• ■ , ? ’ WfflTHEfiJ pufcßfiOTtar gerHen Hatarday generally fair VOLUME TWO; NUMBER 180 FOREIGN COUNTRIES SEND OFFICIALS TO 0 WUNmWSWNTH Twenty of Lending Nations Send Official Dele gation to Make Health Inspection in United • . States, Including Goldsboro on Itinerary 4 : ■ Lending health workers from the principal European countries will come to Qoldsboro some time ‘during the present month to kame a brief survey of health conditions in the city of Goldsboro Knd the county of Wayne, such announcement beiiig made here esterday. - Naturally the public of the city and county will be very keenly interested, and will regard this as a distinct honor lor the city and county, that Goldsboro should lie chosen for in spection by the leading men of their lines from France- England. ussia, Poland, Spain. Mexico. Holland. Belgium. Greece. Juf>w£a. Germany. Switzerland. Norway. Mexico San Salvador. Briar, Chile and Canada ■ I !■■■■! Kary •( Other Tana* WbM (be news becomes known that Goldsboro has been inspected by the fort Ik ii health authorities, with UttlK 9 no nttenUon paid to any of the r elites of the Stale, it is guKfhrohabUi that the envy of these t other towns amt cities will probably be considerably eicited. Dr. L W. ('obeli, in charge of the Department of Health here. Is not ready as yet to make complete an nouncement relative to the plans for the reception of the foreign visitors, bat will meet with a committee, prob ably tomorrow, to make the arrapge menls and preparations for tbe recep- Uon her* of the visitors. Dr. Cor bitt says that be hopes to arrange an tpterceting and enjoyable program for tbe visltora. but that several days , will have to elapse before be will be la position to make these plans pub lic. Tbe brail h workers rnmlnit here are official delegates pf Jbelr respec tive governments and have been sp polated with n view to securing the equipped men for these posts Kol lowlng tbetr visit to North Carolina, tbe bealtb workers will proceed In groups to Massachusetts, New York sad Pennsylvania, where further work . will be done along the line of that accomplished on the inspection trip here. Is addition to tbe high officials coming here will bo number Dr. Nor man V. Lothian of (be Health Section . of tbe League of Halloas, and po**l- My some of the principal health of ficials engaged In State work In North fMffra will ala* bn wbsut tbe trip Is made to Goldsboro. ta yesterday dlsrunslng the ap proaching visit of the officials. Dr. Corbitt says ha understands that the party may come here for a vary brief stay on either October lb or I*. and after leaving the city, may come back to Goldsboro for a llttlo morg ex tended stay on October 20. However, as Dr. Corbitt understands It, these dates are entirely tentative and he says that be ha* received no positive assurance lo that effort. The following Is the personnel of tbe party expected to come to Golds* boro: Prance Is represented by Or. X*- Au* blant. Inspector principal des rtervlc.es d’hygiene. Dep. de iTlemnlt. and Dr |f. Busslere. Dlrecleur des Services d'hygiene de Montlucou. England I* represented by l*r. lives, t arnsulh, D.8.0.M.0- Ministry of Health. !<on- Pop 8. W. I." and Dr. Ohs». Porter ■ > m d M O FT., rttfl Marylebone. I .on <l'in Italy Is represented tiy l>r. K- Plecln pi. Ufftclo suulUtrlo de Porto, Nspoll Rusaiu Is represented by Dr. 8. Bh>ue» ywekL Hart Kpid Unrean, f. r.'jlyi- TcVpriiiisky I'crmlnk), Narkows -1 jirytir. Moscon. Hr A M»ryif». »In f d<- Han. Hpid.. (Lccbuologlc sskajc Nafkowsdraw. Kharkof. Ukraine. and r ’ M. Yovekoff. Sanitary Kngtneer. Nar kow(4rav, Mosrou. Spain la ropre irnted by Dr. It. Fernandes t'ld. In* specteur provincial do la Hunt* pntv llillir. San Sebastian Holland Is rip* resented by Hr. I*. J llulahoff l»ol, liapodcur gonvcrocmenUf do la Santa Ftibllqiit, luiy Huyc- Belgium 'ta represented by Hr. van Boerkel, IMractcur diir ludxiratolre de l adinln- V ••t'V" «* c I'Myglen*. Bruaalloa, and Jfcach, Chef do Service d’Hyglen* ** ul) .