° WEATHER ®h*4| Sataeiayi gaagay lair id ■MfkUy warmer) wdtrtk' «M> VOLUME TWO; NUMBER 181 ’ LLOYD GEORGE’S ARRIVAL S ATRRJMPHAL PROCESSION THROUGH METROPOLIS it • 4 • : P% -■*. ■■ *'■ riCheerin# Thousands Greet Great Britain's War xi me Premier Upon His Landing in America —Two Minor Outbreaks By Irish % t . Sympathizers > r i « g__ m. j • JL& New ork, (Jet. s.— David Lloyd George former Prime Min filer of Great Britain- veteran of 17 years of Htrenuous activity in the labyrinth of Old World politic* came to America today and found a whole-heartedly and enthusiast Rally welcome extended him by New York a aerie* of potent thrills. „ ( ) Ro delighted was the little Welshman. who’ s intd'TJ , lHded th< t.dah ship of state through the temptestous years of 1916 1022 «at Jtis demeanor was more often that of an interested school »y and of a deeply touched human being than that of a blase ■tat email. " Triumphal rn>rt*»«i«ii The.former Premier first saw Amer lean soil from the decks of the Maure tattla curly this morning. His pas ta** from the ocean liner In the pol lea boal Macon, to the attery and thence by motor, accompanied by a treat cavalcade to the City Hall and through the streets of the Metropolis, was almost a triumphal procession marred only by two miuor street dis turbances. precipitated by Irish Hr public sympathizers. To Canada and the I'nlted Stales. Mr. Lloyd (leonate declared, he brought aa Britain's*-*\nr Time Prender, a message of heart-fell lliank*. for their services In ilic great war & As Prltste ClMst-n He came, he said, with no politi cal status nnd no official credent In Is. but aa a privuto subject or the Crown, to eipress to Canada Ills personal LhunkWor the volunteer nld she has unhesitatingly offered the Uritish Km pi re In her time of need To the United States, he explained he brought thanks for the great army which came from the wutera of (he Atlantic at a lima when the horizon HALF-MILLION DOLLAR HOTEL FOR THIS CITY A GREAT PROBABILITY * v ' ! Report Made Following Survey by Hockenbury System In, Adopted and IMans For New Establishment Now in Making w DriTmui was nnauiuiou. iy reached bere last night, at a meeting of the nioet representative business men of the city of Udhlaboro. to the effect that Goldsboro need* and must have a new hotel building and plans nro now being amsldered by whJch (lie Bew structure may be obtained. While no definite *te|»* are yet underway. It appeared to lie the sense of those present for ibe Hireling that actual preparations for atirh a building should be underway within the next two weeks. b Hear Ktirie)’*. Itepnrt taut night'a meeting was held In - the rooms of the (iolibhoro chamber of Commerce ami begun* at s o'clock President Hawley of the trades liimTS presided and the Interested ciU/ens. present "ttunihered about 50 of the foremosl ell Irens of the city. Mjv llockinbury. president of the lloekenhtiry Systems. Hue. was pies ent In isTsoii and submitted to the directors the report of tho survey which representative,* of hla system ' mare in tioldsbgfo. j i/ r / allowing the conclusion of the re *• * h '' fHlsens presentunanimous. . y tided to accept the rejifort and the ncommendatlon* and to proceed with the plan as rapidly as might Ihj pos slide. • T* Name l inunlllee President Hawley was authorised to appoint a commtltee of either thrive tir five Goldsboro ejllxens to proceed with Interviews relative to securing >-) the present site of the Kennoti hotel / for the VcdrPs' d lo w building Till ■P property Ik owned by the 11. Well ,at j* Brother* estate and 1l»o coninilttm ,■ UP »tth the owners the mat ' disposing of that properly to the new hotel compauy, the i otlstli'r ntlon lo he a portion In cash pay* meat a and the remainder In *to< k lu | Jlhe new hotel. If tho Kennoti slli ■ - Wu be secured. It la staled that a \ 'o* hotel costing approximately. ’|RA4 and containing from U 5 to !i#JHomi»%lJl l*e built In the a\ent thaF no negaAitlons for this site can Vr'ofbd a auceesaful conclun * *ion. then the |W‘W hotel tc* he bull' Oil Some other silts will probably enn-d I of fts) wiHima anal will lie erected al a cost of,jtboot #.ir.a,mm .fa well .Stock. V** The comudtten Li d will ContHlM<« THE GOLDSBORO NEWS f the Allies wati blotted with despair He explained, however, that hit visit to the United States was one o' »If-lnatrurllon. He wanted to say Sttlc. study and learn much. The distinguished visitor will leave omorrow morning for Montreal and 'nm there for u lour of Hies, terminating hi Winnipeg, fron hlch point he will come hack t( be United Slates for a tour of aom* of the-principal rifles of the Wcnl hlch lour will cod In New Yorl -arly In November. « 0 * „ }>V Ui*4*nl«*n» The No w Jfnrk welcome to the dls linguivlied Visitor was but slightl. marred by disorders, quickly root roll ed by eH|a-i'U|jl)r unsigned squads ,i o' police. Between the Ualtery and th> City Hull. In whlcjN cheering thous ands of admirers were mnssed, the police broke up a parade of middle aged Irish women hearing cards Dud, placards denouncing Lloyd ('-wga und the British 'Km pi re ns murdererc of Irish woiurn ami children, latter uptown, another group of Irish syiu c’lblzers was dispersed .ut, 1 .4; C hange Opening Hour Os Produce Market Miss Janie Herberts, Home Demon it ration Agent for Wayne,, comity ycstcrilay gave otfieilil notice to al’ those concerned or interest that th I’nsluce Market will not be o(s-n t buyers until !* o'clock on Wednesd* end Saturday morning aftei Ibis dal< The ud'iMui' <<f tip (nil Js, p sponsible for the change lieing mad' but Miss Itoberis and Her as. lyants ire conttdeut that the new hour will meet with fully as much approv al from the puhiii us tin former i opening hour did in tlui past. MOTD GRID GMIIIE ; LOSS FOR THE HIGHS One Cosily Fumble time Kinston V r iclorv Yesterday IlySeore <rr 7 to o , The Ooldaboro high school football eleven, after piitting up a game strug gle from start to finish, suffered Its second defeat of the lbjrt season yrs terday afternoon when the local highs ' lost to the Kinston jeam l-y a score of 7 t,o It The game was played on the Kinston grounds and a large del -1 egatiou of enlhusiastlc funs, luclud i lag many high school student* and | a number of people from the city, accompanied the team. Kinston'ri one touchdown "W- Hie game came on a Cibjdsboro fumble i and a- one of youths re marked after In r< turned l i lln* illy . lust night "if we hadn't made that 1 i fumble, we guuM he In there bat tling with them until now.” Goldsboro suffered the loss of ’ Hirer men during the afternoon from Injuries, one of these being ('apt i Leslie Itritt, who wait hurl In. tlie first period of play, and that probably i , nerved to weaken the Goldsboro dt- I * sense. I j -.—— —- Olcoiugrguriii'' Is glowing iu favor ! in lln iil Britain, the estimated sales I . help* (Uiojit Hop tolls a week tuori GOLDSBORO, N. C, SATIUDA* MORNINi;. OCTOBER 6. 