lit=aaM TOBUMB TWO; NUMBS! 17» GOLDSBORO NEWS LAUNCHING HUGE CONTES! I , p Q 0 Q o . , .ft:. -i, o q ■ Members oft Mob at Spruce Pine to Pace Court Tria! * • - . y . - - t ■ s n; WITH K9ROES BACK TOWN IS Vim (BOUT MUM. Ml j«f. i« Positively Identified A (WUlt Woman ss Her * pL/ Assailant MYSTERIOUS LJGHTH , ARE NOT EXPLAINED aftCE PINEr Oct, (By Thdnpmsociated Press.)—With driven out of Spruce fids by firmed bands of angry dtisens last Wednesday, return to their jobs on the highways sad in the mines, this town to day passed one of th« most nor mal days since the troops came here last week, following an at tack upon an aged white woman by a negro, which caused the deportations. Four negroes ar rived ttys Spar tan burs, 8. C., and as in the case of tfee other negroes who have returned, they were escort ed t« the construction camp by , cavalrymen. Negroes who re turned yesterday worked today on highway projects and were not molested by the citizens. ('sat Explain Light. Explanation of the mysterious light Sashed from os* mountain lop to aa *th*r aarly this morning sad *Blch caused the dlfpnlcb of tire squads of soldiers to tstsstlSSte *M still lack las tonight. |h* ssMlerf found aotlVf tag out of phe ssdmsry Reports, reaching of t>« Mars «( ihff**gTO)|fc»t no one has Arrest mfllSi mt IS* mob which • carried os* S« damnation* la at ‘ pected before the tad *t the, week ▲ report ettrreal her* today was that Oovsraar Morrtaea la betas urg ed to request the weaaty authorities sot to prraa the eharges. a pledge betas s>* on ‘hat the a*t roe* wIU not be HMUeeted Another report preva l*at Is that Vhh members of the mob are wining ’• *uhiwM to a minor charge In connection with th* d* por tat lons aud to promise good behavior In the future NlfilM IS IDENTIFIED .• <*, ■ ” ' Raleigh. Oct. I- John Qoff, n*gr« convict captures near Hickory. N C . and accaeed of attacking an aged whlt« woman near Spruce Pins last week bringing about th* raclol trou ble in That community waa today idetaiStd by tbs victim of the assault an her assailant Th* negro vebe menUy denied Ibat be had ever seen hi* accuser but she we*, poaltlve In her Identification. la Iba absence of Ooernor Morri son fr*tn tb* city. It wa* not known tonight wbat the nett step >» ‘be case wonld be. ■V • ———- i REPORT ON HOTEL HEReTsT . SUBMITTED FRIDA Y NIG fit h Tomorrow plght promise* to M epochal on* In Goldsboro. Jg view of tbe fact that lb# re- Fsulta of the survey recently made la thla oily relative to the need fpr a new hotel will b* submitted at that Mm* t» tb* buslasss men of Ibe city and others Interested la auch a project for Ooldaboro It baa been announced that to morrow nlght‘4 meeting will be held Ik tbe Cbaatber of (tom awrc* rooms and will be called . to order promptly at I o'clock lafilcatloae are that numbers of talereated citizens -> will altend tb*j-weettng and participate In tb*m' jrussioas of tbe evening. 4(m( Goldsboro Chamber of Camnercw yesterday racelved a telegram from tb* Hocheflterry Systems, lac , stattag that tbe re part they bare compiled .follow tag tbe conclusion of their surrey In (jNe city, to a#w ready for Mbmlealon to Ibe buelness Inter •ata of the city aad Ibat It will b* made by Mr Hochenberry. In persoa together with th* recom mendatloas of tb* Byat*m Plana for tomorrow ntgb‘'4 mefttag call for tb* report to b* -WE ■GOLDSBORO NEWS Hon. A. W. McLean To Speak At 801 l Weevil Meeting To Be Held In Goldsboro October 24 * % e Farmers o f Eastern! i Carolina Gather Here To Arrange Effective Plan For Fighting the Farm Pest During Approaching Fall \ Months A diatrict wide boll weevil con , fereac* has been called by tb* Dl , rectors of the Eastern Carolina Chamber of Commerce to be held at Goldsboro October 24th at 11 o'clock. ’ for tb* purpose of discussing ways and means of of a* t ting the effect* of tb* weevil In Eastern Carolina for i next year. Ail authorities agree i that earn* of tb* mOst fSectlV* work along tbta line can be don* In the (all. and tb* Eastern Carolina Cham ber of Commerce feels that n meet ing called at this time to arouse In terest and public sentiment will 6* 1 well worth the while. ffon. A. W. McLean. t 'Ex-Chalrman of the War Finance Corporation will be one of lb* main speakers on this occasion Mr. McLean has a well defined plan «or securing concerted ; action that will, la his opinion, evan ’ tually