V WEATHER 1 llhr4 ‘ T ’ I VOLUME THREE; NO. 97 THE CONVENTION FORCES ARE .1 ARRIVING IN NEW YORK FOR NAT. DEMOCRAT CONVENTION , •> • r . <s.' • ~ 9 0«l H Um Mw *f Talk and the 1 MMckinc nf Opinion. Tkore i* 1 i JiwrclM Only tin Outline #1 1 ht\ City of PoMtlcnl Silence | b New York. June It—The maneuv ering ct Ui« assembling ol leader* ol the detnocrake pnrtlks are Entering u pa Btbe usual pre-con venklon nerv oasaeae. hewlMemeot and general uncertainty With the democratic candidate* for the preetdency In actlvn charge of their campaign. oonveatrum forces and other Brat raters tp the party are arriving hourly. Out of the mane of talk nod the matching of opinion, there euierv I Ink only the MT-hae ol a Hty point J cal alienee I RrVnilaenre perhepe of ihe niount iud dp me of the McAdoo men It the suttigslasiu and conßdqnce of the fol lowere of A1 Smith Looming In the background, how fv*r are the preetdentlal aspiration* of a ooten leaser candidates whose rC tort Appear coaSdeot H at la the « dark horse will brdxk. up t g and rpectnculnr deadlock Rising Into the picture Joo. In, the a bitter ftfht over the abaa- f # ~Vljh|pii of tho traditional party ruk J 4 tiring twb tWrde major ly lo uonplnale 9 • While around the entrance of tb< big uhl rival plaltouu builder* with proving heat the form of the pert) declaring prohibition, foreign poll and the Ku Kins Klan. Outwardly at tenet the McAdoo sup porters are making the grantee show ol conideqce over the outcome of the ballot for the presidential Domina tion They doejare their caodtdat* wMI have close to a majority on th< 9r#t roll call. auKwVU become tin Standard thPjpirty not lal st than the hpo*’ eeTenth While tha driving force of the en tbueiaam (hat la behind the Smith hpotn la little leas convincing when they are separata* from the cooveo tiop swirl Thg chagsplooK of Pn deowood god a long list of others win prfcng the question quite convincingly „ thit neither JfeAdeo or Health aaq |M nominated. ■ WSIII - -^..1.4. m tern NEIR SMITHFIEU) ■ MOST jam Sunday is Marred by tollisiot on H' /bway 22. Which Ma> I be Fulal for Young Man. J! V n . \ .■ t —, I Bmlthfleld. June 19- /wo person- I w«r« injured, one of them seriously I on the Hni ihflehl Four Ouks rood I loot beyond Turnor'o bridge Hunda) I afternoon about :M o’clock,,xxjien a I Ford touring car. driven by Dfyve in I - gram and Theodore Roo*ev*|r (Ted I dyj Young of Henson. crashed Inlb a I Ford rousted driven by Ouude Mat I thews. Jr., and V. C. Moore. Jr., oi 1 "Raleigh. The touring car Wus goim I from Suillbfleld to Holt l.ake ut a I »p*ed of about twenty ai „ hour, according to report* - I After tronang tba bridge an ai tempi was made to paa« another rai wfcirh was going at a moderate rat< ofapeedTind as tba touring car swerv •d out to puaa It crashed' beudnu lnt< a roadster coming from the opponin direction AcouftSlng to teltnesse* t«r tba scene the roadster had slowed down and bad almoat stopped when the toanng car ran Into It. the lattei f’ turning over three tiinrs before cOm * tug U»A i*tand»ttll. Moore was thrown I IroJfUa roadater but was not hurt I lugriMa the driver of the touring car j waaJTrtoualy. If not fatally Injured whiH Young's collar t*.ne was brok I •a e received other sight Injuries | rapt F U FiUdy and Mr H D I Johnson, road supervisors. arrived on the scene soon after the % reck andj moved the cars and cleared the road I A pint bottle which had contained I aUl|se was found la Ihe car driven I by.3 At" U was broken wlten the * car'VJfcd ovar. A boule of oiukge crush Wit also found In the car The injured men Wbrs brought to the Snsthfteld Memorial hospital.l where they received medical alien Mon At the lest