Wayne County Fair Opens Today At 11A.M. : ~ tit- W- 8 ** ■- WEATHER Woothoff— Partly cloudy Tuesday probably showers in extreme w«»«. < Us■ : . * • .... „• -f Volume two ; number 201 Goldsboro Scene Os Attack - On White Woman By Negro » » 3 * . •• , «* .‘A Goldsboro Woman Was Attacked by Negro Yesterday Afternoon Near the County Home While Working in Her Home. She Was Badly t Frightened, and Slightly Bruised Because of • Her Struggles. Yesterday afternoon about three « o'clock lira. John Kdwurda wjio live, r 11 Bellevlew Addition w«a attacked by • nacro while at work In her hour* Mia. Edward, alated to a represent, tire of the New* that .he w*« carry- 1 . Ins eotne wood Into the bouse for the '• purpose of starting a lire preparatory <0 starting supper, when the negro* who bad secreted himself In the' house while she was In the yard as- ’ **f Mm rood, threw a pair of over alls over her head In effort to pre rant her making an outcry. Bbo .aid »ha waa able to uncover her head, however and adyeam Khc said that' •he taught and screamed for what she thought to be about live minutes, i during all of which time the family dog was barking, and the negro, evi dently fearing that the harking and ( screams would attract atleatlon. ran' frmo the house without sccompllnh-' lag his purpose. Rev. N. B. Wall was the first to reach the scene of the crime, having been attracted by the woman's .cream. The negro had vanished, however, before Ms arrival, t A small boy living near the scene saw the nsgro | run from the bovine f and jump down the embankment onto l the railroad right of way near ths house 0 Little Miss Louise Jackson aaw a negro running up George street. . nwgp front the direction of the h.-<tis« shout the time that the occurrence la stated to have taken place Mrs. Edwards stated that she wgs " sufp Mm would be able to Identify the negro if she had an opportunity <tf Melitg him again. Hhs stated that he wad a medium sited. yelHw negro, about II or 10 years <»f age ffnd that she thought she knew who he waa. * She stated that a neighbor called the ' police department and that an officer] came out and talked to* her about the Incident. Informing her that the tnlyl, thing be could suggest as a means of. finding the criminal would be to get j blood-hounds and have them trail, him down, but that It would cost \ MISSES LUCAS AND WILSON FORGE TO FRONT AND TAKE LEAD'IN RACE FOR AUTOS v /-: • P;,‘ ° loafer* ar e (lo**# Followed jbv Mr* Ted Todd Daniel*. Mim Glady* Andrfw*- Mi** Ruth Herring. Mr*. Minnie Warrick, Min Carrie Speith. Min liolin McGinni*. Mho* Micky Edmund non, Mr*. Korncgay and Other*; Anybody’* Race at Thi* Time For Handoome Motor Car*; Rig First Period and Maximum Credits End* Week From Tomorrow; Opportunity Call* for New Candidate* to Enter Campaign. Koratns ilinH from practically th« bottom o( the Hat the Ml at-it Incs Liicu iDd Eva Wilton of l.a Orange and Waraaw To»pectl*ely thli morning take the lead In The palgn Tbeae ladle* are cloaely pur- HUtd by Mra Ted Dnnlelk ■**<> ha* made a pretty race alnce her friend* entered bar name In the campaign Tloee behind the above energetic candldatea and giving them a merry rhaae are Mi** Ofady* Andrew* or Mt Olive. Mlaa Ruth Herring of He»- en Hprlnga. Mlaa f'arrle Bpctth. Mlaa Addlaon Hoaoa of PlkcvlHc. Mlaa -Micky'* Bdrnundatm. Mra Hattie Kornaggy and Mtaa Martha hVoat , » dtorelgnd Then there are other* within n few aubacrlptlooa of thoa» mentioned above and any one of whom nre liable to Jump Into flrat place within a apace of twenty-four boars. L Anyone** Race The campaign at thla lime belong* to anyone of eeyeral— u<r_nne haa any advantage that eannot he overcome, within a few momenta’ time by any active Club member. Juat a few anhecrtpllone aeparate thuae ion*Ul nrably