BUY YOUR FAIR TICKETS FROM BOY SCOUTS O 10 * A 1 weather “ Fair Aatiurday aad Hands; i little rhaaga la twaipeniturv. VOLUME TWO; NUMBER ia» Walton Impeachment Hearing Is Set For November First By Supreme Court Order L«Bt Article of Impeachment pracMtUap to Approved By BenaU Twenty* wa .CHargeo la aB Owfy Two Yet to be V#te4 m Oklahoma rilj. Okie-, lon. ‘Mr > B—nit J. (. Willun »a» ordered >y/late today toy the Senate C ourt of lafMrkMit to i|HMr Man* It Nn *raWr lot aad eater a pint to Im- HtrkaMil charge* pmiatrt by Iho tower Ihwn al tha tUk legislature. . kata far amifiafil ra» eel lm medlatoly attar a hoard at house e, mgaegir* had presented to tha roart a hill emhedylag twenty-twf charge*, ts tha r»tlra laaWr drafted hy tha haaaa r«—iltu* aa le*e*tlgatlon nad The M article la tha bill «l Im peaeinaaJl ONM approved lata today hy tha tower heose aad tha hill wa* ■ahaOHad to tha Naaata. . Duly too* aha rite* re rni allied tti ho voted on whan the House reconvened • (Mr Ita noon recess Itoth were ap proved by top-heavy vote* Article ‘wanty charging the executive with collecting “many and varied sum* o. money (or hla own private use and bensfß'' waa accepted 76 to 9. and article twenty two alleging general tutompatency by a vote of 79 to 2. The Impeachment article* were presented to tha Senate by a commit tee of bouse manager* headed hy W fc. Disney, of Mnacogee. chairman of the committee that drafted the Mil. Tom Anglin. Preal dent Os tha Beaate received the ar thlw, Immediately the aenate resolved It aelf Into a court with Thief Justice Johnson of the State Supreme Court .'sjgjgtdlng um| .the house manager" hWfchhA ,W- their charges (or maQy . i*efoVf Tiff eon rt. Tha aatlre II charges were ap proved-with heavy majorities except article 14. charging that the (lover i hor refused to permit capita! pun tahment laws to he carried out This cfcaaaa waa approved by a vote at 11 to if. The article charging him w|th abridging the freedom of the , imMMiafgiggfrii ll " T —‘ p,,n y fho Mfgrdt Somber of votes caai- TesUntony read to itf'the vtrarge, hwvtv.os Of the pres- 11.. cert til. ate 1 11 r u i.ilt I* aagro ..i pi. in- .1 1. • i . .in, I^K-expdhiaa. Hnalderatlon of the churi-i- ilia' Walton hnd collected large | aiama for hla primary campaign ex penses In addition to the amount he reported to the Secretary of the State | election Jxoard drew from Represen tative Olbbona. Demcorat. McClain, a hitter denunciation of those, who buy pwbllc office. "I hope the vote on this article will establish a precedent that wilt *’ .strike terror to every man who rides t* office on a pocketbook” (llhbon* shouted.- “I don’t cart If that man Is or a coaatablc .” ÜBOTYRrEBS BOOSTING FI “Acrd-Gram" Will Be Published lo Htln Bring the Crowds lo Goldsboro Next Week The IJberv Fivers are here for the Wavne County Fair and will make ttights over (lOldaboro and all com munltle* wlihln some 2o ckl»l miles advertising the fair, carrying pas senger* and tn any wnv -upiing to '-k*> irfbny attractions which Secretary Walter Denmark. of the Fair A**o. la - lion, has obtained The "Aero dram " official organ of the William It Mil more Company, will contain the cAi plete falrprogram and entlctfe “ad* of localhant * Frank K. Young, aerial ph. to gra(flier, and George B laiv. former newspaper man are here getting up a Htiappy “Aero-Oram" which Is tn be dlatrihuted early In the week The flight will be made by M Fillmore Ji and the towns vialter will include Fremont,. Plkeville. I’rinceton. I , Grange, "Selma. Fu Ison. Mount Olive and ao forth. Interest in the activities of the Flyers grew yesterday. N A Ed it wards will have coupona, with hi* < name on the back side and entitling the holder to a crisp dollar bill, dropped