WEATHER s l.r nerail J fair »c«lnesday autl 1 bars* - day, rising tempt rat lire Tharsday- YOU >MK THREE; NO. IS LIFE IN LABRADOR IMID ICE ■ SNOW TOLD B! GINFELI Hrroir Exploits in Far North »s Related l»v Famous Rescuer and Doctor •'l'm ( 1«mI I am m»t In. my in |>: I mat iib In I-abyadur today.'’ remarked I»r Wilfred T Grenfell. when It •• • ♦lcw».*i yesterday aftertKon by the Ooldvlmra News. "It'g cold enough here:' 1 haw not teen much coble g wea'her than tills for Notnc ...time n my trawli" Dr Grenfell. khe "Angel of hahta «l< r." w’heril “he ».Tt< s every™ »r.».• a t mat often In the winter to minister to life T.tetl:* ol the |c •r'*f.*Xh.tK m'lk. ► iMik*’ In -- ntrlit to a « ro»ili ls asM;m t«ly at tlie Court llou.c, the pr*>i-c»*d going to supiMirt tlic work lie has start*it h|> North i While Ito vhh busy arranging as fain* wi'h n member of the local committee, the reporter engaged in i-I'lversatl <n tite ussltant, a Mr Milling of Chester, KlVgk* lit. who op ••rates the movie camera in lllus 'rating the lecture "f spend most of my time II it in* tin maiitifiH* after the Igiggas** handle D-.. or as we say in England, the 'lug * gag* men' have liuiale il around. , 8 methlng with i go*- wrong nearly every day. Ufc, t hav> to «ri{e to various clGe to m- m w pnrtn I dae chewing yum and strlny to help me out ta repelling I', «but new itarta’ are also nee* .ary,” In j commented. Mr„ Milling, by the way. will pr.vltuftly row In the tiiy Henle) uwe In England mat summer and « then go to Spitxbergen lo join an ex pin rat lon party there He Is a sin- ■ tli at at (Ayfortif^away mi leave t" • travel wilt 'Dr Grenfell fur a ff» I months.*’ The. lecture was sponsored hy tin Klwnpls Club, and was well atttUTil ! ed. not only hy Its members, but the member* of the Rotary TTub. and tpi ' ny other people of the city. An outline of the work dont- hv l>r Grenfell- us lie told It hu.t nlghl fol lows: o Outline of Hoik "This mc*dlc«l and mh lal uvlat-lon heyisit is work among tllurmeii l>> she North Sea .and gradually ostoml .ed as far ar. Ihe luttndto iidhetle and the Norwegian ctwid, In I s ' 1 - a Jilticty-nlre ton ,-ulUng boat lilted as a ho* pi «l vfrts sent U* the Nt-v toiimflar.d and laihrmlor flsherl I tie folio -t It. year, at the leqlie-d o the i* tipi* liitete ,|#-d In the |e h cries. the ship n ■ tinted alitl two small bespitM> MV' limit m the l hratloi coast two h null 'd mile* apdrt In winter the work of "these star,a moved lo' wintt r fjLfart r ti\tl> »»•• tdr r.',|M-iilve hays white lie a 1 ermen congregate- fur Irapplttg when the sen nvt i Three other hos pitals four unrein;: .