conditions prevail lug next season and that hull weev il will certainly do outre damage lit It* cot ntv during l''M—44tan was Hie 1 ease In ’22- (II her I Tops I.imml. In dltruss'nr other crop conditions over Hie i-mt'ly al large Mr Itohlu son made t;,- assertion vestvrday that the c.kii and hay crops In Wayne emint) have this year been egccllenl and (hat - I most all ihcjdarmcr* of th< | toun’y n* well lived fti ihl* paillcu lar for th* coming winter . I Ten Pri»onerß In (’nunty Bastile Now ( . m-- i rto'v tt> people about half of them ! white -ml ths recta note i negro*-*, nr* i now ’eareetated In the Wayne ,{pu*< | ty Jail, according to statements »e --* ured yesterday from those In the I offae of fb*- county sheriff Th*' number of prisoner* usually held in 1 1 the county jail here flurfuutes some- i what but It I* said that 10 or 12 u* i oally mestltuli the entire popula tlon of file l*s »l Jail Two of tlo- Inmates of (Be. Jail, loith negro wo- I men are serving Jail sentences while the remainder are hetitg held f»r . Irfal at the n*-»l term nl Bupeiioi'l ( Court lor Wavne e*)tintv wlileb will * cnv»ne here In November. GOLDSBORO, N. C, Race Riot Threatens In North Carolina Village i t Following Attempted Criminal AHsault Upon * White Woman at Spruce Pine, N. C., Adjutant (>eneral of State is Sent to Take Charge of The Situation There Or (Hj Ibr Associated I'ress.) Asheville, Nepl. 27. s:A passe of. passlhly Ml mea «f the uelghl»>r huwd are looklug for a negro who h Is alleged attempted criminal assault on Mrs .Rack I oners, . aged aboat im yenra. aad a grand mother, In the ruatl near her h 1 me about three miles from Npniew Tine ycsiertlay afternoon. The possr Is not i rgaalied nnd there are no ofilrwrs with It. n leading cltlxen of Nprncv line *l«nul over long dlstgnee telephone ivA night « » Abonf 75 negroes engaged In eonslrgrlloa work la and ah nnd Nprnre Tine were asked l>> N group of cltl»in* front Ike sec tion In whlek Ibe womnn lives. In hsnre. .All leil without disorder, hns no native negroes. Every thing In the k wn l> unlet. Il wns said, there being no need for untsUe help ns <>nl) Ibr possr "itl*ld•• thr town Is nrllve. Maj or I'll Her of Nprnce I’lne Is said to hate become disturbed over the possHilllt) of Ir uhie nnd wired Governor Morrison asking for help. -j ’> Thi* drserlptlog of Ihe negro I* said lo fit John Gog, aged 22, who escaped jeslerdaj ftim the chain gang o|»«ruHng near the woman's home. H ewas a Irnlsy. TYSON IS SELECTED W HUMS VOTE IS WELFARE LEADER Nil live of County lint Now Head of Public School Syw lent at (tfileNville J 0 Tymvn. n native of Wayne! county, but now ptlndpal of the pub lic Hcbooia ai Gateavllle. \ r , » a *: veaterday unuulmouslv <l4>*cn a* Wayne t'nuutv Welfare Officer when) a Joint meeting of the Wayne County! Board, of education and the Wayne Cutumlaaiouara took place at the county court house In this Then was no opposition offered to Mr Ty son. and following Ihe conclnstn of the meeting. Ihe officials Interested exxpressed their plaaaure that Mr Tyson was ayallahle for the p*w<t and that lie will return to this city. They consider that the M'leetion Was a very happy one and they,, helh-v* that Mr Tyaon will give quite gen eral satisfaction In the p,»*t to wbclh he has been elected Because of the Ja* t that il »a* known u welfare officer »a* to he |elected yesterday an unusual amount of Interest attach'd to th* meeting mol the public o( the county anxious ly awaited thsanuotinceincnt of the school liohi<| aud Hia countv < oiotntr sinners relative to th*- choice made I’r