WEATHER Shower* Wednesday aad Thursday LBUa chup la tewparatarr* VOLUME TWO; NUMBER 190 SLAYER OF OFFICER STILL AT LARGE * ' . FUST CREDIT COUNT IN ' SALESMANSHIP CLUB IS ° APPEARING HERE TODAY iJv —* Include** the 10,000 Nomination Coupon and All 100 Free Credit Coupons Brought or Sent in Prior to Noon Yesterday. Plenty of Room Left i.- 1— - fie fir«t published count of credits in The Goldsbor News Sales* contest wan made last evening and appears in this issue, bount includes the regular nomination Wank of 10.000 vredita 100 credit* which had been aent in for club members up to noon yesterday The first count covering subscription collection credits will be made today fo£ tomorrow’s issue of The News. WKh the fln>t publication Tuc*- 4aj »l Dm* Man if tkr w« Mt kiwi who lw»e Ikw tar ■yaiiaM la The Ni»» tteWn* ■auvblp elab rsaipalgß, credit ’•* lag la the big rare Nigaa. Tkr raer I* aa, aatl lh«»e who i leva*# Uwauwlves mmml dlUgrall) *» -wiser credit* will be the oae* twia mwAti tha kaadsnan* sale- aaweroas rath .’ AU maftkara should and probably wUlwaht to get l>a#y at wwa- Aa *• * ••(M>roRTI’NITT “CIH'I'ON" will b* found la this Issue. bar rl bant iuxl (Mend* who wish to nominate or to help Home candidate already In the race, may also make use of thla “Hr»l opportunity'’ aubacrlptlon coupon.” *lt givta lOd.WMI extra credit* when accompanied by tha Arid aubocrlptlaa If ypp hare a favorite I ntht; Hat pi members if you know of aomooae who would like to aee get a big tour log car ’December let -help them to get. a start by securing yuor auberrlp tkm for a year pr two Right a«n I* the time far Ihnse maa and women who have been bmlUtlng * la eater ahd wld The *' prrnrat' Wg treM .ehedhle and the IM.M fiXTKA I KIUIT Op* FIB b the blgrst opparlaalty for end Its that will hr wade daring the eath* rawpakra- The FIRST PERIOD opoan the way |o sac €o§t| You probably know that s2l worth of subncrlpOou collectloiih arc what la termed af “club" and with every “CLUB" that a utewber secure*, HM),- »W 0 extra credlta are glveu 111 addi tion to all the crrdltH on tlie subscrip tions. t iTa Need la Hold Them la haildlag I head“ Hubs" aw hern should ohnrrvr that H In not necessary l» hold back the sub scription* aatll yoa have a row pletr “flab." It N witch better t« tarn la the sabscrlplfbos a, fast as yoa caa scrarr them. It) doing aa, noar are liable I* *etc, lost aad tkr sagsefiber gets his < paper.prowplly—aad iaaawach a* the raaipaigo depart weal keeps area rate record of ever) sakwrlp- Uea received, job will galo u«ih lag by wHhkoldlag Ike sabsrrlp lloas anlll Ike last. VNfirn ibe "KIIIHT I’KtllOD” nuls. the catnpalgti department will total up.the subscript ton* each member lias turned In during the period and will Issue II special credit certificate to cover the cxiia credits due each one The regular credits., are burned as UMUtI wbcu the subscript ion Is turned in. The ncii tow,, liny* nhoukl (irovi h vcrliuhlr harvest for ambittoua men and women who desire automobile* on their row aril. Those who have not jet entered the campaign. tjnve only clip out tho nomination iflutik ap pearing elsewhere to pet tho lu.utltl credits given ns • otarter r 100 000 thousand credit* nr* given its * bonus On each of the ft rot four i subscription* you turn In cither old | or new. That inskcs more Ihnn 420.- > 000 credits s» a starter. The Aral j subscription* will also apply on a pee* I lal |tMI.OOO KXTIIA cjuh* of *2l Now Is the best time of the entire cum pttlgn, You tan achieve sucres* via the KXTHA ino.noo HIWIAI. CRK* ' ROUTE IHHTRKT >O. I Number I Include* the City of Goldsboro within the corporal* j limits. • K hat I*n (an *4 In in Thl* ItUIHrl S|NT« Hulck Sedan I hr,r«lel Tearing Car * l ash Prise of *l<»«.»o. L (ash Prise •( S7iJN». , * Cash Prise of **•.