WEATHKR Fate ItoMf M 4 Friday i WUw VOLUME TWO; NUMBER 185 _ BiiU ... .1 . ■ JUNIOR ORPHANAGE COMMITTEE HERE TODAY . . g- 'r* ! 2L- .~y > ' - lira ; FROM THE YUKEES N. Y. NatiaNal league Tim De ieata AMrlcaM by Score of 5 to 4 RUN IN NINTH WON FOR M*GRAWMEN ' v (By the Associated Presa.) New York. Oct. I#.—Swinging hit Ml and three'' Casey BUn«elblaat e-'dd hla way Into bnaeball'a kail «w feme today with a home run '’Hr. that gave the New York Gian * apectneular victory over the Yan keen fi to 4 In the opening claah or the IM2 World * Serlee. That mighty and heroic blow bv Stengel, who came back after Mn;’ relegated to baseball'* scrap hear not long ago ended a gripping and pulse throbbing drama, a thrlllla* battle In which the wlta. declaim punch and brllllutn defense rt the Giant* triumphed over the rouraa and lighting spirit of the Yankees. Broke Bash's Heart Crashed to the extreme right cen ter Held of the Yankee Stadlain. the •mash broke the heart of Joe Bush forked ball alar, who bad held the Qlanla In check after seeing hla teao bailor Waite Hoyt from the mow ' and who might have stood out tr a night as tpi hsro of the Yankee tr! umph Instead of a courageous fleur. tl defeat It was n heart-break In ending to Rush's gallant stand yt.' he spelled hla own downfall when h* grooved the ball for Stengel's dr* mafic feat. A vast throng of U.MO which shat tered all reoords for World’s aertr attendaace and tilled etwee to R* es paclty tha great stadium, witness* < iha third successive truggle betwrrr Rww hMth rival club# for proinbr honors of the diamond Maatorplec* of Htrstegv. Thai rolarful gathering of f*n from all walks of life end all part of the country. *w wrought to frans|ed nltch of evrttsment as If »nv unfolded one of the epic* of Ml came it saw the Yankee* smsri'm from the memory of hvvln- hr. hbntsn for two Ktrslrht v*ar* hv thr|. National (.esgtie opoonenr ru«h eiiee Ucwlsrly to the front In the first tw Inning*. only to be overhauled hr n aeusatlonel rally, a masterpiece r strategic attack . that • gave tfar World's Champions four rims nrd th< lead In the fourth Inning; It »aw ffc. American Leaguers after being turn ed back tlmo after Unic hv an ar.iar Ing. defease. Anally Me the score |« rhe seventh Inning, then go down !r defant na the crack of Stengel'* blow was drowned In a thunderous or* lion. The. attendance iflshul hv more than 13.00* the highest previous re srMh* tha rate receipt* of nractlcallr IraS.OOO surpassed the old record hv more than 150.000. • » The boz score: ftlsnts Ah R If O A F Bancroft, as ...t 11 3 n n Groh, 3fi t j * ] r, o ■Visit. 2h o ) •• n Voaug. rs ... ,3 o 0 2 n o F. Moeael. If '.. 1 0 i, 5 II „ « New* and Observer announced his i withdrawal from the Congres sional race !n tb< Second District to aelect a successor to the Ist. jUjaude Kltchin, leaving Judge JJohn H Kerr, of Warreaton, N. C . ■ ns the undisputed w Inner of the nomination on the Democrats ticket. Judge Kerr led Mr. Allsbronk in ; Saturday s primary by about 2.000 < vote*. Had Mr. Allabrook not withdrawn a second primary ' would have been necessary a- 1 Judge Kerr larked a mgjortiy of the total votes east. Nomine Goti i in th* Second District on the Democratic ticket la equivalent to i election, as (he Republicans ure weak In the district mm BY GOVERNMENT -11 l SYSTEM • I Farm-labor Representative Say h j Too much Power is Vented in ! Reoerve System WOULD PUT BANKING inVDER POSTAL LAWS „ t ’ (By the Associated Press) Washington. Oct. 10.-vA govern j rent mooop-ly In hanking was »r> , . d hy Weatley Starr, yeprescnjlnv th- | National Committee of the Far n t.« ,or Body, who UatllliNl before s Intn* ''dOgresskioat Committee |nve tl -:it inr enlargement of the Federal B" erve System. '"No group of men.'* said Mr Rtorr "should aver b* perWlped to ever rise the powers now vested la the Federal Ueaerve Hosrd " The witness declared he Mvored having the banking of the Nation en trusted to tha postal syslcm with 10-«1 -«1 postmaster acting as government agent In the receipt of deposit* and the making of loans. Another witness. F. It- Jon'-s. of Atlanta, declared that non-member hanks ure not .