•,i« r bo< k. Hrunellce. Greece !• by Hr. Trlgo*. Director, State Bacteriological latbortary, AHi* ena. (aba. Greek Legation. Turin). Poland la represented, by Hr. f. Balko, Provincial Health Office. (Wojcwod . nkl ITv cad /alrowra) Grncuw. Jugu ■lavta la represented by l)r. Ivo Knlin, Referent dir Ministers de la Sun'e pabiique Heluradw. (iorn)auy la rep reaentod by Hr- J. Hunalker, chef du | Service d'llyglene du Canton dc Bale- Villa. Norway la represented by Hr. S Anderson. Medlctn dc Prefecture. LlllebaffKs-r Norvoge. MexbM is repreaei’d by D/. Knrlque Orvuna noa. Government Inapector or -Hy- City. Nun R*‘lv»,|»r la repreaenled by Hr. J. Begovas. Hire; tor tie San Id ad Ban do Salvador. Uri 4 • v vll la reproaoaled by Hr. Vesconeel j,. ( iu)c la represented by Dr. J, ‘ Due< I. Faculty of Medldnr, * Santiago de Chile, and Hr. C. Mayer*. * 81/eetor. Id'aguo of Social Hygiene Santiago Canada la '/eprcseiited by ' Jr. MM. Seymour. MeU. Deputy Mlnlatcr of Public Health, and Hl ivetor of Venearcl Disease Control, SMkatcbewun. ■ « THE GOLDSBORO NEWS I -- Blow IMi KIM b 84'KNK OP DIMANTKtIt’M PIKE <• (By the Press.) Hickory, N. C. Oct. 4. Eight buildings, including the postofftr*. were burned eariy toduy ut Blow ing Rock, a widely known sum mer resort, 40 miles north of here In the mountains, according to here. The loos was estimated ut more Ihan 170.000 CONVICT MUHRS still mmrn AGAINST THESIEGE Hail of Rifle and Machine Gun Fire Faila to Kill AU Os Them ONE MAKES DASH FOR HIS ESCAPE (By The Associated Press* Pddy title, h>; (lei. 4 That one at least »f ih» barwbmdid build ing's defender' Was still allir <•" was graved aeoa after firing erased when a aula attempted le leave by tbe mala tbersaj. I.nards opened flee nail the man disappeared hark Into tbe darken ed building. V All Thought billed Eddyville. Ky-. Oct 4. Rifles and I machine guns which had been pouring a hall of hullota Inin mess ball of the State penitentiary here where three convicts had been twrrlcodd since a ■lush for liberty Wednesday morning. In which three guards had I km* a kill ed. were silenced soon after dark to night when heslgers who ventured ] from cover were not fired upon by the tenants of the Improveaed fortress The opinion was that the desper adoes were dead or desperately wounded. 11l view, however, of the possibility Ho* the convicts held tliulr fire to conserve their stock of ammunition for a last desperate sland ; when attnekers sliould enter the j building. It had practically bean de termined to maintain a guard.tonight ] nod nwait daylight for further action *,toyd George Lands j In America Today 9 fltv the Associated Tress.) New York. Oct. t. Du'ld Lloyd George, the Imhl of the great premier* j of the war ta full.'will net hla foot nn Aliierlean aoll tomorrow for tna * lirdt time Free from the buredns of carrying on the Brttlah government. | tDa former »*‘Ush primb tnlulslrr i comas to discover America anet *nd to Impart hta v|„wh from the plat- j TiTfni to the ’American people. He U i the second foreign member of "The ! Big Four of Versailles.’’ WJJxotv | Clemmenceuo, and Orlamlo. were the j others—to come to .thin country. Mr. Lloyd George, hla wife, and tin ca-prcmler’s Inseparable companion Ills daughter, and hair a dozen secret iatles. are pu'senger* aboard Hie ship doe at ijitaranllJie tomorrow morning. Heeding reports that advocates of j Hu which he prevent I <>d freon doming Into being, tried t# heckle the Brttlah slatesuian... head quarters tonight eauard precaution* to l>e taken to prevent embarraa* uient to Ho- dlatlngioalied visitor SPOT COTTOff New York. Oct 4 Spot cotton quiet. middling 29 20 ((ITTO* TIT I KIH New York. o<t. 4 -Cotton lulrr# closed aleady : 1 Oclola-r .. . 