WBATRIW '.ege rally fair Hondo* sad land*?, looter Monday. h VOLUME THESE; NO. I*4 REPORTED DEAD IN STORM SWEPT SECTION KLAN PLANK IS DEFEATED AT THE CONVENTION EARL Y THIS MORNING RESOLUTIONS COMMITTEE . SUBMITS ITS PLA TFORM TO " DEMOCRA TIC CONVENTION - *> w* • u . i T J ° j -* ' * *•' * ' In Beginning the Committee Pays Profound Homage to the Memory of Woodrow Wilsn. Text in Full Was Read at Convention Yesterday with Exception of Klan and League of Nation's Issues. t' * - New York. 21 (4*l-The lost olthe platform surimittdd to tbo Democratic National Convention try 111 i *-solutions committee. follow*: DaiterKk Natte»*l rtaUat ■ I W*. tba representative* of the Democratic party. In national coa v cation tsaambtod, MY our profound hum *4* to Ik* manat) of Woodrow Wilaon Our heart* nr* fHled with gratitude that A marl can democracy abould bav* produced this man who** aplrit and tßiuaßc* will Una on tlfru tha Man; a»d that *t waa our provl lagt to bavw cotopereted with him in , k advaac*m*M of Idaala of govern • _JLArt which will sarv# a* mm example ■'and tniplratloa for tbta and rutura generation*. our UUfh it the** Idaala and pledge •urscivet to taka up tbo standard which b* bora, and to atrtuo tor tbr (nil triumph of tbo principle* of donoocracy to wblcb bp da Sen tod* hi* life •emocimtlr Principle. « . Tba? Damodlnttc patty believe* In ppual right* to all and apaolal privi lege to non*. Tba republican party bold Umt egtactet privilege* ara aa s4ptl*l la national prosperity It ba ll* v»a that national proaporlty mutt •rlnlnata with U>* apactol Internets, and aaap down through tba channel* of trndt to tba Into tororad ItkduatrlM. to tbo wag* earner* and amnll sal aritd employaa It ha* accordingly enthroned privilege. and nurtured *#J nabneaa. Tba republican party I* concerned . cblety with . material tb aga; the Democratic party la con earned chiefly with human rlabte. Tba maaaa*. burdened hy dlacrimlnatlng law* and unjuat admlnletrnUon. are demanding relief The favored *pe clal laureate, raprdaantatl by the re publican party, contented with their unjust privilege*, ara demanding that no change be made The democratic party stand* for remedial legislation and progress. The republican party ftand* (till. Comparleofc of Pa rile. We urge tba American people to compare tbo record of eight unaullted year* of sdmlnlstration with that of tba republican admlala tratlon la tb* fortnar (here waa no corruption Party pledge* were faith lully filed, and a democratic con* gtraa enacted an extraordinary mini nor ot constructive and remedls* i-w* 'ha economic life of the n«- ticn •*• quickened Tar’ff taxes were reduced. A federal t r«d«- com mission waa created A federal farm loan system waa establish'.] Child labor legislation waa enacted A/ gt lobby wa. driven from ‘SJk national capttol. A higher aenee of Individual and national duty waa aroused America enyoyed an unpre cedented period of social and mate rial progress. f ' . During the time wh'rh j/erveued between tb* inauguration of i demo cratic administration on March 4. r4UI and onr ant nano* into tie world , TkHr. we placed upon the statute |(jijk* ot our country, more effective. K natructlva and rented al legislation t-n tb* rwpubllcgo party bad placed ' brre la • generation I During tb* great struggle which pillowed w* bad a leadership that carried America to greater helahts of honor aad power and glory (hart aha had jpvar known bafore In bar entire history , Transition from thin period of dem octettc sialted leadership to the sor did record of tb* lent three and a half year, make tha nation ashamed It mark* tb* contrast between a high ooacaptlcD of public service and an •rid purpose to dwtnb.ue spoil* BgppfcltaM (paAafeaey and