I WfeATHKH 1 an» Mm wMjNtort Muit VOLUME TWO; NUMBER 188 '■•Wii , .'.ii'... m ,== GREAT OPPORTUNITY FOR LIVE WIRES TO PROFIT IN THE NEWS’ BIG CAMPAIGN ; J. 'I Six Thousand Dollar Gift Campaign Just Start lag Seems to Be Too Good to be True, But More • Active Candidates Are Needed Now—Every— body Wins—No Looeers ° Undor * wagsr a Stan once stood op th4 Brooklyn brtdgw and offered thousands Os pOraMßa a $M gold piece lor |O. Ba Mood tber for day* before fladttQt k taker. It * too good be tree," said the akoptics. u uwforu. To g Brack greater extght? The •eUaborrt Bee* la offering a much hatter proposition la It* big subscript Son campaign and la meeting elm the Mane skepticism. j The campaign is just now siariMg' In earnout. and will coate to a cldfte la lean than seven week*’ time For aaaaaal onport unity. consid er Jhla from a cold stand pclat. Thera ar* T*rr few s«t|ve »|«|i m*mb*re and “Old Wta Onporfinttr” i la urtaallr ealllna nlotud for wot*, to enter and win 'll},, the rernralg" Yearly *r*rvhodr In t*i(s entire r*e. tf<*e read* The Goldsboro New* end fe'tlnr suhaeripMon* t/> tbl« p-*pe; If aM a hgrd (oh Frerr nit* jhsi ♦nke* pn sett** nnrt In Ihn camp-Hew % ,’iiamntned a nrlre or a *nm In Yon ennio* to*** s wrwnmrn, Tli' OohlHb iro Nimv* i<. offvrlpp j ilire- lifelt moilrl autnmoMl •* mili k iScilee i»n f*)ievr >|im i• -i. |«u nr r* ind ten ntlier. °rAtuah|. ** rd* , Tfiena pflvw- an fit he awnrded to, who nhow a little ambition <»"rin« tkair npare time in h“lni r, nJ td" Inerdana the already large r'rc-i latien -of Tba Ooldeboro NeOe* | ra la not a coat of ro*t In inly or coat paling for any of their ■frnrtfa. Energy aart . nhraanraae* | I# priniot •g* 4» today. ad r^o fc „ . nd oIW R-nwt fill la your own frame A tkdt sis a friaad that jWa titlak may bft fMdreetad la oar big. tlbeta' dffer, and aand II la to the Campaign Banagdr. full detail*, together with a receipt book and other nec*s*ury affpptlra. Will be sept you 111 ugn ’ Thtak It over—and ACT. SiIESMUNMIff mi DICTITOR 1 HTTREKBRSTK Given Extra ('oauLiturtional Au t(rarity to Deal With Economic Situation r * ! ’" (Ml 8 s Aaaoclated Press ) Ool. IS.—The Rctchstak to day attainted the einergrnry bill, giv ing Chancellor Htressemann evtra conmJtutJOaal authority lo deal with the grays rcogomlc situation In tier-' many aa he eeee fll. It was unrer (afn until the last moment which way the voting would go. hut the coalition Parties turned out 4k> full strength and the Chancellor held over the house the alternative of dissolution If It dU| *not sdpport the measure. The result of the vote was receiv ed With appignse. except union* the Commoplsts who boood and hissed. Dr. Wall Disclaims The S. A. Interview . ' 'P TAe Rev Zeno Wall. D.DI. pastor of the Whrt Baptist church of Golds horo, last night elated to The (told.* boro Nows that he disclaimed all credit fog the Interview which he suppeuedly gave Friday on the e«h iect Os 4 halvtUoe Army post for t)r. Wall nays that he ms the Salvation Army organisers here but that ba did not authorize anv In terrlew and he Has no’ connection with the mailer In any wav •hat** ever. The article relatival to the we Mbtiahmenl of the post here was ac cepted by The Newt in goisl faith and thg nfdepaper reelvis that the error ess made by thane responsible tor the preparation of the article Musk and Songs At Convkt Camp Today The Laymen's Federation meetlnr this afternoon. 