_ WEATHER , 9«Hh t'anlta* parti; rUmij wMfc •MttwM Ikuiir >k*wfn im4*i --- Vi ' ..... <t> » ta i —- ' - 1 1 ■ " -" ■" : „ 2 n ■ * 1 1 — — l -~ - , mis i (Hn [ VOLUME THREE; NO. 100 MTEiMOEEi H. C, TUESOAT MORNINU, JUNE 24, l»2ft I'KIC'E FIVE ( ENTS THE NATIONAL DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION OPENS TODAY CONVENTION WILL ASSEMBLE . NOON TODAY WITH FAVORITE g, FOR PRESIDENTIAL DEADLOCK V-lical Observer* Expect to I Sec Exacted Hone Stirring Scene*. NEW YORK. Jun* 13. GPI-Volun, tMr platform buMers bad auuther busy day. but their labor* served uu ly to bring Into bolder relief those dealing with tba Ku Klua Klan. F'or *ig» relation*. prohibition. and farm did • Aa matter* stood on tb* are <ff the drat meeting, tba platform ront mjttea o t the democratic national con vention. tbay vara ready for that Committee no leaa than tba committee ' pda randy for* their policies Tbase tear* all n»e preducta of tb« groups at l«*d«rs and Individual cblaftaina. Nrw YORK, June n,-(/* The National damocrbtlc convention will aaaouible lit Madlaon Bqttar* Garden at noon tomorrow with Ita favorite for the presidential deadlock Ita cblaf advlaora IX disagreement over politics, Policies and delegates seek -wing* leader to gulda then* out of Ibe of their own ÜBdeclHou. > IR tie vast arena, political obaarv fri arpaot to aea anatced such stir ring 'scenes as' live lorever In po litical hutpr) There will be a bat tle both of man and measure*. Despite the differences over the platform, spectators declare the con- Vpnt'.on In looking to the contest over f candidate a* likely to furnish Its greatest spectacle, and Its most dlf- Ifulties The clamoring* of twenty aspirants ta the presidency have placed before Off convention, but there waa no In 41** t ion tonight that th# convent on would And In the*# such standard bparer ad' It la saeking In pledged dklegata strength, McAdoo sunds will ahead of all hfp competitor*. j Qtjvernor A1 Smith the Idol of New . York hat developed a backlog that ! will put him second place In the op- i aalng ballot Down the line a ton* Hat of other* who** managers are | confldenitly predicting that both the Under* will he ilmlaated la the end 1 by the bitter rivalry between them j Today tbart la a rallying 'strength In tb* camp of both Smith and Me- • Adoo that kindled enthusiasm to fev-! er beat, and kept the hotel district In : an echo of cheering of marching del egates. Mr Me A doe taking notice of the flying reports that some of those pledged to ||lm ware preparing to quit the fight after the early ballot. »"M ] a group of aupportara, that no dale gate* had bean sent to the conven tion to b«tray a treat. Oovernor Smith was welcomed by I rear* edeopplauae, and acclaimed by 1 tb* larg* groupa of supporters as the naat President Os the United States. I During the day. mo*t or the statej delegates held Vaucusaem to compare impression*, and plan thalr part of the big show. Th# tone of moat of them wu* one of uncertainty, and of speculation. But , tt 'became instantly apparent that many who will have convention votes j er* disposed to make selections of their own after they have fulfilled their Instructions, to cast their ballot I for this or that candidate on the first ballot. The day* program at the demo- ‘ cratic convention waa «* follows: Called to order 11:00 noon, day light saving time, by National Chair ! man Hull , invocation by Cardinal Hayea. - Ringing of the National anthem. Official photography Brief address by (Thairman Hull Aeadlna of th* official call of the mpCveatlon '» J hcommendatlon lor temporary of- and lh*lr effect lon Appointment of a commit lee of 3 to eacort Senator fat Hirlrson. the temporary chairman to tb* pisi form . Address by Senator Harrtaon Appointment of commute*, and the . transaction* ojCJundry business Optional speakers. m'mentation and adoption of res , ms to the memory of Woodrow n. Adjournment. ANKH ACOI ITTiL ' Washington. June 23.