down In the Hal from (hone leading the race today and aurpiieee may he looked for any moment ~ Rnd es Big t rHN* One. week from tomorrow night. ° 4 ' ,v * * l: . i THE GOLDSBORO NEWS fft. £ i . .......... .... a d . * j them 175 00 to secure the tlogn for this purpose lartei" she said that khey decided to call the Sheriff, and when he arrived he stated that the police had said nothing to him, about It. although the Inctdont happened out table (he city limits,, and be should ’have been they told him who they thought the negro was. ( and suggested to hlin where they thought be waa employed, that he j said he did not think It was the ne gro they though It to be. and so* gested that she. "Mrs. Edwards." go to the fair grounds and walk around through the grounds ami try and *«<« if she could not find the negro them Hhe said thpt It was her Impression | that the officers were not making a serious effort to locate the negro and she thought It was because they . ,were poor people. , Just one week ago tonight there win a similar caae la the south part of the city when a negro attempted nn | attack on Mrg. J A'. Price. This | case Was likewise reported to the po t lice, and Mra. Price was informed -that the only method they h*ul of, j tracing down the criminal wes with blood hounds, and that there was only,l Jon* dog In the city, and It was not In condition to rub Both ,h "*e cures , hare happened In the Isolated parts of, the ,cMy and rhere has l»een no evi dence as to who the criminal I*. , The opinion has been e*preascd on many sides thut If Ooldebbro la not | in *n position to fiirnUh proper pit lice protection, or furnish dogs for the purpose of trnlHng down such criminals, then It had better make some provision to house the poorer people nearer the thickly settled sec lions If these criminals are per mitted to ravage W wh ‘»" w,,m '‘ n without helpg apprhrended, and pt:n tghed for their crimes. Ibiw long will h he before the same thing may hap pen In some of our heller homes And If It dvwe will the crime be any the less serious at ten o'clock, will mute the end of the hlg credit period of thin cam paign and with the end of the (tret 1 eredit period will rome the end f an opportunity for every member whoae name l» Hated aa an a*ptrant for the three hand*oiue automobile* and all the other valualile gift* Two Knr One X«w Ruhacrtptlon* at thle time count : TWO FOR ONE Joel hair the nuns-j her of credit* are allowed the lari week of tbta earupalgn aa are given now and will he g|v«n up until the nlghi of WVdne»day tffSTh November Ttli * Oet In with both feet* opportunity la railing al >ud In » stentorian voice -"c»*h In” on your dream* of driving a wonderful mo lor car of your very own- and di not forget that thoae who 'i*v It can not he done" are continually bring Interrupted bv someone d dug It Re*t Time T» Irtler A new eandldate ran enter the race rtght now. today, and with only four aubacriptlona ran top the an* tire llat-get that- |u*t 4 ■ecrlptlon* from ynttr friend* or rel atives will put YOi’ on too the f mono OPPORTUNITY t'Ol'ptiNH - I C the credit* on the «>ih*cntptlon» and the moon NOMINATION fO'.’POV nolnl the way COMP. ON IN TO DAY ” I — —..-.-w . 1- "-'-.saws • - GOLDSBORO, N. C„ TUESDAY MORNING. OCTOBER SO. 1M23 IMSIABT FAVORED BUM GEM o Snyn Thai Propor Adjustment Would Go Par to Settle World Condi Ilona Jk i* Richmond, \'*-~Commvn\\n* ui»oii press dispatches from Psris rettlhg forth Premier Poincare's view on the adjustment of German reparations. David Lloyd George declar* d here to- - day that If the French prime min ister meant that then; was to be no„ j reduction under any circumstance* In the London total of l3S.OAo.iKMt.nbti mkrks then there wouldn't !»