••• ( * ♦ ■V' impinitw; gentle *Wi. VOLUME THREE; NO. 57 w . mm services col juun cm MIL BE SUHMY Interment will N in Mafpiewnod Cemetery, mmd Hit* Body Will be Lad Benide That of Hht , , Wife Whe Died Home Yearn % May 1. (*>) -General Jul- Vrr, former commander la 1 the United Confederate Vrt •mA. who died bare Tuesday night, crae to f'Nlcago to tbank Mrs. Edith Rockefeller McCormick for her ayn tbetic psychology treatment* which f -family credit* wltb conquering the you* illness of the General'* daugh Sp-luw. Mra. c. McU Carr, of Dur «; no. This waa disclosed t oday ua the Ueneral’a body, accompany by bla •on-ln-law and daughter. Mr*. Henry Nl Flow era. of Kanawa City, waa JirtH for Durham where the funer he hold Sunday afternoon fin fT Rockefeller McCortnh k wa* thafT tb# *•** 40 cal * lhe *' ,,o,,r#r * h MI apartment, where the General , Jf ; ol pneumonia contracted aftei Llfbttacfc of Influents. and which de- OB the journey to Chicago. Flowera baa been here studying llycho-analyala undyr Mrs- llocke ftller McCormick. * ; Durham. H. C\ May 1. Of)-The fu neral services of General Carr will ba held from hia home Sunday alter noon at 3:00 o’clock. The Kcv. W. W. Peale of Trinity Methodist church Rey. G. T. Adoma and Rev R Hib bard will officiate. It waa the General's oft repeated n»<t»mt, that when be died he pre ferred that hla frlenda would not send flokers, aa In bla opinion the expen diture of large *qm» of money for tjill purpose waa not right. He ex~ ptaaaed a desire that those who wish •d to pay him tribute, use the money tha' they might use for the purchase of flower* In purchasing hooka for the Durham public library. hour of the arrival of the body from Chicago la sot yet known. b||t II fa exported that It will reach her# some time Saturday. First Shipments of Strawberries Leave For North Practcally a Month later than the ulusr lime Mr shipping, the 1934 North Carolina strawberry aeuaon baa begun. »ay* a statement Issued at the State college of Agriculture to day. The fltst shipment consisted of two crate* eent by expreaa from Chadb<4urn on April 22. according to a lepori received from the Wilming ton office of the Atlantic Couat Cine Railroad „ A market ne«a service will be op ened at Cbadboura Thursday. May 11, by the Federal Department of Agri culture co-operating with the North Carolina Dlvlalon of Market*. It waa announced. U. D. Callahan will he In charge of thl* service and thoae de airing coplea of Ihe dally market re port on strawberries ahould address him at Chadhount. It waa explained. "Lillie White” Faction Get Half Vote Each Knoxville, May I. (A*)—Fourteen delegates from tba stale at large giv ing to R R. Church, Memphis negro, leader of the "Ijllj white" faction, a half vote each In the Republican Na tional Convention, appeared to he the • ttlemtol of the celebrated Hhelby row In the Republican State Conven tion thl* aft«* noon Former Governor Alf A. Taylor wa* defeated for delegate at large. In Ihe caucus of the ftrat district delegation (his piornlng. Judge H. T Campbell being i hoe n to be preavn'ed to the (rnventlon aa the district candidate. t OftM’lUß rOJIDI’CT i* hintuhv Mm ). Tenn.. May 1. GP> The j .1 sy Inveatlgationa at Washing W under the Are of Represent U fik'Wlll Taylor of Trnoee-.ee ’it mjellvered the keynote '■ Pthis afternoon at the Tenneaeo A Jit. ll. .hi Convention. 