WEATHER Foir gad rouliaued raid. Tueaii*); WtdnrsdMy fair and waruirr. Volume three; no. 12 HOTEL GOES OVER V WORLD-WIDE HERO SPEAKS . AT COURT HOUSE TONIGHT Or. Wilfrid T. Grenfell. Honored - *• in Many Lands for Many Ex ' ix’cfts. Will Tell of Thrilling Life. J . * "' ’•' o * OJv of the iwv* Interesting Aevehta' of \ac *eanon'* lie! ure aeries will la thi- appurancc of Dr. Wilfred •' T. Grenfell, with lit* wonderfully human ~ fry of the Northland and the InMur* Yjutable diftb ultlf* he wercame In if r ablbhnient of hospitals tklonK the coutrf* of laibradur. This lecture will- be jrlven tonight at the Court H->une at eight o'clock.. 'Dr. Grenfell llrwt vtafad the ••oast* of taihiador and. North Newfoundland In 18112 at the mutt.**' tlon of laird SouthUmiugh. going in a hospital sailing ahlp to sec if a medical and surgical service could l»e established. From this simple boglnriug huu grown during the |«s‘ thirty years one of (he great service works of the world w I>evoted and loyal helpers Ironj all over the KnglHth sp« iking world have given Ihelr Services, and now a chain of tdx h four nur/sln,t station*. . two orphanages, -ome small school an irnju.v iin] work, a large Seaman's institute ill St. John's. Newfound hi nil. a h x pltitl steamer, a fleet of aux 'lHary power yawls cor netted With •he varlos htMpf « j centers, 1- doing unlimited good ?qr these deep -tea L. barmen and their families Ptatlngn shed hot rg have been corferrod all unsolicited upon l»r. Grenfell for his serVlce lo humanity. England t .inferred upon him 'lt r drr of romp. nh u of S*. -Michael and t‘:. C.’orge Ogfurd gave him Die only honorary M D. which 10 t unt Vers It) has ever bt .Pawed be was made q Pel tow In the American tol ar t«se cl Surgap.-.a . and ft-umR rd pa* . ’ him It a hoiu i ry M. A Ihe lecture « In !.-hn<|or'' Is acrompanied by ! .. tpi lc< ,3 1). i.t ctng pit ure film, i!- 1 F «»:»:! g thS-i epic, story of the rng-.j fed.. on:: )t. d It 1a t. Ids In to- i t > I not u r aitli h |g ch.ira.url lr of tbr | kindly be i actor, and will b* a lory* v .ph Will live lo.:* In the nitiul* and! Lea ’a •.; I’ e rho hear It, A d nil Ion; adults Jl.tHi; ... 6P-. 1 . Kenttiuhtr 8 p. hi tonight at the* t o rt III) . e , 2 Washington Women <o * In Mystery Deaths I Mji-lilr j,t'.n. Mar to The unoy pic nel death* of two young women! ’litre within, the la t 21 hiur- to lay' me ens. giug 'ln effort* ot all avail-! oieji Ju the Washington lz. iitlv. Bureau . The body of Nil *s Kva Dung. 2*l year* l«| a was found on the edge of the tidal baslnr around which winds the ell s, -.peadway, (taiwil il hourlv wl'ii ncdrlle-.. w. i i ar by b.ij no bullet wound wta Vvtdnu; He lie el Was hrUlietl.* In iir llft-r part of tKe cl'). Mrs Alb' 1 'th "I I i too aparimeii' Del* live* who were called said H gas Jet wi , owoj *" ! ’ Vlt-it no giii could be do j d i ioi ■if -T I»1 rt! ;i i arby yr« re URglfrolcil z\ win repui cl her death was held foi li.vtc ligation. —» ‘ Bl" McMillan Namid In Oil Fraud ('&(* < t li,. M'pert,. I-i . March 1" rib | cfi .. .