tfßJiliftlTfß" I” faJr Muby Uji lift* rhtßft la liiMiiitEiy. “S ■ ■*.’ ‘" g-im.r,-..jarir r « VOLUME TWO; NUMBER 187 MI'S ASSERTIONS KBs Tm*4 As **E*ckle*if In HUle mcni MU* B> SMrvlary FOLLOWED CONFERENCE WITH THE PRESIDENT (By the Associated Ebu.) Washington Oct. 11 —Secretary Weak* In replying today to, Henry Fttfdg statement regarding the sale «l the Gorge* plant of the Muscle Shoala project said. the Detroit, man atee turer* statement wu Billed with ‘ reeklea* aaaertloa* ." The Secretary of War laaued hla i (element late In the day after the conference* at the White Hauer. Tt vri* brought out by Mr! Ford's **- aertihn'ln Detroit laat night In which Mr. Week*' action* and motive* were placed under lire Secretary Week* would not com ment upon Mr. Ford’* etntement be yond leaning hla own formal reply-) There waa grery Indication, however, that Mr. Week* felt greater Indigna tion nt the pereonal nature of the Detroit manufacturer'* charge* and Implication again*t him During the day Mr. Wtteka twice dlacuaeed the vltnatton with Preatdent Coolldge. the laat time after he had prepared hla answer which he Carried with him lo the White House Juet before tt wa» made public. GM! RE-ELECTED IS IEIDI HSU CipTMttion Win Make For Hoi tartly In Idtbor, Asoertn v * Tho PrwMoni f (By th* Aaaoclgted Preaa ) Port and. Ore.. Oct 12.—Samuel Gompers. re-elected unanimously a* prentdent of the American federation of Labor Jnat before adjournment of the forty-third hnnual mm vent lon bare declared la hla cloalng add re*#, that the gathering bad glvea notice tbftt n cleavage had been mede be tween those loyal to orgaalaed labor and those who. boring from wlhtln. had sought to atab the labor move ment in Ik* badk. “The result* of this convention" he said “will make for solidarity In the rank a of labor.” Th* convention came to an exciting close In a sharp centeet for the next convention In which El Paso. Texas, won over Detroit STOLEN GOLDSBORO CIS IS RECOVERED Ttircg Youths From Here Are Takes Inter Custody by Police at Greenville 8. C. ' -N, An automobile coupe, the property of Hugh Dortch, well known member of the Goldsboro bar. which wan stol en In this city a fortnight or more ago. haa been recovered In Green ville. 8. C., and the three youth* who were In th* car at the time were taken Into’cuetody by the South Car olina city police, according to Infor mation which was received In Golds boro yesterday. Milton Gurley, a Goldsboro boy. was one of the trio In th* car at the time, say advices received her*. . It la alleged that the three boy* I all from ‘hla Immediate section of Eastern Carolina, stole the automo bile In (hie ally and drove It to Wilmington. N. C.. where they ore eald to have stolen th* license tug og a machine at lhat placaFbelong- Ing to a Wilmington man and at tached the Wilmington tug to the OoMaboru car They then .drove Seglk unlil they reached Greenville, where they were arrested on suspl cha and the ownership of the car was established Reports coming to Goldsboro are i lo the effect that the Gurley youth -vod a pistol Id his possession si the ' time of Iba arrest and local police official* aay that he was eents-aced iu recorder's court in the South Carolina city to serve 20 days on the puhlt< 1 works there for that offense I* The Inanrance Vompaay with which ■ls. Dortch had a policy Is planning to have the coupe returned from Greenville to QoMsboro at an early dal* FOOTBALL llttl’LTN At ftpertagburg. Wofford !