—Attorney . WUtoo J l*mb*n today aske<l Jus tice Bailey to ask a verdd of ac-' quNtal for hla clle.lt, John Stephens, . millionaire lumber man of Jackson vtlla. Fla. on trial with Ave others o n a 'charge of conaprauy to defraud tb* P. 8 out of more than ll.MHi.noft In tb* sal* of surplus lumber .from can tonmeofa | Counsel for the d*fandnala will fol io* Mr Immdrert In ***klag direct verdicts Rf AY DIM MI Hltl VI V Brsrtatsburg. S. C.. Jnn* 2S.—John V. Ryan, 44, Atlanta bus Bets man.l THE GOLDSBORO NEWS - . rumen PAINTER IS ;f SHOT TO DEATH ON : STREETS OF MACON i * * ___ \: Wife of Virlim ClnimM Annail ani Shot in Self Defense, 1 1 Statement Denied. t • . * 1 ■’ , ■“MACON. June 23 H U Lanier. SI. , Ipatnter, was shot down on, tbe street 'Sunday afternoon when he passed the home of 11. E. Kitchens. Tbe shooting la alleged to have I 'been done bj Kitchens whom wlt , 'nesses say exclaimed: iA. “I've got you where 1 want you." , f Doctors at a hospital state that . there 1* little chance for I-anlcr’s re , Icovery. Before he became uncon , nclous Imnler charged that Kitchens had stole hla wife several months ago. hut he denhd that he precipitat ed tbe rlasb this afternoon. . 1 After Kitchens emptied bis gun. a 'mob began to form for the expressed , purpose ow lynching hint Officers ar riving from police headquarters on motorcycles dispersed the mob and . I placed Kitchens under arrest tfnd he Is he lug held Without ball. Mrs I-anler told the police that I Kitchens shot in self-defense, but eye 'Witnesses state, the police say. that lainler'wa' unarmed and that aftar I Kitchens shot Line: In the back he ’continued to fire Into his body as I.anled Uy prostrate on tbe ground, begging for mercy. I Kitchens says bis age la 36 Mrs. j Lanier says she is 41. TILK IT KIWMS MEET USm ON TUBERCULOSIS Kiwanian Mclntyre Slates Need of Wayne County for Etitfb lishmcnt of Tubercufositi Sani tarium. j Due to the Inclemency of the wea ther last night Just ut the hour tbe- Klwaninns are scheduled lo meet 1 there was not what might be railed I a record "atlendanre. and the pro gram committee had failed to eon 1 nect on a ready prepared program I for the evening's entertainment, It - j proved, however, to be Just the op portunity that Kiwanian Mclntyre had hern looking for. for. some time | and he entertained the Club for a few minutes r\n a very Important sub -1 Jcof;, that of making some move In < "the near future toward the establish ment of a Tubercular Kahltortuin for 1 j Wayne county for the care of the tu 1 1 hercular patients that Are here, and -are unable to get Into the other sanl -1 (prtums for the lark of ability of 1 those Ipstltutlona to car* for them at ' ' the present time, as they are already crowded to rapacity. Kiwanian Mclntyres proposition I met with hearty response, with tbe ' result, that u motion was made and adopted that the chair appoint a com mittee to take the matter up with the , other, organisations of the.city, to the ’ end that some time In Ihe near future some kind of a program may tie gat- ' ten underway toward the establish ment of some method of raring for •this work. It wns pointed out by Kiwanian Roney, who Is chairman of the r<*Un ty cmnmlaalonara. that If the ques ■ tlon of making some kind of raison I the county toward the establishment ‘of surh an Institution through an ap j proprlutlon from the rounty. tbe mat ter must be placed..,before them be fore the first Monday in July, at which lime, slated Mr Haney. It will | tie useless to call on the rounty un- 1 (ill the following year, -»■ ■ 1 1' Kiwanian Mclntyre. Ilooks and ‘1 iTuylor were appointed on the com- 1 •mlttee to call on the other civic or- 1 k»ni/atlulii of the city, as well as a ■special committee which was appoint ed recently at a meeting of the Med ical Him letv for the same purpose The meeting wu* presided oyer by Vice President V«n*tory # In the ah Bene* of President II