WEATHER Ittmto). Sh*Mn la nut Hrtl-I Tk«n4r fair awl nratr. VOLUME TWO; NUMBER I*6 ' WEIL KMWi WILSM JENEIERITTEMPTED n LIST NIGHT Pronlnant Busiltcsa Man of WIT* •on Skoota Self in Fit «flf Do* pondency * Wilsaa. N. C. Oat ll.—As the r*- ault of a naiaifl or deapoodwncy brought abaat tor a cond|tlona of *x- tF J Burdaa. Imawa local Jewjffr ihot hlm vfeUa la Mb store yesterday •vaning shortly after sli . o’clock The ballot emtofoO his body, struck a rib gad mlasofi his heart by a very farrow Margin He was taken to a loeai hospital where bla condition late toatght was reported as being l^k'uiable and It is believed thsl un E«IS uaagpsoooa computations set In ffiiimiM IS STILt UNSETTLED of Fywnch Troop* Ha* Boon of Real Service to The German Republic 4 ————— o • t'ohlenx. Oct 13.—The pendulum in the bitter itruagle which has been waging since Sunday between (h* Separatists attempting to .Install a Rhineland republic by force of arm. and Nationalist*. Communist s and certain elements of the union opposing such action is swing j lag back and forth with alternate sd 1 vantages to tha contending side* But to the neutral observer It appears that the republicans have made lit tla headway since their grsen. white sad red emblem was first raised over Alt La I'happelle’a city hall three days a«o - By rapturing Duisburg and fob* | least today thus gaining their first footbold along the river Rhine the Rhinelanders scored what was re *ft~MlM*** btov *» UI mm f was received that thsy had been e*- P*|led from Muachan. Gladbach and other previously occupied points and that their adherents were beselged ia tha City hall at All La t’happelle i with surrrender imminent. The sur prise element has disappeared from ! the movement and the opposition of tha nationalists b“* crystallised and Is gaining strength. The reaence of the French troops has been of ser vice to the Republican* because the*o troops while observing strict neu- ! trality. have proved a tower of i strength to the separatists a* they only Inarvone when blood Is shed and tha shedding of blood occurs on ly when the opponents of the Rhine landers attempt to prevent them from occupying public buildings as at Walsbaden and Mayeace, where the police have been disarmed Wolves May Hav£ Eaten Little Boy Waldron. Ark.. Oct. M Food anp piles were sent from here early to day to the wilds of the Osark Moun tains in Scott eoiMfty'. where sis hun dred srmed men. footsore and suffer- I Ing from hunger and exposure, con tinued the search for the three-year •ld b«v of Um Turner, a mountain eer. The child disappeared lagt Fri day and since that tlfiie possees ha*e combed the hills and braved the per il* of tbs mountain Jungles In an ef fort to rescue it. ** Arrangement* also were being made here to send medical assistance »o several members of the-searching party who were reported last night to be sUfftßing severely from expo sure. . „ . No trace of the child has been i found. The rat posse n> formed 1 Friday night when neighbors of the 1 Turner family Joined ihe parents in the aeerch for their child Since that time a ceaseless vigil haa been kept but without result Hot*, of* finding the child all»e was practical ly abandoned last night* 3 "!! is feared •ton* tjie baby either haa fallen prey or succumbed to hunger fajbtgposure. tta father Into the mong. «tn. as id was lost dan from ell sections of the roua- J°* ,| e , t In the search Food J/Pflbp In Ihe scattered farm PJW»»» In tbs region have been de ftlatad and for hours the reacite pan ty ha* pressed forward without food CALL Iffw pastor Durham. Oct 13— Follow log a apa cial meeting of members of the local Church of Uhrlst. Disciples, a unan imous call ta the pastorate of the church was ordered eateigled to Rev W. C. Foster, pastor of the Church of Christ Disciples. Raleigh, and president of Ihe Raleigh Ministerial Aiworl.itlon during the