«v _ !+*■ WEATHKR Mr to I*M| uw*llr4 la Wr»l| Pitta; »k#w«c* VOLUME TWO, NUMBER 111 AMERICAN LEGION LAUNCHES mmama on the elan iwifr IN UNITED STATES " a*_ y o - b “Everything For The Disabled Man and Nothing fer tile Able” Is Slogan of the Anti-Bonus League Formed By Ex Soldiers. * .* *r . ■ —.... ■■.. —' (By the Associated Press.) Baa fnaitwo, Oct. If.—With ’ Michigan delegates to the first American l«eglnn holding out for a rauffUlion of tbe Ku Klux Klaa aad organization her* of a uult of thte anti-bonus league to fight aay resolution to favor n service non, tbe convention fin ish* i Ua third duy of u deadlock. ’ A spirited compromise ou tbe Kit Klux Klaa question waa seen to* day when tbe California delega tion voted on "hones* neutrality" v on matters relating to politic* ebd Integrity Tbia was tbc first break in the situation which rtu-ufl tbe Legion Michigan delrgatea stated they would continue tbelr light to force through the resolution to- I PAUL RUBBER CO . NffiMff* Directors Declare 3rd Uomtcru* ttve Seal-Annual Dividend on Stock. The Paul Rubber Company dlrec tofa have declared the third consec utive semi-annual dlvhlend of H per codt Ob the preferred stork of tin company, and checks totaling about fIP.OOO. were mailed Saturday to stockholder* of record of October 1 The company reports ripld progress on saleni BCfftcmher bnlpg their baa net month of about llW.ishi. Tbe coin ant ntey lire Tuctorydo partmeat of the company, 1» »l*® mbbipi fO°d progres, ttve of tlieae com lb tAky lire plant* having Ihob H old during the past week la the fol lowing town* la North Carolina High Point. Washington. Wllmlng ton, lanton and tin,ter. Many more of these plants will l>e established lu North Carolina und adjoin lug states will next Ik; <us»n lied. I The direr torn foe| tluii the rstah llshment of these community fire plants will mean moth to lb* Htibber Comimny. as earh plant will secure Ita raw material front tb' rompany, and also art us n local dls trlbutor for all Paul products. Th establishing of these ronimunlty tin plants elluilaules all selling expend •ad enables each camniunlty plant It soil ejo'er leaf cord* to the loci' ~ ear owners at dealer* wholesaleJ*rlC' which will enahlo the local plan owpw the majority o tb« Hr* business In his section. The Paul Rubber Company art th originator* of the community tlr* plant system and control the patent covering the special inucliltier' whlcAi makes the small plunt sy.-ten possible. It Is said that several rub her mep. prominent In the Industry have espressed the opinion that ! hb rmall plant system opens possltdlt ties exceeding that of sny new step, taken la the lire Industry In the part. The company also reports that a change Ip the construction of Ibe air * gnge valve has been made, whirl, now enables thoia to offer luo reword for p. ery valve of tbc ucw construction that leaks air. Governors Holding Annual Conference (By tbe Associated Press I ..West Baden. Ind . Ot t. 17- Kormal welcome to the 15th conference of tbe Governor* was ,'tended by Gov Marten McCray of Indiana wlieu ex ecuU»<V*!r 17 Wales and territories arrived here late this afternoon on v \ motor trip from Indluuapoll* , Gov McCray called attention to ills development of the Btate durtor Us 100 years of existence _ V No Recurrence r Os Food Riots (liy the Associated Press.) ■ Berlin. Oct. 17, — There ws* no re eurrence today of tbe food rb*t* In Berlin In which one person wsv wounded fatally and many were In Jured Tb* authorities have been quick to respond to the dpmanda of Ihti uni*ni> , PhrpL ami fvod staAluoa have bars 09*014. ri ) . 