The To Issue Monstem&ffcity Edition ; . 1 WEATHER rfeMy <*■/*!< Sail) Mr I -fed* -_■ - Jf ~ t .--x-f - —g-^T.-XA:.." VOLUME TWO; NUMBER 175 —"-*-**■ !■ ' ■' 1 - w " • ‘ ■■■ 11 - . - ■■■ - -- r - - --=—~ »■ »■>— over nor Sends Troops To Spruce Pine . « .. . . h --- , •i - i t- ... . .... ‘ r • 1 * WHS OF Nlffi ; Pin ere ihk < (I FIRST SESSION *'M One flnM Par Cent I tendance on Part of j Rural Inst rue torn PVT FEATURES IN DAY '’▼J .. -• Tfce Ini. nnllii »f the 1123 seas on or the W*y«t« County Teacher* Association, held during yesterday tn the auditorium of the Wayne county court bouse, *u intensely Interoet tng throughout, nod *u marked by nn a I moat 1M percent attendance on the port of teacher* from the rural' districts of the county. iWhll* the Initial niaetlng wai primarily for the teacher* of the eight-months schools, numbers of other* were In attend ance.' All told there were about ltd teachen present and In addition many school trustees and'other In terested pertlea were present for a portion of the day. Yesterday s meet ing began at ltt A. M.. sad was brought to h dose about 4:30 P, M I. T. Jerome. County Superintendent of FMncatlon acted as the presiding officer and he kegt the proarsm mov ing along In fine shape Outlined FUa* The Rev Zeno WaILD.D. paalor of the First Baptist church of Goldeboro. delivered the invocation yesterday and conducted the opening esercleee. Welcome .to the teachers present was extended by Superintendent Jerome sad he took occasion In this connec tion to optUue the purpose of the meeting end what M la hoped can he accomplished during the year. Ontoeeii the hnpse of Afcit, 4*6 11:30 a tpfk place relative Ip "Group Centers and CouMy Com mence meats" while the heat 33d min utes were devoted to a discussion of • The Opening Day bf School" Brief remark* by Miss Carrie Dorrtty deal ing with the subject of attendance held the clone attention of those as sembled and this Wan followed by an able addrua* delivered by Drf J. L Corbett, head of the Cduaty Depart mant of Health, on the subject of health work amoug the schools of the county with particular reference to the rurpl school* Much valuable Information wan furnished the tench-1 era In thl* address and without ex-) ’ caption thay appreciated Dr- Corbett's j attendance From 13 o'clock to 13:30 cilacua-1 alone were beard relative to Group l Meetings. High School and Klemen tary Taxt Booka and Courses of Study. - v Between, the hours of 13:30 add - o'clock thejeaebrr:* enjoyed lunch end then resumed diacUksion Mrs > r P. Mendenhall spoke briefly on the subject of ■'Pupils' Heading Cir cles" and Mr* L. * McCall was heard on ‘Tamgusge Club*.” Miss Mary Uevany made an Impression with her remarks on "rtchool Uhrar- , ' lee ” lies Parrett Heard Probably the outstanding feature of the enttrn day was furnished In , the shape of an address by Miss Mat . tie Parrotl of Ralelrh. who la con nected' *tth the 81*1* r»epartnieul of Education. The Wayne County teacher* had l<K»kod forpurd with pleasure to Ml** Parrott’s address end they w#re not dlaappolated. since It wa« one oftfh* moat worth-while efforts heard In some time She chose as her subject. "Proper Grsd- j luatlou and Ctasalftcation of JPuplle" | V r . ■■ ■ --- r . ■■ ■- ■ ■ ■> KIWANIANH HERE TO AID IN DRIVE FOR ORPHANAGE -At the Thursday night meeting of the Kiwtmisns after a stirring 1 speech by Kiwanian Hawley a committee of ten was appointed to help in the canvaaa to secure for Golds ooro the Branch Orphan Horn of the Junior Order to bt. located some where in North Carolina. This shown increasing interest. It is just dawning on our diitd* and getting into our systems that here is a Md thiag Goldahoro must do her beet to get. What jfJkMt mean to bring it here anyhow? It means • uny * from two hundml to a thousand healthy young jSlks with good aftwtites, to be,, fed three times a day., to wear out two ot three suits of clothes anda dor » dreesea. with innumerable shoes and stocks. What doe* >*%t mean? trade and