■, i r ■, mmmmmmmmmmm mmmm flptMlMM ’PfWPI fkrtljr fh»Jnr. fwMMy ik*W«n an tIM eeqsL ‘» 7 _ aaa-.aasr.k-K4— -i, • ” ■ ~—= VOLUME THREE; NO. 74 IWO DOUIIS FOR THE DISCUSSIMOFIHE r ’Mupu JMI*4 by Home B«m* Jp tor* that AgTcoMcnl (ould bo / Reatkd on HBixling-Uoolidgc / Profron for kbnbenhb. VBghl&ffton Mar *1- UP)—Tbs Ban at ; aaratga relations committee de vo* a two boura* meeting today to a liberal discussion of tha naw world court quaitlon, with tba raault that aevtral mtmbari predicted would lead to an agraamaat among advocates of tba proposal bafora tba commlttaa. and aaaura a raport to tba Senate bafora adjourn moo I of tba aeaaloa. Belief wag expressed by some Ban Vfteg that agreement could ba raarb- P«J bn tba Hardlna-t'ooUdgc program i fur mambarabip la (bo preeent court. * with tba ifugbaa aafaguard included f Tb« draft aloag tbo linen of tba ttsrdlag-CooHdge plan. Introduced by Senator Swanson of Virginia, waa brought Incidentally bafora tba com mltteo wblcb gave special attention to tba auction referred to by the Vir ginia Senator presiding tbnl Amsrl caa reservations or amendments be agued to formally by tba other ad liffcnt.- There waa aald to ba practically unanimous agreement that the I’utt •d B'atas could bot agree to any court plan wblcb would bind bar to rOcognixe/tbe authority of tba tribun al to render ex parte advisory oplit - Dr. Cuthrel] to Be Preacher at College Finals o ___________ Wilson, May ll.—Commencement fi.rd.es for tba 1i24 class will b# bald at Atlantic Christian Collaga. be glrptng Saturday, May 14. and con tinuing through Wednesday. May 24. according to tbo program of tbe #«- erctse. announced at tba ofßce of tba coUaga here today. * Features of tba -program. It was stated, will be tha sapual commence mant play by tba studopts of tba coi , logo. "Daddy IsHig-Legs.” thr laur soclety oratorical contest and tfce an anal si unsol bswgpot. Dr. L. O. Brickar. of tba First CfciUtlen Church, of Atlanta, will preach tba baccalaurate sermon and tb* V W. C. A. sermon Dr. George P enthrall, of tbe Hillsboro Street .Christian church, of Ralelgb, will de liver tba class day sermon, and C. U Coon of Wilson, will make tba com mencement address for tba high school division of tbe college, while Dr. Finis 8 Idlemsn of New York City- will deliver tbe regular com mencement address. Frank Clark Has Cinched Honors in Cold Tournament Asbevllls. Msy 21—Frank Clark, professional. Asberllle Country Club, bp a brilliant 44 yesterday afternoon, practically cinched flrat honors In the., annuaTCarolines professional tourna ment bars. His score far the first. 34 boles If. 141 Harold l-obg. of who led thr field In tips morning round had a 71 for tbs afternoon, and drop pad into sect nd place, six strokes be hind. 811 floabel, Charlotte, was third., with 141. ' Final 34 holed will ba played today •a Asheville Up In Air .Because Class Man Rule Asheville. May 21.—(Appeal to the Board of IB rectors of the Bouth At labile League has bgem taken by of fl-iils of tha Asberllle Club from tbe Cfrlslou of President Brarnham. of the league. forfeiting two games to A Charlotte. played In Asberlllt>. and Ml son by the Tnurtata on May 9 ant 10 In (resident Brarnham In a telephone Kikssrage today said Asberllle should ' rake credit for tbe wins until the Bo.it'l of Dfrictbfs rules otherwise, It Is expected (be board will be call ed to pass on tbe question next week. The forfeiture was over tbe playing of live class m«a. oas In excess of the league rules Asheville's defense Is that It was Ignorant of the class rec- Mean, shormop , , *S#rAIS>MfEK BAIL PL API EM FOBffXGLAXD-lAI.TA HER VICE l*»ndou May 21 14*)—For non atop lying between London and Malta. In connection with the ttngland-lndla and Australia mall service, tbe sir ministry Is asking Arms to submit designs for commercial aircraft which will perform such a journey. The machines must have a cruising speed of 100 miles as hour and ac commodate 20 to 30 passengers or tne equivalent la good* and mall. The journey to Malta will occupy ten hours. Cairo will be reached In 24 hours altar leaving England; India ran In rsacbsd da four days, and Aus tralia will bs brought within sight 'day> of London. t THE GOLDSBORO NEWS HENRY FORD’S BID LQSES . IN BATHE IN THE SENATE 1 AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE • , T o 1 , ;‘ 1 ,- t k__- - ■ - LEIiH COUNTY noruK l ! h Superior Court Adjourns in Re* npect to Memory of Ikfd Jurist; Vinitß Recalled. ; i 1 Kinston, May 21.