overcome the disastrous effects of th* weevil. Tbta plan of hla wa* Vsabmlttod at Memphis this year and *• has also boon indorsed' by several of tb* coftdfe growing states furtbei Wleat Other speaker*, sack one an expert la his Una. will ba on Um program also. N* thinking man doubts tb* wisdom of haviag open discussion*, having for their purpose , th* working out of a plan' that will as far as possible be effective In de feating the weevil, and It la for tbit purpose alone that tb* Eastern Car olina Chamber of Commerce la call ing this meeting There are «• counties la the terri i tofy covered by the- MMtern Carolina Chamber of Commerce, and It Is hoped that every county will be r*p resented at this meeting, and every effort will be pul forth to tbl* end Geo. C. Royall, president of the East era Carolina Chamber of Commerce of Qoldaboro, recently said “Thb conference should mean the saving ot millions of dqjlara to Eastern Caro llna next year If properly attended ; by representative citizens of tb*w» forty-alx counties" Every county Ir urged to send r*pgg**ntatlvo* to thh meeting. INVITE HEN ATOM COPELAND —Of— i Greensboro. OcL 3--An Invitation apeak bar* next week, probabl- Monday. October S. baa beetl axtand i ed to Dr. Royal 8. Copeland. United • Btntss senator from New York, by' member* qf the Br**nsboro bar. discussed with the Hotel Commit tee of the Chamber of Cominerc* and th* directors of that Institu tion and It Is the hope and expec tation of those connected with the trades body that the hotsl situation In Goldsboro will be finally settled |t is stated that the H«t*l Oam mlttee will base Its action wpon tb* amouni of Interest shown and if It appears to be th» opin ion of the citizens as a whole that lb* undertaking should be launched, then .a stock selling plan will be Immediately InaJl luted here and pushed lo a con •ton as rapidly as possible. Should the report to be sub mitted tomorrow night not meet with the general approval of the people of Ihe cllyz then the Golds boro Chamber of Commerce will consider that the matter Is clua»d an far as thi* rtty la concerned for the time being "It there fore behooves every citizen of the city who feels qny Interest In Goldsboro's development and progroaa to Ito present tomorrow Eight” said Secretary Danmark GOV WILTON FIRES HIS OPENING SHOT II ELECTION n Secure* Temporary Court Order to Preveul Certifying of The Vote Cut ", ▼ t, IS DECLARED A ROUT BY MANY OPPONENTS (By th* Associated Press.) * Oklahoma City. Okla. Oct. 3- Governor J. C. Walton's attack on thi totality of yeaterday’i election on i constitutional amendment to perml'- of an Impeachment session of th< LAgtolaUir* was la full swing tonight with mnr* than n third of the return? from yesterday , election not jr*t tab ulated * i: % Hie sing. guu In the aftar-electioi fight waa fired today when he obtain ed In Btate district court a temporary restraining order preventing th> State Election Board* from certlfylni ‘he alectle*. Hearing on tha application to mak> the order permanent was aet (or Oc tuber 9 Observers on both aides an Uc Ipa ted • lull In th* contest betweer the Governor and the Leglatotun untU then Th* order was granted by Judge- Tom O Chamber*. Jr , at appotkO* of Oovernar Whltoa. In hla analldUtlep the Governor al leged that th* alectton waa illega l because the proposed constitutional amendments were not properly adver tls»d before tbe election He declared ‘bat thousand* Os armed special dep utlsa, commtolsoned by sbariffi throughout tb* Btat* bad lnt!midate< voters and this combined with allog e Representative W. D Me He* and bther Legislative opponents of the tovernor, leading the m»e for kl" Im oeachment. declared the vot# was "an overwhelming rout" of the Exei utlv*. Now Is The Time u To Plan Exhibits 0 " " / Those Interested in tb* agricultural exhibit* In connection with the ap jproachlng Wayne County Fair.' and thla number Includes practically all those In any way concerned with the fair, yesterday issued a statement Ir. which they said that tb* proper time to begin arranging exhibits for the fair to right uow They went *0 to add that those country people who exited to exhibit will be making u mistake If they delay until th* last minute th* matter of arranging the exhibits and any that very naturally the exhibitor will bav* a much bet- • tor opportunity fa win one or more of th* prizes It th* work In arranglmr the exhibits to begun now Instead of welting udill lb* Inst minute. Pres to! Indie*'lons ar* thaf there will ba number* of varied esblblte offered BAHEBAI.I. RENt I.TM - National League. Brooklyn I, Boston 6 America* League Washington •; Philadelphia 12. Cleveland 9; fit Louis I. j Detroit I; Chicago 4. GOLDSBORO, N- C, TMBMjUftr MORNINQ, OCTOBER 4, 182.1 \ * X POWER COltfif OF THE STITE WtNNEK BY GIHIRT HGISION Number ot WfyM <’ounf y (aaca Includwd !