2H 70-71 December .... 2k 43-48 January ...... 27.93-95 I March , 27.»1 -B4 . May . 27.13-97 JX.O tilu HIS OH Dm MR I BROUGKTIO CITY j HR THE WEEK Trade and Pay lip Wwk Has At traded Hu.vers From Out ' of Territory * !COMMITTEE MAKES PRIZE AWARD PHAN “During the present week there has | been tobacco hauled from ivolnts at a gfeuter dislaltcc from Goldahoro than ever before in the history of'Jhe local tobacco market and ln>MTic meaaure we attribute this fatg'tn the Merahunta Pay rp Week campaign j which we have launched here.” That i i was the statement made yesterday by > one of tbe local business men Inte-1 rested In the local trade week, and lhal opinion appears to be Bhardh by a,good many of tbe other merchants and bustneas houses of the city who are cooperating In the undertakntg | An old negro man living nt Pink Hill, which Is really out of the trad-, lug terrltorykof this 6lt>. came to Goldsboro one day during the pres ent week and sold his entire tobacco crop, stating at the time that he plan ned to spend every cent of tbe money Alth Goldsboro merchants in sn ef fort to win one of the handsome prises offered. It Is presumed that he carried out this statement and accordingly some of the merchants of tbe city secured In that one In stance trade which otherwise could not possibly have come to them. Naturally with a showing like this, the lofal business bouses of the city ) are well pleased with the success scored during the Orst week of the campaign. which week Is now coming to a close. section were kept In their Helds thru Owing to the fact that almost all out the present week by reason of having to pick cotton, it Is anticipated that next week will l»e even mote successful thsn was the present one. The local business houses ure expect ing Ip see u tremendous volume ol trade transacted here during the ap proaching week. In View of the lari that the Trude and Pay Up event for Goldsboro and for Wayne county will come to u close on rtaturday. Vjtftuber |3th. Preparations are being made for a committee lo rmet during the early port or next seek, at which time ar rangements w||| be perfected relative to the awarding of the worth-while prizes to the winners. These pluns have not been perfected as yet. hut liny will In- completed early next w*rk ami will be announced through j the press of the elty ns spoil after that time a* may he possible. j Certainly •*/ those connected 'with the present trade undertaking will have any rlgbl to register ob lections as to the results secured. BAHKIIU. BKMULTft National League Philadelphia 10; Boston - American League Cleveland 9‘: rtt. Louis 1.” Detroit 8; Chicago a. Philadelphia 7: New York d. Post rteasihs Fort Worth 7; New Orlcunw- I; ■ championship of rtottth won by Fori j Worth . High School F<4 I ball -1 Rocky Mount 29; Wilson 8 Slribling First Is : _ r Named Champion Later A Draw b 1 . - I Stormy Scenes in ('/olumi?u», Ga., During Battle Put Up For Ten lioundH by Macon School Boy in Effort to Win World's Title From McTigue <lty The Assoclaicd Press) | Columbus. Ga., Oct. t. Referee I lldrry Kmrdie, closeted In s private i ‘ resldvnee, away from angry specta tors. imUglit IsMicd a algio'd slate ill'll I il'VEoliig that lie bail officially I declared the 10-£oiin<l hatlle a drus I and hud not reversed bis decision, 'even lu the face of threats, "unless I awarded the decision lo Hlrtbllng. I