WEATHER \ I* hr ftandayi 't lead, Benin;l -light If nnwi la »ol VOLUME TWO; NUMBER 280 WlfflE COBITY FMR ■ OPOEU *' ’ •- , Every Effort Hu Been Made to Mako This Hit Btegoot' and teat Fair Ever HtM ", Warn* County * IMS Pair will Ofaa Taaatay morning of thia week with a awing Thera will ba e**ry attraction that ctuMd be aecureil by the Pair Aaaoclatioa. According to area* report*, and reference* tbe mid way. |be great theealey Shows la the very heat thing of Ita kind on the med today. Mr. Danmark, the Pair Secretary elated that be considered himself extremely fortunate In se curing this attraction for the Way nr Cetigty Pair. The races, he sold prom lees to ho ascend to none held In the SUte this year. There will h« live atock e|DUiU» that will ba worth going mltaa to aee. Agricul ture. and every conceivable thine wW he there for eur Instruction and entertainment With the orgautsed eSorts of the different committee* all atrtvlng to antartaln the visitor* thia raolly promise* to be the great eot fair that Wayoa county bn* ever held, and should ha the best (air In Bantam enrolls* this yaar. The Ko typ and Klwaala Clubs have formed committees to be la charge of thr gates each day. It will Ve their pur pose to see that all visitors are cour taodlly treated, and any Information thgt will ndd to the enjoyment of this occasion will ba gladly furnished by these committee* The Soy Bcouts will be la evidence everywhere. They will endeavor- to add to tbe comfort and pleasure of the visitor within the grounds. A first aid camp will be maintained by this organisation. They will also help so direct traffic so a« to avoid any possible congestion. Mr. W. W. R|v«ra. Scout Rsecsutlv# will be in charge of all Beout activities a* he war at th* Kinston fair the past wogk. All Goldsboro |a pepped up over thr pOaeiMhle* Os this, the biggest week of the entire year. Come to the Pair. GOLDSBORO BOTH AT . WAKE FOMENT COLLEGE la rsprsssntsd at Wakr Foraat Collsga by twelve ,boy* who Will ha a graat hslp to tha college flva of tRa boy* ara on tha varsity football squad and ara showing up , arafl. Boaw of tha other boy* arr total to ftl*a somebody a hard flahl for positions on tha froahman foot ball. baaaball c and tennla team* Otbar man ara all aood studanta who abow good collega aptrlt and ara In tertitad la all college work. Racklay and Griffin ara pUyinj regular on tha football team Thb la tha flr*t yaar for both of the»e mea fad they have become a stnnder on tha taam aa well aa a great help. Gardner. Hood and Rtalllng* ara Vlaging fcn the aarond taam. and whan'they gat Into a varalty gam* they abow tha fight and play of old players. Nait year they will gl'e somebody a hard fight for a regular birth on the raralty. Norwood, who ha* played two years In the back fieVl on a hint) school football look* good for quar terback's position on th* frashm*n taam. Ha Is fast ami ha* a good football bead and know* how to rua a team. Hood, a catcher on tha varsity baseball taam last year, will ha back to 111 hla position behind tha hat Racklay, who played one yaar at ahort-atop on tha freshman team will try ont for this position on th« varsity. Stalling" a good catcher and I bard htttar will try out for th* freshman team and at the present It looks that hs Is sure nr hVs posltlor aa catcher. Grady, who ha* played three years ae an outfielder on it high ecbool team, will try out for tha freshman taam. He may give some body a hard fight for a berth on the taam. ' ■*' ’ I pock looks good as a tennl* play er and It seem* that be will develop and maba the freshman tennis team. All tbe otbar boy* are good *t« dents who are Interested In all col lege work end they cab nr counted on doing bis pert. I> FOOTBALI. MLNH.tR Pill. State 13; West Va.. 13. Maryland 14; Carolina V. M. I. **; N. C. HI ate 7. Cion d; Emory and Henry 0 Oglethorpe •; ttewnnec 11. THE GOLDSBORO NEWS GOLDSBORO, N. C, SUNDAY MORNING OCTOBER 1923 , , M ii ill J■ I * / . * ■ * 'B?