■ Supreme Court Opiglmi INTERESTING NEW BERN DECISION 18 RENDERED (By th# Associate* Press) Raleigh. Oct 3 -The Carolina 'An naaoee Power Company's petition for the power righto *n th* Htswaasce river granted by Judge McSlroy when he reviewed brief* submitted bv the petitioner and ‘he Htawaaae* River Company, a petition which wa* dl tected waa upheld by the Supreme Court In an opinion written by Jue tlce Stacey and concurred in by Jy tlc* Clerk. . G * r Tbe petitioner tbua to given th* power rights of tbe atver because of, its priority claim, according to tha Hupreme Court's declalow. iwMch rui •U that It* surveys, mad* before any others, bad given eminent domain of tbs land Involed. About 143.000 Is Inolwd In the caa*. which was car ried to the Supreme Court In on* dos • n different case* The | gets tbe right to future d*v*|opm*ata of the property, but must pay a fair market price for the laada Involved, zccwrdlng to the decision Chief Justice Clark upheld th* right of tb* city of New Bern to grant th* right of emtnegt domain for the laying ot g railroad spur track over some land that traces* It* title back to th* time d* Oraffehreld set foot upon Craven soli. Tb* trtot 1 ludg# to sustained In tblg ana* Th* Chief JueUoe. In hto "ptnton. citee •oat* very Interesting kgaiaey and go** Into tbe caa* In detail. t The following opinions wer« hand ed down: ■» Advertising Co. vs. Warehouae Co Edgoconaffe, new trial May Co. va Shoe Co., Nash, no er ror. Everett va . Sneed, Wayne, no er ror Smith va Creech. Wayne, no error Barrett va Barnes. Hertford modi fied and Affirmed Stovena va Turlington. Johnston. »(firmed. Cgatello vs Jenkins. Mettle, no er ror. Hartafleld va City of Now Bern. Craveu, affirmed Overall Co vg. Hollister Co., Crave* new trial. Reel Bros vs. Lee and Hardison, i reversed. Stato va. lxiftlu, l-«tolr. no error Automotive Trade Aaaoclatlqn va Sheriff. Mecklenburg, reversed. Caroiina-Tennessee Pcfwer Co. vs Hlawasaee Ball Co. #t *|. Cherokee.- jafrii llfVil In 12 caaur Head Found Embedded in Sand Pittsburgh. Pa . Oct I.— Thfee boys playing on tha,.bank of the Monoga belt river tonight found the bead of a man embedded a foot or more In tbe The head I* believed to be from Lddytlllr Hlato Peaßeaftory here tods) af ter they had killed eae traard and wunuded fhrev--edßyw In a des perate attempt to »kool v ihelr way to liberty, still were besieged to* night j Rlmred runad w|tb a erlm circle *f prison guards, reinforced by •cores 'if citizen rtt*men, Ike convict* held lo their barricade, rxchanirlwß wccaltonal shots with lheir besiegers. No concerted attempt wa* made durtag th» day to ru«h the Im prevl«ed fortrea* of lb* convicts ba! tonight wNh a mwcblne gun sviaad «f the Rewtnehy National Guard on d#f. priasn nnthsritli ■ rzpeeled t* rebr wtth laadern of the reliifnccemsnto fie determine wbat coarse te pwraw*. OFFER FINE PRIZES II SALESMANSHIP CLUB FOR LIVE WIRES OF SECTION • 4 * v»* " ' .. • ■ * ' wii* '■ • ■ ‘.. ■ At. Mlfe.j PAGE ONF B F BOX ' . SOCIALIST MFNBFKk v OF GERMAN CABINET ALL RESIGN POSTS (By the Associated Press? 4 Berlin, Oef. *, The Soctollsl members of the German cabinet resigned this evening The resig nation *f the remainder- of th% cabinet la expected to occur IS algbl. The Socialist section of th* Htlcbstag rejected by g| so 64 the campmmls* solution proposed by Urn (•wverament. President Ebert ba* charged Dr. Stiwasemann with Ike farma lk»a of a new caklael Melehatag circles believe lluil with n newly c*n*trnci*d Sfresse maa cabinet without MoMallst* I aad wbelly dependent up.w the Hifurgcols parlies, || b, apable of putting a reform meas ure Into effect. Talk *f a (Ivlltoa Dlrtater, sap- < ported by martial tow, and a con sequential dissolution us th* Role ha tag, coast Bated a striking f*aur name aad lags part. Then* awards, aggrsfittng a vary substaaflal foriuaa, will be dlstrlb