ion* aUenipts to reach -a de elston In the matter of selecting such an officer for ijrts county had “pot no t with aucars* and there Avas more or less uncertainty to the emir*- matter until he formal an- UOtltrgftUient Was liiaili- hv the tMiaril yesterday, following th, i«a*«o*lou of Himeeting (Continunl on I’sge Three » ' **"" "" 1 ■■■■" V HOW THE JLNIOK OKI'IIANAGK WILL ItE A HKNlft'IT TO THE 111 SINKSS MEN OK GOI.IKSItOKO If we secure this institution thorn will In* an all round in :reu*e of business necessitated through, the rrtaintenance of I the Home. Am Mr. L\ M. Gillikin pertinently put it in yesterday's 1 News there will l»c much ntoney circulated in our town by via ting memls-rs of the Orrier who will eona« to *»•«* thelrf Injttik udon - ® The two hundred snd lilty thousand dollars grant from tho» fiinior Order Council spent in Goldsboro Is a g(s>d round sum m itself. Moreover the incidental expenditure connected with an estahlishment of thin kit'd is always lafge Either I lirec'ly or Indirectly every business will lie benefltted. The rrocer, therefore, and the meat man, the dry goods man and the tailor, the carpenter, the builder snd the plumls-r the dcs or ami the drug store man. the hotel man and the garage >wner the wholesaler and the re'ailer, in a word every tmni ness man should boost this . .unpaign and do his l«st to bring the Home here. , . 4 v \T. , FRIDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 28, 192» TIIE GOYEKIOK Al I.M (H) Ihe AvoaUfftl fw-v*.| Raleigh, 27. I.averuer I atnrrwii Marrfvwa Tale Ibi* after •iimih dlnrt*d Adjulaat toii.ral J. Van MHta N> proceed |p Spnice Hae, Mitchell Ennal), at «ntr lo b«mile a serious race'" '*ltaatloo I Trportcd to have arisen tkere a* a result of aa alleged as*a 11 It up on a white wiiman there lij a ne gro- *-*> j Report* received hy lh* Dover wor Indieatrd that a«» ni erted at tempt 4s underway to drive all negro labor from that sec)ion. Ibe I hlef Exrealive liuMtedlale ly wired the authorities that be "•"•hi aord Ibe eommualt) ample prvderioM and w uold «ev hal Ihe rights r<4 both races are safe guarded. Th* Governor's Diagram „ u , • nddrrssed two off hlu I* a t •spruce line aad lo fw« rßliras aud saldi “Please call upon the authorities so apt-, Id Ike law and protect eierjlo-dj 'ln rights, laelnding colored peupG | MN i - dHr ring Adjlataal lw-ff*ral 4. V. Melts lo leave for Spnic* line lunlghl. I wilt afford all Ihe pro jl lection Ihe l cal authorities a ‘ require.'’ LEASE OF RAHMAN IS Bimr FOUGHT BY OTHER IAIL MEN Wimld 0 hr M—o|wllziitioit As twrla Former Frwident of Ihe Sr at hoard illy the Associated i’ress > Washington. D. (’•. Hept. 37 l.<a*<- of tin- l ar'dlna. t'liniliffeld ami Ohio rttllwav by tbe Atlanli* Coast l.tnv 1 and ibe laiuiavtlle and NaJftivHle rail i ronl* would re*ult In - Hutu ,nop*ill xallon of transportation throughout the Southeast,* John' S Wfaltaoi*. ’ for m*-r comptroller of the currency told thr Interatate CiAnmerce t.'oniiiila* siou today. t*u.hllc Interests, he as aeried. demand that the C C and t* If n-d kept Indepemlenl sliouJd »>' jlak' n over t»y major railroads iu such I fashion that the Sett bn* id. tile South tarn aud the Atlantic Coast l-lne might all have aa equal Voice ilj. Its con trol, and trt the disposition of traffic 1 last.-|t owr It Mr. Williams. w|v*> Is also a former puoidrut of the Kvahonril, declared j hi* present intctvst in the matter A* j primarily Jhat of a rlt|m*n consider Itu- pul>ll< Inercsi* Imt -.