• fv' i i led .ji • l!,. do l | | I In. football eomlu ul teenier irj Fol iMC. n peremptory order that be pro II I- .:■ r - i.. - h bml - .Ml , al IUIH elbvl,' Ile k' nul other M'C ■id ' itH5 T4"' a'l •- a'..■ l /*■ b* . )iitiii at ni. !■ ••Mas I( U • * •1 ■ K'* ■*•''"* *;rk>F -W...V ' • if yjUßtokch*. . |f Jf it ■ Mot rl fni ijji'gi \ lz. deir .ml It. premoil'ui es u .on S. • • rn. McAdnf Will Fnter N. ('. Primaries a hi ' n Mar h in William <!. l M. i.'o.i will be entered as a cyn liMih la the nf sbb n’lal primaries r North. t'ardlln i Waltei >; Hr.ifji, lie m nn i t ( f Meat atinoune;, • d her- i ■■ The .dci ii»bi" wa ■ r»z tied a fit r 1 utikllltation wllh Ml Mi A I o s ostbHuil manager, and up • w t~tr»| onlc aulhorlt) of .\b Adoo H hln.-elf, THE GOLDSBORO NEWS •SENATE DEFEATS Bill IB BUI FEBTILIZEB: CALLED COMMUNISTIC Hoth I’arlien Oppose Measure to Huy IWKMbOOO Fertilizer <t With Gov’t (ash WuMiliigtort. M.iu It 10 In Me Art record vote of the session on farm relief measures, the Senate to day defeated 21-28 the proposed ap propriation of ts.fl(HJ.doi) f :r ll iarn'dli. the purohase of fertillgi'rs. ’ Party lines were not dlMcc'r.ilble In the resul . Southern Democratu Join ing in op|*'Klibm to the proposal which wu» denoinced as "mijimunlsj lie In theory" and entailing unwar ranted inti ii lon of the govemmem I'.'o au altiady highly compellfl\< liiiKineatF • -p| ill ii be the '.l'lllsar bill wa * voiced from both sides of the cham ber on the grounds that It was un constPutlihial. pemoeratb' Mnatiis In geceral ul 'i referred at the same time to the Kordney-McCumber tarir wlipdi they asierted as rcspoislhb' for the existing agrarian sT-uatlon. Prncfically every senator op the floor) took pact in the debate. Wilmington Taper . . Chantey Owners • —■-v ■;; f WMmJtigton. A \lan tr “to Announcc j.meni was made today .fTom the offl- I rt-s' cf tho Port Putzltahlng eomiutny, that w Hal -of th«7 New a-IMapatch had been made to J. U llor'ne Jr. of Rhirky 'Mount, the. ley ! * Helii'iny .t.d .1 t^ThoiniiHiin, the •-- > i VVilmißxtOP, who 1... f 1 lotmcd a «•.. I's •>r..;s»p known as the | Ni wii-D. iptifli. lue, wttk’lt will own Mind operate the pkbllcnt "the ■ futul.-. Th eonKidfr.iftj&a was not given. The gale Is effective ul once A ciinrter has been secured ft run I the ri'ri' tiry of state. Imprlvementt will b. made in the paper front Time to time, and the property will be op erated filong conservative;,, yet pro grssslvc tines, And will at all times hemal* "Indt peiuli ul Democratic '' It I is the purpTisc- of jhe n< vv owners “to i.lve U'ilniltigti'ti a live c i -Vn ~ ,ii ) dally. ‘ & 7 vlr Hut -,, h.l li* • n • -«1 pre.