tor, j **** H*»rg I* gw blagary ||a tb* THE GOLDSBORO NEWS government been tpo tainted Ely cor ruption. and never baa an adminis tration failed The nation baa bean appalled by tb* revelations of political depravity wblcb has* characterised the conduct of public affairs, w* arraign lb* republican party for attempting to limit Inquiry Into uAclal del nqusuries and tb im ped*. If. not to frustrate, the Investi gations to whtch In' the beginning tb* republican party assent «d. but wblcb later they regarded with dismay These Investigations **nt tb* former secretary of the In terior to Throe Hlvers In disgrace sad dishonor. * * ' Tries* Inveatlgst ons revealed’the Incapacity sad Indlfflreaca to public obllgatlona of tbs secretary of tb# navy, comprilteg him. by fore*., of public opinion to quit tbo oaWwwt \ Thaw* Investigations con fir toed the' general Impression aa to the unlit neas of the attorney gsneral by #g poaiog an official situation and per sonal coa toe ta which shocked the conscience of the nation and compel led bl* dismissal from tbe cabinet Thsa* Invests let ions diaclosed tbe appalling coodlUoo* of tba Veter ana BurAu, with tta fraud upon tb* gov •raisseat and Hw cruel neglect of tb* - s'ck and dlmbled soldiers of tbe world war. Tb**# Investigation* ra- t vesled the criminal and fradulant ns • tun* of the oil leases, which caused the congress despite tb* indlfferenew of tbe executive, to direct recovery of the public domain and the proseeu llou of the criminal. Ruch are the exigencies v.f partisan politics that republican leaders ara teaching the. atraaga doctrine that public esnau/e should be directed ags'nsl those who expose crime, ra- | ther than against crlndaals who have commltud the ofM-n-n tie poor, reduced them upon mod crate Incomes, slid In a lesser degree nwon Hie Income of multi millionaire* We hold that all taxes are unnecea- U HI) high.' and pledge ourselves to | fur ther reductions W. denounce the Mellon plan aa s device to relieve multtmtlllonsire* a* tbe expense of other tui|Niyr* and we accept tha Issue- of tax at lon ten dered by President Coolidge Agrirail are • luring the soar year* of republican sore-nment. the e.-onoralc condition of the American farmer has changed from ramfort to Imnkruptcy, with all It* C'icndant miseries The chief ' *u- ca lor this are; (a* 'fNk# rapuhhean party policy of laolatton In international affairs has prevented Burwpe from getting bach v (Continued Om Pagp Two) Miwioit, n. c. sircUiAY morning, junk 2». 1924 WIRMIITS ISSUED • 01 SIX UTERIS ' DM WHISKEY Jjji Federal Agent Spent Week in 1 Hospital tot Ektient and Makew Discovery. Paducah Ky„ June 2» (4*l War rants for arrest on charges of pos aessing liquor Wgr* Issued today for patients in the Federal tloyern utenfa Itehabllltatlon hospital at Dawson Rprlngs. A deputy tfnlied Rtate* marshal left Paducah I mm* dlately afterward to serve them Tbe warranu war*- Issued ufter a Federal Agent apaql a week In the hcapital, during Hfir-h time he at tempted to locate the source of a liquor tralßc which Imm troubled doc tor* at th« InatttuMoa for several months. Patient* toequeutly becam* Intoxicated, It is rwurged. and boa pftal authorities sig.l night nurses had complained, of,conditions exist Ing when they rain* on duty In the 'evening. NEW 1 OMh t'OTTO* ■ -'n ’V- New York, June I (4*) Hpot cot top steady Datum futures closed sMsdy July M.'flfl; #Oct, 24 »5; Dec 21 26; J»u 24 M; Mardi 24 21 STORMLSWEEPS MIDDLE WESttRN STATES; MORE THAN 3 HUNDRED DEAD -to. •v • ..... State Theater at l*oraine C>ollaptied Killing Over Two Hundred People; Probably Fifteen Hun dred People Dead in Total Area. Cleveland. Ohio, June 28 Three hundred are dead and «l leaat 1.500 are injured lit