more trade. Wake up grocer mar lQ*t man. ftsh man. shoe man. dry goods man. every kind . fa man wake up nad help bring this institution to our tjrn. It will increase your own and your neighbor’s busi nets. It will also add to your happiness. You will have the joy of helping care for a kit of fine but motherless oojrt and girls snd moulding them Into first class men and w#men. , ,Gst dpwii Xp busUieaa—persuade prove, en thuse •>«mi ' \ ‘ ‘ THE GOLDSBORO NEWS ~11 1 Want Citizens To Vote I On City Operating The •’ Street Car System Here on more riops TO OKIIHOMICDUNTV Governor Intimated Thai Mar tial Uv May Be Rafexad By Neil Tnembiy IBy the Associated Press ) Ohlahema CRy. Ok la. B*pt, 33 - The area of etrtngent Military law Id Oklahoma was widened tonight when Governor J. C- Walton ordered Na tional Guard troops to Payne county In reapense to an appeal from Dis trict Judge C. 8 dm Ith The Judge declared that no Justice can be ob tained la the county through the .County Attorney, the Governor as Id Coincident with hta order, the Gov ernor intimated that martial law will be modified within the nest few days "Military rule may be eased up stuf Tuesday." he declared H UK PICKS Fiams r un \ * Atwcrtn CUM Ufcar Hw Nat IncrtaiM WHUm Fast Y«r Hers <By tsuociutad Press III.: tHarlottr* Hhp*. 30 ■ CXmusriHllnlng as “a irMip aad umddfhhM mo oi the statiaUcs" recent unnounrement of the (feuree of the Children' Bu reau of the Department of Labor. shuw|ng_na Increase of 3i par. cant In child labor since the annulment | iof the Child Labor l-uw David Clark, publisher of the Southern Textile . Bullelln. tonight made public a let ter "of proleet’• which be hud wrlt lua to deoretary Davis of the l)e-, partmen tof Labor. Mr. Clark painted out that the fig ure* effected for comparison were I for the first six months of 1933. 1 which composed a period of unusual idleness In Industry in almost evary ' Kwtlon and for the flr»t nix njonthn of 1923. during which tlmhsthere waa j unusual activity and declgTed "there l| t no evidence that there wae a great er increase es employment of young IKiople from 14 Itp 1« years of age !than of oldie—pedplc'' nor waa ther# ; any evidence of violation of dials laws. j: r ... - - und she handled It In such an able manner thit her remarks will t»e >ond doubt prove to be of great value (in all those who heard It yeeterday Miss Janie Robert*. Home Demen ! stratlon Agent for Weyne County, j wus Introduced and made a splendid talk to the taauhera on the subject of "A School Improvement Cdm -1 pulgn." Contracts and Record cards, were discussed, announcement* were made and arter the distribution of material. >the meeting was adjourned, with the statement being heard on every hand that IT all meetlnas to be held dur ing the year are as Interesting as the one yeetertfey. tlml the attend ance tin the part oLahe teachers will | not hereafter fall below the flgui of reeterday. ' GOLDSBORO, N. C.. S All HI) AY Hit MINING- BEI*TEMBKR 1»23. ‘ • ■. : —i Sußgcnlionn Mode to ChaMbcr of C'Mhmrce That An Elec tiun Be Held Here— Dlregtor* f Flan for Quarterly Meeting* of Entire Body. ' » 1 i Dfecusstfii of whether or not lh< people of Goldsboro desire to have the attest railway service restored Ua thl*. city, and If ml Id gran ncr 1* that possible, and that hereafter there will be quarterly laeetlqga and luncheoas of the entlrt membership of the Oohtoboro ( hum ‘l*?