«i*l that lie | had a secondary inHvt'st in the mat .let as receiver tor tUsv Georgia ami 1 J Clorlda 1 alltoad This r*va>l ami l'* |t>aik«rs he »Ipla>n*ui. hopes to build about s.', .miles of «*• » line to Grc* 11 . wood. S- C-. M ln Ihe near future, there gaining connection lit rough the I’led I mopt aud Northern lln*- with th 1 ' K.-a la,aril If-the Seaboard should b*- <|e prlv-d us a( 1 •;*» t<> Ho- l*-rrtt vrv A, » v ei| t.y ill. t IlnebtK Id lie «il(h-<l. till* Icon hi Hot be (loti' „ ENTERPHI9E LUMBER I CNMPANY SAW MILE DEsmeyFi ——«- IgMM its I‘laccd ill SIOO.INHI In Di.wnstrotis Hliug nl Mounl Olive Yniirdg) TO THROW MANY MEN OUT A>F KMIM.OMENT (Special to The Mew*) Mount Olive. Kept 27 Klre of un determined origin destroyed the saw mill plain except the engines and txiller* of the Enterprise l.umhci Cutupuny here Hits nturnlti* a lam I t oilmk. cut ailing « loss of si 11-asl SIOO,OOO Ui say nothing of the loss lha't will ensure as a result of Ho „ enforced id I <ii css ot the i-ntlrc mill fonc. lore, al tjtddsboro, where lh< hfige planing plunt la now located ami In the logging departments, here unit In Onslow county , No idi-u of the cause of the yon ffagiutlon Is had hv the mill nikiiagr iront In I*'** Hum live minutes as,. ter the ularm wns first sounded, the sawing department wa* m veloped In ffamsa and hurtled wtlh linuliuteil fury, an the Hmiev st’re wi ll* i-c«- that tlie local fire fighter* could not gel mar enough to mnko much headway In fighting them \ fortunate strong cast wind for Hu- fit si hour o7 the hlssc SMVkd s large quantity of lumber Just t, H( k us the plant flic destruction of Hu- plant throws out of cmtfloyniriii tier* alarm Imt |„. borer*, ami about Cjr, at Goldsboro and in Onslow, where much of the ~-bn.glng was hung done at ths pie*, entitm- Whether the plaul will t, e rebuilt be re. or rebuilt at Goldsboro, where the planing mill and main offlcea of the company are. could nor t», uaccr* tatned today COUNTY lEm 10 I HEAD COUNTY DOCTOR Interesting Senaion of All 1 Wavne InHirutiorM to Draw HikC Attendanre Ihe im-eling of all Ho- county school teachers of Wayix- County, in , be held here today at noun. promls«g| to lie Intemusly Interesting accordtnft to u statement secured yesterday front th<>*« Interested, nnd tt I* asserted 1 that tin teacher in the county Inter ealed In school subject* ami topical can afford to ml** this seslon ot th< I * < ouiil> Jtk«<h<trs AssiM'.iatlon In view I 1 of the/Tn<A that many tnaJHts-r* of Ini- I portahee will come up- < |)r 1,. W- Corbett, County Health i Officer tor Wayn« County ha# mc- < cepted all Invitation t« he pieseut and 1 to *|H-ak brlefiy before the asso* la- I Hon. Dr ( orhett will dlacuss Hie 1 1 health campaign* for pub- 1 !|< *cho<il* and Will give an outline »f how Hie county *< toad teachers I 'till best coopeiulo with the hualHl 1 official* Iu order that all objei-ttves 1 I may Im- aHained Di Corbett t* l thoroughly Imbued with <lll earnest 1 vplrlt <0 publu * ivl.c 111 Ills work I here. un<t the remark* lie will Imve lo mhk« today *houl<l be ot genuine In 1 a lereet Nomerous otliyl (<-I» | ti 1 <•* lints bein' 1 I prtSvlile*! nn the program (or 4ho 1 meeting mid teacher* from .iloiohl 1 every *< hoot In the coupty are eg Itm-ti-fT t<> Im piescni and take part 111 tin piogTaui ( Railroad' Officials [‘raiMe (toldsix^ro , r*o tnt'iestiag vtsitor* to i;<ii<i* burn vi-stcrilay were railroad men jwl 1 icorieker, imtatant Gsaarni | ll-lght Agent <>l Hu Atlantic Coast" jMhi Willi lii-.klu arlii- In Mount and John I. Cobb* Jr. direc tor of Public Halation* of the Const I .trie, wßh headquarters m Wllpilng ton Mr Cuhh* ha* hut 1 •-» s-ntly tak >-n charge of