WEATHER •mmlmml mM« Tlin4i| ud W day MIU iMßvaralan » ' * . VOLUME TWO; NUMBER ,244 HENRY FORD TO SUPPORT PRES. COOLIDGE POUmCAL CAMPS STIRRED OVER FORD ANNOLNCEMENT * t,ikiVi| fa. .'.a i Brimm Unconcealed Elation to Admiaintration Lander* Inter anted in the CooUdge C» Mdvn. }, .. ' Washington, Dec. lE—PoUttool ooaieo here were vhdbly stirred to (tar by (ho docloratWm of Henry font 10 support Os I* re* Meat Cooildge for l*tt. > || brought unconcealed elation 10 "dmtulat ration' leader* Interested. .In Mr. I'oolUlce'a cause, and IXemocrstlc leader* said tliera waa satisfaction at lean la the fact that Mr. (Ford waa - o«t In the open, and »ppar»ntly naif fllmtnaled a* a Presidential possi bility aeat 'yoar. ' Comments cn Mr. Ford 1 * ufate -uentt *r« withheld by all avowed Praaideattwl candidates here- I believe It Is the .win* and nat ural Ihlag for the people to agree ■ a the nooitnatlon and election of Coolldge," Mr. Ford »ald ’*l am aatalfled that ninety per ceat of the pepple feat perfectly safe with Cool tdg*. and I feel. too. thnt the coun try Is perfectly anfc with him. A*d * If thi* I* the feeling of the country, why rhaage? ‘‘Mr. (Toolldle has shown In thane ' na>Bths of aeVvtre a I rent many qual ities that should please his country i lie a. | think they all feel that Mr. Cooildge means to do raiht. And when a map means to do right. s« far aa 1 have obaarvdd. it la usually quite easy for him to And the *•; to do right. Gant Selling Forged Bonds Arrested Chicago. Dae. Id - Two alleged members of a gaag which baa sold thot-aaod* of dollars worth of forged - public utility hoods In New York. Philadelphia and Chicago were ar rested tell 1 bight. a»<| otMf'frrcat* to follow, according to the police. v furred Marshall, arrasted here la . said by the police to have been nam ed as ha accomplice by a man arrest ed yesterday la an elaborate suite la the Rlltmore Hotel, and. who la alleged to have confessed The gang la charged by Depart ment of Justice operatives with ob taldtag a large block of blank bond* of the Aavertcan Public Service Com pany. of a face value of nearly ITS.- one. aad after forging registration, selling them to brokerage concern* . The forged bonds are said to baVa passed through numerous brokerage houses who were Ignoiaat of the for geries which only were discovered when purchasers attempted to rath ‘the coupon. Bonds to the amount of about 111.000 passed through the t'smeroa and Btaikie firm .In New York which obtained them from an-1 other hoda house. It was leaf-bed. [ WILSON MAKES NEW TOBACCO RECORDS ' ON AUCTION FLOOR Selling Mere Tobacco at the Ooaa of Bnaineaa Yeaierday Than Wna Sold Daring Entire Seaaoa of 1920. ' IVllnon. Doc 10.—I By the Aean elated Prenn.l —HMory *»» made to day in the tobacco *a|e» Industry, a hen the Wtlaon tobacco market' with IU laat aale before the holiday* •haltered Ibe world* record (or the quantityrot tobacco evAr *«>M on unv market during the roorae of one rea son Hmeahlnn bv Ipound* the record or fJ.2t2.OCfi pound* which wa* made by the total market for the entire !'•*» *ea*on Wilson hid* ralr to aell approximately 70.1W0.600 before the wnrehotiae In Kelt/ ruary. Charges Sen. Mayfield Spent Too Much —r - - ft Washington. Dec- 10--A formal resolution for lateatlgatlon of char ge* of rxieenlr* eipendltnrea In the election of Senator Mayfield. Dem ocrat. Teiae. vat prevented to the .Senate today hy Chairman Hpencer of (he election* committee ll vat sub mitted In the rnmiwtltte on audp and control which mn*l paa* upon the** expenditure* which would he • mhorlied > jC,tenet be Inland of Madura. In the Mfb«l fm'le*. the elide si' rr* ••rly age; In fact, ijw at fourteen la fifrllii 1 1 old meld THE GOLDSBORO NEWS ...— ■■■— 1 -s • ■ :-v!