'eHlVur.ng the past three monthH." he flfcirt "a performance baa been going dn In the city of Washington that fur downright and unadulterated ridicu lousness and depravity dors not find, S parallel In all past history." Referring to the Investigation of Inrmer Attorney General Daugherty, Mr. Taylor said In order lo lie a “star Witness" before tba Investigating com glitter, "a headliner, a pinch hitter, If you please, you must have been a murder, a safe blower, a self-confess ed, bandit or must have committed come other high crime or misde meanor to give a melodramatic fla for to your testimony." Tba first ruins to govern the game Os baseball were adopted at a meet ibg held in Naw York tn 1557. THE GOLDSBORO NEWS I DEATH TOLL OF STORM. , REACHES TOTAL OF 112 - SEN wn ! DICES SPEED ON MUSCLE SHOILS BID 1 ■» Staleti Thai at the I‘renenl Rate of Hpeed the Manure tWIII Not Reach a Vote arThWSeH aion of (’ongretw. W'aabington. May I. (4*) Further indications of a determined effort to force a vote On the Heatry Ford hid i at this aeaalon of Congress was given today by Senator Harrison. Democrat of Mississippi, leader of the FortJ. supporters. During the Muscle Shoals hearing of the Senate Agriculture committee, iterator Harrison urged more speed In Ihe proceedings, pointing out that time wa* limited, and at the present rate it would he difficult to bring the measure to a>wie before adjourument. He urged that the Senate be allow ed to accept or reject the measure that baa already passed the House. At the close of the Reflate, t hair man Norris Introduced another hill for the operation of Muscle Shoals To Make Survey of Child Work In This State To gather Information on the re sults achieved by county organization for child care and protection. Mlsa Ida Curry, representative of the Children* Bureau of the Untied States Depart ment of labor, will come to North Carolina about May 2u. It ha* been announced by MT*. Kale Burr John son. State Commissioner of Public Welfare. * Mrs Johnson will co-operate with Mia* Curry in gathering the Informa tion she wants, which la to be used along with similar information gath ered In Minnesota to make up a pam phlet on child welfare work. This in formation la In much demand In other i State* which are contemplating inati 'itiling similar work, acoordlng to a letter to Mr*. Johnson from the direc tor of social service of the Childrens Bureau. Three counilea, Guilford. Pit! and Vance have been selected by Mr*. Johnson aa county* for Mlsa Curry to survey Guilford waa chosen l>e cause It is a typical county with •large populated district*, Pitt, be cauae It Is typical of thegmalltr pop ulated counties, and Vance because of ■the exceptional work done by Mrs. W. B Waddlll, It* public welfare super In ten deni. Legionaires Have Splendid Barbecue The local poat of the American le gion aeryed a barbecue to their mem ber* gnd a few invited guest* last night al the Armory building on East Walnut at reel. The event we* largely attended, and everyone "thoroughly tnjoyt-d the occaalon. . Captain Hollowell, commander of Ihe local post opened Ihe program by call.lng on all present to join in re peating the I*>rd"s Prayer, after which he brought some matters of business be far*, the Poat. A discussion was entered Into as '« the lieat method of supplying the new home the local poat is to have In the new Community Service building The matter was. however, deferred until later date. The real < ntertalnrnent of the ev ening. Ihe “rue" was turned over to Isiule Hummel, who after making a short talk. Invited all present to pro ceed. Which wa* done with a zest. Maj. Martin, Flight Commander Ih IsOHt at Sea Chlgnik. Alaska. May |. tipi Trit«« »eatch by such agencies aa the Gov ernment could concentrate, hurriedly went forward between here.and the Hhmtvpiaglu Island*, 150 miles south west of here, for Major Frederick 1,. Martin, around the world flight com mander, who yesterday disappeared, after taking (be air under desperate conditions for Dutch Harbor. 