-•ta lon* mu make a little chain of centre* ihnut (Hy ml ft* apart: dmae have grow n up tiurlny ihe past Hitty year-* *• t irullice ihe cash -> "It til of It »le stead of the U ’lversal slid tlehmrnli mu truck t yetetn th; prevailed u ft rloy of cooperative tlhfriliuilm , Horn were started lie* deh terl Influence of he liquor traffic •>" many snmen wo-a never ninth marked nnv> » these io«-n, bin as there w ( 1,0 prov! ion for tkctu at IU" her I j quarters where they turrh d tin it | ,„rgtse ojf fish, and tonyrc«ntcd tf»j icel* set I'Nes In he -prlny a lie » St aDii im' Institute, tilled * Ml* l" j iln in .arf i hinya 'to m»*e men welcome. lv enable dicnt 4 * f . letui ilvu y hittlllTls el •<'•' ' i : hie rale, free froip the Influence i of the saloon, was erected Me' - have nl -it l«ani*d la Its fine swlmmUtr InUX how lo -.wlm. which owlnc t * t hi v. tiers, vstrcely any »f flu in W. ie aide in do. Ihe many soi milvllles carried on hy this In-ilf ' t.,ive la i n a valuable constructive. factor in sot ini uplift. '•The llilhl problem hi- he* n no hv two Urge homes .thou litre, bun tired milts mart where derelict atm rjihau tiilltlren are <vre,l fair *<l uctslsw* Many eventutilly are ;,itn t hal.t ' ■ for It . hntt al training 111 tie Ifpftetl ft tales and Canada, and rt ns mechanic* With «pecial |t> imri'. hark to the ety. M |dtfn m k'uovv |. ic i;.' .a>’ ■ ■ ifulrji la. )’ T U tter:iv .u "j ■'« • ' -a , . .CiSf. ; -Cl' : work Jins l"" 1 added I'* <•" . ; • lit >.i. t Indu-irt ■sijirtlnu J, ■ l Hi .r • mud -c.l covers Ihe vail*’) td fltnlh Uhri'dor Is ever hrliatma a wav.- of p; ,♦* lumlmr concerns imarcr the i-isi. and in pits, of the there Is not the dl*htr-l r> a n C , pis < .HU' ' l.«** d< d I *esr.d Inrr-’MM-g for his raw melt ,t„| T e liilll let- I< !• fsttde I ’ of fill) lutei lt - I Id 111. a! ill « <>m'*o rft ten w't’l t!ie‘ h.c »l r iu|il« nf V. ern • 'alNid.t Ic"di ha I." aH > r*v ' Iv afiordlne so maefr nit'oral w. * i There ean ' •' ft® qo® Mbn that non#* d.ty |.ahrathn will rt ve tl innl l v si cysts U> the exploit r Wild tits' miner J'liaulmn a well ,u* luhi nitd**il.t.*d'> Ua 1 age Tbaur) THE GOLDSBORO NEWS H^EDW\KIKS, CHAIRMAN OF THE EXE(’- UTIVEi OMsMITTEE IN C'IIAHOE OF THE uOTEL DRIVE; P_ fIfCOCK EXERCISES TO DRM SIG CROWD from mi ram i(ir«*ar Outpourim: tis W.ivne Folk to AHt rtd Slat ip- at Ritlriuh a ■.in, i.i... ISMS.Sit.I .. The, n)iveiling tomorrow'of the! slntue i-i i lr t > Cuvt >, » ( luirle.s j II Ayccek will draw frum thi coumy.l where he ,v.. .viji Inetl a-itl I eta me loved a- imuTc'si else a lar delg. itlOO us pi min* n| i isiVens, evetv dav i Put n • •t| es et• “’Wayne <ohii >'.• •• rtate-i Hoc." c ...II Ih p.-f pie o W. ; P.c |*,\« pi , hint, a i.i*! Ju .'l' ■ • I" i In tut 'sin. 'I \..|V \ • • "lit | mail dtto i* f t I.i Jo 1.. I , f.,ii ■ | count I gltf Is , ip i'i fi- : ■ •TiTTrrr i' l i •. ~i B<l ‘■•y as ii.l ■ 'fkj i. whin •r — i ■ . ■ V i hjo . * j. >v •I . n . . ~f ".. / ■ county - ho v I i**u; pi v I.