WEATHER Fair Wednesday a>4 TkirSi;. ll* rka»|> la temp* rat* re ' VOLUME TWO; NUMBER 184 Superb Prize List Headed By a Sedan; Three Cars Offered ' \ - ■ ■ ' Your Name In List Early And Put Your Spare Time In At Rate of S3OO Pew Week—Riches! jNie List Ever In Goldsboro Field. *yAb Mch aubacrlptloi you secure, you art credited with a certain nuiti- j btr of credits, depending upon the aanount «( your subscript ion Ones you make the atari, and an ft/ race. the rest Is easy The credits and subacrlp *IU add spice and pep to your roptlne of Ufa It will be In tareating and exciting. Your blood will tingle and your cheeks will glow - Rt One es the Winners Dont-Jet adders get ahead of you | in this race, deride now that you will he one lo get ahead. Somebody )• going to win these prise autos and yon might Just ns well be that sonic- 1 i»dy. •' r* " Khay te Enter the t natitalga. It la an easy •attar Indeed. In get your name In the Hat —almply nil out, the nomination coupon with your name and address and bring It or •nil It td tbe Campaign Manager's office, located In Tbe Goldsboro Nafwa office Or yon may call 813 and bare your name enrolled Heeelpt hooka and full particulars will be •ant you poet baste. Do this todnv While tbe thought le fregh In your mind Now le the time tn get In the race good and strong, with one mus ter stroke. Conte on In. (nmpelgn Begins Next Monday Th# News big circulation campaign officially ope u* next Mon day wording. Oct. 16th. It will start off with a "hang" and will be a race far the richest prise Hat ever offered la the history of this sect ton s prise list totaling a!moat fg.OOfl In high class motor rare, and other prises OWd cash sammlaalrai, will be award ed la ]ut a few short weeks time ftaa*t Be Baahfnlt Rarer Tear Name Nnw Btap right up to tbe Cgnipulgu Manager's office and nominate your self and be a winner of one of the vary beat prises tn tbe list. You iua> .be a world beater at this “.veiling game" If you bul realised it. j There's one thing certain, and tbs la you will be paid liberally fur your time In tbe campaign You will enjoy the work Nearly orerybody takes The News every , body should take It. The circulation drive wilt go over big. and you may Just aa well get on tbe booster wsg .on now and share In all the big awards Tell Y«ur Friends About the Campaign. N- Tell-all your friends lo save the free credit coupons for you nicy appear In e»ery Issue of The News and are free. Tell them personally— * tell them over the plume. or tell them by latter. Get It to them quickly so that they them for you. and ; g!*e you tbelr ifcpport Instead of some more thoughtful rompeiHrtr By doing a llUle thinking during th* next few weeks, you may acquire s j handsome touring car without the expenditure pf a penny, and we dr re any that you have never been afford ed the opportunity to earn such a big rewatd during your spare time We i venture that a little fan her It Is our opinion that It will be many a day ! before an equal opportunity will tx given you. Grasp lime by the fore 1 / lock today. Tomorrow It may be too late. In Other words. "Do Today What You Determined Yesterday You Would Do Tomorrow" You are bound lo be paid hand- | nomely for your time and effort, due to tbe fact that a liberal rash com- ‘ mission will he paid all those who j adhere to the rules and are not ■ awarded one Os, the regular prizes It la a sure thing for you right from the beginning * -ii ■■■ - - iWAIe Boy Dies ■ In Hospital Here Chsrlea O Jarites, the 18-months olj son of Mr. nnd Mrs Parsley it,.**' died Mkufltny night about to at the Bplrer»anlto>liiin In Goldsboro, following an Illness of several days The deep sympathy of the entire community I* lieltig ex tended to the gHef stricken parents In tha great loss which they have Buffered Funeral services were conducted at th* home of tbe parents on Mouth Hleeimib street yesterday afternoon at 130 o'clock, tbe Rev. f\ p Jerome., pastor of the Yltn Btrekl Methixllsl church of asms, following jib(iT loieftoent totdt plact at wmoWdir cnfavtnr THE GOLDSBORO NEWS KIPHtMF COriT KM.Fh IN THE Ht’RI.F YCAMF. Aa Interesting order from the North, I arolluu Supreme (yurt has been received