400. miles away. The best hop* that la held out I* 1 that Major Mar In and hP merit.,n , lean 'hud taken refuge in some cove 'along the roast | —- NIW VOKk I OTTO* * —1 New York. May |. lArt Spot rollon Mulct Middling 30.3#. Cotton fu i 91*'** rlosed easy. May t%M 'tg; July 1135 3k; Oel 24 60-51; Dec. 2392; Jan 2167-21. ' QOLMBOEO. N. C, FRIDAY MORNING, N|.*Y 7, J»2 I - . Storm Stricken Arran are Slow ly Recovering from Ihe Effects of the Terrific Tornado That Raged Through Seven States. Atlanta, fla.. May 1. <AP)-Town» and rural rommunitlej stricken by ihe epidemic of tornados that dipped ruthlessly through seven southern stales yesterday were slowly recover ing tonight. Reports gathered placed the total death Hat at 113. There was no defi nite Information as to the total num ber of peraoma Injured, but estimate* were placed aa high aa 6uo. Property damage will lie greater than first estimated. South Carolina was the worst stricken state of the •even. Red Cross workers and other* ■were at Anderson and at Horrell Hill settlement*, with Stale troops on guard.*’ Property damage uhme will amount to |76U.tNHi according to the latest tabulation Following is the death toll of the various stale*: South Carolina 11; Georgia 13; Al abama 11; North Carolina 6; .Louis iana 1; Arkansas 1 , „ Collegiate Press Association Meets At Elon College t;. '-■■■■ Elon Codes*. May .l—The Nprth Paroling Collegiate Press Association representing sixteen Institution* and twenty-two college publications in this state, assembled at Klon College today for Its annual convention. The session will last for three days, clos ing on May 3, with some forty-five delegates In atundanre. This is the first time Ihe collegiate pres* association has met gt Elon. and special preparations and an inter esting program ha* been arranged L. D. Elkina. Davidson College, president ok the Association and W. H Terrell, editor of the college paper here, have been busy for several days past ar ranging the program, and they have announced the following speakers: Professor H. Babcock, head of the Engliah composition department of Eton will speak on the collegw maga zine ; Walt Fldand, of Greensboro, will discuss the advertising size of a 'college paper; 8. M. Lyman, ex-ed HOT of p college paper will speak on vditorlal writing. There will also be other addresses. The association Itself will have nu merous student speakers and leaders of discussions regarding the problem* of the college paper* and magazines. ( IIADUM BIVkIK'S WIFE ROBBED OF YALEABLER Richmond. April 29. UV) Jewels, furs, and lingeries, valued at amounts ranging from $30,000 to $60,000 were stolen Hsturday afternoon from l-n --dy Jane Williams Taylor, wife of the Governor of the Bank of Montreal, at the home of Murray Boocock, near here today by a private detortlve ag ency <' •" a Revenue Officers and Local Talent Capture I*arge Still and Beer The Sheriff's dtfftarlment. with the assistance of three revenue officers, made a raid on Auspicious territory yewh|rd*y. üboiit thirteen nitles east *>f the city, and captured a still of <arg* proportions. It was estimated that the still had a capacity of 66 to 70 gallons, and In addition to the still the officer* cap lured about SOO gallons of beer. No men were taken In the raid, which was made by the revenue men aud deputy sheriff