I.*.' "S"** •.: .• " .■?- voLUMtTwOi nUu m 1 ■ ■ . ■ a "w ■■■—■'— ■ ■ .-ra " - a■ - _ ~ ~,, __ -- r . , - C it) THREE DESPERATE 05NVICTS FINALLY SLAIN jt.• , ..o i * . j . *' / Judge Kerr Is Apparently Elected To Congress, Said mi . »■» ■ ■»■ 1— "■—■■" ■"■-'»<■ » - i - -—— B A ... j - « » *• 9 % , CAMPAIGN FOR THREE AVI OS AND OTHER PRIZES LIVENS; j f ENTRIES RECEIVED ffk HflM MuMUMkip Ompdig* Co*»lli»ue» to Excite Knthiw V \ >Mi CWM»tHIM Throurkoal Gnat Tirrllory Ctivgrod by J PmrVCMillM. Scud in Yogr NomAmlWni Now and Have Ymt Num Printed la Ike Plr*t Published list at Candidates % T > ‘ * * ' _ jIL I VlWa Ambitions *r* sronsnd— « » / New ietemtosuosa spring forth - 7 And gsa iasMlseilnsii ard added to the eeetde ftt«M who wilt compete la the OMdphtSro lows Me Neeo QUt •"isnpnlrr Thu * treat circulation "trtre" cost lands to excite enthusiasm throughout the Psrrttory la which the NMrs clrcajWee. and each day aeea an iperahsd in the latereat of thia uaprecedeehM offsr Thf campaign has state a aolld hit ererrwMpa. These who hare wanted •o take (Inth to study the proposition orfr carefully before seadtas la their | Qoaataatloe coupon. hSr* about decte •d that Mia esmpaiga offers the moat equitable nppon unity of obtainiaf nrb reward that has ever been mad* la the State of North Carolina aad the names pf area and woven eon tlasf to aftfte each day to be placed on the list of nominal lon a t. RACK * IWT STARTING * The race Ip just taartlag la the aext rew'weeha Mi these handaome prtaee Ultl'he acquired by a aim pie process ; of* sett Iff credit# The Irat prtte ; Is. a beautlfal 11175 Belch Man didst# get I Ini te campaign I i district la a I g car. *alued 1 itHcf awarda. WRRKD i Prlea/d*- es lua ea- S regard te eh they are been serf. red be 7 w« IN* ehlaiaed sees ree cenpeni 1 by get! lag " gpld IS advance aahnertpfleai te - the Vffwk «• 4> Is fbfpp spy sxpsaae attached te SsidW ir H there aay ex* psadlyy repaired later ea la the A. TW - pilaffs are free a* the M -pm breathe Ambfci#* and *y Se t|a- deriding CtMPERATIVES WIN IMPORTANt'POINTS IN SEVERAL CASES (BpacUl to The Newt.) JtfNlgb. Oot. lr-Tb»t Injunction.! by North Carolina Court* are bind >•4 «u inafM c|anr by Judge Freak Donkin of the S»p«tior Court a! SmUbfteld today when be Inflicted a fllH Am aad a aa»*re rebuk# ui>on A. U FBatbaer. a member of the To Moon Orowflr|* Co-operative AaaoOti flafl for having delivered bin tobarro oytalde of tbfl marketing associating following 00 Injunction by tbeVourl Owing la youth of the defend aat aad Ma pra»k)us reputation for flood ebaryctay, the peaalty waa made llflhter tbfla gravity of tb« offence would flea*rally warrant, accordla* to lb* statamajD of Judge Daniels the Association a|*o gained the eon iiauaaoa of p|g other Injunction* agalaat Iffaurg#n«, members front Jobaataa aad Wake Counties which were beard befor* Judge Daulrte on Friday when colonel W T Joyner l eyre seated tbe Aetux Ut|on f Nertb Carolina n*oper«ti*o;i h|.< Ib*lr dgy lg other counties elao when three other Superior Court judge* continued Injunctions prewatiai member grower* from delivering thnlr tobeoca oetaiee of tbelr own tiaa tbia week * Judge J Lloyd Horton el Green villa rtfg late red tbe Aral substantial legal gala* by tbe cooperative* tbl* week wbea be ruled that tbe feet that (bare U a cro»et> more Important to tha asso elation waa tbe cane of W. U. Wafts at Uumbertoa, thla week where Judge N A Hint lair o ( U>e Supertar Court gtgb/a us Mh» Tobacco Aaaoclatlon could not behind the aklnr o' tbelr wives In availing the obligation* iff a binding contract Watts the defeadant appeared with I a very large array of counsel aad tbe plea that with his permlasloa hi i wife Had lake* over bin/ laud aud made all tenancy arrangements aad run ite farm Where be., had on!