«; Kra kin# t. Wichita. Ka* . I* th* largest broom corn market 4a the world. ' ia 4 _ THE GOLDSBORO NEWS eOVERHOR liRRISON Surra 9HTEFMR WUI Be Introduced My Mnt Edith Vanderbilt Tuendgy At Noon V « t RACES WILL BE THE FAIR'S BIG FEATURE fßy the Associated Pro** ) 'Raleigh. Oct 12.—Governor Cam eron Morrison will formally open (he 62nd North Carolina State Fair Tues day. Octnber IC. gt noon, following an Introduction by Mr*. Edith Van derbilt. of Hlltmore. who is serving her third term as president of the North Carolina Agricultural Society under the auspices of which the Stats Fair Is held, according to an an nouncement by the fair management. The State Fair tbl* year will be minus anything lo detract from the various features that will he provid ed at the sixly-acre" reservation In We*t Raleigh There will be no pa tade up Fayetteville street to the .rifltsl and there will be no oratory except from the Governor. This la In line wKh Mr*. Vander bilt'# announced program of having the fair "ihow North Carolina." She baa centered her energies In secur ing the best line of attractions in th* history of the fair. Exhibit* hive been enter** from 15 state*, from «• far north as Massacusetts and as far south aa Florid* Premiums (Continue* on Page Three ! • - No Recognition of Lloyd George Idea (By the Aaaoclted Pres# ) Washington) Oct. 11.—The Ameri can government will take no cogni zance. officially of Former Premier Lloynt George"* suggestion that the Called States and Great Britain ar rive at an unwritten understanding designed to prevent war. Although recognizing Mr Uoyd George a* a Former Premier and still the mouthpiece of a ron-.lder able portion of the British people, President Coolldge feels that such a suggestion could jot properly come to th* official cognizance of (he American government unless made by the f#ltl*h government, or one fit. Its artl*e representative*. Mr. Uoyd George's suggestion .Wn* made yesterday In a discussion wfth newspaper men at Niagara Kails One. during the course of his ‘liana j dlan trip. Marriage Licenses On Day’s Records The following marriage licenses were Issued during Thursday and yesterday from the office of Register of Deed* for Wayne county: R F. McAllister and Hattie Hol land. both of ipdtan Springs town ship. J. M. Durbin of Ky . and Virginia Gmer of Goldsboro. Tbeadie C. Crawford and little Anderson, both of Indian Springs township. WOULD YOU LIKE TO WIN THE FINE BUICK SEDAN? THEN NOW’S M CHANCE Send In The Nomination Blank Published in To -day’a Ad—Three Automobiles and Many Othei Prizes To Be Awarded In Gift Campaign Which Starts 1 n A Few Days. ——— " “ " r * •« '■ Is 21H76 Hulck Sedan free to ( J*u I Thai mean* YOI nho read these Hues, uu matter who jmi sre. .ur . nhcre you live. Just so reside la the territory ent ered b) the rlrcutettoH of Ik. (.oldsbom lew*. ss, there’s no mistake about N, aor K there anj i catch to tt. Id id * irtrecf mmit of (arts. You or<* lut«re*l rd« et twarse, by this lime, mi ■ hefe’s (be story. •4 Reod 111 Through a grand prise dts’.elbutton. the object of which Is to incieuse still further the circulation of the GoldslH>ro News, three automobiles, j and other valuable awards are golnt; lo be presented absolutely free to the, * readers of this paper. No iidw collld help belter to bring about tins Increase of circulation than the friends snd readers of this! paper, sod those who are willing to assist ate shine to tie rewarded lie so big away that thP reward will seem out of proportion tpj GOLDSBORO. N. T., SATURDAY MORNING. OCTOBER !:$. 