-Interested In the Fed eral Reserve aud generally I eljeve It to lie against the licet Inlercits n f the country to develop a unified bunk ing system. System, he said, hsd made the World War cost the MMtile of the United. Stalesso pet cent more than It K’hould have cost He expreased the belief Mini It »e lo the Interest of agriculture thgt Stoic j Banks and trust cotnpvnles remain outside the system, lu>cau:e by dolus so they could handle paper which would I lilted Otherwise i Amon West Once Made Home Here Friends In C.oldj|p>ro of Amo West, who spent hi* ckrly years tr the Odd Fellow* Homo here, sill le- K lnd to learn that he has hem held guiltle** In connection with the kill lug In Rocky M< unt or one votin* man and the serious wounds Inflict' d upon another Following the tniale occurrence, the young man wa< t«k en 110 custody snd held until Tues day, atrwlilch time offlelpls deter mined that the young man was not reepimslhlc for the arc Men!. Ac ! rortllbg to Information reaching here, j the lU-jear-old youth had start' d 1 ! hunting when be *top|M>d to talk to i ! the two young women and In some ] manner his weapon was accidentally i j fired killing one of the girl* and i | badly wounding the other The young i I man «pent his earlv years In the i Goldsboro Home, hut for tin- pust i 1 few years has lieen residing al llocky 1 Mount, where he was employed lu a mill. JB BAX GAKDJER MPS4RH i " I Concord. Oct. It). O. Max Gardner of Bhelby. has accepted an Invltatlor . at the t'abarrua t'odoty Fair when I' , Tipewk Twnday, Uctotiar U. aeeordina to an announcement by fair official* GOLDSBORO. N. C„ THURSDAY MORNING. OCTOBER 11. 1928 Others Included in Big Meeting Here Will be Fertilizer Men, Rail road Officials, Mer ! chants and Farmers | a The Cotton Conference that has been called by the Eastern Carolinu Chamber of Commerce to be held at Goldsboro October 24th at 1 o’clock baa been strengthened considerably by the anniNincemcnl that the bank ers of Eastern Carolina have bad a special Invitation sent to them to at " tend this meeting. It la really a meeting for everybody, hut esptclally are the bankers. fertMlicr men. rail - road officials, merchants and farm ers urged to attend. If ZOOU real bust nesa men from Eastern North Cnro llna attend this conference in th* opinion of those harking It. a long 1 step will have been taken toward* j accomplishing the purpose for which | the meeting haa beep called. Tbla Is a lime when counsel Is net? ssary t und the officials of the Eastern chain tier are eager for the people of Ua't erp Carolina to lend this kind of sup port. Newspaper* Asked (o Ittend. It tpkes publicity to put any hi* move across und no body of men recognizes this more than the off - 1 | data of this organization- To this end tbe newspapers »f Eastern Caro I llna ere urged to send report rs to j ' this meeting on the 34th. W) ettepMon. « 1 e-al Bunkers Asked t« Invite Os he- 1 Hankers. The banking contingency of Golds | h-ro have been asked by the Eastern j chamber to invite other hunkers to , this meeting, aud It goea without say ing that the request will be met with a 1*»0 tier cent response by the local | bankers." We are calling this Ing'for business.” said Fresldcut Geo. C Itoyall," and we are expecting j good result* to come therefrom.” be concluded. EALRY BIRDS TO GET DECIDED ADVANTAGE • IN THE PRIZE RACE * li Period of The Goldsboro News Sales Campaign is Short; Get Started Now Persons contemn plating entortnr the News Bslesnuuishlp t'lub should bring or send thglr nominations In < Immediately. Those who ure Inter i .fried In seeing their friend* liecouir club member* should 'see that tliev are entered without- further de|*y All entries received now wHI be giv en the four KMHMI credit coupons. Only tlgr Waj