—Chief Justice Walter Clark was a frequent visitor 0 h#r* in ocher year*, lh was pre*la dug over Superior Court In Kinston, at tbe lime of tbe charleston earth quake In tbe eighties. One of hln last visits to Kinston man to attend the unveiling of a marker al South* •west battleground, u few. mile*, from the citr. Tbat place was tbe scene of tbe last Important Confederate vic tory in Ihe War Between the Stales. Tbe noted jurist had a part in the battle, as one of tbe youngest field of loera to ever serve tn the army. At tbe age of 17. aa ts well known, he was a lieutenant-colonel In ihe gray forces. Tbe Halifax County school boy waa commissioned a major In the 70th Regiment of North Carolina troops June 3. 1864. Tbe out fit was a part of tbe famous Junior Reserves, an .army of cadtts. grammar school boys, and baby faced lads, many of whom bad barely been out of sight of their mothers before the summer of *44. Their valor Is written as one of the last chapters In tbe record* of glorious -deeds. , Oiddd- members of tbs bar here re call that tbe dead Chief Justice was • a stickier for punctuality. When he presided over court here he was noted for bis vigor. He was Inclined to over-ride precedent. These' traits marked his conduct on the. bench of the highest conrt. Some lawyers here remember Ms election to the Su perior Court bench in 1884, and to the Supreme Court In 1449, together with Ills plevatioa to Uie Chief Justiceship In 14A2 and assumption of tbe office January 1 of tba next y*ar. Superior Court here was adjourned Tuesday at noon, out of respect to the memory of the dead Jurist. Judge Lloyd Horton, presiding, ordered a half-day suspension. Previously there wss Interruption of tbe proced ure. while N. James House, veteran practitioner before Ihe bar. spoke of Judge (Turk's lone and distinguished record, his service In the Confederate Army. elr. "No ntsn hits done more mental work than Judge Clark, be de clared. lie moved the adjournment, and the niofon was by Kred I, Button, who said he had studied law> under the Chief Justice for a short time. . Vj. . w STATE NEWS , Raleigh. May 2j With several hundred persons presimj. Including members of the I). A R , thJ Colonial Dames, the t\ D. C„ and the Sons -of the Revolution, the Bloomsbury /chapter of the Daughters of the Rev olution unveiled a memorial murker and houlder near here Hqturday. -marking the old Ramsgate road. The boulder was erected nbottl three miles from the city on the Fayetteville road It waa placed there through the endeavors of the Bloomsbury Chapter of tbe Daughters of the Rev olutlon. ' Ralelgb. May 21. -Approximately rite third of the allotted JS.Otxt as Ral -1 elgh'a share In the fund to erect the lee Memorial School tjf Journalism was raised Ihe first day of 'be net. palgn. It was estimated by Mrs. Ib-n --ry l-ondon and H. V. McPherson, dl -1 rectors of tbe local campaign 0»B --1 eVous donations were reported- from many prominent persons and th° ett iiens In general The heljef Wit Key pressed that the nlToNt-d nniothvl would Im> easily raised amt perhaps over-subscribed i FATHER i SON SENTENCED 1 DIE t Alexander i**xd Hollar'* I’iHman I to (»o lo Electrir Chair June > 27. Notire of Appeal Given, r I Greenville. R C. May 21 (JP) Alex t tinder and Holland Pittman, father and son. Isle today were sentenced I to die In tbe Stale electric chair Frl - day, June 27th for tbe death. Junu p ary 3l*t of Htalr officer J II How e ard on Hog Hack mountain 1 Notice of appeal was given, t k A 100 of wheat lakes nway from tbe • troll 47 pounds of nitrogen. 18 pound* t *of pbosporlc acid, and 12 pounds of 'tpotash. , MLMMM, M. C, THI RNDAY CORNING. MAY 22. 