«». Cash I'rlse nf W-.tnt. (ash Prise of Mrt.. Carl A. Baldwin I U pub llshrd In y< v'erday meriting’ Uoldvboro Sew* and according!) the received two free ticket* lasi ■light lo the Opera Mouse anil wn able to Mr (he presentation then if •‘Ten Sights lo n Bnr-Rn w." A young lady about live feet seven Inches, brdwn hnlr. bine eyes, pleasingly plump and wear lag a black dress with white polka dot*, white sash .la the bark, blarh shoes aad stoehiags aad u<> ha! was seen In “window shop ping'’ nl i~ K. Pearson’s *J re about It o’rloek last night. If *h> recognises this deseriptlon and will rail today ai the vfflci’ of The Ooldsboi Sews she will be award ed two free tfckcls to the Open House show Ipwlght. I Mutch for tomorrow’* descrip tion. It may be IOT. TOBACCO GROWERS SET NEW RECORDS FOR COOPERATIVES Over Forty-Five Million Pounds of Ihe Staple Have Already Keen Delivered EXPENSES AHE KEI*T TO SMALL MINIMUM TOBACCO CROWKItH :n (Special In The New*.) Raleigh. Oct- lb The " Tobacri Growers Cooper*(iw A*-«-n-iui|mi ha* received over Is.fion.niw pounds tntisero from the Southern Carotin 0 unooiids of tobacco was brought In by Ed Molirtfy of Angler, brought a first class advance of $25 a hundred at the markets of the as sociation, ar. reporting very high j graded average and Aral cash pay Acuta to Individuals for lliclr entire j loads which average over twenty dol | lars u hundred the o|wnlr»g weeks. 1 () n Trial For Murder Os Minister 4Ry Ibe Associated Pres: ) t um)>erland Court House. Va... I OH. 16- Uoln-rl 0. Carrett went on i trial today for the wrnnd lime In the j-Cumberland county circuit court, of j he Is clerk, for the killing last I June of Hey. taiwwrd Uylveiter i Pierce, Jluptigt pilDlaler. IV SO GOLDSBORO, N. U- WEDNESDAY MDRNIISG, CH TOHEIt I7_ 11P43 ■ -L. OKLAHOMA CITY IS NOW ISOLATED AS RESOLT OF FLOOD *3 River 1m Falling Hut Wafer In Still Swirling Through the Streets There a o I TWO LIVES LOST AND IfROI»|SKTYl f ROI»|SKTY DAMAGE DIG (By the Associated Press.) Oklahoma City, okln . Oct. 16 Vlr tually Isolated It) the greatest flood In it* history Oklahoma City t ulglit sheltered her little army of refugee- . and waited for the muddy, turbulent expung of r rons who fled before the flood still were homeless touUht. They are quartered 111 halls und rhurche*. The known dead lIM hlotxl at two but city official* and member* pf re»- -iic erew* declared It piohubly would be greater. ( The dead are: Mr*. K. If. |*>obi< and her daughter. Clara, aged eight year*, who were drowned when a boat In wbU-h they atkempted to gnlu land rap*lxed after effort to *avr their iHTWonal effect*. Rescue squad* were still working at top speed tonight. No estimate of the damage could be "lu»T\ but Ihe city official* *uid ‘lt will run into hundred* of thous and* ” RADIO THE NEWS Wake Forest. Oct. ihe world get* to be a little place when .Wake Forest ’student* In the physios laboratory hang upon words. "Italie Huth I* chewing chewing guui." ut tered In New York and huudred* o' mile* away. That, however, wa* tbvir experience laid week. The radl > maintained tu the physic* laboratory caught every play of the World He rb-* and was the maoca of all W*k«- forest baseball fans who did not t Have classes. Trinity’s Dramatic Club Is Underway —35 /> (Special lo The News.) Trinity College, Durham. Act. Itp> The badly crippled Blue DevU—efam of ’Trinity College faj/>s the hardest | Kchedtlle for Hie negldfew weeks Htal j It ho* ever