* I worked In tbe capacity of a hire, band for day aragea The Association was' representor by I. L. Hayes, of San Francisco; T j L Johnson, of Lumhertaa. and Oacti Leach of Raleglh Tbe defendants wage represented In court by aa Im ' poaing array us counsel which Indud ed L R Verier. J 0 Met lean. H E. Stacy. M Britt. W 8 Britt. T .A. McNeil. Jr , and V. D MacktU. Jr JURIST IMUEIO OF SIX TMUSIM ' NEIJJETIB EdgacoMbr (stialy May AUow AHabrook to Kilter Bettlon . Primary For Conitwau v . - PBIENDB DECLARE HE ’ WILL NOT ABK THAT (By the Associated Press.) » Ralefgh. Oct ».- With Bdgecombs county, the Allshrook stronghold miaslag. returns from the other seven counties of the Second I'ongresaloaal Distinct. Including practically com pleto figure*, tonight at 10 o’clock ga»a Judgs Karr a lead of approxi mately I.OOP votes over the Edge combe couaty candidate. It |* astr *uated that the vote* from Kdjeoomi will .be sufficient to assure Mr. AHabrook * entry Into n second primary. « wo Friends of Mr. Allsbrook in va rious parts of th* district stated to night R was their opinion that be would* aot ask for a second primary* A direct atatemeat from the Edge combe couaty man had not been se cured u pto a late hour tonight. The vote by countle* la aa follows: Orsan# couaty. Allshrook 265; Kerr 6P7; Rous# ll(. ' Wilson county. Allshrook. 2IM; Karr HOC; Rouse *«3 0 Halifax county, two precincts missing. Allshrook 1546; Kerr !!»]; Rouse IP) Northxtnptup county, two precincU Missing.' Allshrook 174; Kerr 2171; Rous* IgP. Bertie'county. Allshrook Ml; Kerr mi ; Rouse xn. Warron county, two precincts miss *«. Allsbteah «4 Kirr 229; House ! Lenoir pouaty. (appnrximate) All* brook It#; Kerr. 200; House l««P. Important New Features Announced For Fair In County This Year SlEEieilW TIRES FROM COUPE .'ouid Have Taken Body of Car find Uaed Thai For Kind ling Thin Winter One Ooldaburo man who formerly owned a Ford coupe says that be had often beard of tbe eipreaalon. "add lag Insult to Injury," and that he has now found out the Actual meaia« of It. that knowledge coming at a pretty dear figure . „ „ The gentleman In ciueation waa en rout# to Goldsboro Friday night and when a little way out* of the city hia gasoline supply became exhausted or ha broke down Wr something of ilie kind; at any lit*. be was forced to abandon the car. after locking It ao that It could not lie driven, ana com pbted the trip to the city on foot Yesterday morning tbe owner of the car returned to bring the same back Into the city, only to dlacov» r that thieves aad desperadoes during the night had gone to where bast car was parked, bad bodily remov* ton, la th* District chslrtnan ftffjc*. will ho mestlngs at vsrfepu* times In (be day. ceaduoted by tie secretaries for social service-aad Christian Edu cation The chief iakerrst to tbe public will lie In the-- 1 dveslng aer vlcea, when notable speffker* will he present. On Tuesday eveaing at I o'clock the Rev. Anthogy Parshley will preach, while on Wwhwtda) night, in addition U> addresses by two clergy of the diocese, Kl Mev. X. 8 Httls*. DD . Bishop e( Cuba, will be UW speaker I%ts wßfbe the Bret tUM this eminent mtmrtwbsry htehop hue been In North t'erallaa. and he will Halt many of Me (hlef pariahs* in th# slat#. ‘ j Follow in* Week of Hard Work. 1 ggertfary Denmark Declares la In Readinetts T’or Great Event Here When the Wayne County Fair bow I Juat a little more than fortnight dla ! lanV. Secretary W C Denmark and I his aaaiatanta bate put tu an extreme ly busy week working on final plans I for the fair and Mr. Denmark was ; yesterday able to Itaue a wealth of , valuable Information relative to