4fc"V> • * THE GOLDSBORO NEWS -":: i - - . morrow ia which the laglon will he culled upon to denounce the Klaa “as Un-American In tad” and contrary lo the very princi ples which the American Legion stands.” The' formation rtf „ unti-honus league here dispelled the hop,* , that the compensation committee, would finally work put a rt -olu llon that would he acceptable to f the entire convention. The slogan of the Anil-Bonus organization was tonight stgted "For the disabled, everything; for the able-bodied, nothing.” Lieutenant Commander William - C. Band, of Frisco, slated that the fight would be centered around any bonus measure- WAKE FOREST REACT ; : Fi THE WILD CATS UaptiKt Are lo May The Preß byteriunM In Char lotte Saturday IHpeclal to The News ) Wake Foreal, Oct. 16 For est football warriors are hard at work preparation for the buttl/ with Davidson In charlotle on Satur day. Meprteaod by their two tidal « wave wla* la recent butlfea the Bap tint boys are laborlpg hard under Cowcb Onrrtty for tbc Wild Cat I,ai de. regarded aa one of tbc most poriant on the schedule oarrlty this week Is eAertlng spe cial efforts to develop a stead'er de fense and a snappier ocenae. lu aony of the momenta of th epast two gums* the Wake warriors have *ho#r ( l flushes of esceptlonal ability onlv tr lax Into luedltK-rlly on the nett plav To UeVeloi, a coualsteucy. Coach Osr rlly will keep Ills men on .thil- lie I* several hours each afternoon. Be fore the team cKfralns for Chari tt. it will be giveu some new-. l-sson' In blackboard talk. More Ilian 5U pusses were u «ed ( ’ die last two games by the team and the depology boy a who claim lo b on Uiu tnside predict ‘that Coach Oarrlty will dig Into bl* bar of tricks for tbc Wild Cat contest They expect that he may unlimber I ,onie big artillery held l» ■ rgaenre ! Oklahoma City Flood ' Is Now Subsiding Mil WESTS IN j TE STIIE m Us .t Employment Service I Maced Great Number in North Car* laiHt Month IR> llie Aaaoclaled I'rena.) Ital< i»jh. Oct. 17. -There .'-mutv f>tt4 rc(|iic*t* for help made *n branch of fleen In North Carolina of IHe erul Slate Employment acrv|ee dur-- lin the week ending October 13. while llierewere M 3 applleatlona fur employment, of which 47-’ were Itlled. according to U»»* weekly report of M. 1«. Shipman, commlaalonew of the State tlepurtmeiit *>f Labor and Print ing ami director* fit ililn State of the KMftbral-Ktnlc KnipfWyment Service. Hi Ihhnlhr hV report Mr. Shipman Halil that the cloning of ?eaorty»otel* j had rcaulted In a aurplua of domes*. I tic worker* and other rla»nen of la bor employed around thea place* f rurpliM of euriwntera, he added. I« j reported from two of the larger cttle r I of the State In which building oper ation* hail- fallen off. The il< found fwr negro day laborer# caceeda the anpply. hut them la a anrplttf truck driver* and chauffeur*. Skill*'’ i labor condition* are balanced Kami I , labor la visibly abort. Mr, Shipman Huld tbo "open »<a*on" for county • i fair* may be attributed ua the reinon for fewer calla for labor and a anmlt I i or number of appllcatlona for ran I**»»*W I * , ** . • FORGET-ME-NOT DAY [ IS TO BE MU in city Ind coir * 0 . In For J’urpotw of HelpiiaK I)ihubled