past year. . • a THE GOLDSBORO NEWS NOTED ROTARIANS Wil l SPEAK at MEETING HERE Inter-City Meeting That lake* Place on November lMh Hah Excellent Program mi ■ i ■ms m ■ fi> * i Members of the Rotary Club at tending iaat nlgbt'a meeting talked over plan* for tha Inur-OUy Confer ence that takas place in Goldsboro It'ov. is The evening's program was assigned to Ganeral Chairman O A Hamilton, who .called on various committee beads to" report the ac tivities undertaken to date W E. Stroud occasioned surprise in announcing noted Rotarigns who will comprise the speakers. In addi tion tp District Governor Frank l-enx of Newport New*; threw former dte trtet governors- Roger Davie. of Charlotte. "Buck" Perrin, of Spar tanburg, and Roger Moore, of IVll mlngton—will be on the prngrnm for a talk aa well as the International President. Guy Gundakrr, of Phil* delphla. t ' A letter reed from District Gover nor l/cnj prppoaed that the Goldsbo ro Club he matched against the Har risonburg, Va.. ukoh In a tentative »t --1 tendance contest "extending through ' November and December. ■ laveal Rn * tartans voted* to act on the sugg-s --' tlon K C. Rovall In discussing co-op-r --ation with the coming Wayne County Fair extended, an Invitation to visit the Rosewood Fair on Thursday. The club decided to it ‘ t'-nd In a body. |ea»lnx at noon from the Chamber of Commerce building i In response to a communication from the Charleston Club relative to Navy Day to be celebrated in that city. President C K Wilkins was re. quested to attend a* representative from the Goldsboro organisation Stockholders. To Be Levied Upon In spite of the inclement weather the stock h Ider. haibaque at l*e Fair Orounds today w**>s*»wei tended and fhuch Interest was shown In ihe coming (air Kenneth C. Royall president of the Fair Association made a brief talk to : the stockholders in which he stated I tljat with fair weather the 1923 fair 1 was sure to he a success Mr Royall went Into details to the various contracts for amusemen's. exhibits, racing program and other attraction*.-which mtet with tha up I proval of tbe stockholder* The men present plead their solid 1 support to the air management ahd with this, success is assured Following the atockhoider* meeting a brief conference of the directors wa* held In the secretary office. Members present, were: Kenneth C. Royall. J M Kdgerton, | N A. Howell. H M Oox, Charlie j Miller. Geo. L. Bee ton ' JITNEY FARES Al a regular meeting of the Board of Aldermen Oct tat. 1!i23. the fol lowing Jitney fares were unanimous ly adopted: From any point within the city to the Fair Grounds, one to four adult passengers. 2c each: for fbnre thin four passenger*. 20c each; for all children under 12 years of age loe each All public vehicles carrying pas sengers to the Fair Grounds during Fair week shall keep these rates posted in a conspicuous place In auch vehicles ' V All persons Indore engaging In car rying passenger* to Ihe Fair Grounds, from within Ihe city shall be h>qu I red ! to pay full license fee o win V «P,g< GREATER SHEKHLEY SHOWS TO PLAY FAIR GROUNDS Mr J J. Linck. representing the Greater Hheslay Mho*a that will, play our lair next w*ek t arrived In tbe city last night, to' make final plans for his show which will arrive .her Sunday Ope hair of this show Is playing Wjlmlngton this week and the other half al Fayelevlll* Fair Mr. IJnck assured Ihe toral aacre lary that thalr entire show would Conte here provided our grounds could take care of It After a via It to the grounds Mr idnek was con vince dtbal the entire Greater Hhe«- ley Shows consisting of thirty double cars carrying twenty-five shows and twelve ridea. would play our fair % -■- —1 ' ..