WEATHER 1 FMr Frtdnj and MaUrdnyt *H«MIy wanner Saturday. VOLUME TWO: NUMBER 18« CLUB MEMBERS IN KNS UMPfIOfTI' SOON BF PRINTED First Uai of Nominees Will Appear Tuesday When Mara , ikon Starts Having tawi it sew 4sy* that the Int list nt ssrljr entrant* la The Gnldnbore Newt (lift t'am- U will appear la Yoeaday’a pa per sir et expectancy ha* aprefft all aver the terrltwr) la arhlrh the Mew* clmlaleu. The raa4l4ate« already entered waat te kaew who their <| mpetltur* at* tolas te he aa4 the general pahlle h an x lens te *ee the list, aa4 la 4 there the aaaie »( Ike relative*, friend or neighbor whpai thep wish t« snppori la the *> rare for the these ant mobile*, and the ether reward*. Tuned*/ * list will Include only thane nominated up. to A o'clock Wed nesday night ftIPIKIt JI T NT STARTED The big campatg nl* |u«t Martina .iah once It !* Itpown who will com pete, there In (ulna >o be ■ ru»h of nftirlnntloaa. With «,aaO In price* «nd commis sion* to compete (or. It I* no wonder that *athu»la*m ha* spread to every part of this areat section C .Inol dent with the publication of name 1 on Tueedxy. the cumpsian will off| daily open—the race will be on and all raadldate* will atari with tin tame importunity of (finning (KFMTM A 1,01 F WILL WIN All there I* t« this rampagln Is (o aet *ab«rrlptl*a« front yogr friend* and neighbor* and, get them ta *a*e the free credit eon pan* that appear ta every l«*«e of tbl* paper. Credit* are all Ibnt WNI win the*e pri*e«t credit* nleae will wlh the Batch sedan, or any oae of tho ante*. Credit* will win for yoa and all la Jn*t a few *h W weeks’ flam. l-wbh ap the ad**rt!aenmnt In thin ls*ae of the New*. It row* tala* the Nemlaattoa Coupon. When this coupon Is revived al Information will he seal you to. aether with all the napplle* >< a head la BMkr a W Inn In* race Head la *Ne Nomlasllon Btaak NOW FAIR STOCKHOLDERS MEET HERE AT NOON Public of The County A«<HeH To Come up Todav AwserlH the , Secretary , It was stated last night by oftl Isle of the Wayne County Fair Aks'mlu tloo that there will pnlwblf be a consldertble attendance op the nsrl of the Mot-kholder* of the fair when the annual meeting of that bndv Ir held at noon todav In the office* of the Goldsboro Chamlier’ of Com merce. 0 "The moat Important matter we will have to consider today Is that relative to the stock we own In the Goldsboro Street Railway SyM'-m.” raid Secretary W. C Denmark last night, “and that matter will he dis cussed at the comine meeting until some decision la reached Mr Denmark ha* al* , Mated tha' j a number of Important matters con- i be. ted with making the l!iJ3 Wayne f'ounty fair the greatest, success it i ha* ever scored will come tip for at- i tenllon at tixlav * meeting and since j some ot these matters are of vrrv ] vital Importance. |t |* urged that ill! ' stockholder* be present for the meet ing or see to It that they are Ire-ire rented by proxy Mr. Denmark said last night that today's meeting will be railed to or der promptly at 12 o'clock, noon und that II ahould not prove to be uttua- 1 ually lengthy. —*• —— - Attendance Drops At World’s Series (By the Associated Preas .) New York. Oct 11-—The atlend- at tha second World * Merle* | today waa *0 402. gross re- j * riffle were llGSi** Greensboro Man Is Killed i In Raleigh Auto Mishap RALEIGH. Oct ll.