Soldier* of The World War I ■ SATURDAY, NOVEMHER TEN IS DATE CHOSEN Mayor Haiti baa recalled advices from National Coiomundnr Junes A McFarland of the disabled American Veterans pf tbc World War, tbs “National Forget-Me-Not Day.? .which was observed here lust yoh I as well us In several hundred other cßlcs und towns throughout the United Ktates. la ugulu lo be conduct ed, this year, for the bcuefit of America’s wounded and disabled ••runs. »n Saturday. Koveuilter lu Relief, welfare, legislative, rebablll , tat ion and educational activities Ir the Interests of America's UMLMfI mufmed und * broken veterans of tbc World War. are lamented by "Ko;gt- Mc-Not Uny." which reccnvs the substantial endorsement «nd, hearty support of high government und civic officials. ° f-ttst year Ihe late President and Mrs. Warren (l- Harding were sub , atantlul subscribers lo the "Forget- Me-Not Day" cause. Mrs. Harding's first public^ act. following her l,ns und serious Illness, was to purchase mo worth of forget-mw-nota, pad Is sue a note commending the pro jeer Numerous other national and state officials were active participants Ir the day's observance, and msnv ptates the Governors ItKik an active part In the sale of forget-me-Hots. a> stating the groups of pretty girls In their caiopuglir-gctivltles An effort will Ik* made to huve th< club women aud sclkk,l chlldre i malte the little pamT and cloth fn» ?*l-me-nolM that sre to be sold on Bnjytrdsy November 10 Activo u,n <(cft to tlie cause means tbe fnlMY ment of the mnnv iho-wat"' of Auerlcn's world- war regain tb*lr ataltis and nre«*tg|» Ju civilian llfa. snd to shorMv IM-ne»<wc Hetf-relleni and uwfHl Htlaens. rill ions of this romimintlv ere Urged to take a been Interest In "FdFget-Me Not Day" preparations, end to P<ir tlclpate actively in the Dev’s sctlvl Ilea on Hatordav. NovenilKr 10 I IHKARV AHHOt IATIOV \Mnstoo Salem. Del. 17—The hi enulal conference of tbe North f'sro tins Library Assocfiitton will be h«!'l here November 22 und £L according to announcement by o/Wors of the organization. ‘ FIKUIIEA FLAY BINGHAM Chapel U«’t. 17. The freshmen eleven of the Unlverslly of North Carolina will miy-t the Ujnghani Mil tIUD - Academy football team In a grldlruu battle here next Bartini,ty . afternoon. Water Ran Through Thought. Safe. Safe From Any Flood, Railway Service At A Standstill, Public Utilities Paralyzed; City. —l Oklahoma City. Oklahoma. Oct i; IBy Iho Assoc luted I Oklu , bomu today Is emerging from most disastrous flood as the Nor' f'anadian Ulvi r receded to |is> ordl - nurll > narrow I,auks, leaving a thou ; sand persons homeless and properly | damages estimated at $2,!5<«M,00, with railroad and highway servlet paralyzed and public utility eriji-c demoralized. Oklahoma lily bore tin- brunt of the debacle, but virtually the ,-»|t|r. northwest, northeast and realm* parts of Hie Stale were engulfed fiv alrcstpg swollen by recent torrentluE i ruins. , I Two are known to be dead here and .the receding waters have n permitted sesrrhlng partlos tn p,;e first,. Into (he hardest hit portin' of the city. Many persons ure Ir. hospitals suffering from exposure. The Amid waters which swirled and Issbcff Giniugli I red , never la fore ecnsldered In danger from fbc river, rapidly are receding. aHhoog v tbe Capitol Hill section aud pack In town. home of the meat packlug In dustry here, remains cut off tror ' Ike frmalndcr of the city and