1924 1 • ** ’ I*l 1 • t; The A4vw4(m to Make Another Attempt to Have Ihe Bill Re* ported to the Committee on Tuefiday. Next. ■ / . • * 'A • “»■■■ T ■ Washington. May 21.—Henry Ford’s bM for Muscle Shoals went down la defeat today In the first t**t of strength before tbe Senate Agricul ture committee. * r • -O Advocates of (he Hold bid will make another attempt at un executive session Thursday to have It repotted by the committee , At todays session Senator Harrison. Democrat. Mlsalsslppl, offered a mo tion to report the Ford bid without amendment, but It was defeated 10 to 4. It Is now planned to offer a mo tion Tuesday to report tbe hid with out recommendation Should tike Ford bid advocates fall In l heir attempt to get Iha bid out of comntHlee, they planned lo bring It to g vote In tbe Senate as a substi tute to the committee proposal when tbat la submitted. Taylor Acquitted - By Wayne Jury Kinston. May 21. se. Then Thy IVace Forever." Mr. Slu ldon K. Duel * "Soon Ah the Mountain jtum mils," Mrs. Hunger and Mr. flheldon 4 A. Reclt.—“Bo Spake The Spring." Mr Winstead R. Chorus "A Maid More B-autlful Than May." by Chorus C. Supratio wold “The Blootu On My Hoses,” Mrs Ruth Gold Saierr. 0. Cborui.'-"Mid Tbe Waving Rose Trees " 6 A. Reclt —"God Greets Thee." Mrs. llaiupT. H f ont ralto solo '"Ask of Your Hulneil Castle." (’. Reclt "Alsst The Hand Is Thine," Mr. Winstead I> Chorus- "(Mi Larth Horn Borrow.” ’ . 7. Trio —“Hast Thou Wandered," Mrs. A. II Kerr, Mrs. Hlzxell and &lr Arment 8 Air-" The Sleep of Even," Mrg Winstead. '9. A Reel! -•"IIArk. lieneatb Her , Window," Mr. Kenueth Finlay, bari tone H Duet "I Know A Rosebud Shining," Mrs Spicer and Mr- Win stead. : 10. Chorttg— "Tla Thy Wedding Morning " 11. Solo "(Vhere Gloomy Pine Tress Hustle." Mr Finlay. 12. Reclt ‘-"Forth From The Hum liter's Hlossom," Mr. Winstead 13. A Male qusrtrt-"What Hounds There Bo Boftly," Messrs Winstead. Sheldon. Arment aud r bat win l>e. It chorus of Kikes "Farewell, Sleep Tbou Lightly.” i 14 Finale "Yes. Ken as Die Th. Rosen,” Mr. Winstead and Chorus. I —— I Tbe famous Premier Mine In South 'Africa has pifuluced no less than I'll 16 00v.040 worth of diamundfi. TAX REDUCTION *J bill mm IN pIPE Early Approvd of thr IJnani mpttt A|frt«Britt of the (’on* sere doth on Uiforcnrcs He twen House rand Senate Ft dirt That "tW Bill Will he Signed by PltaMent. Wsshlngtoa. Mag 41. bP)~A tax re duction bi 11,,, eodofaed by leaders of both parties sad Virtually every fsc tihn tn tbe Sem*4 nnd Him■«> was molded Into final t Jlu today,* Curly approval As the uasnlmoiis agreement tM t"on(e poai erfwctlv. |y es tablished ibrpugta (Onwibtto negotia tions" the NattonaljT Aaaoelattim of Manj)fs'«tufW|a tsdaVjadopted a res olutlon exprogalpg rgtM that; Con ape"* bad linj-rli !(_ nß*p>rs bv leg islation an exclusion* wpifey. Chamber’* Final Appeal The (j|ißgiber sf Coaimerre two weeks ago, through lla officer* and directors mgde an,appall to oar entire cilloensblp, *lullng Ihnt the argnnl«iHon (or six year* bad trees carrying n deficit and that tbe present Board <»( l»|- reelors desired to lake ears id Ibis amonnt by calling ns tbe ci ty's man power Infs spcrial row trlballon. This detirlt amounts to approximately 41.000 and while tbe present organisation Is amply organised to Ihe extent of taking rare of Its current expenses, H has not been able lo eliminate Ibis old debt. This appeal baa been met with generous contri bution* from a- number of our rltlirns, but tbe needed dIJNM has nol yet been contributed • b • /. V ' i 1 j » 0 • ‘ Are you Interested la tbe efforts of imr local I bomber of (un merer | lime yon met Us appeal by mailing In jonr donation I o * 1 onr check with thirty nine others (or 4IU «och will, put your ( bomber of ( ommerer completely » out id debt. Tills space Is donutad tn lb*' 1 humbrr ol Commerce by tbe Goldsboro Xros and 011 l be giv en again In our Sunday edition, ■ carrying a complete list la tbe «a rant spare shown, of oar busi ness und professional men who hate contributed lo this aortby cause. The hens Is p< rbap* clos er In foarb with Ike efforly and accomplishments than any other organisation In oar city. Be know akat the Chamber of I ommerre amply