M. Humphrey. was stricken with apoplexy al noon 1 today about half a mile from Paco- I let. while returning lo Hpartanburg by automobile, and died shortly after ward In a physician's office at Paco lat Mr Bya nwaa a■on of tbe lats I John Ryan, of Atlanta. ITED BIfTIST SPEAKER IS HEIRD IT Win SIH c> « IVlakcH Strong IMeas in Intereat of Baptist Work Thrnuchmil South. Mnyor Bain Speak* Sunday Night. u? Dr. J. R. Henderson of Nashville. Tenn , who, la on lh«» program for a *%lure at tbe Baptist Seaside As Hviuhly that convened yesterday at Norvhead City for a week mad* ,g, 'moat Interesting talk Sunday aßer noon la th* Bsptlat church at Warsaw telling of the achievements made by the Baptist denomination throughout tbe South during the 73 million &'m pokgn that was Inaugurated five years ago. Dr. Henderson was heard by a del fcgatlon from Uohlsboro who are In ’(created In lh« Baptist work and were 'much enlightened from the Infutma- Mlou received during the lectare. Mayor K. H. B4JII waa the speakei 'Suuilay night at the Warsaw Baptist '■church, aaylstlng In the opening ot u aeries of meetings that will last for an Indefinite period and during 'the aervlcea laymen from Oold.iboro, •Fayetteville and Dunn will be pres ent and offer tbelr services until the unsaved of Warsaw are brought Into tbe church. THE SIS METERMEN Ti EITHER IT 11. C. COLLEGE IN JOLT Week of Iniemtive Study Will be Had aqd Most of the South ern State* Will be tteprmnl ed In the Gathering. > Raleigh. N. C., June 23 Gaa meler inen from a majority, of the south eastern states will gather al the North Carolina Slate College here Monday July 7th- for, a week of M •tensive study. North and South Carolina will be ■largely represented and a number will h* registered from Florida. Ten nonse*. Aalabama, Virginia. Maryland and l-ouDialog, also The course will ho under the direction of Dr L. Y,.: Vaughan. —Professor or Mechanical Tlnglneerhfl at Htale College Co operating with the college authori al#* are offloals of the sßffhern Gas •Association and the Southern Motor men a Association, of which K K Dourina, of th* Carolina Power k Light Company. Raleigh la President '<*. H McAllister. Tidewater Power 'Company, Wilmington. Vice Presl 'dent: and U J. Brown, Southern !Tower Company. Charlotte, Seere 'tary and Treasurer. For the benefit of the metermeu .who attend the course, experts form the meter manufacturing Industry, •have Iwen engaged lo assist m lect 'urers. It has been recognized that •the gaa meter Is a intrirate instil ment and Ihe Industry Is making every endeavor to educate both In employes and the puhkc regarding Its workings The result aimed at In Ihe proposed course Is more intelli gent servlc* and greater benefit to 't u public. The melermen who will take tk* •course are expected to register at Holliday Hall. Stale College, on Monday afternoon, July 7th. The first session will be at 7:30 o'clock .Monday evening and will be followed by a smoker According to Proses tor Vaughan the arhedule of lect u es hat b*#a so arranged as tq. take advantage of every hour of th* day •ind evening It baa been decided to Issue cer tifications of proficiency In ga.< meter handling. And. to determine Ihe qualification' or those taking the course, questions will be distributed which must be answered and return erl to the college to determine whrth er or not the Student Is entitled in s college rertlflcat* It la estimated that the Df ihe course will be m>t more that 12000 for each student The rat regatta of the Mississippi Valley Amateur Rowing Association waa bald -n U7», at PoorU. - - - - ■ - ■— ' -~T * ' MISSING MAN BEING HUNTED BY SHERIFF : J * AND HIS DEPUTIES - u '1,........ Reward ia Offered by Sheriff for information About Mr. 11. 