3 o'clock, with the rousty prisoners, will have a piano accompaniment by conrtesy of 8. L. Rom. wha would like to bars ladles and Knfllemen singers to he on band. Cars leave Court Houst *t Ml- 9 as. - . l THE GOLDSBORO NEWS MR EXdHMGE WOCH HfTERESTFD II MEETING HERE * Wffevil Conferenca In Wdsboro Arotwcs Comment in Norfolk GATHERING 18 HEI-D IN GOLDS BORO OCT. 24 if — ■ 1 The officials of the Kaatern Caro Una Chamber of Commerce ere I”, receipt of a letter from the Norfolk Portsmouth Cotton Kxrbange t*M; that the Exchange Is vttv mr.-h ' teraated In the coming boll weevil l conference at Uoldsboro. O*tobet 24th. and (Ml a rnmmltte* of tUrcr | has bean appointed to represent the coffpp Fvchspre nt tf.'s m-.tiru; , "There Is a rrnwt deni, f In?. >• >*( |p , the msMer npd the H.cl. ,«*.• , ... ,iu j to h» helpf.il* .tr.t.id »he Sicrttay h’tlcr to 'he Kjteleru C-*o.inp i j ('(' thiti *- lt> Cnminerre ! Ft'Oni all Ifffllegions th.A Is R.-»Jay i lo he tin- (host rep) "seiu.atfve nu .' ' Inc of nil Inter -t. . j |. |,t , n ' Fistr rh CnroMn.i and |f stat d r<> r reason fhwt much cool I - yn’pp Vie derived from thu fOflfrfßn .• ‘WwwJryhnlfy |« to niton \ *h\.\ I conference that In at all tntc-e•-’• Ip the development of Kn-tem ('n~c 1 1 Una. with *lw- program which la he 11 lag planned a very rwreou who at ' I tends trill ha wall r-pajd far ram I J ♦n# to taa ooafaranoe. The offlcU'l. , 1 of the Haatern Carol!** CbiiSHer of t Commerce are outlining a method ol J ( procedure, which In the minds of ’ those who are familiar with k will ( cartalhly get results for this auction I Acceptances are coming la from 1 hanks, county roramlsaloncrs. fertl- i lignr men. rallrouds and others, all < of which Indicate that a large gather- t In* will be present. The full pro gram bill b* announced later. t 1 CmiRCH CIFFRfNCE I OPENS ON TUESDAY i ® Rnisnifwl Parinh Will Have an I it* Goentn Number of Notable • Leaden* • s There will be the usual servtcea at ! 1 Bt. Stephen’s ehtfpch today. Holy J I Communion 7:3tt Morning prayer 1 and sermon 11 «. m Church | * •gliool oclmk Even*".; st>r /:u- 1 ‘ at Ptkoil •. 7:30 j ‘ On I'ucadav • pud Wodaesd" *ho I { purlrh will cave us Its guests • nu.it I id 1 * of no'*, le leaders In the v. u,s I depart mi" s of <hur«-h «•>', nahm I I who will e pre for a conferc c-,. pu j f the places to he adopted rex' year q r. he dm- *sc or Ksst Carol It: j I Hlshot f»o;st will Ite In att - vlar.co i I and R - . fev H R. Ilulse. •''■). .11 Havana. Ci ha. will bo an h< nored guest. Tuesday morning from 9:30 I to 12, there will Ik- meetings In : ! -hsrge of Rev, Dr laty of Usaatfort. wfiu will speak on Kollgloua Educa tion. In the aftermon Rev. Joseph Hyntiin of Ihdhavcn. will have a meeting In the Interesta of Social Service. Mrs. Williams, president o' the Woman's Auxiliary, will also preside over a meeting of (he wo men's parochial societies In the par ish bouse. In the evening at K o'clock Rev Anthony Pwtahley of Clinton, will t oresch In the church. 1 l Wednesday morning there will Ik ' • • cshknulm of (he holy communion 1 ’ rl 7:W followed by meet Inga urrung- 1 ed aa on the previous day. At night there will be three speak- , 1 era a', the service. Rev. Walter R * Noe, executive secretary of the dio cese, who will outline the program i 1 for”. 1924. Rev. James Cook of WII- 1 mlngton whose subject will be ml*- I *l«»ns In l-ist Carolina, while ttiei a principal address will be that of i * Bishop Hulsc. of Culm Most of the < meetings are for members of the ' parish only; hut the public will he welcomed lo hear Bishop Ilulse. who will spruk at 1:30 p. in Wednesday- Women have again been denied membership ig the Trades and Labor i Congnsa of Canada, | ■ I - = =====r=r= GOLDSBORO. N. C, SUNDAY MORNING. OCTOHLK 14, l»*U ■ * •‘Jo ■ '■ " " ■ -..iißaii hiwg ii k >*■,» ■■ Yankees Battleship . Sinks Giant Cruiser j - In Her Own Harbor —.