financed and wRh the moral sapport of oar baslness Interests ran accomplish for our community, and without this organization, tbe hews real ises we woald not prosper, bat would stand still; and we heartily endorse this action on the part of the I hnsaber of torn merer, and argr every man In Goldsboro l« respend to Ibis appeal. IDEIECM STORY IS MED 10 SENATE MttltlY Mil * f' » ■— ■*' '(N *V . » * The (Vnmiltrv Informant Which Attracted Attention Some Weeks Ago sh an Inri dent of ShadowH. Washington. May 31. —A de tective story of extraordinary duality van related unlay b*foi% the Ornate •Daugherty Committee. in Tgurpoiird explanation of th« mysterious dlsap pearu lire of the iipy record* of llaston •It Meant). Tile committee'* Inform ant, who attracted attention come week* ago. a* an Incident to the uc < omit of shadows Mt by the Depart •meat of Jo at lee to follow M. mil by day and night From the same wit ness, wh<> w'rtH one time kteuoarapher to Jeff Hmlth and now aoelal operat ive of the dr pari tar nl of Jiittlre, and her husband, a confidential agent to •B. B McLean. Waahlnglon. publisher, the rommltler heard allegations also ih«i the ayaleiu of espionage had been 'don* around the. committee Itself. ‘ 7 r ;.: ; t V <; S(H) N urses To Attend Meeting Twin City Winston Halcm. May 21.—Approxi mately 600 nursea are oipected to at tend the annual convention of the North Carolina "Nurse* Aagoclatlop, <>'hl« h will open in i.hla city on 27th, and continue through the 29th, ttcrording lo atulementa made by tlYo»« In charge of the program and other arrangements for the meeting. ‘A varied aerlea of addresses and lee jlures. iirrtalntng to the work of the I'nuraMt. a number of aoelal function*, jaud business luei-ltnga of the Aaaocla •Mon have been scheduled f«r the three ‘■•lafra that the members Are lo be In «*i* Hty. The convention will be preceded by a mealing of the littat* Board of Nurse •Examiners here on May 23 when more than 14u student* wrtlj taka the V lamination. I t " ■ BOt'TH HE A WHAIIM. PAYH WeWlngfciH. Nam. Zealand.. May 11. DW The Norwegian whaling expedt tlon. which haa been working In the Hose He a. haa returned to Btewart Island with 221 blue whales and a number of fldkaika Heventeen thousaml barn U of oil. Including by product* have been secured ALL It l«M HTILI, IMLH’I, Karalon. Calif. May 20. (A 1 ) A Jer sey cow. owned by a local dairyman, I* 22 year* old. and Haled aa one of the most-aged Jersey* in America, yet ahe gives evidence of good year* to, come. She recently dropped her 22nd calf. She give* four gallona of milk and produce* more than to pound* bf butler fat. monthly,- Tl Itkh LKANT ASNEHTT hioa Hanltary laspectom 1,646 liarnlng per dollar Invested dur ing month $3 4u Vidr£»ne Confetwes Killing of 6 M n New Orleans, May IL-Kuaebe VI drlne, of Villa Platte, today confessel to-the killing of sit msn according tr a report received here hy the New Or leans Htate from the Hberlff of Evatv rwiine county. « JOLIET* HINTOKK Al, VOTAtiE TO III: rEI.EBRATED IN PAUEANT Joliet. May 21 (A*)-- Plustlng down Ihe ChUago dralnag* canal and the lllinold river, a modern Ixttils Joliet, acrompanled hy Fathrr Marquette ami hta voyageura will be greeteed when he lands June 14 at the city hearing his name, by a pageant of more than I .mat urtora. given In com mensuration of fb« landing of the original Joliet beie 260 Oyeara ago. The week of June 14 to 33 Is lo be devoted -to a celebration of Joliet's ex ploration and discovery of Ibe sits of this city. Although the trip duwq the Chlca go canal and river will not follow accurately fhA original exploration trip of Joliet and Marquette, It may follow the route tsken hy lbs fbca oue explorer u year later In ret fit?* Ing to the Illinois country T „ l.— . . ,4 j' , V Ktt INL Ml I f INL ( LOMI'N ,t 1.1 JTJ New York, May 21 The twenty day meeting of the Metropolitan Jockey flab gt the Jamaica Irark. will < lose today, after which Ihe thoroughbreds will move to Belmont Park The opening at Belmont tomorrow will be featured by tbe.ruunlng of the Mvtropollian handicap HR 1 OMk COTTON New York. May 31 (AT- -Spot cot ton quiet. Middling 32 60 cotton fa- Ourss elosed steady May 3211; /uly c* 37; Oct 39 61; Dec. 36 34; Jan 24.97, - -1 * fi'. s . f . 