- -< - . ... - yy “ tHXIHTIf l DAT rKI.FBBATfJIjr" Members of the American legion are working on plans whereby It will he possible to ha*e a real Armistice day celebration of some kind In Goldsboro Other c|v| c organisations of the-etty have, been so busy prepar for tha Wayne County Fair that Ut ile has been done toward arrange ments for Armlatlre day If there Is any day In the entire year that «ld be net B*lde and observed a* a National holiday it should he No vember Ihe eleventh. - ' 23- --- —-i_ "7 ■■-■- ■- | GOLDSBORO, N. C., WEDNESDAY MORNING. OCTOBER 2L 1923 ContiddSe Your Guarantee lor Success In Auto Race . < ; ... i Present Big Credit Period Will Enable Any Am bitious Worker w Amass Credits Needed to Win. Nominate Your self or Send in Name of Friends * . * • A glance at the credit .landing* as pnMtsbcd todav «h«w« that ,a vary law sub«crlptl»a« (or oaf er twa year* each woaid Make aa entirely new leader Ik Ik* race for the aatomohile* and other »al aakle prijts, |« he awarded ||i leas than five-weeks* time. In fart, aa ratirwW.uew candidate can eater the field today and w|tk Jast a frj» k*wV w* rk n»l --lect eaaairk sah.rrlptlnns to place her ta Ike lead In tke neat published IM. Time Is passing ra|ddlv and 'he io|vanlsg»s to iw gained al this time while the bigg*.l and best credit of fer of Ihe entire campaign force. Is practically unlloihed 1 h* 1 opportunity Ip gather credits is <*• ! ccptlonally bright right now. and | thoae who «rs actively engaged I* getting cre.dita, will receive might) i big remits from the efforts puL' tortD I d irlng the nex few days Can Bin If Tan Try. Hurras* I* not as you find It. hnt a* j 1 • 1 •• you make I*. Confidence Is Ihe one big aasat needed to win In Ihe rave You era just as capable of going nut and winning that big Hoick to he j given sway by the Goldsboro New* as anyone Have confidence In your ' seif and sacceas will he yours lie , who thinks be can WILL SUCCEED -tout he who thinks that he just can't 1 win. won't succeed and never will i ItOYD GEORGE PLEADS FOR COOPERATION J* _ '.» . o'. _ IW|M AtiMtrtrti The ftafrfitimt of All Europe Todav, Just as She was During Ihe War 9 . • rieveland, Ohio, Oct. 23 Declar-1 | Isng that Great Britain .ecks nothing In Kunipe except a cessation of sirltc and that ‘there you can help u. Duvld Lloyd George, the war tlms premier of Great Britain at a Cham ber of Commerce luncheon here to di y renewed his peal for "effective cooperation"- between tse two greut B 'gllsh speaking coniniVnwealth* "At this hour.” the former premier asserted, "there lea deadly grim gl sally struggle on In Europe, not for the moment with cannon and machine gun*, but none the lea* It Is ! a deadly etruggle. and I ask you * nt turn your backs altogether on E'irppe.. You saved it once Don’t , give It up D haa bean a great con tinent There have bee ngreat men grown up through tbe ages In ft. to whom you, aa well as ourselves owe much "And although 1 come to this land with no mission. If you axk tfie. I have one word to nay since you press me to spcAk I *.k you lh»> peo ple of thla mighty land, this prSkper nis land. Ibis eaceable l»nd. tht* land liberty, once more '<* I’.irn 'the’jjtgt toward Europe that -once wfll yet d) so” , Tofeacco Brinvin^ (iood Prices Here L.-fi Alphtn. the i>ouular manager 1 of the Farmers Warehouse, stated t I day that the pad! week had been the best of t*-e season at bla house the ! highest prf. us of the season being paid for tobacco sold on his llnor dur ing that period Several piles brought a* high as $45 and SSO per too pounds Mr Alphln has made many friend* among the tobacco growers «f this section sluce coming to Goldsboro. Five Killed At Memphis When Train Hits Auto Memphis Tenn . Get 24 FLe j person- were killed and two Injured, I one perhaps fatally, when an auto-I mobile In which they were riding was | struck by a Frisco Railroad pa.sen ger train negr Winfield. Ala late ye* ' terdsy here Those killed were llev || i-' i, U c al | . _4t); his wife, un.l two veer-old daughter, of Winfield. R.v William -I. Gits 15 of