<• any In ducement for Germany to do any thing If there were a proper adjustment., he added, Germany would probably do her bent to pay up. “Otherwise." he said "she would He downWilkc a tadpole In the mud-" Washington Waits Next Move Europe 1 Washington. Oct. J7.—Hopeful that Indicated acceptances hy Prance. It . aly and Belgium of British prnpow als for an advisory study hy an In tcrnatl'-guJ commission of fxperls of Germany'a capacity* to pay had dp* Inttely opened away toward split tlo'n of the reparations tangle Wash | tngton officials lijay awaited thd 1 further formulation of plana pre- I Hiimably under way at the Hun pean 1 caoltata. Develophten|a of ‘ the last 24 hours were said anlhorltntlvely r-» i have been such a* to make It appear a virtual certainty that America 1 would be represented on the pro posed commission of experts named with- the approval of the Washing ton government. Just how far ths Ktiropeap governments Involved had proceeded toward a "Complete agree ment. however, was a matter which It apparently was expected here would he clarified hy some official announcement front London *At Ihe same lime, late tirifjlTl. In’ ndvlres from Paris hdnglng out that the French acceptance of the Brit ish proposals was not regarded there aa conditional. Inasmuch as the plan for a committee to be named hy the reparations com mission. It was said was one of the British alternative gave support to the anticipation hy officials here of a definite agree inept. The plan which the -French gov ernment would accept at least ap pears to offer no obstacle to Amerl can participation far us the Ajncr tcan government s position was stat ed hy -Secretary Hughes In hla reply to Ixirti Purxons romniunlruthm <.f I October 3. While (lie Putted Stales, he said, could ndt participate offici ally In of reparation* commission, hp had "no doubt," the Secretary added, that competent Ame xlc-an s would accept member i | »hlps nn an advisory ttody appointed hy the commlaslon to make recoin niendatlona. It would he eipedc-d here, how- ; ever. If was said, that not only the American members of such an ad visory commission hut those rcy-re. , scptlpg (he Allied government* would Ik- appointed only With the approval of ttaelr respective g'-vrrn j nienta. The qualification* of tht ! peraonnel of such a commission It was pointed out, would he » vital ■ consideration and It was held that If the commission's recommends tlons are to carrv weight com nun surgte with the Importance of the Miihjcc t dealt,, with government up prove| of the selections would seem, an essential condition The longue of s 70-foot whale ha latlon ,cr. north ->t (tie equator The »rl*t contains eight bones, the j and the Oncers 14. ARMISTICE DAY FUND NOW $140.00 * Thin fund should reach $300.00 ire fore the clone of the day. The money will then l*e turned over to the American Legion i who will I* tegpon*iii)e for the celebration arrangement*. Mr. Wily C Rodman, State Commander of the Legion will be here to *peuk. Mr. Rodman was Colonel of the 2nd N. C In . fantry on the Mexican border. Then at the beginning of the world war he enlisted again, and whs m captain, commanding Battery ll.’t fieltl artillery and cuw service in the A. K. F He t* a lawyer and orator of well known ability. Make your donation to thi* cause at your earliest convenience hy sending your check to the New* Office or to Mr CJatvuce Crone. Adjutant of the local Legion Post. I AMUSEMEST WITH THE SHEESLE Y SIIO WS g gjgP •’ * The big aniUsement city provided by the Greater BBeesley Shows for the F 123 Wayne ropnly l utr artist as If by msgtr yesterday an the full grounds and this morning all per formers, animals, treakjj, "bo' thig' vendor* and all the "barkers '; w 111 he In readiness and awaiting .ih -ir ettea for the vanguard of visitors which la expected to make