-n ; dent of tie- tx w cnrpor.iT m. ('lie.loA Ilell,iniy, se< retary-tri usurer, and <!co» II la»y. e.liiitc and general manage,jr. Member Congress Is Hela On A Mysterious Charge ! Klan H>ad Eigns SIOO,OOO Suit Mule !tn, i.. Ark. M>i rrli 10. The Ulf,oiM'o * ult <>f II AV Kvan«. Hope tiul wUmd nf til,' Ku Kliu Klan.i miint’ .liirrpli Slum on*, ft rin< r em peror iif the Kliui fur alleged libel, wan itlllul -id In Pillatsfcl OriaH I'onrt today on runt lon of tiff and in the plaintiff* «■ *«t. I Ihi'Ui lined On 'lnnn Vet 11 1 el*l n Tt.iin. VI. *•, hit KdwnVil Vouti'% rim k* of AUanlii. f ioic imperial »i ltd of Hip Ku Klui' Men plea led cuilty till iieinilm; in K V' i ill ( i . t ip t!• I'il i**r* tln Mm . Ail ind v . fined SS,HO(t by Jniae .1. r Hu ■ *■ * ' 1 HOI I*l in i its ok von ‘ * v .-FK+rii jv & •' • • * •• k ~* t -!%.• n-m- tr-*»i *t» ■? ii .1. \ r i tv.iri* it ' * m. •• i » f 0 ' sI \\ \OIt K (n l ION ‘ • I . ' New York Mareli 10 J Coftnn fn | ■ *irn* i lend, Uuidv , I ell I. w f,'liit • viar 57 f,r, s .: :*•; Mi v .. t’s ».| 27 th :*s :,r, ■,* July .' :*, t v: i . Oe 1 rs r,.» J 2 55 n Iter 25Jt 21. fin 2'. 12 I “'nlt"M *• idv The lon real river In Ih Hill »lt Kb O the Shannon In Ireland. «*ftli I 1< IlKth of 221 mile*, ■v HOW DOES A COW LEGALLY DIE? COURT DECIDES o One of Questions al County Court Yesterday. 01 h r Court llo|»|Kninps I low i*oe» a« w legally die" Will, in thi. liuti’iee it did mr die 1 ka 11 >. court dec hied >u terd.iv In ntt amus inn brought hefnre s It seem* that one Frank Fox. negro had » mortgaged «r w. Tlie cow’s life end-* %1. Fox said, by a broken neck He I .ifiiif ''"be enrea » for meat. W. 0. ■Frumplar said he killed it for that purpose .liplge K. II Bland, after •dine deep corn bb railon. ruled „|h»l :ald 1' vine had., met un uiuialural leath. snd Mia' another cow had had •he broken neck. If reports rdhchlng thli office arc dored Wherefore Fox wrug sentenced to |aiy BSO tn Frumpler. < r sijer Jhe consequences Oher ca < In county court ih cluded; linsa Itoyall and Fopnie llgph. negrehs**, i'll days f«ir sh ip lifting Sid Walker, while, driving auto while drunk. s‘<o tend cost». I*et Allen, sanif. 150 and i*os|s MarsliiiM dUnmdt, negp.>, i«s.-eivink liquor *2i and c»di Fharley Brlnaoi. negro, .i--atilt. Mtspi ndtsl JudlSmen on < m dltlon that ' •• pay doctors bill and costs for Wltl McCray, no kip Fh ar te j Brice, negro, carrying ctxnceaUvd WeqpnUH. )50 and c <ts and pistol ‘ t'otifloi uted. W'illle Homing, negrvi, | driving auto while drunk. Ifai ftnd . t‘-s. a. C, IJ. Biitzell. negjsi, rvceiv' ig and tnintporilng liquor, i'.u and inists and liquor fonflscaiMl In l«J Court Tfd Cotton, white, disorderly taVti duct. 13 an.) o'r a. Charley Manuel, regro, drunk, *2» and hr vis /aitib (Vdllns, white speeding, $lO and coat*. Fklr Brldaefnrd, negro, drunk and disorderly, *2O and costa. 