—*— a ■■ ii ..in. riAXIK TO ME NKI.F AN lITHKKS NEK VOI Mias Nellie Dunn of Ooldabore failed to recognlxe the description of herself aa published In yester day morning's Goldsboro News and Iherefcro failed to witness the splendid, program offered last Bllht at the Opera House picture show here. A young Indy output 19 years of ‘'age. shader, with auburn hair, crossed the street from Epstein's •tore to Miller's Drug Store laal night about 1:33 o'clock. Bhe wore a brown skirt, white waist ( with brown sweater, the latter be ing afttlreU In solid black. If she recognises the above deacrlpfton of herself, and will call tomorrow at the Goldsboro News office, she will receive two tickets good for free admission to the Upera House tomorrow sight. Watch for another description In Tuesday morning's Goldsboro < News.' . » GOEOSfiDHG YOUTHS STUMMSTS (uiffin and Rucklev Sland Ont in Defeat of f.yncHburv 2 lo 0 • u fHK POBMITR MADE TWO W\KE TO??E.4T SrORFS fflneclal to The News.) Wakt Fprest, Oct. an aerial attack which was Bewilder ing In Its rapidity. Wake Forest ’de feated Lyjtcbhurg Call ere of VirHnl;i her* jhls altarnooa » toss. The Bap tist machine moved sOatliy awl eoa a latently and shoved .ever a toneb dawn In each nerior of the game Two of the quartettes es goals came via the air. although the Virginian* registered only two Aral downs to Wake Forests" 15, th*jr rough dog gedly throughout the contest. Their efforts to make headway wkh th* pass In the Anal moments failed • Griffin, Goldsboro youth playjr.r half back, got two of the touchdowns which were recorded by the Baptists The work of this halfback was among the top liners In a sufficiency of thrills scattered through the 41 ntln-. utes of play. Hts 2V yard run arcuud left end all but* resulted in a third touchdown to his credit. Thu Bap tist machine could not develop the needed punch to overthrow the Lynchburg fortress In this one yard etand In the early moments of the game. At one .other time In the game Coach Garrlty’s warriors yrese In close striking distance only to lose the hull to stubborn stands liy the visitors. (I reason was the first lo carry the hall over for Wake e| and d(d himself proud several [ times by bceaklng up forward patyses another Goltlslmrn jtrtilh 1 probably saved the goose egg when he tackcld a Lynchburg player who had recovered n fumble with un field Wore him. The Beet footed j quarter was several yards bfbind and | tying on the ground where the Lynch- 1 liurg player made the recovery. m EFFECTIVE i PROHIBITON LHWS Heelt In H*ve American I’eople Tarry un in Fitrhl for Dry Country (By the Associated I*re»s.) Washington. Oct. 13.—Apne*l* to the American people to carry on In j the fight for prohibition were made tedav In opening session* of the ('li ven Conference, called to. promote law observance. ITomlncnt spokesmen of religious, tejppersnce. civic, polltlesl and oth er organizations urged a reverse Os tllu niovciucut which led to the adop tion of tb Eighteenth Amendment. Resolutions designed to mske the prohibition laws uior* effective were i adopted and these will he presented to the delegates for use In local nr- 1 ganliallouk Won- the close of the conference. MW NOT ABIE*. Raleigh Oct. 13.