11. Honeycutt, Wbo Dinappeared Kariy Saturday Morning. ■ —.l. ■■■! |(* «*. Bearcb waa continued yesterday • for the body of J. H Honeycutt, a [ farmer of about 63. who lives near [ Toler’s Bridge, on Mr. II H Parker s farm about six or seven miles from this city, who la believed to bav* been ‘ hilled according to authorities. I Honeycutt la said to lia«* left hla < tiome about 1 a. m. Saturday morn ing, al which time ha stated he had an appointment with a negro ttpon , hla departure, lie carried a double , barrelled shot gun In bis wagon and pi w eeded lo meet th* negro About 2:30 tbe saaa* morning. Iwo 1 etfoU were heard by some of the I, helghbors Tbe abotnueer* llred clus* ■' -together, It ia stated. Upon Honeycutt's failure to return at daybreak, a search waa begaa. but no trace of him could be found About 1 noon, bis mule and cart were fouud on what la known as "Red Hunk." not 1 far from his home. A trace of blood waa found which I*4 the searchers to believe that th* <44 man had been killed. *' Sheriff Grant and his deputies were nollAed. unde they with the help of some of the nelghbogn. are dragging the river foe* tbe botfy of th* lost ■man. One negro lias been nuspleloned, ar rested. and’ locked up for trial. « The search for Hi* missing msn wih continue, accorAlßX to Sheriff Grant. . A reward Is offered by Hbeilff Grant fur any Iniormatlon lending to tbe recovery of th* k»»t man. 11. S. IVIITBRS ' JBEMJECmS Four New Marks For Heaplanes Ret IJp by Lis. Wead and Price; in Air 13 Hours. WASHINGTON, June 23 Four world record* (or seaplanes, lucliuf* lux the enduranre and distance re cords, were supplanted by s new world record by Lieutenant F. W Wead. and J? LI. Price In.a night which ended early today when their naval craft was forced rtywn by en alne trouble. ' The Navy Filers who took the air liom the AhuioatU Naval Air Station here at 12:10 p. ro. yesterday In u new type es scouting, bombing, and tor ■pldo plane, made a sustained (light of thirteen hours and twenty- three 'minutes and ct|jfered a distance of 'ISOO kilometers. The present recog - nlaed endurance record Is eleven and sixteen minutes ami the distance record 1275 kilometers. In addition the flight smashed the speed racord for both the GIN) and 1000 kilometer distance, with an ave rage of 73 41 miles and hour against the record.of 71 ,!*8 miles for Ike first and 74 7 miles against the record of 70 4!» miles , for the second. For the •1500 kilometer distance a record of 7417 miles an hour was set up. All of the marks wefe confirmed by officials of the national Aeronau tic f'lub und undoubtedly will he re cognised aa new records by the In ti rnatlonal society. 0 Hopes of the two airmen to stretch "their new endurance record to twenty dour hours by remaining up through the night until after noon today were "dkfeated by a breakdown of the gaa *o!lb%. pump on their .585 horsepower 'Wright motor. ItUIUI a National Isarne Cincinnati 3; Pittsburgh 4 Itiooklyn 5; New York 12 Philadelphia f 11; Boatou 3-7. Others not scheduled South Atlantic l.eaga* Mar-on C; Greenville 4 Charlotte 3; Augusta 2 Asheville 7; S|>artanburg 4 Pleduioul l eas we Greensboro C, I >ll llV. lie G, Halelgh 4; Ihirtiam 2 High Point 2: W lust on 4 Ylnrlula league " 11 son 0; Norfolk 6 Portsmouth 3; Itlchniond 4 Petersburg l; Rocky Mount ! Southern league Chattanooga «; Atlantu I Memphis A; Middle 4 Little Rock 3; New Orleans 5. Naehvllle 13; Hlnnnlgham 2 t.imptks lanaTiiii New Yor,k June 23 Samuel Gontp era, president of the Ameetcaii Feder-) ation of luior. who has been In s hos pital since last Wednesday due to a ' ; hraakdown caused by overwork, waa I I reported Improving today. , j| ,i.es» * . * « yV L ' V r Mußts. hfl xl/iRW h h . Wnyxe NnUonni Bank HUNDREDS OF VISITORS INSPECT NEW BUILDING 1 WAM'NATfOWOANK A T. NEWSPAPERS ROPinoo Majority of Morning I’apera Conti? Out Slmng For Al Smith for Nominer. _r -y o NKW YORK. June 23 - Mont of the New York morning twipera in their ronveullon editorials todaydual chief ly wllh platform problem* The World however, vigorously assail* the ran dldary of William flu. McAdop for thn presidential