Rrmember there I* only one wav to muke nominations, ('lull mcmlicv must either nominate themselves nf“ be the choice of sonic friend* win will do It for I hem. ■ijo" management Is not l. lug f» > pface uny tiiimts In Mil* catnoalgn nnd If you wsnt to Ik- sure that your name la uinong those from which tpi owner* of the prise* nre to be select- ' •d. the surest way Is to send or lirln* 1 In yngr entry (dunk yourself do this ut on« > \ . (►Sic* Open Evening*. During the period of the Halesnisn ehlp Club runinapfD the election heiiduuarlers In • l»«- Imslne** office o' Th* Goldsboro News building « ill h» open every evening from 7:30 to 8:30 to answer Inquiries and receive cred it*. Rear In mind that It will not take , long to win theae ni tor cars snd | other nrltes. The rampaigu will 1 ! very kliort anil the "early birds" are | rolug to be the winners. No question j about It. "Note decreasing credit 1 .cbedule on subscriptions ” That I fall* the story. ( , N*w |. the''l ime Now—right oow - today- I* the I | Senator < t.uzrnl Back From Europe Waa&M yololead Law Modified , 1 RECEIVERSHIP FOR GERMANY HIS IDEA (ByThe A*a*t4#ted Pros*) . New York. OCt. •- RevelvcrsUlr j for Oermunv. a mere aympatliellc In 11crest In Kurupaea affairs by \racr liu uud a iiimllflection of thv> VolsUad act to allow fire per cent nlcotwdp-' content were souw of the reebi imeii ilstl-n* voiced by Senator Couaans of Michigan, wrbo returned today from a tour of Europe He said he believed Henry Ford would lie elected pros Went If he werr nominated by any of the rcognlsci l 1 parties but did not luurd a guess a* to Ford's chances of obtaining th* nomination. The Senator said hie study of con dltlons In Germaity had convince him that tbb only poturinn would he | receivership for Germany. "II Is perfecMy Bdlculou* R.r th« great United Slates '* he said, "to: stand aside wlihdpk even hav|p K an , opinion. America afiould take a sym pathetic interest pit ho ut fcuteripy I the world fourt" ' Wlille expreaalng sy in pat bv will France In htir cifnrt ’to get hack mimetklng for war .darhaae. Henatn Couzcna aald he was io>rv In fare of any |>Uin. w hich woald relieve t* , present Iptohuabla oonilltloa of ih. masses In Germany. of Flood In Florida Ceases (Hv th* AssocWiti-d I’re** ) . Mo-re Hh yen. *la Oct lo Rei dent* of Mnoreldlven which w* ; Bonded during. yMfprday when th waters of Tstka Okeahlud>«* brut (throngh the dvfcoa surroundin* toyr felt a.measure of relief earlv tnrrifh when It was Indicated that the cr<* of the high water hud been reuchc i bsrrlnr the po**lbllltv of onoth heaw Northeast wind. Mooreh|iv«n snd the surroumlln country tonight remained Inundate. » ttk sn average deuUi of 2 Inchca wlc '"heifty loss to livestock and protwrti j V.< effort has been made to estlmal 'he damage- Thera baa been no losr of life. ' time to hc«ln. If yon w#m a touring car, If jm wantwtrfl auu/rooblle of your own. n that you can ride wb«>n»you w-t.-h I take your friend* cr your family ilrlv ing there la no reaaon why you can not win If. Think of having n car all your very own, t? 5 ico alien yin wtah ami atay ua Inna an you pleuee ( a car that lias a reputation fur j. liability all the way through-- lux* rlour, comfortable and* powerful That la Joai what >otu««a have If yoc are wllllna to put forth a little effor' during, your apure time. Nearly every chib meinlier wIII any "Oh, I may iry. but I Juki know that I can't win." All will be of nbnu' Ih# name opinion lint the man or woman, boy or girl, who Ural decide that h. or ahe la going to win and haa the confidence to do bia very Iw-M la very llk.