—The following' no taries of the public have been com-: missioned recently: K. U. Anderson, Monroe: A. . LalramJAggs. Asheville. Miss Mary H I Harding, Greenville, J AimMciiH Smash. Out an'StAi Victory Over Nationals and by Kick in fJven Count of GaMes F6f\ The (1)> the Assot la ted Press.) New Yorji, Oct. Yankee hatilrtUrtp c feu red Us deck for nc tlon today and loosed a devsstattnr fire and aank the Giant cruiser in th< laltar'x own harbor- <he Pole Grounds -In the fourth battle of the epoch-making World's Hdrles strug gle. Forty-six thousand person* saw th- Yankee gunner* aroused to keunesi fighting pitch smash out an I lo * victory over ‘he World's Champion* and once more square the Worldr Series score- •? ~ The heavy artillery of the Yauki ‘‘murderers roh 'Jn all its prlmlllv, glory clinched the gumo wdlh a bsm kardmenl In the eeeond Inning (hut ( tt' d six tins and drove two es John MrGraw's star pttchers. Jack 8, »»tl and Rosy Ryan lo rover. Two mor» runs wer* hammered out before Ibe momentum of this attack was spent bu the Giants saved themselves fron -omplete rout with' a last desperate .(and which reeultde lu four runs in j tfco lost twin) Innlpgs und for n Ihn* threatened to assume menacing pre portions. For seven Innings Boh Hhawkey held (he OlAkts at bsy, baffled the) •« e ry -,'-rn with (be aid of a bril M, n«t sitpporing eaat in whirl Mumping Joe" Dugan was (be slat V • tara. but juet when It seemed tha Boh was to coSw Into the greater es World Series glory be weakened The GlnnU shelled him Into retire ment wltjh a (iialllade of hits In the eighth bwt with the three run*, in Ur« Jie*** filled and Frank Frisch swinging hi* dfißgcuns war club le (He pluck Herb Pcuuouk, stepped la- W thehrrath naff cheeked flu- rally. The Haaße sontkfnw «rbo h|d twirl ed the Yanks Us the second game in ♦heir only .other victory forced Frish to- pop out for Uib final ont. There was a final flare up la tile ninth when Rose Young opened with a liner to the far right center that enabled him to clrrlo the bases for the Giants' final score Rut Peanock etlngulsb , ed the next three batters in »rd<T. The bor score: Yank* Ah It H O A K wiki es :, . 4 0 3 1 o U Dugan. 3t» 5 I'y> 23 o Ruth, rs ..s 2 7 2 0 1 R Mesuel, If* 1 ...6 0 1, 3 0 0 Plpp. lb . 4 I 2 9 10 Ward 2b 4 2 2 ‘J* 6 ft Brining: c 3 1 l 5 0 0 E. Stott, a* 5 1 2 2 1 » Shaw key. p 3 p .) \ 2 g Pvnms'k. p I o u u o u! Totals 37 8 13 27 12 1 Want* Ab l{ || O A B Bancroft. s*‘ 5 o j i 3 0 Ghoh, 3h ~3 « U ,1 2 0 : V'outfg.vrf 5 2 4 0 0 0 \ Stengel, cr ~2 1 2 4 0 ft : Kelly. li, <,j u 2 7*o ft i Snyder. «• .... .. ...4 0 0 8 I 0 j. Scott p 0 0 0 « « i llvan, p n 0 0 0 u 0 Mcijuillnn p . ...,2 0 0 0 1 0 j xßenHey \ 0 1 0 0 0 xx Mags Ire ,0 0 0 u 0 0; : Jonnard p 0 0 0 0 0 u xxxO'Conncl) 0 0 ft ft p o'. Harni-s p 0 0 0 0 u pi xxxxCunnlnghani ...1 0 o il a p » Totals 28 4 13 27 7 I j xliatted for McGullla nln 7ih; j xxllan for IPmtley In 7th; xxxßst- j «-d for Jonnard In Bth; xxxxUuttr-l itor 1 SU-ngel In 9th. Score by Innings: Yankees 081 Iftft son g Giants ... 000 000 031—'! Siynmary: Two base bHa. Witt two- It'd Ot three base hit. R/ Mesuel Honifi run Yo"ng, Sacrifle* Kcharrg 12: (hawkey I; Witt L Double piuys Sbawkey to D«gan to Finn: Dugan 1 Ito I'lpp. Is:ft 00 luutr, Yankees l( • Glauls 10,, Base on hMils. off Ryan I ; off Men ill a u J; „f Shaw key 4; off Jonnard 1; struck out by J. Sc ,u 1 I Ruth); by Hhawkey 2 4E lions- | 41. UpUalUaui; by Barnes 2 (HePang i*«naock) 1 by Mcgulllau 2 It. Mcuawl. Kiiihl; by Peanock I (Cunningham! Hlta off J Heott 4 In I Innlnv: off Hhawkey 12 In 7 2-J Innings: off Ry an 2 In 2-3 Inning: off McQuillan 8 in 6 1-3 Innings; off Jonnard I in I In nlrg; off Fcoocli I In 1-3 Innings, ’ I Iflt by plli her. by Hhawkey