PAGE TWO Careless smokers Cost 'union'. Yearly in Tire Losses ' -i j C Hl-C A MT»k< i» I coat tbo nation millions annually ift property loaaes, toosay rbHi.r»a *t the killed arvfl injured result, ng | from Urea, asserted Richard K ■ Kropf, Supreme Regent of th» ! Royal Arcanum, in a safety ad ! dmi hero. .» I '."May careful in throwing i<' u; ' the match after lighting p;x • cigar or cigarette is us cs«»n si' to public safety as obeying troth laws,” said MK. Kropf, dim 1 made an intensive study of -afr*y problems “"In connection with the ' nation-wide accident prevention campaign of the Royal Arrinum “Fire underwriters attribute <i . 21 » percent of ail the farm (ires *■ 'fodr years to *ith . Matehoa or anme form of «nnklng TWb amounted to f 5.719.202 "Smokers in or near farm build : Inrw should be particularly rare 'lll, oaring to the .nnammahlt da tura of Ure construction and the absence of gdequate .Ire-fighting facilities. Firea also spread rapid ly la department stores and with ns groat throngs of women aiM * children, both customers and em ployees, the danger, of injury wough panic is fltrat. Here, n FAMOUS PREACHERS WILL CARRY GOSPEL TO AMERICAN PEOPLE ‘The Church Mum! Go to the” If ('hriNtianity Ik Not to He come a Decaying Religion r _____ *' Washington. March *1 iAI‘I lister) on the convb ttoti, if th* people wtll not go to the Pbilfc|fi.,ljbt church must go to the poofil’c, a great religion* til venient f tx hid fig. or gsnlsed by the National fiftheilrnl • FbandaUom. A coilere of preachers it to be ealanltirhed ln-r« . for-whit I a country aide luud of lUi.UUO.iiuu 1.. « being asaeiuhled. and Ironi this a re ltglous rerlval akin to that 4 Uato the Hermit, the Coaley Putin"». ami Oenersl Hootb H* to bo dltvDtrd </ The Itlglii Rev J Irnea I l-'V* em,m. I). D, Episcopal hishop of Washing ton. is now preparing wih other church leader* to launch the evnng etical enterprise this Minitner. with the aesairn* of III" College of Preacher*. Thl* embodiment of tin* church militant) in a vigorous > sin 1 palgn for Christ through preaching publicity, and wtll i> ;* Ify spiritually to Aturrlr - whit tin- Washington Cathedral It-clt wher 'Voodrow Wllsi n In burl d mean materially a* a great religion shiitw. and In fai t, an \ni •rlcan Westminster Abbey, where the nu lion's honored dr*d will «de< pr In igk fotcflratH t»f the tmtinn w i<t preschlhg renul«*an< c to i rrr i - 4 religion m,m In Hu -ii i to meet thi%liHllciu that chi -din tty, has failed. Is \mrioll Hax r<, tru* tee of the Fund, ami gland. whoiM- hnxhure. made public today, outline* the argument t t tin preaching, ml- *ion. 0 Mr Sayre’s Indictment of Chris* tlanlty’s failure to Influent. .tverag men and women I* sllinm d up In the opining patnsraph. t,tnj "(’hristlanliy liu* IMm It* hold i u the maSHe* of tin peopf The 111 dualllal rinses hitv• n;, »il to l» tnfluenred hv it Ii 1,,. shrunk nt a concern of the so-calb <1 middle md uppe i laa 1 whlrh If allowed to i'tit n tt,• that FJirlidianltx in \ • ,i nil soon enter definitely jnio ;h of a decaying religion To counteract this bring a natural mid Id ,ditty i • In., >. growth