the event, and at tbe aame time ttpuli- a number of announcements,which will he of Interest to all the people of the telly and county who eapect to attend i or to exhibit at the fair. ' „ October 17 baa been definitely ae lacted by the Fair Association as tha ' date on wblcb au active canvass will i lie made all over Wayne county In an effort to sell season tickets for the i f “ lr 11 I* explained that these sea son tickets will consist of four ad mlslona. oar for each day of the fair, and they will be sold at a discount which brings them considerably un der the general admission price charged It | B believed that the rt „ vaes will result la a number of tick- I eta being sold la all sections of lha , county Many Mew Feature*. i Other point* stressed la the an nounrement made yesterday by Mr Denmark deal with the special prem ium list In addition to the regular list. Ikw fact (bat lhe finest rs.lnv 1 program evst sea* here h£k been ar j eweigetf. the high ole*# cdurmioitsl • aad lastracUve aafflWay secured am* free attractloaa la be shown. Tbe raclag program will he thrill I In* aad etdt|a| throughout. «h e Associated L%e*s ) Berlin. tkrt. I I’laloly exhibiting »!«*■ of physical exhaustion wrought hy fl»e daya of political parlay ajhl, barter and Incidentally „ betraying uervouaneaa born of apprehension of wbat>the immediate future hold* Id atora for bia ream reeled coalition government Chancellor titreeremann tbla afternoon submitted to the Reichstag a liberally improved Male meat of tbe Internal and foreign alt oniloo Tbe optlmlam which ordina rily la a familiar feature of (be Cbaneellor'a political utterance* waa noticeably Ufklng today and IU ab sence may be take* aa aymptomatlc tßwjMmos phere of political lam .Jjoiijflgreeted the return U) the bench of lit* laboriously rtnSKembled ministry. Chancellor Htressemaan'n speech wee mainly a review of evpaU alece the abandonment of passive reslat* ance and he frankly discussed the crinln of tbe peat weelf. He made ao precise allusion to the resurrected government party's urogram por the eatept to which authorisation law will be applied, for wbtcb ha ha* bees aeeklag Parilameafa approval At the cornel v«loa at hi* speech wbleb waa a *eyi|a phyebml at rale upoa the Mir Apiebata# I voted to adjourn tfeWl Ifooday when all the pertle* erfil • announce tkeli Individual attitude Sa the govern ment'a proponed aeml-dictatorial meseurea. Second Bin ’Still of Week Destroyed • The second successful raid of the Week on Illicit whiskey tnaunfac'iir Ink out flu waa made by forces front the Hberlft'a office yesterday after noon when they swooped down upon a plantation la New Hope township, owned by Mra. Berry Parka, selced and destroyed a very complete liquor distillery. The raid was made by I Hherlff Grant and Deputy Sheriff 1 Rhodes, who stated, following their return to the city. ißat the outfit had ’ Tiern. In active opemtlon but that art dcutly a “run" had been complete)' last prior to tbelr arrival and Ihoae In charge hud made good their es cape Hhertff tiflfnt aaya the ’still waa ol about tit) gallon* capacity and -wa. constructed of copper. CALLS UPW STATE TO PROTECT PUBLIC FROM MASKED BUDS Coventor Walton Summon* Idftj in la I ion in Extraordinary Scmtion , Oovej-nor J C, Walton Simultaneously a statement wa* 1 nude public Aldircb Hlake. esecutlva counsellor declaring Dial "the (to* , ernor la ready" and that "he fk eager • jo meet the Legislature” The Governor'* action yas kecept ••d a* a challenge for g finish t*eh! • Ith members of the legislature wh • have sought his Impeachment and his i advisor* made no effort lo hide (he fact that they were preparing for the ff The call Indicated that ev| d'-uce adduced by military