his post, wtin-h t* anln n"Vfll|on l<j*r the Coast |,|n<- but In f■» * 'bat h< |> delighted with thi |W"ffk tbus (nr and In expect* h, Ilk,, |hl* t>ost even heller a* time goes on j VI chs | * tti-nii* k* r aml Cotihs l(a-,k im , aslon In say a number of ui< e tilings i(b«nt Hohlshoro and GoMa Isrro- future while lliev were in ths city IIAMER Al l Itl MI l M Valimial imgur f'tttgtnirgh 2. Chicago 1 It*c ion 7. Philadelphia 7 American m New York t!; Hoatnn 3- County’s Advantages Spread Broadcast In National Circulation V f ! Number Telling of (.oldhlHtro’s InduHtrieM and (>pi)ortumtiih Distributed Throughout ( to ('humberß of Commerce, Kiwaim, Rotary, Lion Clubn, Public Libraries and Many of Country's Leading NewHpapera The Goldsboro News the nettr future issue u "NsUtm tl Publicity Edition" which will be devoted to tTie insny stories if progress of the citizens Wayne county miul through a wida prtsatl circulation throughout the county as well as amdh(B| tlie various civic orgunizatioiis throughout the entire coiraty in 9 ,{lo much to attract favorable attention to the many facilitiim tiff have to offer to the manufacturers of the North. cotton mills and manufacturers of many other different linos ut’ already locating their mills thrt>uj[j}uut the South daiQT, and with the many different advantages we now enjoy there isab , reason why publicity of this nature should not attract attdMw t«> our fair county, * « We have excellent schools, good roads good churches jpogdF farms, an übundam-e of power and'many other feetures that ir* attractive and we shall print stories of the stories pf thesis Na tures as well as the stories of the many success business houses ” we have in ourmldst. # It is an established fact that this Section is rapidly becoming \ a manufacturing center and by giving publicity to these facte we will attract favorable attention that will lead to the development of our countv and enable us to take advantage of the lUiMy ad* vantages we enjoy. We have a gtaai place in which to IhYWff*, tnd prosperous husim ss houses, and publcity is the one thing ne cessary ot enable us to "cash in" on the many opportutritlffff enff county holds forth. Our representatives arc already In the held gathering dfftg preparing,stories and special writers experienced in thia Im as work havt been engaged and they report to ns that the MQfluflL izens of our fair county are assisting them end are enthusigame wont the plan. We ask the business men and citizens of Wavne Coufftv to flt right behind this edltipn and show the United Btffteff th»t Qdjg I torn and Wayne County is indeed one of the moeN impoHMl anti progressive counties of the Old North State. ’ In connection with this edition, the fact, is stressed end emph*- sized that this National edffhm of the Gohtfftmrn NffiS* will posi tively appear not later than November 30 and thoa« contractUtf forßpacc in the same may rent aaajired of that fact, ,r ■ * vS* MR RQYALL SPEAKS i 10 KIWANIS CLUB Wiim Slrrel Car Kyttirm To Ik* Restored in Thin City at Early Ihite The regular •wkly linn licnn ot j the (Jolilaboro Kl*Ul> *u tir-lil | in Ihe Chajolwt of '< o«n/ierce rooma Uat night. owing to th» regular to ("iilon of the Woman's Club room bS iiitc ncruplsd wllli the supper of thut organisation The altelidaiuir ».