rsport Ingram, who was seriously hurt, was slightly lm . proved though hot out of danger * Matthews and Moftra returning to Raleigh from Holt I-nhe Their car was allgbtiy Injured wts le the tour ing car «as c onsiderably damaged MKW YORK COTWY S+.i;-'. l * Naw York. Juna 19 (#•>-■ Hp»« ‘ot ton quiet Cotton futares closed gut at Middling fill July 21*5. Oet J»»1; Dec; tS 4l| J»» 1416. March. iiii. i i THE GOLDSBORO NEWS 1 nD, AH iHBu m&L * UlrU McAdoo Arrives In Now York to Per sonally Conduct hi* President *1 * - Campaign BOSS MROItNCES ! WHMRMML hom 1 SECOND PRIMARY \> * Mr. Kohn’ Withdrawal Leaves , j Second Primary Nef'esnary j, Only for One Office. Raleigh. June It.—Chas. Ko»i run ! ner up to l». C.'BrumnstU lu the r*<-e ( for attorney general tonight address-j a letter to tlie chairman of thej State Board of election, announcing , ils withdrawal from the second pri mary. thus giving the nomination to Mr. Brumm.it. Mr Ro*»' withdrawal make# the second primary necessary only sos me office, that of Commlaalooer of Imbed and Pricing. In this rate FYunk Grist, disre garding the advee of party leader* his lt»CPtx«l ou a second primary . gsalnat M. L. HtUpiuan. lacuiWhilU. who led him by more than 12.0UU ma jority In the first race. JOHNSON LLECTEO BE PRESIDENT OF ' KIMS CLUBS H. Paul Minnesota is Chosen art the 1925 Convention City. j Denver. t'ol . June 19—Victor t Johnson or Rockford. 111. today was li'lerttd president of the Ktwana Club I International, by the eighth annual I <on\eiuton here St Fan). Minn , wast I IsMiii as the’l9ls convention city / I rije convention adjourned this after- • I noon. I- SALVATION .mm REVIVAL i The T«nt Revival Campaign, which I s Im*luk conducted by the B*lwlon I \rmy In Wcbbtown. where meeting* • ire held nightly. ut 8 P. M . I* caus-.i I ng much Interest. Nine rouD have * i seen waved to date. (‘apt. W. 1,. Rain- I .ay from Kinston, waa here last night > [and preaihed in ('apt ttltehie'H place. | He delivered a Royl stirring appeal on I ha‘ aubjopt: "The Heavenly Race." g The scripture lesson wan based on 1 Vlnthlann. IX. 24. (’apt Ritchie! I I will preach tonight on the subject. 'l’Naaman the l4*p«r.? K.verybody in | extended a welcome A section is re- I u rved for colored pWfll. EASTERN CAROLINA IS NOT GETTING HER SHARE I Kinston. June 19 "Kaste/n Caro- i | lina ils not gelling her share of tourlnt i | 14ve1," ts the way an official of the i | Kata tern Carolina chamber of Com i | nierce put It today while discussing i | tbl i matter An Investigation was I made as to the number of tourlntß j that t gavel the Hanford Raleigh I Hmlthfb-ld. Fayetteville route It de yel oped from this survey that full) HU |*r cent of the tourlstß who go South In the winter, never see East Jrn Carolina at all. because they liuve * been accustomed to foil w tilts Han ford Htnithcru I* uea route. There Is a reason for this. In the opluton of the Kastent Carolina Cham her of Commerce officials. The fads In the case showed that a very Inten-, wive canipui gu ha* been going ion for many years, with a view of directing the attention of the tourist* to the other note alitl no effort has been ~ ! made to get them to use the Ralttgh* j Smithtlsld. Dunn and FayVUuvtll* CfEIT INTEREST SUM ITU ’ MEET TESTEW Id ’’ 1 " 1 *'—• * Ketiular Monthly Meeting of the Tobacco* and Cotton Grower* Co-Op Asndclation Meetji at Court House Ytwterday. I - { Much interest was shown In a live lyemeetlng of the Wayne county To 'barco A Growers' Aasorwltlon held |this year, at the court house yester day at t P. M. f Before the .regular monthly meeting iat 2 o’clock, tke advisory board and ‘iexecutlvf comrajtlee met at t P M. IThey dtsrussed