— (By the Associated Prexx.) —Col J A. Bodenlieimer. of Greensboro, N C., wax instantly killed here thix afternoon when an automobile in which he wax riding wax in col lixion with a car driven by W. S. Mangum, Wake County apeed officer. Mangum and W. S Murchixon. of Kaleigh, a man nani ed Jonea and William Allen, well known real extate man all were injured. Allen's injuries are considered xeriourf. ■ ' Mangum b* said to have-bben in pursuit of a speeding autottvo bile and being blinded by dust ran head-in into Mr. Allen's car. THE GOLDSBORO NEWS Two Home Runs By Ruth MfiV* Yanks 1%,^ Count* With The Giants * '*\- • * * \ ' » *4 ip ' *1 ' TWO FREE TICMETB IF VOI KEt OOSUE TOCaMEI.I Thl* yaagg ladj w«« »ee» dar ing yesterday In Miller'* drag store. Mhe waa atllreddu a while dress With greef ribbon lied In a how around the aech. Hhe wore a light brow a coat, white shoe* aad stock lag*, a wealth ot dark brow a hair aad brow a eye*. Mbc wa* »h; ppiag la Ike More men tioned ahffut II ill o'clock yester day a mTII she recogwl*e* herself from the description above far alabed aad will rail al the office of Tho Goldsboro News any time today, she will lie awarded two ft* tickets t the Goldsboro Opera ■dual plctnre show. There are oteetwtcly u« strings attached te Mtp offer aad all the young lad) ■KM do I* lo call it! The News •Vice today aad receive her tick ets, Watrh tor the description to morff *w. VOI may he the oae de scribed- emu uni REHESTITtNIEN Tfl MEET 111 CITY o on fc rente U*IW lo In* H- W Ir Goldnboro Oetuber 24 at 2:SO s O’clock FORMULAtR DEFINITE ADVERTISING CAMPAIGN mi mU— '*• To further prosecute the plana for RaaU-ru Carolina a matt ing of tho real eatnte men In East* ero Carolina baa been called for Goldsboro. October *l4th *1 2 3b E | M hr the Eaatorn Carolina chamber of Commerce, for the purpo*c of sos? mutating definite and concrete pl*»* for furthering up tho udveill*lßP campaign, which the Eastern Caro Una Chamber of Commerce Is plan nlug to launch at an early d4t< ix-tier* have been sent to severs ( of the leading real eglnte nen It Eastern Caroline by the offtcl »1s o the organlxstlon, to f\nd out whether the real estate men would look with favor on a meeting of this kind, and the reapoaes have -been ho favorable that the officials decided to ca,l this meeting on the same day that tin cotton conference-In held, so that Ihr real estate men could attend Ixitb meetings on the same day Mecrotary Bartlett of the Eastern Chamber will have a plan to submit to them fur their consideration, and from all In dications a program will lx- adopted which will be the backing of tbes< different real estate dealer* Din pet rent strong IMilff meeting will be poaalbly the Brat ot Its kind that hai been field In Eastern Carolina anil the Outcome Is being itwnlled with much Interest by those connected with this advertising campaign Ev ery real estate man In Kastern Caro lina Is Invited to attend this meeting ' at Goldsboro, und It Is hoped that r ■ representative from each one of th< forty *l* counties will he present at f this meeting 1 Motordrome Ace Hurt At Kinston i Goldslipro pc pie who are i-wGlt patina with kWn pleasure the ap pearance In this dty at the Wayne County Fair of the Sbccsley Shows will reyrol to learn that James Me'r , rill of tlilathlo. Fla one of the mo j torcycle rider* in the Motordrome connected with the Hheesley Shows, j I suffered serlou* Injuries yesterday n* | ! the Kinston Fair when the machine j which he wu* riding over the j top «M she railing The young rider j suffered a broken leg and a number ' of severe laceration*, w hile some of i the spectators were also bruised The I i accident was much regretted In Kin- | j aton wise re the !tn*e»lejr Shows are j *al<l to lia*e nmdr -gj fine Impression GOLDSBORO N. < „ FRIDAY HORNING. Ot llIItKH New,York Americans: Take Second Content From National by the Score of 4 to 2 and Each Team in Now Credited With One Victory fßy the Associated Press I New York. Oct 11. —“Babe” Ruth crossed with mighty treml today the i threshold of World'* Merle* glory that I has been barred to him for two year*. I Driving out