In Goldsboro li the case of “In Re, the Will »l L. G Gurley, Edwin h. Gurley ns Administrator. M The Supreme court refuses to uccopl the admin- Istrfftor. This rase had ils original In* eeptiou In tinyae county when Ihe will was offered lor pr-.1.a1e lo the Wayne bounty l lerk of t oortS office and that t Atrial declined te •crept Edwin K. Gnrlcy ns the eierulor. An appeal from the decision of the llerk of Four! was taken to the Wayne (onnty Muperlor Coart and that court up held tbe decision of Ihc Herb. An appeal was then taken fro pi Muper( r I nurt lo Ike North far ollnn Supreme t onrt and decision ns stated above ha* been rendered The case has excited more than local Interest nnd considerable sperulntloa has been heard rein lit* lo the oolcome. SUPERIOR COURT CLERK DEFEIHUNT - IB LOCH ICTIi • f ’ Mrs Mho Hall •( Goldsboro Asks Ktfr Damages Prom Gaston County Man FALSE IMPRISONMENT ONE ALLEGATION MADE When the hour for adjourn ment arrived yesterday afternoon Judge Daniels dismissed for tbe night the Jury silting In the rase l ourt Clerk Hendrlrks of Gaston eaualy, North Carolina, nnd nr rordlngly no verdict In the case of Mrs. Hall versus Superior ran be reached until after court rt n tears here this morning. I'n» usual Interest attaches to Ike out -1 roffkr as Ike case. \ I The clfll of s,, P , ‘ r,or r0,,rl for Wayne county which convened here Monday morning with Judge Frank A Daniels presiding, has been , occupied hi* two days with an unus ually Interesting case, ihls being nn action lor damages in the sum of j {lf.,uoo brought by Mrs Mae Fulgar llnll of Goldsboro sgalnst 3 C Hen drtckH. tbe clerk of Superior t’mirt l of Gastpn county, North Cnrollna | The case went to the Jury late yes k terday afternoon . In her complaint. Mrs Mall nl* 1 leges that ahe was perniciously pros ei-uted by Mr Hendricks and that she I wga falsely arrested und suffered real j and punitive damages In the amount claimed. These claims are denied In into by the Gaston county clerk There has 1 Keen a lurge array of legal talent on each side of the xa«< a number of prominent members ol the Gaslon county bar being In at- U) tendance throughout the trial It Is alleged '»Mtt Mrs. Hall wav (employed by the Canton county an- Ihorltte* to do certain Indexing of 1 ; records In the Ga*(on county court house and that while thus engaged ! she secured the sum of 821 from the 1 Clerk of the Kupcrlor Court there 1 Clerk Hendrlrks alleges that he fur nished the stud named lo Mrs Hall upon her representation that this nnd more money «i» due her by Gaston i county, but that he later Investigated the rase and found that there was no money due Kirs Hall bv Gaston i county He alleges that he then at i tempted to secure the return of bl i |3I. hut that this was unavailing and • he flftgjly secured a_warrant for the - • arrv-sffof Mrs Hall, chanting her with obtafnlug money under false pretense* The warrant was served t In Wayne county and MM. Hall ar rested. but ahe then returned Ihe |2t lo the Canton county clerk and se- I cured Iter relase She then I tome i dlately began her stilt against (he i clerk The i See has excited a considerable I amount of luUgrest In Wayne count r sml the court ’roont hers has Th-iV l throughout the hearing of Jim utfa* i virm * - -r a • ' TOUMS 111 FLIDI FINK mil '-I ISWHERSiDVMCF Frantic Efforts Being Made To Rebuild Dyketi At City of Hoorehaven ONLY SHIFT IN WIND t AN ( HECK ONRUSHES TOWNH IN Ft-OKIDA 34 t Ity the Associated Press V Moorehaven. Fla., Oct. 9 A fruu tic effort «i* being made tonight W> rebuild the dykes surrounding this city and save the town from further disaster. The gale which swept across a lake on which the city facer waa dying down at dusk but watet j was still rlatng In the city - Waves frnmLake Okeechunbec were still washing high and farmers were attempting to reach the ctly with their stock A small ranal hank wa* crowded with refugees, the bank as fording the only dry spat for. miles | around. A careful check |ute today showed there jMwno loss of life . OnlyM shift In the wind can check j the rapidly rising water fur It has : been discovered that not only wu- . the dyke around the city of Monre haven despoiled but tbe dyk<> extend ing down to dew Inton. 