1823 CHANCE TO NEE HELP AH OTHERS NEC 101 Mims Maybelle Mooring of Golds- it wlt nosing Ta»t I night as the gue»t at the Opera lf> use theatre The Uland W Ives’' -aid In be the be»l pirtare shown at Ike Opera H»a*e this seasen. A selnder blonde, blue eyed Indy was seen nt Neal Jo seph’s store yesterday afternoon about till o’clock apparently shopping for a Vail coat. She wire a bine crepe dress, trimmed with grey crepe, silver and blue mt. She wore grey hose and black and gray shoes. If she rerog nixes the above description as be ing of herself, and will cm 11 at 'hr office of The Goldsboro News to day, she will receive two tickets good fair Jonlght hi Ibe Opera House picture show. Hutch tomorrow, niprniug'* Goldsboro Sews for another tie srrlpflon. FEDERATION HERE ISSUES BULLETIN Program of Sunday and (Mbei Revival Service* Here In Given The following exhibit show* that the Vfayne County Laymen’* • hrln tlan exhibit shown thst the Waym County laymen's Christian ederatlor is energetically pushing evangelist!) meetings In Gold»t><>ro and vicinity President Bain Inane* the followin' urogram tor the week, beginning Frl day night, (be 12th at F.lm Stree church. 7:30 o'clock, and Hat;irday night at same place and time Hnaday Her* Ices. Junior Order hall, H:3o a m , pray or. 3u nilntite*. Elm 81. church. 11 o'clock. I’aator Jerome, leader. Bryan Bt. church. II o'clock. E. H Bain, leader. s Hauls!on church. It o'clock. (’has Brown and' Group leader*. 8. I. Rose, musician. Convict Camp. 3:#fl o'clock, entire Federation, led by Layman McClen njr and Oroup 4. assisted by Muslcla" R. I*. Rose The ladles are Invited to attend the campvyvervlce*. Car* leave Court House 2:lfi p. m First Presbyterian church, 7:30 p m. Group and G and Volunteers. C A Brown, leader 1 . , Elm Ht rhnrch, 7: 3tl p m.. entire Federation. Vice Pre* Crow, lerder Sun Istnn church. 7:30 p m . E H. Rsln. leader. The Rryan Bt. and Putetown singers to assist. Monday Right 161 h. Free Will Baptist church. 7;30 o’clock. Lionel Street, Vico Pres K C. Crow, leader Saulston church 7:30 o'clock. Pres ident Bain In charge. Sunday, October 21, Snow Hill cburcb. 3 o'clock p m Open revival at that place by the Fedaratlon. The Woman's Christian Federation will conduct one of the night meet ings at Baulston'riext week ,the effort put forth Kor Instance hlnS of receiving a luxurious Mules Sedan, or Chevrolet louring car li return for juat a little work .during 'the next few week*. Nor It* this *ll . for many other prize* are to te i awarded You can Re Hr*| la District Aud . _ Mill Bln No yet see, you dual weed even In stand Hr*l la Ihe campalg* la win an sutoiwobllej yau run Hd- | Ish tirst nlare |n »»«r dMrlel, and still win a c*f- Beside* Ike au< tunmblles there mre many other prize* nd lo top off Ihe m- »• llhe. . ral offer ever wade hy a uevtspa* per la Ibis Male, rash rnmmls. .lons o( Iff »er rent will In- paid lo nil aclivr candidates who fall lo win one of Ihe regular listed prizes. Male, r*sh commissions of I* per rc*| will he paid lo all active candidates who fall la win age (Continued on Page T»m I , isooe Uttoai -, PMIIBfT POST . sin m ” ISTCtIfIEBIIERE ('apt. I<*« Ritchie and U*nt. ( harich JvhtiHou Trans ferred Here >MI»« Ritchie qnd l.leut Charles fob neon who will be la charge of the lew corps, various rt»lc. patriotic ind fraternal organlailons ha«e ap oolnted committees to aid In secur ing the neceaaary expense budget re quired for opening the new head luarter* and for providing mainte nance aud relief work during the year. I hi# budget has been 3x*d ul 13.000. A-meeting of all com nlttee* with their chairmen has lieen •ailed for-Tuesday morning. Oct. 16 U 10 30 In the rooms of the Chain tier >f Commerce, at which time definite