———■■ - - " ' ... ' u «n .1... I ■ —— ;■ Popular # , r I I mmmmmmmrnmmmmifmmmmmmmm Introducing His Highness IUJ rUJnahuar glut 8* wai Mahstaj Jey - Singhji. Veerendra Shiromanl Oev. Photographed at confereoca ta London recently -#lki* he repre sented i. 000.000 people of the Huthwaha Naiuku Clan of IUJ - puts. India, of Which be is In charge aa a colonel. Mia friend*, of whtfch he boa many, do hot at tempt to call him by his full own*. PHILIP FOX CASE MJ.EMIJIM.- ffHT lltTOfi oTJTTT TODAY. REPdI a- • K, After (’onnumlnK More Than : Week in fntrodurinjr Kvidenr Hotk the State and Defend Rested and Arnuments Begun 0 w ■ IIS »■ .nil I '• Atlanta, (is.. Ih'c I.B—Considers tlon oO' evidence which will dccld the fate of Philip K.. Pox, former K King Klan editor, charged with th murder of .'William 8 Coburn, a Kla attorney: In expected to begin l< morrow when tho cam- la schedule to be given to the Jury After con auming more than a week In Inlro during lesttmoay both the elate an the defense rested this afternoon an arguments were begun. An agree- Irnent was reached between prqsncu lion and defense attorney* to I Inti cadi side to pve hours of arguiuenl Today's seasious were marked b I (he rinsing of the Slate's rebuttal lln which an effort was made to r«- Ifute testimony of the defense tha Cog Was ffi.vane at the time he atin Coburn In the layer * office here ni November J ,Too Many Clothes „ ! . .Gets Him,Released Burlington. N. C.. Lb-.- |*g- Declar- Ing himself broke, uwuy froni home seeking a Job. til Ilia pos seasion aonie 40 shirts, nine suits, extra overcoat, many pairs of socks, head pieces and “eo on, a mini was held by the (Milica a short while yes terday on suspicion after he had dls ■ posed of KcVvEgl flm silk -hlt-ls. al most for the price of the buitona on them. The in.hi said he waa from an east ern Carolina town, b«S dM su|ierlntcudentw of ue|*iwef plant, and that ho came away from there seeking work In another town because the water In that city was fajNilrnt him i When questioned by the chief about s*lo many clothes he replied, tliut he always kept plenty on hand. To tha chief s statement thnt Vhe bad ilevnr 1 hud 4u shirts in his life" the utuu said notblfig. He was well dressed, of good per sonallty. und his siltils wereagf suf - fit lent strength to free him from tha ■ clutches of the law. VII.KH si IT Birmingham, I •<■<■ I" ClstmiOg half interest to the atle where the Gorge* properly ot the Alabama ’ Power Com pa ay- ia situated, former ly, part of the (invernmenCa Muscle Shoals project, H. K McCormick. * Birmingham mins owner, has filed ' suit In Walker county, at Jaapey, • asking that the properly lie sold for I , es I Itlvl wu. ft! In;: In ;-|t santTuncetneikt ht-rc today. WILL ISBUE MONDAY I ♦ t—>. .. | The NEWS will umie u pa per next Monday morning and will fjot publish Timid ay nr WedMwday mornlngn- Thik Hchodulc huh been urruitged for the benelit of il’g employ mi, that they may have am ple tim« in which to enjoy the Christman holidays. Mer chants are requeated to have advertising matter for Mon day’s issue ready Saturday. now - REFUSED DfliS Hobbs Wavs, and Means Com-' miltic Refuses to Give it | Right of Way Over Treasury’s Bill. . j " lh-« i t%- Soldiers' r« t• i ■.l .1 t.du, the "ay^JM^jjMeans. t'nmniPtee to give It riidM ofibwgy over administration ■ rovlwbos/nf the tre*»nry s tax bill rke rnmbilltec declined however to I idlstraok It until a decision Is reach -d whist change should be made u tax rates The bonus was given another Jolt by Secretary Mellon, who declared » a lettgr to Representative Andrew. h»t If the compensation measure •toed by Prealdenl Harding were nn '«4ed. the direct coal would total *5,- iut1.62d.444 and would average |2Za,- uto.mMi (or the drat four years. AfUf, receiving Mr. Mellon's \-f{ <-r Mr. Andrew who formerly waa % sslstaiit secretary of the treasury, lectarml In a atHteMent that "tlin sec-1 -etary's estimate* of the cuat of ad-! noted compensation are greatly ,In i xceas of the ptpvlniis eatlnuite* at I* own aringry which were puhilah- j i Senate conuolttue a rear apd . !