11. Sivsi. ®*«ro. drunk, *lO and costa. ~ WIIILs Crawford, negro, drunk. $lO lilynn Brllt. negro, rqci.b » tlrlylug. $231 and c » AMliur Holt, negro, hav l«K.h dig al large, eig.ti; Dr. -Fari. I begirt, bavin* n d g at large, routs, william Oh, i• fro,,, fc . large. iMsmtssed tiecause It w.tH not hi* i! laiwj.r Crawford, negro drunk, *2u 'and costs l.ymuiv \h *’ «**•**. negro, reckless driving, sJtt amt "c »ts. Jesse Norris, white speeding. *lo am| co,- .. KIM IMS 'AT I.IMIII KTOV * Dumber!on, March H. \ Klwanls club wus organiz’d here last nljfht hy Angus Wilton Me Dean, with 55 mem in i » enrolled. Officers of the organisation are; W K Ib thuni. president; A E. White, j Vice Jirmjder.t; If \. Baker, set rt-, t**f*^vaine* I prfrtor. tn asurer; ind Harry A Stacy, trustio; Hop. Knutson and Drpl. of Idi* liar A (rent Out on liond With jNt. Reason (thon. \Va> hiniciiin Minh 1o« l{• pn -.-nl- Hu rd KnnUuii „f Mini: . .•* ** il iMltld f » 'Mill (<>,1.1 > "|| p. r: it eharm « i lilen .j ~5.,1n,i ti 1 :iI by V irrlnfu blfllVI) pule' He tea* f*-, leased pi Artlratori. Va . where he hud been hepL teintr hi* arrest U-t I -lit on the Milt., km* iif Vv.-htni,- l"f> Hail *lu tie- mm. $Tn, .nr.! was im uluhed by I m> VI Hull .oul 2'* >n, einpb tee Ot Ul In part im »' latbor. jw lio w » 'nrri steil with Knot '•il I'ollte win, made tj , irri-t aid they found tin two men in u Tpa ik'd anlouM bllr ’ll', .< ,i-■ will |e < J.e ud tonuifrow . < *'iiUJi*iiilii • ii.iydjir I" 4fi minted v." rn the tV , v • ii •a i i.iik’ued today. •« ' * 1 % - . r * * V * * New Hank Head Najmejl For'Kinston National k nVt HI, Mari Ii ‘I l iill- lit II II 'I lyl n of Mu Vttlniial 11.,uk of Kins tin v • Hterd'iy i tub r> I hi re-itemt ’.inn I*’the din t - ot tin- Inetltit I b»'i tf> b. efifet tlfp Am d I The iIH rtutoi retnetuntl] uei • '«<| \|i Tu’> ' bit's rerlfnation and liter Hi the day i lei lid < f Ka/ l» fry. puruliii nt Klnsteu real e-tnlr utid ln*uranrt* umn to ktiecped Mr Tat lor. Mr Kn-lrerry la flu iire.ent aeltn* vap id* is*—K*d ’ ■ » GOLDSBORO, N. C, TIIESDAY MORNING. MARCH 11. 1921 GOLDSBORO MAKES GOOD ON BIG PROJECT WITH 684 STOCKHOLDERS TAKING PART IN CITY’S GREATEST COMMUNITY EFFORT - • n •> * Everyone IntereHted in (ioldsboro’s Welfare Joins in to Tut Over the Big Drive. Wonderful Spirit of Loyalty Shown by Rich and Poor Alike. “New Day Dawns for City,” Say > Leaders. “We Are Proud of ( itv.” Keynote of Wincj-llp Meeting. SOME REMINISCENCES OF BOV. 6. b: mock 81INTINHTE FRIEND V. «( Wavrtp ( tiunty’H Greatest Son. Honored Thursday, as Seen by John I). Langston. 8o much has been -aid mid writ enl about *>iverncir Aynsk. that It is dlf flefllt to recall any u>< blent with which the public Is not familiar One of my prmtdw p -sse'slon* *laj ttie fact that I knew lilm personwlly and Intimately, and loved him as per-j haps •hall never love any man ex tent my own father There will always l«e a fender leel b.g In my heart towards one of ‘wo 1 • t my frleuds, wbq have Imagined ( sunie rliurarteHsttc In me at times j.iimilar tax some of_ Ocvernw Ay cock's 1 suppose this must have *becn on occarrt'ug wlwu my tore fm Ijnd udmlrnt: m for him has mu<ed uie to *gry lo Win Nr> Itsnlfr f ’sk undat Uie rimu time vo task more worthy has **i>r faced any 'tf'rth < '.i i wltlitar.