Gardner litfiEHAl.L KEHFLTN * I allege Its He ball North Carolina State 17. Maryland 3. . American League Chicago 13; Boston 7. Bt. Louis 8; I let roil 7 New York’ 2; Washington i National I eager Chicago I; Cincinnati 1. Boston 1; New York 9, Pittsburg |; Rt. latul* 6 Brooklyn 10; Philadelphia C Piedmont League Durham 6; Greensboro .7. High Point 10; Kaleigh 3 ‘ Winston Salem 0; Ihiuville HI Virginia League Norfolk 14; Reeky Mount 2. Richmond 0; Portsmouth 12 Wlj|gon 7; Petersburg 4 South Atlantic l.eagae Greenville 4; Hpertanburg I ihaglotl* I; Macon 2 Asheville 6; Augusta 6. Southern league Mobil* 6; Birmingham 3. Memphis 7; Chattanooga 2. IJtUd Rock 3; Nashville 7 Other game* not schvdjiUd. o' , TNTOt < HED by to km bo ’ T ™ Cl The tornado that stmek Ander son. H. C , Wednesday morning, at well a* sections of Georgia, doing considerable damage t* life and property, was not severe iu the city of Anderson aa seen, from a message received yesterday from Mias Annie Denmark, lo her ;>ar ents here. Mis* Denmark, |* of the musical faculty of Anderson College, and her friend* here will read with In icrest the metmage from her. which lot low*. "The storm thl* morning proved a cyclone In another pari of town Reports see coming in of deaths’ and damage | want to go out and see the conditions when I have time. “Hospital's are full of Injured but we are untouched here Just n physical demonstration of God's great power and w# need *urii. no doubt,’’ IRRMIGEMENTS HIDE ' FREETOWN PRODUCE EXCKMI6E i ——— i Announcement Made al' Hfnle ('olleffe Thai Produce Will Have Slate Federal Inspec- Hon, Arrangements have just been made whereby the Ka*t Carolina Produce Exchange of Mount (Hive, will have the Htater-Federal shipping point iu * pec lon for both potatoes and cucum ber* this season, it wait announced to day at Slate College. According to the rurangemeut every car of pro duce shipped by thl slnspectlon point will be examined by a comitetent In spector licensed by the FVderul lie partment of Agriculture and employ cd hy the North Carolina Division of Markets. After a Ihoruugh examina tion a certificate will !>•• Issued lo show the exact grads, quality and condition of the product* al the time they nre delivered to the ruilway. "This service,” says t'orrelL Shu maker, apeclallst tn marketing for State College, and also the Depart ment of Agriculture, "la designed to protect the shipper against unscrup ulous dealers; to eneourSte careful .handling mid to aerve as the bust* for f. o. b. values. The ix-ach grow er* and tomato growers will receive a similar service lut«A." Mr. Shumaker will be the supervis ing Inspector tor this State, mol will be assisted by a ffutnber of carefully trained Inspectors, It wa* said. LAWYERS BEGIN 10 GATHER FOR ANNUAL MEETING Member* of State H;tr Hold Convention ut IMnehurst. Plnehurxt, May 1 Member* of the legal profession frOui throughout the Sta'e began to gather here today for th* twenty-sixth annual courtmion of the North Carolina Bar Association which wIH hold ttg formal opening at 8:15 tonight The convehtiou wilf last through Saturday. Much Interest Is tiring manifested, ( in the forthcoming speech of It E. I. Saner, of Dallus, Texas, who Is pies Ident of the American Bar Associa tion. According to ofHriul pro gram which wa* arranged by Harry M. I»ndon of Raleigh, secretary of the Slate Bar Association, Mr .Kail er's subject wIH he "The la»w and Ihe State." Immediately after the convention I calleil to older. U, L. Spencer of Moore county will deliver the addre- t v»f welcome, which will l» replied to tiy D. L. Bland of Goldshorq, "The EvoltiUon of Democracy'' will he the subject on which N IJ Parker, p.