• hdtf ugo. and whlcii have no( loren ticattoned heretofore.'' Mexican Rebels i, ' Are in Retreat ' -T- ■ - | . Q- Wu*hiogl.M Dec II Offb-iat re ; ■orta reenHsed by the Mexican em •aaay today frofn Mexico (!|ty eahl ' «rge i-oihlngent» of Federal truop»| '•re mwaging for a further ultack ' gninaf 11m rnvoluilonary force* from I cm Crna. Ibllowlng tin- evacuation 1 <y the rehqts of Bun Marcoe. '•Mb* Important devrlopno-at* are eportnd Hu (iuadalajara front ( vberg the Fmlerwl troops conlnloe heir advance,'' the embassy state ment said "TRe railroad tracks are wing rwpdlmd preparatory to a de •lslve attack upon General Hsgra a'a forma and a battle ia likely to *ke place at ugy time T'undltiaßt tkrvMighniit the n-puh. Ic continue undisturbed. Contrary > reports emanating from rebel mirres. normal eondlilons prevail In •Inaloa where the governor hus rr lerated his allegiance and firm suj)- ort to the government MUCH TO MUCH NAS BEEN SAID ; NOW ILL QUIET Verh.tMiunHrc in ThroloKicul B»ltle Suddenly Oasts nhd All in Quiet. T’ 1 * ■" ■' New York. Dec. I*.- Verbal gnn flre subsided loday in the Ikeologhal :b*Ut*- waged In New York between nu *•'mists und " fundmnentallsU r-f various faiths The broudslde of atntenMntg which for the last few day* have (Marked the coutroveray Jn tko Protuaiaut Kplscopal Ckuroh -antaring oa tha threatened hereay tr4n| of Rev. Lee W. Heatou. of Fort Worth. Tags*, suddenly ceased. POHTMAMTLM AI’IUINTMi Washiuglon. Dec HI- The service cMiimbtulon today rarlttad the following MS eligible Iqr appol»t oreni as Postniasiers In North Cor ollna: Concert) John I. Millet pad Wil liam H Ward. Haartird. 8. Seel: Leas Ingtoß Thaot)ore Mrtjrnv. Murphy. Arthur H. Dickey: Hoggoke Rnplda. C.eorge N Taylor and Will (am 8 Hsundera and Werrenton. Mr*. Nan nie Mcl. Moore A echotd lo tshtt h women tha I -gdrn of brtrklaylng. leihlng ,-nd idaeierthg has been opened In New York GOLDSBORO. N. C, THURSDAY MORNING. DECEMBER 20. 1923 FIGURES IN.CHIJRCH WAR 4 nj ; *w ' < ■MMRMMMMMMHHRHMMMHHMI . • p—H——l ~ (1181 HI Jg——l—H—lWWM— *rm\ t B4w. 'ABki: JBI BL BIBHOP lOEWRKNt K DR. OJKMITON PAHKB M ell known ttgurea in conlroveray over the croqda uow raging in Naw York. WILL IIKfIDK HATI Rim | Me. John Rj Noyes, one of the ! member* of the National Commit- j tee of the Junior Order reported to The NIOW'B, by long dlntance at a late hour laß Might, that the «-on»- mltiee had n 4 decided on the lo- j cation, and prßhably would not de cide until Saturday of this week. Mr Noyes promised to wire The News ns early Baturday aa a de cision could be reached. { When pressed for an answer us j whether nr dpi lu his opinion Goldsbotp Ho uhi receive the award, be slated that It* chance* i were decidedly better than they j were bejfore the committee hiade their Inst visit . 0 * > It MBS: DERR STMT HI | PUP FARMING ,111* Value of tbe Poultry l artn* In the Stale are Reading * Sizeable Su«». s j Raleigh. Dec. I9 r ' Th. value of Itoultry on the farm* of North t ary illln* D now over s2#;w>h,oiH». accord -1 Ing to au announcement made hern today by the dtiite College SuthorlUea In connection aiih the short courses lo be offered rurninrs of the State ’ next month. Because of this large Interest In the rasing of chickens a *pecli|l course In poultry, raising will hg«»uini>ng the 'course* offered from January !» lo 16. ihu fime selected for the special bourses In farming