-tbwvf >ri fait taw* -tn the foai'-teps of this the ' apostle- of real and lasting progreA- North Carolina has known. Shi it l dl lb,, llgher m"d human interext t vents In his life 1 wish to lit my eurly prtictloe axf law I had the honor e • well m rn Is fort un. - |<> he pltfed against Governor Ayi xck in th*> trial .of. the case of Smith atitlniC Alphln Alphi.i had Invented a fruit preserver, by ii. c of Mtlphur .the fiiinw. of which entered • I'do jars ((inluQiinv th<- fru t which was covi red with water to the op« of the Jars, The sulphur fume* par- I meating the air In un eidosed Inn which held the jat« prodheec accord ing to the -la i rhotults. slll| ble which In turn |«*rmeated the wa ter nud produc*d sulphuric acid, a deadly poison. Alphln had sold the j iltstes rlghtH -o Smith, and Smith W;ui HO'lng for Ids money back Gqv •'•'fior Vycock repreiynted Smith and I represented Alphln In order to rebut the testimony erf “he stale chem ist* I trad n large number of wit-* mmscs Including Alphln. hi* wife and tooliier 111 law who teat Hied that hey bad aid the Invention, for * ntmxturr; of ye.*r» and hud eaten the preserved fruila dully and had expertemced no ill **ffe<T's. (kivi*mor Ayem k. always it master of' the art of crtma-cxamlnuljun. managed to dl#-J •over some physical defect In every 1 one of my witne*se<, whether clillls! ibi| lever*.* i.s Ingmwlng 10. Alter' T b.t*i .Mil 1., d th* ju,, m*k tt uitlnucd I'lom I',age Three) ' HID LOCH HOME IS BOBBED SUM Hwidwtcs of Dr. T. .VI. •Hizzell Entered Sunday Nighl. Irfiw* Not Heavy. ,’riie hpii .v of lir T M fllz/atl, \V Vli Str*'* t * a enter* J bv lea-. hreakerii earl) vl*. •• * i ; ulna, pfj ■II III* b'dl •w Ini* he" .'- til hn •i run i i - *"111*11 w thiml i ,i:ii[ itiv 1 1 • ( oi tin t** ip'lral t- ul the ii' id The lia* k door w-,i sud op an Motrday morning • A peisuti b- ping on the second floor heard ,* 4r*i *,- •!inin. the isighi ■ foil ;•»'(> iv< *1 i■ . ■ nt ■hr lint t- ( - llf Itl/.*l' win, -b (|. * n the; i round floor, “w ' not (liFurbed by, tile th 1 although ei ttotts'er- w **r • ik. it in vb* fame roem With I *ilm Nothing •1-• of value has yet 'i*r* it noted mt**ing Nh fia .* .trfi III* thieve* ha* lieeti f ilm'd '"I h )s, H( (• iiri v. i.rkliic un ik, ia i ami l,o|u for -I.* *,l > t• ■ •. 1 1;' MtN Kill,Mi ON TMM'k High lYiirt, Mar. 10.—0, J Barr, a nitli-ac rker ol ibis city, wa* In stantly kitted here tonight when he wa, struck by a tniln. llurr D •aid to have been walking on the 'rack during n snow-storm and evidently did not hear Hie train approaching ' The ugin’s body was badly man glet). He was IndcMtlhiHl hy -ar ticle** lu hi* pocket, ams it Is said that his family live in Wllming'on. M XBOO RAPS REED ! ! IN CILIF. SPEECH On Lyt* of Leavinx for Abifnima Tour Saya Mitutouri Rgault U “Strikiim Rebuke” D« Angeles.”, March 10—William Gibbs KlrAdoq. candldale for pre l-“ dcniial iwMuination oh the Democrat ic tlfhet, derlured before - leaving here today campaign TW the Qaor '2h» primaries that “the crushing de feat administered by the Demo rata of Miss* url to Henator