->| -■ I fair fNMtafi WM«m4>j rail. Ns* ■wl chnagw hi Iraipniiin VOLUME TWO; NUMBER 189 YANKS WIN WORLD’S CHAMPIONSHIP LIST OF CANDIDATE fll NEWS GW CAMPAIGN IS BEING PUBLISHED TODAY »■ 0 •. , *' ’ a ■ This Week Expected to Break All Records in i Nominations —Every Town, Village and Hamlet Expected to be Represented in Award of Gifts Now it i« known who they are: With the publication in to day's issue of the names of those men and women who have been nominated in The Golds , boro News’ S6OOO Gift Cam paiyn. thy public is told for the first time who are th e aspirants for ths 91876 Buick Sedan, two other automboiles. oth er awards ' and all the cash comioliiipn • checks to be dis tributed free in just a few weeks’ time TnUtfi" the race will hells la earnest. Tte psbliesMou us „ aemlsgftann Marin the real hefts ■la f tha artlra atari —of the faifilfa. Kverjes* kssws sow who the watrsder* are and the eajepatitlaa sill heeoaie lively. A flasaa at the list sill shun thee# la aallaiitevl appertsnltjr tar eaeifetir talk* la every vne hr the tear district*. ThU rom* lat week la raprtet to break alt reesrfh la pel* I as sew aotaiaa tie an neelvek The widespread Interest helag ahaara la the lew* great prise Sistrihatlea lend* te the belted that every tewa and haailet where the Hew* rlrenlates will ha jNMM*a«trd- I'avarite •eat aal dsnfkter* way look for. ward te away credit* whea the elvte pride e( heme j«wn* Inject- MaaM tel# the faery rare lor bp*- •r sad re ware. - The retas which wtll decide the aWfcerxhte M the prises are given on eahheHpMfW to, the Oaidehoro News sad setting subscript lona to the Goldsboro News Is eery easy, ttecuiisu people appreciate the good worh tills phppr Is doing and will tie only to glhd to pubacrlbe to it. To entrr this stupendous prise cam paign II Is only necessary to fill out sad send in the Nonztnatton HUnk ' that appears In each Issue of the News When this la received at 0 the Cam palga Department, foil Information, together with receipt books and otbet necessary au pi plea will be forwarded at ance. This blank counts lO.fiM credits for any club member, so clip “li and sead la at once. • Thef the fear OPI'OKTI NITV (OnfHfd coast far IWMNW ere dtta each whea seat la with fear sahserlpflaas for oae year each. ThU flTO* say aaw rlah aiemher a flylag start toward the *le*risif wheel es aay oae of the three prise meter ear*. Don't -yea thlah yea had better roam oa la f The Mg race really start* I«Mor row, gad If yoa waat oae of tbe-e three prise besstles yen had- bet ter he startlag tea. for yon know “11a the early bird that get* the worn," I .and Tenancy Body Is Still Held Idle (By tbe Associated Press.) Hulelgb. OvM 16 A meeting of the I.aod Teaacy I'oiumlsslon scheduled to take place here totilght wa* post poned until tomorrow when a- ma- ( jorlly of- the commission members failed to arrive Tho meeting will be tbe first held by tbeoommlsslo n since (pur of It* members toured California and other Htates this Bummer and s report of 1U findings is to be formulated t<>- mrorow. i Fork Township Citizen Passes A. R. Holloman, well known cHl sea of fork townahlp. died at his hopte la that section of the county last Saturday night, following a lln ' garlag Illness Mr Holloman wav about TO years of age and was one as tbe best knows citizen* of the section ta which be resided. He was nnasarrled. but Is survived by several brothers and sister. Funeral aarrices were conduced at tba lata rosldenreln Fork yester day afternwoa at 3 o'clock. Rider J. W Gardner officiating. and Interment • took place In the Holloman family cemetery at thst point, there being • large concourse of friends and (elaiirw ta attendance. THE GOLDSBORO NEWS , 1 ' CHANGE TO SEE SELF AS OTHERS SEE YOU Miss Sarah (ilddena. by reading Sunday morning's Issue of Tbe Goldsboro New*, and thereby rec ognizing the description which wa* furnished, secured two free tickets to the show at the Opera House here last night A yeuug lady with brown blue eyes, wearing a grey pleat ed skirt, a blue and grey sweat er. gray hose and black sweater, was