from the ah lea. The Wayne Tire Company Is to give away sev. eral Inner tubes for such endorsed coupon*. Others are to make In teresting offers to. the p«>ople of Ibis sect toil The Flyers were here during the big Automobile Show this past sprlntj and mad* ulte a lilt. Secretary Den mark la glad to have 1 them here again. < iterating -under the auspice* of the Fair Aseociallou THE GOLDSBORO NEWS - t * i-WMM- “■■■-» r r " ‘ 1* J r 1 ' 17 '' 1 -irfiri • » -ir irn vn. i --« •** - - - GOLDSBORO, N. C, SATURDAY MORNING OUTOUKK 27, l»2.» • *■ . y fit ELECTRICAL WIZARD IS | DEAD A T SCHENECTADY SCHKHECTAUV, N. V., Oct. sd. I»r. (buries t'roten* oliteiamrtg, elec rt teal wlaard. tiled at hi* home ; here today of a nbvslcal break, dawn due lo a trip lo the Pacific roast.,from which ke reread; re. turned. The American career of Charles 1* Stolnmeu, A M., Eh D., chief coukull . tag engineer of lh( Gensrnl Electric Works. Schenectady. N. Y.. had Its beginning in New York In 1889 where penniless and aide to speak but tery little English, he arrived from Zu rich, Swltxerland. He was accom panied hy a young American who hail , been hla ellow-atudent ul the Zurich Polytechniclum. One side of SlHnmetx's face was badly swollen as thtb result of a trif ling Illness aboard ship and Im migration authorities at Ellis Island ■ efused at first to allow him to enter the country. He waa sent to the “detention pen' and was only releas ed by tl*e eloquence and persuasion of bia American companion. A few years lakt lie became a naturalized citing. Great Mathematician. At the time of hit* death J)r. Stela met* wag regarded not only as on* of the foremost authorities on elec trical engineering, but one of She greatest mathematicians In the world. Strangely enough, one of hi* greatest difficulties as a child was In learning the multiplication table, Horn In the city of Breslau. Ger many. on April 9. 866, and educated at Ita Gumma university, young MtaiOe metx early became Interealed in riallsni at a time when vigorous atesNr ' wars being taken ugalnst It by the 1 yoveruuieut An issue of a Hootelial publication in which the student* were Intereated and In which Stein uudx had several articles, was con A seated, the publication suspended and the editors ar/eatml and Impris oned Htelnmetx fled from Germany and found refuge with a friend, a clergyman, near the Austrian border. ARMIHTH F. ItAY FOB MOl NT.Hj MOKE MIDIB t* i i The S3OO celebration fund that the Nt*ws is asking for. which l. to lie used hy the American la 1 gton for the piir.imse of staking a celebration on Monday. No', em Ist the lllh. I* growing. sllk.Ut> was pledged yesterday We hud hoped lo raise the entire fund In two days, so the 10-giou would know for sure- that they could begin to make preparation? for this garnd occasion The Thomas HuffUr a Chapter Fulled Daughters of the Confed carcy pledged (SO Ob of the shove amount. Phone or mail your contribution to the News. Jt will lie turned iver to tha Legion, who will have charge of (tic arrangements. Do not delay. This la the first occa sion of this kind Ihut Goldsboro has ever hud lad's do It right. non on - BEIT mo It Local* Run Away With \ isilors 3MO While Kinston Scrubs Tic I .oca Is ti-tt ■gt) (ioldsltorn High* defeated fit boro yesterday i»y a scire of ".I to 0 iti a Kalin- which proved lo lx; very one irtdeil The visiting t ,r aro being entirely unable to withstand the onslaught of the Goldsboro boys. The UoMiboro boy* were fast on end plays. Touchdowns were »<4red by Hrltt, (’rum. Miller and Himmoii*. Thin is the llrot game (hot ha* I .ecu won thin year hy the home bojn and they are Juslly proud of their victory, thouic It the visiting team proved lo be hu weak that the name waa tivo cuayf to