Heed la a sir king rebuke fi*r the rampnign of calumny and personalities that he dl j rected against me.” Mr Mr Adoo declared that-white he "vuld make a tew campaign ap ech •«'*• itv Genrals. hr did not Ijjtcnd to curry his fight personally t n t,> »|| the rintes In which his name has been entered In the primaries. * . S. W. Presbyt-’Uniy. Ix>seK $20,000 in Fire Flurksvlllr. Tenfi . March 111 Robh Hall, a dormlt- ry of Suutbwrstern I’rashyter an University, was damag ed $20.00n hy lire originating In a i storage room early this* morning. Thirty students sleeping ..In the, dor mitory i scaped unhurt. All the uni versity luisehall equipment, and much of tile Other a hlette equipment wa* destroyed Little HopeJtJeld Out For Enttimbed Miners Full* of 17$ Men in Utah Col liery Doubtful, with .'Hi JfodifM Already Found," a ■ <.l !lr (i.ilf I Mar W H* li f v.i- i xpi. *'. <1 ti) t onipail) dffl cliilm Dial tomorrow .til the int: r r» - of 110 t’tah I'up I I' 111 |M n) it j.lntlH 1 mOl 'liuii- Im'P'i jm im-.I ra - >* atH I 11;til Up it - »f (In 17 ! mint .ti \ tululii r SatPiiluy by Up . p vpli* Imp *lll lw itiornilnnl White then 1* llltli* I ojtn Jh.i ti ti \ of Ihr no i waar 111 ‘ 1 11. 'll* Hill 0, liiM'fi H i .i\nn t| ,if t» p in Hot** I* * I f.llr |) < tllllUV I' .it t► IP !*• i. -till Mil '<y j liarrltioJUni llipnisel vt". i t « r»-f* «*f I tint, mint* . School t’o#S. S. Teachers St arty at Kinston Ktn t<m ■fa I ill yin n M; * MtUmuJU;—Utafi It ’f i7.PIok. wf|l prr na f- t, ’ Wit** ■ ..)** I a*it ami It . a. a I till" ili ’.Ti ll -| H i i.l 11-l « nit iii, K tiw ' .i i,.' in|,i o i r , tnil i< .tpi o tl li»! »i.i»i i*. .nut |nmin i ll»i --, nort.i'iF alid itlVtr .iil'ir ifil In Ihf* iVoVli us Up .*1 111ii.I .'Pit . him h rt*l»ri -mt'lnit tbV t hurt hr* within u •in, 'if "• In,' a inllr o' KltiM'iip i w 111 tii> In #ii» ml,.in . All lpiiikli Ip Id nmlf i Up' HURplf-"* i ' IJ- '■ li »I i ■ ,'ll rl ' h .ll'l I !'• I nil fa ' it r* in•' huh General Sunday Ht lioul It- ti'l . 11l iln Vl.plinli.i K|i sitipal floi'tli St ml 1 1 lltin ' hi Ip n| Invite**' ' ,rl • i linn tin* in im’iif .ittv«i»<an' of Ui*. Iralnln iippirtu fltt| tlil'li n iifforiN ll.irt' will he fin lu.ii ii <i r '.iruilnn r hut iff x. THE TOP BOUSE ACCEPTS - EOBD SIBILS BID IS PHH LINES GO By Vot* of 227 to 142 Ik, Two- Year Old Offer ig Approv ed. Goe» to Senate - - - i Washing oil. March 10.-Henry F-ial's offer fur Muscle Shoals, pend i lug before 41 for two years, was ap i proved today by the House Hy s rote of 227 to 142 the McKen- I zle bill 'Xahlch would authorise hc | ceptanca of Ford's bid was passed by j and wentcli the Senate, where there • is uncertainty what actlqn, Ifj any. will lie taken on It at this sea l ! slon. j The fates advocate of the Ford of | 'fer restated attempt* to modify the | iproposed contract. Amtndment as j lei amendment aimed at the heart of 'the bill was thrown out by a decisive I t®t# and *s passed the meaanre c*r- I rie* Icaa than half a docen of mtnor