-esidetit of the North Carolina Bar Association, will address Ihe ltr*t ses sion Justice W. P. Hlacy of the North Carolina Supreme Court and Judge Oliver Allen of tloidslroio will be the principal speakers *1 the Friday mor ning session There will be no net, sion Friday uftrrnoon The president of the American Bat Association will deliver hi* add re* I Friday evening The mrmbei* will Indd :i hitslnesa ‘vesaloll and elect officer* Matunliy looming. f , , Mth. Henry Ford Operative Patient 1 Detroit, Mich, May 1, (Art Mi, 'Henry Fold underwent a surgical op •e rat ton al the Henry Foul hospllal diere lixluy. The op-ruium. made tw-c v«*ary by alHlominal wtlment of long •landing, was reported to have heeu MuntMful. I Mra. Ford will tciuain at th, lo* tpttal for-some time. TWO THOUSAND PEOPLE ATTEND THE DEDICATION OF THE FREMONT SCHOOL REV. D. H. TUTTLE SUGGESTS IMME 1 ~ FOR NEW HOTEL \VrIW‘H a Very Interest ini; Life Story About the Name lie Surest* as a Monument to a Notable t'haraeter. (ID Rev I) II Tuttle) l li*' follow ink article wan received from 10 v I) it Tulile of Smith Hr I'd. N In which Id- suggests tin* name I*T (lie lo w hotel, unit (lets forth Koine very Intertilling reaaouH for the •ttXlte* t loti: 111 I suggest ‘Tile MMIIe (or Mu lyt Hlnrmub' for a name Tor OsMi lioroa new hotel. Th. rcuons: tl> I'or the |iart she played In Revolu tionary tint** tin part of a n il In mine 12) Because of woman'.' prom inetiee lb the world life of today (3 1 It Will Ire the limt hotel to tie named for a woman Ezekiel Slociinih was u mejnhct i f the It mi He of Commons In 1812, 'it 15. 'l6 anil 1818. Ills wife was Mary llooka amt the sister of Hon. Chatloa Hooka, who waa a member of (V>ov Menu from the Wllmrington l>lH‘iirt In 1815 un«| in 181!) to 1825. urnl who removed to Alahutna and reemtly dleil there. She wna, horn In Her;!* l eounty in tifio When both were mi lt eighteen y. nr* old lie mpl Kcl, |e< Slocum Ii were married, who* nieliir, h widow Kloeitnib. had mar ried piir father. Put (heir honeymoon waa diKturV eo hi the t svagos of war. for the *te* olmton had hroki ti out. and N«r*'» fa . i.nu for a time war the tlii'a e ■f. hoatlle and sanguinary n-mi . Met hoy huaband joined a IrrM.i i ) hi borne, and performed aev *r:> die ■ ty i t keeping down the Roy i“g • !*. ndg these übaerteeH Mr*. Hlnuti 1 * I took entire chnme of the farm, aud I she used to ray that *lie did a* nun h tmd all the work a in a u ever did. Cv • ept "mauling ruila" and In do Ihal exception away, alie wjent nut "one, day and split a few " She waa sklll- I ed In all the female accompilttbmanta r of sewing, spinning and weaving ;md washing. and perfect"ln horseman ship Tlie follow lint clrnimstain.il will show her noble spirit gn*l her Nipre than feminine courage. j u *r hi fore the tiaitie of Mofrn'a Creek. 1177t*t the men had all gone Ulldei faswetl to tight the Tor lea under Mu. - <ti>li.il*fcS? ' Oloiiel Sloi iuiili was HI 111. battle whic h oceumd on the 271 h of February. 