would never leave Hie ring alive "' He admitted fight promoters b.tyl forced him lo grab tbr right arm of.. Die rhallrnger and raise It aloft, nam ing Major John Pant Jones, heading Ihe committee of the lix-al poxt of tlm American la-glon. staging lie IlaliL as the man who grahlx-d his and Hirthllng's bands and raised I belli. i McTlgii,- and his manager, J'x- Jarobe. left town Iminadiulely slier ! Kardla had Issued his statement. Me iTlgue also Issued a statement dedar- Hig thai he had bean forced Into the ring with n hrokvn thiimh al the rx,lot nf a pistol and Jacobs said the I spectators had threatened tu haug i GOLDSBORO, N. C., FRIDAY MOUSING, OCTOBER 5, 1923 — ' — . : WESTERN HOLM MISTS EITHER 'ITIMNhSIEM Ccntcnury Church There Will He Hoat To Grefcff Church » flilUM uu < DATES ARE ANNOUNCI*) FOR OCTOBER 16-21 V (By the Associated Preas.l Winston-rtalenv, Oct. 4.—Tlw an nual aesston of the Western North Carolina ConferendC. McthotMst Kplx ropnl church. rtottl|» will bo held here October 8-21. according t. to MB an novineenicnt by Rev. R. Ihiruhardf pastor <vf Cenienury church. In wlilrlt the meetings and services of the con ference wll be heW. Among the speaker* on the pro gram for the conference arb Dr. 011- sert T Rowe, cdltpr of the Qudrtrr ily Review. Nashville. Tetan . and Bishop Collins Denny Bishop Dean, will preside over the sessions of th< eonferenco. Following Is the tentative prngrart for the conference ns announced by Rev. Mr. Bernhardt: Tuesday. Oct»*her IS ■?::l0 P. M. Meeting of Conference Historical Society. Address by Dr Gilbert T Rowe Wednesday, October #7 9 A. M.-^Opelting of conference with Sacrament of lord’s Supper. .7 P M Anniversary of Itoafd of Social Service and Ten pc run eg I 7:;im p M Anniversary «>f ttdsnluy School hoard. Thnrsday, October 1H . 3 P. M—Anniversary of EpworUi League bourd. 7:30 I*. M.— of Hoard of Mlslsons Friday, Orb her IP 3 p M.— Mooting of conference brotherhood i 7:30 I’M- Anniversary of Board of (Sdttcatlea. Saturday. 4Moher 2t» 2 P. M.—Drive 6f Inspection to ‘Children's Home 4 P. M.—Concert at Saluin collate 7- 3t> P. M—Anniversary of Church Extension Hoard Nagdey. October fl H A. M. Conference isrwn bo, Bbthop Colltoa is-ssv ™ ® 7:30 P. M —Sermon by Dr- K. A Viclairty. Goldsborto Speaker ’ •; Heard at New Bern George A. Norwood, priMiiluent business man of Goldsboro, uddreeaad a mas ameetlng of hustneHa' tobacco growers at New Bern ut 1 o'clock yesterday ufternoon and In formation from that city Ja to the effect that the occasion was very In terestlng In every resioict and that some' valuabb' Information and ad I vice was given his hearers by the | Goldsboro citizen < Details coocera ! Ing cooperative marketing of tcjbnc |co constltuliHl the most Important 1 portion of Mr. Norwood'** address and tills was Inlormatlon which Ills bearers were eager to secure. Tlieri Is declared to have lieen a very' rep resentative attendance (him to it tree, holding him responal- Die for Hie fight being declared off,) .officially, earllcr-vfn Ho- day ? I row a Is Inlacl <'oluitihus. Oh., Orl. I Michael Me-j Tig lie of Ireland Innlght was speed { ing out of Hie city with his light weight championship crown, follow ing his fight with Young Mtrlhllng.j ihe IK-year-old Macon. Ha., youth who. for three hours after the fight, j J had what *( heltcvcd U> he the off!