Importance, which proponegta were willing to accept. \ 1 The Hons* adopted by a vtva vote* vete an arm ndment hv Mr. Maddoa. which would hind Ford'a heirs and . assigns to carry out the term* of ( thc tOatract. ’i \'f , Toition Liquor * Floods Phila. Jkf ; 0 . ” Uhlludelpkla. Mar H> A fr«sh , flood «f pol* on Oils liquor over “he week end rvaulifsl In « score of i ase* of alcoholic iMiisonlng Itelng trosle.l at hospital* today. One of the vic tim* was 17 year oldo hoy Ua tors representing 876 rongrega- Mons belonging *-o the loenl led* ra tlon of churchoa planned to via!; > liy hall today to to Mayor Ken-' drlck arid Director of Public oafety Bu® lar their cndoraemeiy of the rb>aii up canipalgn InHiigurafed by the au • n lint st ration 1 i - .. 1 New OrleanH shiver« In Record Chill Ntw Otleuii*. Mar 10.—A told Mi from' I to* tun l In* r*f peml ruled tin <»11 If foil-I rngl tin of J liv South tirluiflng • mi*.hiihi,.ililt- letup .it in i' ' 4# ' I t l.ttl l) » 11 I:' I l*ri i for ( older aea'her feni iti* 111 ipilllg* 111 7 it 111 llltli Nt»d f ,1 ' tii *t weather 1a nearly «)| of H:**t*«- l|t|i| and Ijh i-M it. with degree*’ Ht Nt w* Tht- , if. n urj nt Vh i '.mi' font In | In ah I tl Meild lon ;j wlt ii** In I. -ultlaiiu. .Ui i ••. • pniri fill 2*. and Alexandria'And Monroe, 1"* Hurt Arthur. Tejuu, allowed a ! . ffa| J, 't hf llitrintim«...r at N w OrfCin* •l row "•it .21 .tlrurrm In kUii."i hoiitt, I March ifiiipt raturp rnorj-i • i ■ Ktnea lilt when it waa 3&. ! AI Smith Praised^ i Mill i > Man h i" a.i;i>i tea) „t II" in rn,ii, of hiu.'imit A1 Sin'llh' atiif' ilp> ip.* of ihv l^iitalatur■■*, in Hit fffort 10 i<llmlnat' ( allt tl "t iv l l war t|i*riitninu i ii" agitl|i*f *titilhfrn " Ud* mid at'i urnif* watt Votr<’d In u ii tpilutlon i ittM’ii at a Kfmrtal *t **lon •'I iht tllv tountll fort today Ihp hill will to|nt' up lor urllon In Ilf \> w Vorh la ai*l.ilu: e. anti 11 iht- .M in of ip, a new IP M , will rpried iip for the »u|f of Miuth •in 11 print* ai prthfnt. It i» ll lor *.ivlng* hank* and t_ruu fluid* In New Vorh state to huy i-fuih t rn hondß, MEMBER 0? ASSOCIATED PRKBB PRICE FIVE CENTS If* mII over but (be shouting! The it><i'l lit augured; Ucldsboro stands eady to go forward to and bluer day!! „ & That I* the spirit radiating through he fl y tbla morning everyone min hlmnelf and hla neighbors on tha >aek, abmitlng ‘R> (lolly arr did lt!“ And by golly we did!) No on* la the *lt> but la poattiva that when thw ■ltlaena of Goldaboro put their bgcks to the wheel they arrive. Thcge h to tula'aklng that after the convtnc- ? ng demonstration of the pdat two week* The r Min a« of whet wa* not un luatly railed "The niggeat Thing In ■be History of (loldeboro" came "leal night at a routing meeting over the Chamber of Com men* offices when the Anal re port g were turned In. the Dbd aalea announced, and the flat ] tlren aa luat four hundred lhon*amd t dollars! What a cheer went ho as {the anuouncement wea made that the ) lrlve had succeeded! Aa