Htls year's c»ent a record breaker in the annul* of the annual GohMi r<> show. Toe Sheesley Shtiws appear hy far to be the laflffSst «nd modern tent ed exposition which ever apfieui-'d here, the cunva* la spick and spun showfronts attractive, rltllng devices well k' ftl and the p- rxontiel , Igvt 1 and coiirtcniis. ttearlng out advance nt|>oris of the merit and tieanllnoga of the organUallati of < apt. John M ffheeslay. one of America's fonunost Gtawwali autl a tdaulcr In the •clean up" crunade -which has uuatAtl from outdoor shnwitom tha ttndestrahle.; which In years past east dark re flection upon the outdoor show* world « ” - CARING ROBBERY ID KW YORK Two Bandits Hold up Superin tendent of Sheffield Karir.s „ Dairy N'-w York Two men tonight over powered the import it tendent of the Sheffield Kami* Italry t’ompniiy and e*< i»»x-rt with "$11.3611 of the Arm’ ! money which he was carrying Vpn irolinan a block away *»w the -drug flc which - occurred In th>- Bron> lull I i wait n/thli- to reai h the *pot hefor* the Ini ml Its hud Kobe ' ’ Judge Cramer Rules Assessment Bank Stockholders « . _ ___ W Ilmlngton. N • '.<>> t Judge I H t ranmer. of Hupettof Court. hu *lgned an order iie.-te-slng nit Mock holder* of the defunct Utterly H«v- Ing* Hank Itat (a r o ut on tin- dollar Thi* i* naff fait Ho,iaa nwrth as nllcged worthleß* a**nt» Itwo held h> tho bank receiver. The 1.1 he My Having* Hank wa* eh* ed by order of the Corporation * <»m« tnlaalon on February 1. 1023. an I an auditor * report showed It* u 11 it <o that tltne to t» sll*o,ooo. The r< < -lv er'e r< |H>rt iHdlcatek that lltt.oou o’l till* !» cither worth-leg* in eglremety , doubtful according to attorney'* for the receiver. » *j The drdi r Signed hy Judge i an me#, I* for the purpoae' t}l . < Ing thl« amount, I A Ven/.tiel*n railway. from cvri I I to Valencia, h«* S«> tunnel* In .-nl* 1 mile* ±> Cap* Kbecsley travels with hIT compeny. In Ills private tar, "Ala hama." and will assume jpetwonal charge of the midway, working 11 n der the alug-agi of the ftbnivmin'a Legislative Cofiimhtee of Amerl "i "to present only c lean, whole nym# moral atnuscmcnl* and to oppose un just criticism, dolug away with on scrupulous fortune - tellers, dirty gift shows, crooked gamaa and liq uor and dope “ peddling." Twenty cars of equipment came from the Fayetteville fair and ten curs from the Rout beast* rn fair st WlTmingfi-n end G Idslmrn will have the entire thirty earn of Jov makin ; apparel the KKme "lane of laughter"’ will h V was so well received st the Fta’e lair at Raleigh Featured atpong the nine rteh-s Is (he giant caterpillar, fresh fro n < oney fsland and ahown the hr -l liiwe In. the south Irr Gap* Hhec-.lrv, It CM-ciiples a J4MC foot ‘ circle c I *2o non and Is p|ld to he the .acme of thrlll-tuakeas A °new eomtianhot ride D the botterflv, conislnlne tseutytlve Inns of Iron and Me-ol REV. WALT HOLCOMB OPENS RELIGIOUS FLOOD GATES AT ST. PAUL’S CHURCH LAST EVE Or- llolfttinlt l’«at lk><-uinin«f Known ns World Kvanirfliul—Has loured Korope Preachinif in lindcrifround Thetlre In Cxecho-SlovHkU , f'loafs* hi* sermon 4nst »t M K (’litiri li. South with 'a dramatic story of tyouni chur.h I found lean onljr when : In km'**, ii|i h mu wh Ich Li* had cher- Inji'il for >*«M »till* utt&nipHtift lo , worship Oort. On f vaiii' Hit found . he hud touched u responsive i-boid In hot audience. Tear* unbolted fell from On eye* of motrt of On* hearer*. Imim night wo t'hurch Member*' .M*ht, and On- evangelist wan deter* mined that he would ml rlr«t *turt Up- assault in Oil* gate* Os Hell'111) til he could he untuned »nii the « r ti "t of In hand "I Mini. •111. Midi mult U In-t t/i-ioinm, , liO'iftn «•* a ftorltl evangelist He tin, i recently returned from Europe wher i In* *tK>nl «l* momh* In