- 1 clal IHU i') 11 II Ihe l ari) Decision t'oluinhus, (is , <k l I Th' heavyweight t haiupionshlp of the ' world cliaiige<l liaifls here t«>day when I \v L. ‘'Young"Btrthllug. an lk-ycar old . . hoy. was Dually awarded a dee is km over the JdikeM rTlgue of Ireland, at Ihe cloaa of their scheduled Ik-round light, fMatured h> hosing, hugging. I slugging and rioting, tka latter oa the part of tha spectators Harry I I IC'onQnued on Tag* 6l | Would You Like To Own a >51,875.00 Buick Sedan ? j Here’s a Chance For You! Send'ftHhe Nomination Blank— lt Start** You Off with V0»000 Votes To Your Credit—Three Latent Model Auto** to Be Awarded by the Golds boro News in Just a Few Weeks’ Time—Get an Early Start. , w - _ - II UJ Harvey And Child Quit Post As Ambassadors e* ... . " v Said To Have Had Agreement With Harding Administration That They Were to Retire on Account of Financial Burden at Rome and London (By the Associated Press ) Washington. Oct. 4,- The resig nations of Ambassadors, Harvey ut London and Child ut Rome, submitted far private reason and and under an agreement reached with the Harding administration, have been accepted, making the dm btg change in the American diplomatic service since President Coolldge took office. Ambassador Harvey will ipiH h(s office about the first of the year. Ambassador Child who lion either left or Is about to leave Rome for the United Htates. will not go back. None of the .other Ameren ambassadors or min isters. tbe State Department said. In making the announce ment, has any similar agreement limiting service, so far as Is known. The only explanation of the txto resignations, given In official quarters. ; wus that In both rases the Ambassadors had a few months ago reached agreement* with President Harding as hi the . length of time they could continue nt their port Whether they ha'o deferred retiring because of Mr. Harding's death 'untU President CxrtHtdgw should feel that they could Ur spared was not disclos ed ' In both cases, there have Im'vu IdllniMllons, however, that the Ambassadors, were bulling thHF positions unduly' burden some In a llanelul way snd that they felt they must give alien lion to their personal affairs When Ambassador llarvey was lust in the United rttales on a somewhat prolonged leave. It Items guests OF “HELLO BUIS" I “Betti People On Enrlh” HonU | ijt Combined Barbecue and „ Dance Here * ** o “‘ ■ Ln J l The "Hello -Bills'’ accompanied by the Mrs Bills, and oilier Invited guests, gathered at Hie Goldsboro Klka Horne last night and enjoyed one of’ the finest affairs Its kind ever staged In thin city Jho occasion | being the annual hnrhetuc and danc< r given with Goldsboro luxlgc Nil Lib. ' Benevolent snd Protective Order ol Klka, us of Ihe evening. The , hospitality outlie ’That People on | Barth" lisa long since gained fame , all over the rodntry and the reputs I tloir Mh carried opt •'» the nll». de- t gree here lasi nglht by the Golds lOffl Bills Kerry minute of 'lie I evening was Interesting and p'legsnnt I and another score lias been credited" i to the Goldsboro la>dgc on the hoa- t pltalßy record I Last night's tesll*lt!es began at t 6 Ui -o'rliM k and the gin »l» of the I '"lodge Included the wives a few In I I v|iei| friends and nil the, school > teachers of Goldahoro. including lb*. I Orphanage school. H wan really In honor of ilw* latter that the event was I aged The school teachers dec lan d that ■ they had very much enjoyed the cour- I ' lesy shown them and that the event ' was uniettbey would loug remember ! ' 1 Limited Train and I>ocal In A Wreck i d- ■ t l Ity the Asm slat ed Press.) Mobile. Ala OclN I Train No I. of the Ismlaville and, Nashville rall | road, last southbound New Y’ork snd Now Orleans Limited, aas In a col lision with a northbound local train hwtwawn Blind snd Ocean Springs •nrly tonight While details of the wrrerk are yet lacking. Louisville and i Nashville officials have declared not 1 one was killed. | ... - . w > , waa reported he would resign and take an acllv* part In the | presidential campaign. Howev t