llkelv will lie closed lo traffic tor sometime. Air hiail servteo lo Lawton and other points Isolated by the flood w% | tnau|UTatcd yesterday. t j GOLDBKORO, N. C\ THURSDAY MORNING, IMTOIIEK JK 1M23 ATLANTA MINISTER 1 ! Q x ■ Sk 'omi tS^Tk*Avii»ci |Ml Ku Klux Kinn 4Ufi clhlm In City ADMITS POSSESSION ® Qff TWO BOTTLER (By the ,\^»ocfated prviis i Atlanta, Oct. tt. - lli r.rt ulbci Rid ley known ua the Imperial Kluh of the Ku Klux Klun und former pas tor trf an Atlaalu church was urrcsl i A hero late Ustuy by |H,tlce on charge , of being drunk and cMK'ratlng uu au- ( tomobllc. Tbe arrest was made By a motorycyclc officer Who >-.inl Bf. Ridley had two boOlFs et whiskey At the police station l)r Ridley ; staled that he had driven out (o th" country when he wpa accosted by a man who accosted to give him some j whiskey. He laid that he accepted It und before Mkrtiug to town he loiok a drink. The officer vmo mode the nr rest I said he saw tic automobile zigzag ging down IVuJitreu street und stop ped It and liming Dr. Ridley uppa rently under 111 Influence of Hqnor arrested him. i)r. Uldlcy udutitti'd having more liquor in the auto and produced the two bottles. PROSECUTION RESTS IN GARRETT’S TRIAL AND CEF99E OPENS J—— la ( hunted With The Murder of Miniiri*r in f*at* of VirrtnUu witnesses Sail to AGREE IN TESTIMONY (By the Afcoeiated press ) Cumberland tV'irt House. Va.. Oct ft- lbs prommlthHi lpid veaUM at" the d'dcna* wffh ready to go ahead when eonrt adjourned here toaHlit at the conebislon cf the second day Os the seeoud trial of Robert O. Gar re*. county rlerk. charged with th murder of the Rev. K H Pierce Us* June S. Few new fuels were developed In fedny's testimony. * ■ - - In addition to 16 Btat -> wltnoso s Including Mrs. plercy and other tueru- Vrs of tin- ulnlu minister's family heard lieforc. Judge AA ■ M limilh coni .non wealth attuiuey. called to lb grgtd as a wltncaa, was oil tin- .land lor uiu,ut two hours. t’i..hul>ly ilu 4 most, sensational bit of :cw evidence came from Judge Hui 'li. who said that when ,Mr Pii -e come from blu home nf’er a j fist fU'bt with Barrett, armed vltli ti I allot run and pistol he app*-:' l< I Ini R&dlng Ihe gun. ' Mo»t of.the other witnesses Wrl lialay elt »e: saw the sh<K>tlnt Mod light, or a pin of |bc whole ci a*b i rt'llh the i s<epttou of the g n-' . ' agreement (but the minister vm Itu.l --1 ly butcu ~i his fight with Garrett it" »\vn*»f Ibe wliueaies ugyreil ,ia tc wliut hupp* tn d Right Newly Weds On The Same Train i . .i When th.- Houthern railway iraln J pulled out of Goldsboro last nUht •' 11 o'clock tbe Pullman sleeping ra *va* occupied by four newly marrle. eetuplc* und one bachelor. Whut dh> poaition wa made of ,the buchelo Inter in the night Is -not known, but It Is presumed that he was e llttt uncomfortable <-arly In tin* « enlnr with nil the newly weds siirrn ndltki him 'IV. < f the couples were mar ried in Goldsboro, one In Alottn •1 Olive and one In Wllnilngtoa. ■' >ATIOY.AI, -v* f Wl»*l«n-Hal«m. Oct. 17. Dr. llo» aid Kondlhaler, presldaut nt Wulei, ' ! College, i» evpei li'-d to represent Ip Wlnston-Hab'in Young M-ns fbi letlar f Asrußlullon lit the ponutlfptlonat co ve u l Umi of the Y M (', A at f'leve , |lnnd. Ohio, Octobar 17-26 I’UBLIC IS I'Kf»EDTO SFND IN NEWS ITEMS r. Th* l.old«lM»ro New* wl»he, tu am' ware l» Ihe pahlle Hull we r 1 la tile *sr arid all l<> lelrpbuar or vend In any and all new* of