1776, and Ida recollection of the part he bore in that wn 100 ylvld ever to be foryotten "And,” he Would say, "my wife waa there* she was. Indeed '• 0 Whi n the British ’ man bad from Wilmington to Virginia* under laud ( ornwaUis In 1781. t ‘olortel Hlm'iinth's farm waa, right In the rear of their march One beautiful Spring morn Inr, 1 olonel 'I it riel oil, aer'WniiaiijnJ hv IWO Aide, de camp, it.ished tip to Hie pill//.i (f olulltl Sli.iUlldl (Ihell l.leutenant) was away from home uu.l Mrs. Shsumti with her lltlle boy and a near female relative (afterwards wife of Major Wjlliolo.) were sitting in the piazza t'olon.'l l.irTetun In formed ber that tip was under the ne reselly of Inking <|U»rlers In her house, in a tone that admitted of no denial or controversy. „ His legion, eon.slatiny of marly two hundred ami fifty men, amt many others, then tilled the avenue Their telil . were piteti eil in the ••rrhutd and T.trleb.n and he. officer* occupied the house* Mrs. Kim iiinh with cheerful nt'* now I* 4 'rfjirmetl th** duties of hq; pitsltty su nneeremotiiously forged upon her. 81m prepared them an excel lent ilmnr and ref re hments While the Mil sh * *' r '' there (hi *rt pi ..i. d ~ad raid i r«*port of fir*, mm was hettid In Hie distance A route d was going on he tween u party of the American* and the Tories This si .rlled the Itrltte.li hut In u few moments h-r Hn liand ailli Charl. i Hooks. In r brother, then •bout thirl** n, ami other returned hTyiii- I hey ha t I*, eh en.-irril in ttt< shtilui.di with the Torn ; and had m arly reached Hie bout.** .when at faithful'slave (Big Oenrgc) who hid le i n posted by hiv mist re , warned •hem of their peril (jul.k as ihotiyht tiny wheeled, at one Imuiiul eleared the f* nr.*, and b ap* .I the next. amid a shower of halls from the yd.ilil v and thus caeapcd. IHHIttl. PRISON tit twivi’ls Willi I I N Itftl II: 111 PRIH4IN Indianapolis. May I 'll .l*. it Jjtm ts rl. fetjei .l |h . inner 111 the eilHt'.sh of officers, who are toklm fohdTi (*<>v. ttnir W.irieu T McCray. o' 111-, dUnu. t*» Ho* Atlanta i<elilt'tiib»iy,et>! **a,t<**| to*-ay hear Kathhurn Tetm . a. ivoirllnr f*> a dl ps-tch to 111 Indian ap.ilia .*Nvwsj. • • • *<•*. m *4» .1. It. I dint*, (buirntiin of the Itoaril of Truslm, in ilis S|wfih of I'rvweittaliott of Ihe S|M*;tker Gave a Itiief History of th# I'roKress of the (iradetl 1 School in Fremonl. A etowd estiiualcd at over two Lhuu .ml people a 11*-iide.l tin* es.r.d!. . *<tb allna th* l new bundled thousand dollar school bull.linn ut Fremont yes l.rilav The addi* d il.llv.ieil hy 11*yiv it K Stacy, of l.iiuils rlori. N i , was appropriate to the is . aslon. mid as enjoy**.l to the fullest hy the great • i.iyyil which greeted him in the ttiplt fa hoel uilitilorllini Ml I It la«ue. i hail in in of the hoard of trustee., m his speech *d I"* eutalloii, rave a brief bl-slor* of Ho propl. sos tin* graded school in I- .■loom, amt paid slowing tribute t Ho lust hoard of ti u te* s and to the L'mi'-ceiated teachers ju the ps-I wtc • Ibid mude thiii jo. .lit a. liieyeim nl JM. (hie Mr. .1 A Rest, ii in. ruber of the county board of education. 1 aee* pt**d lh> tout.liny on behalf of the till *•'" of the community Me Rest said lu part. "W<* are promt of this build liik and uh w.* accept it, we assure you that w*> are ready to furnish-you the funde noceaaary t*> main tain in it. am Ihsil eipiul lo.tiic best in.the Suit* Hut with all this we do not want to he selMiih We long to ~<*e the day wh. n eyei y l Ml y and zli lln Wuyne county, y.a In t'arulina. may kuv. the opisirtunlty of foing to this •bool If If js considered liest idt uul.'d fiir them or to some other whoyl. e*tual in every reaped." “The ehalrmun, Mr lame, then call ed upon Mr M T K.laeiion, a form er '.nperinteiident -of (he Fremonl aehools. Mr. J. T. Jerome, county m is rinlem nt of >* h. ol», Mr J. K Kelly, mom her of the bos id <( r Fdu cut ton and Mr. John Havi*,''* former titmnti. r aif tip* hoard of trustees who each in turn offered frliciiaMomi to tbe corntuunity and tmard