he very Interesting The (ioldaboro scrub team pluyed to a tie with the scrub team of Kin stun The Jllgh School staged a puraih through the down town acctioti he fore the game that proved Ip lie’ very Interesting Their car* were gairly decorated for the occasion Nit the least of the parade was the bicycle brigade In which both boys and girls participated The Tt naine committee reported a very sat, Isfurtory attendunioe, and he Was basing his statement on the atnuon' of money he had left o*er after all Ibe expenses wi re paid. From there he went to Zurich Two week* after landing In Amer ica, HUtlumvU obtained euiplovmem ,n the manufacturing, eatabliehment Os Rudolph Elckemeyer at- Yonkefa, jN. Y-. as u draftsman At that tiit(e | the company was making a few elec tric motors und generators and had Just taken up work on the prtihlemr of the electric street car Jointly with Stephen U. Field All the designs lor the expfilntent* with the electric cars passed through Ills haada. yuar lera for a laboratory were obtaiuisl and he began tn *(*•< iullze on mug nvlle leating III* wVlting* on el«c trteal aubject* began to attract at leationS’ hi* discussion of Ihe luw o hysteresis eliciting much Interest nir the part of electrical engineers. ■ln 1892. the Geiferal Electric Cotyi patty iMiugbt the electrical uiannfar luring business of the Klckemeyei Company except the making of mo tors for elevators, which the (Hit Company took uwr to Its own plant and Steinmctx went to the I.ynn* Mass., werk* of the General Electric Company. In January. 18*t3. he war transferred to the Hchnoctady work* and hatt »mre that tlfne made 8,-. home. 11l 1912 he wat appointed president of the Board ol Kducatlont of Schectiuly, und In I9IK was ataefat nresldent of the Common of that city on the Moclallst Itckai. ‘ He never married Dr. HtefnmeU served for mam terms ns the president of nutlotia and internutJonal sm letles eonne,. t ml v.ird fiMßpPfl' him with the ilegre. 'M Mgster of Arts und Union CoJleg. made him a Doctor of ■ I‘htlo .ipbv lege aa a professor ol etwctrtrj|f e n xlneerlug. and electrnpl. r .i y . *• Hr. Steiamat'a spadal Mi) t,,- whlcti he was moat expert, Indud.u atagwUca, sytnbotkrwffdYirtff hf aller natftig current and Iran xieit pheaonicna •SEPITISTSK ; AIDED BY FRENCH - -4 Open Support of Separatist* Prevents Old OffirinlH in De fending Themse^vs rnbetnx, Oct 26 Open and act!*' I runch Mup|Kirt enabled the KhHie land republic today to extend It hold over a number of small tnw.i I und villages French and Belglat ; troops enlarged their pidlcing sctlv 1 Blcs la Republican controlled town* I and uickly auppressed disorder growing out of attempt* by the loyal Ists lo throw out the H< p.jratl u groups ■ ti ' J The French representatives of tin lnter-alll«Hl hfgli coramlsHtoo bav, lieeu active In iHttabllahlng m w go* erninenta In various small towns 'l he Republh an* ure Immediately nc • orded de factor recognition by Hi. French and Belgians who aid .them, in nialntaliUng order. The Kepnratlsl* have brougtii no on themselves the united oppesdion of the Nationalists and Communist* rim mass of the population Is sup porting the normal government but iitgler the (franco- Belgian military policy of dlsurnilng the (Millie (In ?Tid officials have been unable to de fend Iheniselves Community Fairs Are Big Features At Many Schools The Community Fair that was staged both a Hood Swamp ami Woodland School* ycstfoßty. wa:i a silrccM in every nemic of the word, fl’licrv wi re hundred* ot visitors I tut ii places and many discussions were as (o which was the finest in its exhibits. The community fair ha* In conn a yearly affair at many schools anil I* creating Interest yynr by year. The county folk are vleing with each