* of tfemmerce conailtuted the Iwc moat mihprrtant matter* before tty r ‘ellrector* us tb* Goldehorn trader . body when those director* met yes terday afternoon. w 0 Th« one hour * aesaien of the body wag held In the assembly room 'of the Chamber bf Commerce yrlhh Pres tdent John H. Hawley preeldlng and the Hollowing eight of ihe len di rectors in attendance: L. A- tun*y, A- T Griffin George K Frvemayu W D, Creech. Melt Joseph H F I at*. J< IH. Brown and E, K. Lustier . ¥r. Reynll’* Keqer*|. Geon* C. Royal I appeared before the hie*Bog and made the suggestion I to the directors that he Gold*lyor< chamber of Commerce take action |a regard to requeahng Goldsboro * city council to call an election, giving the taxpayers of the an opportunity to say whether they wlah th» city to operate th* street car ayfetem here. The city would nnl necegearlly b* forced to abide by the decision VO* SSawwa. . Interesfed Dehate. Th* proposition pnovdti interested 1 debate here yesterday and ihe out- 1 .come will tie a nuttier of atune roe 1 w«nt. ll waa the opinion of lbc''dl- 1 rector* that thl* matter should be re- < ferred to a committee to make thor- 1 "ugh and exhaustive investigation I and accordingly It was dually decßt- 1 ,ed to name such g committee, with instructions to report to the dlm-orm \ wlfiln the space of 10 days relative to their finding! committer report 1 will he awaited with great *ln Urn* t 1 all over th* city. , < »" < t|unrferly Meeting* , Cnanlmoua decision we* reached by th* directors y,o*terda> that for jthe remainder of the winter there will be qdarterly meetings held of the entire membership of thr cham ber of Commerce, thee* meeting* be ing somewhat In the nature of “Get Together" affairs It Is staled that 1 some known speaker engaged' In work of thla nature will be eecur- J 1 «d from some ."ther city for each of Ihe meeting* tn deliver an address ] und In addition, there will he lunch , eon served It Is th* Idee that these iu*elngs shopfd take the form ,nr un "open forum and that all the gsmn 4 Item of Ihe association should la- al- 1 lowed to present whatever < opinion- j he *dt*rtalns whm ihes* meetings ii are held If Is believed that the plan' as adoped yesterday wfll stimulate' Interest to Goldsboro * chamber of | Commerce T* Art Today. President Hawley will today name ' I* committee to work with decreieryl Denmark on th* arrangement* for tin * . .. . 1 first'or ihsae gusHfrl) meetings thej; first affair to take place early lu Or H U>b«r. ■— - Mam To 0((en Honpital* • To All Service Men <lly the Associated ffress.l Vaslilnston Hotit 21 Opening n f (tinrrrnnivnt Veteran* Hospitals In loriltV xriki' Mica, iwcarillras of tbetr disabilities l>»ln* nf service nr inon ssrvkr. likely will lot adopted a »a permanent policy tu llie opinion of President f’oolldsv ; | ■■■- —-•< ■■ ■ I Five llpiversity Mazers Kxpelled i By the Asaoclafod Proas) i tha pal Hill, Sept. 2S KUs »tu d*ul ■> of Ih» I'nlvrrslty «f North Car olfna have been expelled for linsiu* j and two others sr« on proltsllon. it j 'was announced today bp Jack Alla- ( brook, president of the Student t ons- < ell i Vum» of tltue expelled havw tot I barn made public ■ * - - ——•— ■ IMF OF mil WRECK WILL RICH 4S NOW ESTIMATED Ruin Olid Snow Prevent Worked From Rescuiiuf Bn4ir i*t ' Watery Graven EXACT TOLL TAHKN • , MAY NOT BK KNOWN y ■ >' - -a <'hiper Wyo.. Kept I--jjtuln and enow fell InfeinilUsntly tgl* after noon ga workers at the aeon* of luet nlght'g wreck of Burlington passe 11 g*r train N«*» 'M> strove in ftivd way* and means of reaching vp iuu* know r to tin Imprisoned In watery grave* Roads In the vleintty of the wreck were tmpsseabte The treln. composed of«* locomo tive. baggage, mail and egprna* cur* Iwoda.v coaches and two PuUmaut plunged through the bridge over Coal Cre*k shortly after leasing here at 3:31 o'clock feat uight The train was made up In Csaper and was du< to arrive in Denver at trio o'etuck lids afternoon. All of the train ex cept the rear Pullman jumped Into the' 1 ernek which waa over It* banks, duetto the recent rgine. BOBU S *»T MK< OftCM* CaspeF Wyo.. B*pl « >| -An un known' number at vicllgte of ihe wreck of Burlington passenger train N» hi H rr'ckeilMust jMgbf. wtlll ».