plans for the program I pertaining to the 2V •'locals” active In ithe interest of the Association, add .real work waa accomplished. I At tha regular meeting representa tives of thirteen of the local* out of the twenty-eight were present, and In addition about forty-five of the out - standing farmers of Ihe county wrere present at the meeting t The program of the work of the to jbncco growers association was pre (united by Ms. L. B. Roger* for the Lmployees and member* of the' asso ciation, to organise. Thts was hear tily approved by all those present. According to the, sentiment of the •member*, the records for the month 'of June will egceed that any previous knouth since the associating, has been lorgVised | The speakers at the meeting were •Rx-Sberlff Stevens. the director'of the V-ounty cotton aasoclatlon. Mr. W. A ■Shackleford. (Jf Oreene county, and (Mr. H. B. Mask, of Raleigh, heart of the field J aervtce .department of the cotton association- V- Tho nest meeting of the association will be held .the third week In July and It Is eipected that Mr. O- A. Nor 1 wood, who probably will have return ed from abroad by that time, will ’ present a complete report of the stfr rees of the commission, which took abroad to become acquainted with Kuronean Durohnsers of the weed, hUi upvuu die Herriot Receives Confidence Vote * * ... Paris, Jun eM.-Th. r 'hatvwr Os Deputies tonight voted coirflriehce In I Premier' Harriot In connect!*! with I the new government " I The vote was 313 to 234 BAKEBALL REHt LTf* * * • o National Leagna t Boston t; New York 4 Brooklyn 3; Cincinnati t. Philadelphia 1; Chi ego 3 Otbar games not scheduled. American League - St louls I; Chicago 7 Detroit 6-3; Cleveland 16 2. Other gwmea not scheduled. . Piedmont Leagne Durham 3; Danville 8 High Point 9; Greensboro It. . Winston Biilem 4-, Kalelgh 6. Mouth Atlantic league > Charlotte 4-1 ; Asheville 1-8- Hpartnnburg 2; Macon 4. i Greenville 0; Augusta «. a Virgin||i tarngne Norfolk T; Rocky Mount 11. Petersburg 2; Portsnwuth 3. Rlrhmoud t; Wilson 0. Hwnthern As*oclalk*a Nashville ts; Atlanta 3 t'hattanooga 12; Birmingham 8. Mobile 12; Little Rock 3. . New Orteaiu 2 0; Memphl* *-4.__ route Map* have lieen prta(e<l ami went to the leading hotel* In the oth •r. *tate« which do uot *bflfw the Tnst ern Carolina nstte ut all Not even the »tale highway* are recognised on these Independent maps An effort l* going to be made to correct this state of affair*, by having map* and charts made nhowlng the Eastern Carol na route .Hpetdul eat pliasls ’will be lahl on the laiprtanre of going Homh the Ea*t>-rn Carolina way. where the scenery Is heautlful ami the fields arv laden with things that muhs IlfeArcally worth whh- Meetinuu SIV betiig arfiHtged now In Ihe towns affe«i**il by this by the Fuistern Caroltna Chamber of Com merce, and some definite ste|>* will have been talon ere the tourist *•'« son opens lu No(emtier no doulu "Really they don't gee the best part of North Carolina, the wny they an no* go.ng," said d’resident John " Hiilines of tha' Eastern Chamber. HlHlfHt n. C, FRIDAY MOANING, JUNE 241, 1921 mips BARRIES Mia JIIDD ’ sin raw —— l —■t ' 3 Mr. William* i* One of the State’* Strong**! lawyer*, and ia at I’resqpf Solicitor of This District. 1 *o' ) * A ' More an huge of «r.datives and f'irlenda wlilcb crowded the irhurrh to Its utmost capacity. #!