iH-eu called on to face In the four year* of football at the col lege. The Blue Devil* suffered nu merous and M-rlou* Injuries In Ihe tussle with CHrolinu ’last Friday. Home of which are calculated to keep varsity player* out of Ihe game for the rest of the season, espeelally the twrt laekle*. Ilaleher and WllHams. Saturday the “rfrrintty eleven wH' journey to Rocky Mount to meet, the Will Ism and Mury Indian*. The teams have met, twice before, wllh ' Trinity getting the small end of Hie score each time. The how e*er 'have always had to stretch to » hold the Bloc Devils, and this year , ’the nine Devils, although crippled j arc expecting to show them a nilfy | struggle. I-It tie Is known alto it I the William and Mary hunch with tin j exception that they have played ! e red ft able football Against stronger opponents this season. The Carolina game exposed many ! wrinkles that Coaches Steiner .and I lmrbage will have to snioolbe fiefore another game, especially In ' the lllue fa-v|| line which fulled to | block effectively •In the Carolina game. The end positions too will (s' j Improved before next Saturday. The Trinity bachffeld remain* Intact with the exception or u few minor Inju ries. Tin Trinity backs had a slim chance to show up against Hi* Car , ollna team, eery aftempt la-lug Kiuolht red from liebiud rr-r -nj 4 - ■— -- - - - “ If VII it \ I MT (TIM'D S ItalelgU, Oct. ,16 According to r government report received here there were 215.56 mile* of single truck electric railways In operation In North Carolina la 1522. In I'M* I there were 22741 mites of c|i-( UR|< railway alngle age In use In this stale and In 1512, 15",26 inllrtv, ac 'cording to Hhrcuu of, the Census llg - itres. The mile* of single track op erated In Hie entire {Jailed State* In 1522. Is estimated by the r)lur«uu of the Census to be mile*, a decrease of two per, cent compared with 1517. - — 1 a* -I*? “ it ia it mi ms . > cue emu 1 111 EVEBY COUNTY I • ' I’ettl Hag Virtually ('oiuplrteij Its Spread Throughout The I Entire Stale iEVEN IK FOUND IN CHEROKEE COUNTY IBy the Associated Trap*.l Raleigh, Oct. f«. The cotton boll' weevil la to la- (ouml In every county J and locality In North I'arollua, even in faraway Fherokee County, where there Is not a single patch of cotton raised for commercial purposes, ac- j > cording to a statement litaucd today j by Kr.iHklln HUcrmau. chief in enlo- I otology for Stale the l)e partment of Agriculture.\ “It Is utterly Idle for the cotton fanner In this state to question whether Ihe weevil Is In bis locality ” declared the entomologist In Ids statement. "After, wc finished Ihe acoutlnr work of 1922.” said i'rofuwsor Nher man hi bis statement, “we published hi the papers that the weevil hud virtually completed it* spriaid limingi' the Htate. urpl that we fnuud It In j every cotton county luape< ted. even along the Virginia InirOer, ( with hbr single exception of r'urrltuck (’nun ty. wlileii ’ would doubtlasg prove to be Infested bi 192.1 T We have even found It iierba* the Hue In Virginia at two places. • 'Nevertheless. during 1923. we have heard urlug 1923. in date, wc have re ceived actual !>speciineu* of genuine boll weevil* from Currituck which was the only county left with u no* slide doubt In our 1 mind* We have also received Hpccinieii* front North umotuu. Warren aud other .countler along, (he Virginia border.” On a recent v|j»ll to Cherok county. In the mountains In th. southwestern section of North fare Una. Professor Hheriuaii said T found a single row of cotton In gar den lielug grown for (he purpose o' obtaining a source of supply for mat tress stufflugs, and In these rotto plants he discovered, boll weevils I some of which lie now ha* preserved In the Htate colb-ellons. This loeal lly, he sabl Is probably 2ft nilleh frotr an) commercial cotton fli-ld*. "Yes." 