of trustees for this splendid enterprise so BUc uljj- tarried (o eiimplctiou. .... . Mi It P Ay*nek id pri seutlnf th. «|s a! er of the occasion paid splcn dt-t jrmpTff in The iTTsrinaiilshed four , sons of a Metbrsllat minister whh have ronlrllmled so much to |he pro rres* nl th. ,4tate Th** address .delivered hy Mr Htacy was pronounced hy all who heard him as on. of (he t|n«" I ever heard Tn W ayne county He rim <■ us‘his suh j*-<d "lalucatlon,” ind''all prestn felt that tlwy hint a iiew and broader con ceptloß of what education really means when he hud finished The picnic dinner r* rve.l on the nrou KIA wan all that could he desired from* .' rr iaiol|w.|iif. “To say that It wan pi*o|,ire.l and . rve.l In the usual style of the*)., ople of Fremont is an. pie kii.> raids " of its success Tin* May Huy exercises fj ,hy the vtammar yra.les held In the Kchrsd auditor non slut hy the primary uratl**. on the f*. Is**d ruounds at sunset were toU'ittfol unit highly entertaining The imp.l* evldcn* it tin splendid tralttlny fait had been given them hy • In* coi>p • at t*a* ber i of the Fremont griul-d ; • itool Frein.o.t I to be . j nyrr.itoliit. il up on tile siowus of the undertakiny will* U ColiXln.it> *1 It} Hie csrrkfM bt yesli tda- A nostern high school atid graded , bad building thoroughly cijaipped to nos t every n**ed of tin present ..'torsiloo is ail uchtrvenieiif of w fitch t lie cypmi.truly him a flit, to fa* or oud. • a a Fr»«ani of I xercl-c'. If tin A M Musk*- i*'r.<ttoont tiraibd Mcluhi _ o Orebenfrn 'a I’ravi r HeV. J A Dailey I’r seßlxtmi of girhool Hint.Uni *1 It I .ana, < lialfwyan of Hoard of Trie ti*es . A. . p ...<*✓*• bvl nlf of illlzens *t the . lstrict-J A past. Micta- Frrixnnl Ctra.h d H< h«o! IllcllefctlpM. I'i. <nr it lot. of- s 1 ■ i iV I Av Cocit. t* t- , Aildri'tu H.i. h F Htacy hum h* rfon. Nl f*. M. not.itlou lTev I *’ lb. .1. I So I* \| Invocation Ik v F A Idle* • 'ommundy H< me E>|ne t 3.!i« 1* M. May If* .I'vsrcl . I.y Uramm* Urndes tin A mill ori.en I \t Hon "*t May I»ny Fxeret*e hy Prlmirj ( *r»di lO|. S. la.il Gruolldii ) FlttMtlNFN I s. f. till | unit HII S; M is lAFTISI MINIM I It (iaffney, H i',. ytay I (A*) In p b:ir|«*s M nl) ic. id.hu! of the Fur man I nlv. i .it> ,i tict uvllle, from |sh| in IN e, di* d here at midnight at the home ti his daughter, 'lra l.'u ward Mat* ii. He wan Imrii In Fharle tod In 1851 and ),eiv .1 um |vs tor ui ltat|*i * I.in to t i .Uabim.i. Tanni .**>, Ho uh Furolin a .Mi* jt pi hud Virgo » Fun. rnl b. iaitg# mints hayu toil l.ctn L.mip'mi J. MEMBER OF ASSOfIATED PRKSS rurae fivk < > eni , s THE sue IS HERE ACCORDING TO THE EXPfRtMEP STATION The 'I 0 fur Ihe (.row er* lu Lei tty in the Ksterminn tiun o Ihe Weevil is as Early as Ihe L.uk Apitears. i Itihidgh, A) rlfaX--ffho first boll weaylla of thg- year bare bvcu found • according 1 1 Franklin Hbarmait, Chlaf hi Hnfoiool.cv for the Kxpvriment Station and F.<imaid# Service,' who lx in ncelpt .4 two ..pacimenx, one Irom a rorr* f jioml. nt inear Fayetvvtllr the oilier from it., Meld Htatlon at Aber deen. Th*. first v ia said to have been taken from the man's tuck while he , was in Hie field uii.tnivising the plant ing of rot ton, the taller was reported to have Urn (bund by the workers of the Experiment station while they w.i. jailing in«r«k| .from a pfach tree I'.uir! con other specimens, thought to have be. n bool vteevUs, have l*een pn viouMy received this year, it was tated, Imt m f*r these la t two were th* first real boH weev ils. During the lari two years, explain 'd Mr Sherman, the Division of Kn