Interest, siirh a* social, dmrlinr. marriages, parties, arrbals and A eu. .. r | Be al»« welcome any swwffTfc llon* that may be offered A v ,i pnblleallwa that lo «ar mind will _. | be aril Gnldslmn, and Ike ennnly- I NUMBER OFf MB mm RENIED 11 HIGH COURTS %• 4 Suprenif Hody For North ( itrtr lina Mules On Number Os lmp«»rlttnt (asts HABEAS CORI»U8 WRIT DENIED ONU I’ITIZKII (By tbe Associated I'rees.) UuU'igb. Oct. 17 The following opinions were filed Irdny by tbc Hu prviur Court: Tuijlngton. adm . v* Hsrnett lluncmk-Coiupaay vs. Himfguie Co.. I Carteret, no error •* ~ I cherry ver'its C. L. Itullrtuid l*l(t county, new trial. Eaist t'urollnu Lumber Conipnny versus I .aml and l.umlwr Co.v t'rav ! en. no error. Dunn V*. Taylor. Lenoir county ; affirmed. i Fund Insurance Co. vs. Howland Company. Duplin, no error. Tindall vs. . iiudull, l-enolr Co- . plaliitlff's upih'hl modltied utvil affirm * cd. Dr-feadunl's appeal w>Ver»4 d Welch veraus A. L.. AVaku ly, no error ' Fsltnot ti*. liun cornin' county, affirmed Slate vs. Richardson, Wake County Judgment affirmed without wvrltten opinion. Bank vs. H< a rim rough. Wake conn ly. Judgment affirmed without writ left opinion. " Petition lor wrllo of haveas corpm iiddreastMl to Asnih lute Justice AA T Hlain’y by Dr Paul Cr an In 1 niu|.(! of the Hlule Hospital, was de nied after a bearing Well Known Fremont Citizen 1h Dead _ <3 ' 1. L. Yelverton. Iw'lter knian hi UP huudtcds Os Misnds In all Section* of the coolly ns ‘TJun” Yelverton ifl*d i at hts home at Fremont last ale hi ■ IUIS o'climA/' He was on* of thr knjywn ui«<n In the enttr* csoubc and had spent practically Ills entire Hie wt Framsml lie la survived b*. eight children, these being: ffiay I, H P of Wilson. Mrs. A. G. Knott of Newr York. Calvin, Ruth. Charles Ralph and Oscar, all of Fremont He Is also survived by three sisters Mr* lames Condon of Btantonburg. Mrs AY F Kdwards of tbe aanie point aud Mrs. J J. Colev of Fremont. Funeral eerv|c*»s are tn be ed this afternoon at 3 oYloek at Fre mont by Klder lltKtks and Interment will follow’-nt that point- Probe Dynamiting Os School Building Illy the Associated Press.) Hiuithflelil. Oct. 17.- W. A. Hcott. deputy of the Htato Department of Insurance here conducting. Investiga tion* Into tlie dynamiting of the Cor lutli-Holder school house, Jobusou county, August 27. when tbe school was just nearing completion, an nolined thin uflerniM,n that he ex pected to complete the Investigations today or tomorrow. , (Deputy Hcott siihl be bud oxuitiln<-<1 a number of wlUiesm's and Ihut lie was making a "very thorough In-nn tlgutlou " l(o did nut dlvulgi the names of witnesses examined aud •aid 10-" lie did not know u* yet wliut I tid re null* of ibu InvraUgEtlcn would be. EDISON ASSER TS THA T HENR Y FORD WOULD BE FINE FOR PRESIDENT . ' * .a W PICK HEIDI TO MEET THE FOE I’nivtrttitN Jtnd Stnle Tmbih Itolh Confident On K%r Os The Ifettlle < j | IHj tile Aswioetati'd I’raaa.) I Kalelgh, Oct. 17- Tin- Wolf t'uf’k < of HluU- «M ready tonight fur the j innual claalt with tin* 'far 1 hjro tomorrow. Itnllrall*** ara that the 1 tame will lie hard fought. Itolh tcurm will t» in the game with the j Orel Him men. with the in ept ion of Kohl n i4Mi of t’n rot tea who may not he Hide to plu> The raroltiiu atndunt tanly will ur rlw* here tomorrow on n apeelal train from Cliapel Hill The roache* of i both Irwi tonight taaued at«l«iii*uU that they were ready for the game I hut neither the I'ww brother* or tlar i r> Hart aril would indicate wbV'h i taaiu would win the fray. f> . t> —■rj==-=s=='r=ar.