to u»c everyday \■ t mi Mr Hey re pi opr. < . a mmi i carry It to “tin/ i . it the averag. nif It- jt. the delusive apt* .irani . i . ; * material prc»|x-rlt> ti the • i,V. and point - out tliM the prwrtleul nx.;.4i\i.x» <•[ i • ■ .f|* kcjVi' t, - r.’i/y- _ ■ * t ’ • ' .s mini * tin*** he list that aon ii favm Tie to a fi llowlng ' ;; -»n,YD • Ike relatively uaftcptn In c <1 o on Christ flirt i ftt-j f. *. i' tii f>i) im i (jrf I tnati rial aide of'conduct i -c , oa au i leva! i t, i iui i i strength; and the ip. e lite of I t’hnrch today t*i eyhtldf uitd < m*. tbosi high I* nml.l ■I- of c i itanrwilty -of-which it l th gnardii . aad the tiuatef-* * The pariah Htufch I ”t h only in at rumen Ulll c of Chi it.inltc - ly and eflec titely nt w.j,rk t 4 i 'A! ftayra-malntyin' v rerhu) of prc i 'li fiig la noc n *,| ( ,| in hy p< !. r. ba point* out but ot’im |>, pinnnid » • v.■ I_■ _ J iU - /Ms WWrf Z K l /A ' C-i • lily's r w -»N. —r-.» —*- "f«fa Hi ■ ■ ' a ■mi «3 _ ry iatrntn. n -.ordinf to the tire under,-' writers, carelc*:-oe»a by cmiaed u property loi>» of #2,2Cd,- ; hftfl . "The rpot’nl re-pnn*ihilit» of the ivunn who li^ht- « i,,i;ur anil throw : the match n.tuje to start it fire | which destroys property und per ihapa lives great n« that ol [the reckless motorist who strikes ; u pedestnun and hpeed* away. Th* ichances of being punished arc leas "nolely to reach lho,c who cannot ; othcrwlm- lie won. , ’l’he pi i ent»i!<m ‘o.i th* <Pi 1 alotli to til lit 'pic, wh'l ll 1 lliiybj nmy lie iisscnihlcd. iftivnlil of tic pomp land power of the pulpit, nud ifre niony/1* tic iiuclpuo iof thi pe u ium High Intelligence, training, am! the New Temple of Finance to Mirror - Dignity of Egyptian Prototypes ’I b V-wa-t • t‘l } UMZ *t >»” — i.rai^ s'jr*! ' i * '] ' v VC.,-’ s - $ * *jr''• s 1 ’ l - ! * ■ >■ .■ iftto'Jjk: (ar-X chntifct- Ic-vviiy. i f-.» a f ~ 4- INSDRANCtSAYS BARNES <i i * I __ V , “ —t— : t--i *" ■* *•,«t ja •' » **■ ••" ,-**•-■ •y- ' •' *-'* ‘ A *■ *. %, t ‘ i ' . ' ‘ • . ' : V • •••!. pi ' 1 j!.*f ? i j. _ *■+ j !■ . far. Ccrrerted Trow * ” 1 , ■ ■ and • ,i. Ti • : •'■ !r 1 \ "• - ? r. .-•* : Imp tVi,. f I . tt M 5 . c. h * Uefgi > ‘ k .t Vt 4'i.Ji. I*4 * itimi ii Ul lVk- '! 1 i' if * Mil „ .•; up J; - . Os cy. t smiting 'V• it My ta. h ’I d.. T nine V< t -i table Fills. * . 'J ~ r i t • < ' in the 'first v, i • t: * i t* tire unnlogiKi* "The Rov id A i.o ‘I ells no Arc or -i.ii . t • <•{ 11. y 1 . l-'it ’i • i ■! ~Tf .ii pfcat-’itia thi h ’ ui r,f ’ i ui. >er | v iitton nf Itlo through tireverinon lof accident* in rr.uking the fnmi li?* nf fts JStiJlih' nc*mhers more ■ u< ful m tir doily urrivifies it is direr tty- ;;iii.t:. c o:i.‘f mil lion cituci ul<:.fotv lints - jI.I wIT t I ‘ D W .;. v.l -i riciUtl 11 II S. ..: j , nf tl * ' • t . Ii on tlu firing Itn- with “.i Twcilth 111 j . . ui} dHv.aagr" atid cbl. to htt'i lie . |f. ''.|C VII lip t-i lut- * --HI! , I'rcncJ*”. with hi* I ,nut | rt a In i < "fired with tin spirit 4 ciar.i.ll ;.t. ' ... C1 THE GOLIWBORO NEWS < tr.uln<d In tin-, ar: - t f per oi lnrr woulds mlcmor lii’Chil.