192;i KITE IKK hll li.li IN H M KAI. PKtH ENNfOM • (By Ihe AssiS-laled Press.) Hetr H» Ttrli. a. Eire men were hilled lbl» uflerii>M>ii wheii ihe last aatoinohfle In a (unera 1 priM-essien was struck li> un In fcrurhan car .north of heTe. Th iniier.il procKsison was crossing 'he tracks Into Ihe ,« meter) wln the InterwHan crushed Into Ho machine w*lrn had become d*. •ached iron) the other autos In |)•«• the cortege. SAYS BEFEREC WAS HIRED 91 MV Following Fight Fiasco, State ment In IsMied by Major John Paul Jones • (By the Associated Press.) Columbus, (is. Oct. 6. The M» Tlguo-Stribllng Imxtng ''Humco'' here vesterday in which Ihe world* Hg< leavyw'elght swim <ack ami forth like a clock is-ndulm ad a new angle adih-l lo it toulglii shcii Major U pnul who ledxb >riMU<y)lon of the fight for the’ locs I nosi gs the American l-eglon. stale hut be had in his possession a cor ract .showing that Harry Ktrle, tl •eftree, was in the employ of V rigue. ” The contract alleged to have beei signed by McTlgue Ktrle and the pr miters stipulated that tin- refer**!- w ■o receive HiO and expenses for bi afvlce*. Major Jones said McTlgn I >«ro!C<l to p«y Krtle $125 of th- j 'mount and life American Ix-glnn po* | * he said. Major Joiioh Mid the contract was lined In New York, after n man said be v%p connected with the Commls itrrirtrait snjfirsted Krtle. DIB HAUL IS MIDE BY DEPUTY SHERIFF (T IN EARLY HOUR O • Three Men And A Hoy Are..,Tuk en lntif Custody on Liquor, Making: Charge 7EER IS I‘OI RKD OUT; APPARATUS DKTROYKI) — ■ • - • • Aided only by the taxi driver who accompanied him. Ixputy Hle-rlfT L. Rhodes at an early hour of the Homing yesterday., succeeded , in- Tpundln* up two white nun. a white '• y 11 years <if age, nnd a negro all barged with manufacturing whis key It is suld by the 'jifflir-cr* that 'he no-ti urrested had eertuln of the ipparetus used in manufacturing whiskey in th<dr possession m the Ume lhey were arrested ami In addl 'lon. two of the non hud pistols on iln ir person -. All four weie brought *o Goldsboro and lo*lg*-d In tin- roiin iv jail >/-|er*l#y mornllis No one >f the men was able to gl*e bond, hut Judge Bland, owing to the youth of one of the ac« used, permitted him 'o return home on his recognizance., for appearance for Irlnl here two week* from next Monday v Deputy Rhodes said he bad receiv ed Information concerning the Illicit plant nnd at ;j o'clock Friday morn ing he left Goldsboro (or thD scene, ( l«ite*L In Itrogdon town-hip. about J six miles from this city. 11-- conceal- I ed himself in the bushes nod pres- ' , enlly James White, a m-gro. appear* .'*«! with .a port ion of the M<|iiOr-.mnJ* - I Inje apparatus While wa- taken tn i j chnYgi- amt when his itcrrfon was j s'-arched a pistol was found While »a.v taken to another point nnd le«- lii charge of. the tail driver while Officer Rhodes again concealed him self and then Waiter Goff app and wl'h another portion of the appnrai "* He likewise wax arrested un*' [ concealed along with White. KVank Inman then appeared on the si-,-ne accompanied by w till,- Howell, sbi lo Im- only 14 years of age and those two were arre-ti-il fteptity RhiMp-H (111 u prtM-ls-lleil to pour out seven barrels of b<-r which r htul btN-n stored at the dlstll|<-i> ami after placing hi* arrest* In the an Moinobjln, low<led on auch ol the llguor making out fit u* he could Kindle HBIII PRAYER 1 «nbe ms IS WEBB'S CLAIM InulMt’Oiqjß Jlilh Newspap*ri lAi Ro An Brinir ol I V'cr) Devoted Hunband : PREVIOUSLY PAIN'AsDAS CARELESS OF HER DEATH lily the AmxucUiUm] I'reaa> New York. Oct. 6 -Charles H ''Webb. hmluj (Yftcd In a pause in III*- grand jury ilivcsllgallon In Iht- a' leged mysterious ilegth of his wife