lairai|t alone a* the reault of today'*' tornado accord ng to repot t* rea< him Col I). H V nd di rector of the Ited Croaa civilian relief. Col Pond announced he had' ar ranged for lent* for 1.000 people to l>e ahlpped front Camp f*err>. The atorm tarried telephone and telegrap wt.re* down. I Rotating Han duskte. l-oralne. and other piduta In the uorthern pari of the atate, and inaklug confirmation of report* tm. potndblh early tb a evening. A atreak In South lairalne ateo la reported to be undertplned. from a Handuakle tire report that igr hrry had hJfSwn over Intergrban service between hare and Ixirntne. Handuak e and Interior polnia la al i ntailildlll The Ural raport received hern from atall oorrea|»ondent of the Plain I haul er who motored back lo the flr»t avalladile telephone eual of lorulne were to the effect that 200 were killed 1 In the Hlate Theater (fdlapae at Lo rain*, "and that more than 40 othera are dead In other parte of the city Iteporta from vadoua other aourcea place the dead aa hlah aa StHI Mighty •lead having been taken from the Slate Theater In latralnf The < h|ef of pul Ice of K’lryle, reported al 9:30 tonight. t K»r mate* of 300 dead anti 1,500 In, Jured are not run*crated The entire tire and police deftartment. and ambu lance equipment hit* tieell Kent to lAt ralne ,Th# only way U» reach lanalne from • Icveland* I* through Klyrle and ttie roadn Hre Jammed with refugees lietid ed away from latralne, add re| es part lea who are on their Way their j Ala>ut 50 tin rnP.ru <*f the 112th Kn gllteer forpa of'Ohio National Ouarda were rushed to terrain* In taalcaha on the red pi of (lov. I tonohey order* \ They were In charge of Col liaiph It White A nickel Plate train la reudv M> take the remainder aa auoit a* they have been tooliilUed Colimgbu*. Ohio, June 2H Adjt Own Crunk ItetidrtAon tonight or deled eleven available troop* of the 14Rth National Ouarda who are In , the vicinity of Tdleda. and Il2lh Kn gltteer* of Cleveland to proi eed all once to the etr.i ken cltlea of Klyrte and Handuakle. * - AdJ Oen Henderwoß haa notllled Oov, Oonohty. of the dlaaater al hi: home In New Philadelphia, and he and the governor wilt meat at Wwua- j tar tomorrow morning to procaad into tha Mrtehm pro*. Iha adjutant «aa - - - * - - - SM IUTAHIFN TO MKP.T HI MU IN JANI VKY The commercial aferetards*, of the Chambers 'of t'onuuerce of the State. now In session at Morehead City, accepted the In vltatloo of the Ooldnboru secretary*) to uitet In this city In January, according to a telegram received from Walter C Denmark, local secretary The secretarloa were In conven tion at vturidlearl City Krlday umt Halurday and Mr. livumark stated that It was his Intent to extend, an Invitation to the body to have their next meeting, iu Goldsboro, and be expressed an opinion that they would accept, aa they were alwava llad of au opportunity ot routing to -our etty. Tbe message from Hecrelary Denmark follows: "(toldsboro News. n "We have received mid winter meeting Rtate com nurctal secretaries, for fiOtdstiorn, to be bald tn January (signed | "W C DKNMAIIK* v» Mil k MEN BONED „ Real He. June 2g Four n.en were severely burned today when Du I lets irofn Hu- coast guard cutter Ar cats, keeking rum smugglers, pierc ed the gasoline tank of their motor boat In Mutiny Bay, IR mile* north of here Three of the four uien were wounded by bullets ’!*!