1 ii 111 MEMBER OP ASSOCIATED PRESS u WIR DEPIRTMENT ISSUES STRTEIIENT TO EX SERVICE MEN War Department Sayn It in Hue lettff for Kx-Service Men to Write or Call for Honua al l*reHent. Washington. May 21. (JP) Already besieged by requests from Veterans , for adjusted compensations unde# the * bonus law, the War Department ti autd s statement today, pointing.ant to former service men the futility of 4- writlug or calling for honua payments at ths present time . Ths special application blanks harp been drawn, and an order for »fie*a million ha* t>eeo placed by Ihe pub lic printing department, the statement says, and as soon as thaw haws received their distribution will begin. In this connection (be War Depart* meal has made sriangadanots tbroufß the Post Office Department, the Ags* ertesa Legion, the vanoua military headquarter* and civic societies tinted will he on all tbeeblnaka. rod all information of the boogp and 1 pplication itself will contain special ortrucUnn as la how to AU o«4f tbq eppllestlam *" '" vw?> ' '* Blue Devils to Ask T«ch For Anotlier Fray Trinity Collega, Durham. May |J.— \t s’ regular slectinn of the. Trtaltr 'Tlllege Athletic Connell here 1«y Bight. It pgs voted to lend Mata College an lavltation to play another baseball gam* either In Durbaw or in Raleigh, to deride definitely tfci Htate championship of North CartH Hna. Managers o| the various a|htoUr trams for nest year *era rhoaop ass 'ollowa. Blaeball. JJ. fsrrla. of High Point; track. R E Imng, ntlM boro; vfteotnag, R. A. Burch, of Hog boro; and thnata. J. W Harbladat. of Morgsnton * »' EITI RL LMPRKHH OF JAPilf > TAILH IT BORNE.ACI * —, J; »*( - .jS..*' this being ■ on* Apra, svldepof of f|T Invasion of moderh tde#ffiFw life* of the ruling fatally. % The prlnceaa la already ga ate’ »• lent tennis player. Hh* will ha Ihd Nrtt empress of Japan' to hare had such pbyalclal aaertcea aa part of her tralnlnff. ; '/ TEN NIB *q It BIU.L TO BE AUtUk AOAIIt Chicago. May 21- Both stdaf ol the '•layer writer rule of the UntOA Hales, lawn Tennis Association wifi he sired her* tonight at a fheetirtg called hy J. C Rtewart. president of tbeW'enlern Association. Oeogfn, W. Wightmsn. president of ths NnUapii Association, and other offloern will oresent the aid* of ths s> sociatloa, rod WJIIIsm Tlldm 11, natlonnl chata •ion, will state hta side. st. V Police Photography Now Brought to » Fine Art %< New York. May 31—tffil—A phdlo graph studlb, Ibe largest sad- mom up-to-date In the world with a ettea tele of more than 64.000 persOM sad electrical equipment tor developlßg photographs with lightning sptdlty. has become on# of the meat laspot that adjuncts of the New York poUno department. » Tricks of criminals 'to clrcumfipt police photos is pher» hare become futllv4b*l ‘h* old time requlretnkng that Tour detectives hold a prleonkr for a pose Is no longer necessary nffi only delay nowadays la canned by vain women who powder sad rouge or by “shelika" who slick their hair. Pari* -polio- tint long ago sent -over here a photograph of a man named “Hussey." New York police Immedi ately recognised Ihe portrait a* thn| of the notorious “Dapper Dsn fob tins." despite the fact that when pho tographed In Paris he hats thrust hit head forward to give a distort*. Image The so-called "Diamond Bank < -h bery,'* in which two bank mexaenysf* were shot to death hy a gang of hold up men. waq solved with the aid of the police ttudlo One of tlta sang was known, and 4,000 copies of hi* picture wet* yea! to police In all part# of th# country. Fingerprints accompanied the pot traits. A few day* later Barlow -M Diamond, one of the gang, was rwcog ntxed and caught In f'leveland Hat even more ntrlklng waa the rase of a trusted bookkeeper who dis appeared when hta accounts were found to be $30,000 abort. Police sehl bis portrait broadcast Three months later In an obscure western town the fugltllre sit recognised sad arrested by the town’s lone motor cqrele policeman. . M • .* d »«i |l<« aittft