at the Westchester-Blltmore clah About lit days ago >,. | * Wiih the gran*l # jtiry not mexilat ivnjn until Monday to lnve»llg.it|- tin . rang. Webb met reporters )wlc*» to day and gav* his version. „ l>r William J Meyer, who alt end 'd her. und rt fuged to l--HUr a death t'cnlflcuto. prevloualy bad ualnw-d « •del urn of Wehh as u tin* hand, unheeding of hi* wife's suffer. Ing, care lets aa the end approached. Webb st*eii-hm| jbn,-tw r different pli ‘ure- of a kgabAnd ao overcome H i the slghf of h|a wife rite nlglit before he died, that tlg| thought he mold not hear to he at bar aide when Ihe >nd came, oml prpvoiied going Into an idjaeent rewnt lo pray. In his Ijrst Interview Wehh denied •hat he had told his wife she ,ha ' »nl> :I0 day* bo l)ve und had belter Man a will. Referring to the f»et *hut Dr. Meyftr «Mcrthing yesterday Mrs Webb w amt v bad referred It her is Gertie. Wehh rh-sr rlhcd himself 4-< » veteran of ihe Hpunish-American ur and suld.Dial the t>liyalclaii w*iuld •ot have darrd so uddrwa her wh<*tf be w-hh alive. Wel.h said he Ural met Meyer >n a picnic six months ago and when sked ts he hail a dispute then said: 'lMiy. we had hollies us wine to •eiher.-' Submitting readily to questions Vchb denied that after Ills marriage. Is wife deliberately gvolded hsr , . TWO ARE ACOWTIED Oil CM! CHARGE if PROSTITUnON HERE «•> -I 11,- Wiiyrifs (ouiM > Mu it und Rixkv Alotivti Qjri Ai*c Given *> Tlieir Freedom ii v, NEGRESS HELD GUILTY ' UNDER PROHIBITION LAW Roy WhltuM-r, w«tl known man ot Wayne couutpw said I > la- a mu riled man with a family, and lllirm Ii Kbcnrin. pi*t!) young miss from Rocky Mount, were arraigned for trial here lnTore Judge K. H. Rlnnd In county ctHirt yesferday on a charge of proatllutlou K'lllowlny ih< hearing nf Ihc old-'noe end Ho arguments of Ihe attorasys. th* I’re aiding Judge dismissed Ihe charge aguinHl the two detendnnls. ti mil charg'd that the gift hud l«(i her home in Rocky Mount an<P came,to ttiluj, county wlo re ahe tc itiulned for awhile, ufier which she i-. -aid to have again returned lo Itia-ky Mount and obtained aome clolliltiKr coming back to Wayne couii ly However, the prosecution failed In liy attempt to establish thul any Improper relations bad existed Im 1 w i-i ii the two defends ul* HoUl th man anil the girl look the stand In their own behalf audaboth vAhcpmnt |jr declared that they were Innocent Nancy Watson, a local negress. letter as "Hook " was ar rulgm'd and tried before JuHlsnd mi ,i charge of unlawful possession of Intoxicating Its forages Hhcrlff Grant and bla deputh". rorotiilt raid ( c»| the piciioses el the negridH borne [ and there sole* d a ga'llou and a tmii ' ol coin kV- which was con* ceuled In a tft"d pile, thereby estab lishing llv<l IS such truth In tin old adage, ilori must bo "a ills j g«r in the wood pljy Naina w,i found guilty chart< d at her 'trial b< lc VCklerday and * II• remanded to ■ till I amty Jail Willi a sentence Ilf Ml days Howe'er; .lo r attorneys gave | notice 1 4 Intention to appeal- Sin was unable fn gt«e the re'inlrcd bond 1 of S2OO mid lloTi by soi-pro Jut liber j ty (lending tho ruitcotn* td the up* peal , These were the nulv LWg eases heard before iatig< UUMd during yesterday * aeataon of >he rOuM and adjournment took place about J:l( i o'clock vesterday afterniron " , - Inordltog to estimate mote than i Kt.iHMi women In (he i siuxt Mat' * • j fill iHislllous a* Industrial supeiin* 1 temlnnts nod factory managers SGET BUSY PEOPLE! f OPPORTUNITY CALLS SALES CLUB NOW ON I' » lilt.VlTt 1 UK Htklll.KHH