nomination and dociam for Governor Alf re. I K. Smith ua the leader of “the brat Interest* of the Democratic Parly." The “poaslbgjty of victory and thn rtahi of victory." aaya the World, d* panda upon the Aght being waved by 'Governor Smith. The llcrald Tribune describes the Dengue of Nationa, the K K K nnd prohibition aa laauea which are “a* unrelated to reality in thin year of 1*24 aa Mr. M< Ados’* spotless roi»e of righteous llberallatii" The Ttmea flnda “much Iretter r*a aona for a party declaration In favor of American entrance Into the \#<\ KUe of Notions than existed In 1030, while the American calling for a re turn 'to yto faith," say* the party muat free ttaelf from every taint of boo** and boodle " '. MTien he wan aked today whether he expected to make speeches In the convention, William Jennings Bryan replied t *“l am like a volunteer Artntai). I hop«. there will be no alarm, but I am ready t,o fight the conflagration I am sleeping wlttr-m> clothes.” Wllh the Georgia ddcraUpa to th* convention comes Jim ft* mix'rat, a nearo who claim* the distinction of having fetched the doctor when WII llmiji <1 McAdiwi waa born and a ne gro mamnty who nur*ed Mr McAdoo when be wa* a baby Itutb ray they predicted he would be President (tome day Henator I’al lliirrlaon keynoter was ml hinit hot night from bla hotel. Home laid he waa oift practicing hit keynote soma place. Othera illd nor know where he whs. It developed that he had simply fled froip button hidlna friend c who wanted to talk c(invention “done" apd went out to a quiet sleeping plw« “forty-Ave min ute* from Broadway “ Ain \tilth «orruA * NKW ¥4)ltK, June 23 fiVl Sp,u cotton quiet I'otton futures cloned ateady Middling wa»"StTIS July 28 IS; October 25 16; January 34 *; March 24.46. _ , New Hrturiwrv i M a Handuome On4* and It’n OlTiriabt are Re ceiving I‘raise From All OYer Counlry. —_ J T*« n«w Wayne National Bank I building could nu* haVe had a more j auspicious. opening than that of yaa terday and all day long a steady I stream of men, woman and children poured Into the,, big building, Atpit stopping at the door,to get one o the button souvenirs which were gly jen.away. The officials of the hank were lho recipients of much pralae not Uluiio by persons In %ttendanc< but ln< ongrolulatory telegram* from many banking Institution* through [out the stpie and counlry, private Th dlvlduals and Arms Interested One |of the most eloquent received, wa* •a telegram from Captain Nalhau jO’Serry whteb show* In bold type •Just where the heart and Interest* ut |»I|» side Wild gentleniail are. 'lTie telegram reads’n* follows j| Tate Springs Hotel, Tenn- Borden, President, Wayne National Bank, Uoldsboro, N. C. I am with you in spirit today and rejoice that the directors of your bank had the foresight and wisdom trr erect this "splendid I banking building, In my opinion It I* tire an-iitcM step forward that baa taken place atßce the or gan list lon of this lyuiik The erec tion of this building allows the f’Mirli your directors had not only In the future prosperity of Oolda boro hut Eastern North t'arollua. 'I bis building In Its every detail Is tire most modern that human ingenuity could devise apd would he a credit to a city of one huu-v died thousand population I pre dict In three years every office In this building will lie occupied and ! Jour deposits will be more than doubled I congratulate you N'THAN O'BEKHYt * I lira, lug the handsome lower Hour • of the building yesterday were nume 1 rous baskets of flowers, gifts of well t wishers and I hose Interested In the progress of the Inst'tutlon. Promi nent uniony, these was a beautiful horseshoe wllh Ihe words “Hucceas" •on it given by Mra Htarr, of the ' Goldsboro Kloral To ‘Other baskets Imre card* aw follows- II mover Nit tlonal lluuk. of New York, t'oiumer < Hal National Hank, of Raleigh. John . F Bruton. I-Irst National Hank of Wilson, Merchants Nations) Bank, of! lib hmond, Atlantic Bank and Trust to, of (Ireensboro and W Kill* ‘King's Orchestra offered splendid mu sic In the afternoon and today will be heard In another program of wotth. The Bank will conclude and-' . today and tomorrow will start moving r— ■■■ u— ■> MEMBER OP ASSOCIATED PRESS MAIM COMPLETES sim to si m IT 9.4 C LIST iff U. Maughan, in f«nat to Cap! M»k« Record Unprecedented In Hiatory. B*a Franrlaro, Jun* 13.