■> • tn th# subuiurpnd <#rsof the wreck red train todlght A coosdrvatlve **. tlroatd "i'the dead Is Ifffti ved t« b. 19. some m.iinuialug Aift many nth era font lh«V live*, «A ( . raGrnad 'lfflclal* say (dnr *tg l-o 1 ii. train went " i> WhtTJHH Into Coni Oreek ' T JjP Rescue wor •Af* •ttfere I<mb nil helpfea* through rath and snow Him fell throughout th* 4ny and tip |f>e slsUble tsrrent tflgf w*g mirglng through.the norm.ilty dry crank They spool bg and were unable 1* do any- UtlOfc; A* the day ware on. nawsp* per ip*p 5 noticed that the cars Were slowly d*pling benrsth the wafer oat nf M pen-mms on the train about 40 have I wen accounted for The entlmal* of the io* a of life Is based «n aintonients made by pas sengers who pushed through the day 1 coaches drier to the wreck. TV <e ( car* are under the water and the exact figure* may never be knots a \ * * Futrelle in Jailed • on Larceny Charge * \ i lb-n Tut relic well known Wayne count y man liviug In Grantham toeuship, hue Iteen takv-n Into cus t«»dv i»y offlcnfir from the Waytn County Sheriff's officegm a charge of larceny Os tokos co It is aUegtd In the wsrrant ihai Futrelle and another man stole a total or (dU ixtands 01 tobacco from Chris Moigaa •.while Ihe owner of the tobacco watt tn jtll Here Morgan '»** serving * Jail terni for contempt or cnuig gnti the I thttrt la .alleged to hat# taken place during tliuti time It i» dal mad that prof will b* offered to the effect that Futrelle enrr'd tit* tobucto to a near-by market a In! there dtspoMd of It , ; MiW YORK PIT! BEN New Yorw dept New York fu-j lures; On. 29:« XL Per. 24 Sl*: J*u 2(11; March 2X IJ; Hay I*U7 PLANS ARE NOW COMPLETE for Orphanage campaign iw\ k 0 The publicity uCd i-dmatl'inSl work in Ik* campalan now out n f U|): way, tfie li'ddslxno Chaihla i of <'iMiiiiiTrr yraleitlay , aft n noon h>-an mall-* lIU frirqinl notices to oil th* p<H>- ple of i|p city Mien e* to tlm campaign to In- conducted her* boßlnnlnf sn next Wednesday. October 8. and as a nwnK «f wlik'h It la ho|a,d lo nhlaln for tills city the hran.Ji Suriloi Or der OrpHanage The followlps l|lhe lonimunl cation aaut out. and if Is hollared that If avary puik«ii In Ut* ejty will So kla «r pan ihnt »iu - [ cess wit hs. SacMPßff' "■**•* lax that tv propose i laafov A'pKa»a«« tor NartJk CA<~ olina * oofs' fa ft v«lesM**mwet fur our city, » *<Sdt Stahnttl** | from thp i t amber of I’Sftrlherce Negroes Driven Out Will Be Put Back To Work Under Guard Os The No. Carolina Calvary WiUID IS KQUITTED OF MURDER MICE Throngs of \9omen Spectator* Shake Him Hand and Kia* v '** Him After Verdict V ill) Aaaoctiftfd mn.l* White Hlanla. N. Y . Sepl UK. W*nl l<*r 0. Ward wu* tuqulttcfl today of ihe chu 1-4* of murdvrlnjc rian-nix I Haleru A« the Jury forenmn announced the 1 *«rtlk:t, a throng of apecutora. Moat ■'( then woni*n. climbed oyer btachii i and chelri to (map the hand and kla* Ute fade es the wealthy bukar'a nog. ~ ard. hluahinn. untiling and chtwlna tried In vain to Aght hh way jlhrouah the milling crowd that pack od III* Rltrl room and reach the aide of hla artfe, who had fallen Into the arma of hie brother when ahe heard , the Jury a y»rdlct Mrn, Ward waa In an ante-room The brother ruahed In with the (lad tiding* -rad’ ahe Bank Into hla^arma WSIDFIU PUNS i Fi FMMERS * * T- : r. * * w ■ » te~ Considers Plight in Which Wheal (irnatnt of Northwcil Kind Thmenelvr* " # 1 ■.. —.. 1 „ lßy the Aaauclatud Hreaa ) "a*biiirt«ii. Hopt. informed ih'i>M(h a aerlea of confereixwa a# to •he nUnalloti faced the «h*at «rowrra,«f .the Cuwral Nurlhaeat Hrcatdont t'oo|jjj*c expect* to meet with .Secretaries Wjtllacr and Hoover 1 w s |ihlj._a few day* to determine what .r*m?dt** may !«• .applied to lb* lilt 'of agriculture generally I The plight of the* grower* '»«•« laid before Secretary Hoover lu detail today by the ilrlt-gutmii which ;conferred yeaterday wjth Hieatdent jt'iadldgc and Secretary Wallace. Jh" ’ conference with the two fSihlnet mem j Iter* i rented the anbjcct of r*lie( In SWOT detail than was poaalhlr at th* While Hvuae gild the I’rcnldcut. In hi* atudy of the qoeatlon. doatrea to uvall hlmaelf of and ad .vice from the a*rpretrloa I P .'