er. Rule Department officials { limited their announcement t* ( the statement that Mr. Harvey | wan about ta retire and would do so In accordance with an under- t standing with President Harding. i There wan no official word to- I night on lo officials successors I President Coolldge might chaos* 1 lo (111 the posts. At the rttate 1 Department It was Isaled that no steps had l>een taken to sound . out the two governments as to suitability of possible appointees. Both of the retiring am baa sa ilor* played Important part* In the campaign which resulted In the election of President Harding , and since entering upon dlplo- , malic duties they have been | prominent figures In negottn- { (lon* having to do with post war i developments. They have funr- *| tinned nt times as American ob servers on tbe Allied Council of ' Ambassadors. «(hlch succeed**! lb* council of Premiers In deal ing with peace treaty affair*. I The outstanding development 1 of British-Americas relonUons .. during th* period of dor Harvey's stay In Izmiton was lit* conclusion of Rrltlsh debt na mitlqtlows When the earhangen ’ ■! reached tb«*lr tins! changes and Premier Baldwin was then In the United Ktales with the British commission lo work out delgtlls, Mr llarvey was called home lo aid In bringing the refunding to a successful conclusion. HOTEL PROPOSITION ISDECIDEDTOM • ; lluninewH Men of City Will Mteet Tonight to Hear Report Made on Survey STOCK COMPANY IS I.IKKLY THE RESULT o .1 . Bedded Interest attach** to the meeting ol Goldsboro business men which ha* |jccn*\'nlled to be held at the t'hauiixir of (,'omniefce rooms to night. snd si ahlcti plans for a new hotel in OoldslKiro will be dis cussed Following the receipt of various reports, It Is ei|x-rtcd thnt the buslnesa men of the city present for the meeting will ruarh decision cither lo build a new hotel her* or lo abandon pluns.-for the time being;' of any such undertaking. Home time ago Hu- Hockenbury Hyalaui, Inc., agreed lo make a com plete survey of Goldsboro relative to 'ascertaining llie possibilities of this dly from a hotel standpoint, and ex perta came to this city and made such a survey. They have now completed their findings ou the subject, com piled their data, and are. ready to suhmli Ihelr report and Information has been received by Ihe f'huiuhei of f'omnieit t officials that Mr llock nbury will come In imtsoh to Golds boro In older to make the repwrt to .light What lie will have lo say will lx' of vital Interest lo sll the |x-oplc of the illy and' li la therefore ex pected that there will he a consider able number ot community leaders In attendance fog tonight's meeting. In the ev«nt (list the report rec ommends the hotel venturo for Golds- Isun, it will also contain recommen dation relative lo how the funds fur Iho undertaking uuuL.hc secured snl* li may Ik' that a plan will he begun slid at vigorously prosecuted us may lx- possible, in itn effort In organise a stock company here to provide the Binds for Ihe work Announcement ‘-relative to the de cision reached at tonight’s meeting 1 wltl he swatted here wtth very eager | Interest or Saturday morning ASSOCIATED PRESS p I PRICE FIVE CENTS i A 11875 ud Buick Redan frsa to you! ' Thai means YOU who art reading theiae linen, no matter w|gg you are or where you live. Just so yon are dg the territory covered by the circula tion of the Qoldsboro News. Nd, there’s no mistake about ft. aor*ia there any catch I* It. It la a dlrget statement of facts. You art Inte rested. of course, by this time, no here's tbe story. Read It: Thru s grand prise distribution the object of which Is to incr**M still f"rther the circulation so The o*l6*- . boro News, a list of U valuable