shopping In Nell Joseph's store here lust evening nt T:4S o'clock. If the young lady recog nines the description ss being that of herself, she Is cordially i Invlledto call at the office of the Tbe News any lime today and secure’two free admission*, to the Opera House picture show tonight Watch tomorrow's Goldsboro News- There will be another rte j scrlptlon and this one may he ot YOU. MHLD PUT STATE TO BED WITH THE. SOOiKOFIIPS Fortitpr Governor Say* Drv In sue Mould Not be Carried to White Houhc (By til Associated Brest.) Washington, Oct. 16 Taking di rect Issue with Governor llnchdt nt Pennsylvania oh tils suggestion that the President personally kupcrvla* prohibition enforcement. Henry J Allen, (funner governor of Kansas. In an address here lonlglit declared h« I relieved It the duty of the Stale of Pennsylvania "to egert all nf Its re sources for the enforcement of ths Volstead Act before bringing the problem td the doorstep ol tbe Whits House * Mr. Allen made his address after he had a long conference with President Coolldge. "If L wefe the Governor of Penn sylvanla and 1.300 bootleggers ol Philadelphia had sent me word that they did not Intend to obey the laws of Pennsylvania.” said Mr Allen “tbe neit morning Vbtladelphla would hr awakened by the revllle of a sol dier's bugle and that nigh* she would go to bet) at soldier's tape and every saloon would wear a padlock, i Gifford Plnchot could Am this ths same ss he could place under control 1.300 men who bad announced ibetf Intention to rob the banks of Phila delphia and It Is my prediction that be will do It before he la tbruogh " Secretary Mellon also expressed hli disagreement today with Gov. Pin- Vhot's suggestion that the prohibition unit be made an important extab liabnient reaponalble to ths president , Secretary Mellon believes that tho prohibition unit should be transfer red from tbs treasury department to the department of Justice on the ground that enforcement trf the dry lawn eventually evolve* on the latw-r department through prosecution of violators. OfiferFree Tickets YtTßoy Scout's Here All the Boy HcuuU of thf* com munity will b* very deeply In'trsat* ed tn an announcement made hare last night by Scout Executive iflver sad which Is to the effect that any Hoy Hcout of Goldsboro doing an ex cepllnnslly good turn during the the next lew week* and pronrotlv ■ reporting the same to the Seoul Ex- I u*l*es, Mr Itlvera. will receive a paas to the Opera House picture *»u*w here The good turn, ssys Rxeru- I five Rivers, must be nf un iinmoial - nhturs. end |i must he v—rth while v- with the offer, Mi I River* '■.lye that be and the Roy r Hcout executive* are deeply anpre- I dative of the ktndnes* shown In I this connectum t>y Manager Finley of ths Opera House. L< GOLDSBORO. N. C, lIKSDAY MORNING, (HTOIIKR 16. 192. T —iSMbssM——Xro—»mwMswx———m—ga—f*—»jjs ■ BHBUfDEIWRCES JSMSQF ; -or homhe Sowing SwdH of lieotruction . and lawkstuteaM Idaho Senator ter AaaertH 1 WEALTHIER CITIZENS THE MOST AT FAULT (By tbo Aas‘Ot , .«ien Presa ) j Wanhlngton. Oct. 16. -Woalihy I Americana- who violate the Klgh leonUi Amendment and "reds" who denounce constitutional provision* designed to protect property, Sena tor Borah, of Idaho, declared In an address here lodsy, “are troth trav eling the road of lawlessness, sow ing the *ei >ls of deslrurtlon and un dermlnlng the whole .fabric of law and order M The Senator stroke Ire fore the Citizenship Conference on “Shall tk* Constitution of the Unit ed States be Nullified?” “The hot bed. noisy rendezvous of lawlessness, of eunlcal defiance to , tbe Eighteenth Amendment ‘ he de clsred. “are among those of social standing, of large property Interests and In the wealthier homes. With 1 out their patroqage,-4helr protection and thjlr example, tbe bootlegger would be easily within control of tbe law. The 'red' sits In his darkly lighted room uround hla poorly la den table and denounces those pro visions of the Constitution placed there to protect property. The ‘white* sits In his brilliantly lightei' room about his richly laden