•> «*l*l he wan mukin* ready shortly 1 afte/>:0o p m i t , ytder ih« ItitiUi in fuitt r> I.) iMoUiltz** uml be ready (or ' order*. ( ” An appeal for tr*>pw mine from the 1 Mayor of Hundunkl . who stated that i III* city mum lu ruin* Tt'* adjutant inwral; hud no .11 rnt Moril finui luiralne and Klyrle. I.ut unofTlHul report* nay that the dead in lu.rulue would reach weverul blind red Chicago, Juno 2K A terrific hur rlraua lute today at ruck alone Ihe woUIU whore ol latke Kris. devastating •••v. iul Idwiim and illles, und taking a toll of n;,u live*, hnflldfugs. brldea. und tree* were leveled un.i probably 2.ihm> periu.n* wiere Injured In the brle( but disastrous *t«Vm 'Hie wind swc|M a *wuth'nearly fifty miles wide from Sunduwkle Ipy ut a |*i ut between liorulne and Cleveluud The ruoNt eaten wive damage "'4K far reported Maw ut Iwirulne. where row* of building* were blown down, und a theater waw partly raved In on , a Saturday afternoon audience, uud the Mtorm dew-ended almowt without . warning, overturning automata.lew, un , rooting lunatew, and a wept by wo rap Idly that bedw. und many other urtl rlew of furniture were left The property damage will amount to many million* of dollar*, and reporta | have not loine frour other reglhna. ■; ■ • i t t'levelahd. June 2k Tlie chief of police at Klyrle. nine nilleu from \*t raise wild thal the luwt reporta th.it at It p tn eatiinale the dead ut 2*ei with hundreds < njured A nunitier of the Injured were brought lo Klyrle lute tonight the chief wuld Klyrle escaped the tornado entirely I No telephone or telegraph with utl>. 1 er luiratio*, or- Handuwkle waw avail, g able from Klyrle y the I’umm*. f » . i Kluxfiwi. June 21 Huvrounded In • woods end hemmed In Wlthlu the •mull space of a negro home In 110 Nt-wr Branch section of (tnalow conn ty. Jiwueit Utlleton, negro. who on June gtlth nhot mui ecvwriy wtk uded lilm wife Vs one month, waa ale « ut IT time* uml ttnully killed Ity n |>os*e of the sheriff of Ihel ceunty, accord Ing lo won! brought here yeelerday morning Mttletott shot Ms wife at the plantation of Walter Tyndall In Jdimih county and haa been a fugitive from Justice ever Miner It Ca alleged HiIH the cause of the Mhoollng wraa lieaause hln wife had Informed him that ahe didn't love hitt any more In the aborning scrap* that occur red Thursday morning, when |he ne gro waif killed, u relative of lYilaoa Jarman.'who 1a employed tirre In lb- Core of If. H(,adlfm. War Injured wh«n a bullet (truck hia knee cap- No oth er members Os the poaae ■*(ere ahot St>>rlee aa to the exact |»laoe where 'the ahootlng t«M>h place vary, aonie 'accounts stating tliat the negro took •refuge lx hind a Iree The negro Wat a native of South Carolina. Ilia wife, brought here after the shooting •mi June tHh. was flionght lo be dtn geroualy wounded, hut ehe la gelling • lottK nicely now. It la reported _ i WANT AITI (TIIS IKIRIIIKP < Toklo. June 211 (Ah Before the 'formal open ng of the diet thla morn Inc e-cpreaentallvea of all parlies of i llu> lower home- menl end drew up a reaolutlon requesting that the gov efnnient take prompt steps to rein jk-dy the aituaDon ■ rwated by the pae* rage of the e«i lujtion act by the Am ihrican congreaa. It Awl. II Al l MF.NII.TM A liter lean League Cleveland 1; Detroit 1 Ih wton J, New York 4. W celling ton 4 4; I‘hlladelplita 10 Chl'-ago 12; Hi Ugala 13 National league New York 9; Boston A: I’ltlMburgh 3; Chicago 0 Cincinnati 6; St Isiula 2 I’hlladelphla I I; Brooklyn 9-10 A Irvin hi l eague Klchmodn 4; Wilson 2 Fortaniouth 3 3; Petersburg SI. Ilixky Mount |; Norfolk 4. Piedmont la-ague Durham S, High I’o‘nl 4 Wlncton Halem 2-3; (ireenaboro 12. Danville I; Halelgh 1. South Atlantic l.ewgae Charlotte It. Kpurlujt.hurg I. Macon I; Auguata I Aahevllle 7; Dreonvllt* t Howtkern League 'Atlanta 9-0; Itlrmlnghani 6-1 Memphis 4; Nashville 6. LB tel Hock 4-0; chatUaooga 66-* New Or team If; Mobile 2. MKM It Kit OF . ASSOCIATED PRESS 1 *v 1 I intK’E FIVE t'ENTti ■"* """I «•»*•»• ■ Convention in Sm*lm ÜbIU Karl yThiw Moraine Wren flan Over Kbm I'Utnh Until II hi Finally I