-.r==;:j.:'" —■ t-I. 1 .'.saggs , NOW IS OPPORIUNE TIME TO ENLIST v % ~ y ■ * ~ ■ «* Drive ManajferK Reiterate Importance of fcarly and Urge Tardy Entrants to Hasten Into Race “ Before Early Beginners Gain Tremendous Start and Make Walk-Away Affair of Big Gift Plan Which is Now Gaining Speed Daily. RALEtGHRUMRUNNEBS' APE HEAVILY FINED “Sport” Weaver and W. H. Ed-1 dins Are AHMnuwd SSOO Each . New Born. iVcl. I#-—A rcp»ri from Solicitor'’ Jessie II," rtovto. who In prosecuting Jbr criminal docket In I swrrton't Superior Court at Bnshiri ' i|il« week under Judge J. JLh»J*l llu,r | tou Mid that R W ‘TBport") Weaver mid w. 11. KcMlas. ymjug Ualelgb , white mi n. were given eanpanlleß, iiontenri'e, of two yenrs ou the rvadn and (in*" of Istki each when'the* plcg.l guilty to Charge* of hauling • whiskey yesterday. A sensational hit of evidence wai> j given hy the two men. Solicitor lhiv- 1 la »Ut*d. whwi they told the co in they hud Imught vyhl.key on Severn’ of their trlph ravt'n and l urtiiret | counties from John (lodette, negro * who along with two automobiles wn • | captured here several weeks sin. The I Raleigh men, a* waa GoUatt*. were ruptured on evidence secured hy D«- •ectlve Oattla, of Raleigh, who apen' several week* In Ihla auctions John l<ogun Oodette, negro, who appealed under IS.MMi bond (rani g two year road Meatmen In Carteret eourt laat Juno foe handling wh'uVe* forfeited that bond. HollePor Duet vialed, when he failed to iippear yes terday. Real ettste owned hy Oodette uud hla rulalivwa wae put up for the hond- Judge Horton ordered the |r« : nance of aelfa agalnit the security for Immedlute service, the aolletter aald. 'x hiiud of SSOO waa forfeited hy Vou Ucdsworih. former prominent Motebcad City citizen and builder o' •he Hct|awor ( li Hotel at Allan'!* Iteueh. when b« fulled to anpear t answer a charge l of violation of the prohibition lawa. • Solicitor. Darin declined the Ancle* •hla week waa a heavy one, this be lag largi ly (he reault of the aerie | of rulda alagtfd In western Carter ft \ und eastern Craven under hla dlree t|ou aevi-ral week* ago. Mr. Lloyd George Confined To Room (lly the Asies-latcd Press.! Chicago. (hi 17. Havtd Mined George. Itritlsb Wur Time apent today In the seclusion of a sl-k room. Cancelllnil: all engngctnehl* j for today ricrgl mi uddrena at a imixa nifellug tonight lie remained In a hot.-l unite Id iiti effort to preveu* uny deveyopnient of a condition marked by a flight temperature and o cnusCd hy a cold ami alraln of hie activities while touring America. —a Thinks* However, Thnt Detroit Manufacturer Is Os More Value to the Country In Private Ca pacity. New York Oct. 17.—Thom an A. Edinon electrical wizard, in one of thc'firet inlcrviewn he hud ever Kiantcil to newppu|>jr men today npoke of the candi dacy of hiit friend Henry Ford and declared that it “would vote for a good man” if the Nation aent Ford to the White House. Mr. Edison expressed the im pression that tjje auto manu facturer is of more value to the Nation as a private citizen. Mr Edison, however was not sure that the four hour day would he a good thing for the Nation lie expressed fear that too large a leisure class would )>e created land that this have a )>ad effect upon the young *r-*r| MEMBER