table and defies or denounces the provision of the Constitution placed therein the belflf It would protect 4he home “The man of property, of course Is denply concerned In preserving re apect for law,, for that Is his pro taction.. to property. Do not they as sume a sinister hazard In defying «i disregarding any part of this “ Con stltutlnn* Mo long as tMa amend ment remains a part of the grent Charter, you not only strike at title amendment but at the whole struc ture of a government of luvr when you disobey Its mandates. This pYo vlstbn of the Constitution Is In thl> Constitution by the same authority, carrle* tbe’same force and tanctlty aa tbe ' Fifth Amendment which throws the protecting shelter of the whole goverfftnent around life and property The spirit of lawlea*ne«a which undermlbes the one will In time destroy the other. - f\ “These men 'harF- u, perfect rlgh| to change the Constßhtton. or ant part of it. tn the way by which changes are permitted so I>ju? a* It aland* there. It Is their earnest and con*cl<ttrious sou port. You cannot have ytWr pro tection to property', your security f-i life, the things which you prize ml j deeply cherlah, if you continue tn teach disregard for the things which challenge y»ur opposition. What ona cßlgen muy like another may die., like, and we shall soon witness a gen <UM assault upon the whole atruc tuee." » - Declaring that the prohibition amendment I* “the storm center bow of the Constitution” Senator Borah continued: "It Is the Constitution after y»'sr* of agitation and discussion, alter ,33 atatex had ulready adopted stao wide prohlbilon law*, user long de. 1 bales In the Congees*, after consider ation by (he State nm' Brier ratification by 46 stale* of the Union Surely no one can candidly claim that thlK»amaf)diiienl is In the Constitution by accident or as a result of undue haste." At another Juncture he remarked' “ProhlbinUzko or antl-prohibf tlonlxt. sober_u*-ftrunk, W( , onghl n citizen* be loyal to our coni'iion coon ' tTT and l»e willing to support th< . law so long as It Is th»- law.” With the observation that “the guarantees of the- Constitution are i the most *arred guarantees tn In half of civil liberty ever placed in nay instrument of government.” Bell- Btor Borah declared he was of the opinion that “If any ons provision of tbs Constitution could to- retard • ed aa mors vital *o ths cause of free dom than any other It would lie the first amendment, which guarantees free speech, s free press and the right to worship God according to the 1 dictates of one's conscience." “But such are the effects of wai upon the Constitutions,” he conttn> 1 ued. “such are the effects of war In breeding hate and intolerance, that men are In prison today and have ’ | been tor Mg years In absolute viola j ttoh of tbe fundamental principle* nt i the first auri-ndment to the Coiis’ltu* 'I „ I lV99<tau*4 op page four) 0 iiiainii ■■ iMiira y. - ■ i No Bock SAMwr for The Ameri «»» Itaßion DMiareu The Cnifwder LAW AND ORDER MUST RE KEPT AND PRESERVED KAN FRANCISCO. Oct lb-Alvin M Owsley, retiring national comm.in der of the American 1-egion, In bis farewell'Wßresa today before the or gsnleation'a national com, niton, called upon tbe mea of the legion "with palrlotb- hearts, pure us gold, to respond la this hour fraught With many possibilities sud laden with, whispers of impeding danger. “Than la no back sliding for the l-egion spay from (he original pur- ' hoses of Its foundation.' he said, “and the constKuitan of the United State*, which ta the supreme law of the laud must be upheld and defended by you. “Law sad order will b« kept and preserved; right’ proclaimed ami I proudly asserted the Master of Might" I Mr. Owah-y declared. “The memories. of our sacrifices as comrades must be carefully conserved und the well' being, happiness and prosperity of, all sanctified by our devotion to mu tual helpfulness Outline* Pregram , ,'Our immense treasure of national resource* must not he wasted sway. In prollftgale expenditures for Indi vidual* for profit and benefit accru ing tn groups and