This cotirae wilfJie directed by Dr. B. I\ , Kaupp. Professor of Poultry Hi lence , and poultry investtgaior for the Bla|,e , Kxperlment Station. Due to the number .of women and boys Interested lu |Hiultry ralelng.' It la'"hoped that a targe number of them will enroll for tire course, the statement of the 5 College aaaerted | "As'an Illustration of the lu:ere*r taken In 0 poultry," said Dr. Kliaupp ' depart mi ni answers ov er -ilHi letters *‘year from fa: lifers t apd farmers' wive* now interested lnl poultry and wishing to know the facts' about handling the birds, or waullii*- Id get advice .<* lo lire various breeds' hr bird*, disease control, or method* of feeding I ■ "To reach Ibese |s-opl«. therefore. ■ and to give them first baud lnf«rnia- i lloiiand Inst in* Hon. the jaiuMry de partmrnt plans to condurt Us sxoud entnlul practical i*oultrv short cour e . for faruo-r- ,C »"* outllu<<l. tl«i | work tKilh in the cla-s rooms | with lllusti.licit lecture* •■'Bh, "> ll, '< labbratory jybere the -tipum- will , haul lu | rap-nested bird*, learn hire , to till a good layer, ad bowi to candle. , pwtnand grad* egfs lor nmike- how , to cAmiiii/c imlr. i oii-lllb l A podltry f and learn about hnt'lllbi: rear lug. ihixlng fer-d* and gelieiatly rar ing for the birds I Pit 4 11. V 1.l NHItVIn \1 t4M»> I I, ( (M Ml IPs MIK It TIID I • Itong Kong. Ik*v- !*■ tHy the Ah ■ nm tated Press I TU<- Bottlla of tor ,] - .elgn r.uuboui- m the hart.-.r *r( Can ton, where u lenae ha* pr* • vali*-d slm-s- ihe recent Ihreai *'f Dr - Mun Yet t4q» 8. uth ( hina leader, in • 'welae the C'lclrrms fun-ls. apparentlj ■ ♦hi preparing for eventualities. Home i. }»f the warships lying off Khamt eq. *!wte foreign sei lion of 1 1 anion, have men cleared f<>r a-lion hp-I French jmi lore .from Ihe cruiser Jules Kerry • hive landed al Hhameen and are *la g (toned In the nld-French pctstofflce building. , _ Instructions from Russia ! To Workers Party Ot U. S. To Raise Red Flag Over W.H I .-.. . , .. 6. • . | BELIEVE COUPLE ( Will RETURN TO i ANSWER CHARGE Youth und 81-Ycar-Hrid* So journing at. PinehursL ' 1 ' ■ " * Jerpcy City. N. J., D#c- 18.—Authpr- Itie* tuyliiy expressed the belief that | Burton 8. Tucker, 17 your a old and ht* wife Mr* • Husan Hint peon Tuck-, cr. 61, who were named tn two in-j didment* found yesterday, charging I conspiracy to vtolatp the marrlacoj law*, would voluntarily return to de fend themselyeu. The Tuckers we.e ] »v|«>tted to he enjoying the sport* at ' Soul hern Pines, N. C. Tuikef and Mr*. Simpson,‘.a weal thy widow, were married In Union Will. N. J.. October 2 The applied tlorf'for the Itcenae stated jhat Tuck er wa;t 21 and Mrs. Blnipsbn 4d. John Miller. Justice of Ihe peare; (leo/ge Crete vital statistics regis trar. and John L. McGJnnle, of Oku ceater. Maas . MF*. Tucker * chuttffenr also were named In the. indictment* as parties to the conspiracy. Rev. •Robert Hollins Baptist minister who married the couple, was absolved of all blame for the marriage. Miller waa accused of arranging the lYtnrrlaire and McGlnnta of acting as a witness. ■ McAdoo Meti Star} Campaign for * -a - Instructed Delegates | t'hlcaao. l*ec, Ui.— Tbs campiilßn for inniru< tad rtebosalcn in hack ihe. rnndtdady of William CJ. McAdnn for (hr nominal Inn at the lirncmilf national conv**ntlon will (mi carried lon In all atafea a torn li In Irlcodk I?«•*•! It advisable. I>avUl lanid Mock ' wrll. chairman nf the McAdoo ram -1 pa inn I'ommlttee. itulil In a atalrment Unlay. | ll.' - einnnunced that Mr MrAdoo would week an Itudrucled delegation from llllml* I'revlmiab 'vrertatn 1 IX'uioi rain HjilwT* huYl eKpre»«e.l llr*. In* 1 |.