tmo*thunderlng home I run thrusts In successive innings, a feat unparalM In championship base- ' l>g}t history, Kutti was the dynamo In the powerful attack that enabled tha j New York Yankee* to turn the tables j on the Giants, capture the second game of the series by a score of i to • 2 and miuare the count with th> world's title holder* In the Iti2l strag gle for dluuioud supremacy. First up in the fourth inning with the score tide at one all, (he great slugger put the Yankees into the lead with a terrlffle blow lhat land ed aifip the second tier of the rlght- Aeld grandstand and started the downfall of Hugh McQuillan (Hunt nee* implicated Trick Another run waa scored In lhal hectic Inning, hut on his neat turn at lull In the fifth' the Babe crushed one if Jock Bentley's southpaw slants In to the lower right field stands Tlia 1 blow was the climax of the gam*: Yankee victory waa clinched then •ind there for It proved • merely a formality to carry on to the fiiitab It was a spectacular triumph for the Yankees, whose punch mustered Johu McGrow's strategy and gave 1 them the first World'* Series victory they have known since the fifth game Os mil championship a span ovar which eight defeat* and one j| • huve been the disastrous portion cf the Aiusafiam League cbnuaptons ft ' was a brilliant day for Merit Pen nock, left-hander who twirled the Gtgnts Into subjection In masterful fashion; and Joe Dugan, fleet rotted third-saeker whose marvelous defen sive play brought him repeuledly In o the lime light. mm f* » Bay of Bays. P.ul over uud above the mere out’s, come of the game, lljp- brilliant cog that fitted Into the. Yankee machine. It was the day of days for Ruth, baseball'* slur of stars, who has come Into Ills own and found the end of the rainbow of World Meries fans for which he had sought before tn vain. Kuth'g feat of two home runs in a j single World's Meries gumc' bad been; Uoue thrice before In two decade* »t | championship history but none of the Instances were the circuit blows' uiude In successive Innings and aue ceaslva time* at bat. Peuguck lavlprlhle. Except for two innings. Penuock. southpaw star of the Miller Huggins staff, had the Giants at hts mercy, twlrllug with consummate. Invinci ble skill und hacked up by a defense that at time* was spectacular. Op I <wed to the frail looking I ut *u|>erb ly ronAdeni left-hander were iwo of McGrow's nimiud string. McQuillan, who was iMimburded Into retirement In Hie fourth Inning unit Jack Bent ley. portatder. who except fir Ituth'a] .eeolid circuit clout, pitched capably 1 for the rest of the game. Pennock's Victorians iw-rformunce was all the more remarkable In the face of an accident In the fourth In ning wlivnAe was strut the sld<* and painfully hurt by the first ball pitched by Bentley. Shared tbe Glory. The Yanks gathered 10 hit* off pitt hers McQulllun and Bentley, one more than the Giants collected 'off Pen nock. Imt the blows of the American leaguers wer* more solid (Continued ( n Page Two ) 1 * ~ Danville Tragedy Still a Myntery tRy the Associated Preas ) Danville Va-. Oct. Jl Funersl aer vices for William O William*. Ben C Coleman, principals In a dtila killing here late Wedue*d*y were held lale 1 today with the motive for the tragedy ' still a mystery final riles over Hu body of Mr Williams, who was shot to death by Coleman were held at the Episcopal church The funeral of Coleman, who commuted suicide was held al the home < f the mother of Mr*. Coleman Inferment was Ir the remetery here , The condition nl I Mr*. W (i, Williams, seriously wounded when she tried to shield h*» husband front'the idiot* front !Cole man* pistol was rapnrtath late Mduv j a* favorable. UNI SOLIDS £ nheOr dw j PUN TO IMPEICM Ignore (iovernnr’g Rccna»m«nd -1 alien on I’roamaadl AnU-Klan Law ' UHARGK C OMMITTEES WITH THE INQUIRIES ' ■' ' (By the Aaauctatfil Pros* I Oklahoma Clly, («tla., tht II ; Plana sos holdiug a euurl of Im peachmeat to ro*l*w the official eon duct of State execullvp otflrers moved forward t.iday with Nkc run*coin* oP* kxirswedloary *e *l«>n of the t.., I islalurr tailed by’tUkveinor Walton { to consider anll-Ku Klux Klan legla j UDoll. v Ignoring Tor a Mtm- recommt ndn I Hon* of Governor Wallun that hi> bill proposing regulnthmid the Klsn ■ Ite considered Immediate!.'. House J mambero at tlte opening aeaMon by a i uunaimoiM vote uuthorUad Ihr Mpruk , *r to name a committee of la'cstl I gallon and the Impeachment to In quire Into all offence* charged against lin|ieachahle state oltlclal*. The House the* recessed until tn nmrinir aftnruoon when the commit (eels axpectrd to he annoutired Th< Meant* had previously race*eed until morning. In |yl* add teas, opening un exira ordlniry session of the nssembly, th« execuHv* charged Gun the Klan wllli rcs|M>na|h|lHy for hundreds of oat j rage* and punctuated his remarks by I laying before the lawmaker* trans cripts of all testimony adduced liy military court* ot Inquiry, which , under hia proclamation «f martial. law. InvuatlgaU'd mob violence and maohed depredaGons lit various parte of (he state lie fuqtumted Hie as semblyimin lo examine lit* record and then publish It- O' "Thl* all powerful aad m. st de moralising 'super government' in un dcrmlnlng the very csrourrstone and foundation of onr government and sapping the life blood of our ritlxen ship,'* Governor Walton declared. "|t must either be killed or the govern ment Itself must finally g|v e way to anarchy Amt revnlnlfcn There I* f alternative or middle ground " The Guvernor rovtrwed at length the chain of event* which luiv,. kept the state In turmoil tor a to: nth and ronrliided hls message with a plea Hist the I ..-n ii re immediately pns* a bill, which he lilmselr has pre|uir«*d. “that the yieiqile may tx protcried for e»or In ifielr |>erson, property and fundamenurHVeities." “The conflict hetwe-n the visible ’ nnd Invisible government mtpit lw brought lo g c lose with S c implete I : victory for the visible fftiverniu. nt or Oklulioma will fare IndeflnKe Gir nudl and strife, the rostilts of. which | are bound In be dlsastrcuis," lie said | “This Invisible, insidious and ter- I rorlslng empire represents In un ex aggerated form, fear, falsehood und religious hatred which Is fully n | empllfled from Its operation*. It ought to lie apparent now to nil cltl x«n« lhat the people of this stale will not rravcnJy submit to the intoler ance. iieraecutlon and oolrugeous vio lence of a hooded organlxgtlcin wlili-h operates In the dark and whose mem bersblp Is a *ecrel KaelsFand re ligious bigotry uud mob violence are unthinkable when practiced In the Open they become traitorously ind .wickedly so when hidden behind the I tin American mank “ He referred to the tilll »* “com 1 pleio and adequate to meet every cx ] Igency sud coin I agency Thl* luh I provides fir unmasking all clllreu* ! and tonip> I* secret Organisations fu ■ publish a list of tlielr membership ! as well “ , ■ --- VV ul\lh Government To Supervise Ranks fßy the Associated Pres* ) U’gvhlngtfm. *>'• II Far roller 1 tion of cherk-s and the placing of ill hunklng under Federal super'isloti were among the measure urged to day m-forr. j Ut f'nnyreH.tnnsl Coni rnitlee Investigating failure of Htab, i Banks'in enter tho system, J If Tr.