oth er in rompetina for the blue ribbon* and other price*. The winning of at these fair* also assures ex hlbltm from iho wlncei to entry in to the County Fair that will lie held In Ihl* city next week. Uhen the winner* from the com BRITISH PUII TO SETTIfi GERMAN'S NTS IPPRBVED * Fianre. Italy and Ac cept I’roposa! to Form Kxpcrt ( ontmiMsiott SrilV Mullein Washington. Oct. 2ti Word that Franco, Italy and Belgium, had ac cepted the Urltlsli .proposals an luteinational cnnuai**i<wi of e\|s rt be formed to dolyj (joiiuii econatuic situation and rapacity t» pay hniuglit hope taday to WwaiilugiOn official* tha tat last a step had J.een Ufa'a toward uilju*.tmeai «i pirn thins iwwklcia. *" Official advh cs from Varl* j-ald Great iltiHaill bud ft«| accepted the French stlpnlptiiton that the comuil# stun be tiamod AUJilrr authority of i>e rc|iar'<tli u comniliudon amt wtthlh the xpeolflc unit: Os the liealy ‘of Yemuillen. I’rwiuionbly ibat ktlpnla t lon alpo, marked the It all** aud llflghni act eptuttce TtiCdtAilKM ii an position with pi'*t|pct lo participation In such a mov.-uipiii was staled hy Secretary Jliiglies| In reply lo l>,rd Cursors < ..niiHuniratlon of October ;19> Since the I'iißed Htataa i jiarty (o the treaty he pointed aUT-Vt cannot (lartlclpate officially lu :lfcc activities of the reparations >?miulai slon. "Till' secretary tis sl®te has ni doubt, however,'’ Mr Hughe* added, tllut comp, ‘tent Americana would h’’ Willifig to put liclpittc In nil economic imiuiry for the puriwscs stuttul, thro through an abvtonry body u|ipolnted by Hie repuratluna commlsaloii to make rccomraendartea* ’’ SCOOTS TH SELL . Tim TUI ti ' ’* '• a* 4 r oM»l>iiiation WMI Hit vc I*a I runs t Fair Caah MWiVy—Bliy Them This morning at 9 o'clock the Ituj Icoutn will make a rum plete canvana the u city selling HckHii to'tin Wayne County Fair, which opens next Tucsdoy. Ticket* ml I for |2.oh ■•ttch and cnn*lal of four admission one for euch day. Thla Is chuper than the usual separate charge of 75 "enls The |2 IMI tickets can lie Used til a* once or one ftn each dav it Is hoped that a large number of the people of Goldsboro will buy the ket* It will relieve con're lion at the ticket iMsiths. save the 'line of those going- lo the fair anil mfan a*snvliiK of money ul-o Tile Scons of tin- city will al*o t> slst Ini raffle regulation durlri- the 'alt and In any ether way that I* uowblhle to make flje fair a■■ tfreat, t 'urcc* and cuuse , thing* to wort more smoothly The Keotits ha-e blult up gn ehvlahle reputation for service - to this ci numinlty amt n operation with them Is asked of tin public during next week . Texiirjs Fiirht Urini Dut*l To The Death Ti-ague Tex . Oct 26 In „ |)tt!•- room In a barn at Young In Free ! atone county, - hortly ufter duel; Wednesday night. Iwo men sto. d toe to toe, their left hand loCkrTI lo ip-ther and fought the xrlmmc-t j,|< lot duel in Texas' hixloiy l Norwirod Hiii-kaby, memlier of a pr. mlm-nt Freestone county family, I and Charles A. William*, until re i n-ntly a re lilenr of Navarro countv j thus shot each other lo death. * j Huckahy wa hit four, time*, three ; bullets lodging in the ( he; i and one |ln the side w illiams was shot In the ! forehead. hrea*t and side Iniunlty fair., bring their exhibits in | (iolil .tioio Itcgl Wick, then tin peo i|de will have an opportunity to judge different tt< ri of the country as lo it' |mc sihllities, by tin- exhthiU ' from euch •et linn. » The people at each fair y. ilcrd.iy w ere profuse Hi eXt"I ]ing 1 ourt. ,lc jto the visitor*, and ch|m< tally Iho a from (Tol ilhiim Tills establishes the fail that tin IH-ople of our county truly wish to cooperate tilth the town folks, unit with tin I (Umo folk- In co ope rail with them in their < lfort* to pristun any and everything that the soil and j cUntale or Ivi li'Mi Carolina will ,if I ford, ami fudging- front the exhibits j displayed l« each fair the |Mi*ilhil| ‘tie of tbi. i . tlcdi ate unlimited. LIOfD GEORGE IS MUCH INTERESTED REPfIIATION PUN Wartime Itritish IVrinlrr Makes I'ilKrimuKt bul aim SkowK la- If res l in KeiHi rations ■ » , Washington, ltd. 2C While Dgvld I IJoyd Odoiie, warlliM premier of f.rcal It rll a lit ilfvnHil t-day hi- -*m 1 ond day In V. a hliiKtnn, • hlclly In ! pilgrimage* lOv, Arlington National Irr mMery ami Mtfunt Vcraiti). ;.nil to rail upon the ilhiiliN aetbllera at | Wallet Hcud it-xptlul. puhlii' cplcx [llona ilnl not naeupe hia attention The rep irU'tm ■cltuallf'n •*. the r lit;lit of luteal development H utlracl ed till lutereM und Imi 111 111 he con fcrred wlfli i*.* rfdary Hug* e i at »ho ilutter'a home for on hour. 0 | Though the day the reparation* fllna'loa held |b«'lnternal of the for [iner premier Walking from bin Ijotnl r.uiln to hreukfaat with William Jen- I litngx It r> a it. he remarked to frlenda, '"thorn* tire remarkably Intere.itlng telearanut betwei*n luirdCurann und Secretary Hughe*! In the itewtipap era” * ' There U no neretiaity of got nt; out- 1 ride the VvrHulllea treaty In reaching n aotutlnn, Mr l.loyd tleorge uamrl ed, adding that If Kraut* drilled In keep the tjiicaihm wllkif) "tip- i-ornnra of the inag?'* %e ,j||* (ettlon to aiich it tourne. xa if! There would lie Habitant la) differ ence he explained whether the InvtMl aatitm *ui conducted by an Indcpectd- St rnmiitfxKlnn outalde the jrraty < r nn Impartial commlatMnti under authority of the leparattun* cumin li* hVHMIWMVMMNHmi TM HEELS WILL MWEPIUMMKE : u v . j. I hiludMtAin OftrirnlkM Wit? (•• l«t kttlpvillf* in Honor (teneral v Fnuicia Nadi North Carnllnlafft In PbMwdtWlWila and vletnMv. Raid to number about nve hundred. are. tinder the auxploea of their aiaoclatlon and the leader. • Mr Jacob 8 AlUfn. their paying homage to one of their Kevnlutli nary hrrnex today tin der unique rlrrunißlaorea.' A pH .-rtmngw'U being made to Kiit|>Rv|||<i Iq Montgomery county, and *erv| ( e« will Im- held In Hie little MenOcmlU ehurrh. to the honor of Qeitcral Kfaurta Nuhli. whose luidy lie* In ilir-xJiurylnK ground hard by, hi* grave marked und honored by gen ernttonH of l‘ennaylvnnl|tnx for 14f I yeurv and for many yeura dlxtln i Hlllabed by ii erect •*d by a people who were nellher of ! bin kjth or kJn Only a few month# - aao Mr Allen, accompanied by Col c ne| Henn»lian Cameron of Htagg vilp. North Carolina (pis rand-nep hew of General Nanh. xoiight out hit grave and conceived the though/ tbht It would a titling honor for the' Honx and Buughtera of Mart* cgr*,. Itna to r> ud.-« thc-lr unrest ra I hero hy ' tfcla pilgrimage 1 Colonel Kiaticls Nuhli. of Ihfcf’lrei \ North Carolina Continental*, corn uilaxfoncd Brigadier fleneral In the Spring of 1777. muridtrcl IHa brigade finally number .Mtoo „u n. through Virginia, Maryland and pHnnaftvaftla. to the uccor of Waaliington in that j < ntlral period of the patriot I>»u , >*i**l preceding the Winter of 177 77« With liix Brigade of ,Nor«h Cnollo 1 l.* i. be «ti as Brandywine. nn*l aruln on ycinhcr 4th. "he wax gt C *» niatit wn. where bl« command miIT.-t --ed HeVerely a„.| Na»b hltnelf w*, truck hy a cannon hall In the thigh lie w-.H carried c.ft the battle gfailn.* •ml lingered for four or tire d*e. 'Bering which tV. hi nr ten » "iirycona lev anvlott* ccdiellitde tec hl« ic.y.y.rv 111. hcalv Mlfl . let Kulpavilb- ml there In th« j».- io - roiin-t **r the gi. ~ . « hero'x grave Some vc-* afterward, the father of the |r*. Governor P-nnvna.-yer u,i , . 