Rulll«eni Ala and Rev Mm llsbkins of Fulton Mis* U A Farter and Rev \( r , Gwen of Fulton Miss wore Injured Mr Owens was repotted Iclirv in H crll, leal condition COTTOA MIKK IT New Vork Ocl 2.! .Sp,>t* -opened rieady Middling 3015 1 .Future* closed October 30 30 l*e • cember it.ll, January 2'. ho Mnrck I MH. May 29.91 • You may aueceesi when other do not believe In you. but never when you do not believe In youraell If you ran keep* up your courage, when other* lose heart: If voti ran keep on push Ins ahead, when othwrk-turn back: ’if you can stplle and "Walt. when oth era play the cowiyd's part and qnM I then you will kneMlng» The campaign tilMce Is open ever) : evenlug from 7:30 to ILJO o’cltsk to receive credit* and to lasup supplies Istii h a* additional, receipt hook* sample copies of tbw New* and to an swer question*. (MM WiR IS IMMEII MeWPlwtß! NBflflcd fly I Slale Senate Ovff»* the Phono ' of lmpoHchmont I Oklahoma ‘ Ity Okie, Oct 23 Governor J. F Walion was aospend ed from ofTtre at S Id this afteVnoon when tbe Ht«le Renate by a Vole of! 3« to t adopted a reaolulion tenwmra rlly relieving him of hi* official du- j Ilea, following the aubmlsilon by Hu , lower house of a bill of Impeachment ! aaainat him. ». - I The Impeaahment bill charged tb* executive with entering Into a cor rupt agreement with Dr” A K Da 1 j enport. State Health Fommlsslnnrr j T T F.dward*. the governor s per ' sonal chauffeur was on Ihe payroll i of tbe health department *OO a ) month: and that thereby “certain | monte* were 41verted from Ihe slat nolory object and. purpose for wbb h thffv were appropriated hy' law " The suspension resolution was In- 'roduced by Kanator W. M Gulagi-r, of Muskogee A cbwnilttee named to Inform the Governor and the Lieutenant governor of the u< tlon I.lleutcnant Governor Trapp ta IB’ Hapulpa. Okla . and was nollfied by teleidlone Tbe T|i,urn Thf H .use and. >-g .11. seasliwt almost at tbe «hi.u> time Two Wilmmifton New«paperH Wilmington Oct. 24 p A'on.olld . I tlon of the Wilmington Newa. an af tarnoon newspaper published here |slnK rompaav publisher* of the In. hutch as a six dav paper. WOIAKH MAY " NLH $ t Hill Wilson. Ort 21 s R Dorsey, former deputy sheriff. «,r Wayne county and . hlef of police ~f Fr«. ntonl has accepted a position H , chief «»f the Wilson |sdlce depart ment M OK t V«t t I t H HLLTN THI Itsp 13 'Regular monthly meeting of the Goldsboro Wtnaan'a Find will tw held at 4 p. m Thursday at tbe cluh , roo.rp*. 0 = SHIE S HIGH I SCHOOL IS WIIKO OF HIGHEST PLACE In Vomtional I'upils AKrictiliur- ■ h! ( oiliest Held 31 the Stale j Fair Illy the Associated Frees.) Or* 23 Thr team front Hit* irei-diuor* High Hchool won Aral piece tn the *oratk*at agricultural ' imtUla' contest held at the North Car ullna Slate, It waa announced today ' Over tixi pupils from f>3 schools tcsik , part In the fudging contest. whlc> , waa conducted under the supervlskw of I‘tobiior R H Ru finer,. of Htata ('ullage t'laude Webber, of the Harmon' Karm l.lfe Hrhool. waa announced a’ thr wtpnar of the swerpstske* prlae for the beat ail round Judge ot It*.*- aim k Webber waa awarded a pure hred -lerrey hull calf donated by the tulmccl lluahandry Division of HtaW Collcnc- Following lira the wtnnara In the livestock .team content. Flr»( premium -t'rccdmorr hich •chtvol. conutoaed of Hattie Hubert* 1 Hutch Itanlcl. Howard r>il-rin Becnnd 9 prvntlult) Sandhill high school- compoaesd of John E Kelly Frank Kelly and Hyphen Mabry. Third premium—f'ary high achiNil compoaed of tie rge FYtrd. Kennell Smith nnd Harold Wilaon. Fourth premium -Craven count) (arm life school. com poaed of Andrevi •(Morse. l>onald I'eraon and Frank Wit Hums Flf'h premium Wskelon high »« hpol. com poaed of Pleasant ( ham bine. Junius Temples and Millard Al ford. * Sixth premium Mldrtleburg high mhool. com poaed of Wilbur 'f'olllns Hamilton Carroll and llanka