* 1.I• • :it i 'u htVitlt I,'is ;.k ‘i . . .• '~i !■■■ i. oi I .Ol Hi. I’raiti* dly tvt y jm ion who . all po :Vhly .»> o v if. j,, I , MS 111 I .i fV. Mil, !■ ■ * f North Carolina where tie T*i t; f totiny. As ,i! lii'isn,, t.f lie hi’ linivi r<ality , ‘ r» lo ' V ret ors of. tin of the t i.uttf;.'. l.ti . . hanks will go tom'miow. Tli*’ * I *t*ls ■ ro.i*l » it,. iv i will '*. * * .. * i by Hu man v.ho tt.l urn. <•* foi * I non in North t' inthii.i t o * ,j --g!*' par “'i ■ % "in , ; , •'l's p'.fills v~l hi:,, i.i state « apllal ■■ v.j ’ .r. | event. 1 \l,'n ei i'i s -.1 ifi . pi ■ n t j,. I f 11 * '. . * t< 'onii’ -.v: o.i j. , . ~ i i LENROOT CONFIRMS EXIT AS OIL PROB F CHMDMAN “Eolcishom’s Sfinulal,” *■ Top*if of I{t‘\ I). sVit* tio IK-w ~. J t' . . yesterday, there w.t an *-vcu||"nl a t . diente ou hand U sh» i t t t'l.ieuiin . Illl'f, i laj J ■ l« ... 1,, t | * ''T! v . •1. on ~1- .* ' ,< * e ' • . < 5, ; . t .J4 - -jp ' A .\ t * , -i. ! * N • ’•;*.<■*» i »■ t I* H • * in i!s.]» of *,l }* »:» N I «'! » ' '• x c ■ T , 'j e til". ..(■ ."ll - f 1..* o‘<|. .1 •> . • ■ | |l • | Th. tl t." ■ ■ .0. ■ ill* t* , 1 !. ‘'! .0: 1 ' " ! the * .ii i c ; it.- a.. t> r• t ' end or j th* ir fsftvloi*. MTs < >". -a . "II - Will ,N■ *t la;* M- Kail' ami t 1,1. 1.1 She will sing) as 11 P* U n nti r. Nn - . .*;«.! j " ' Sin*-." 1“ ' ros4 h «un Ihe; DIM* , drill of tl" gill- 1 h< i y •» |a*t< ■ nl: tit ."t M • ll' •I*; ** ! <t« ■ j ■ night will be "<Si)|d»boro* Great* ,*. I •Nod.” - ' USES li MULES TOO MUCH FOR HIM V *» l)r.(. Try ('onvjttct's Darkcv lit* j Would Rainer Walk, “Derails* of Sore Fess.” •o- HhUr>g a horse i.p.f h idint: fhret" ", ill s m i i,. all Tight l*»r .■.’lie peid fplc-tliuj not fir one of our colored ,iin , i ii.; triaow i> ms VCttl .<l V I • '..’1l .lo ■> ho llv (111 || ! farm no r h> iv.' hought the,, ahlmuls th ml told h. M take Diem In.the fund Sam We wilt lot! him th.ii lo’cuuiip ft Ik n«i hlk i li,nil' ■•' ,| ■, njl till, Imre, and ' >*' ..IT ~l| I, a! 9)1 ! .' 1:.1i.. InillCs The 111 Ti< ' did not like the*idea, ami , Ihvy ehoH ed |t. The irnintet hail pot conn lar b. .«,• ■ nm. •,bin ~ i apis-tnsi ito tlic hoi e, and tin l next thing Ham ' knew he upruwMng In Ihe uiiddle r. ~ ■ Vtl eh la; • ,v lilt l\«.vt llm ii d n. .t. m; i,t ;di;ht. Wide. I'.ark \l aI- l . t -1, l i . .'* i pa. I Q ! No-iii.:*ir* 4fs to !♦» Kiki ii .ii 1 ;tuii*:r.ol.ii»* < i ri• * Sofia - *;• J*« *1 i.i and Io h I t,li lo llm *i ■ i'■ l< A •k'lUfMiiK fi.'ily u«* i and j t>«•}| til*. It) t I.l* . tit IkD k, ltl» ' o l.|j. fJi i - I• r -i» w m.'t'iK « iiiuD’T ! •Mt 1,.- i»# :I > . i *! ~il fi*nr i<* .K »*i v»k> :11• if!i ..if. 1 i I thrin «*!