'said the entomologt* “you may put It down t|ids all of C i i otton grow ing area us North Caro I linn I* infested with the boll weevil.” • M W \ tilth II Tl REN New York. Oct. 16 Colton fjitpre-- closed steady; Oct 29.75; l>ed ;■* 9* Jan 2K.56; Mar. 28 61; May'2B.63. U"" " ’ V MIST FiILS ! to min American I-cc ion's Nation a Meet ini; in San FrimciHco Accomplished Much (fly the AsaorlaYed Press! S.ui Francisco, OiT 16 Ilea*' ! mists tried In valll lo lake the eok ! and snap from the great pages* ; that wus the chief event today In l» National Convention "f the America Ia i lcu The ml • made the si reel wel ami slippery. Th” crowd- wer> small* r than Ihev would have been otherwtM allliour they Increased as the parade went • f Frank T, dim tor of H l’nlted Stales Vale rails Bureau thud the principal addres* before Hie eon \riitlon today Throughout the morning' the v* i tons la gion, exn utlvrs mid eouiiiiit lees were In callrii* The roinmltttves on resolutions American Ism atfd acrunatlcus were , preparing ri xoluHop* which Isgioii official* salYl would he presented te Hie open eonventlon for the consul eratton of delegates In eonerte form American legion delegate from | I'arls, Frac. f’osf announced that i they would ask the «■ n'enllon to of l filially counteract, “propaganda f*o i luting France from the family of I friendly nation* and depriving her of her rtjhla under the treaty.’* • iDEPUTY ED PEARSALL IS KILLED AT MOUNT OUVE IN ATTEMPTING ARREST Ip. 4 • .• x AWARD PRIZES IN . PAY UP AND TRADE WEEK fOR SECTION Number of. Handrtome Awards Were Ittyd* at Drawing Here Yesterday TRADE OF TWO WKEKH r AMOUNT TO $147,000 F- A. Fields, l.agraaar, Weft. J. A. Mitchell, Knaimi. Writ'*. Din N. Kenly. Fremont. H. y. thappell, Kant A*bc Nl„ Fpslcin**. . n. V. Smith, Pthe*lllc, HrllV Brjikl Hlnrw,, UiarV Pddlc tJHr. lialdvtiiirw, K. K, It. t Well's. Ml** Annie It. Hill. ION W. tine I* Idsburo, Well's. It ala Nil Wri.alan. Well's. K. 1.. Fields, Pike,Hie, Smith gud Nherard. 0. T. Hwlasua, Snow 11111, Weir*. Mr*. A. M. IVtwny, ItoßUburti Bellralesssa (», M. C I’Hrr, lludley, FarfaurN. 4. L. Newborn,. *aow °HUI, Farf ar*». Tin* above prli* o*t ■« •* *■* “‘“'l' public yesterday afternoon tit he (I raw Ins <>f the lucky number* which wan conducted an-an attermath ♦>f "Pay Up aud Trade Week" In Onhlaßtiru. The Imiky. t»dk meat ion mil receive Ihdr prlxv* uoiik time during the day and certainly at’ >f them will assert that the event «•** « success. even rtiuual) the non ..•lnner* may lie"* (title disappointed The first prt*c aWardnd waa the mn <»f *2.'.n aud that wan wqn hy K S. Kleldic The second prtic waa 1100 n casli and that wux won hy J. * Mitchell. The tliiril waa IM) and that 1 roea to May It. Kenley, whllf the others receive prise* of five ten dollar wards and live five dollar awards. The ilrawins. wlilrh waa eondueled n the street Juat tn trout of the Toldsborn I'tiainlier of t’oiuumr rooliiH yesterday afternoon at ? 'clock, attracted a hast' crowd. Al' hr ticket* had l»eeu placed In U her. 