Fraxer Seventh premium Caatalla high aehool. commuted of Hugh Inarm •Oeorgc Marahbourne and Glasgow Klghlh premium Oak C|fy hfkb aehool compdged of Howard Hrown Ernest Ftheridgc and Wheeler Du,n lei*. «• - . Nu»M*. , piautUiii. SaaWrd hint | aehool c(impoa<-4 of Klnton Tuyliir I Jamea llarrla nad John Taylor Tenth premium I‘hlladelptiu* h|gl ! Hfhool. compoaed of Alfred Cook* (iurdeii Da'la and A ft Hrown The following premium*. were ; nwarded for the Individual Judge* ot j livestock: Flrat Norman Keith. Apex; m>« ond. tiarrett ftawaon Vtkne; third Max Morrta. Troy; fourth. Marvin ' Bass, Goldsboro. H F D. fifth, Taf i Thorneburg. Newton, it F D ; sixth Frank IJvernmnd. Woodland; seventh j Vernon (Sorctle. Seatioard, eighth,4 (iarland l.ackey. Hidden lie; ninth Kdlecn Has*, (ioldxhoro. Ft F It,; , tenth, Jpaae Covington Hoc k Ingham nmwm ASSOCIATION HAVE INTERESTING MEET ——— •* Wilt Have a Booth al Tile Fair To Serve Sandwiches and Milk The parent* aod teacher*: -taaca Ijy lion of W illiam SI a< -bool. . Mr* (I •I. linker leader had a very Infer eg 1 jttng meeting yeaterday afternoon Mr Kheltct addressed. the meeting ami delivered a aplendld address, Ihe subject of which wa*:."Wtiy we I should teach muelc In the schools • Ml** Harlow gave the report of the: c heritable organ 1 1st {on It waa decided that the Would hate a boMh at the fair to nerve nandwlchoa milk and etc , the atiine as they are serving «t the present -JNcw Medical Office Has I'p-to-Date Equipment F*r T M IIUm II and Itr liavtd Move have rniahllah-'d together uu oflue inn in the residents! pnipertvtliioWii aa oie Harrington proimrty The entire house ha* been thor oughly renovated and equipped for the »l*c*clal purpose ol raring for fhelr regular prattle. a* wall a* handling cn»crgaiicy cage* I Se> have installed an ample Sun I .am|i In order to tie able to give ape npb tv sheriff of St Haul -to Identify Farmer, hid re ported that the man they Were bold Ing'WM not their man. EMPLOYE OF HIGHWAY MISSION DIES Clro Smith- 2M Employe of Stalk Hiithway ('ommiaaion. Injur* cd in Auto Accident dec, Smith. M. an employe of‘the State Highway Commission, who was In an autoiuobU* accident tn Hamp- Hon county Sunday night died here at k 2(i yeaterday morning Mr ’ Kmlt hand A. M. l-awrence who'waa also Injured la the hreMenl watt brough lo (be Hold*boro HueplUl by ( R Stanley of the HoFdaknm Ua* ■lei i a king CO, y and throe children, wlp> reside in Kluaton; two nr ihrde alatgre and brother* who reside In New Bern Tfro of hi* kletere were al bla had cldc- when the came Mr Ij»W -rence la repfirted lo hr improving nlrely front hi* Injuries GEORGE PRAISES ! THE SOUTHLAND Southern Hospitality Say a For mer Premier. l.ivoo Up lo Vaunted Reputation - .'.ra— With l.loyd (Saorge'a Special an- . route so Indian a pul la. Oct. 31.-> | Southern hoepltallty. David l.loyd ; Occirgr think*. Is worthy of all the praise sung In Its behalf „• As be eat out today to resume hte | speaking tour he said he would nevg forget the fried chicken, corn rake*, oyster soup and other south •m dellracle* be got during bte two days stay In M>ulev|||« Hl* daughter Miss '.Meagan. also left l/iutnvfUa, With regret she said. . who while there ahe did not ha*e to 1 *< l «nd a single speech making func i Hon and was permitted Juat to play at the <'r Ko «*t'*r Wataon of tndtaffi. *ho P*>tte In l-»Milavtll«.Kaiurday night at ! ‘ rally and who, oppoaed any I ! "“•rventlon by the Itnltad Htate, u, itelp tctie Kur. ie-an rouble*. > late tonlgh Uoyd Oeorjte „||| ••r Marlon Ohio where ha will v|g||! ’ realdent Harding* to,„h and great i Mr a Harding j He a pent Hunday halting Lincoln » , ' ,lr,h P | «» , e at Hodcenviiie. Ky,. alyiy I , raAes from Idtula v| Ila He made QO I apeechee V KVBKrrniMi nr.m' »iw thi Hontnotti. in«Ki7irrt rAiu ItoaawofMt Comm unity ralr will he held at Rtiaewood, Thuraday, Oct U Everything