* ■ * . Fewer Convicts in State to be Trusties -ti « I fUlelgh, Sept 2g. Ooveinor tain ieren Marrlaon tonight declared that it Wea hla purpoae to limit the prac tice of convicla In prlaon camp* be ing placed In the n«*ittona of true tic* Hl* daclaloo wan mode bo aald. u* a result. the various cri£*a wliffh have recently Wen commit lad by convicts The GeVertuir referred particularly U. an aliened attack | upon a white woman by a negro trtia-[ I) at Hpiiri * I*tne. N C . which pra- Vtpltnlad the race outbreak there ' . -« I and th«* local Junto)' llrdcr will lutmcb a < aoipalicn Wr^n'tiliiy, ■ niolipi 3, lx Kwrair through imb- I !«• nukM-rlwtlon at Irani »«(|.IUMi whlrli will ho nmhl to purrhuar it to off*r thr N'ulloiihl t'oin- Witten of tba Junior Order Conn «*ll a* an Indoortn'M i« total' till- luatltiitliH) 111 <hi r|l> W. "" »lmar*l) hoi>r that when tbl* roinmttlea rail* on you, tlial »11l i-onirlbulr m « ordioi to jrunr maun* " Ktrrylhln* le In rrudlnen* bora f«r tl»» %ni|art«kliiK nay thonr wbo Harr Mill io»lml ihanmalvM, anil utiooat cflnfWalter i* oxpraan *a| that hr campaign will' njit be allowed to rwanlt m a mllim nliiin that Would tie Ihr tout opr ob record Itir (hla nUv .tad com tn unity. ===v ■ - v PRICE F|V» OUffi L:.— . /. . Serious Race Trouble Threatens in YiUqtfi M* lowing A* Alleged Attack Upon White Woman By An Escaped Convict There. ——»— T * * S f> *lf ‘ * (By the Associated Press.) l4tfe, N. C., Sept. 28. -One hundred and seventh-five negro laborers deported, today (ram the vicinity of Spruce Pine by citizen! will be re turned to work tomorrow unddr military guard, if necessary, it was stated by mkJkli# officiate here tonight. Adjutant General J. Van Metts arrived * this afternoon and Companies F. and H. of t|» North Carolina National Guard, arrived early tfr* night .acting on orders from Governor to take charge of the situation and protect t|» rights of all citizens, both white and qpfofpA f r Pfif* arrival of tfuf troops here tMk afteifMdH Came at the elose of two days fraught with JT citement for this community, the result of an 0 leged attack upon an aged white Woman by JR unidentified negro believed to be an eaiaped tao, vict from a road gang r\ear here. ImmediaUhF following the report made by the woman of the occurrence the posse set out. Jn the meantime ' others got together and summanly ordered all negroes to leave the community, it is said. More than three score are said to have departed yea terday. .v, , » ' » , •» HBTIIRN I.AHOHKKS TODAY (By the Anmnintml Pr«ra.) A*heville. Sept. 28.<pAdjuUnt Oeheref J. Van Mette. J«Mpe J Bin Key. Mayor A. (t Fuller end other offkiele held e toute snce early thia afternoou on hatuiUng the situation hi Spruce Pine Mitchell county, from which point 100 negraea have beeu deported following an alleged attack upon an aged white woman hy a negro convict, thought to have eacaped. F.ffortn will Ihi made to return aliout 66 negro laborer* ‘weHi ing fur a construction company engaged in a highway l»re. -«.* V tna * VtfUVrPB Citizentt of Spruce Fine have Huhacribed SBOO of a IMS ntwd offered for the capture of the ngero who attemptad the aaaault. Calvary Tmop F of the North Carolina National Ooani. eanr i nandod hy three officer*, left on a apecial train from BHtmoru thia afternoon at 4 o'clock. Jhey were unmounted and canfed riflea and machine guns ‘ •Tha-'apeclal train arrived at Spniee I’m,- at 7:16 o'clock and quiet at that time. • «, “ »o _ . > ' v .4. j’N lllf K-I'H^KcTfbN Asheville Sept jk. - Negnas* fiiken from construction wk and other* wbQ\V| j lie put back on their jot* tomorrow under Nfcl4oflsl. Guard irtiepi. g ( jfi**" telephomai at tonybL Jury is Deadlocked ' ;*wt w«h,u vSttaa. to ram In Flooring THnI^StIIiP.VSSKiaSS 'Hy 111. AaracUUd H W w. " f " « ftSwUim Mr. eatra# lag over a nertMl l« la rnoatha. ilacmi. •>*.. Kept »*.- -Th.- lary Th q,|. rcnaldprlna Ihr o**, of » r . C-uk Y.r- JdiKmSgJT bor*>ii*ii at til w*i 'wotg k*pi tog«<her la at rtaUag . si xft cieek A** with noiLiigjt* ,*ltk th# ieaaiaf at w kluitu ,*p l«* bow long *Vjjnflff f t " rg * , V•? f J —rr^ 1 pw- 1 ASHOC'IATEI) PRBSS «'sm«w»wal

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