dans for an intensive appeal to the Itlsena will lie perfected, to lie In tuguraled on Thursday. Oct 1 Nth and >tday Iftth. Rev Zeno Walt, pastor Ftret nap Ist t?hurch expressed tils pleasure yesterday oo the permanent estab llshment of Th* Balva|ioa Army In OoldelMirq "There Is probably no • her organization today that enjoyr •he ronftdence of the public to the ■Xlent the Sulvatlpn Army does" said Mr Wall. "Ita work Is not in ooafflct with that of gqy other organisations as U comes In edniacf with a class of society even the churches cannot reach The work of the Army la pe culiarly amann the unchurched among th*.diiicouraged. the defeated and the needy In the most humble walks of . life. The mere mechanical feeding of hungry men or the furnishing of a lodging Is jast the beginning of the Army * work. It 1» the entering wedge by aud through which ihe In harent good In every man nhil wo- j ninn U brought forth to rehabilitate sad brln/hack self-respect iu wirk ’ Is >bm>liitely non-sectarian, nnd churches of all denominations wel "ome It as a valuable aid In the fight j sgalnst sin. vice and poverty, f pre dict a splendid future for thr„new 'Toldehoro corps ” ,> The following rnmmittee* have at- f ready l»een appointed from Jvlwanls Club. Wgyne County latytnen’s Chris tian Federation end American Legion, with others to be appointed by other tubllc spirited organisation* home- j (lately. | Wayne County Chrlktlsn Imvmen’s I federal I m E. (• Crow chairman;! A- T Griffin, Ham Bridges. 1!, M (Rill- j liken. John Raper John 11 McTRn- i tey. R II Edwards, All»er Starr, M J E Andrews. 8 Buddour KlwanU Club: V. It Miller chair ! man, ./ C Vanstury, A O Clement , f’anl Yel'erton .1 I’ Khargd. G. C Tojall. Jr J It Wllllamsftn American To’glon: James C. j'rone "halrmnn; Eilward Mlchaux Tom till i hken Raymond Hollingsworth Jen sings Sadler, J It Edwutds. 7. C I 'I llowell, 'Loul* H HU— II Jr J M , 'raw ford. Governor Meet With President (By the Asknclated Pres* I • Washington. Get 12 Preside n* ” olidge, loge'her wtlh renresentn tlve* of the Treasury. Justice* and (dibor department* will address the fivernor* of th* various sl.fb >, week from tomorrow when Mm •mors gather *t the White Mouse to llwus* Is w enforce merit. The sole ’iurpose of the conference ns tain. America's oldest new circus, the John Robinson "white top" world Is celebrating It's centennial year, and honor of tlie event has a "grenter. bigger nnd better show than evor:’' ns .the old time announcer* use to put It. Knder the ineajzerles lent Is car ried the larseel' gAoip of unlmsls ever assembled under ranva* If. for Instance you believe Dar win's theory of tnun Trom monkey there'* a den fuill of long tailed an cestor* to hack you up If howqver. ; you're more modern and take W p Dry us* word for you r .ancestor*, there's still another cageflT't all less gorillas to vindicate Mr Bryan Mast Goldsboro folks forget these differ • nee* ilu* morning, when ihe long, brightly pulnted trains slipped Into s siding on the A r. L Railroad with u hiislng and whistling for sir Everybody wanted lo see the "hulls'' tThat's rlrcd* for elephants, hut liet ter known lo Ivory hunter* as pachy derm** snd not a few wanted to aee everything that was to l«: seen, and I with H circus Well one pair of eye* seldom suffices. String after string of tarpaulin covered wagons were lowed driwh lb- i l lunways m the ends of the flat cur*. Here ind there, chugging tare.ton picked up n imbers of pole and can vas whsoiis and headed for th giounds Buttering and growling, the disgruntled beasts accompanied ov cry