I O'Con nell); w-Inntng pitcher t Hhawkey 1 1 fasting pitcher. HcoU I’mplrca llart at plate; Evans n first; O’Day at sec ond. Nullln at third- Time 2:31. >EI» YOMk SPOTS New York, Oct 13. Spot cotton J steady; middling 39.70. , 1 MIME MINDED OF CITY SHLICITED . to give ram With Winter He anon Approach* , inj{. The Destitute Wilt - ' Need Help ,» • } a GENERAL C AMPAIGN TO BE CON DUCKED , Goldsboro people have been i«are tm since ilift* lias been any Aa toclattri Charities In Goldatioro that hr winter reason necessarily call* for more liberal donation* for tin cedy and the destitute of the city than due* thr wormer month*. It la hercforc probable that the public of the city will hr quick to respond when hr Aral official appeal la Bounded mi GROCER 111 STOKES COSE V burn* He Watt Offered One Thoutfend Hollar* to Act a* a Witness <oy thr Associated Freaa.l ■ Hooncvtlla. Mo.. Oct. 11— Asserting hat hr waa offered ll.oo* to go to hew York a* erlturaa for W. K. D tokea. millionaire hotel hr Stoke* divorce case, wii •n depoaltlon hy llaytlrn Moorr, r rocer of Ilttncelon. Mo. Moore declared hr rrcrlvrd a let ter lu*t July frotn u rprcarntatlve o ttoka*. making thli offer, addin* h lad beep told tftokra would pay hln M2O a month to look after th* He declined 'offer*'' he teat I lied ttokea case In Bunceloa " M HEQ STiTEOS BEST SUDUPFEBSI OIffHBOI N. C. St ate Unlverahj of SoniJi Carolina by Score of 7 to 0 . o RAUS I 08, Oct IS - By ■ jtrore ol 7 to t). North torollna fftale defeated the C irtve rally |of South Carolina eleven on RflfitWk Field her* Ihla af ternoon lu a game which wraa far more bitterly contented than Slat* had uatlclguipd It would he. The game opened with South Tar ollntt klrklna off. Hlurfford received •od made 25 yard* for N. t*. Slit* Play flayed In the middle of the Acid moat of thr quarter. Making Mur Aral down*. N C. State outplayed F Carolina which mail* only one flral down N. £’. State completed one for wrad paaa. netting 25 yarda, Manlier to Crater. Caroline'* line held strong on It* 25 yard line. 'She quarter end ed Juat aa Boatwright. Carolina, In tercepted a State pu*a. Three tbous and prraoijp were aaaemblad to wlt neaa the gftme The flrat half of the game ended with the arore still oto 0. The quar ter opened with Carolina panting Both train* held well during the pe riod. each unable to break the oilier* line, they both ranortrd to punting for gaining ground N. C. State wan ped ullaed 15 yard* i>,f holding. Hu**r* hy both team* failed, they no) being completed. I .Shatter tried to more ‘ for Sletr with a drop kick, hut be waa ; unsuccessful. Thr half ended with , the hall In Carolina'* poaaraalon on her own 20 yard line. Stair pi ada opr Ar*t down, while Carolina made pone. o The third quarter ended with Slate 7 to Carolina 0. South Carolina op ened the laat half with the kickoff |to Stale, John mm. for Slate return ing thr hall to inlriAsld. Thrce-trle* at thr line falling. Kim* punted In Catollnw'* Uo yard line. Boatwright made nine yarda. South Carolina fum bled and the bull wn* Hluta’a on thr 50 yard line I due play* unavailing and Kim* punted, the receiving bring downed on the 15 yard line. Tin vla -1 Mora punted to State'* 25 yard Hue Two line playa resulted In a flrat down, loiaglter made five yard* iibd a t*null) on South Carolina made It ftrat ilottn. State waa thrown for u I to** and Him punted hark to Caro lina'* IS yurd Ha5A. The gsm<<'nrkr tried two line pluy*, which made uo gain*. Wibecler then made an end run of 22 yard* for South Carolina's A rat down. With the hall on the 17 