%■«■?• ! :r| ). v So* l ill’ f-M 111 ? ,) »- V .MI l <| • ;<* «; -4 i i.‘ h< l w illD*!^’ Nh S.iii) 1» i fl u♦* unhiiils HU ’• th. r - v \)u !.•• ft* .fill v.iiik. 1 t.umiv ID* *»hi J»»’ !;;.<! a lf*ic! ** 'vo Hupp) I udlng At hi d r port.-- to thl.# office, how-| (>4*l*l*, S»iHl Dpi* ;i ftlo i i«}t* not .ml lead lllh a li,!llc* ' h.o k to III" i :am I* .Ml. I. ill •' . ! 1 1 i Theta- . ill'l 'llo 1,i,.!;-f can take a fool j ■ r nu |»t4 in; . i ,■ . \ Vo 000 Ha v h. ti. ‘i* a I r ' • eaau* GOLDSBORO. N. G. WEDNESDAY HORNING; M Al{< 0 I .*: | HAPPY ENDING OF HOTEL DRIVE : PERVADES CITY New Spirit of Dromcss Results From SlinX'-wful ( tuuplvkion of (iiant I’roifft. .. * ■< f ' . The next rteihi Inward a cony rid ■ r. alliation of (loldshnro'e -dr» am for Ihe new hotel arc us foPuw : A mijietitig Os 111. executive ’comrnl ti • In charßc of tin- drive to lermit-at** lie tli.' cmctlt silil file 11 a li. ill. I f*, IBy stem. Inc, of IlMirishurK. I’a . a-* repn- i-nicd by i I Johnson afnl W .1 lira, f who i a ii" .Imre I > p: 'unOl the drive H i.ill by Ih" exiciitiyc coinmlltec tii'afk the stocUtiolifcr.i In the -new holt 1 to a >-nihle In a stock holder's tiiec.iinK fur the purpo.c of rl.'idfng iflWcr arraejiii), for con tracts for *tKV hotel „ cnnstrucilon h using, t ie., (pplying for » charter and in general ‘karting haul w-i rk on the actual itself That Ia Itcdfln.iii- rl* 1 a prif of the aTi. rm.ith cl binfenvor Hie Ini u .hie ch in, nt T| the ni.u. Imp Irt ,nt It i« no fanev es the tin.iglnatudi.- »'o ae r,> rhelmi tl*h)perlml" to sir. tl a lure i‘ Jl| a t ;j result ol the c.-tfWti lugtcilii i of -*i many o' the leading cltlx ns a pew spirit of 'Cordiality and- pr igteisivjusr.H As "a hading member of the b'kr remarked o tile fioldslmro N.-W 1 ' "It was a Jmom remarkable and happy Ihiriß f'i see silting totp tber .I th* 1 1 ainpalgn luncheons, tm tt who ter years had; tint been" ©»« speak in v terms We have least d t>» hear aho it the X faction and the Y clique in Goldsboro' affair We ar. all now pud (ioldslmro i ItUelm ' The polnf < { view here pr. -. nle.t v lias been refle* ted In many o( the public spec. h<*i ‘ made In ei nnrclton Wllh the drive ami in tiiany pi-lla touvcrsullons It augurs well for a „ * hy that prlseyl ll elf on being “ihe Most I’rogrcMslve rity in Ka tern Carolinaj •■» •* C. TEICHEHS GIE f FOB Mil MEETING S(;ilo Kduralional Vstodnlinn Af*. cnilrlv Smcurp® Many I mm U'ayne Fmtnl v<-i:!l M.m.h II TTarlor from H over thi- laid wire arriving h re | tit,- tm,ruin;: forth" ,n imxl iih . iiiu: of the North i arollp.l l><tm j A .!*(.. -i, win. it will op.'U forteaW; ! 11l the city audUnrUliu totilghl. and j, m, Inn, tbrough I'tidav lo oting ; I, .1 |.- ,tot fTfent all ov.