evangelist! work, c- nriuetlng in I'tugne. t'aecho ; Slovak hi m .nn unrti rgiwunrt thtsteil ! one of Oio ino*t remarkable rev|v,»l ' meeting* known in hi* denoriini* Oon ll*- |i nnn li In demand a* i ' * onvr •,i|, it *|*i uk fie* < mi* J < l »a* I netted to deliver the annual ad-| j clr»«* before (he t'nngres* of Kafety | at ftliffalo, New- York Hut It U a it*‘»-al cani|ial«n for «oul | » Inn.nr that enlist* the complete en ergy and eloquent* rti' Oil* ileal lead er lit Methodism Hi* serin u last flight *h»*ok Ht f'aut'ft to It* v. r *l*'|dki |t t***i formed the .arm title »«unt lor all the lifral i him lie and church member*. "What* the dlff* Inner, or what' the matter with the ( Inin h " Ilia tent ».,* "There | i( no dll ' ! fen II". h< t ween the Je* u n*l tin ; Oreek and toil no difference be , tween it* and them, purifying their heart* bjr faith There Uno dlff, r cnee Hr, Holcomb *ald in part ••WJien preach-r* ft... Up. |„«i |U*-**|on In them verse* "there |* no difference ' the mind* of the hepi 't*e filled with In' i roe .ih.n '1 I and being a conihlnallon cf tha i s rout*l and Ferria wheal- The othai rides t arc merry-go-round, Forrl* 1 wheel, the whip, kiddles' airplane* aerial swln* and o»ar’ the.Fall*, the great fun-maker ever popular with belle* and ttcaiix. There are man than o dny.ru tented attractions Big water circus, Teente Wccnh , midgets' theater; two hig circus aide -Tiows, Famous (lecrgle Minstrels, with their own band and orchestra; the thrilling with daredevil riders changing from motorcycles to unto while going al top speed <n a perpendicular wall- Jniintecl musical conggriy; lat ml r»- Wohdcra. with fifty ircak animals. Oils, llhc-j wonder girl; Ralph, "th* elephant boy, Tiny Mltc-dhe little movie borne, and others. There will he n special concert hj hands and - sHofFdl and ft reeT jk. rades by the Georgia Minstrels Th» c* pleasure cone will o|ien this morale and tcmtlnuu with dally changes oi program until the doss of the fal l liolnt* The honest man say* ’Wh*», no difference bet ween, me and • thief?* The sober ninn Inriulfwn ’No difference UMween me and a drunk ard- The pure person asks 'No dlf* fertim e bet ween me and an Impure character'' The moral man *ay* 'No difference between me ~nnd an un moral man- The rhutjch member In quire* 'No difference between me and a worldly man ' and we haven't *hak in the teat loose I*-um Ihe found* lion hul It come* hark with bit In« teeth' ‘THBUR IH NO HIKFKIt KNf'K ’ Youmunr remember that (,o<| wn« .talking about the guilt o| *ln rather than the degree* of *|q "It i» the mmparbmn with Ood* rlahteoiiane** that 1* the teat accord Ina to Hr. Holcomb He said: ’ H Is Imni naely belter to be bon* e»t than <ll*bone*t. sober than drunk mire than Impure, moral than tin j moral, church follower than worldly i' t yi'en one step* ~ut on Ood'» .platform he reaches the com |u*|i n i hat 'her*. I* no difference In tliofg' <Nil) ding that they all need the aton i Inn blond of Jesus,- that every opr lof them needs personal repentant*- I and that salvation Individually |* tfee i""lr hope for the lost one. and these preliminary suggestion* .lead m to- iii • irr thl* proposition There |* no differ Hire among folks on the outside of the church They are M )| Mnner* I t -Mll/e that there Are exception* to all rules and It might be that some- Irfxiv ti.»* rwir-ntlv Itfrotni conv«»rff>d »nd h*. not vet bad tbe opportunity to join the church., and there would b' an exception to that rule, hut the fad remains that the majority ol the people of the church are still |„ their sin and unconverted and un «-v*..