combination -or taplial that sometime may acquire and keep vast holdings against the l public policy and common good. Let | us then Inaugurate and freely sup port an extensive program foe (he conservation of our natural resource*, reclamation nt waste lands, where homes. (arm* upd expression of indl vldaallsni tab Bn built and establish ed) pis starve aadViva fullest protec to our Bhtlitaal forat reserve*! and pfirlt* a nth ‘the afvalopmeui of our rivers and cttnMe “The wild animal*, so distinctly a part of American history, ia rast pars ing out. so much so we may say I* neurly extinct. Onr bird life, has been Maughlered and destroyed on so extravagnn. a scale that they are rarely to b« xeen; twr ntruaniH. brooks rivers and lake* pneq tU|cd,wlth ftslr are stagnxn' or fished nfit unit empty Attention wise ly given to protection of forex, and field,- dosed Reason for unlmalx and bird* encouragement to Ihu Hints und nation for tliclr breeding and propagation nntl the retdocklnx of all our water* with flnh win In i larjn mi-HMure give needed etnplyomrnt to numerou* and draw to the Legion the acknowledgement froip right thinking men and women o* onr contfoiling desire for unselfish 1.1- bors *' Always ami fixwl In the mind of the , I-Cgloi) Is the recognition and desire ( jto uphold and further the t>c*t Inte ; rest as the laboring people, Mr Ows- | I ley continued ? Tbe Hentf They King “Ours Js the oong of Izett *r hornet, 1 churches and school*. The Inalb-n ablfi and (bal-glven right to nun ic work out hlx own salvation In his own way und < boxen time ° WW. the Legiou adhere to the dnctrine-i Ihut man's greatest happines* I* 'o b* found In Ills laughter, hts lalmr fend love ” “Mr. Owsley said In* brought ‘i meMxage of enthusiasm, “a ntairmoM of accoiupllshiiients In which we < at) take pride; tbe assurance nf duty , conxclentluu*ly perforuved; a declara tion ol hope and courage; a vision Into the future that la radiant und Inspiring.” ’ ''When Kia-aklng to the delegntes at New Orleans, a* the newly elected national commander, I committed the la-glon under my leadership to four comprehensive principles of endeav or; HoxpUullzatlon. rehabilitation udJ'iMied cenipesalion (Mid American lam. Make* I*redlrtins "The we pa rate reports of depari meiit heads apfiear. to me, to s|<eak of it eomdstent (irogress toward s bet ter state for our sick and disabled comrades; u juttttabb- pn-dlctloa of the pa*xage of Hie Adju*te«l Compen sation Mill bye the next emigre** und the lusugugalion of u patriot It c A utarmen discussion and leailePMlilp <>n matter* St natmual ed ms I lon. re apect for e«*r Flag, vetaraa woawploy roeot. permanent endowment for de coratloa as graves In foreton land* ah unde rstaadlng of and a tahlne** corTcefttloii' of the Lagloa's opp >run ' Ity ot educating*’ and protect ho the ' orphan children of service men; the I aniioug, euo ot a and Introduction to the nation anil to the world of tbe f la-glon’s advix scy of an Intermit.op • si conference forth« RmHaMon of air [ u •. <Cupuiiu«d on paga lour J AMERICAN LEAGUERS TOO WJCH FOR NATIONAL AND ANNEX THE WORLD TITLE >' __ ‘ ' ' . Foreign Health Officials j o On Brief Visit To City Kiffht ReprewenlativeH From Foreign ( ountriuH of Medical AnH.iciationH Entertained at Lun chcon Here--Will Return For Inapection Trip on Saturday A group consisting of eight | high foreign official* engaged In studying health condition* In North Carolina, arrived In Gold* i boro yesterday at 1 o'clock from Raleigh, were guests at a lunch eon given at the Kennon hotel here, following which they de parted for Kinston to Inxpart thc Uaxwell Training M/hnul al that point Anouncement by mem ber* of the party thst they will ' return to Goldsboro on n*st Hat urdsy. nt which Mme tn übserva ! lion will he mode of tha Slate Insane Asylum for negroes, whlcft Is located here. The par ty will then return from this city lo Kaletgh. Among the group coming to Ooldaboro yesterday for the hrlef stay Isl this city ware tba following ,Dr. Corn May*A and Mite Mayer* of Chill, Dr sort Mr* h Orvarance of