-r lit.- i <Hinti J.j will also lie in ailemlaiii-i at the j ' in. "tiiig-i nil will partlclpale In'll"'I program. This Is fort let h annual | tin "king of tb.. N. rib«dlmi IM t • > iifional A- <h latliiu. and ex ten lv« plans liiiv* Is-, u tt.ade hy Mi* Kl.. i I til Kelly. 11l president, and Job ill Warren, It* set retary. to ntaki I' 'the mot t Interesting; and insl Many fealnre* will mark tie- .*« j fc .-itslve pri tram of this v '„i' s a' 1, hiv of th.- N'orli C.irnliita teach-j |. r« (It stat* -whle Int-'resl. not only I to teacher*, hut. to school child en. f ~ml tl. t; par lit/-. V. ill |«- If a |",| J . ...... VI Unit will te 1j ll ■ 1 dj T'li i. ,ia> nm- nine a* '• it in ' •• 111.- I ton I ling If 0/1" In' a ?tlves from « teh tit-in. t ml pa 1 1 1 I mete In the match and Interest is no * J t n high tension, as was utunlfe*; »■ I , Ihv tie ti. ,t »u Me pr ic ,|lnary ctindnnflop contests In each! j m hoot and district. Mold medals I . . . ;\ 11, *(i t!i«. wlnmr hi f | and ! hir »f j.rl/' g i iml »• j j to tlk* nthool* v. tsh h ntif rn r**pr< H©nt, oil \V<*im£ % of f *!i»'i|W*i Mill ! >miu« i ttH* tnu&Hrl |ir«H'rarn ot -iinu von * title f>! 11 i*l »u* of I*« nn-vlv vi. Ji «*o.) j it- nm*.< sll itklntc At other meet* 4 t il/«h<th K*.lly wilt lielivtii hi* U> till t# ,m h- t ■ of lln j m t - 4 A t T ;> « : r ' * j • • • - 1 11 ** * rT oto k< • tin - ... . t ih<* <it v. \oili!ortOi } tin r»- voil U r* f r if -»*hr hi liyul I Wv*«\er ii 1 H 11; ift}* t ii» i * i;ri jj i . f Hr.viir, i f HI m;i|u th inviHstlmr i,r v h o.if w ill !>’ oi oh hv 1 li li, *ti hi* hi of ih< I i'lojf *rh olh wilt T»*'‘fOt» t I«m hr I* ( , Hr ok of tltv ,i.,,ii> iMu • ni'.• ApiMrintmwni 111.. \».1) I" ino.ll- liy Ul >K« I jcantlnuul On Vu&q Th.v«) * ''Jj - "***■ -•■ 'y - ■ -■ .. (}eok<;i: a. rov\i u active in hotel CAMPAIGN ■ sen ■■ >!■ aanwmsi tfimmmammmmmmm— >. . -jawt A ?kJlf • x ■' | Z i to If f i-JSf-ff4tgjNMiiHKißi.* #* '’i • iv» - I fVl;* * -%H^E3hD f? - : HiffiSKw’k - *Trr j . Byywß»K »isf r i^feMSsiSJMn - H Brrzmrrrr ' , ■^^>‘» , 1 --».■—■ ROIIIIB HOSTS TODR. ERENFELLi t lie Sav*. Medical l > rnfe<Mion Hot Not (Jrt tls Dues; Praises American Y nut It. Dr W T fir< niell. prior lo e. Ih •ring Ills I.ahrttd ir Kcture la d uiglil ' ,Wns tlir t-14. -t of tie Utit ir) dull, and (hi Kiituriiiria wltli Trfhi. ■! Ing eVp. i,< in* 1.1 In p,. dll 1 11 T 1 lii i. kbtiiv.UiVg a p* 1 j ~r VeAr Thi tqt'tliral prole- ioa. Dr* tireni<‘H stated, dors tea in iv < t-t tl i* i.ul oil. it HiiCi ts from' (It ouaiklnr; es charlatan Insulin. 1,1 drum, th- X, ,nv .lie «le*. .very of s>i tamiti">i .' ti.i for proper diet, wet-.-' cited ii* fin It - < fur|t ihlKed to I 4 I •:In la Hurt -. y. m ' t -Do t-.e it ' 1", .1 v•r .a 1 'iiti- tia * I,' ea jetrat heticd fifteen years. T' • t a c.l «1.