-tlatlie Ai u ' i i nt 111.4 * uiemtt'ua. r -ni> M-tit**.t Uothvrlnga of all aorta. In ti.eitr.a, 1 * r.ft.*. In mover Its a' 4.11.1:* »o C s 1 b| f gt .4 < ■ ! . . .Mil! ).‘ > 1 1 1* ; c 4, .11 111 ...J *. , 1 ... : *n c<4 aa Mr 1 . ■ 1 u j.R t tbe pnticllftli retlntl. • Thais ’ pje’ai h*rs would tinev their -, r ail length II till. .Nation .I l Cle s! .11,; -Hi % .1. jf. !|.Ss: •i.i.i tir. li’jij'ffr rial’ w uld |ir . is* ; ,<1 tlit hop -I* i-tiitimtddlisi nr .1 i’ 1 t» of ehi eties oilier than th< Kpi t di-i pal wIT tc enllati 1 In flc causa,] ] . a 11. '» rt' J. tnen nf r"pUtU’t' tv-ho have won r> now rt In Curop* and 'j Aun t.t a forth.; )r <cKoUrahlp an l iildflty to preach, will he Sth treil. Bildj. In* rapidly .1* pw> dhle, tho p. rn.ui: it - tv o linn »ii ifi" i -ill* ;; “! ; 1 mi^ . r . «ll| t»c p rferteil- <rl . t> HUM him; OK I ITJI H M I > 'vs I I IT I UI UI MV I VV Ml •■' ” 1 Cl'veland, (). March 10 tAl’i ! i Hdliger nt latlona will Yet try to [Mil < nctiiy mddt‘ •, in if 1 -xt war. . 1 • 4 1. t Cr wi If ts -m :.{ wee iHMlsf f**f **:*-r t'T—tiicttf Wtl j > n declared her In u rcchl address ; 'lr r r •, II -, I "Tin 1" m *»>' 1 : oup of natlonr. which ttct rn th* j [n t v.ur adeqitutcly *-*initc?t»* *1 with 1 |, 'ii*-, ya end ail (date wit! win ,1 ; J 1 i1 k and probably ded/lve victory.' lln th*' next war. go. riurienf* will j j . f* cnrcaiag or In Khinv\.uus ' thi fight in* In ath dctliiig ra s- ( JM the lighting. Heuti dealitVK gas,- , j MOTHLUS— Don't you know yon can trim a dintr<* <l, l< x -rish, .r.uiKhiiig c chill lot u comfort'd lo and hup p| 1 y ami llutf ond atm ply by rl vt ns CHAMBERLAfN’S COUCaII REMEDY I No Naecotiuo * ROIIOIK s 't»l iHI u\ It. It. k^inouncr* licilueetl Round Trip Knr** To M V. OltllWS. tv. Account (H (.11 VS n i l III! VTION I'elifiiarj 2s, Muri h I. l-t'2l, il* . t 1 n -.4, dall v I 1 &■;.»ry -’ll , 1 ir '• tni I mvc a..d for train • 1 ; f hediiled to arrive New Orb ana on I i r lx-fore non of March 1, final limit P'da-cii 11. l'l.’l For further Infor j j ou't >n. consult any Norfolk South I rn Agent, or write J F DAI.TON. . 1 ’’ ( tit ral l’e-..cii;-.tir n A-'int, , Norfolk. Virginia - F b. 2.C 2«: ' I. till . «» lilt s I k feed * >,it r ! . *.* s'.xl » Idtrf* jdsialy . *t'i('i) fie,*' I '.i r chi b as (and this ! dip) lut'li 1 .led- i Ji'ii 'a* C.», l>r» I •i • II ’ I '» , ISt ■ . . . , I ■■t':l*l t | n *■ (ji ido icy FI rJainh I « -Ugii 1.1 laydt'ffor t< . •.-. *■. 'cr*.up. j bK 11 ... . i•! ' «■ .i;f. e. US, t'-dli. kUTUIi.i .*., Fi *1 naiuora. ; " t‘ Ii :■«, ;1 ■ c 1 . : a 1 troo- , , i roted j *• e. 11 a csss *1:1 iuvstipslloaj ( h'a *'» I o■. 111... ry 'fn ■ ’• : .e, r.- • ; '1 e-oii ,Vpiii», I'd -kiti . I'.w; tjow v.'n-l fa oily • ■ a ~■• 'A* 'Mi 1 0 l.i'llk*. Isjtt’l miae ii , t-:i iSTf'R OF DEEDS _j hereby rintVnn niv friend^ ■nU the jxibUc gv:i*; ally that 1 a taadidaUi'tor tin- office <>l' i!i :>i*iiT of Deeds for iVayiii • nmiy, u'jject to th® IK mot J ratic primary. ■» | 1 will appreciate yotir nipport. i ml a nnmii'dteil und elected. 1 ;'"i>mi't* lo do iy utmost to fill ; lir) o'Tics' . .U ivtaetorv to all. . A V HDWKIX. ; •> .