| K t ' ? MVEm %£ I 11 m ft# V. 1 MEHr jB^LB ■ flaW w : *9, J||lk- 1 '-lliillll ■ ; t:. « \ > -. f\ N^H ni m - _ ..-a-ialr V Thin band wfll play for the Wayne County Fair that ofcenn Tuenday. Octolwr 30th. Thin in a flue distinction for thin youthful band an it hat. only Iteen organized about a year, and, the director. Professor W. H Banden in very enthusiaatk about the future for it. He stated thHt there was some real talent being developed in this organization. All Goldsboro and Wayige county will have an opportunity to hear this band for the first time during the coming week. ' No Settlement Reached In Reparation Dispute Secretary Hughes Sayn That America Wants to Pluy Kuir With Alljp» Washington. Oct. 27.- Thr Wash ington government remained unin formed today ns to exact forntulu that is being worked out In Kuropc for an economic survey of (lermuny’s economic "situation. Unofficial reports that the Prencli position Included a demand . I bat the quest lon ol France's war debt* to Great Britain and the United Statu* must be Included In the subjects to he discussed by the experts were d+*A counted. The State Department thus far has received only an Informal outline of tbe Preach reply to the British proposal. Tbe only Prencb stipulation, so fay as known here, was that which would place.pert advisers under th. au thority of the reparation* commis sion. France, it has been pointed out. hardly could attach a stipulation bringing In the debt question. ancL still expect American participation In what was proposed. In view if the repeated official statements .by Hr.- retary Hughes that the Washington (oVernment could not emlmrk on uny discussion ot those debts. At the sires* was laid by Mr. Hughes in hi* rely to laird Uurxon on the desire of the Ameri can government to deal. In all fair ness with the allied powers In ar ranging for Ihe refunding of their debts to the United Htute*. underwood sirs TOO MUCH SECRET i IS lIESIW % Speaking at Houston- Senator Takes Firm Stand on Secret Organizations Houston. Texas’. Oct 27 "Govern m«mt mu*t be free and in the open i «nd not behind closed " door* " s.-b*! Senator Underwood ‘ft Is ell rlgh' j j to have organisation* for purpose-* I lof amusenfenl It Is all right to h«W< i fraternal organisations and rid j clubs. but when men have secret of { ; ganlxatlon* for the purpose of mH- J | ernlng them then they are striking : at the prim Iplea of government " AAVY KFIKIIHM. OKMt KM Wll.l. RF If FRF. ki V T WFi K Mr Daniel ft pa non, recruiting ,f Heer of the Navy will he In the city j next week doing recruiting work Me will In all probabilities be located In ihe Post Office bulldina Mr. Par lon stales that there was never ./ heller time for the young men to en Iter the service than at this time The Na'y malntulna a trade school • la which ihe recruit* may le.irn an) trade that may appcgl to them dur v»lng the time they re In the service Boy* Id year* and older may enlist but between the nge* of IN and 21 year* It will he nfceaaary Co furnish J certificate* from the parent* mBLICMS I GAINING STHESGTH Grrtnan Knrlion* ('ontinur Op potting Kach, Other; French Troop* Maintain Order ' ’ Dusscldorr. Germany. Oct 27. The' ! Hhineland Republican movement ap ' peer* to be establishing Itself more -ecurely In tke various town luld Lx.