ontpleled. •WwaMUki *' Madison Square Darden N, f.. Ji»ue 2tt The Demwcrahe plat Mina will mu xlitgle out Mm Ku Kins Klar by name. It will not coelela • Wl| mmlan plunk ua the Lunette of NM> ttona These two decisions mote otP ly Huuday morning after g tea hoar continuous session in which scots 41 the hmmu dtmrrderiy scene eta Ofmrew lion history were enacted tea •reties Adjourns The cuayengon adjourned early to* day (Sunday) until »:M Monday morning. Will AA mediae , Madison HoP«ra Darden. N. 39 (A*) At 1:10 thla wot lad •-astern daylight aa* ng tHae. the Dotatxratlc national coaveallow st||| wue In > wrangle over the mil ceil m the Ku Klus KJan plank. t Tile rusult appeared to ke cAew*. add a aeries of Ifca Usages of the later* , on the various delegations km the eonvenilon'hull In an uproar, '..vfcl* at tlmaa got entirely beyond the hoik '*> tr«l of convention officials ' * % The renctloa started when Law- 7 cguw Sotgley. want mt it*, Uky Philippine apgte; end nitrrnd ng * > I row there by demanding a roil Ms) then he lent back into the Mgamehg aetta sect km of the hgtl and t ued il - eucceaaftilly to < hallhnge tfce vole Os Now Hampehlre. He had to «» rulgd out of order • repeatedly before >• could be quieted. i • Ho taagH did the altumou ' i mine that after one roll call bad be- n aam' pletetl and a number of ihnagM made in If. the chair ordered that lie result fiorn all the state* he ——yy lated. Ae the Hat waa read tha ret*r - erdrd votes at several mare- etataa waa challenged, and the convention waa kept la attaoet coat attorn d*H ordav. Deterwar liwiim’i kpeceh' Med I non Kqifar* Darden. N. Y„ Juue 2t • (A*i Oovernor Morrtion »l»-eklng before the Convention OB tha Ku Klus Klan guest lon stated: "Are we without trial, or eitdmes In s political i-onvrniton to try, eon ibqnn and esecute more than a aMW IkMi men. who are port eased follower* •>r the tx.i.i; \Miat da we rten> by relljgone liberty? Ma ntean Umiw •ditfll lx- no legal teat for the efloe. There shall be no dtacrimlnattwg of nny man on ac<-ount of hia reHglen llut' (tea any party ever pfdoed Hmtf to prevent foottah religious I outer* 4 nee or bigotry Ww rah not de IL “I love wveny Jews, and I lave many rut boles, and I have appointed Coth to >Wcx and laugh at the Ku Kins Klan since beruni ng governor of North Carolina TAieax men who oar.t det Into thfp order nnleea they prafvan D lie Christians, bare organised thin association In which they weal let a Cathllc or Jew, come. How can ww help It* As anybody wauls lo be so fixilltfh. and laolale Ihemaelvea bow can we prevent It by the action oJ • a oonvenilon. It U n caae for the keepers of the prirfeaient cause .n tge I’nlted stales It la not e matter far government action until they vlolati the law. and then the police power - dtouhl set with the eoiftntee of lie hi if uk and ijo- deie(mloatlon,of g Just Deal T ".My Ainertcwn In others, let ue deal wlcti thla matter In a high. Just and wise way aa becomes not Ae follow* are of poltikmi standards, bit the follower* of thu standards of TbtMM.4 Jefferson, and above all of the Lord Jeaua Chiiat. We believe that when the great Dmiium relic party apeaks to Ike American people is the major resolu tion. all the people of thla country will be In accord with As const union It will kill the Ku Klui Klan If w« adopt It. and the suggestion of a ma jority will make a half a* 11 lon K K. K meiirlieni In (he nest ten days |p my judgment. Dovxrnor Morrison finished hr lauu. rtlug a fer donator WaJab "I would like to see Ala grant Chib ol.r made a candidate for PrwoldeM or Vise President of Ike United Hates." said the governor Klan Flank l>e tee Add M*di*un Hquara UartMk N. ¥.. June 39, 111 A M—Fla eh Aseoelkted i plank ****^ll^^