22 utiles from here, has crumbled away In p*acca W) that the flood became far reaching qver the entire West Coast of Ihe Lake. Miss Robert* To Attend State Fair v» J Mias Janie Roberts. Home Demon- 1 Mration Agent for Wayne county!' Is I now arranging Ihe special and lndl- ! Idual exhibits which will he sent 'rom Wayne county to the North I Carolina Ktate Fair, whlcho opens |i Rnlelgh next Monday Miss Knlx-r: 's planning to spend the entire week *n Knleglb where she will havd -harge of the Wayne exhibits ami It la hoped that these exhibits will at- j tract a considerable amount of ( In duce city lalKir to go th (be ritrul - ; communities. There I* a noticeable shortage In farm labor which Is had- i I ly needed for harvesting cotton, be i bacco. coni, potatoes and other crops, j i he stated. Skilled labor condition* are bnl . iftT.T' JiH af*' wtv.,l ;f*4dbl In nuiti ronUruMMf i -Mr Shipman There la still a aur 1 pin* of clerical help, he added. GOLDSBORO. N. C, WEDNESDAY MORNING OCTOBER 10. 1023 1 1 1 COTTON GINNINMH IN BAIhK CWJNTY LAUGhR ( |» F.. iMNy Agent of the Mnrenn *1 Ihr «>•- *a». Department at IWmeree yesterday made pnbtlr tajlereatlng Hgures relative th the reffta* gin ulag* In Bayne eenhly ««r ib» present »easen. Irrwrdlng to three ftffhres, liter , were glased In Hayat eennty prior •« September SIA, ItSS, a to tal at 0.847 hales of rottnn as t» m pared with Mii hales prlv® tn the same dale In HUM These figure. ' will not consulate a surprise fei j Wayne county people, since It via geaernlly known and ncrepGnt lk« -the yield (or Ihe present year G ronsbtnrahly larger than was th last year. BIGGEST CUM 111 HISTDRY OF SFIFE j IT F«R PBOSPECT —— Will Op?n N«*xt Mtandav At Ral* elffh For Th* Sixty-Third Annual Sewalun i ■ MBS. VANDERBILT IS EXERTING EFFORTS (By the Associated Presa-V Raleigh. Oct. V With every lndl caro|st slthn on w-Mdi citizens will vote No vember 20 a “Variation of exlsllng tax rates In adjacent school districts Is provln a Kind ranee In Ibat II prevruls, con solldutlou." he said “The Hoard ol JEducailnn faces the problem of ar rouging conditions so ns to permit of consolidation when patron-' so desire To this end. tbe Hoard and a majority of school committeemen have asked fir the mining e|ect|>n whic h la aimed at mahtuK the coun ty an educational unit rather than Ihe Individual school district. The Issue to hr voted ou will establish n •lieelai school lax. not to exceed Tib cents for Wayne county exclusive,of ihe Goldsboro, Fremont unit Mount Olive districts These letter are no* affected by the election " V. Supt Jeroin- sunjmed the Issue by tailing II an effort- inwards xtv|nr equal educational ndvautngea to all the children In, Wayne county. A H. Kdgerton. Rotarian and chair -nan us thA Eduiatlou Hoard, gave further, Information on the stibb'ci The election, he stated, would prob ably Insure an eight mouth's session for all seined*, and the.county wide 311 cents special tax would eliminate all present uldlgatloua of special tax districts No provision Is rrcade. how ever. by ibis special county lax for building funds, s problem left tin solved for tin- founty Educational "’Hoard Only Three Roetariana were absent from the meeilpg which wae presld ed over by Vice president lieu « Dwwry WEBB 111 GUOLV TESTIFY HE SIYS *» i ( luims He Will Huve No Hetrl lancv In Waiving Immun ity From I'rooerution iRy the AaatKdaled Press ) Wlilie Plains. N Y.. Oct 9 -Charles Weld) will tin glad lo testify tumor rtrw or Wednesday at the Invitation jof Dlntrirt Attorney General Raw lad before Ihe Grand Jury which Is Investigating the death us hla wife t al the We*tche£ter-Hl|t|iiore Country | CJub a few wedks ago, hi* attorney. Colonel Kingsbury, . Informed Mr Rowland thin afternoon Kingsbury j added hla client would have no hes ' Raney In waiving . Immunity from j prosecution Mr. Webb came to White Plains this afternoon and waited [fi an office across the etreet from the court house while Col Kingsbury •obi Mr Rowland hla client Was ready to face the Jury and face the Innuen done* of friends of Mrs Webb who al readjr had teat|fl«-d NMt tONh ti ll RES I _ » J New Vork. Oct* Cotton futre* , closed steady: o Get 27 86 87; Dec 27 Ml 62: Jan. 26.91-93; March 26 93-86; May 2« 9**B6. I*l HHtN FI HE I.IHSHf.N DurhuiUk Get According in ihe monthly W-|mij| of the cbeif of ih,- tire dt|»arttuent. there »er)- fjv< fires In Dtirhaip during Kepu-m' .r, Incuring {a loss of approximately 846UM1 ON EVE OF BA TTLE BOW MANAGERS ARE CONFIDENT New Ytorfc. Oft. 