«» it linon t on* hiimliiml per rent, anil Ihe marling wu carried through wllli I itl*- r«int anil pop lira. 1' Koy.ill lining Introduced by klwanlan i bag II villb-1 gave tbr Club it telling *ll***nurse the atreet fair should he relnatalril. art ling foitli lu III* convincing manner Ihr many mnaou'a w'liy lhia> apli-mibl property ahoulrt n» longer remit in Ml*, Hinting that even If tilt* system • hotilti In- run at ,t Hinall lona. It would prove. a liio-t vultiubli adver tising medium for COlilalmro. and a gfrgt t*im *uJj,nee lo thr tunas of |r ml people. going to and front their work, having no other me an a of I I run sport a Hon Klwanlau llawley naked lor the Club a onflnlih-d support In aeeurlng •hr lo< at lon of the Junior Order Oruhiinage ? I ('harge Negrens With Breaking Liquor I^aw s ti‘" > « oi-oii le Iler k liom II a11'...,., , ■ fioldaboio „ s-ok • and ni.purletoi of • lie itloie or |«a« Hell known ' -Keeretl Hotel for Colored Koike ' <*aa arrested yealrrday by ie|irea«n lallvet ff'io the offii* ~f tln Wayne i ountv Sheriff » barged with vlolgt j Ing the IMgitaer laws It la Uagertaid! thill Vtiep till 'ln riff rod bit aaalal ' nr rived at hei home, 'ftook’i a handy protested t liut abe bad n u j|-' 't""r on. the premia** hot after # j eon vide ruble anireh. tile sheriff lu-' elated a gallon ami h pint of “corn! Ih ket rum nolnl 111 n wood pile, fed ' haw Ing win Hi* "Souk w.it thrown Into the fount y bant lie After bring held tbr'rr f«»r a abort time ahe stuM corded In ismtlng bond In the an in of! IJim for her splicer* It re for trial iW abe Waa aee'Mdlnglv laleiuted from eiiatmly It la auid that the woman baa pi «v loiialy loin lu tin, Mis of ■ do- tgw mi (be ■ bulge of vlolatlnx the prohibition mt. MUM BLR OF \SvS(K IATED K'ULsSH 1 i PRICE FIVE CEIMM FI AMES ARE FMHNG mom non Kirttf Hntrintf in Court l*rwn< iiiKN Scheduled lo Talto Phcf - Next Tuewday • efklahoiiia city. Ok la . rtept J7--TW jpviot re bn lea which have krpt Okla homa aflainr atm e. ■ tjovargor J- fj.- Walton Opened hla ntlacb on tha Kg Klo* Klan and th* Statu In lorn Inatltuted a drlra to tmpaneft the Ksecullv* began to fade away to night with a long drawn oat battle t • lit pr«apret. « • • 'the brat uitrvr to last In the roar the legality of tbr special aaaalon of the U'gUlalurr. which waa called by mein tiers who hold It 10 be thalr right to )ave*tlgala the iiffkilal act* of Oov rrnur Walton. waa taken In the Hint a Dlgrief -Court here lata today, whan 67 llotiae members applied’ for %-(gM pornry Injunction restraining tant (iuueral H II Markham and all members of the Oklahoma National from InUirfrrlug with n»*mhard itteUhe Hjjuae No order waa Issued by the canrt during the lirlrt proceedings and by pgi ‘Silent the hearlug on thla petition waa act for u<"*t Turaday be ford Judge J. | I'betpa Meanwhile the tiouae member aim gathered here ami attempted to •onvanr yrateiday, only to be diaper aed by the urilllary authorltlea. act ing under ln*t ructlona fmm Hover not •) Waltop begun t« leave fur that# bomra. * db- j, A pledge waa sign'd by the b|h .tutors that -boold thr courts flaatH deebli tbev had the autbarlty Id meet a a an Impeachment body that |th*y would convene upon call of Rep- I reauiitatlv* Me Bee, unr of the leadefg ‘ot the "Rebar" legislators Ne far jlliar attempt will lie made In i ngvtga It waa agreed, until thr taaue la dt i bbil in the Mupreme Court Them . then reiuwlna a po«g|h|||ty that the j'-’»»• will go to the Ctitled (hates Su preme Court K*preening aatuiaetlon over «ha altuallon. (iovernor Helton leatfh* 'dmlared. Tht-light la orer'no far at ''the lamas Houac la eoncerned " lml lea t luna tonight wyre that the ilt iovernor will modify the eglMlng ijniurtlal luw and will retire booh of Mb- iruope "n guard- 4 vv II - ' ■' ’•. . . • Continu'd on l*apa Thfee t . St

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