*f Ibal llilnola Democrat* would a»k ~n unlit I*l nut ad datamation 1 In (hr uatlonfl convent lon h iillow lua In the HUBoitßceniAn\ ol (In- Mr Ailoo yil.m**' by Mr. Hot A, '»i ll: Die rout-..' tbal Mr McAdoo'x ralHMfhw V -ball take In »ai h alllt? will b« determined by the concur rent o|tlnlon of ih*. majority of thoxe nmona hta frlendn beat qualltled to tan.* Jmltim* ut In lhal "In llilnola. the conrenaua haa from the lirKluntna km to enter iht primary." Accordingly Mr MrAdooa name will be tiled and" hr will t*n-. ter Ihe llltnr)* primary "We walled until hla fonaal an nouncement of candidacy had been made, in answer to J he South Dn . kola prnpoaal. liefore making pub ' lie The llilnola .1 eel» loll "Mr. McAdoo on Monday ntflelally accepted tile South Dakota propoaal ! and we, therefore, are able to make known th# definite deterinitiation of ; hla llilnola friend*. "MV bare but one objert. In enler- Ing ihe primary to *••* urea M*A~ doo delegation* from llilnola to the I'>J4 pentorrallr national convention. Tbia we-are determined lo aeak and are ronilimd Ibal we wilt be »ue* icaaful." ■! .t|' I Part of the ProjrraM Out lined J'rovldcd f»r th« OrgwolrH- Gon Among |. W. W. in Hm 11. 8. as PHrlitiav UaMs. Tfc* I'ubtiralion of lltko Inlorma- Ilog* la lßttn4ef by Huaheg to DiockMe thq Basie for Refusal to Bntor into Ntgoationa with Soviet Rutmia- Washington, Dec. I**. - Intercept«hl j Soviet instruct lori* from Husk In to the worker* parly of Aaierlca «lßUn lug detailed plan* fer g proletarian revolution tu America to "rale* Hie part turn t la napport of Secretary ] llughee’ refusal va-terday to enter | Into miy aegollanon* with- Sov-e; Rus«l». s ' - The Dep*rtpmnta annoupcebicn said that the Department of Justice “ha* assured th* Bt*le Depart»eni | of the *utbenllcßy of these Instrm ttou*." Part ot the pragrum outlined pro vlded fer the organization among fit dustrlkl worker* la lb* United Slat-* of “fighting unif*" ' "The members of the fighting un':» In addition to all other matters." th* inatructlcu* said. ‘‘mo*t once a we r he given Instructioiis In shooting an-l' receive some Inatrucfloa In plonvci work (anpper work.) The communist in*lructions .made public at ihe Plate -Department without further eaidanatlon than war necessary to show the direct con nrctlon of thla r*-voluil- n;«ry proj c! -I with the Soviet goreniincgi at Mos cow. The publication however wav Intended by Secretary Hughes ’to dDttloae Ihe definite basis upon which rested the charge made 4« hi* com munlratlon to the Soviet foreign mtn islsr that th* Mowcow government waa conilnulnr to conduct revolu tionary prnriaganda In th* t’ntted State*. - f q, .4 . BRIDE OF SI BRIDEGROMI7 fflJOf PUBLICITY Sav Thtv Will Kcmain in N* I’. Tow* i nlil I hey <}ft (iood him! Heady to I .cave. Southern Pine*. ,N f Ip., |<l Mr and Mr* Burton H Tucker are aim In Mouthrrn I’lnae and they la* lend to remain h*r« "uqlil Ibey apt anod and ready to laava.” they de rla red berw today. Both (raely dla* ruaaed thrlr marriage and tli£ pirtill rlty which haa boon centered, on them aa a reault of their indictment In New Jeraay on cbaraei of rouaplraey .to violate the marriage law. and per jury, Tucker la raid to be IT yearn old. and Mra Tucker, 61. Mr. anil Mra. Tucker earlier in Ihe day bad been reported lu have check ed, out at m hotel to which .they had I teen ntopptna nlnce their arrival here aereral daya a«o. r tm w .visit» h BY Hl t/t Klim belli Pity. Ike* Ik The Ideal Honlery Mill waa de*t toyed kt llrt undeterailne*! origin bkfa today ) The loaa la ealiinatad at lltt.kkt ’ > f>lephone and powet Hn*a in the City w*r* aevered by the bta*e; member 0? T ASSOCIATED PRESS I U r .. ,•, .1 PE KM FIVE CENTS m people nr HMKEBIfj OF THE SEMITE 4*J [ J | -- U the Senate Spwnt a. Math Tl«« Getting Horn of the tUminrm AllnM ti That la INltd Up Before