lioHI lis KMTABLIHHKI) t Illy the ,V»«**clated Ure**,) h Ilian lug, fa- Oct. 6. huck*’ Rc4,rrg*ir. has Imeu missing for several month*, chief ot lliij^l'o, Ik'e Galluglirr deelured lute to day when Inierim-d that Miss litdn West, u nurse of I'hllndelpkin, had « "luted thul she sent Ihc plpdo «f three girls which ngs lonnd he si*Ap Ihe liendh ss body In flits. burgh, to « man by that nunit- in hiManlng- t hies Gallagher de clared l liul MHlregur hail if t been seen In hlUniultig slnee ln»l isprlng. *• 1 CAME (A MILES TO DO TRADIN6 HERE »t l ■ And Then I’urchnMed Merchun- , disc Antminlfitu to $18.7 From One laichl Store i In last night discttaslng the record" made thus far with the I’ay-Up anil Tmd*' Wsek event In Gohlshoro. it {, ( was stalml by one local merchant > ( that n customer"dtv»ve a total of U> ! ( miles to reach GoldslK-rd yeslerxlajr. j| af-ber arrvlni: her-, spent the sum of tttij with that one merchant < alone, while the visitor stated ih-*r lie had also done some trading dur ing ihe day with pi Iter merebne* He stated to thowe merchants anil hnsinesH men with wlwm he talked 1 that be wan attracted tn Uoldaboro for the day as a direct result of some of the advertising done by Goldsboro 1 merchants m connection with the dud' tlxiat wan th*' expla nation of why Im- cboa« lo niuJio Jhe long trip to this city for the day.*' The inert-haul* say Ihnt tills In hut 1 *me concrete exsntolc of what the | week has meant to them und that ' i they lire more than ulegsed with the I results being secured i ‘'l uru confident that mxl week is 1 going lo l*c the hlggesl week, from i business MandiHilnt. we have un- | b,»y«*l In several months punt" us- I serlrtl one or Ihe local business men j iu«W night | I Auto Accident Victinv IzeaviiK HoHDital Here Gemge r Jr., well n kngwn young Goldsboro business man. proprietor of the Aiiloinotlve tjlipply Ounpuny here was aide lo lie im Ihe ntrvMta of the city again j vr .ley(Tav after having IM---n. w~putti-nl' lor several <lay» In the Kideer Haul- [ tollllMl lo re, following u serlnoa nll tonioliil- accident In which to tigured several nighiM u4o. Mr Hoiiilierlaud iiol h companion were returning from M"linen, where „th*-y had wit ine.H.-d a loiw when tlo. im-f an sti- IniiioblU- I ruc k which nad only orie t> light burning and u collision took ptuc- Mr. H nirbi rlaiid • cat turned over three and lie wag.bad ly bruised und shal/vn up. fi-ar-i he ins cilb rlalnyd for a time that he had suffered h bri ken neck He was being wurmlv greeted on Ho -i reel y v s),'* rday bv Ids many friends and ehtigr-'iliilaleil U|K>n tils fortunate e.s<ap< from more serious ! Injuries Oklahoma Issues Impeachment Call Q I I|y tin \" in lala-tl I*!- i OkUhtli'U City. (TUIh tut f, A i nil for a Kiii'il*| Ki g,inn i,f Imtli house* of tin- Okluhouni l/'xlkUttri 1 for ()a father 17 to ttiv. -iigate ‘ tin a<iniinlsh|on of It \k Hli iliic offi rn .i. In t||i' office> o| tin 9«t.iii' " ilijiit *t> llß|K*Hchnit , Hl'‘ a.l'. I «l|cil liern to night li.v W. I* MiHin- ir|iri'M ut.ilhr ' from Sit'ii'tid a minty Relief Proposed For The Wheat (Growers —— c (Hjf tile AjtK*H'lttt**(l I’rt-KK ) " aaltiagton. Oat f> Instructions liattc been glva-h hv President fool to consider the poHalhlflty of Im reusing the duty on wheat above ih tcnlK iik a. niehnit of relief for the Western wheat itrnwi m The Chief Cxeeutlvi however i|i» * not believe that any material hem fit could lie • thus rendered to the fanner*. " 4 o ’ h „ '' Sales K ampaign of Goldsboro News Get? iliilder* way -Three Cars* Many Cash