yard line. Charlie Shufforil. Stale, In- . tercepted a pass wud ran 55 yard* (or a touchdown. Inaalter kicked goal, j The game ended 7 to nln favor of North Carolina Stair. Both tram* .nurd the kick and paaa during the hu>l quf'U'r. CuriJluu played a Htrongrr game, hut State waa able to hold the vialiora In check. Kuch aide made our flrat down. The bid I re mained in cenlcrfleld moat of i&e pe 'riod. PICTURE TO THE WORLD GREAT STRIDES MADE IN THIS SECTION OF STATE ' * * , 5 ' ‘ M t <> " ■ ■ ‘ m - „ . . Special Number of Goldtboro New* Containing Wealth of Pictures and Industrial HcifPa, Will Have Wide Distribution Over Bit- 6 » tire United States Pl*n* **i'e tfoing on apnee for the National Publicity nuiflber of The Uokisixirp New*, which is shortly to m*ke its hppgffPtnce here, and present indications are that this will be one of t,ha flu fat pieces of ne wap apering seen in North Carolina in a good many months It wilt necessarily attract no little favorable attention to Eastern North Carolina, and this newspaper Is tShtHf Os the fact that it will be the means of accomplishing something really vorthwhile for the town and the county. SCHOOL DISPLAYS NEW FEATURE SEEN AT RAM FAIR High Hcheol Exhibit is Expected lo Excite Great Interest This Year TOTAL OF *7 STHOOt H CONTRIBUTE TO DISPLAY ißy the Associated Press. I Raleigh. Oct. IS.—A consolidated lgrlcultural high school dihnlav rn' u by Urn high school* of the Hi*'* 'n which vocational aSh-ln-horr laugbt will be me of the n#w fa* tnrsa of the North Carotin* Stot fair this Teochera and r*n«! 'rout <7 acbool* have contributed *o j 'be display. ‘The purpose of lha display," aa«d > Hoy H. Thomas. State supervisor of . lgrlcultural education, who ha* tn i terlvialon o«or tho a ilk ton. *% to i con**y Mi the pttblhl an Ida* 0 l Ike * !t|>c of work. I wing iMw by % is i ’aMonaJ agricultural ackoola, taach . pHTiaN papas* , The eihlhlt Win be displayed la aa Igluy foct booth laid oC In fire nob- f ti'lalon*. The Aral w{JI be devoted o a display of what Is taught la the { Arst grade* of sgrtculturfcl high chAls—aotle end crops Tbe aecotd j will l>e drviHed to anlntal husbandly Uaplayg. while I nth- third Will bo horticultural and vegetable garth a ng dlaplaya. The fourth booth will 'ontaln farm manageaient dlaplaya uid the Afth, farm shop work e*-. Hlb|ts. Demonutrntlun iriShi* from the ia rloua agricultural high school* will 'ook after the lwa«ha and demon tlrate to the public methods of test tag milk, mixing fertilisers, prunla* •reoe and mixing feeds. Prise* Wilt he given Hie hcliooJm having tbe heat demons!ratiaon team*. HEMHE HECQHD FOR BEIUIIi HIE *H«lv Seven Arrentx Make While ViaiiorM Numbered About * , 2.1.000 Worthy of comment waa tbe aplan did behaviour which prevailed let floldaboro yesterday, regard I* a* of the fact that there Wes an enormous crowd In the city from early In tbe morning until late at night There waa a marked absence of jlquor- | drinking and like offrnaea during the i lay and ll wraa aald laat night" by i the Goldsboro police offlrlnla thy the ' rromil waa aa orderly a* any ever handled In thla city. Two alrangera were arraated charg ed with havlny afM inptcd to pick the Docket* of a county official and wore lodged In the city Jai| where they are now being held for trial t morrow morning at police court, neither '»f them being able to furnlah bond. It chunred that one of the press rcpre- HcntutlvcN of th» John Mublnaon dr- , cum an wthe at tern pi U> rob the off!