*■< iKugenla Margaret Judd. and Mr 4’lawsou Williams were nulled In marriage ou Thursday morning at let o'clock. In the Pregbyt. rtan church. Ban ford. N. t’..'"Wtlh Dr H t’ <IH mar*, pastor of the church ufllciat tug. The decorations of the chtiroh were singularly beautiful and grace ful. being done under the supervision < t Mrs. A. C. Hughes. A charming color .tone of pink and green was oh Served. The pulpit wu banked wi li luxuriant fern* and palm . u huge basket of pljik fhWothy I’erkfns > rose* placed In the esact center, wtifle on the pulpit Itaelf were placed al art Isttc Intervals p««doatuls holding 'gtnnt ferns, uji/^ Standards bearing of fos*-* from iwhlch festoons hung to the Boar. At •the extreme back of the pulpit, form ing an exquisite background Tor the •entire scene was au Improvised altar 'covered In white und Ufdooned with graceful roaee The rail of the i hnlr Joft was entirely covered with trail Ing Ivy, wbllw placed at either -end was an artistiwimass of pink roses, kigalnst a graicful spray of long leaf pine The orgun was fsptooned w irti Ivy, a* wi.-re all the uialc lights of ( the church, while mnase* of long leaf ( pine placed along the Ralls of the ( iaudltorlum , completed the picture of surpassing beauty. r p Prior to the ceremony n most lleuu r 'tifuP'musical program jjras fHrnjshftl by Mni. h’loia ReddtU, goprano. and' j Mrs. J. N. McNair, orfanl-t. Mru, f d lift sang moat exquisitely “At Dawning," and "O, Promise Me," and * Mrs. McNair renderwf ’’CatieN-ni' n Nuptlale" between the songs During the ceremony Mrs. McNair played t Ith most exquisite tout h ami ex- ipressttm Mciidt-Lsohn's Wedding March.” ' ; Mrs, Heditt worei* itvrkk of henn.\ headed georgemt with love ly corsage. anil Mrs. McNair ' was charmingly cost tuned ‘nhjn' - -* i ervp*'. beaded In brown, with u cor snge of sweet pens and roses. To tbe strains of the wedding 'march from ludtengrin, the bridal party entered, Dr. K C. Gllmnre first ' hi* trosltlon At the altar, and the ITshers, Mfwsr*. K it llucban and W. H. Whlfa advanced. one 1 down either center ulsle of the church. They were followed by the ’ groomsmen, \h-s*rs. Frank Taylor, of Goldahoro. and Robert Wellona. of Smith field. t Next came the two iirldewmalds. Misses Jo*ephlne Me t'rmrken and Mury Wilkins, and pHik their poNltion one on eltb* r side of flu* «ltar. ' MJs* McCracken wore* a harming frock of peach georgette, lace trimmed and , leghorn hat tn peach colored llower* and blaeji vel vet, while Ml*-. Wilkin*' costume »»», a lovely one of Nile gn-en. accordloil pleated , canton - crepe, with leg Horn | hat trimmed with black velvet and pink rose*. Each of the brutesmuidie 'carried ah exiiulslte l*mi|i*i l of so.-- e* and sweet pfias. tlei.l with tulle tin ! *Hfiife of her Urea*. yr*. D. If. Hall, sister of the bride, thiwi advanced down the i en ter al*ly. She wore a lovely gown of orchid taffeta. ,yvlth stiver trim tilings, and a leghorn hat trimmed'ln orchid, carrying rotysa'and sweet peas ’ lUd with orchid tulle. Mr*. Hall was follow* d by Miss Mary Lynne Judd, another sister of the- bride, us mal l I t»f honor, dryssed In a lovely cost time of powder Win- . crepe, lay trimmed, with she wore a l>-g. horn hut with blue trimmings, and J carried rose* and sweet peas, tied t with blue tulle __ i I Then Miss Margaret llatvii, lovely t Httle daughter pF .Mr and Mrs t ha- i G Hatch. In a dainty dr*>s ut tur i Iguofee blue m pe do « hluo. aeconllon pleated, come scattering rose petals in the pathway of the bride'; while little Kenan William* younger non of Mr and Mrs W AVHllartis. In a suit of Idack velvet with white erep«- blouse carried the ring on a- Oliver tray. i Th bride entered on the artu of her brother In law, Mr It II Hall, w.io gave her In inurrlage, and *a met at the altar* by Ho- kroom w ith • hi* Irest man. Mr V R William The i ceremony was performed by Dr fl C. I Gilmore, using the liiuiitlful and -ol i etnn sin ire of I la- Fresh) li-riau ehurcb- The bridal party then left tlij 'cbureli