* Heparatffffs anti- Immirtani i tlji- Mpns to Its cone of Influenc* Is ex Kp«K?ted during the night, when, r 1 cofdlng to all Indications Ihe Re publicans will enter Dttsseldorf. The French troop* who had as- Hiiraed re*tion*lblllly for keeping or der’withdrew thefr gitortls from the ] rathous ut seven o'clock tonight anil lurnt'd the building over to the Ger man blue police. f, Re-enforcements of Keparatlsts i reached (he Dusseldorf station lute j In the afternoon and early In the evening and wlten curfew «i« ‘ 1 sounded at eight o'cltu-k ordering all the people off, the streets It whji re ported that theft- were ut lea-t too 1 lie publican ' "sbtM k troups" In or übbul the ra’llroml yards, ' " v fc- Speak Good ('ampaißn Nov. 12 Tc Sixteenth PI An* for Better Six-ei li Week, to ; ha ohwrvtd .In Goldsboro High - ! School. November twelfth t;> six teenth. .include speeches before the student body by prominent Goldsboro I citizens. Interchange of student I speaker* In English classes, postlni of slogans and heller speech poster* made by student*, a contest in essay , writing, am] daily grammar drill r*me* In KnglMi classes The Senior class will extend ln v l ! tatlbna to Goldsboro people to al lend chapel exercise* on Monday, the twelfth. These student* will b. In charge and wlil Intr dine th * speaker* The talk* will emphaslxr the professional, commercial. am •■oHal value of *lniple, correct speech 'Artistic slogans hearing on th.*e themes will he hung throughout the high schotil Glass work for the. da twill Inelude ihe gtriug of auryhdi I leal*. • Although Tuesday I* scheduled * "Essay Day." student* will try their skill al t -imjiDWiig rounds veil, j poem*. atorle* and *ong*. h* well tc essay*, about Good ,-KpgUsh Pri/- - will he awarded, winner- to le- an nounced on the last school (lay of the week- Heleeted students from every Eng - |t*h class will on W'wtn.-eday visit at; other rlas*es. making short talks on sparlfl. topics Wayin county er ' rors-wi'i i><- pafllnilnrly‘awittiinaltad Sutli pravin- lallsmr >■ the u-<- t t i the verb "look 'ln Ihe r,-n*« of "geurch." without the necessary prep osltlcn Tor" following w-||| l>* sir.** | ed Word* with lnierr*ilna tier Da ltons nisy furnish other subject* while other talk* may set forth cor forms of such word- as "sir and “set." "lie,'* and "hty," etc. ,» Poster Day tomes on Thursday ( with a contest In graphic presents . Hon of she Ideas of the week. Prtn 4 I <(aiue Margaret anij Miss Mwegan Lloyd (lA The premier's party w ill: stop on tomorrow at Fredericksburg ■Wo visit the battlefields where some of the heaviest nghllng of, the t'lv|| \V,»r o<-- currcd Heur Admiral ,f’ai> T tirajHon. a frl«-nd of ,Mr LI t! . tieoti-e sln.i tl»«- t\A< 111 the p. are conferenee. will guide the vUHor* over ihe historic place*. Arriving ul Fredericksburg early In the day* Ihe special Iraln will remain there tin'll 4 p. nt when It will go to Richmond VII MemlH»rH Os Uattory To Take Piirt in Parade Al) I. tuber* of flattery A. mi. re quested 'ii be •,.! ilit- armory n->: lui er tliMit N.m Tuci>i|ay morning, on mill for the v '-ul' „ t-w'l't I.M■ ' j ley is .."king that oil l it; ivio), r» or -ol diet- In i llO|s-r Villi tutu u , they will lie dlnilv» it at as the pa 1 rade Is over. ARMISTICE DAY CELEBRATION FUND- Do the pHivpie of (ioldaltoro want no Armi*ti*e D*y celebrn tion? So far we have to. t*ivt*d t>ltito thi» fund which f* to Jv uaad by the American Legion in nUTta[niux the f'-onftderula Airnv Spanish and World War veteran* on .Monday Novomber 12th. Appropriate apeechea will Em* arranged for their entertainment and barbecue will bj ♦ervetl to them at noon. (’om on (food folk* mail ymlr check «»t the New*, or to Mr. Tarcnce Crone- Adjutant of the local Legion Font. Let ua make this a glorious get together meeting for them. C. J. Jarvim Chain Store Man ager, AcriiNed of Mialreßtlnß an H-Year Old Hoy HelelKh. N. U.. Oct 27. A crowd of 200 or more* men-la gathered la front of a local chain atore In the ’ retail district following alleged rough treatment accorded an elgbl year eld boy by the manager. (), J. Jarvis whe accused the Imy of stealing from th* (.ounters 1 Tha crowd I* In an ugly ptooß. am] tixfcny threats are heart against the stork manager who la believed t u he, Vrrntn th* stcre. He has been «i do red in up|tear in police court net! Tucaduy to answer