'el and that barrel was rolled down he street In order to net all of the lumber* thoroughly mired, Poflow 'ng that, a little bby was plated I 1 he barrel and he drew Ihe number* •u l . Ihiis insuring absolute falrm—- llurlns the art'lir 'lncluded in tb vent, merchamllae valued ala total f sll7 lam was sold In (iuhl-diorn uni* til Ilia nierrhanla pari It I paling lr ■he event said lust Sight that they wkre very thoroughly pleased with he success scored Shipping Hoard Make Drastic Change Illy the Associated Prcxs.l Waslilflultni, Of*. Ik. I►eelaloii t' onsolldute the live North Atlantic • ''lilt'd KlliKtbilti Trade Koille and In, Hmtnato entirely the innnagto" .gent system n«w In use was no* Minced tislay by the 'Shipping Board The place of Ihe ggetil will lie lak •n by one or more "loading agqulx" md supervision of the ships wall In ak''ii over dlriiclty Ity the t iimiiittlee A probable solution us the etlipo 'alion problem of lie t, ivrrnuirnt Merchant Heel wa «ll at Mount Olive on Monday night about 11 o’clock I* be ing offered awdjt in anticiimted that Farmer will probably be tak en into cuatodpeither tialay or aome d time within the near futpn In addition to murder of Mr. Pearsall- Farmer in charted wtDi painfully wounding another deputy. Mr Hobgood of Mount Olive auction The tragedy haa atirred up all thin community and intenae inlereat aurrounda the aeaivh. Confidence ia ex pronged by the of ficials that Farmer will soon he located and placed in jail. CROP REPORT PLAN ■ GIVEN DISAPPROVAL BY COTTON GROWERS s ■_ t i American AuMocintion Say* "In tendon*" of C»rowerM Are Not HatiafacUry ODNORKMB !H ASKED TO PROVIDE FUNDS By the Associated Press l oltimhla, H t; , Del Ik Pliu-lug it* i irli record as dlsupttiv lug lly crop inihjiT yut forth by the tnintm HUimi {i lie iilanied in cotton mt baaed no r»-' |H>rta of "liiteuttonn'' of farmer* to liepartmiui of Agriculture In which figures are glyen lo the public pur* porting to allow the estimated acreage plant, the American l otion Asaiada ilon In It* flftli wtiiiiiinJ ronrentton to, day passed a resolution al flu closing iwssioo urging the ltepartmcul us Agrt culiuto lo facts. "We feel Jhal the eolfun .arreaga I* a mater of luo algnlflcaut ioila lo the growers of Ihe coltuu trade generally'' the resolution afat oil, for eallinate ou 'acreage to Imi liu/.arded guess work." The rcnolutlon further urged (hat* Congress pass such legislation and provide necessary fund* lo enable the Untied Htnics I)c puli men I of Cnin merce to tak>' a correct and ib pen liable census cai‘h >gar after the eid- Ifxi crop has Im i'll planted tu aseer lu hi I he. approximate acreage planted on returns to In- accurately filled out ‘by ever grower who plants cotton In 1 the United Stales. The official business id the conven tion was In might to it close tislay with' Ho; selection ot Aflanla, On., us the next representing place tor the asso ciation Three hundred und twenty five delegates representing 20 cotfbn growing Htafcs attended the gather ing. . i Citing flgur. showllig that the avef ' age i o*lit of production for rollon 111 i all Btaln sin 1923 was 2'j ten la per IKiuud ot But rollon bulk Hue, and en i don lag that figure as consorvatlve under the .adverse weather r'tmdltlona. i heavy weevil damage and Ihn average low yield t/f lint cotton to the acre, throughout the cotton bell Hlutes, the 101 l vent ion also approved a resolution favoring a minimum avernge selling _jirlce ol .»h cents a and recom «u odei|r-wtil ..mie for adoption lt> all ■ Oiioii oriVs'D' and controllers ot < ot i. toil ilirouglmiit the Boutb. | The State Fair Formally .Opened IBy ihe'. - A» •ocl.i'ed I're. t i llalelgli tut t!