to the strains of Mendelssohn N»-eddlog march The hrble. always lx autlful, wa* unusually so on tjii* o- < asloii Hhe wore a roll brown canton cn-|M i-iuhroldi-red in aslf-color, and with . self coloVed aecorduln pleaterl rtieh 'logs at the sleeve, and down th* side fasti-tied with soft georgette' edg'd M—t Story Champion Wim * 9- fuH |MI ' W JJM » ' Mm Mary Miller Falkener. a *tu dent in the high •< hool at Golds boro, who was selectsd si champion of Nuilh Carolina in ths National Meat Story Contest, in which nssf ly I J.OOO high so hool girls com peted. Ihe contest wye i onductad ! liy ths National lavs Sto. k ar..i | Meat Board in high *i hoola through J out lha L-died States. > ' I CONFESSIONS IRE OBTAINED FROM 3 RE FOUR BANDITS ( Wan Also Reported Yesterday I Thai IndielmentH will hr Served AjrninHt Ten I’eootr Who Are Relieved to be In volved in Robbery.* . ChlcHgo, June 19. (*) Federal ag “in>* prepare today in go Wore Die grand jury immediately wlih lb# »*l - in connection with the holdup j a week a go. of a Ofclcago. Milwaukee A Hi Paul mail train near Chicago, by butita who more than $2,000,000 In securities and rash. It wna assert'd by the Pont a 1 Inspector (hat rotifosslon* hail be«*q obtained | I nun three of the four men. charge d with act uni participation In the brain robbery. If wan also reported today that ln cllc tments wtll be nought against Un nagfiftf jyhe ft**" to hag#Jump) * lafolrol In the holdup. Jewelry val ued at SIO,OOO. aald to have been part I 1 of the robber*’ loot, ha* been re 1 covered. » tri With luce ®t\ilh I hi* »he wore a b«t tmatchßtg fw shade of this beautiful costume Gloves, shoes, hose and'all am somitlcs were a beautiful taupe .brown. Mrs, Williams is Ibe third daugh ter of Mr- Judd and the late Kiigene Mlch e Judd, one of the Stale'* fore most educators, anil Is* a young wo man of striking tomuly and charm She has been much feted by a wide circle of frlemto"since thw announce ment of her engagement. Mr. William* I* one of Ihe HUt#’* ■strongest young lawyers.* and I* *• presbat Solicitor for Ibis dlslrlct. In which he Is making a splendid rec ord He Is Ihe chi pit son of Mrs. IJnda Rand William* and the tots Doctor II C- William*, and romoq from a family pnmilnent In the , stale. After ihe ceremony the young cod'* ♦ pie left Immediately on a north tmund 'train Yor a trtp to Washington. Thlla clelphla. Af,lanlle Cltv anil New Yotk. after which they will be at hom* In Hanford, with the groom's mother. SLANDER CASE CREATES GREAT DEAL INTEREST K niton, June !•». A l-eiiolr county < jut') In the i.'fttM* of N Herring tni j tlu> Norfolk Hotttlvorn Hallway ypelcr- i ,l;jy rilurnrsi « verdict of to; dumagae in tlio crops of the dcfciaiunt ilue It iiutili' by tlio currier at l** |ul «i lh«- book lit k up iif * liter from u fill In IU ~r rr.i-k In thla county some two II; |f« !,<•> oml IJrOmncn The ruue »H the llr t une us two tliken tip tiefore lu«lK<* l.tnyil Horton .of Karmvllle .In Sit|ierlur I null. I»n *wk» civil term Judge Huriun. during tlw rwurae ul th»' trial rul-*1 put the permanent in jur y rlaiiae of the indie tunlit In l lie inhi *us V' t VI aril n, Mra j All* Hunter, ult brought <nt alauderi by Wanl lor IMMtnu, the hi* wa»| 1,1-;. 