court of Inquiry throughout the Btste would support the eiacutlve'a demand lor he placed before the legislature liT amti-Ku Klux Kina legislation. TWO SUICIDED m THIRD KILLED BY RIFLE BARRACK • - Paducah, Ky.. Oct 6—Thre* convict murders wbe -6R|Rr iieadav hnv« held prison nuthoritiea at bay. kllUßf Lbnm tMMM aa thev firdd from the mens hall of the Weatara KaMtAMAbPMRS prinon were found dead todav whan the bgtlfara aQIARMI let torn HtTongTmtd--»f4«r flooding the building with U/psapM gaa fumes, HIM hi 1411 MT UIKI. IN KtM/KD AID HER"’’ COIPANIOR WOI’IbRD Rocky Mount. Oct Miss Ethel Smith. 8. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Smith, received Injuries front which »h* died on the way to n hoepUaJ here this afternoon nn.it Mis* Ruby Ureene. 11 dnugbter of Mrs EuHt Oresa*. waa slightly wounded. Both girls were shot when a gna said by police to have been In lb* hands of Amo* West was accidentally discharged. COURT OF Hm FOR SCOUTS HERE ’ ~' T Vr-y-. • Will Pang Upon Merit HMiga Ibwl Knr AM IBs MMMIa ‘ -.. Us HAMbSrw . !*■ . 9 •*~ - —f - .* ' t All the Boy Scouts in Goldsboro will b* Interested la the. saaounee- that (lotdsboro's Court of Honor hen been chosen and la now gj^Ufote function. Official announcement was; made yesterday by those la charge 1 of the Boy Scout activities bare that, the following gentlemen have We iff named as tbe members of th# court; O. C. Royall. president; Dr. Zene Well, secretary; O. A. Hamilton, Dr. jy O. i one. Dr. C. F Blrosttider. Col. J. D. Langston, R*v. a. K. Kresmas and Col J. K Robinson. Tbe court will meat monthly to award honors to Scoots who have successfully passed In their studies lb the varhMie ‘object* taught Ist scouting and pass upon tha merit badge test for all the Scouts of (ioldsboro HALF OF ORPHANAGE SUM ASKED HERS 4$ PLEDGED BY PUHUC Lml night marked the conclusion nr ity Aral weak of the campaign hem f«M fund* with which to secure Ibe branch orphanage of the Junior Order of the United American hle rbanlca. which orphanage la to ge eatabllabed at some early date at mime city In North Carolina Thoae officially connected with the campaign here »uid laat night that while they were not prepared to give out any official Agurea on the re null of the Aret week of the cam palxn. they would atale that la ex reaa of |3o. l>e not lees than Mo.oed.’' Announcement made here paster [day which wui awaken decided in I tercet in Ooldahoro is to the effect MEMBER i>F nm .1 PR|CK FIVE - y M eliding Ngmi i • , /*■ I After th* deadly MM MMf hgrnsd Into tha harrlpgiad MMM M the desperate trie sad All it life were larking a stormingMpig ff* seven man entered the bpU||L ■ was quiet on the first flsmr pRMRgg rose to the ssssni. There they Idudil the bodies of the three sspivMto sgui died with the Mood of tte jMi son suaeda. vlctimeqf UmlflNlPW on their hands • The position of thq. kodlse, Mdhmt. ed that one bad boon selge while Um other two shot through th* heart .« ihi bullets. indtcaUag that teii suicide to eeengg; the smßtsmts fumes. BiMto f ■ 1 1* * Aotboritle# sncssMM IgsgMilMc* the i.arrtrade after a vit. Os si hour* la N.«t»«nal Uuard had I its - with hs.ragss «TgM| toil Ist* from rifles *.■ ''ji ' ■: V #. I Th* Oondysar Shqp -.. ,tc*,.uy*d here by % *a«. D »g»la being spSlflj „ st ern sod up-to-date Law: bavin* Just been machinery far tlm ah ns purchased at a sent «f \ II "Oh 4U.J Lewis Nimga. ■or of the ••tsbItaIHMMLRH t%st he Is now bette* W*« hefi.ru the lire to hahß^m*fe^ repalrlnx- " t t'NKINTI A > till Ml . Ibe regular set vices *PV9k i at the t'bilatian < hsre exerted to ‘-ff|ffl delegation the fact thgl OdMdEwN 1 the only loglcll pines ttjMl Aoea of the Mt|t« a( wMSi the new Institution J”'! It uodwratood herd