- j rial'* pocketa and he at nmra rajled j m police officer to lake the two In charge. One uthor alleged plck t»o« ked waa arreated during the dtiy' and only tliA. were chargd at a late hour laat night with hd„ g and disorderly. Total arrests for Hie day In tbe city did dot exceed aeven which la regarded aa ladng very re^ • marks hie in Hew of th fa, t that lhat there mnat have (men approx imately 7...000 vtaHora | n ,be dty f or ' tbe'day. M W I OKU FI TI RKH New York. Oct. 13.—Outton futures closed Arai. Oct 29 13; Dec 2*5; Jan 21.43; Mar. 28 16: Mav 28 17 —-- - z MI.MOKR OF ASSOCIATED PRESS I —--—! , ■ - *1 PRICE FIVE CENTS Nnilafaclf f) Pr*kvw*a The following announcement rela tive to the edition haa been by the management of thla aewapaper to ih* Interested public: "Th* National Publicity number which 1* well under way Is iwcqtvlns the moat woaderful support through out tho entire country ' “We wish to notify all those who have phoned the paper for apaee for representation tn this edition which la to appear on or about No vember 5# h that aa aeon aa our re presentatives hav* time that tkdr phone order *lll be (.then care of kt due time "We wtsb to thank all oat good cltlaeno for reaMatag the nood of snob an edition. Keaehrv I Baton! -Pablfa^, "Wn are gootg to pkauila* the an il r« Hailed States aa ntmr aa w«- poaalbly can Ike aiast coadUloa of ■,-tld Itoro nod ihe a:■ UifckWNUty _ show lag to thorn tho MBmJjMMir building*, storoa. fact ovary, coocetvable lff|| g> bM> qbrr w«* pmitti md otorlea a., to ogr ■ t «gnkj schools, and public IddllMM So lot-uaall gnU .04 build up our V*T*m —* towns and ccmntlw tp|MyWP| e* be, to tkqok .m for the »npport *Mlb W 1 Est.- • ' Wffl PUiK iClj SUE OF MR Fifty-Six Dnpirtbto NM>I Loin Will be Hold lg Ed**\ wood Sooo The sale of M of tgf moot dmrtr akl* building lot* la tbe d* of Coldaboro. which I* now botag adr vsrtlaed to take plaee bare at publle Suction on Tuesday. October 23, at 10:M o’clock, la arowaiag a. groat deal of Interest already and present are that tkora will ho -*ome lively bidding hoard whan tbo Aral of the home ska* are beta* cried The sale la being coadnetod bora . under the direction of tho AHaatto Coast Really Company and Urn- lots j In qticßtioa nr* lonatod on East Aak. Mulberry. Walnut stroeta tn ndgo wood. near Mm Country Club «*d ♦he golf cow roe. It Is aaairiaf that there arc no prattler lots to be found any where in Ooldsboro and la view of tbe ract that the demand for home* now exceeds tbo supply bare. It la bn lleved that tbero will be a brink da rn-ml for all ihe lota offered A ni.vber of IgteroflOag feature* the auctloa sale. — • e. • Nine Feet of Water In EnU, Oklahoma (By th* Asanclatod Proas.) Enid. Okie.. Oct. IS.—A wall of wa ter aald to be nine f«jet high struck tlfb town according to Imperfect re port* received hy telegraph. 90nr»« of oersoa* are said to b#*» beer made homeless, although no live* are Isllrved tn have been loot. Extensive (latuagc. It wan aald. baa ben cans ed by tny 0o«4 Threaten inir Fire At Lari Controlled it o flly the Aaaueiated l*rc*.» Pasaadaaa. Calif. Act If.—A Ibiwet and Urunb Are which for a time to day threatened four Or ffve cownwo nltlen In tblw soetkm was brought wa rier control tonight- Residence* la I thr owtaklrta of sever*! mall town* • were burned when the tamos fnanad ! hy a high wind. *w«pt ov«r aa verst thousand seres In a Ik* hours. HumJr,ri» of men were thrown late a line eeiabltshed In Hycaunor* Can yon tu battle th* blaar and Into Ok aft* root q. aa the breem dM down I a numbr of tinea la the path *1 the A rMr nre * ** "

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