(JoltlslftHTi N. (’ . I*. I tiptop « * F. I». Jcmmc t nTov wtf jkromk: I I iiglm crlio: mat rontrurtLngi , I glut Sur*pyliiß it ml vinpiituu ) t r I’.'ojili s ran'** I’kotio IU!*S, DR. A. H. 7EAI.Y ~ ('S iIOF V I'll H' I'll VMII V s IS ' I tfI’UTIV i.i i t I'Rlt n V Rooms II;-111 llorden lllifg. I : 'SO* 171-2 M-J A ♦ ! ' I*’ r'-N • ( \ :rJL: * -1 • ►' -A " * (gb_-«•■»■»!* ;V _r g'c u. new vxhi’tthi I’ol'li hitt'k fro t it • V ii, o’: 1‘- (’.'fiincfs, You’ll ! ■ ‘ if 11 erf he * xotV set* lie 1 ■v ! r fi !r i* (ill 've rl< ftic\ ,* " | i : Oc( |;tj proe ssl S vx hi ' re,’ iin*s lhe f ilttic afxt V dirt. Victory Tailais ft I v ie u'ii| I: .ml |. *s the la . ifrar and UiK >li >* *• tin ‘ KniltitcT. A high ranking Oi rntiui »»’•! nfler 111 armlute*' ts. ■ it v. M Kanarkr'Tiinh' ..n<i m < r e •■ ■ i ix of MriMiul I. 'I; ti; • ‘tur- • 1 •-4 Mil* -I V‘ > Ml . • "Alrglunrr iivi r armltiM i * 1. ..<tm I, It ' <llr;«t r ti'rvlii.- *i. i i.l; ij I Iwi'i i that >u i .* f it" . u»- ♦- e«t tittljr i rflj l < .irri' .( In 11. "»■ wAr P *t»- ■ oiy df|i'>i* t. nil jna ‘ on’ p in< - v. ill m** rint*rnyr-r} ant{ the rnor.i!v nT ft. H-iV.I ill) behind Hr- II :<■ -:.pnlr< I " * ~'kr« H! II m il «l> |> Tull. <’!>•«H i Hilt, M irih t +* |{o:i I id LK 'll| |Vttc Kill .bo the .« I •( t . < rle. lee; w him. will lie nlve.l ill th< lull rsl*)' <;( N« rttl I'gielfftit oy I'cefe: :»i r f.'wara ,M*v.'rih Ho ■ of lb - Unh-ofs. y o: J g i • . * "* 0 ~ - - I So oiteu i re;nurk is mode, BuicUs never wear ou * • *' "d-cf I-uiel. cars throu.^h- Cl ’t' l ' * 1 ' ’•• n l : * V- .. ii'lis statement. JO : v ;.r:: ... Bui ok owner (h ives ' c: - : • }’> mi:cs he travels, his Buick • * v . f ' ,r u J 1 • “ M ’• • ncl econojnically. '* v '‘ 7 * • nci 1- * ; c! ■ ransporration yourself? a ’ c - r u on., ready to - give you a * \ .. ‘ di'ncn uxy n‘ , ' « •» . a a*-■~— - » - ' GOLDSBORO (; Wi.'MV r VA,7*m TRANSPORT CO. - whi t uiir. BUia wiix build them l s V @ b. ' . b * ' '*.V t - a’ i 1 l ' mi " >; . 1 i .r* ally Ihrotvitty away 4 p«rl of 1 ■ . t *■ • * >., •l i.-Ut ;!!•■ b- j» yw c, * '“**•’ ' • *’ ’ . g*‘ * - . % - v y »x v * ' .tr • < (•< * " V.M • ' • •»i • 1 (.i\ ti • uy nioro than you’re'doing for 1 rent—' -1 . * .1 ’ I n -,1 for'n dt*rd to the home ■» . \MU , ¥ ! ;•j. 1 * . y • ' * ,•: * _ I Peoples Bank & Trust Co, M !U*. c i (MN’i' iV UTMIINT J, •/_ i y Ns V, STARTS APRIL fST , -■■■■«-■ m ’ -U2 ■' ' t l& i *x .. t ' wtsrrtl) it), . M f r I'M. I,i .IXI o ih- Weil h i ;,ir( .1 llui. nr )ntift|t .0 . 3 ,v:nonr. i n tiMhtlf h, V i!u;,. tin*' rI ■ tMtiilO'i baa Lx. n Ak< ni l. 1 I■' >Vr ,1-' T 0 ] v' \\ 1 i j. ’ h | ' 1•i * ■ Htvi 1 ! Atv«t y 1 ' S. (i. Gardner & Company l . ' v > 1 • * « .' , CKRTirfKD IMim.TC ACCOUNTANTS p . • ■ * ' \ Commercial Natiisrtal Bank Building • ‘ ' * . * *,. 1 ] ” HALKIGH, ti. C. ' !•’ ' „ , . f 'ix -a Yl tiSDW MORNING. MARCH JL 1_924 .• in I’.ovclu'.loß.” thol the grcatent a <|l itr trut ■ ti |bt c t 'he V.. i'l.i x.-if* from rcvohitkia as v.cll’ u ’’ <»r lie hum racy. The lecturca ' \ h .In ca April 11. aad co ttinuo . ’ »«'» t’ c l-hii. .. . ..

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