hump, us tlie teams of superb j (Tonilnuvd on Page Four) OFFICIAL ROUTE FOLLOWED BY CIRCUS PARADE TOD A Y IK? JuliQ ftoljinu.n will unload ut the Atlantic Coaai ldiie freight houue. Gulley Show ground* will lie uaed. The parade wilMeave the exhibition park at 10 o'clock and take the following route: North on Slocumb Street to Aah Street. \Vent on A*h to (’enter Street. South on Center to Cheatnut Street. Kaat on heatnut to John Street North on John to Walnut. Kant on Wulnut to Slocumh and South on Slocumb Street to the ground* At the afternoon ahow the door* open ut I o'clock- and the performance la-gin* at 2. At night the performance begin* at 8, the doom opening one hour earlier to permit inapection of the menagerie Plenty of parking apace for uutomobilea will la* provided at j the ahow ground. Mon I Kemarkulile Achievement In tt«M«bttll In Scored H> “Caul Off" When In*d» Hkm Winn For The Giants. « " (Hy the A«*iNi«t4t(l I'r***) New York. Oft II t hhi perm*-' ncutly. It would »e<*ui Iu heroic mold, i twy Hlenget "Caaey the immortal" •l'*w -lr «r» of ihi' Yunjiee stadium In lltf | seventh Inning. Stengel'* Mow broke ji p a ten*e. «hr rllniatli' Mow I that gave John Mctlmw. and hi* far- I rlora a two to on* advantage In the moat ailrrlna baaaball drama of «|| ilm*.« All World'* Her!** record* for at tendance and gat* receipt* were shattered hy that vaal gathering In ha*et»air* greatest anipltlieatre. The ai'tnal paid attendance waa 11,416 he aide* 3,two more who did am ao through the turnalllaa while the |v lal rerelpt* were $301,071 putting the three game figure* beyond $600,000 1 and practically aaaurlai for ISIS Ihe Drat million dollar rhamplonahlp in history Th* paid attendance broke Ihe former record of 8it.331 **t«hll*h ed In a double header In the atadlum late In (he regular *ea*on while the fathering a».a wholy baa hut one aupartor In alee In baseball. that of npprusliuately TO.uoo that wtinesed the 'laiUealloa of the big atrurture la* l Spring, St. Mary’s Scout Patrol Is Second IBy Scribe Heeden ) Troop 3 of St Mary'a church atande recond In Ihe eonndl roateat with 200 pnlnta gathered at the fti , . meeting 210 more pt'lnia waa gar nered laat night which makea a In tab of 410 point a In Iwj effort* "My" troop haa all tha aupporl p<>«*lhle "I" wua not only there, bill ihe troop committeemen were tberi In 100 |ter cent attendance, and with a handful of encouragement ll«o Heeden waa app4tlnted patrol leader and ftodger Knoll, color bear er. Colonel (leu K Freeman gave tha troop the Aral principle* In military drill The Scouta allowed great In tareat In It. and during tha enurae ol ' the hualneaa meeting voted the coin iicl a rising vote of thunk* for bis . Interest. Kuther A It Freeman made -a llh eral proposition which will enable "my ' troop to aerure a troop llok which we bnp4' will aoon he flying 1 1 >ur troop quarter* Itealde "Old fllory.' Troop rommltieamen Colonel tleu K Freeman, Dr T A. Monk. Mr Neal Joseph and Mr (leo. I»*w were present al lltla gu-ellng The n>e«U Uig ad loomed eufly lu order that in<- member* might gel a good night* re*l unit* Ite on tap to *e« the clrrtiH tint ,n( I Union »*» unions tin . *i iitur* *p* yt-Hietdny in (iold.Mlxiro ~,i profeaab »ul luislne** Mr Whitfield wa* here for Ihe day praetli Ing In Superior Coort for Wayne county and relumed to hi* i home yesterday tßtnnoa He In** I many friend* In the dly. ; i3ior r > ASSOCIATED PRESS FRICK FIVI CKNTS PRETTY NEW VORK 6IRUS (niKKED m THEN KILLED ■ ■— V *' n I'olitf HriMidrant Dtacripling of Mint Said to H« Mon OP Mlninler v GIRL’H BODY FOUND ' AI.MOBT