OP ASSOCIATED PRESS ——* i ■■ i 11.1-S—ipwfr. , , '.r-.n... PRICK FIVI CENTS Nothing renal a «« tetrh la III* tracfl*«Berea*) n« •ftWmlaaltea • •Bceeed, ant «fdS» % anmter I f peruana bat* nfldady enterad »he Hnlr.maa.Mp (W* with h d I-' mlaall u tIWI tompMfts «*. IV* «. There la pledly el them ft* more w ark era, a* the hinge I keen , are In the trace, the meter M wßt be l« win *hr wart wM he men • venly divided nmaag aU, and c»n*ev|aeatly N will taka halt M*hM-riptluna r eredMn la erdae hr eae la gala a ma|eHty- **• «rj town, hamlet sad *lUag» vkavld be represented la p Helm mnaablp I Inb mad »ev«ral “m.i* .pet*” we amah Igthw «k. re Ik* Versing M»wa to areally la deamnd have hotel <>verl« hod the* ter aad hare lie ‘ *epre.eMlallvr ealered np «e th* prevent time. It la al eaty met ier f.vr ear «• gate the »appm« i*l tin entire rrmmaalty In a eem |t*fHlvr enterprise *aei aa the brl' ’ manuhtp Clnb p—rilll N they net eff right aad Impnw the .aid rdmmnaßy with OhP detrrmlaatlm te HaUk Ugh la Ihe Hot. . ’ The atari la tl)e glinhpy - ,bto.t fid It canaM be ImgSwWl Ha'lae »ihly upon U|e mtede al peae wb < « ,’••< <to >*ntor ibo raee that aa eu’ <- “tart mean* rl< torjr. pfiptettke to winner*, gpd thate WSp »e ter t • w- and uhnw a dMMdl|h|%***" "<*•■••1 .hi merit. am tiaUh o' •f.rtr 11 lead*. he- been reeel red hi MMHhe dee fed. , M ’ h The Mcralng New* ig M adMßpi 'nr to <lei id* the or wotuatv. there la njjm|f drive that *avom of a 'Mate«t ’ U .Imply U dignified llielllld dff Wt ) nlng n big rew.ini ter momeata put to good cumpHlen U «urh tb*t l|h «Bim Iter do the work and a< i Ska Iwt "•"Hi'-. Hu* iteat ates, Tim agte gppliea to every Itee of aedaeeai* le aardleN* »,f |ta aatumk~4fcg SdMit K"'* | • 11 r 111 liadirn n MKMt attractive checki MSfpigKl on*l health teat par teMMSIWI ' The Galtdlag Stef* —llnllNikiaam le (%, UlMte# ••a*lnc a.»el In lb* Wfdli. R beat, matey gad p ewar adl te> liar ace. An '»a Him i ng, damtnalr* nhrrr the wmrflb ate *. ramalalrd by a .a«s agteg dg» werker* te aid iimydte Iremer es latere at. “__ Katha-la.m trample* aver prr4* ■dire aad nppeaStoa. a par*, m- y ae*l«a. alenaa the gOalrt •* ton ohtoel, and, 111* aa tlliiSt, > averwbelaa aad eagatto eU ate •far lea. Knlhaalaam to a thjag avert «r , le«. then faith la artlaa. rate aad lalttoMve, rightly eeaMaaA** remove, the aad tpL . 1 ram lea*. Ket the germ of enthtteteom aide 4 In your rampelgn for credit.; carry It In your altitude aad meaner; I* .preada like ronlngloo and lad'iaecee ' every fibre of your Industry baiilbl you reallau It; begets and inaggHC I effects that jmp did not dm«m dtrH mean* ><> ndit -tdegaur?; It mepted Ilf'-, real and virile; II meiae tdipu*' tnneouH reaulta prograae. ima pllphmeat tod agectao. . . Discard -tAa’l’*- w ; -IMb a had word-K wNI ato way. beep pan treat Iblnu* e.per tolly thtega M» • hi. ( hal really eowal. Jar* II lllito iheaghi aad iam Uemltoa will renvlare yea that the Maine. ' meeahle Clah In really year a#* portnaHy It may maaa the fep. glaalag es year flrtaiM. Kl« ih ou .and dollars In spend had luaury utfil power and beauty aa ar „ lay of prliea rarely<>e<|uelnd In nay t similar event la the entire elate, atea r the dial rid prlaea are well wlrth . Hi*' span* hour* one would upend hi winning one of the bandeame aato F credit* aad (CouUaued tm Page % 0 * h P|: *' a ki. miv* LuJ ' a*, k

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