-ly t 0 be pro. lelnpd winner of cue of the bingeo prl«*M. More ( red Isa Otmn s«w. I'tide rat and 100. that (here wifi tie j more credit* now than al the end of ; the cani'iwljrn That la done in f a |r-1 neaa lo the onca w ho gel out and hua- j lie at the aturt and will not allow ally < t»w to gtep | u U ( the laal mln ute and win -, Head the campaign advert!'emen' In Ihlg laaue of the paper and the atari today. Hear 111 mind (hat ev»rv j active participant who doe a u it lan-' one of the prlxe* will lie paid Inj ea»h for hla or her effort. ftlflre Open l»ny and Mu hi. Klee I lon headiiuariers will lie ope-' , | today gjad till* evening aa uitul. and j v oil are Invited to call for any Infor- \ ; niutlon y m desire. It you are tinabh j to call porpnhally. nae tlte telephone , Hit rom* In. iind have thiw renew ! rropo Iflop evplalned to von In detail and learn about tho prise* awaltln> I those privileged to perth IpuMS I \ », 0 HIGH OFFICIALS TO BE THE GtJESTS OF I GOLDSBORO PEOPLE - .. ; ' * / ' * . IYIHIZE YOURSELF THE TWO TICKETS AIE YOURS Wutch the (>oltiMboro News Dniiy for ItetM-riplion of Some One irt C ity TWO FREE TICKETS to Theatre daily Tha are a young lady a beat Hv* feel and six lark** lu k*lght, of slender build, wMh Debt Italr aad you wear shell rimmed glasses. Yesterday between the hours M - 12 aad 1 o'clock you were seated in au aalomoklle la front of Miller's Drag M|«re, drinking a soft drink of popular name. Yon wore brownish e* and stock lags, gray coat nnd dark May dres*. |f )« H recognise yourself from tye above dr script bin. call today at the office of The Golds. b«n Dali) Yews and you will be awarded two free tickets lo Ike Opera House picture ikon. There are no strings attached I* tbe offer and tkr ticket* are your* tueraly for the asking If yn are . snre Ikat tbe above description * la jours. , Beginnlne with this Issue of v T. N*w* and continuing until rurthf" '.rttlce, some representative of r .i'ddsboro News will each day fd t ’.it at random some young la«olo other customer who happens m ■e In a Goldsboro store The d< rlptlon of that person will be pe'. •ivt-ed Ih columns of The New •cd In isMtaiices where people roco qlve thy tlescrlpllou us applvlittf t It'emselves, they may secure M -ket* (or free adtalesion t> ' " Opera House show by merely cal! nx at the office or The News Tb-c re Jio strings of any kind attache.' o this offer uud It will be a pleusur or Ibis newspuis'r- cooperallug .wit) 'he management., of the theatre, t. rive /-these ticket* In all tnaianca ‘tch as are stated aluive. It will iK-liiMive readers of Th' YoMlbtta News to keep a clone wale! 'or ll then* descriptions as they wl! tppeur dally. A new penum will h. leacrtlu-d each day und the two tick "t* will positively h<- uwardvd t 'hose who recognise the published ,|v scripilons of themselves. - Hatch tomorrow's paper „YQl' >i*) be the person described lay Stouts Aid ■ v In Fair Traffic Seoul Executive ItlM-rs ba* beeu 'pending the present week- at where he has lieen In charge of the HoJta Scout patrols of Hist city, Tha Klnaton Hcout* huie been in chsrgq of traffic there this week while th* Kinston f'ounty Fair was In pro gre*s and have lieen given such oth er assistance ss was possible In con n. ction with the fi'*r-> A similar pi in will tie pul into effeit in Goldsboro when the Wayne ( runty Fairs opens lu re and the Boy Scouts will ur«l: t ' the police department In handling traffic and such other details as may 1 fw possible. The nsslstance given by i the Hcont* 1* worth while, say the ( Hcout official, and ut the same Hum It Is valuable Information for-the bo> » I themselves. * Ml-s Nela-Fowle of Wtishlnglon. I* j J In the city tb" ttiiest of Mrs. 11. \1 . Humphrey, . NOTIFY TIIK OFKK K IF YOU FAIL TO GET PAPER (•oldslvuro News Nultwcrihcrs nrr uryrd to promptly notify Ibis off lets telephone No. HI 3, on nny morning when the pa pet* is not received prior lo 9 o'clock- The munaKement of the newspaper is making every effort possible to offe to it that all subscribers receive (heir papers regularly, but there are occasions when some subscribers will miss his or her pa per regardless of Ihe efforts made. With a view to giving the subscribers Ihe very best service possible, the request is made that this office be notified on unv morning when the paper has not arrived by 9 o'clock and a copy will be sent out by special messenger, i' 1— ' ■">' i 4 •' • ■ »• b « •> , t* • Will Arrive in City at 10 This Morning uh) fie Welcomed by Businetui People of Three Sites and Guests at'Kiwanis Luncheon Upon the outcome of the vinit to Goldsboro today "Os tlw NatloP' al Council of thee Junior Order of the United Americaalflhcheqlfei will very largely depend the matter of whether GtiMwgoro la to be .