Mexico City. Meg.; Dr K Maanerman of Hamburg. Germany; Dr. D ' ItulMhoff-Pol of the Hague, the Netherlands; Dr. J Untkp, Cra cow. Poland: Dr. K. Hloaewskl of Moscow, Russia; Dr. Murxeew of Krskdv, Ukraine The party of rorelgn visitor* wa* ux-t Hhtlie uni m station hero yesterday at 1 o'clock by Dr. L. M’. Corbelt, Coitnty Health OITI cer, and repre»vntttHv#s ms the Hotary chit), the Klwihwo- dob ~ -and memla-rs of the Waya? Pkiun ty Medical-Society and ware4m • mediately taken to the Kenima hotel where a very delightful luncheon wa* served The vb.lt- J ora appeared to very deeply- ap- j predate shown them while they were Vfrv and declared that they are nnttrlpat- | iBSBOffIPEOPLE it dim's n Hiffh Water Mark Kearhhd when 11,INN) IVople Hear Him al Ihirham (Kpeclal to The News.) Xr '■ Durham, tb-l. IT, The Hain-Rum ■f, j, \ say evang'-liidir c-.myialgn which •>< , gan in this city teiroday* *r » reach I ed Hs first real high water mark to day when the evangelist. Rev M I Hum preached two powerful sermons to over eleven thousand people tint laxeif the talH-riiu4-le to cupai lty one : of the features of the day w*» the ' large numta-r of visitors from other cities In which Mr. Ham and Ills pue ty have held successful rampalga Almost 100 people came from Gold* ’| boro and about 25 from Fayetteville | wllh number* from other chle* Ir ! (the stale Including New Hern and I Park lon The I ternoon on “Christianity and Anti ' r Christianity In Death's Grapple,” in ! , i which hr pointed out sense of tha I I signs of the time* lutaad on his . knowledge of actual condßlon* that eglst jn this country tielsy 111, nn sage was full of prophetic reveln-I lion* and wa* a startling appeal in a world that seem* headed to yard I sure destruction , "The Trial und Kxecutton of Jesus . Christ from a l-egal Standpoint was * the subject of unolber great sermon i In the evening The trial and >*eru u Hon was purely Illegal and was nut * Justified even according to the law of j the land IB which he wa* tried A r large number ot members of the lo- K?optiona*t on'Dig* four.) 1 lug wllh great pleasure their re turn to Goldsboro un next Hatur dny. at which time the aagro asylum here la to be Inapeclod. They will alao visit a number of other (mints of Intereat while „ here. s This Interchange vlall of health official* arranged by the league of Nations ha* - excited much comrnent since It was begun 111 days ago. The Itinerary fur the remainder of their stay tn North t'nrollna calls lor the party to spend today Inspecting the Cas well Training Reboot at Kinston, observance of the clinics of tha .Lenoir county health department ut Kinston and a visit tomorrow to New Bern for the purpant of observe!hf malaria and hook worm work under the direction of <>r, H. A. Taylor tn Craven, BeauMß and Pamlico counties. On Monday and Tuesday of next week observation of rural public health work will tab* pine* In Wake County and the visit lo the Hiotr will come to a done with Gw round table dis cussion 111 tbe offices of tha North Carolina State Hoard of Health. : k ' - KBbrta 'will be mada by Dr. and hla associates to arrailjj). for a Opmewhut drb nrpljh j|,i«tg>iliii hei next Batur •' day'lii ronnictlon with the v|*R of the official*. Ihk-sumo Ilia uCvUiVimi f* nnu of more than I ordtnany tmportanen, and it |* poldttafop’&A . that j,t behimves Goldfi|>U)pi‘ ezr/t her la**l as-., , . fort* in [Wj -lion and endsnv- ' or tn as ssion thf'visitors as may be I «wmslblc :• > •' ■ ..r-r*? 1,1 , 1 ii _■■■■ 1 -- ■■ ■ MfBMOBIIE'.! MISHSPS FOB Dll No ld*HM ArridrntM nrr During Sunday was ail elftlremely untor tunsta day tor m|da6oro- pnd W ayitv county aulonmhtae' ownw/a total *• ven accidents oud mishap* l.n va rious *ectlons oT.tUr county taking plaoa durlbff 4164^’ day. The tsrago and repair >flvp«; of the city were crowded wttlr morning and durl'itg a th • morning the* w<-r)i-'HtM>filV to answer all ihe rails they In a majority of i^fccMekVpuri ed yesterday, no one snv *c v*re injuries. al‘hou|lp *)mv ij*re In | some cases were , and some of them b** worth recording J; - One aulomoblle wb > sue ceedell In avolillng ttcv'idvta sold, that was able to do TFas 1 driving on Hnndsv nl*ht' "tplMy *“■ cause nf Ih* fact that IJF took M* tbe dlti-h on fodr separate oaetahnta I ll.g s drive of lea* than ( **■ 'was -evere In yhi* o sutomohll# driver* who "rniUtPlll known traffic rules. - regardless >f thrlr own safet ysnd the safety of I other*. JirW V#>Nk FITI HKM N r ew York. Oct. 16- * otton future* closed steady October December 2fi 32- 4tt; 'January 2I«; March May 28. KW.