to g summon placed against him following the In yldetlt The child was badljr bruised by Jarvis ami bled profusely lh>‘ n ac- 'and cuts about the face Though ihe Incident took place abort ly atlcr eight o'clock Ihe crowd has not dispersed despite efforts of the policy The men have barricaded the r»ar door if tbe cstabltahnienl which runs through the block and are waiting for ihe reappearance of Jarvis. l-ates Jarvis was rescued from Ihe building and earrled to th* police stallon by a detachment of police The crowd followed and assemble outside of the station house. „ MARRIAGE LIUKNNKH INBI RD Dun Cupid seem* to have bean un■ u* unity buijr the pa*h week In Heu of ihr Tact that It In no longer June The follow Inn licensee to wril were Iwuirdl: Walter Co* to Phoebe Grantham Both of (iruntham town nhlp Jasper Strickland to Mlaa Mary It. IT Cotton. both «f Hionay Creak: J.tnt*-v K Hurrena to Mina Ruby Dt Cotton, of Stnney Creek; Malcolm T. Hinton to Hally K Million, both ot J bmton rotmiy; J <* jßland lo Mlm Borin- Taylor, both of Goldsboro C'tur It .VI. Arthur to Minn Pearl powr.ll. &>Ui d luiplln county, Car' V Kllc nr it to Molly C Wl**ltyi both of Goldsboro All the nbovi- were ft%- white roll pity. The following llcennra were laaue*' t o coir red people; Arthur Cnrr to Ruth Whit Bald Kidney lllow to frankle rolbort; f K McGoorud lo Harah Wumllton; Re land Harry to Maaale Heberry c* Hi'ol T HIM.If. BRUT I.KADH gcout Hlllt* Heat of Troop N-- I Go ld< boro lead utl of the Seoul* In Goldsboro m ftie ticket nelllni cam p M lgn for the fair Aanoclatloß yen t. inlay. The fair A**octatlon tailed upon, the H< nut to help make lilt r«2.’. Wayne County Talr one of the ' tw : «t yet to he held In Ghldnboro and I they arc renpcntllna wonderfully. Annual Conference Os County . *.;• .’I:"* v Teachers And Committeemen i a ... 154 Teachern Were The Guests of The City Ye§- - terday During The Wayne County Teachers* Association Meeting '■ * - -The annual Conference of the Wayne County Teachers and Ooro mittevmen held in the County Courthouse at Goldaboro on Friday and Saturday came to a close yesterday with a record attendance. There were 154 teachers and 45 committemen in atUadaqcS on the four session* of the Conference. Mies U>u(\ Spear, County School Supervisor presided over the seraions on Friday, and former Sheriff E. A. Stevens, chairman of tint .Committeeman's Association, presided during the jpaaipna on Saturday. Many important topics of interest to all teachers and officiaia of the Ctjunty School! were discussed throughout the meetings . * Supt. J. T. Jerome announced that ell the schools of |£ii county would be closed on Tuesday of next week to gfv« an opportunity for teachers and pupils to attend the Wayne County Fair. Hr. Denmark announced that ail school children would b« admitted to the Fair on that dav at a greatly reduced price. The principal address on Saturday .was mads by Dr. George Howard, Jr- who is head of the Department of County Organisa tion in the State Department of Education Dr. Howard, in a clear and forceful address, outlined the minimum essential* of an organisation by which a county can givo an education to all ita ehiidren. 0 ‘ Splendid talka were made by several of the Commltte—la and teachers on topics relating to their mutual problems. Saturday's program was as follow* j Devotional eserctees. by Rav. L. M I Omar. Address of welcome, by E. A. Stav " rj t ns. • Report of prosreaa In Wayna coun ty at-boola, J. T. Jarcota. Wayna (NMinty Pair, W'aUet 1 Dea mark. Pdklfc Haulth. Dr U W Corbett „ Cooperation In attendance. >fr. J. O. Tyson v » < v lub work anion* boya. Mr Rob ertaoa. 