-J ", | .id 1•! cu' bus a' ll* Hit f*- lo wl if he I rite d ‘Jli tite 1 it|>, l | ,f Ihe ,v mr rha It youth ” j , \ddlt ' Mill ret 1 ,-|l I'Jie liiM-.lfV slipper wer. I, Willing, iff England. .1 letaflt. lo fir * Grenfell. /( M Hue pin • > i•! A' II "He 1 pt dent and ro.Cgeiury 1 :h * tlv* l.y, of ; till 1 i'dik In.l ) h I'luh* j ft,, an pe .a w hiidi lie lecturer ; , , 111 "fi Moll! Imre I A. \ Jo , ph. s htflrm in of the "tin ’ II -1 (Tuft-Dli" 1 nm It i* 1 ur.a il a la rg • ! ittcmldm i' at tin \pttl Dl*trh t .<'Of*-j :< .to edit:" it Hi tin ■ l| |r . I it v Du nl Ui lari.m tleuri .01 hsvhi : , •i (in p.*r it i pn seiit.itlou with ti number n( Hot itl.m wdve.-* a< eoiiipuny ■yg lu.dy The f t th derided, (1 o< c* pf art In 1 viiat ..ti to put , Ip a. , In tin a, • 1- ro ! ill- ti- l '.| "lilt let! 11l tie le Id n» Ujta stoll I ll' H It. I X 1 111 M * A K Ho ■< 1' 1. Or*' f.isUty (.‘1(111 ' * - .1 I*. .-.iv - J iVf lit; fTf f'»* t ill* lp-A j pliiiittn/ ...d |g»x«|ti|o, wjmclitUy cot I on <w.|( A 'ireiibir on Smut, j»pr-j f * ' ll ,1-- V b , SOLDIER BONUS INSURANCE IN HANDS OF VETS BUREAU llmi r KIM* I ’La rt |0 Old I ,i. | Co in panic-. Handle (hi- Work. I U‘a »j\ M. i h 11. I> t. ? > ! -\ “«« i ' Vur-w , Sr-&1 i v '■ - s < >■ n . *. ■ a. . * ■' - * !», |.r, ■ t• n- li■ ■ I > Sen Jor . \ \n »i. * • Ma. hu <•(’- * i i j, *l., (' lit |’■ ; • ' r«.» ••V i'i m ►•»»«* - t «)'- )• - ' ' ;>■ Ki » 4..' . - i»j, *h mill Ills- 1. rvVf with i ni , lirauta of IMOO, t • WIE cm PIS! i 111 EASTERN CAROLINA PAGEANT IS OUTLINED Over SO From This County in ;**•! of “Mußy Him tint'* Ride" Kpftodr.. ‘5 , The r<*)<‘ to lt»t |)ln\n-i! by Wnynr , i torty I t 1 1><- My jr.ti'njnt, /‘KjiitOrn --,tin rttHm »-h *ii ifrin’’ *n hc glveniH .1 utt inTi," A fin I 11, (,)> connection with 1 • t • itilin i \|i **ou«.n. ,wtu ’•" nit if iho mo * important trf' %n 1! ! torts In the affair Hack of the II! i<>n*U«# to the K-txlim I'sridirva i‘li im!«‘r of i inrweree will b* aaaign r.l-,i.| Ipi i>l. 11l llM> ptU..i||l. till Spi <rt< i’i l *ii ;in event *of historical l»**f“»ri-men In (lie * (if:*rr' pjrrrt „ ; *’***' Nks■•»>!■ ‘ KJiir.."*. wilt be (he Wayne < oniii» even ■, with Nome f.(| i 1 <■ on- it* i*i Iter** shout** taking piit, III" r. Ivy: ,r*‘ tinder flu* din;.' lion 01 Mr t; tv* ’infill wth VrE* " 111 is Hi b|*ti f r looking after the c.i /. Ms. film- J .«* i, *,*».—of hew > ork }n director if jhf affair, with general ' n "i ill I'n episodes. A 1> .ii .