Prizes and (’ash Commissions To Be Awarded / Send In Your Name t -~«mm > ■ Three Automobiles' v Thousands of Dollar* In t‘aah! ; The Opportunity of n l.lfe time! j Thin In brief. Ik the offer ol the 'iohUbom New* lo the men aml wo men of ilii»* territory, through the hi* Salesmanship dub nnnouncutl In Thursdays iHjiier, VII ,tlie prlge thirteen of I,hem mol cash eomnilKKlonK, wre Absolutely fiee lo men nnd women In tbU ter ritory. The only re<|iilHltr to win one of the aunt mobiles. or other prize In. 4 little ambition and rrcdtlß. The plan whereby credit* are wuh fully explained together with complete details of this remarkable prize ciuuputKn. In a bis double pane advertlacment In Tuesday's Issue of The Newa. ts you failed to receive a copy, come to the ratnpalKn office and gel one free. Head over the an nouiicenient■’•study 11, and then decide lo enter your name. * l ampnlull Opea* Mnada) The campaign start* Monday. Oc loiter Mill, and end* Saturday Decant* 'mr lat. whereupon the long Hat of • iistly prize* will be dlatrlbilted In I lo* caiidldulea who have made the best allow togs during tile campaign Splendid automobile* head (he Hal of prUta aa follows: I'alik <l-11 Sedan, i Hei mlel Touring far. I hex role) Tearing Car Now, Just lake another look at that Hat of motor curs. Thera la not a car In the Hat that Ik not known the world over, aa a leader In Ita partic ular claaa, and tbia happy select lon la .not the reaitlt Os chance, but of ruicfnll) planning the Idea being to pruaent an array of aainaiabHae, that are .known to all our frlneds. render* iml well wlahcra. Jf llow To Kjrtrr lo baczuua a idndlUalu In fbie great eampalßll te the eaaloet matter poind bh Any man <« woman la ellalble. (lie only requirements belna lliat they realde In the 3 territory In w hich the (iohlaboro New k clrmlulea. 11l this *lasue Ik , a “Nomination III.i nk. which when tilled out with your panic and address or the name mid adit reus of aomn Irlend that you whth to nominate In the campaign, counts for IQll.flOO free credits On<' MAY EMPLOY DYNAMITE TO DRIVE DESPERATE GUHEN FROM THEIR STRONGHOU Civil Court Opens Here On Monday I’luna are being made by court house officials for the approaching term of Hupertoi t’oiirt for Wayne j county for the trial of civil caeca. Win'' term to convene here tin next Monday looming There are aalal laa he liurto than 200 enacs am lha' row ter for trial alnrlttK the appitmohlna lertiy and" it Ik mat probable that the rfitirt wipin' able to dlapitt-i aif oiaare Hi.in half of tin's* during the two ■ j wceha whic h It will Im; In tuuaalon. Judge Krunk A Daniil, the realaleut i Judge. wlfl preside at th*' approach ing term. First Winter Touch Felt Here Yesterday ■*> ftolalKlioro people got their flr»t lonrh iif winte r weather yesterday, iilid Mn .tir«l overcoat of, the 1H23 »i i.-nii madi' tlic-ir a|i|M ar.'Wta • on tin •Mi ct. here Ki'iiWik ihle attire wan ! » in h) tine Cold.boro a llln ii who. c.oob in wank nttlri'd In .i .-draw hat end h heavy ovam oat. toil he remark ed 'lid In hod tjo fell lira' and did', bgta- thi ovora-oa* nial he dial nut propone to freeze to dmatli Juat Im 1 -.. cause of the appearance of the thing The day wa* chilly tlmmghoßt. with a threat of rain, and In every way lem-mbled a real Kail day The opinion I* a-iprewacd Hint while thera> w:'H he a good many m ire warm daya In tiolajahoro and Way Be cdUnty iM-fpra real winter weather arrives, j '-hut probably all the ulghla will Im cOill 1r 1 111 Ihle time on. A ton of Hcift coal will priulure Hon