-’' * ' • - ’ ■ r ■ ASSOCIATED PRESS I'RIfK KIVU CENTS For The First Tine In History of Handball Winners of Junior lie ague Win Out in Final World's Series Battle NEW YORK Oct. 16 —<By The Afioriatr-ti MYetw.)—hc*t*n and crushed alter one of tha moat speetaculat world aeriee light’* m hiatorAthe New York (Hants today nuriWtored to the Yankees the WoAj'* Champ* ionrhip tianner they had flown * for the past two year*. The Yankee* won the »ixtf» nd final game thia afternoon it the Polo ground* by coming ‘ from behind and ncoring flva run* in the dramatic eighth to ning (•ally Juat when it aeemad that the MrGrawmen would tia lhe nerie| and force tha aavaath < ontest to decid ethe rhaa The final wore wa« 6 to 4. iTUH Victory M Yesterday the Amcrk-fg l«*gna champions «w*i»i to thnirctMM an#* ceeatve t lua>»h ana NaAji rout of the mighty UtefS giSehlai. and by the it* da Ire maigU ft lawr trainee to two, a slued thettJ||bWMl4li championship In aal t4ggt>fp* de cade* in baseball hlatOHhkurd This two. wm «- Hala of the National gaMSkhtVW- I'lo for th* highest etakdt that R haa ever known, .a glgsntla agMNfIK eclipsing all pcdevlooe wm w finessed hr miifwg tana who paid twbfe ttMFwIIMHI In gale receipts. The atory of that' wlgHh . togMg rente tame when II appealed that Jhe deadly southpaw ana of ''Arthur fiß it nd tha In*|>l red play of fISaSTIHp hint checked tha hrml-iigg rwah' df t|e Ydnet*. mightiest ever while ha ha<. started the Yankee* ogf la %a ihpt India, with bla third haoM rum of the scries tell down itgbtfWMy la Mo etgth inning plnclt. stdMßt eat wfch the bates full nod tha VgtoknM 41m run behind. •> . In bl* place, a now boor wm lifted.. I up. Boh Meueel. who clapped Into the breach that Ruth ho) left and da llyered the blow thal resulted In runs Hint cliucUnd the Yankee llrl umph I Ward ntarled the fatal eighth harm iieealy enough by fly la* out. hut the llret signal of Nehfg downfall cart* | when Hebert* and Scott atngiod in quick '.orcession Henaln* the brook of the game. Mill re Hoggin* little p'- tot of the Yankees duplicated the feat of strategy that had wow a victory for his rival and thrWa Into the forces hi* full raaerren. Haloes took hla place at flrel aa the bases wore flMed. Nehf Irted rallaptly to atoody blmaolf but farinit a pinch hlttor, batting tor Whlley Witt, ho foiled Bruah walked on four ball* and Nehf walked from the bot. hie bead down awd tears in tils eyek.- Ryan wnnt Into th.- bo* with the buses still full and th* Yan kees sllll two run* behind. I'»rrr4 In Knn It y an.*sin steadied by lb* tenseness of the ft«bt. also was wUd. and Hcott was forced In with the second run when be walked Dugan on four pitch ed balls, thus Disk IB* the' ltth suc cessive ball thin the (Hants mounds men has! Issued- There waa a mighty roar aa l.plo I hie dramatic apotllghl ateped Ruth. Rapt, instead of further unnerving -'ftyan. th* sight of tha master innuler seemed to steady him for th# Boko let the Unit pitched cure* squarely . > over the plate -pa** him. and fouled - ibe second weakly THsf neat wm o l ball but then Hyan. putting nil ho had Into his delivery, ehot one I squarely across and Rath missed r amidst n thunderous oothers from [ the croWd. Ryan safely passed what ieemud to lie the hardest part of hi* path and a whistling single over second bane, then Meueel caught hla offering for llalnea and Johnson crossed the plat* * with shat proved lo.be'the ty n* gad winning run*, while Dugan tallied ' - with another good pflfluy whan \L (ffrlrtftfoai'fcn jJ ,

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