WHOLLY +VSHC (By the Pee*-.) New York. Ocf 11- Poller tonight broadcast th* description of a man believed to be the nop of a Maid real minister who occupied a :'h-iished room In Weal »7lh street adjoining (hat of Ml** Estelle Phillips, attract ive department store etecullv*, who** oiutlluicd and alraqal and* Iwnly wa* found late today near hag l*ed - ’ ~f"~ While the search fnf the *u*gec* was helnu made, notice assembled from bit* of evidence In the room end on Ihe hodv. a ennerted story \ of * murder Tho«- believe the a<- raul* wd* committed hr a man who •'Mcreil the roo*o wblle Miss Phil lip* was asleen and slnnctlSd har he fore *he en-itd call for haln. * hsedim* containing fonr centn. found open al her feel. Inveatlgatnrsi think, eg* left hv the w’-'-Nr *’ «|v# the anpearamw of robherv an the motive of the crime. A lewet wa* knotted a twill th* dead woman’s throat and thar* war* wideneac of a Ylesperat* struggle. PIIWEICOMPHT GW iwnsiHE Hut No Partbor RxpwMta* ll» Imn Kale IncrtMM I* Oi)|b rd In SUt* (By the Aaeoetnied Ptem■, Charlotte. N. C.. Oct 11-dflUO Southern Power 00. can He* (SMI serf* It* patrons vieoUvwly # M present earning cagneHy," TjMi n. Duke. mulW preetdrnt 4»# the edmpnßP MT I'Hyf' meat mad* public today, follMM hla dertnrntloa of yaatetday ’ rootemplated further tlpgadlteirdg - t lo.oeo 000 m dewelotdh—t of itonal hydro-electric plaata «M not he undertaken unless the Make corporation comailnalea gram* aa Increase in wholesale power MM u*k*d for U I*ll. .* . “The supply of power now oMH|; able lor Carolina conaamera wtl| laot lie diminished nor will th# acff|M lie leas efficient If the prenea' raloa are continued." the etatemeat tfti, although, according to Ihe offlclal* of the company tha present rate per* Mitt a the company ta earn u<> more than 3 to 4 per cent ea the iat*at-° ment and Mr. Duke declared yester day that he had aov«r. recced a penny of Income from the 94tt,00«,0M I Invested la the company. "No more power however, will he created from new pjaaia ea flu has* |la of the earning capacity of Ihe company." Mr Duke sgld. dec*ring rib* company cannot grow o.iomer* «tally tyllh the Industrial eapehalda 4tf ihe Carolina*, nor prepare to pro duce new power for customer! ua lee »tlt4< earning atreagMi ’ I* lay creased * The company will lay the .Huatloa before rhe Corporation Conn, tsloa at an early date It wa* aanouneed. - -- - .■ ■ ■ mima mi *i ■ ii ff _ Tent Meeting At Green Leaf Sunday Bev H H. Ooff of raleoa. K C, will open *a lent meeting at Oreea leaf on ffumlay, announcement to till* effect being rnaile last night. Thru, »4irv|r#a will b« hold tomor row. II A M 3 P. M, and 7:10 P. M. and will he conducted nightly th, reafier through the week begin ning si 7:30 o'clock each nlghi A rsirdlal Invitation ta •istaoded Ike en tire public to he present at thee* " yervlci* und It le probable that the * invMakthm will he very generally ac cept*-, I nine* lb* Rev Mr Ooff la wolt and favorably known In this aecttM*. KeHpected Colored Woman Diea Here ' • .. , Addle West, h widely known sad highly reepected negro woman of this rlty, dlenl at har home In Oolffoboro Thursdav following aM lllneae of alMiut one year and o half. Wot while friend* say that Addle, who waa 31 yeara ‘of age. wo* one of lla b«»t in, mtiera o sher rare la this cltv and her passing )• regretted hy •vhlic and l i««*a *nk« Funeral aerw* lis* are to >•* conducted at th# col or* | I'rcahvicriaa caurci Randay af ternoon hi I ,i'’.crh and It hga bee* >nno|inced U <; .peetel powe iwlll. bo reserved for *iiMi..p**pl* aMaaftffla*' "* lo attend. . |