> With Ihousauda ! in attendance, tiovernor t'anivron j I MOrrtson at noon tiatay officially j op**ncd the 62nd Stale fair The KxecuMve wa* Introduced hy | 1 Mre Kdßb Vanderbilt. pre»ld<'nl of j Ihe North i atol in a Agricultural So-' jilety. -whleb spon.tors the fair | Among other notahlea In Ihe official party were ttajor (iencral A J. Bow lye, eooiiuauder of Ktuu Bragg aud , liotiald Walter t'amclttli. latlrd of ! i«fH hb'l, who |)J_ the gugst of tlov. J i Morrl uit MIANTOIk TAXES Wlnglon Nnletn. Oct in The hoard of aldermen of Winston-Salem has fixed the I!I2U 21 municipal lax Vaf ti at as cents on the SIOO property val uation. , MEMBER OF 1 . ASSOCIATED PRESS PRICE FIVE CENTS Nad H**h Ikepatiand The story of the killing Moutfay night, us brought out at the Inquest beld here yeelerday. discloses the fact that Farmer wa* charged With flawing made an assault with n gun "P»n ii Mount flltve idtlon on Sun* iay. A warrant wa* loaned for him ou that charge, and la view of the , 'act that he wait known to be a axM difficult to arrest, several additional deputies were sworn In to go to bln home la Mount Olive Monitor night r and make Ihe arrant, laelndnd In (hat number waa Mr. Pearsall. wHgr father had formerly bran a memWr of the police driiartmeiu of .Mona* Olive, and Who )iad. hlhtMlf. an In that eapaclty at one Ume Mr I'earaall and Mr Hohgood w«Mt te Ute h«ek door of the Kkrgur Iwing * M*cn the puny srrtrag %l)*r , the other off her* rappwd * front door. Karmwi' Is aaid to ksw emerged ffom the knek door. shdoAfeg a* he cgine. lie iiimhl a donblo hnr- * ; relied shut gun. loaded w|tk bueV •hot, and Ihe two ahhta he (trad g' he came from Ihe back door took of- , feet tn Pearsall'* left arm and Inf*» side, aud wounded Mr. tn tin* laga. He made good to* ••cape Mr. Pearsall was hurriedly placed |V an autouiobfle and hrongbt to Qolda boto, arriving here shortly *ft*r midnight. He w*s plgeed In OW Spicer Haiiliorluiu and underwent an operation there. Ills IntoirtlmM and llVcr *»«d ~M,n pierced by th« *km and be had lost • groat quantity pf , hlo si. Folbywlng the operation. ♦*• atli ndlng phyaldana sent for hi* hWitber »t Mount Olive, with the hope that a' transfusion of bkXQd might save tile Injured man's life, bet prl r to the of the brother who rn*hed her* ■* quickly a* he could, Mr. Pearsall bad auccumhed to hla ,wpund*. t • < Wn* Very Puputor. the dead man wa* engaged In the mercantile business at Mount Ollra and was one ot tbn In st known cltf atma of that town. He nea about 2T years of afe und la aurvlved by, hi* wlfo and one child. He wna ••(tor sally pouular In Mount Olive and the new* of lit* tragic death bae oe rawloned deep regret In all U»»t ■•«• tloM. " It appears that Mr. Pearaall wna deputised to the fact that be had formerly beeu a member mt the police department el that point and wa familiar wit hthe workings of • law. He was known to be abso lutely fearless himself, and It le claimed that Mr. Parmrr wna Ithe wise known to be a man who would not submit to arrest without a strug gle Following the death of Mr. Itoersall at the Imal Imapßal yesterday morn Inga Jury was empaneled by CfOfjp: ner Itoblnsnn and an Inquest took Iplaie at Ihn fioldsborti t'ndcrtaklng Parlors here The following, eoot pri.ed the me tab* rs of the Jury : 'A. |H. Italy. 0. W Uarrta. U D- Hmltb. It 1.. Hooks. V. M. tBIIIkIn Und N A Mow nil. '/he Jury viewed th« body !in the undertaking parlors at I | o'clock and then rereaaed,at 3 o'clock I until 3 o'eliM'k. at which limn the In quest wa* mumnd. the additional hour being nended In whleb to allow the wßanssna to reach the city from Mount Olive. m l*r. NpWr. I*r It. \V. Spider waa the Unit wlt ne m sworn at yesterday's Inquest. ; lb, tcattfled »• follow*:, "Thl* man was brought to the ttog- ItorHim hy l>r. Henderson at 2 o’clock I thl', morning apparently suffering 1 with run shot wound In the right * shin of the abdomen. There were 11 (Continued on pngp Jour.) ,