* t w 111 I l * l* urM to the L»" t count), :4io«l.ij< > Modern I "ini II loiu Eh hla * rli .1 i-j.i .odea will lx* *iij> 11*1*.nn til*'.! i,> ultealN) o modi'r.i : <011(11110 is,, lyt*llvltiK ltil- f>r*iiu*nt end' future of linjorn I'orollu.i, hyr ln«lu«- tn*l achlcvi’iiirniM .ityl h*i drlc, rr [ Jig lons a n*l * ilto [.rtrgreee u* 1 **» hi tlk* «v* ral roun lr« Th* Ur*- hoi* will" I** a great teetl wißluT to Hu: riM-rgy ami war to of hi * |**trf **f Ilir r .it**. 1 1 ■ 1 1‘1 I 1 I:l < | I* u ill |, ri 1 *at tivo ->* ii* In ill. Ural n e< in j lmny of *(#Jdl* l uitd»l lire lisuleriMp |of * iilit.iln I I* |i|, Sirs mu. liiwln *i j ' M 'Uj. is ** ft li .tvl ».; for lie- front !' o fi" hf Hi*' ' Hfil-i'* ,*!«,“ Tie* fur.*' .• i t of t!i. wtvi Mini ihlldieii form i llrlW *l tlMCtllne *■ |*t - * si*’ HMlj\ l*rvnm I w. * i* i i own 'f< ll' >f!*t i . . iiol* i ii* tlin«ii:li ih« »|i hi * '* > IhS ! *.i 11 !•>!** |i| She.liail (( mo . i otl trig. Ilirt***! u W » State* Boys’ School Ma> I create Here v • • ! I ' i oli'.a. Hi bool u “ ' in 1 , • r a;vf;< >gr‘v. . . . li./* •- n . .. r t f I I II• • V** I 111 it«. " hi- In. II- llUtnlt. I, hi .till'll l v 1 l-t ; I’ • *si Mu li.l ,ii»i ( I-i ' I- 1 f»t i. lit r. ul Ihi »i imir i f In * 1/■ -•f< r ' I- ’ii m*i i h,until r o’ hi .mult r to Utah** i (>• m »tt: "t|\> In |il ii e hi* it)-11 > ,-ti h*'> It V. ill i... in Iml n-I rial i -vl !<*■ '- hiii' li.ii . -ii the line■- oi • u lit- i inn > I mm \ link t orm\ ", w \i 1 1 , AUr.ii II rin n,. ta •i* 'I-. *1 I•.ir.■ I> I- nil Mi.ldltn* s S|i j i ini. ii <ni ul) March. U v 'H?; Jul) 28 22; Oct. -\t ; .-'i Ut . .25 20. MEMBER (V ASSOCIATED HR ESS FRICK FIVE CENTS WILSON'S DOCUMENTS* NOT TO BE PUBLISHED UNTIL WIFE CONSENTS Mr* Wilson ( hecks RnMicntion I'nlil Selfcis AnLhorila* li\f* Form. ~Washington March U,—Mrg, Wood row Wllmhi hue derided to avail bar elf of tu r legal righi to check pt|Wl- of gi'lcctlona from h<-r late hu»- Isind a lellrrH and iriHnUMOftpt A Ulftll ’hr ran determine ti» what nfinner the war l’re*iWrnf* will Lie . rlten In Hie pnhiic a and in -in iiulhorllallve way 'll I* Mra. Wllaon'a Inter (ton aa "enitrl* (if the ralate rtlher to have the leffor* aiitf menu ortpta uareuihled amt l ulilb ti it by some one who will a* on her author tty, or to gather them Into a colUs*- ili n Os WlUouhi aad make It avail able In t>tthlle, pr* baiily |ry depo d1 nr the patxra lu nonet* n.iUdeat ta ;t Million Kitrh a j the library Con cresi ;* “M'. /-*T Ml ’ Wilson hna been advtied by lie I r.iiiiUylgltorney* Ihat as 'll «M --uirix of Mr* Wiiaon'* yotute .lie haa . i Irani rightUn the fubllrn(|n «r. I her ha hand’* IfUen* and Jv**'?- ecnpt-i not alone under the Um end authority but muter ah amandinrVt e h** i opyright lawn no*r a }fl-t f' toe rev I tied atatutea of the MnUed One |»uhfVi.her wboee oitinttruria mt i milllona of eoplei made .