-goe of New York vecre t'iry of th v treasury or the National Assoriatioii of < red It Men ndvmated i both prop ssl* while W tv (» rr . slotant fee rotary of the Association. ! ex prosed the desire for par roller. | tl«*n In Ms^ff - DeHtr«yf>* Disaster Prolie Ih ( oneluded (Bykhe AssiM'iated Press) Man Diego. Calif. Oct II lnve«tl gatlnii by court of Inquiry of the de ] stroyer dlsindet on Me|>teuifH-r ft I cIo*«h1 her* late todav with brief ar- t gunientH hv eiMinsei (or 13 navnL offl rers named defendants In tl»e Inves tigation Findings us tho. court will 1 be transmitted to the Me< retiirv ot Uii i Nasty uud v.ill m made public ht WMbingtou nsxt yroak ' <1 t ,1 Junior Ord&r Committee % Is Much Impressed WUhc " Offer Made By The City r 11 1 1 serrisH society OF AMERICA MEETS IN ANNUAL SESSION Hculrhmrn From All Ovt>r North UMrolina and Distant Klolrs l‘nment CAMERON ( I AN HEAD AND WIFE ATTENDING <Hy the U*«rlated Tre**.) IG'il sprleg,. N. f , Bel. 11. With Donald Walter t amerua, laird nt l.oehlel and I'hleflsln nt Ike Kina f aao run a* It* guiwt nt honor aad tsllh Guv. Tho*. G. Nr I rod ot Mouth (art Has aad f soierun NorrGoa of North ( or ullau la. Blieslsarf, (he Hcottlsh Model) »| America wMI bold Its ssnusl meeting here tumerr ,v. Member* ot (he Moehty here or. rhlug here tonight from all »ee> lloa* of the eoaotry to partlrl* I pale Ijb the event* ot tomorrow. I The renter nt activity will Im Flora Mnedonnld (allege and here the McotlGh laird will dcllv. er the address wblrh I* da aw* anal feature of the meeting* of the Madefy. •Shs.r-rus'i nt j tHy the Associated Press.) Red Hprlngs, N ('.. Oct. II —The I Mrotllsh Mm-lety of America hero tomorrow with Scotchmen diron enl from North t'anillna oottiv from distant stale* und Canada, and with two tsM'hlnl. head nt the Clan Cameron, and his wife, I only Iter mlone Kmily Graham from the very highlands ot Hcutland Tho program for the went rails for in address fry lioehlal. also know It" g* Colonl Donald Walter Cameron, following up. Introduction by A W Mda-un. ..of l.uinlierton, and §n l>d droas of welcome by Ooveroor Cain '■rrj>ii Morrison. Response lo the ud dress, uecordlug to the protrsm ( will lx* made by Governor Tliotiiue G Mris'od. of Mouth Carolina. Col Cameron and laidy Graliim arrived In America lasi Friday and were met on disembarking at York by a delegation from the Meot- I lluh Society of America Tbe Mcoteh qiun win lint met with 14 brass bund 0 hut uUroidlug *0 reporta received hare, a group of Mcoteh piper* start ed pluylng un old Heotcli tune the moment lie and hla wife stepped nshoro. Flora Macdonald College will be the renter of (he gathering of the McoUish HiMlety of America 1 , The progrum for the even). 11a uni lined 1 by Mis* Kioiee MeGDll. of Mayette . ville, follows- o Fxerclse* begin nt 1- a m. in the Woodland llx-atro of l-'lurs Msedim aid College * Brief word of welcome to the peo ple by Rev C. G Vsrdell, I) D , prea- Ident of tile society. Invocation by Itev |. M Masvey. Ill), pastor of the lte<| Hprflig Metli ixlist rhureh. . Greeting, to lox-htel by John Gor don Giny past -preiident -1 Hie Ht Andrew* Moelely of Hiilsdelplilu. Greeting* by It 11 McNeil), of Washington D c. pre-idint of the Clan McNeill Hoclely'’ of the t'nited | Mtate*. I Greeting,! lie Dr. Petnt Mclnlyro v of Goldsboro, president of the Arran tHscl River Mcx-lely. luirodiirtkn of ,l.»x-ht.-l liv \ W Hl« l/'un of Gunitierton Bp Welcome to l/h hlel from Norih | Carolina )»y Governor t'ameron Mor rison. Address by R. ponse to flic address by Gover nor Thomas G Mclxxl. of Mouth Carolina j An mm rice me nt*. Picnic dinner on the campus of Flora Mm dump Id | Ollet'c ■> . I .Informal roe<-|iflon In the tptundn. ! of the college. Concert al K o'clock in ih* evening by she Ailsrue quaitett* us Turuni 1 j Canada, lustnlver* of the quartetfm I appr-aring in Mcotcli kilts and tar ’ tan* Following tin concert, the High | land Fling dano-d by si* Flora Mac-" donald College girls | Nc’rto lleuvyweight Scores Knockout Illy ttie Asr iclated Preas I New York. Act 11 ||*rry Wills, negro heavyweight of New York to night' knocking'out Homer Hmltii of Kulamaxmi, Mich, In the second round ior « urtnen round natah, In ' tlx, (i)ie.