'Hie meVement for the r-on- nttl- • thin early Ip-ro from the Southland raised t|p. money in Ucrmnntowi ; Norrlofown I ,r the erection of r -i '-non . m 1 brother of fl* rp-ral \a t, he,.. 1t .„ fJovcrnor of Nor*h C<*roll"a .1 nc*phew a Icen of |C... c*„- - *d lone In lilrh placee o' her Ipd' Harv > \ 1.-HI It la - aid that t*., -I «<• of m, m If.-eolitllrwiarv W'nr | W’adilnaton v|»lting in North Caro Mna took thy f'*t«re Jude- \a.h on 'il» knee and told him that he «ho>ild **•• tirouil of tit heroic uni t**, wilt* ,<* body lav under Northern M<d Tin North Caroiin« Hcphty of (Continued on paga three) Klan Organizer Is Self Appointed Savior Says Klizaheth (Tty Independent, h]dited by Saunders, Carries Iconic Article on What “Tanked* Al leged “Orßanixer” Had to Say About What Klan Would Do Wanted World to Know How Muc h Money He Wan Making und How Well He KnewSimmong Mrs. Shearer To Conduct Recital "A large audience greeted the two lah-nted intiidt laus anil wa* rewarded hy a program of mimic of exceptional merit and Interest ing variety. Mr. Shearer played a program of organ pumlrero that, were well chosen to bring out hit virtuosity. They were *olld In character yet pleasing In their appeal to tha taste of the laity Mrs. Ktrcarer posHvaxea a voice of great dramatic IntaiHdty yet II wa* ulwuya* controlled aud sweet In tiuullty." % The Chronicle, ilokeimin. Mont “Again the Hh**«rer'* have de lighted a Hterllu'g audteuce The strain of tranaconllnental tour ha* not robbed the mushtiuiiewof uny of their euthualnsru In their work, their grat'loustieas of jnun uer or nny of the flaeneas of tjielr 'krt .Mr. Hliearer'a analysis of the nittuhers tis the program were lu ke4U aud at the same time lateilae ly human and amusing. It would nut be easy lo cliooae the beat of Mrx. Shearer's songs Each wan sung with rvkl art Her voice ha i great inustewl Ih auty aha power to whieh has (sen added tb< t'burm or a winning personality.*' The Presbyterian church, Monday. ,lkk 29. k 9, M. ,11 Iyer otNrln* *t floor CO-OPS u« - COTTON IKS Announc« That Kront Now on 14 CvntH to be Paid Inatead of 12 oh in The Pant • Ralaigh. N C., Oct 21-Tli# Nori't Carolina t’otton Urowera Cnoparat!} i Association tonight announced Mu:, •i cotton turned over te the assort: Mon will lx- at Mu- rate of 14 ceiU .1 non ml Instead of the present rale of 12 centa. To fncillute clerical work. It wan milled .the adviwice will lx- 1 n u flat liuhlx of S7O per bale welghtti* 500 or more pounriii. and $96 for hales from 440 to 49# pounds. He tween 7*o and 41# pounds the nd vance will be 66 a bale and lso for hales between 420 and 430 pounds Members bavin* several bale* of various welshle will receive advance* I«n on »»* rife*- weight of the whol according to the announcement The | new basis of ail Mm-es will not applv * Ito ratio already received, but only i to that received lieginnlttg tomorrow. 1 The announcement of the aaaochv,, 1 Mon iil»o-slate<l TtnrT i)iial cheeks in I settlement for last payments and the j I#*2 crop-tre koik out hi growers at the rale of Juno pe* day KEILIKS WILL BE v NEXT MUNI I, • C oiilidifc Strive I w Senator From Minnesota Imt Wit ItHyljK Of ficial StaTemenr Waihtnrten. Oct T. Kr»n>' n Kellogg, former United States Sena tor from Minnesota, been si lt eli.ij by President ('ixdlda*' a American Amhacsiuler to Mrcal ItrP ain Formal announcement Is with h« I I for the present, hut th* ap |-< lulment |s evpeeled to h'ecoroe e| fer live soon 9 News that Mr, K*dljor* had bet n rhoei n , to succeed Qeorge Harvey. ' who-c n dcnatlon eyptei-i' created 1 li rut (lie K*na tors generally dedlnokjoi ominant 1 11 the selection hut some of them made little effort to concent Muir • urprltc Heretofore Mr Kellogg'* name had not been mentioned prom | In* nth in counertlo with Mm ambas sadorship. "•■He