swards Is going to be presented ab solutely free to the readers and friends of The Ooldsboro News. No one could halg better to bring about this Incrsose of clreulsUgn than the friends snd boosters of tfcto paper, and those wh* are willing to assist are going to he rewarded In so big s way that the reward wW actually boom out of proport lea t* the effort put forth- For Instants, think <M receiving a luxurious laid Redan In return for junt n little sp*ao ’ time effort during the next few w**R» Nor Is this all. for there er* other automobile to be awarded —two Chev rolet touring earn. Yes Mave Two Che vie let* Ho, you see. you don't need aevqn to atsnd first In the campaign to wjla an automobile! You con ftaleh tg serond pise* snd still win n ser. Mb g sides the automobiles . therd are other prises snd to top off tffs affl liberal uffai ever made by a MSIR paper In this section, a eaeli N# ulssloo of lo per cent wU hi tu all sriivc candidates wh* failYl win one of the regularly Met*# jtttM This Is certainly fair. liafll Rf Not oag of then# prtasn MM dM ■ owner a single penny. They W4M he given to those Who WtiPH/k’ est number of votea fMhne UUMB_V** '■* obtsited in two epffuddgMjMn the free vole ronpewl tIM Mlr M *Bped from oneh l sent dff TWI flNdh* boro News and from the (Wtohjffven on subscription peymnsds |p Tge News. Here Is the wag It westia OWt: Mff years you wealed as aatesaablls *4 your own. even Ifc* rear wlldeud dreams never Iwi tnelnded s BffMg Hedna, so turn gew le the fall gain ■id In ibis Unite end gnu will dad the Nomination hlnhk. Thin sou dig oM and send It er bring R to tbs Com pelgn Manager, 'Y%la eeepoa In gelid tor 10,Mo tree votes and each eng didst* who enters Is allowed one yf theae Nomination Coupons By pto turn yoe wilt receive a subserto tlon receipt book together with fell Information about the caaspslga and how to make a winning race Try Year Nelghbera for RobssHg- Mon* on your wny borne from tbe peel office you will meet your next dogr neighbor end pass the time es day, you toll them of yoar ambition to Win one of the New’e Prise Autoe. They naturally want to know somethlM about how you are to accoeapllsb lift miracle, so you tell them that arc Issued on all aubaertptlou pay ments to The Holds boro N#w» apd thnt If be glvoa you hla aubaartpUM and all your other neighbors do same It will turn the trick. Quick M • wtak this neighbor will wwat lo *• the one to eurt you oa the road to eucceea and will dig right dowa (,1a his pocket and pay you hla aahMrißs Hon. Aiur you take the #f« m» scrtptloa and “break the loo," anjtt were, you will fairly bubble over enthusiasm and a prospective aub srrlber would have to be clover. tß deed. to get away from you a/tar that, even It be wlahes to. And ha woa*t want to after you tall him that I*l are selling The Goldeboro Nwdg. You have everything to gala la thla enmpalgn and absolutely no charose of losing .You are bound H wig A valuable prise or to be paid la cash fur any lime you use la roUecllag aoliar rlpllons and votes. Si-mi In your nomination blank to day. If you can not And lima tp come lu ibe office, then mall lb Ik, • , or call na upon the phone and Mt of our representative# will call and explain the rampalm to yon- Tta phone number Is 111- Ask for t]|il Campaign Manager. . Tbs Campaign Dept, la loeataCm „ > the bualneas office of The Goldsboro News and la open dally from » a. to 11:30 p. m. Man Who Killed >W, Stranger lndkM (By The Associated Prapdl , Stockton. Cal., Oct. 4—Alai Knit, conleaaed murderer of a it ranger hear Loud! three weeka ago, wan In dicted for murder by |be Una Joagnfe c<£Ky Grand Jury hare today. *_. . I

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