'J.—John MHJraw, manager of the New Keriea loAlght said: **ln 1921 and 192.1 Ih«* dope was all again*! um. It *uid my pitcher* were weak, than those of the Ynnkee* and my heavier hatlera hardly as good as those of the Americana. Yet, mv pitchers proved strongest and mv halters the hardest. The dope, as usual,* is against the (lianls vet there is nothing to prevent a (iiant victory. The (Wants are great kill players and they are strengthened by the confidence guined in the wining of two world ehumpion' ships in a row.’* Said Miller Huggins: “The Yankees are u different team than in 1921 and 1922* The personnel is almost tile same hut the spirit is changed. Now along with the exceptional ability, the Yankees are agrensive and are working better to gether. Katie Kuth is changed- He expects to do heavy work with his bat. The pitching staff was never stronger or more brilliant.. I think that I may safelv. predict that the championship flag will fly oVer Yankee stadium after thin series." • 4 ~i Ttk I l f /' i I * . ,| , \ j - o ’• * I , \ ' ; .. * Governor Walton Ready To Resign Oklahoma’s Post ItOl'l l)K OCOKUIA*M KOI'NOEM is RKAI HKIt IMy lllr Associated Press ) Uranhain. Ku*. Ort ». Or Thom Well Jacob* slid Ms assist ■lilt who are nclrdilni (or t body *>f Or James K. Oglethorpe let* this afternoon struck what •hey believed to- be the platform of u lllilit of stone steps Irutlni Into the vault In wbieh Hit* Gen eral auil hi* wife are Interred. The vault lt*e|f will prabahiy be reached tomorrow when the world will know definitely whether the body of Qeorgta'a founder I* within The Imuioh should •hay !»’ Ibcated are to to* taken back to America and enshrined In a suitable vault on the campus *7O Oglethorpe University. enFTonoF Era hi Fiimi . .- ■ .-oil Derision Ih RrarhH Al Meeting Os Nln* ntie« Held Here Yeeterday DATE IH AT AHOITT NOVEMBER 1 01 rector* of the Pastern NorO f'arnllna Oo|f Association met at Ih' Kennon hotel In Ooldsboro yeaterday. derided upon the date foe the acitual chain ploit-,hlp uteet. seise iwl the ’■ plane of such meeting. and had a iW Hat-Htful luncheon. The meeting war declared by iHotte present tit *w on* 1 of the room Interesting end enjoyable the director* had evar held IterlAloh was reacted at ye»ler day’a meeting that the general tour nament will he held thl* year at Rocky Mount nttout the flrat of No yejuber or very »hortlv thereafter All member* of all club* holdlna iii*\fnb«E"hlp In the Association wilt be eligible to comi>ete mem payment of the tournament fee and It Im *ald that thl* will n*«emhle the greatest salary of gold mart* that tiaalerr North Carolina has even *e#n The tournament' will be awaited wl|h great Internal and will probably be Witnessed hy a largo gallery It I* elated that Rocky Motml ha" Jum completed-a new 19-hole rour>e. ■aid to be one of the fine*!' In North Carolina and It is promised that ah aolutely • royal trealment will bo ac coreace and harmony will % |#> stored." Prohibits Mart Briefly the Governor's, M proliiltit* the use of a minw m< ret orgMiiitationa in tioma and provides that AHpfim orders shall file compteti iN-rship lists with the appmOTp civil authoritiea ■ >, If Ida proposition lg iw|'in|> cepted. Gov. Waltop declaim w will decide further must proceed to protect ■* ?elves from thia organiiatimT masked maraudera who jjß— iirafTteat eoniKT of ctirjtflßT and police miwers in the ■■■ pul cities of the State. Explottion Threatwni 1 Columbia Stu^Mi (By tha Associated Praaa.) New York. Ocd. Klfty av* 00* lumbla University atudynta narrowly escaped injury bar* today wkea a boiler eiplpded. scattarlag maehtaery through wails and breaking a tfosm windows. The cauae of tha aiplo- " stun could aof be learned eOLDSBORO 901 F ' ' EXPEUFS KSIED Wduon Counolru*; E ™ match play. %V ' %