The* a» to Wrangling “WouMpU it be a GraiMl and Glorious Keeling.” w u »hUau>B, tne W -Unable al- Ur twenty Are ballot* to break tke deadlock orar the cbalnuanahip of (b« tnter-etalji c MMtrr. commute* th* tonaia agreed today to tof*r bel- I loting until aftdr th* (hrletmaa r*- , (to** of toogrea*. which begin* to morrow. and and* oa January th# third Meantime there will to a tweawal of alTorta to unravel the tangle Into which the tonal* wa* precipitated . ten day* ago. hut In view at the tell ur* of all past propheciea no oa* an* peered willing t* vent are a prediction aa to how the problem finally would be netted. i' Two tollou today faded to ehow any ffmtartni change la the iKuatton. fdeaktor turn mine Republican, lowe. and Smith Democrat, tooth Carotlaa. Paaln ran alßHmt nech aad neck, with 'Senator Cousehe, Republican. Utahl |gaa. trailing th* told, having the | hupport of only th* Ke pub Hr an in- ,j . aurgeata and ll** dtbor equalled Mb 'wTaU on the majority of the chamber. [! tout* Democrat* charge that the Republican majority waa aaahhi to 1 urgaulae lb* SfOwt* ’ I Tht* brought a rotor! totoi ,EUter I to? Brookbeart. tow». B»|»Bil» h -1 a urgent, that the Bepiib I IgWlteyto jnot * boll) to biaet* for the. <to#*tE»- •tnee one llemwraC Senate* P* ,i! of Maryland, hag muood t*ffpE (,rl , Senator dmltk ala MM ftf* . vote would have elected A B Ifblvll Imp'’ Jj . “ mu ipr P|l|fl|T Min ll.r I UlUli , ULIul bnWN i |P- o. O’HhiiughMwy WMdflA# ftenult- of ol*clß*«i%d 'Pg earning Mqiwr Trlii*. a Mobil*. Ala .!*< t« la "MWjtr or two operative* o( the l T »M*d toWP|;; government. P J tfdhot* gbagey#F. chief of police of th# etty O* MM*, wa* brought bach to MobileASirir» thl* moralun afier hi* arreet to itor; early met night, to UKllctment* returned by tb* trend lory which recently itfMgr* anted -cDowtlonal dleclnauroe *» m» oitor traffic le thl* clly by gtfeenv. incut agent*. 0 toiaughneaar * tMTMnt wna effected to See Origan* on n tel- , gram from Aubrey Boylea. diftrM •• it tome» at Mobil*. - had left the off! *e tie 1 win httooh tralp retard** nJlorpm** lor New Orleana mid tmomdlalojy wirld Mnch t leer peek. 'jMifcmat rAlpf WHh bead quarter* In New Orleena Two nten were-aent to the rellrooh motion, on# of thrm *n opef*tly*rtf o w,>r hed In Mobile drtring thorteent llguor (leahjfpp' and when OTthaughnemy rtapped front th* train, h# ■ waa nr« reeled by lb# two federal me*. The arreet of O'fthaughuaosy con- Armed ruiwOra prevalent Ripe* to* adjournment of the fatted Bla two grand Jury laat Sunday night t* th* ••fleet that th« police chief waa on* of a number of mea promlnenl la city and county polltlenl life and indicted aa a reault of th* recent I tllecloeure*. With hi* orreet *1 Row Orleatte luat night. announcement __ waa mJmr that ha waa ' itrmul jMfy rhargoa and <n hie ar rival here w*o eeread with at* aop arale Indlfit iwepta. each ehnigtea ••on»piracy to violate the nntWmal prohibition act. V lie gave bond* of trie** bofori railed State* i ommlaaloaer J. Bloch- y er Thornlon. * 4 : North Carotlni’- 1 *" ’ Cotton Crop 1923 •j * Raleigh. Dm* It. U40.4M bale* of r cotton had bee* ginned In North Oar ■ jollna thl- eearod up I* December 9. it according to a report leauod here e today by tbe North Carolina Depart ment of Agriculture. Thl* repreaont *d n ginning lo that date »f approw tomtely Ito.Otm balea more than la 1923. Jnhnaon county, according to 1 I It* report led the couatiaa wrßh 6f.- t:»6 bale* ginned: Raheeon eerond ■I 1 w lib M.t*9; Nash. tS.Xtf: Hallfnn. c 39.5 U, flee*lead. IT.3M. Hake. 3d * r, {3S9. Wtleon. 3*17». tootlend. »AII tompeun 29.131. Wayne 2M(4. with •• it* other rountk- feHowing- with . 1 emaller ghtolnga.

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