tutuolngy of the Slate College of Ag ricuiture and fiepartro ut of Agrlcul tine, has reuUe.Med that farmers and others Interested semd in first living boll weevil specimen* which might he found under and condition* and later to send in specimeaa found on young cotton. Thews fart*, ha said, . are desircl from sll parta of the cot ton growing area of the atate. In or der to determine the ssaaonal activi ties of the Insert. Karh year there arn mmiy r> simnses. It was explained, but In moat . as.s of winter or eerly spring findings, they prove to b« In-; sect* entirely different from th* boll * e.vil and not harmful to cotton. These early apiing records are closely ia accord with similar find; Ings of Inst year's says Professor Sherman." aand indicates that the very eurßesi boll weevils merge *Ar.p when there la no cotton,: Pmnumab ly many of theme do ti«for* there era rollon * nongh for them to feedd upen. and till uiur* before there are squares try, which to lay their egga. they are pnihahljr one* which warm'd up early, h**< ame hungsiy and wnr# •esrehing for thetr only known rwru lai t .**..( cotton. "We think these? flndian show the oundness of oug position In not add vocal lug the use of poison from the first time the weevils are found. It is probable that a lew boll weevtla are on young ration Irom th* time th*' first leaves are expanded, and If one were to slart poisoning then be would make scv*r*l applications be fore there were squares to be protec (•’d to hurt by the weevil. This lyaifUl tie a Headless expense and we dfc not •*dvl:< it is a safer-ami more-profit .hie not to poison ‘'until tb*> squaren liegin to form. Hy that time many oh the weevils will he dead without hav ing don*' hunp and without any eg jM'ieu* When qpiiren begin to form. If tlieie he an many an 20 wtevila to the ' acre, use the- dust poison or the pois on* *| molasses mixture Repeat this a vyjek later 4f many w*evila appear to fa atilt pros, nl After many squar ed'are wcirTtornied, It ta beat to u * th>* dust poison "This advice |«; not only In accord with t hem.loutiona from our ours test* *.r lust year, but ia In accord with ihe advice now being generally tr.v. n hv I xperiiio ut Htallons lu nil cotton Htules.** If. N. C. Debater* For Meeting With the Sewanee Team Fh.ip* | Hilf; May I Julian R. Alla brook of Roanoke Knpidn. and D-anl* (J. Downing of Fayetteville will rvp rv'Sent the Fntversity of North Far*. lina on the affirmative against H«wa nee« negative her* on Friday night In the Southern triangle debates t’ar olin.i will send a learn to debate Tu lon* '„U N* w (nl.utis aml Titian* and S* »an*c will meet at He's ate"**. Tetin., lo complete the triangle. Th** quurv 1« ' Resolved That Fon gnws should be gTv*«u the power to over ride d* ('talons of' the Rupramw t'ourt In de. daring acts of Cotigrvwg tncotihi t'illon:i|" The Tar Heel negative team, con te ling with Tularw*V affirmative at N. s Orleans. Is repteaented by A. **«'• der of HiiHebury, 1 and Q. C Harnp "ii i hsp* l Hill , m tin ii iok r; nt. r. nti dfnt i ha,M Hill. May I (A*» A s'ate whle smirch for (,'hurtle Pritchard is as I*l to now to- in operation hy the ’filemis rind lelatlvea of the young man who siud.nU say has been missing from the t’nlvcrsity where he 'was a student, for two weeks, It has b**-n re polled that student* heard from him in Durham ten* than a w<» k ago but at .Hie University It was tated ih.it he had not att. nded clu «s wince tlw Rnurvr holidays. i Tho *«l only produces egga one* 'in Its lifetime.

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