11l I oil iVlllepll till* 111 when I ,i,urt adjourned l«i» In I4*e afternoon J The three remaining iimfliM of at j torntva 111 the Hi e will 111 until*- tu il.iy, anti it l» evpm ted that a venlli i *- II lie In hand by main Hevetulwll wi-ie pot on by h til the lie fetubml ntul \\ ants attorneys Two wi: tu i'w .i I leuei! that Mrs Hunter ntateil ofler tile liipiter Imlhltna fir thut Ward net the building on fire tin Hunter building burned over two yeuti agti. Hi* bfilldlug being u total IflfvH Hubert Hotiae, I‘red Hutton ami i,uiiu I Haw non iipokii yewletday. while thing i > YOUNG BOY CONFESSES TO SLAYING HIS PARENTS MAY LEARN OF HIS FATE TODAY NEW LABOR PABTY ME MUM ; suet raw McDonald of Illinois Nominated for I’residenl; llouehe Vice President. , St Paul. Minn.. June V» iA*t The new Farm l.atxjr party reached the nomination .stage today. Alexander 11 low. ll it placed the name of "Duncan 1 MclHaiabt. of the United Mine Work 'era before the convention. I McDonald waa nominated for I’ree- Ideut, amid, the acclamation of all present. except the farm delegation from Minnesota Wm Uourb# l d Cedro Valley, Waahn. a fruit giower. waa nomi nated lor Vice President by acclama dun. the delegates from Msunesota 'jiiMfd this dwaoMlntlei BEAMAN IS ON THE | JOS IN THE BATTLE Ml FREIGHT MIES l« Working Hard that tbe Big Meetinn Here on July II Will be a Rite Success. Wilson. June 19 Mr M. K Bea man wIU» hla ear done ti> the groUnd In inktter* needing ralea In North Carolina, w I red to Mr. Eishtoack ivtirenod for lbe iwatera North Carolina Ire I ght rate fight, waking U what be heard waft correct- , ” Mr Brtfmoh rntmf TdSe a minute Th send ng a reply to Mr Mahtiack to learn whnl wn* being done, and be wu« Informed hy Jlr. Flehliack lb r»‘ ply that the . Virgin laaa along with their repiesetitallves Mr Manghuni that they were Jukt aa busy aa it»e.y : eoukl |gp to prepare plane with which to tight against U»e rale* recently out lined by Carolina. They reo gnlu*’ these rates a* directly Inimical l> this State, and were doing I her level beet to counteract this laleat nn*v* b) Tar Heelers to create a change It their favor. Mr. Henman then wiryt to worl sending oiil a wire Informing varloo Interested imrtlea In this eectlon o’ What Ilte Virginia business tnleresf are up to. The original plan for the great meeting In Goldsboro fur the dlacus •on of rate* awl lerminala. wa* set for June 14th. but later was poet ponwl and will be held certainly July lllh. It 1# expected, that this ques lion raised by "Mr. Klshbuck s state menl of today. wl|l be also illscuesei. i tu the Guldftlstfu gather n* | ‘llope I* espresfcd on every ftldt tUnt the GoMnburo convention will 1»< an Immense xucAsft with btlodced• I from many parts of tills section *d North Carolina. ultler »peee)Mf» wTy he dgttmisd trdhiy Hutton and Ureene. Bhaw and Jones nmi IVank Idles are altorneya for the twoueeiilor wUlb House and Roum ami John liuwson are defendant'! al lorneya. It was shown In the ioiirgn Os tlf» trial that \lra llunler bad taken out 125.00 lUKUiame In October prior to th«» Jarmry runflaKr«llotv Thu botfl nxuruiMf on (b«t wm» I*a& 000, coat of the buMdmg when erected waa Iko.ooti and several held to the o|dtiion that HOO.UOO woo hi not re plupe It tiotay. The two witness.-, wlio teatllbal aa to Mra Huner'a elute I meot were definite 1n their nlate menta. One atuled that while doing | elect rlrul wofk on a t«b|dionc jade 1 Iw overboard Mra Hunter tell another woman that she had dreamed that . Ward would hum up the building' and thla had happened. Amdher wit neaa aluted that while working lu the , new store for Hitman In plurtng aj r Move ahe had mode a remark that *he wanted It built bark an no more flies i J like Ward hud net would occur aguln i Mra. Hunter denied ail this and I elated, Jbowewr, that ahe hail atated !to many that Mia lira alerted In a Ward'* atora and that waa where It a.j did atari. _ i _ A If ■— MEMBER OP , ASSOCIATED PRESS raiCK FIVE CENTS Testimony in Ilia Trial on Sm title rhari*e of Murdering Mother Commenced I-atg Yu»- terday. Clearwater, Fla , June 19. Frank McDowell, youthful coaftftsed slayer