<in-.l «ioiigU tUsdGuu et Lott# la. (land City. T, » " Nothing Relative to Nature of Their Reqoin mendation in Available But They Were I‘leas ed With Three Sites Offered Here It mum not expected that the delegate* ruprcaenting the Nation" al Council of tlu> Junior Order United American Mechanic*, here . yesterday for the purpose of inspecting Hites offered for Ike ieen ‘tion of the pro|M>M*‘d new Junior Order Orphanage in North Car olina. would make nny statement prior to their departure from the city relative to their decision «tin the matter or thi recotn yieudatioiiH they will make, they did indicate prior to tholr do* . parture that they were very much Impressed. The memherf of the committee hud no licit It ancy in saying that the hottltillty extended them by OoldstNiro had made them feel thiat tne poo* pie of this cilv and this section are not making empty promises when they sav that if tlie omhnnntn* should be k**»‘e»A In Gold*- boro it will be aided and aasiated in every way poedble by *virj) mini, woman and child in ttie city and the county. STATE HIGH SCHOOL AMU ATTE! TP DAYS OF FAIR Farm Bovs From All Over State (iather at Haiti wh on October 18th and 19th « ARK TO TAKE I'ART IN JUDGING CONTEST (By th* Associated Press ) Raleglh. Oct. It. Over 500 fsrir boys, students In tlx- ggAl’ultora' high schools of lb# Hut* will spend Thursday and Friday. October !• and 1». st the North Carolina Hut* Fair fur th« purpose of Judging livestock and trope, according to nn announce raent todny by Roy H." Thomas. stnti supervisor ql pgrtcultuiWr who be rtiartte of tfl# program TOr the turn' boys while here. "This Is <h* third annual Jttdcln* con'cst fuh vocational agriculture' high schools and R will bring togeth | *r ibe largest number of farm Ik>v If'-ur a»eenlbl*d fnr this purpostu lr Hi* Hut*," said Mr. . Thomas "Com lira from ti7 schools and r*pr*s*ntlns «<i nouaUus. thess boys w*r* select *d from over 3.M0 *nt rants In com petitive trials at the. local hist school " Th* llvstock Judulng contest, on nonnc*d Mr Ihomnn. will In- hcii* Thursday mnrnln* under the direr Mon of Professor H If Rttffner of Or* animal husbandry division of North Carolina Stale College Mules horses, dairy cattle, sheep, .win* and poultry are to b* judged In this con- Seniors In Ui# livestock depart nxnlt of Hlate College will grgde th* |iat>ers hgnded In by the contestants Friday morning (he bogs will lake pan In crop Judging contests, said Mr Thomas. .Professor W H Hurst, of the Crops Department of Htntr f’ollege, will supervise these contests Chose entering It will have to d#u ouatrste whal they know shout Judg Ing corn, wheat and the other cr ns and the Identification of common leg umes and grasses of the farm. ' Ovr »Zh« In cash prises are offered In rKe livestock and also the cron eiadlne content. A purebred Jersey hull calf has been offered by the An imal Husbandry Department of Hint* College, to the boy making the best score In the livestock Judging con tests. while s prl/e of fir, will Im awarded to the sweepstakes Judge in crops Tile contestants alii he the guests of Stale College while h,fflW it.* fair nml will he »iuarter«d In bullil tngs on Hie college campus: Thnrs <l«) evening a banriuet will he glv* n lh.m l.v Dr |: c nr.mks, president ■ f tlx- college Mrs. Iktlth Vender-' 1,111 president oft)„. |' H | r w ,|| l>* one of th* principal speakera at •be banquet Arrangements have been mad,, f Ol ,|.e ho,* to attend the Ht«ie-t .irolins rositt’fStl game Thurs day afternoon I . kb* vtiHx spot cottun New Vork, Oct II H|io« cotton tomti t, middling 2« 00. Thiec Memberh Os Train Are Killed By Robben t SAN FRANCISCO. Calif. Oct. 11.