Indicate* It to be tha big gf*t fair the community tin* ever held . Thla la a good Unit f„ r , h e people . Os lb. .ommunity to get togwtber for > a. real good time ■■■■ lawiw.ii rnm MEMBER OP ? ' ASSOCIATED PMMM wm lUs-e.ti CmktVm* bs- WSF 1 IF j Neo Orleans. U. 0« U— Imb dredg M men lafergstal taf'tbo cotton Industry -wnry arriving or wpr# aa (b*lr wny io New Q»rt«N|M ten|«h| tor the national bolt weerll ngflitii. MhH-h boajns here lunuwrow |i con tlnue throngh Friday. ''oftog growers cotton mill oppretorg. moo who trade In tbo commodity oa th* goKhaagea. chemlato. hegfcera. oftjolalg of raH made which dartre r»rnmig tratp >U transportation and (Share were 'pre perlng to dlgsusa Ute rarggaa of the wnerfl Tka heel means of erodtoot lag It and «mf* and rnodha to con vlnoa < ongrees that the pant .la a national and not a aootloonl prob ,om . , . Stac Ist leg, xcrutding to tbo Now Orleans cation oxebango show thot the balance of trade enjoyed by the counfry waa maintained by ootton from the close of the war botwgoo the etotOM to the iiegrtaatog of m» World war And the exchange hid gone go far t» expregg fear that If the weevil la not curbed the ItoMdd futee will lone that adenatodh. bO cauao the poet now la wiping out the Qodcm. nod them Is noCblog to toko ,‘ta place The lews to the south to tbo loot flee yearn, Henry 0 Hooter, doom (ary of tab c-xetumge decloroo. hM am ounted to more that one hllltow Me . hundred million dollnm, aod hd ddfi . th*t the doulh'e tot I* the imWtCFI lot (ABOR SUPPLY AND DEMAND INCREASES m iinmu pidiw 1 v * • T-TBS Knrouraginv Rdpwrt AMP ted for The Weak by Qttf mbwioncr thfpHfNh'T^^J • • ■ ■* j d, (By the Aseocliued Preee) , Raleigh. Oct 33. Both the MHOhOf of application* tor employep> aod. the roQoeeti for help made to |ftoi> offices In North Carolina of top IKnd era!-State Era ploy meat Service cd Increeae during the week hiding’ October 10. according to (he shgfety i sport of M U Hhlpman director of (he service,tn thla state, which erne sailed today, but th* relative con dition* of labor supply and demands are about the same a* (hay ware the week previous, said Mr. Ifhlpmeo Two cities reported a surplus of carpenters for the peat weak eg that did for tke. week ending Mtaber 13. nad there atlll la a shortage of day ■■ laborers and form heads, white on the other hood there era plenty of men to he found for driving automo biles and truck*, stated Mr. SMpueaV Registrations Into onto totaled Ml. while there were 833 re 3. only 33 teas than he number of applleotteag. were I laced In job*, according to Mr Ship man’s report .„ • f Have You Done Your Daly Yet? Many paople think the C 0 0. |l maintained only for tl>a purynaa of giving Immediate relief ts thd m|- fnrlng. that artar thla haa boon don* l'a aorvico and tnteraat caaaaa La order to ahow atmethlng of tha ond-' 1 atrutlva work eecompllehad by tha C‘* i G H the following atorjr la toM rmir rear* ago a woman anplted O S for medical aid. She M« taken Immediately to ■ local twutor who found an,,, operating and tnontha of treatment necoaegry. The organisation rave temporary iellef until an Invaatlgattaa coaid be I made Upon inwatlgatlo* tt waa (<»nnd that the woman waa a widow i *' l, h threw email children Tha aid eat a voaag girl waa working ha a mill where aha received email gy r the only aource of lacoma la tha fan II jr The f*. o 8 took charna of tha cane rendering aufftologt aid la liirntah the afceaalttea and lo keep I ihe two veager children la achoot Now Ihe atory reada like a fairy tale The mother haa reoovnrnd hat health, the daughter haa aarrtad a j hard working young man. the two younger children arc bow old • nongh to help earn a Hvtag lor the tam Dy. and (* o. » no longer gad* t!t a ace ..ary to readar ftaaadal a'd Tbla la ju»i one of tha many that haa roaie under the dtrwfckn of tha C 0- 9. during the gnat few I InTw uw **