of four utemhera of bhi fwnolAy —father, mol bet and two ftAftWra - probably will know before Ifcp »»|»4 of uuoi her d*» tghetber or not he Ift lo spend the rest of hla day* In ag mean i asylum or die la thft a*wU onstructoeff electric chair. TcwUupay in his trial her* «• the speci lie chargv of murdering hi# mo- ,» •her. was commenced lata today. Thg •ury was charged, and arfdmsM of I nr member of the couaael for 4M . i,tale hid bn*n heard before coftH ecvssed until # tomorrow moral## A verdict of guilty, aa carries tbe death penalty, ll ka If 1 acquitted, he w»H he seat 't <* 4lf i tate hoepltal for the Iwanna. elf*# 1 ■ owing a day to HgtaffA |# nlinrelf described by stales w(!###• es x# one who feigned Insanity U » cover up the slaying of bD psrftUift and hy an alienist appeartag la bU 'lehalf, stating that be tgaa la soak . until Mon that he could llva. at U|f beet, but a few years, MeDawall also ■ tilled ihe court room by jamplng t# bia feet and ashing that be be kaMQ- He told tbe Court that hla !■#• vers did not know anything abdttfM -as*. and he wanted a# opportigMAj o tell tbe court wbat hgd happened Judge McMullen, presiding pvar tto trial, was at first Ineltnad to MNlft be boy to taka ibe stand, sal m* ceded to charge tbe Jury. After he <had finished that, howgtgr .IcDowcli again arose, aa# ptoadsd that he be permitted to taka the stand. *nd following a consultation bet we eo the court and lb* eoaaael th* coort staled to tbe Jury that the I ase waa a bit unusual, but be bid decided to lat Ue Dowell toll hla tomv i tbe iary. He w*a accoiklkiU' Ptwed on tb. stand wbbr* hreSt * Ml for half aa hour, rambling Wfdhgh , me deaafto’WW bfta Mtoi’g to—dl 1 *-«*—* ■PI MEG. 4 WANTS I LOCATION FOR FACmY HBIE. Tire Raich ( ompuny of Uac»lß- t? ton. N. Cm Wlahw U Cmk »• . * CoMaboro on Accoml Bfcl|» pin# KaciMlleH. Mr. M Reeves, of Uacolatoa, N. _ C.. who has been In the dl* fur tbar last few days. In th# Interest of tha chumplon Mfg C 0... relattvf lo to curing a location In thfa city, grg seuted h« iFTopoaltion at g caHad meeting of the members of the Chain per of Commerce last Aadard- Ing to Mr Reeves, he wlskas to hts factory here mainly oa aeedaat of the shipping facilities. * The proposltloo of tha was presenterl by Mr. b##tt■ kit. • previous meeting qf lb* Cham bag bald Wednesday night, but owing lo lbs Inclement weather, very Caw mMafctftf were In attendance, therefor* the. igeetlng wna postponed until IUM> i Inigh't. •' The factory of the hop located ut l.lncolntoo. has bean M> 1 Dperstlon only three and oag-h#»6 |*ear« and la now manufacturing •##" »n automobile prodip'ts, tno|uA|M tire pafehaa and atom*# botUilM *■ the beginning. Jbre# and a iuU manufartured but tha bualnaa# JU im rm«l to aucb *«U»e that tfe iddltloifal product* have been a<UM Mr Reev*a eald that one and S million ran* of th* tlto pal rhea wara aold daring th* *o# year, amounting to over. slß® 00# It can hi The prewent capltai atock l« |si.* iioo accordlnp to hla aiatemntl. Ittf I • wlahea to inrreaae this amount U> tlmtube in order to take car* of thla Increase In the volume of gupl neaa Those preeent lant night aypreaaad Ihelr approval of the project, but ( turned the propoattton over to ihft ll* . duatrlal committee, which will ye*> r thla morning, and make further If* 1.. Al at _ tveetlg^tlona. Former Kin«ton Shoe Merchant Granted Kinston. June IV—W C Ward, former shoe mcrehaut of thla cRy waa Ipnlylit aw anted a verdict , ‘t s7s® tfl i hla »ult for »f.o,niM> naatnaf* Hr*.. Alice I Hunter for alleged slander. Ward dedarwa that Mra. Hugger ao i rased bun of burning n building Ut 11#2*. . ... .( ....

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