—(By the Axaociated PreaaJ Three member of the crew of a Southern Pacific Kxpreae train were x|iot and killed and the mail car oil th« train waa blown up by t raft robber a who halted the train ax it waa entering a tunnel i near the Oiokoii California line today A poaae ie in puratiß of* , the banditti. , •Mudm The n»«li ear waa wrecked and ait the. window*. in thwniMiat chaircar ware shattered. No paaaenyern were. hurt' t . j> Aa ASSOCIATED PRESS I FKM'E FIVE CENTS Inspect Threw HNe*. The de'legatlon «rr|v*d In tbe cMjr ■hortly after It o’clock jreatardny uornlng, coming v|g auto from Unt ight. and Ihe morning hours word <p*nt in Inspecting th* niton oWbrwd by this city Inrluded in tbo number omlng here went National Council or Jo* li. Tunlson of Now fork: Vice' Natlonnl Councillor Thoms H. Walters of Pennsylvania; Chglrauw lohn If. Noyes of tko Immtgrattoa Committee Os Washington and Chalr usn W A. cooper of Ibn North ObltN ’lns Hint* Committee of Ralotgh. Thg Itstlngntshed visitors worn mot at thg fennon hotel here sod were taken n autopi blles, accompanied hr- X ifbmber of the cltyM loading. dtlneaa* n the trip to throo sites laepggled. these being the Edwards pUoe, Um Hollowell place s»d Penoherlnn link Necessarily tbo romnißUo had noncuuitullnl la *xpr«»»|oaewrelatlve o the suitability gad sdaptllQky of ‘ho ihroo places aooa daring Um morning, hut it wag evident Cram tholr demeanor that they aaw ma<% o admire *t tb* planes viaftad 'be do legates wort gasetc of thg ' ioldsboro Klwoalo flab. taggUMW ■' l with a number ad the lied 111 rrl^gfi erved by the Woman's Club of field*, boro In tbo rootai of tbo OoMabdf* Chamber of Commerce. Whoa thg •lining hall was entered, tbo tn*odb tloa was naked by Ike Re-- Zefeg Moll, DD, patter of the First Bgp. list rhurt-h of (loldobero. Leg by Prof He I d<m of tut fin Ha horn ||J( school, all Hume prwooat joined H singing "America" add tb* pregragg f the day begaa. lb M fltllikia. In a few well chad* "" remarks. Introduced (he mmbtff of the National committee present, and then the guonia from tRe cHy w*r* lot rod need by Ikb KI Van lane The "Mtnile” song then pat %o en tire body In ■ good burner, mowing .which George K Freeman. H*eideat of the Klwaats chib felt honored ta estendlng a welcome to the onamß tee. not «s guests of the day bat an fellow workers He enld the' be feN as though the Klwsalaaa and the Ju-‘ nlor Order Committee are engaged Im 'the some efforts, vlg., that of up biOldlpg. "The Klwaats dab Hopes aud twite»e» that it will revive la* splratlon from the orphatingi omlag to ibis city, if It does coai md we shall sirlv* to tpe utmost oi rntp abil ity In set an eiample for the chil dren placed In this lag! Rut ion which will tw. in turn, an Inspiration *• them.” asserted President freeman. Other Premises Wade Dr W. O. Cone, rector of at. Stephens' Episcopal church, told lira members of the committee that he le‘ lu (, not beeguee he Is “to the manor born" but that he hrMbere Upw. choice He said that he had np l*i fed wills city out of some fri.B»| ot Kf.oiMi other American cities tw which to make hla home and that ha hud never had any occasion to regret , that decision. 1 ( olonvl Joseph E. Robinson, editor of Th* Goldsboro Argus, was aaat ° beard as s representative of the Goldsboro Rotary club. Colonel Rob inson reviewod the fact that Oolds *"»ro. Wayne county and tb* Bt«t# of North Carolina nr* rich la hlntorid Continued on Page Tww.| WMI

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