Hied absolutely fre*. Th»rw will b* no red isye Beery Ik tog —wBI h* absolutely free All the detail* us tkls remarkable offer aad lb* method to be purr.ued to become a member t of tbe club and win un* of (base big U *uiomohll*s are'detailed fully In the two page advertisement In today's la* sue of The News M*c and woman, married or stogie, •ra eligible lo romiswla for I base •wards aa oulllaad tn tb* advertise meat It is poslkto for y«u •■ • can didate t« win lbs 1*76 Butck He dan la tosa than eight w**ks' time Ihnt la the duration of tb« campaign Tlihra will" l>* no postponem*ni us any description and tbvse awards will be given just exactly aa outlined It coats absolutely nothing !* enter •ud compete You do n»t ev«n need to be a puherrlbar of T6# News In order ‘o lake tn the campaign All necessary, furias sod blank* ar* sup plied free ■ •>** ghdltye Is each Ist ue of The Gold ah(t nr TNe w • will appear a Nomination Wsnk If llila be filled out with your name or Ihe name of some man »r woman. It will be good for 6.UIN) votes, only one of then* Nomination Blanks will he credited to* member In eai h Issue of Th» Goldsboro News will l>e found a flaw vole coupon good for the number cf votes printed -ipon them Clip these coupons out end vote th«m for your- WHERF DO THE WILD, WILD GOLDSBORO STORIES START? ——————— + Where do some of Ihai Very remarkable • newspaper *torle*» Win rv do some «f III* very concerning this city aud commu nity. ami which lt«vo been pub»-e --11-bed In is In oilier sect loti» (..m-rTalnr (b,Gib,yo gala tb«lr origin? And has vw*.» b**n any truth In some of th* wild minor* emanating from Ibis town and published In the dally preas ' A newspaper riXffcr residing at Clover York county. South Csro llaa sees r*f*reac* tn Th* Chsr- lutte Observer to a wry weird happpelug said to have laken place in ('•oldshoro. and that read' er clipped tpr Item and forward ed It hare with the request that i th* aut-hi-Dttelly of tb* happen , tag be established it pussfAl* Dated at Goldsboro on i>#plem b*r 24, the Item which szefted the cunwi'y of rhy tgouth Carolina t reader read In Th* Charlotte Owervtr aa follow*: "Fifty or mors habitual drink- — r\ i 1 HDIDfHER OF ASSOCIATED PRBBS ;j price fvvi cm Mir or (or non* friend ttei (H would Ilk* to mo wta on dt tbo „- « T Row to Rot Toko*- Thor* tre only two way# to-fM voie» which nr# ■■o—oory *• -wfn tbe## awards- 0— war l* bj.fffce ping the free vfM mure rapid war >• by ntripUoo payment* to Tb# IHMlfi* News Tkeee .übaerlpU |MMts may be from per—* *OW fd|Rß.—ja New* or ft.*in persona wbpajutts* taking The Ntwi. Votoa *d on all iuch payments >* her vote* tb* price of tb* paper la *h«M A 4&p today'* t**u«. A Reward too On* wt tb* eery •K'awtttyHHM tun in- campaign. » every person who cOmpit-BRa well rewarded foe bio oNMi> A thoee who werb aid fall to «Qbj| ibe regular prtaod wR cu*h commission M It fit tfd < all tb* aabMiiptloM they eotltot to ■* lag the campaign, aOtobrdigg tb ruin* and regulation#. Territory MtIM. The torrltory coeerod by Tbe Oak • boro Now* bna been divided !• ,t' > dUtrtrta. Tbls dlrialog |* ebowa t tbo adrortleemont today. Tbts i reogomaat gtvaa all candid**** i » *«tual opportunity of abort— la tl * many awards. Tb|* dlrialog of te rllory, bowavor doe* not m—a tb • "worker I* re»trioted la agy way to the locality In which bo or t » m*y work gatboring aabeortpti » and rote*. The division of t errtU y wa* made »ol*ly with the idea of i - Ing aaauraace that all wbo aster t compete will bse an ual *pp< nlty, nine* award* are gu area Me each of the two district*. Tb* Goldaboro Naw* baa created * department to help all member* wbo rater, and the band of tbl* ttQgrt in»nt, the campaign manager la teady and willing at all Nm— In giro tb* I help and Information posolbi* m to I manmamnm* (Continued par* atx.) •ni of O«ldnborf dad vlctatty drank corn whlakay ftitocdoy night and Sunday and kap* »»r~~ b»«*n *trtm of curloaUy to tha apb- Jat|*> Hoar»*a r , paopia la OaMy l>oro aay thay navar haard as tha affair and If aay paopia of tha city dtd turn gray, tba aiMar Uaa not baconta public pro party aa yat. It Is rlalmad. kawaaar. tbai yoaalbly noma of tboaa who did not gat any of tha “Uatoor" In question. may ha«« »am»f inti with auay but aauu thin hua not tliua far baaa iUbttahaf bayon3 tba poaalbUHy of 0 rOOd onabla doubt. | vCoatteopd oo pufo da) m .