- chosen for the location of th« National unior Order Branch pr phanage or whether some other town or city in the State wiß.ae- ' :ure the institution. Formal announcement wah' made hftggftoa terday that the National delegates will be in QeMaboro today for the purpose of inapecting the free xitkg offered and the resources of thia city and countv Immediately thereafter, Hans were in the making for taking care of the delegates hefpi to lay apd showing them every courtesy and attentionSd the com mand of local people. OLDER PEOPLE OF STATE ARE AGAIN BACK IN SCHOOLS Flxteitulon Service of Univereily Will be Great Tklng for North ■ n\ Curoliitn ■.. ■ —\imo ROUPS IN DOZEN J TOWNS ARE ACTIVI mu* |, -I, _ ( (By the Associated Proas.) ( bapcl. 11111, Out. IP -The l»4«rn m* heads pf faoiillaa aa wall m b t«- tnesses, wptnkters as well as’ mother* --In brief! the older folk txf th* t»**ut are going lo *chf North Carolina, of which | n Hnall U director, put*'lnto effacf.l Its recenlly announced pr gram hr louducUug classes aH over the Htat* ; nd giving credit toward degree* fir. | ork satisfactorily completed. Heglu This Week. ; Already r gtoup« of citizens In more than u dozen towna have made ar •'sngiMiiunts for courses, seme of which Iwgln Claasea con- , looted by L'nlveralty professo?* !>;*• i they are at Chapel Hill, only-not •o frequently, will lie'held wherever ’a many as 15 person* want neour « ' Th* town In wblcJi arrangement* ave lieen completed for ci’»r*e« to ♦gin this in'Aitb Include Ireenaboro, - Durham Jllglt Point. baleyvHlc. Salisbury, Hurllugloi, 'snford. Oxford aud l/oxlngloa. Great Demand*. * , Professor George II Kchnter, wtn during tbe past summer was added to the staff of the Extension Ui'lsloi. i I* organizing this stale class work I a* head of the department of exten sion teaching. He has recently r*. turned from a vlali lo the towns then linked and reports a great demand fur courses. In Raleigh John Itousliel is orcan- Izlnjf a course for bankers, to lie taught by Professor C T Murchison, of the chair of applied economics. Wingate Jones la organizing a sim ilar cousr* In Durham sociology will I*, alv.n in Durham, llurllngton und Oxfoftt Ut'.lcr III* tlon of Dr- Howard W Odum, director Yif ih„ school of, I'ublli Welfare, assisted by Dr ll**. I old D Meyer, associate professor of | sociology, Ud Dr. Jmme F. Kleiner, i i professor of * •i w* PRICE l*dnad glll|t Tit* dlsilhgstahtf lag of National Oouhcwar ToaUoa ft « New York. Vl«« National CotHtflgdik Waller* of Paoasylvasla. ChafMMh Noy** of tlie tmmlgrotioe CogMMffm. utpiling their flaal conrlualona on the matter and Qolto ttoro a i hancea ar# theratorr —a probabla ratio of about 1U to *v«r. utinoat < onfWaaaa wa* pra- I Vailing In Ut* dir to*t ntoht that Coldaboro haa u Mp lend Id abow to #*• lUlly win out. A*k I lllaoo'i AM j*« Th* entlr* publle of tha city la re* queated to give auch aid aa rang W In Ita power today lft_-a*v— rtfng tha Innnnnii'rahic advantagna whit— (JoliUbnro haa to offer end U to bop id that. thU city apd thin should muW a vary darp ImpreaklSf him hi the g neat's who ar* hero forthi day If trying will aecura tb* branch ortihanagc for boldabOro, It la an good .aa located hero, aaaartad thoa* InM j night who war* making Anal pH— for carrying today * program tbrohfftL, to a aim eaaful eooclUaloA. y~"' yf i KKW YORK HPOT ItTflfta New York. Oct It* -Spot kottoa I quiet; middling Slid. ■ NEW YORK riTMI New York. Oct. I*—GpfßoO futura* . i't'tosd ettmdy: * ' "" , J| OH flff!' W ttJ*‘ Jtk 'MMa mfH M*y M » n