4 School Improvement campaign. Mlaa Jennie Roberta Cooperative plan* of tka praaa— For the Argua. Mr. RobJnaotr. For the Record. Mr. Brown. For the Newe. Mfr. Minton A forward look for Wayne county Hchoola. Dr. George Howard. * How committeemen and yaUeaa helped u« last year. Miaa Mary 0. Pitta. * What commit teamen and community can do for their school," Dr. Header- ' FWIRSHIP MS LONG IIP Shenandoah (ruino* Ovar Vnl* Icy From Which Name Deriv ed ; Circles Around Richmond Richmond. V*., Oct- If,— l lfeg Unit ed Htatea Ship Shenandoah todav vlaltnd the valley from which It cot Ita name . Balling serenely along, the great ftg»y dlrlgtbla panned over city aftar city .((trough the heart or Virginia a* surely on acbedule time aa any fn(t exprea* train t Reported paaalng over llagerntown. Md . at II o'clock thin morning the aerial wtynhip waa neat reported ov er Winchester at exactly noon tylnr slowly and at a l£j| altitude After paaalng Harrlionbur*. the Hhenandoah went on to Staunton andj thence to l.ynrhburg. Turning ahou at Lychhurg nbe headed directly for Klciimond. reaching the outsklrt* at 5 o'clock and 20 mines later noarlnt over the heart of the city. She then turned northward and headed L r home. * Hijfh School Glee ! . Club Delights Crowds .... 1 The High School Orchee Jtr* and Glee Club made Itn Itrnt pub j Re appearance on Wednesday at Hf regular chapel period The program which delighted the student* and the visitor* present for the ouranlon wa* an follows: I | 1 Hong -•‘Little Hrown Church In the Wildwood”- By the school 2. la) PelHe Valae Ream: (hi Salute, to the Color* Kern High School Orchestra 3. "Bing me to Sleep"-Violin HoR by Mlaa Mna Weldman 4 l/egenil—Jo««ph Hrell Plan Hclo by Minn l.llllan Hrown. f, "The Ron* Hong' -Horatio Park er High School Glee Club. The drehentra Is composed of tb' following students: Victim Cor * Hill. Ms Weldmsn. William Tola and*Allen l*e Pike, comet*. Marv| Jones, and Robert Inter; drum*. WII lie Parker and Tommy Griffin, cello Ruth Weldman. piano. Gillian Brown Mr. Sheldon la the director. ('OTTOS MARKET New York. Oct. 27 Spot cotton quiet: middling 31.7 - Cotton futures closed very steady December 30.(9; January 30 11; March 30 14; May - Suit; July 29.(9. MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS ■ ’,l ' ■■ " «' * PRICE FIVE CENTS son Iryln. What n committeeman at pa nil at the teachers. Mr. B. A.'Mavama Report from tka Atklnaoa Mamortal committee. Supt K P. Maadoahall. 11:80 * 00 lunch « Standardisation of afemytanf . schools. Mlaa leafy Spear. Oraaataatloa of Wafa# I Cwah branch rs the N. C. Tcachots ‘~T* elation Kiacutlve maatlaa krf gpmMgp. man's aaaoclallon. . Meeting of Wayne i mnty AMfcgM Association Mlaa Anna Ml Parker gi aAsaMB President of the Teachers ftUMllstlgP for lb#, mm In* year. Mr. aid sen Principal of BauMMi School wu also tad and Mr a h Vaaaey. taaMhir es w ; cat tonal Education at mud* secretary The addraaa delivered fe|fMa.'jHg> ard te the teachera alii HBjgHHB Tuesday morning's laaua^gMM*. DEMOCRATIC IMB PLAN COWfB In Alknla Washington. Oat. 17 —Conferences of Democratic woman will ha hold In several sectioaa of the country dur ing the aaat 90 day* to orgaala* wo men voter* for the I9M campaign. It waa' «'*• Cos ily Newell Malr. vtea chairman of the Democratic National Committee Several of the meet lags, wfll he tp| lowed by three day "schools of De mocracy" to ha ceoduolod by Mrs Halaey M Wilson of New York. • ■ e lik** i ii i—im———» » f, KEY- W ALT MOLC9IW An Atlanta Yawapomr Mnooka of Mi Work In That (Ilf. Next week Use above named min later, called "Georgia’* Ptary Evsn kelUt." will pranch at St. Pod Moth i dim church Id Ooldahoro. The f-»|- lowing pariguph gl*ee eome Idea o’ the successful work of Mr. Hetoomh In a recent meeting held In Allnaig. On * . "What la declared on all etd&V* lo he the rreateet revival ever hoU In Wee ley Memorial church waa hceo*V to a close Sunday night. ■iftnothei >O. when Walt Holcomb. Oonrfna t'crv avangeltet. preachod on the euh lect. “P spare to meet thy Ood " Tjth meeting unckef Ite spiritual slice* cn thu n Utsv when »