pounds ol coke. MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS I’KJCE FIVE CENTS • <* |of thc.se mini Inal ton blank* can lie made’ 3 oul to ihe one person's credit It Ik not neceaaary for you to baa . Subscriber to the Uoldaburo News to tpke part in tliia ureat event Tse campaign la open to all, without ;* I rent of rn«t uow or at any Hate W liik the ca|£paiun, ■ m Many Kapectad ta tenter .tfoeaUM of the tremendous value of the prize Hat. candidates are atpupt ed to cuter from practically «*«tf | MHitlon of lb hi territory. The value ! of an early atari la the campaign la obvious. The malf nr womaa who la brat ta ruler from hla or ber section vftt , have the natural advautaga wbMh will come to having tbolr can4|4Hs | well known. 'f 4 lt la not te« peeled that candidates will depend entirely upon I heir man ! | efforts to win one of the vateaMa prizes rile) Will. Os courfb, Ml fIM fin mis ii, help i in-in in pleasiftc. friends are a natal i ii is in pulgu. for It will b« a rate Ip,mMali ' spore lime, well applied, anil iln return splendid dlvtduMn ' Keallae Hreataa at |gt lli i until thin impreraPtMtd ttp liuifii. three residents of MT hfld tte union I" reullti ,1 long mrNhf dream of owning a npor tar, a*4 " 1 they will do this withal tbt tpsgb# Iture of a single nl The flrat auhst ripilop of amtJMMk j If sent In with Iba (JMNMViPflffl I or VON. Will entitle any daMklntc to lOfi.iHH) extra free cipßhjTf■jStpf thAao opportunity l ouptnn wf|l |t Jf ms that “in|Klons yon seourn Mt fM Mtf , due It. you will gel tOtJH MJgaa , . i ri'dlta, over and abofi lit Wm f||u lai cradiu given on east aamteffPon according lo tho regUfcr' tMpMß lor 'i to dull If you fall to aeftftt a tang ..of Thursday's Newa, roam to Ao flflfl'< •and get one fre. ItMd \M§ tmT talla of this unprc.iednaisd Mpp. ffe< the prlaea offered. Iff wtrtsh yffff can / < allure. baud In your itaiaa today, ffffd go in to 4 In- * ** j . Trio of Coavki Murdcrtrg Btyi Holdinif liorririak 111 CHw With “All to*kri«»a4 Nfftfi* inic to Law*.” , tliy the Associated Press.) Ijddyvtllle, Ky., Oct. Military culo with eaialillaheal at the Weaterg W»6' Penlteptlgry here early tonight, a few mlnutea tho arrival at the pciitlWnllary of three ruemborp of the HI ale Hoard of ('barltlM and Cor rections, headed Jay K. H. Patchu, of lanilavllle, the chalrniaa of the l.mii rd. i It wmk luillcatiHl lata today that the uao of dynaiplt* agaloat the barri caded desperadoes. alayora of thrse prison guarita. one a coaaldortd Hil then uhaadoned. waa agala ongaglo, lha attention of thoae directing thp attack . Meanwhile the uiembcra of tba gun men trio, which baa held tho moss hall of tho prlaon etnea early Wed* na-Mlay. wa re hidden by the aoMO ,« | brlch walla of their fortrega. nine* : | .ami machine gnus again today asat a hull of Hiccl packet'll bullet* ripping into the l>arr|a;ud<*d building lur more than two daya and two nights. i he ganuicn there have held thi imtrtrvlaed fortress, dcapticoom hui'd effortg or prison gaurd*. n troop of nailonal guard machine gauffer*, volunteer*. eltlien riflemen to 4b lodgc them 'The desperate .courage qf the loat legion -thoae men with “nil the gala and nothing to lone”— carried the trto through two harragea front rifle* gad marhlne gun* that drove a stream of bullets through the mean hall walls tearing out large hole* la the north ; ami west aide* at points where the was concentrated; a gas attach released by tear gna bomba lobbed Iff f initialled off page lHfeS(

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