House arl Stale Department official* declined to discuss thv *e lection The only nmimrni at the While House being that the President tell that till* Mine hail not y-e| Conic *•"■11 all antioiiin-r-utent u | M„. ,p. I point menl could bo made. MKMBKR OF AxSSOCIATED PRESS PRICE FIVE CENTS A Kii Klux Klan orgaaitav wklok lumltMt In ElDalrefh City a saw day* ago. Imbued with enthusiasm aad a few othef forma t f pep saapia to have the Ideu that lie |a a < bogan regra- HitiUtiW' of a rlio i-n ri(T of whieh ha* been called lo take charge ••f the (his commonwealth vs our;. If ha 'hould be nil or egg fill w« would all noon ha having “Oaa Grand und Glortnim Tima." Wa Vrt wlUi reprint a newa Item which ap pears in,tha Kills hath city fndapaade •■ul. under date of Octoba* Iflyh: GOING TO IBM THIS G. D cjfeWHr « v >• m V “We've got two million 11*111 fC tha *u Klux Klan in America. Uto ■ houaand la North farolla4 taf MF fore wo htop m'rfla nk^Kjk giMtdsm cn[inH>pi*h»Nll>iimk R jam want to get J[n on a good In yoor ItO at tha and ol a pdar 2a etffKt dollar* more aad you tm aim •a bl«b aa kaghody who tailM»' r '& it Nobody will kaaw who fO* Ms; yoti ran depend on that II JjL the three K'*“ W Thus lluvlag daliyarfd HMgltfh n one whom he considered a jits#®*®.*' up ngalnat a lelephwoe Pola'M jK£ Kreet u day or two ago once more gad i>roca«M| iX hi* plan* for orgpaJxdtloa as In Eltxaheth want fIA ii t«k« more i > have that It over with aolng I^HB^ von will nee all hoar til JfBBL *ll And cm nor no othstflMMtgf lung :<fter yog en the Klan rath: If you do, yaa aon'i tell It agnla.’* In i.lmllar vein, Kianrama' Moore, dlacuared thk ad vantage* of Jointaff, the Kti Klux Klan. He aaM hla kanee town was Georgia, that the Klaa wgg paying him (26 a week and all ea oensea to carry on the nrgnalxatlon work from town to town. |M tha( he was only giving it pan timo, aad making many doltara a weak more than kia ralary Thlle for. This man Moore, who came to thte rlty from a nearby town, tall Ih dividual, tome alx feet la hMght w4th v long face, a three growth of beard, the teeth of a tohaeoa chaw er. (he breath or a dlstlUerv. the I hands of a poker player aad the ap pearanee of a proprietor of a wheel of fortune at a afreet earnlvai ||p wore a brown anlt. out of ppeee nad covered with duet, a soapy veet a dingy shirt, a dirty collar, a ernehod- In hat. a muddy pair of shoe# aad kr carried a black brief case, somewhat the worse £r w**r aad heavily Stal ed \ s, ■ *• "Nohcdy knows who | am hot I enn look arodnd me and saw on* of the three K’s most anytime W# have col another organiser In tMa dty," he said “And ha baa got his wtfa wtih him and she la an orgntwr for the Km's.” meaning 'ha Kamatta, tha Klan'a feminine auxiliary.) I «ra coin* mil of town right away, hut I am coming hack,” ha said. tnd you will hsar from tha thraa K'« In this rliy,” And with that ha •ock his brief case and w«nt down 'he street, tacking from port to afar* board and hack again, ami ta all a»* paarancev bucking a stiff hand hraana. in hi < general dlsmasta* at tha Kl.m, this orcanlter talbad familiarly of his acquaintance with Col. William f Itryan the Ihinerlal Wtiard and re vlewer of the Klan In fact ha de clared that <’ot. Hlmntoak was a cloaa personal friend of his snd that not lons ago. h r snd the Colonel enjoyed 14 hla partv together nnd hatag a lit tle too niehied to re home ha said tha two of them shared tha same had * In » hotel |n Atlanta He esM his salary Is now s9l g weak which the organisation nay a. together with all expenses. Judging from his convarnntlna. his exnanaaa sre much more than his salary. Hh >e< la red that Col Hlmaona had rlann (Continued oa pags thraa)

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