—(#V~4A **l*«*d hi* roam To <oa*t daylight dffpp from N«w York to Han Kr*u*tf*e »b*d hi* lumlnl Hold a* »;#ff V M . Pact* (|mii time. ’ if* abrtvffi •l Man Kranoac* at »:'«4 P. it pAYTON Jua. M. (4V-Uautenaaft Kiimmill U Mauthau United at #•- Cook Maid from UlirU.ll PUld, New 'York, at ?.«6 <a%tarn atandard tUn*. and took off at l:t< IB kit third a* Ttvmpt to continent lapnt •■lawn to duak< » lUyton. 676 mil** la (our hour* aad 7 inlauUa. allfhtly battar tkau Ik* :u hadul* h* had (4aaa*4 Pro*rM« of th* fUkkt »at delayed on* hour *od tl m Inula* k*ra for ra- ;t palm to a irasolla* Itaa. HALT I .ARM (ITT. Utah. Jua* It -</P)U Mau*bja pum«d oa»r Dowar. ■ M t»h nine in iln from Hal bur* at fill Paclflr time. according to th* Weat *ra Pactflc Railroad dlapatchtr'a of ,ftro* hart. ■ . H* travelled tba Bin* call** In f kotnot**. mm 4 « ** , “** ,,, " B * ..in.,, •a.'V •’ I HAN FRANCISCO. Juna »». OH— tt. Ruaaall Maughan. army filar (Hf '*d ovar Yartngtoa. Narad*. a abort .11* tame aaat of Raao gt about |:f> "nol*hi according to bdvUw t#o*ir*4 ■ There by Houtharn Pacific ofllclaU- ' rnmim MOST MIRACUUUS uumcp m gamy , VIm . Alight km From . Bna<*Tmn and Rarapaa Wlh Ith juries. Wilmington. June IP—C . Dt J# oba. 67. or 11 Grace etrwet frdgtt' t vareboiiee superintendent for W* Atlantic CoaW line Railroad com p.-ny. miraculously escaped daMh late yesterday . nfternadn whan hn leap thrown to the straet pa v among la allotting from an Inbound batch train al Fouflh and Prlnceaa itmtM The train waa moving at a Intr me if speed. ) After lielng thrown to the ground •Mr Jacob*, head waa struck by the ►or steps and badly cut. Bnßgl dlclies were necessary to clot# 4 up •hr severs! ruts about tha head? tft wa* removed to bla home shortly gs . 0 terward* and waa reported aa cNl fortable last night. The three-car train, on which was a pass.-nger rn tyute to thn c*r from the Reach, waa In charge o( •’ondueler B 1) Wight Although a ‘till report of the matter had not hn#A made last ulght. It waa undnmlond. that Mr Jaroba wished to Mtav« the' train at Third and Princess Wop wat nade at Kourth and Prlnceaa an# he decided to alight after the train had gotten baclMgtrJimJ*° n »nd at n thaw when he learned that no atop waa ..nade at the Third atreet lotersecttan. 1 KXPEKT I.IMK ATTKYUANCB I Morebeed t'lty, N C. June 31— Oan 4>f tie largest attendance In the bin- * Vlry of the aesoclatlon It egpected at •the meet me of the North Caroling As istxiatlon of Cominerlcal BecreteNeeo to be, held here during Jana 37 gad 2k. according to advtca* recaved from the Chamber of Commerce here. Many pfomlnet speakers are oa the program, it wab stated, and ona of experienced by the secretariat la et pnetad Featuring the program of apeakeri will Im> p Ii Courtney of Orewnahoro, who will apeak on "Future Induet 'trial IVvelopmenta 4a North Carolina • Br< nl H Crane of the North Carolina '(ieologtcal and Economic Hurvey at tChapel 11111, will address the meet trig “Value of Forestry Preservation to North Carolina;" and Hugh Mo Itae. of Wilmington, will spaak ua “Selective Immigration and Its tm portanew, AOro-ulturally to North ( srollna * ** The New York Athletic Club, most famous organisation of .Ita kind In America, dales from llkg from across th* at rent and cattle down to the regular rowtiae of hnni nee* Those who have, not takaa ad veuiege of the chance to inagnnt the building should do so today that they •may learn the Ins and out« of OotAs horo's Boast structure,

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