Indeed et | ’rvone knew It wdnM. It win a greet nleht Hpeechen TkrMl % When the leal Agure* had been chalkc d up on (be big blackboard, aid everyone could sit hark and haak la the glow of that «400.Mh the araecdt ea began Fife!. C. b. Johnson, min-* seer of tbe cam pa go. He thanhel the wWthbevhaad the that* assort In tbla cntcrprtae v eepeclalltr those llvlaa outside ql tbe clfy He thank ed I>avld Sheldon add Ml«a Deah Slaughter for their mmdcal asg)st anee. And tbe Wimifi Club for their careful cons deration of the ••In ner man " And tbe offkere of the (lumber of Commerce, for the'r co operation And the office n ass with raperiul reference to tbe young la dlea-evho bare worked ao haril for the move. And H Well end Brothers foe their permission to uaa the dialog rriom during the week And the Boy HcOuta for giving up the room dnrlnc that time, and for their ..other help. And the Klegrla Club amhttha Ro tarians f- r tbalr aid. “Aad Ism sor ry to leave Ooldaboro," he chncluAed. lender a Kepert L • Then the chairmen. W. H. Kdwards railed upon the aeveral division head* fnr a few brief word*: A. T. C tiffin thanked ell hie men nsd told them how murh he appreciated their wnsk II A. Pike gold of selling 97.- Cos In stock to n man and hla wife who do not live In the city, knd quot ed the' man'* remark, “Ootdaborn should have hotel down end ground broken for the new one In «lde of r,o days." U A- Raney pidnt 'ed nut that Division C had averaged $7,000 for every day of the drive M. Km met Robinson commended hta worker* for their diligent end faith ful efforts. > . .. Oeorgke A Royal) thanked Mr. Johnson and Mr tdraf. tha organis er* In the campilgn. In a affbech qj appreciation saying that "We appre !'’ate (heir patience and perseverance, land lints to see them go ” He teWt icd o th, (act that be considered veeternoy a red le-'ttr day fur Colds* tiuro and thti “We have be. *t mah* inr I tiy during thr last two wrecks! The spirit of t earn work bet ween all the mine wrrkeer. he »<nt on. was i pleml) l and he hoped that It w ould I c ptlnuu nod rrow A spedr tri* uitr to \l $ Denmark, secret <r- of 4 ln Chamber of Commerce, c. arlud d his remark*, it! which he slated that he considered Mr Denmark the i tineM secretary of g chamber of com* j n.• r* e to he foirtitj In, ptfe ■ |*ie •• ; r**"r * *** ~ ~ ■ m ss42tvrk otisk ’handsome tribute to Capt Nathan el’* , lie try »< on- of; the l»*ril*ie /pit! to • in puttloa over the auk, ...fill < am piilgn On hla motion a ■ rising vole of thunk* wa* paid Cgpt ORttry by the assembled worker* " W II Kdwayds. . thanked nil the , a inker* ti (i<l paid his Irllfute t> the "knock* r»" who opposed the plan, end brought out the best there was iu those In favor of It 'With tha /eras lion of the hotel.” he satil. “‘we uirvr from the tKtalilon nf a i roaa ". o.iiti town to that of :i c|lt " r Permanent tward* The permanent award* f«r the *n» (Continu'd On r*i<- Three} . * Jmt

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