| and I bring thl. truth to you flic two reasons, first that you that are on the outside of tho church big hearted noble spirited person*, soma* A day in the planet Ero* Is live i and one hnlf hour*. j ' «_ . MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS ♦ PRICE FIVE CENTS I"OPENS mi AM TODAY WITH PARADE' All (ioMiilwro and Wayne Coun ty Have Wailed for Thin Event . | Mr. Kenneth lloyall, I'retlilinl of *• the Wayne County Fair Association will officially open the Fair at ILOd A. M unlay, turning the key* o*#r to the people, ami he especially wlebaa that all visitors way enjoy thenteolvea . heller than they ha«e ever, (tone at a previous lair. Man Royal! with - Mr Denmark, his aeeretary. hare worked night and day setting every thing In orilar for thla and ) * holh expressed themselves as b«lag satisfied with their afforta. In fact it haa been reported to the mnaaffo- , luent that there are already more and better exhibits entered than war# tit tered at tha State Fair at Rateigb t this year. Nothing haa bodn last un done to make tkia the moat ithetib Iva fair that hna ever been anaduet- Cd In the Kaetera part of th* *toto. ‘ The axhlbtta are of the vary finest that have aver been shown, the Mid ear Is thr hast on any circuit, and will delight the most fast Id lona Make your plans to visit tha Fair groanda evary day. Bailey Delivers Address College Anniversary Murfraesboro. Oc» Ml.—Tha aevwa- * t.v-IMth adnlvwretry of the founding of Chowan college will ha relebrat ed Wedneaday. Oclohor 11, with ap- ' proprlate exercises, culmlaatlnff In n Diamond Pageant Incladlnff n Mai of elghty-ftv* characters Hons M W. Bailey, of Raleigh, * whoae mother la a graduate of tha institution will dallvor tha principal address at Iff o'etoch Wednesday morale* The alumna* saaoalhH— will h< Id tin annual ipMUna la IN afternoon. The gMMA Ifth will portray sileaori.nfty «N MMory of the college will N pramMl Ik IN »«»fv i ft* the Rapt Isis of slaUi nod rhowgn Asahotoden ». Chowan Female The name Wka (fthßßSd cjidwsa College In Itlff The institution Na greNMgf hha dreds of women, HMMF dt wN4 have become prominent iNffgfMmt hr be come the wivaa and hmHmmi «f man In the history of the ntat# |Rd |e> nomination AmogM thane afn Mm N R Cobh, mot MW of Df Collier Cobh professor of ffaalagy at the V University of North Oaroitos, * MINE SGIISOI VET. BlffiEM) USE Jminco M Wlllinmn Supports K. H. Morllmor'H B—HtdMhl Chargno »' ;•* R Forbes director of the veteran's bureau, still waa seeking at Into as September toll lo surreptitiously re move large stocks of narcotics and liquors from the government hospital si Porryvlll*. Md. were mad# today al the ronttauatton of the Senate In vestigation of the veterans' Bureau. James M Williams a Philadelphia dairymen, was tha wltneaa. his ton tlmony being designed to auppert la part the sensational story totd to, tha commit ire last week by BHaa H Mor timer. alao of Pbiladalpkta. ghaut bka alleged relations with Forbes at a lime when he was seeking oonlraots lor hospitals from th* director we Williams tea tided that aside from proposing removal of the narcotic* and liquors. Fortm* and n man named - Richer had sought to obtain from Mrs Mortimer certain papers belong ing to Mortimer and alao to "em bitter" Mrs Mortimer against h*v husband This was at a lime after Mortimer, according lo bis togUaMhy. had "broken" with Forbes and w|gi 1 Williams understood Mrs' Mortimer was contemplating a divorce tnm | her husband. lirldgn • link Mrs. J. C Kobernon entertained th* Bridge Club *t her home on Hill street Friday afternoon. Halloween j'favors, place cards and decor at ton* war* used large bowls of chrysna i thamutna were placed about lb* rooms I «nd lent an added charm to th* tot*- I , rl®r Four tabl** were played The . hoateae. assisted by Mrs Walter INa gtotary, served congealed chicken eal » ! tomato i**plc. beat** bieruM and coffee.

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