«* r a a hole min ton of hta puhUcinlou(bfteT - it wan on the preaeea and Id now iiakiag atop* to recall coplea tfhoch were already on ihelr way to Ha lation (i.OTHIIIO tu AHEJIT HKHt • • K li. Strinler of the f'obeD-OuAdttMia I'onipauy, clothing imtnufarturtrj of New York, vMted Qoidohorw tor.*, eeconil time yetfevday to look, over im> illile altos for a rldfhlog plant. t‘h«, rhamher of < ommerre h» kqßye- Jz y endeavoring to Induce Mt Mtetuier '*> reconnnend a (Voldaboro alts to hta linn I . S Übor CenditioitH 1 In N. C. Last W^ek ' HaMgh. March 11.—Labor ,'condl llonM were nut materially thanged. , .luring the week ended Matrh I, from the ntrtiaiton of the previoit* work, ac ordlng to reports of the dfatrlot era ilfiyment supervisors made to M f* shipraan. t'ommlaaloner of I-abor and Priming and Director of the Btsle |*>4urai KmptoymetH Secvks to North 'arnllna. The total number of place iienta during the week roee abova those of the Immediate precfdiD4 wi** k, hut did not reach the level set •lu- olllrea the week ended '■Vhrusry 23 tireenaboro reported labor condl llotta hbwevtr, Improved and altrto, '•led the Improvement to the good weather and the decreasing numbers of transients nr drifting workers. This also reporta a need of csrpea erm-*s well as a gre*ar~call foe olored laborers; but aa over supply if clerical help, ' & 'Jarman Stowaways .* v Sent from Wilmington * • v " d> With three almost heartbroken young Herman stowaways aboard, liesrlhrokea beewuae the govfMpnent "Artals would not sllow them to re main Tn the Halted Slates after they Uful risked their lives to' come to America, the Norwegian, steamship. Ilaraldsbaug sailed fro»n port yv|l*v day ' * * 1$ Krotn Wilmington the Haraldshaug oes to Savannah where she will ua- Iml a part cargo of potash salts, im ported from (iermany. (oHjal customs Nl< ials have notlfled the Savannah iifflgtals of the presence aboard thf Norweglaif freighter of the three voting Hermans, that (hey might b* held In custody there until the Har aldshaugh deers sor 1 some fur-lan port, where they will be forced to leave the ship Juit as toon as ijm steamer nrctv nl hire her nia*ter not k d thi * i cfTidala oft!,» »t"Wtw~»' lint * ... .it )ai(: hjiiU 2.3(1 yesterday at*»r-“ noon' shortly thereafter, helna dellv •red a board the Hataldshaugh 0 UKKKNftMRO HTY HAIL Hreenshoco, March 11.—Plans lor » "f« cTy h»U here have prorrened to ho |e Ini where bids will be re ived for Uie slructure etsau llonde in the sum of 1260.00 U ke ,* been bi *■*l nml aistd to take care of cosr >l ruction costa The albatross, the largest of water bird*, measures from ten to fourteen „ feel from Up to Up of win# The t>lrd lies to run ?U to kO yards along he top of the water, wl'h vtngi «t*ie»ii, before ft vlp ‘gat sufficient dwpstua to riia • vs" __ t

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